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 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 2:53 pm

"So this crystal is like a cellphone!" Papyrus clapped his hands together. He'd never actually seen any magical crystals in use-though there were rumors that monsters back before they were forced into Mt. Ebbot may have used the magic within to help them fight. He didn't pay much mind to the teleportation part; his brother always teleported places, it couldn't be that hard if lazybones could do it.

Keeping up his mental stride, Papyrus imitated his best royal salute. Well, sure-he'd never gotten an opportunity to use it before, now that the king had stepped down once the kingdom merged with the humans-but that didn't mean he hadn't practiced it! A royal guardsmen has to always be prepared, just in case an instance such as this were to occur.

"Do not worry, Lady Cosmos! You'll find that The Great Papyrus is quite good at seeking things out! I've emerged victorious during every instance of Hide and seek; even when there were hiders that had cheated! Those crystals shall be obtained!"

And yet, regardless of appearance, Papyrus didn't feel his usual amount of confidence. It was quite the opposite, actually. He was fully aware why to he was feeling this way; but there was no time to pay attention to such trivial things! There was a person-at least Papyrus thought she was a person-that needed his help, and he would do his best to assist!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th January 2017, 5:57 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 W1s035

Lightning watched the encounter from a distance, eyes searching and muscles tense. She was ready for anything, but she was definitely not ready to trust any of these people.

She didn't know what had happened, but the last thing she remembered was giving her sister, Serah, a blessing for marriage. Everything was finally at peace - Serah was safe, her friends had survived, and finally she was free to control her own fate.

Until now.

As Lightning listened to this woman, Cosmos, speak to the small group, her blood boiled with anger and frustration. She was so sick and tired of gods and deities taking her from her home, from her sister, from her happiness. Finally, after twenty-one years of being controlled, Lightning had her freedom. And now, this Cosmos had taken from her.

Lightning woke up on the cool grass confused, and the first thing she said was her sister's name. Upon finding that neither her friends or her sister were anywhere to be found, Lightning started to search. That was when she spotted the odd trio, one not even human, one with pink hair, and the other in a heavy suit. She stopped her search, leaning against a large tree and watching them cross a bridge and speak to a woman who claimed to be some sort of deity. After listening and only becoming further enraged, Lightning finally stepped out from the safety of the tree's shadow and approached the group. Her gait was cool and confident, but the angry electricity in her blue eyes was evident. As she walked, she suddenly felt dread creep into her veins. She felt cold and alert, as if there was something coming she wasn't prepared for.

She stopped, several feet behind the group, and stood with her arms crossed.

"And if we choose not to help? Will you return us to our homes, or are you going to just keep us here?"
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th January 2017, 8:13 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 RBVg8v1

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 KN21eXC

Angela was ready to take the crystal and prepare to leave. That was their mission, and it did seem to be important, so there was no time to waste. After all, the sooner they would be done with it, the sooner they could return to their homes.

That was when another voice caught her attention. There was another person here? Why was she hiding all this time? Then again, she supposed when someone found themselves in an unknown place against their will, they wouldn't be quite trusting of the first people they met here.

Especially when one was a skeleton. Yeah, not really.


"Welcome, Lightning," the woman greeted calmly, apparently already aware of her presence. "If you wish to return to your homes, I will not stop you. But unless Chaos' plans are stopped, I am afraid to say that there won't be much of it left, even if it is hard to imagine now..."

"Please. The balance must be protected. For the sake of all living creatures in all of the different universes."

Last edited by Light on 7th August 2017, 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th January 2017, 8:43 pm

When Papyrus heard an unknown voice ask a question behind them, his heroic facade nearly broke. He emitted a small shriek before swirling around to see the voices owner. Hoping his bones didn't start shaking-give away his anxiety over the entire situation, he mustered up a smile and greeted this new human.

"Hello there! It seems that many humans have pink hair. It looks nice on you too!"

It was during this greeting did this human's question hit him. The human-Cosmos had introduced her as Lightning- had asked about going home. A home that she-that everyone-were taken from out of nowhere in order to help her. According to Cosmos, the group of them were to embark on a daring and heroic quest; and a dangerous one at that. Papyrus mulled this over in his mind  for a moment before returning his attention to the magical entity, an important question on his mind.

"Um, actually, Lady Cosmos. Could I perhaps at least tell my brother where I am? I mean, the last he'd seen of me-anyone, actually-I was at home asleep. They-" Papyrus gulped, the inevitable truths hitting him like a ton of bricks. "They must be really worried, and looking for me. What if they thought I got hurt? I can't have them worry about me like that!"

"N-not to say that I won't help you-the great papyrus always keeps his word-" Papyrus interjected immediately, hoping she didn't misunderstand his question. "But, I'd just like them to know that I'm alright. They'd worry themselves sick!"

Actually, they'd either destroy places, interrogate innocent individuals or hold an urgent meeting. Heck, with Mettaton being a star in the human world, he'd probably announce Papyrus unknown and sudden absence over live TV. It would most likely be all of the above, and not necessary in that order.

But Papyrus wasn't about to tell her that.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th January 2017, 1:03 pm

Cosmos softly smiled. "Not to worry, Papyrus. To reach this sealed dimension, you had to warp through time and space. Once the mission is complete and you return to your own worlds through the same warp, not a second will have passed back there."

"But ultimately, the decision is yours."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th January 2017, 11:21 am

Samus turned to look at the newcomer, another young girl who was most likely also pulled here to help battle Chaos, and was silent as she listened to her speak. She didn't really approve of asking for help from people who she barely considered adults, but... if this mission was as important as Cosmos was saying, then maybe they didn't have the luxury of excluding anyone. She'd been fighting from a younger age than them anyway, so she couldn't preach to Angela or this Lightning woman.

Oh, so time was unmoving when they were in this world? Convenient. Samus had not minded being considered "missing" by the Federation for a while, but this was fine too. There hadn't been anyone else to worry about her, but it was good that any other members of this group wouldn't be left in an awkward spot by their recruitment. 

And until this mission was completely over, she'd keep a careful eye on all three of her new allies if necessary. Samus decided not to directly tell them this, knowing that some people became offended if they believed she didn't think they could take care of themselves.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th January 2017, 12:12 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 W1s035

Lightning was surprised to hear that this Cosmos knew her name, but she didn't show it. Her face remained stoic and unreadable as her mind flooded with thoughts. If what Cosmos said was really true, then if she left, she would basically be allowing this supposed threat to destroy her world. 

She had saved the world once, she could do it again. For Serah, she told herself. To give her sister the wedding, the life she deserved. And judging by the look of this unorthodox group of 'heroes', they would need her help.

Lightning gazed at each person in turn, calculating their strengths and weaknesses based on observation. Perhaps there was more to these heroes than met the eye. At least she hoped.

"I'm in."
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th January 2017, 2:14 pm

"Thank you, everyone. Remember that you can use the power of the crystals at any time - releasing their divine energy will both assist you and begin purifying the realm. Please be careful," she concluded, handing the black crystal to Angela who was standing closest at the time. "I know you can do this."


[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 RBVg8v1

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 KN21eXC

"Uh... So I guess we start with my crystal?" Angela said awkwardly. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. Would concentrating just teleport them straight to her crystal? What if she couldn't do it? It was bad enough that for the longest time, she was the only person unable to cast magic in practically a magic kingdom. She had no wish to go through the same embarrassment again.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I'm Angela," she introduced herself to the newcomer, "and these are Samus and Papyrus," looking at each of them respectively. She wondered what she thought of Papyrus - surely she couldn't be the only one who was still somewhat weirded out? But least he seemed pleasant?

"So, I guess... Shall we? I'm not sure how to do this... We could try forming a circle?" she questioned, extending both her hands, holding the crystal in her right one.

Last edited by Light on 7th August 2017, 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th January 2017, 2:47 pm

As Angela introduced them all to Lightning, Samus gave her a brief nod in greeting, and waited for everyone to get ready to leave. Angela did seem to be having trouble withe the crystal, but it'd be sorted out soon enough.

"Touching hands should be enough physical contact," Samus agreed, trying to make it a little less awkward. There was nothing to be embarrassed about, this was all professional. She took Angela's free hand, but kept a looser grip on it than usual, not wanting to injure her in the process of teleportation by squeezing it to death.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime29th January 2017, 6:02 pm

Papyrus was incredible relieved when it was revealed that there was some sort of time thing going on, so nobody would have known he was missing, though the details confused him a bit. Upon hearing Lightning agree, he couldn't help but smile as Angela introduced him.

"The great papyrus is glad to have another companion in this quest!" He interjected. As everyone was conversing about how contact should still be maintained, he nodded at Samus suggestion.

"It will indeed! Any type of contact would do! There are many items back at my home that work in a similar fashion-though I'm sure if any of them were used for teleportation."

Come to think of it, Papyrus had never teleported before. He knew his brother did, and he was pretty sure Mettaton was capable of it. It was a bit concerning, having this many people at once, but his lazy brother could handle it-it couldn't be that bad, right? He joined in forming the circle, grabbing Samus' free hand and offering his to Lightning.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 30th January 2017, 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typoed lightning's name)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 4:56 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 W1s035

"Lightning," she said, nodding her head at the group. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the so-called "great Papyrus," not becoming fond of his cocky attitude. Holding back a grimace, Lightning took Papyrus's...hand...and Angela's remaining hand. She wouldn't be too worried if they all were separated - working alone was her preference, anyway.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 8:14 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 RBVg8v1

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 KN21eXC

"Well... Okay then... Let's try this," Angela added hesitantly. She gripped Samus' hand tighter. She couldn't hold Lightning's hand as she was holding the crystal on that one - she hoped the girl's grip would be strong enough. She had no idea what would happen if contact was broken during teleportation.

She closed her eyes and she concentrated on the crystal. Well, she had no idea what the crystal even looks like. How is she supposed to concentrate on it? Maybe if she pictured an ordinary crystal and she focused really hard on it? Might as well give that a shot.



Some seconds later, as the four heroes had all closed their eyes, allowing themselves to be carried together with Angela, the magic began to work. A dark aura surrounded them, followed by a gust of wind, and the heroes vanished from their current position.

Not long after, they felt the wind subside. They had arrived. As they opened their eyes, they could see snow and ice everywhere, trees practically frozen. The sea could be seen at the distance, though evidently still quite far.


[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 RBVg8v1

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 KN21eXC

Angela reluctantly opened her eyes. She could sense some energy arising, but now everything had calmed down, so perhaps that meant it worked? Hopefully?

Glancing around, the place seemed eerily familiar... The landscape... The coastline at the distance... The realization suddenly hit her. Could it...?

"Th-- that's... That's the Sub-zero Snowfield! How did we get here?"



But, little do the characters know, they are not the only ones taken from their homes... Ones with darker agendas have found themselves in this sealed realm as well...

Last edited by Light on 7th August 2017, 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 10:14 am

Samus felt Angela's grip change, but that was the only warning she got before the wind picked up, and she closed her eyes instinctively. The forest was gone in a split second, replaced by a snowy field when she opened her eyes again. Her suit picked up on the much lower temperature, but it was well insulated, and Samus wasn't bothered by the below freezing weather. She let go of Angela and Papyrus and took a few steps away from the rest of the group, looking around before Angela spoke again

"You recognize this place?" Samus asked, turning to look at her. Were they outside Cosmos' dimension, or still in it? It could be an illusion or image projection, but the snow her boots were sinking into felt very real.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 8:50 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10Rocbouquet [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 SOmtYe0


Rocbouquet was laying face first against the rugged ground, sound asleep, snoring lightly, her limbs sprawled out as if she had been suddenly dropped from the gloomy sky. The heads of three expressionless souls separated from the demon girl's wisps of long blue hair. They danced around her resting body, emitting rasp little hisses and nudging at her until she sat upright, rubbing the sleepiness out of her amber-colored eyes.

“...Hngh...What is it?” Rocbouquet asked in a groggy tone. As she came to her senses, her eyes widened in shock and she sprung to her feet. Where the heck was she!? This was not her designated chamber for sleeping, and it definitely was not Salamat! Everywhere she looked decaying trees and jagged boulders littered the unfamiliar landscape. A faint layer of smog cloaked the horizon, but Rocbouquet was almost certain that she could make out a flow of what appeared to be molten lava bubbling softly in the distance.

“...No!” she gasped in disbelief as she frantically paced back and forth between two trees in her immediate area. Was this desolate inferno another dimension of Hell? “Nononononono!” There was no way that Wagnas, that anybody would have transferred her here intentionally, unless... Rocbouquet stopped and placed her fingers against the red pendant around her neck.

“The stone tablets!” Perhaps those treacherous mages predicted the Seven Heroes' return and had somehow known that she'd be interested in the­​​ir magic! Rocbouquet lowered her hand and clenched her fist. Those bastards must have placed a sealing curse upon their artifacts. Her lips soured at the thought. She was sooo not ready to spend another eternity in Hell. Not after all of the things she had accomplished in Salamat! Plus, she hadn't even had a chance to tell Wagnas about the runes she uncovered in the Sunken Tower!

Suddenly, an idea struck her. Maybe she could tear a hole in space-time to open up a portal back to Avalon. She had done it before—er, the Seven Heroes did together, Rocbouquet reminded herself, and she may have cried her way out of doing any of the work, but who's to say she could not accomplish such a feat on her own? The enchantress briefly raised her arm toward the sullen sky and closed her eyes.

“Wind Cutter!” she shouted, thrusting her palm forward. A stream of air rushed past her, sliced off a branch from the tree directly in front of her, and then dissipated without opening up a portal. “...Wind Cutter!” she tried again. This time, the gust left an elliptical scar on the surface of a boulder. Rocbouquet's right eye twitched. “COME ON! WINDCUTTERWINDCUTTERWINDCUTTER!” she shrieked, her voice growing more desperate at each attempt to cast a stronger version of her spell. The wind spiraled around her body—whipping violently through her hair, building upon itself—until the vortex could no longer be contained and surged forward. The blast shattered the boulder upon impact, but other than that, nothing significant happened to the environment.

Rocbouquet collapsed to her knees, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath. Little droplets welled in the corners of her eyes and trickled down her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away. Nobody was around to witness her little fit anyway, so there was no point in crying about anything...yet the tears wouldn't stop. Why couldn't she be stronger like her brother and Wagnas? It just wasn't fair! Rocbouquet crossed her arms and pouted. Maybe if she sat here long enough sulking, the men back in Salamat would notice that their beautiful "Mistress Rocbouquet" was missing and would form a search party!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 10:38 pm

Zabuza Momochi awoke to a woman's screams, much to his displeasure. Why did it feel like he'd slept on hard stone all night long? And who was making all that noise? His eyes opened, and he saw nothing but a grey, cloudy sky. 

Well, this wasn't the room he went to bed in. 

With an irritated groan, he sat up and tried to figure out where he was. He'd never seen a wasteland like this in his life. And was that molten rock over there? Either someone had dragged him off to the Land of Earth without waking him up, or this was a very good illusion. Was the screaming some form of torture it came with? He concentrated on disrupting his own chakra flow, the standard procedure to breaking out of genjutsu besides inflicting pain on oneself, but nothing changed. So this was real.

"I swear this kind of garbage only happens to me..." he grumbled. "Haku, get up! We need to get going." Silence. He frowned. Haku was always with him, unless something was keeping them separated. The thought of something happening to his partner made him uneasy, but Haku was capable of taking care of himself. He would have to trust him to get here, or Zabuza would eventually track him down again.

That didn't mean he had to like it though. He finally located the source of the sounds that had bothered him earlier, and wasn't sure what to make of the blue haired young girl in bright clothing She had a strange energy to her, but he couldn't identify it as chakra. She didn't look like any kind of ninja, yet she was next to a shattered boulder and damaged tree. And now she was on her knees, distraught about something. As much as he'd like to ignore her entire existence and find his own way out of here, he might as well wring some information out of her. She could be in league with whatever brought him here, for all he knew.

"Hey, you there!" Zabuza raised his voice as he walked towards her. Rogue or not, he was an elite ninja, and he didn't see the need to fear this girl at all. If she tried to fight him, he was confident he'd win. As soon as his mist was summoned, it'd be over. "Get up and tell me where I am. I don't have all day."
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 5:58 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 M0YUDuE

Frieza has been awake long before Zabuza and Rocboquet. His race didn't need much sleep, but what he did need was answers. Where was he? As far as his eyes could reach was just a volcanic wasteland. Again and again he tried to call for his men, but his Scouter would just respond with a peeping noise.
The galactic Tyrant didn't like this. Normally the Scouter should be able to pick up a Signal even in the last corner of the Universe.

He just wanted to leave this place and look for answers elsewhere, as his Scouter picked something up. Several high power levels coming not too far from him.

"Finally, someone who will give me answers."

As quick as he could, Frieza flew to the source of the power levels and landed in front of Zabuza and Rocboquet. He was confused, as he saw only them, because his Scouter had picked up more than two power levels.

He took a closer look. The only weird thing about the man was, that his sword was probably bigger than Frieza himself. But the girl on the other hand was emitting not just one, but several high power level.

"What the heck is she?", Frieza thought to himself, but ruled it off as the Scouter malfunctioning.

After he was done inspecting them, he was sure that they weren't the one responsible for his relocation, since they seemed just as confused as he was. So he started to introduce himself.

"Good Day! My name is Lord Frieza, Ruler of the Galactic Empire. It is a pleasure to meet the two of you."

After a brief pause he continued: "You know, I have a little bit of a problem: My Scouter seems to be malfunctioning and I would like to have some information about my current location. Could you please tell me where I am?"

Last edited by Kai on 2nd February 2017, 5:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 6:03 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 W1s035

Lightning instantly felt the cold biting into her skin. Her muscles tensed, trying to preserve what little body heat she could get. Her vest was thick enough to keep her chest warm, but its short sleeves combined with her shorts were definitely not suitable for the environment. She would last for a little while due to her military training, but the human body could only withstand freezing temperatures for so long.

Clenching her teeth, Lightning assessed the group to make sure everyone was still with them. Surprisingly, Angela seemed to recognize their location.

"It doesn't matter how we got here, what matters is the mission. Let's find the crystal and get out of here." Lightning said.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 9:10 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10Rocbouquet [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 SOmtYe0

“...Huh?” Rocbouquet uncrossed her arms and rubbed her eyes. Was she losing her mind or was that the silhouette of a buff-looking swordsman standing out there in the smog? It was as if her silent pleas for help had been answered! Her heart began to beat impatiently against her ribcage as the figure approached her. Could he move any slower?

...Big brother? Is that you? she wondered, her mouth gaping in awe. As the man grew closer, it became apparent that he was not Noel, but rather a samurai of some sort. ...A samurai?

“Oh...” He looked almost like her brother—or at least as cute as her brother—with his short spiky hair, and of course, that huge sword strapped to his back! Only the best swordsmen carried around a blade of such size. Perhaps he belonged to the Eastern Empire?—That's where Wagnas was! Rocbouquet giggled to herself, momentarily losing her train of thought—But why would a samurai be wandering around here? He didn't seem demonized at all, yet there weren't any malignant beings tearing at his body. Strange...

His voice startled her to her feet. ...Rude, she thought to herself at his demand, but she wasn't about to call him out for it. The man was clearly a godsend. She needed to make her move on him—and fast, before he lost interest in her. But what kind of woman would he be into? The temptress pondered this thought for a moment. Based on his rough appearance and the way he spoke so callously to her, Rocbouquet decided that he'd like the more submissive type. Yeah....That's it. That's how she'd try to win him over. She took a few steps forward until she and the mysterious swordsman stood about an arm's length apart.

“Um...” she began, twirling a tuft of hair around her fingers as she spoke. Her voice like a midsummer breeze, warm and gentle. “In Hell, I'd say, but...” she paused for a moment and shyly adverted her gaze, “We could easily change that, don't you think?” She let the question linger for a moment before reuniting her soft gaze with the man's rough look. She slowly raised an arm and reached out for the ninja like she wanted to touch him, but the sound of a new voice in the immediate area caused her to suddenly jolt away before she could place her hand against his shoulder.

Rocbouquet looked over to the newcomer: a strange purple and gray-skinned man with a long tail. The temptress had never heard of the Galactic Empire before or Lord Frieza in that matter...Based on appearance alone, he seemed like a demon: a really polite male demon! The enchantress had no clue what he had meant by a "Scouter malfunction," but that little detail didn't matter to her.

Wow...[Another] man? She couldn't believe her luck! Rocbouquet smiled a little as she looked between the men in silence. Two wonderful to-be servants indeed! Perhaps sulking was the answer to all of her problems!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 11:22 am

Zabuza Momochi

Good, she was cooperating. It would be annoying to have to chase her around just to get some answers. Zabuza watched her with a near unreadable expression as she approached him, half of his face covered in bandages. He was in Hell? Well, everyone always said this was where he'd end up, but someone like him wasn't the type to die in his sleep. This was a joke.

"Hm, I guess that makes me a real demon now," he said with a dark chuckle. He raised a brow at Roc's flirting. Was this woman serious? Did she really think he'd be distracted by such obvious bait? Before he could push her away, they were interrupted by some kind of... alien creature. It was humanoid and spoke in a language he could understand, but it clearly wasn't normal, no matter how polite it was acting. It looked like some kind of devil, or a freakish experiment.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" he asked, already going for his sword. Lord of some made up empire or not, he'd kill it if he had to.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 4:59 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 M0YUDuE

Frieza began smiling as Zabuza threatened him. Even though this guy didn't know anything about Frieza, he was able to see right through his polite manners. And not only that, he also had quite an impressive power level. The space tyrant would love to have him as one of his henchmen.

Rocbouquet on the other hand didn't say anything as he aproached. She just stood there silently, smiling at him. Something about her smile was unsetteling and if Frieza was scared easily, it might have sent a chill down his spine. Both of them sure sparked his interest, and since he was already here he might have some fun with them.

"Oh my, you don't want to use that sword on me, do you?", Frieza responded to Zabuza, "I just asked a simple question and already answered yours. My name is Frieza and I am the Lord of the Galactic Empire, which rules over a couple of planets."

With that said, he shifted his attention over to the blue haired girl. Even if the other guy tried to attack him, he wouldn't be a match to his might. After all he was Lord Frieza. NOBODY could rival his endless power.
Paying a closer look at her, he could see that she's been crying.

"What is such a beautiful young flower like you doing in such a wasteland? I can clearly see that you have been crying. Did this man bother you?"

Last edited by Kai on 2nd February 2017, 5:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st January 2017, 10:37 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10Rocbouquet [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rose10[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 SOmtYe0

Although Rocbouquet maintained her smile throughout their exchange, she was not happy when Zabuza reacted to Frieza by reaching for his sword. No! No! No! She shrieked internally as Frieza smirked at the swordsman's threat. They weren't supposed to want to fight each other! They were supposed to be gawking over her by now! Besides, if they both killed themselves, then who would help her reopen that portal to Avalon? Sure, she could adopt their souls from their bloody carcasses—and potentially gain their powers, thanks to the Law of Absorption—but souls weren't as versatile as tight muscular male bodies. And finding another living being in this desolate wasteland would be near impossible! The temptress sighed. This just wasn't going to do. She needed to keep both of them alive or she'd never make it back to Salamat.

After Frieza finished his little retort to Zabuza, Rocbouquet immediately threw herself between the two of them, a weak smile still plastered upon her face. Her brother broke up quarrels like this between Kzinssie and the others all the time, so it couldn't be that hard to stop just two men from pummeling each other, right? Rocbouquet thought to herself as she returned her focus to the swordsman. She was not scared of him or his large weapon. Noel and Wagnas had taught her how to fight with a sword when she was younger, after all! If Zabuza tried to thrust his blade at her, she'd simply parry the attack and cast Temptation on him. In the blink of an eye, he'd fall head-over-heels for her just like that stupid Varennesian emperor who thought he could simply waltz on into her tower with his vassals; threaten her with his sword; and then expect her to return the village of Eirunep to those equally-as-annoying Amazons. No man had ever resisted her charm, the enchantress thought boastfully to herself.

“My, that's an...awfully long sword you've got there...” she complimented, finally breaking her silence as she brought the palms of her hands together in admiration. “It sure complements a man of your size. I can tell just by looking at you that you, a master swordsman, like my big brother...” Hopefully her flattery would deter the men from fighting.  

When Frieza suddenly directed his attention upon her and referred to her as a "beautiful young flower," Rocbouquet batted her eyelashes and giggled. There was nothing scary about this demon creature at all. She didn't understand what the samurai was getting so upset about, but then again, she was also a demon. She shared rooms with much grosser monsters back in Eirunep.

As much as she wanted to see what would happen if she said yes, Rocbouquet shook her head at Frieza's inquiry. “No, he did not. He just wanted to know where he was, so I told him.” The girl paused and slowly looked upward. “...Why? Did you want to bother me?” she asked innocently.

Last edited by Andalusite on 18th September 2019, 8:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime3rd February 2017, 10:07 am

*Buggy The Star Clown*

Buggy was snoozing along in his captains room on his ship when he was awoken by sounds he didn't expect. He sat up and...fell out of a tree?!! Hitting the ground with a thud, he stood up catching his barring and looked around. It took him a minute but then he yelled, "WAIT THIS ISN'T MY ROOM! and this isn't the East Blue...Hmm where am I? It seems none of my crew is here either... Well...I'll blame Shanks for this when i figure out how to get home..." He looked around more and saw what appeared to be lava in the distance. He started to walk around until he saw people..they weren't his crew but they would be once he talked to them. He walked up and said, "You three will make a fine addition to my Crew and we shall be getting home soon...I am your Captain..Captain Buggy and you are?? names please people..."
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th February 2017, 11:48 pm

Zabuza Momochi

A couple of planets? He wanted to laugh in his face after hearing that one. This Frieza weirdo was more delusional than Zabuza had first assumed. He really thought he was intimidating with his conquer talk. 

"I use my sword whenever it pleases me..." Zabuza answered, not breaking his stare. Rocbouquet's interference was enough of a distraction to keep him from acting, however. At least someone here had an ounce of respect for him. Not anyone could become one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Zabuza let go of the blade's handle, and he scoffed. 

"I am a master."

Well, he'd play along for now, even if his first impulse was to remove this arrogant creature's head from his shoulders just for daring to tell him what to do. Before he could do anything else, a third person joined in. Some kind of... pirate? A pirate with a laughably bad taste in clothing. He'd seen thieving traders during his time in the Mist Village, but they at least attempted to look legitimate. This Captain Buggy was either overconfident or a fool. Probably both. He smirked under his face wrappings and turned to meet him.

"No one gives orders to Zabuza Momochi," he said, staring Buggy down. He had too much pride to bow to anyone, not after turning rogue. And he'd rather be dead than be subordinate to pirate scum. 

"Have you ever heard of the Demon of the Hidden Mist, Sea Rat?" Zabuza asked, practically looming over Buggy as he spoke.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2017, 7:44 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 ZIuFePv

Buggy Stopped and looked at the one who called himself Zabuza Momochi...and listened to him then it hit him.."No actually I haven't...are you a new member of Arlong's fishmen pirates? you seem dressed like it." 'I probably should shut up by now..but he's a swordsman..i should be fine' he thought as he looked and saw one of the most pretty girls he had ever seen.. "and you miss...your not a friend of Nami's are you?...maybe you can tell me where we are...cause this is not on any map I've ever stolen.."

Last edited by Dark Sportsnutd on 6th February 2017, 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed "Fisherman" to be "Fishmen")
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2017, 3:19 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 M0YUDuE

This Zabuza guy started to get on Frieza's nerves. The Space Lord would have loved to make him kneel, just so he would be able to take a glimpse of his absolute might, but the chance that this guy knew more about why he was here was enough for the alien to not attack him - for now. As soon as he was sure that the swordsman wasn't of any use, he would get rid of him.
But the tension between them was loosened a little bit as Rocbouquet stepped in. The woman didn't seem as foolish as he first thought: She wasn't blindly engulfed by Frieza's politeness.

"If I'd want to bother you, my dear, both of you would be dead", he answered her question, still maintaining his smile.

As he wanted to comment any further on that matter, the group was joined someone new. It was a weird man with a red nose, telling them to join his crew.
Even though the Emperor was sure that Ginyu would love this guy, he for sure did not. How could he be so rude to just walk up to the mighty Lord Frieza and say that he's now part of his crew? Only a fool would dare to do that.

Just as Frieza wanted to respond, Zabuza did. No one gives orders to him? How could he be so overconfident, while standing next to the mightiest creature in the whole Universe? This whole thing had to be a crude joke.

He just couldn't take it anymore. Without any hesitation, he shot a Ki blast at the damaged tree, Rocbouquet had fired at before, turning it into dust.

"This has gone on for long enough. It is really hard to make me lose my temper, but first of all this weird guy tries to threaten me. ME, Lord Frieza. And even though I was generous enough to just look over that, he still refuses to pay me my due respect. Then this weird clown guy show's up and starts rambleing nonsense."

Frieza took a deep breath. Easy Frieza. These worms aren't even worth your anger.

"Would anyone now be so kind and tell me where exactly I am, and why I'm here? It would really be a shame for you to end up just like that tree over there."
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2017, 10:06 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 RBVg8v1

Sub-zero Snowfield [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 KN21eXC

"Yes, I know this place," Angela replied to Samus. "It's close to my kin-- to my home."

So was the crystal here? But... where? How was she supposed to search for it? Was she supposed to feel its presence? Well, she wasn't feeling anything at all! Would she just end up being a failure to magic again?

"Um... I'm not exactly sure what we are supposed to do now, but... If we were teleported here, it might mean we should check my place. The crystal could be there. Follow me."

With that, Angela began making her way north, making sure the others were right behind. It did not take long to reach Altena's gates, which were open. She stepped forward, looking at the town, and the palace in the distance. The town was exactly as it was supposed to be, but there were absolutely no people... What was this place?

Yet, it was exactly as warm as she remembered it to be - and that warmth was maintained by her mother's magic. If she's not here, how could that happen?

Whatever, this was just too confusing. They should just find the crystal and get out of there.

Chaos Land

Quote :
??? uses Bolt

A bolt of lightning falls in front of a stone bridge, over the lava stream, in the distance. If seen on closer inspection, there are several cracks on the bridge, and it looks unsafe. Characters with the ability to float/levitate would probably avoid stepping on it. As for the rest...

Last edited by Light on 7th August 2017, 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2017, 10:59 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 Rm3kRN1

Chaos Land

Rocbouquet sighed in relief when Zabuza lowered his hand away from his weapon. Frieza's alarmingly morbid and over-confident remark, on the other hand, had her a bit concerned. But at least he and Zabuza were more focused on her now.

“, how rude of me; I never introduced myself,” she giggled shyly, looking between the two men with a slightly lowered gaze, “My name is—”

...What was that? Rocbouquet suddenly fell silent and whipped her head over her shoulder.

To her surprise, there was a third figure off in the distance, and it appeared to be advancing rather quickly toward the group. Was it another man? Rocbouquet's amber-colored eyes brightened with excitement. Why, yes it was! And from this one's silhouette, he looked especially promising with that magnificent bicorne topped on his head. He had to be an officer from the Rongit Sea! The enchantress assumed. Seamen were some of the most foolish individuals out there, spending long tiring months at sea without a single woman on board their ships! Charming one would be a piece of cake! She giggled to herself, completely forgetting about her introduction for the time-being. Where were all of these lovely and unsuspecting men coming from?

As the figure grew nearer, the dreamy look in the demon girl's eyes instantly vanished. Her jaw dropped in horror at the sight of the approaching man's face. What the heck happened to this guy's nose!? It looked about as round—and as red—as a ripe tomato! How did he get such a large welt on his nose of all places? And his lips! She couldn't ignore his bright red lips. Had they been stung by a swarm of bees? Her eyes quickly darted down the rest of his body, paying particular attention to the fur, trim, and stripes decorating his colorful attire.

Rocbouquet raised a puzzled brow. What had modern Avalonian (was it even Avalonian?) fashion come to? She had never seen a man in such an outfit before. Was he supposed to be a privateer adorned from head to toe in the colorful garb of a court jester?—Or was he a jester trying to impersonate a pirate? There was one thing for sure: society had sealed him away because clearly he had committed an unforgivable fashion crime. She looked back at Frieza and Zabuza, who also seemed a bit taken back by this newcomer.

“...Um, anyway...I am—”

Just when things couldn't get any more awkward, the weird man walked right over and interrupted her conversation without a single care in the world. Rocbouquet's right eye twitched ever so slightly. Ugh...This man was already more annoying than a fly, and he hadn't uttered but a few sentences. ...A part of his crew? Yeah right... Rocbouquet thought with a slight pout on her lips. She found these men first. They were part of her crew, which he was more than welcome to join if he'd just shut up and let her finish talking. But he didn't. He continued to ramble on and on, even daring to ask them for their names, which—Rocbouquet pointed out to herself—he would have caught if he hadn't interrupted her.

The blue-haired girl let out an obvious sigh. There was no way she'd answer to such demands from a captain dressed in such an unprofessional manner. However, she was not about to lose her temper with this pest. The other two—the more useful-looking men—weren't under her control yet. She still needed to give off the impression that she was an innocent damsel, after all! And despite Buggy's uncanny appearance and rambling, he was still a well-toned muscular male! If he became a burden later on, she could simply discard him once he served his purpose! Until then, she'd just have to tolerate him.

Rocbouquet watched patiently as Buggy continued to talk for what seemed to be minutes, thanks to Zabuza's initial acknowledgment, though in the middle of all his rambling, the pirate chose to suddenly direct all of his questions at her.

“...?” Rocbouquet had absolutely no idea who this Nami girl was Buggy spoke of, or why he thought she would care about his apparently useless stolen maps. Of course Hell didn't show up on regular maps; it wasn't even in the same dimension, the temptress thought to herself. This poor seaman was so confused, she couldn't take it anymore. Without uttering a single word, Rocbouquet winked playfully at him and then turned away just in time to witness Frieza fire some powerful blast at the tree she had previously hit with her Wind Cutter spell.

“...W-wait!” She gasped as the tree splintered into thousands of needle-like particles. Rocbouquet's first instinct was to cling onto Zabuza's arm as she shielded her face from all of the dust. This Frieza guy was a lot more powerful than he looked.

“...Um, Lord Frieza, was it? We're in—” Suddenly, a single flash of lightning lit up the sky and a loud clap of thunder echoed across the wasteland, but Rocbouquet paid it no particular attention as she attempted to answer Frieza's request before he decided to blow up something else. “We're in...Hell, okay? Please calm down...” she whimpered, feigning fear by bringing herself even closer to Zabuza's side. She found it hard to believe that a demon wouldn't already know this...

Last edited by Andalusite on 7th February 2017, 7:33 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Cleaned up post + added in a part about the lightning bolt)
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2017, 11:04 pm

Samus Aran- Altena

So this was Angela's home then. Part of her was relieved that someone was familiar with this new area, but as she followed Angela across the field and past the city gates, she felt a stab of jealousy. The change in temperature barely registered with Samus as she did her best to not react in any visible way, though it was not difficult to hide her expression behind her helmet. This wasn't the time to feel bad for herself, or project her issues onto someone else. No one here had anything to do with it. Instead, she focused on the city around them.

"...What is this city's name, if you don't mind me asking?" she asked Angela. It was so empty here, and not nearly as advanced as the civilizations she was used to dealing with. Was this the normal activity level?
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th February 2017, 1:05 am

Papyrus looked to Lightning, then back to the others. Didn't the cold bother them? Papyrus couldn't help but rub his arms. Okay, so it wasn't like he had skin to get frostbite, but it didn't mean he couldn't feel cold! This took the phrase "bone chilling" to an almost literal level, and papyrus could almost hear sans making the pun. Even here, it seems his brothers cheesy jokes could still reach him.

Thankfully, the cold seemed to dissipate upon reaching a village. The town was rather quaint, but the lack of any other life forms were concerning. The only thing to be heard for miles was the sound of their own footsteps. Where were the people? The guards for the castle? Even the underground was never this quiet.

"Hello?" Papyrus, unable to contain his anxiety-fueled curiosity, walked up to a random door and knocked on it. "Is anybody here? Does anybody know of a crystal? My allies and I-We're supposed to find it."

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 7th February 2017, 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : had to change a thing, shoulda read the OOC first)
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th February 2017, 7:43 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse - Page 2 W1s035

Lightning followed Angela, hoping that wherever they were going would be a bit warmer. They arrived at a town, with a palace in the distance, and Lightning found it strange to be in such a desolate place. Perhaps this was an alternate reality? One separate from the one Angela was familiar with? 

"Maybe we should split up. We can cover more ground that way. If that crystal's not telling us anything, we might as well get used to depending on ourselves."
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