How did you get into RPing? (Tell us your first RP place and fandom, if applicable!)
This is going to sound a bit odd, but I started role playing by word of mouth over the phone with a friend. It was some odd mix of ourselves, spongebob and chalkzone-we were both 9 at the time and didn't realize we were actually roleplaying. XD After we lost contact, my sister and I began to RP by word of mouth when I was 11, and still continue to do so this day.
Though my first traditional (typing) RP was on forums on the online school, connections academy. It was a mix of inuyasha and some other anime I don't remember. I think I had a mary sue OC and godmodded a lot, but so did the rest of the kids on that thread. We were just in it to have fun and go wild with our "Anime TM" characters.
Do you RP anything besides Sailor Moon?
I actually RP Sailor Moon the least. I've roleplayed Bloo from Fosters home for imaginary friends, Inuyasha, Kirby and Deidara from Naruto-and those are just the ones I remember. Remember that I'm still roleplaying by word of mouth with my sister? We've had about 5 major storylines over the years-most dropped because we got bored-and the current one that's been going for about 3-4 years now includes a crossover of Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, Regular Show and Undertale with a small mix of Over the Garden wall and Nightvale due to events we previously had take place. I know it sounds super weird, but omg have we made it work-though the RPs contents certainly are above the PG-13 rating.
How long have you been RPing?
15 years. i just did the calculation now as i write this omg
What is your favorite thing about RPing? Why is it something you love to do?
Creating crossovers that would never happen and working with the cannon as provided-or around it. In most of these shows/games/whatever I play, there are always unanswered questions-be it about a character's past, about the future of the plot-even familial ties. It's always fun to try to work them out for yourself before the main stories get to that point. You mean something ELSE was hinted at with their past in the latest episode? Great! Add it to the drama pile! You want character X from show Y to meet character 1 from show 2? Bam. Done. Roleplaying is practically writing your own stories or fanfiction with multiple people, and that is just so much fun.
Who is/are your favorite character(s) to RP, Sailor Moon or otherwise?
I love to play Papyrus from undertale, Benson from Regular show and Rick from Rick and Morty lately. I also like to Play Sailor Uranus and Sailor Venus, but you guys probably caught on to that one.
What types of stories do you love best? Any specific genre?
Action, Horror, Scy-fi and drama.They often blend together in the storylines.
What was the first RP or RP Event that you took part in on GC and what was your favorite part about it?
I think my first event I took place in was the Alter Ego casual event-where the character of your choice would enter a "spooky carnival TM" and would end up in some strange dimension/hall of mirror thing when they'd throw down with an evil version of themselves. It was my first time RPing Sailor Venus, but what I really loved about it was that it was an event itself, and that you had to have certain objectives met by a time limit. It was my first time RPing something like that, and it was fantastic.
What's your favorite part of RPing on GC?
The events! I love how you have to meet objectives and follow a storyline! Only here have I ever RP'd something like that.
Do you have any tips/tricks for people who might want to start RPing but are intimidated because they don't feel their writing isn't good enough or don't know where to start?
This may sound a bit redundant, but the best thing to do is to just jump right in and go for it. Don't compare yourselves to others with more experience, just be there for the sake of the RP and the plot you find enjoyable. The more you do that, the easier it gets; Plus it never helps to ask advice of other Role Players.
Fondest memory in your entire RPing history?
I really cannot choose one, though staying up to the wee hours of the morning with my sister losing track of time because we just got really far into it is always fun. I also like to look back on the events that I've taken place in on here.
What idea for a roleplay have you always wanted to do but for some reason or another haven't gotten the chance to yet?
While its vague, I always thought the idea of the Sailor Moon Villains ending up in another universe to take whatever-it-is they take. The Amazon trio and quartet took dream mirrors, the death busters took pure hearts ect. What were to happen if they decided to move their search outside of tokyo, and into somewhere else? I've currently imagined how that would work with both undertale and Regular show, with surprising results. How would the senshi react with the villains targets being able to fight back and then some? Would there be a great big team up, or would they think it's another set of villains/invaders since they were the only group they've ever seen hold their own besides themselves? It's still more or less an idea in my head, but I'd love to RP it at some point.