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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2016, 9:28 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 11j0jQz

Venus glanced at Artemis, letting her look answer his question, though he clearly realized it himself as soon as he asked it. Artemis never was the best at lying—at least not to her. She steeled herself for his words, knowing what would come, and averted her gaze when he mentioned the queen. She fidgeted for a moment, not quite knowing what to say.

“What should we do, Artemis?” she asked, her voice catching a little, breaking the carefully constructed calm mask. Part of why she appeared more as Venus these days was because she was wearing her senshi form like an armor. As Venus, she could not break down. She could not crack. But as Minako… she felt vulnerable and naked. As if everyone could see her true feelings.

So she hid behind her soldier’s identity, because Venus was who they all needed right now.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. She’s…”

She couldn’t say it. She could feel her eyes warming up and bit her lip, hard, to prevent the tears from coming.

So much for already accepting it.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2016, 10:35 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 QTecmB9

Mercury wasn't surprised to hear that Mars really was at the shrine, and she wanted to ask if she had learned anything this time, though not in front of the Queen. It was good that Uranus was also back at the Palace, even if Neptune was bus at the moment. It always felt a little safer when the Outer senshi were accounted for, though they were probably just as worried about Serenity's health.

A request? What was Serenity planning to say to them? Did she know something the rest of them had somehow missed? Mercury was curious and  little concerned as to what was going on, but she pulled out her communicator and set it to contact the rest of the missing senshi, including the Princess and King Endymion. It was more of a signal than a call, and it would send a text message to come to the terrace.

They'd all been dancing around the same subject for so long now, but what would they do once Serenity decided to bring it up?
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2016, 11:01 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Nqeh0j10

Jupiter was pleased to see Uranus arrive. She always felt a bit safer knowing Uranus was around. They didn't see eye to eye when they had first met, but now after so many years, Uranus and the other outer senshi were strong allies.

Jupiter turned a curious ear to Serenity when she said she had a request. Jupiter wondered what Serenity would ask, knowing she would do anything her friend, her queen asked of her. She watched as Mercury called the others. Jupiter was worried this request was related to Serenity's condition, but kept her thoughts positive. She couldn't dwell on losing Serenity for very long. The very thought of her being gone was too much to handle.

While she waited, Jupiter made brief conversation with Uranus.

"Please give Michuru our regards and wish her luck with her concert."
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2016, 7:07 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 WrGekha

Mars kept an eye on Serenity, but she glanced to Mercury and Jupiter as well, trying to gauge their current demeanors and how they were reacting to their Queen's desire to gather them all together. She wasn't able to discern much, and there was no chance to talk to them privately. As it was, they all had to wait until they were told what was going on.

She didn't particularly like that waiting, however.

A part of her wanted to demand answers, here and now, but another part of her was certain she wouldn't care for what those answers might be. If Minako was here, perhaps she'd be able to lighten the mood, or be a good distraction at the very least.

But if Serenity wanted her to wait until everyone was here, then she would wait. Forever, if she asked it.  

And so Mars waited, silently, and stared at Serenity, watching the her every move as if she'd learn all of the other woman's secrets simply by looking.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2016, 8:43 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Zh90GLM
His communicator pinged for his attention and panic clawed at Endymion's insides, his eyes widening as he immediately felt outward for Serenity's presence -- and found it, it's soft clean glow reaching back for him as it always had. He let out a sigh of relief under his breath, offering a small smile and nodding to the clerk as she finished charging his order, but just as the panic ebbed, a sad nostalgia flowed upwards in its place, reminded too easily of silly requests made what was becoming a long time ago. As he voiced his thanks and wished the young woman a good day, he took the little brown bag from the counter and flipped up the face of his old communicator watch with his thumb, wistfully hoping that it was some silly message from Serenity asking him to pick up something sweet on his way back. He walked to the door as he scanned the message from Mercury, his brows furrowing at its contents.

Serenity had called in everyone for a meeting? She hadn't said anything to him... but then he had left before she woke up that morning. As the little bell rang to the door to the little souvenir shop closing behind him, he concentrated on home, and teleported once more, appearing, as requested, on the terrace, near one of his white rose bushes. His eyes found her immediately, like a moth to a flame, and he strode over, unable to help the stiffness of his stride that betrayed his curiosity, and completely forgetting the little brown bag in his hand. Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter he had expected to see - they were never too far from her, but Uranus? They hadn't seen the Outer Guardian in quite some time, and that she was there...

He stopped near Serenity, wordlessly offering her his support.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 5:05 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 RiGh9gS

She heard him before she saw the King, the wind bringing his near silent approach towards the group. Uranus's gaze took in everything from the stiff gait to his near almost surprise at seeing her here. 

There were very few things that Uranus regretted in life and she wondered if she would end up regretting not spending more time on Earth with the Queen while she had a chance instead of gallivanting across the stars with her lover. At first she and Michiru had returned to the Queens side every few weeks, feeling uncomfortable being away from the person they were born to protect for so long, but with the Queen's gentle encouragement, a loud cry from Usagi's loud enthusiasm, those weeks turned into month and months turned into years. 

They were still careful to never be gone for more than 2 or 3 years at a time and thinking back about where they went, she and Michiru had spent the majority of their time in systems close to Earth. 

Even with her permission and encouragement, we could never stray far from home, the thought warmed Uranus a bit. There had been times when they explored far off systems, but they never stayed that far away for long, a need to be close to their system, to their Queen always drew them back.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 5:16 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 FaNHv96

Hotaru did not expect her friend to actually be so honest. It felt relieving to see that she would still open up to her as she always would, even now. But it still hurt her to see her like this, knowing there's nothing she can do to help.

"Chibiusa-chan, I..." she began to speak, but paused for a little bit. She exhaled deeply and continued.

"I've been thinking a lot about what to say. How I can possibly make this better, but..."

She approached the pink-haired girl, or rather woman, proceeding to hold her hand with both of hers.

"But the answer was obvious all along. There's nothing I can say, nothing that will make this better. It will hurt, and only time can alleviate this pain. And, and it's understandable to take some time to yourself and think, but... just don't overdo it, okay? There are people here for you -- I am here for you." She held her hand a little tighter, until she finally released her grip.

"Anyway... Whatever we may do, this is a natural part of life. When... when it does happen, there will be the time to reflect on it, but now... your mama is still very much with us. It's important to focus on that for now. For her sake, at the very least."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 5:34 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 EMmE3xC

But she's invincible, her mind protested.



Wasn't she? Neo Queen Serenity was Mama, who was Tsukino Usagi, who was Princess Serenity, who was Sailor Moon. The Sailor Moon: the first and best and boldest and brightest. She was supposed to shine forever, wasn't she?

Death and dying was natural... but not for someone like Lady's mother. How many times had Sailor Moon overcome something that was supposed to be impossible? Why should death alone be singled out as the rule that must apply?

Hotaru's hands warmed hers, pulling her out of the mire of her thoughts and drawing her back to reality once again.

"I am here for you," said that soft and steady voice, the one Lady knew so well.

When her hands were released, she used one to brush some unwelcome tears from her lashes.

"Thank you, Hotaru-chan," she whispered. "I'm trying."
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 5:37 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Fq6Xhqi

"Right. Of course there is nothing we can do about it," Artemis replied sadly, his gaze still averted, aimlessly fidgeting with some buttons on the computer, surveying different parts of the palace on the monitors, but looking for nothing in specific, really.

He finally stopped and looked right at her. "But we still... It's our duty to prepare for it as necessary. For Crystal Tokyo, the citizens... for the princess..."

He paused just for a moment before continuing. "Lady has been sufficiently prepared to officially take over as our new queen. But I think... we shouldn't pull this off any longer. It will be better for her to begin her rule with her mother still by her side, she would probably settle in far more easily. Plus, the ascension of the princess should be a day for the nation to celebrate."

He avoided saying the implied alternative.

"I could proceed to advise so myself, but... It just may seem insensitive. And either way, such a decision would better come from the queen herself."

And now for the hard part.

"I just... want you to talk to her. See what she thinks of Lady's progress in the duties she has taken over... Gauge how she feels about this whole thing, without actually saying it, you know? I... I think you're the right person to have that talk."

He went silent for a little while.

"I'm sorry Mina... You... you've always had to be the strong one, for everyone's sake... It's not fair to you. It's not fair to ask you that."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 6:06 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 GfYeDYH

"Don't worry, Small Lady!" another voice rang out, wavering with emotion. "I'm here for you, too!"

In some ways, Diana was too much like her mistress. The lavender gray feline sniffled and brushed away some of her own tears, trying to maintain her composure even as the teardrops cascaded down her cheeks. It wasn't exactly a very successful attempt, but Diana had standards to hold herself to. For a moment she hesitated, wishing she was younger and smaller, so that she could settle comfortingly atop the princess's head as she had when they were children.

No one could deny that the princess had done so much. Lady took on every task of ruling the kingdom with focus and determination. She accepted her duties as heir to Crystal Tokyo in all ways—respectful to her parents and the sailor soldiers that made up her family, fighting for love and justice as a sailor soldier herself, maintaining diplomatic relationships, and protecting the lives and livelihood of so many who called this beautiful Earth home. She deserved to have the security of her parents alongside her, to share in her joys and sorrows.

Diana shared a particular sympathy for this, after all—she knew that her own parents would be involved in whatever lay in store for the Queen. Her mother's destiny was deeply linked with that of the Queen; no one could deny that or think it strange. In some ways, they shared pieces of the same heart. Her father would follow Sailor Venus in whatever came before her. The blonde leader was his special charge.

When change came for Crystal Tokyo, she would share in it and try her hardest to ease the sorrow of those who must continue on.

A familiar noise caught Diana's sensitive ears; they twitched in response. She could feel a shift in the atmosphere of the palace... something was happening.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 6:17 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 EMmE3xC

Lady pulled her communicator from a pocket within her dress, flipping back the lid with experienced ease. Her brow furrowed slightly as she read the message from Mercury, requesting their presence at the terrace. Why were they gathering there? For a moment, fear gripped her heart—had something happened to her mother? Her breathing caught, but she calmed herself before she could overreact.

No... if something had happened, they wouldn't tell her like this. They'd be clearer. She couldn't panic. Not over every little thing. That wasn't going to make any of this any easier.

Lady glanced back to Hotaru, realizing vaguely that she may have heard the other young woman's communicator as well. Why would everyone be summoned?

"Mercury is asking for us to come to the terrace. Diana, we'll have to talk about the business you mentioned a bit later," she commented, apologetic. "Shall we?"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 6:18 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 OOPBN40

“I do hope she can join us soon! I miss her,” Serenity told Uranus, thinking about Michiru’s gentle smile. What she wouldn’t give to watch another concert of the talented musician, or see another painting of hers. When it was time… she wanted everyone to be there. Every one of her people.

And as if on cue, a figure materialized out of nowhere, his energy so familiar that she recognized it before she even saw him fully come into view. Their eyes locked, always drawn to each other eternally, and her heart lifted. She had missed him that morning. She missed him every second that they weren’t together, especially now that she knew that those seconds were running out. She wanted to ask why he seemed as if he wanted to run away when all she wanted was for him to be by her side always in these last days.

“Endymion,” she called softly, and stepped toward him. Her gaze fell onto the bag on his hand, and she looked up at him curiously. “Oh? What’s this? Did you bring me a souvenir?”
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 6:41 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 11j0jQz

“I’ve already got it all figured out,” she said, her tone harsh, before she realized she sounded as if she were scolding him. “I mean… don’t worry about it,” she added with an apologetic look. “The… service, the coronation… everything that needs to be done.”

He spoke of having the coronation sooner, and Venus had to admit she agreed. It would be nice to welcome their new queen not in the wake of the former one’s death. The occasion should indeed be joyous, not one full of mourning. The princess should get a proper coronation—a moment about her, not her mother. It wasn’t like so many other things in her life hadn’t already been that way.

This moment, the culmination of her triumph, should be hers and hers only.

“I agree with you, though I feel like Serenity might already be thinking that as well. She’s been teaching and nudging Usa a lot towards becoming a real queen. I’ll see what she thinks about it.”

She wasn’t particularly looking forward to that conversation, but what could she do, really.

She turned back to him when he called her by the name only he would use, a contrast to the previous name, and Venus bit her lip. Tears clouded her vision as she listened to his words, always so truthful and always so understanding. At times, Artemis seemed like the only one who was her champion when it came to fighting for her personal life against her duty, which was ironic because he was also the one who awakened her as a senshi.

But sometimes it felt like Artemis wished he never did.

“Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me.”

He was also the only one she felt comfortable showing her true emotions to, perhaps beside Mars these days. She wasn’t afraid to cry or show weakness in front of him. He’d already seen her at her worst many times over. And she never wanted to hide the important things from him.

She moved toward him and attempted to hug him, even if he was in his cat form. In some ways, that was also more comforting, because, well, it was cuddling a cat, of course it was comforting.

Her communicator beeped and her heart jumped, fearing the worst. She fished it out of her pocket and frowned when she saw the text.

“It’s Mercury. She wants everyone to come to the terrace. Serenity has something to tell us. Do you think it’s…?”

She couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps the queen had decided this was the time to speak frankly about her condition.

“I have to go,” she said, standing up and heading for the door. Then, she paused and turned.

“Will you come with me?” she asked him, silently asking the true question with her eyes; Will you be my strength, as you always do?
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Roleplaying Moderator


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 7:07 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 FaNHv96

Hotaru smiled as Diana also jumped in to comfort her charge. She was thankful that the grown lavender cat was around to keep an eye out for her friend when she couldn't. She, too, had really grown a lot.

She heard the soft beep of her communicator and she reached for it to see what was the matter. As Chibiusa shared the message she received, she realized hers was the same - Mercury was calling everyone on the terrace as the queen wanted to speak to them. What could it be about?

At Chibiusa's prompt, Hotaru nodded. "Yes, let's go."

"Your Majesties. Everyone," Hotaru politely greeted as she encountered the rest of the group. "I didn't know you would be here too, Haruka-papa. It has been a while. I hope Michiru-mama is also well," she addressed the soldier of wind with a smile. Hotaru had grown to be an independent young lady, but she did wish that she could see them more often.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 7:16 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Fq6Xhqi

She took this well enough, and well, it didn't surprise him. Like he said, she always had to be the strong one, and she would never fail to do so. Despite her own personal struggle.

He attempted to return the hug and awkwardly tried to place his paws around her, but well, hugging was not really a cat's strong point. He opted for rubbing his head against her leg instead as regular felines would often do.

Artemis frowned as Venus read the message. If the queen wants all the girls there, it must be something important.

He smiled at her request and he dashed ahead, playfully winking back at her. "Let's go, partner."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 9:16 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 EMmE3xC

Hotaru's presence provided comfort and reassurance. Lady could feel it radiating off of the slim figure dressed in violet as the two made their way to the terrace. She took a deep breath before they stepped outside, trying to steady her nerves. She didn't know what they would encounter out there—what Mercury would want. It was bound to be something important. Hopefully not something... serious.

It's going to be okay, she tried to tell herself. You can do this. There are people who care about you. You are not alone.

She didn't know that she really believed it just yet, but she repeated it in her head like a mantra. It made walking forward easier. It gave her something to concentrate on, instead of letting her thoughts run towards worries that only caused her anxiety.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 9:19 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 GfYeDYH

Warm red eyes, like her mother Luna's, watched the princess as the trio made their way to the terrace. She could tell that Small Lady was trying so hard—trying to be strong and brave. This was one of the many things that Diana loved and respected about her. She knew that it was something many others who cared about Small Lady felt the same way about.

She wanted to help. She wanted to comfort and support, as her mother did for the queen and her father did for Venus. Not because it was her role or her job, but because she cared. Her mind whirled with thoughts and ideas, wondering what she could do.

Her opportunity came when the princess paused just before stepping out. Diana gave a soft "meow" and leaped up towards the pink-haired young woman's arms. She knew they would catch her.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 9:24 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 EMmE3xC

Catch her they did. Lady turned automatically towards the soft voice of her friend and advisor, her eyes widening briefly as Diana jumped up, but she knew what to do. After all, Diana had been by her side for almost her entire life. Feeling the warmth below that layer of soft fur... Instantly Lady relaxed a bit more. It was better to have someone to hold on to.

She stepped out alongside Hotaru, only a few seconds behind, with Diana securely embraced. She was thankful for something to do with her hands and arms, especially as she glanced across and saw how many of her mother's court were assembled here. Mama and Papa mixed among them, and this was almost like so many moments that she had experienced in the past... except that it wasn't. Except that Mama looked tired. Papa looked sad. Everyone seemed to be draped with an air of melancholy, even though they smiled.

"Mama. Papa," she greeted with a polite curtsey. "Everyone."

She couldn't bear to ask why they had been called.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 4:45 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Nqeh0j10

Jupiter watched the scene play out in front of her. She smiled when Endymion appeared. She knew his presence would hopefully lighten the mood. She wondered how Endymion was dealing with the thought of losing Serenity. While the thought of it tore up Jupiter inside, she knew it had to be worse for Endymion...and for Small Lady.

Just as she thought of her, the princess walked in. Jupiter saw the princess' smile. She was like her mother in that sense, always smiling even when the world around her was crumbling. She worried for Small Lady, not that she didn't trust her. Small Lady had become quite the lady and was becoming a capable heir to the throne, but she wondered if losing her mother and having to take over Crystal Tokyo would be too much.

She would be there for Small Lady if ever she were matter the circumstances, or the outcome of the near future.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2016, 6:40 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Zh90GLM
Her soft call drew him in completely and as her blue eyes moved from the bag and back to his face, their familiar curious gleam eased his demeanor entirely. He smiled easily down at her, as though they were alone, and offered her the little brown bag. "It's yours," he said, "It's not much, but I couldn't just leave Europe without getting you a souvenir, could I?" His tone was teasing. "I'm sorry I left before you woke up; there had been an unexpected fire in the Swiss Alps and I wanted to repair the damage quickly." 

He hoped she'd be amused, if nothing else, in his choice of mementos: a small stuffed hand-made Saint Bernard plush toy, a trio of Swiss Rolls in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry wrapped in packaging he knew she'd think was cute, a little box of chocolates, and a flower from the vale he had overseen. His souvenir method had barely wavered over the years - something sweet for now, something cute for later; as she had been the driving study behind that formula, he hoped she wouldn't mind, though he wished he had thought of dropping the bag off first. He'd silently offer to continue to hold the bag if she wished, so she would have her hands free when she shared why she had called everyone together. 

When their daughter entered, curtsying politely, he nodded back at her and in respect of the tone she had chosen, acknowledged her with a response of "Lady." Though they still liked to call her 'Chibi-Usa' privately, he knew how hard she had worked to become the strong and capable young woman that she embodied today, and with the slight tension he noticed in her demeanor, he wanted to offer her what support he could by letting her handle things on her own terms. 

He turned his attention back to Serenity.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2016, 5:43 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 OOPBN40

Serenity momentarily averted her gaze from her husband as more people showed up. Hotaru, the only one who wasn’t in her senshi form so far, along with the princess and Diana. And finally, Venus and Artemis. “Lady, good morning,” she smiled brightly to her daughter, the one who, in her mind, was still both Chibiusa and Small Lady despite the fact that she had grown up and shed the former parts of her name and title. Serenity wished she could convey just how proud she was of the kind of lady Usa had become, and how she could see what a great queen she would be, too.

Endymion handed the bag to her, and Serenity peeked inside as he explained the contents. She smiled at his words that he had to bring her something—so he hadn’t forgotten about her after all. Not that he ever would, really, but even after all these years, whenever he disappeared, even just briefly, Serenity felt that old insecurity creeping up on her again, wondering what she’d done wrong or what could have happened to him. She admired how much he cared for this Earth, how much he wanted to help with all the powers he had on his disposal, and for that she forgave him for sneaking away wordlessly this morning.

She pulled out the toy first, her smile widening as she saw its cute face, holding it tight to her chest. And then there were food too—sweet things, her favorite—and a beautiful flower in the mix as well. “Thank you, Endymion. These are lovely,” she said sincerely, feeling the love pouring from every single one of the people gathered around them.

“Since everyone has gathered now, I think it’s time for me to share my request.” She put the toy back into the bag and held it against her chest, feeling as if she was trying to hide behind it. She was nervous about what she was about to say, though she knew this was the right thing to do.

“I know it’s not how it’s normally done in monarchy systems, but… the idea that I will never see the day it happens is too much for me to bear. Lady, you have grown so much. You have learned so much, and you have become a better princess and future ruler than anyone could have ever expected.” Serenity looked straight at her daughter, hoping she could see all the sincerity behind her words. “I think that I probably should have done this a long time ago, because you have deserved it for a long time.”

She paused, bit her lip, and continued carefully. “How would you feel about having your coronation sooner rather than later? I wish to hand over the throne to you and take my rest from governing Crystal Tokyo.”
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2016, 6:00 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 EMmE3xC

She felt the muscles in her arms, the arms wrapped around Diana's soft warm body, tense and strain, but that was the only signal that managed to betray her. It was barely noticeable. She carefully maintained the gentle and cheerful expression on her face, the smile that she wore even though she didn't feel it. Her body language, other than that small motion, remained serene as well. This was important for the future queen of Crystal Tokyo. She couldn't let her emotions speak for her before her thoughts could formulate a reply.

Just like now.

"Of course, Mama," she replied, her tone even, still smiling. "If that's what you wish, of course."

She felt the tightness in her chest, but didn't keel over or otherwise show it. Neo Queen Serenity hadn't dropped to the floor, cold and unconscious, but in her mind Lady imagined the regal white-haired woman stepping into a waiting coffin and drifting off to sleep. The request, innocuous as it might sound to other ears, was interpreted by Princess Lady Serenity as defeat. The queen wanted to "take her rest". It was hard for her daughter to not equate that wish with falling into the grave: the final rest.

Somehow, she had never managed to project her dreams and wishes this far into the future. As a small child she wanted to be a lady, like her mother... and now she was grown, like her mother, and everyone even called her "Lady"... but she didn't feel like one. That dream seemed still impossible, somewhere just beyond the reach of her fingertips, like the stars studded in the night sky. How could she ever be like her mother?

Would the people accept her, or would they call her to task as the poor substitute she knew she would be? An imperfect attempt at a copy of something too perfect to duplicate. She handled so much of the tasks related to keeping Crystal Tokyo prosperous and peaceful, but all this time she did so under her mother's name. It was Neo Queen Serenity that the people loved and respected. There was a safety in operating under that banner, the title so blinding that no one would dare question actions made by the government. When they truly understood that it was no longer their beloved savior, how would they judge her?
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2016, 6:09 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 GfYeDYH

She didn't move, knowing that turning around to peer up at Small Lady's face would only attract embarrassing attention from the others. Still, she felt the tension in the young woman's arms and knew that the queen's entreaty, although one Diana absolutely agreed with in theory, was not received as well as the princess acted it was.

Neo Queen Serenity was right. Small Lady deserved this. She had been in control behind the scenes for years now, taking control of more and more duties as time went on, but receiving little of the credit. The people saw more of their princess, recognizing her as a young woman who would someday be their queen, but they still attributed their happiness and welfare to the one who established this great kingdom so long ago. It was absolutely right and just to acknowledge Small Lady as the current and rightful ruler of Crystal Tokyo. She lacked nothing in regards to this role... except for, perhaps, self-confidence.

Diana wished there was more that she could do. Small Lady brooded too much; kept too much to herself. The young feline had hoped that her adulthood and relationship with Priest Helios would have given the princess a support structure that she felt she could rely on, but so far the pink-haired woman's core behaviours were unchanged. Surely she knew that she could trust him. Hadn't the two talked for hours when Small Lady was still small, training in the 20th century? What had happened?

Reflecting on this made Diana's brow furrow. How long had it been, exactly, since the princess had seen her beau? Of course she was busy with her duties as royalty—everyone in the Crystal Palace had a robust life with much expected of them—but surely spending time with loved ones deserved priority.

She'd have to bring this up with Small Lady later... This was not the right time.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2016, 6:22 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 QTecmB9

It didn't take long for the terrace to be filled, though she didn't expect anyone to ignore the call if it involved Serenity. As everyone gathered, Mercury watched as King Endymion returned from his early departure and was immediately at Serenity's side with a present. It still amazed her how they managed to keep the same amount of intensity in their relationship, even after years and years. If anything, they were somehow even more in sync with what the other wanted or needed.

Mercury didn't think she could handle anything near that level, even with her own relationship, but then again, she'd never been particularly attracted by the concept of marriage. 

When Saturn and Diana arrived with the Princess, the Queen finally revealed her plan. She wanted to retire early. Mercury hadn't expected her to suggest crowning Lady so suddenly, but she couldn't find it shocking either. Serenity's logic was sound, and in a roundabout way, she had finally broken the uneasy atmosphere surrounding her weakening condition.

She was admitting that she didn't have much time left before Lady would be forced to take over. But now that the topic was finally out in the open, Mercury wondered if she should speak up about her other discovery. Would it dampen the mood even more? She didn't want to take away from what should be exciting for the Princess, especially with Lady already having to deal with one eventual loss.

Mercury's eyes drifted down to her boots, already feeling guilty. She couldn't hide it forever. They all deserved to know, at least to prepare themselves and everyone who'd be left behind.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2016, 6:20 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 FaNHv96

Hotaru could notice how Chibiusa tensed up when the queen shared the reason that they were all gathered there. Well, she figured it makes sense, and it is better done sooner than later. After all, she had already assumed many of the duties that go with the title, except for the title itself. But she could understand how she felt about it. How she could not help but tie this together with her mother's deteriorating health, and for good reason.

She did not say anything -- it was not her place to, after all. She only proceeded to place her hand on the pink-haired lady's shoulder and gave her a soft smile in an attempt to comfort and encourage her.

Hotaru glanced at Mercury curiously. It seemed as if something were bothering her... Well, perhaps it was just that she also realized what this proposal meant. Then again, who wouldn't? Much as no one wanted to admit it.

She was probably thinking this through too much. Maybe hearing this out loud just brought the pain back to surface.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2016, 6:33 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Fq6Xhqi

It looked like Venus would be spared of having to make that uncomfortable discussion, after all. Artemis felt relieved. Indeed, like Venus, he thought the queen was probably already considering this, and it would be beneficial that it would not be delayed any further. He only hoped the princess was also emotionally ready for this. Maybe not just yet, really, but it will be easier with her mother still there for her. That was the whole purpose of going through with it as soon as possibly, after all.

Well, Artemis needs to prepare too. He will have to talk to the princess soon and work out the formalities and any necessary details and...

Wait a minute.

He was so caught up with the whole succession issue, that he forgot that the princess already has her own advisor cat.


And honestly, Artemis was confident that she, too, was ready for her own duties as advisor to the new queen. He had been regularly spying-- no, observing her from a distance to see how she is faring with the princess. The growing kitten was always so devoted to her duties that it was very easy for him to remain unnoticed by her.

Luna did very much notice him, though, and she was not at all hesitant to show her disapproval of his behavior. Well, it was what he had to do as a father!

Either way, he had already seen enough and he knew she was ready. Perhaps it was time for him to retire as well. Maybe long overdue, too.

He gazed at the full-grown lavender cat, tears of pride threatening to cloud his vision.
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2016, 7:09 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 11j0jQz

Venus made her way to the terrace, her heart slightly lighter now that Artemis was by her side. She was curious about what the queen wanted to speak about, though a part of her suspected two possibilities. Either Serenity was handing the reins to Lady, or she was finally going to talk about the subject they’d all avoided these past few months. Knowing her old friend, though, it was probably the former. Venus could see the tiredness in Serenity’s eyes, and she knew even though the Silver Crystal had been used to perform many a miracles, that was not what Serenity wanted right now. Which was fair enough. She had governed Crystal Tokyo for a millennia, and lived even longer than that. Venus could understand the need for an end.

As she arrived and saw everyone surrounding Serenity, she felt better about not being there sooner, and then after making sure the queen looked well enough, her gaze slid toward Mars. It took Venus chasing so many men over hundreds of years before she realized a man was not what she needed after all. She’d looked for love in all the wrong places, everywhere but right in front of her. Now she wished she had found it sooner, because she knew their time was running out. The only thing that made her feel devastated about the possibility of dying after Serenity was not having more time with Rei.

The queen spoke, confirming her suspicion and making her feel as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. So at least she didn’t have to perform that difficult task that Artemis had requested of her. She glanced briefly at the cat, then to Lady, whose response was neither emotional nor surprised. In fact, it was very… underwhelming.

Venus looked at her critically, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind. Chibiusa had always been a secretive child, in a way. She kept all that sadness about not growing up or receiving her powers and being left alone when her parents needed to perform their duties. Even in the past, she kept her secrets until they were practically pried out of her. Now she was definitely not showing what she really felt either. And Venus knew that better than anyone, but… was there someone with whom Lady could be honest? Was she at least opening herself up to Saturn, or Pluto, or Helios?

Her gaze traveled to Mercury, who seemed uncomfortable about something. She made a mental note to ask later.

“Well, this is an occasion that we need to celebrate,” she stated brightly, seeing that everyone was staying quiet and somber, obviously having read between the lines of what Serenity actually said. “I’d say we should throw a party, eh? Come on guys, there’s a lot that needs to be done. We need to look more alive for the citizens. We can’t let our new queen’s coronation be anything but a grand festivity, can we?”

She turned to look at the princess and smiled. “We have to make it the best coronation ever, for Queen Lady Serenity.”
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2016, 7:19 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 OOPBN40

She had expected a denial, a plea to not do this now. Not yet. She expected Lady to say it wasn’t the time yet, but what she actually said was just the opposite. She sounded as if Serenity had asked if she would like to have breakfast, for all the emotion and reaction she showed.

Serenity’s brow furrowed. “I don’t want you to do it because I ask you to. I don’t want you to do it for me,” she said softly, stepping forward to clasp her daughter’s hand. “I want you to do it for you.”

She didn’t want to push Lady if she weren’t ready or didn’t really want to do it yet. Though she also suspected the reason for the lack of reaction was because the princess was trying not to show what she actually felt in regards to the situation that had led to this. That it wasn’t so much that she wasn’t ready, but that she didn’t want to say goodbye.

Serenity’s heart broke for her, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she wanted to save herself, she couldn’t. The crystal had made it clear that it wished to rest. The least Serenity could do was make sure Crystal Tokyo was left in her daughter’s capable hands officially.

Hearing Venus’ cheerful words, she turned to her friend and smiled gratefully. Minako could always be depended on to look at the bright side and cheer everyone up, and Serenity hoped her friend would not fail this time either. She needed this party to be full of love and happiness. That was the exact reason she had requested it to happen now and not later, when they were in mourning.

Lady needed this to be a happy occasion.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2016, 4:13 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Nqeh0j10

Jupiter felt her chest tighten at Serenity's request. She knew this day was coming and the fact that Serenity wanted to push the coronation to a sooner date made Jupiter realize that Serenity's eternal rest was much nearer than she had originally thought.

Jupiter couldn't think of losing Serenity so soon, but if she was honest, no amount of time could prepare her for the day when Serenity was no longer with her and the others. 

Jupiter couldn't help but smile at Venus's words. She always had such a positive mind, even if on the inside she was feeling the same pain as the others, she held her composure.

Jupiter walked closer to Venus as she spoke,

"I can bake and cook for the event, but I will need some help." 

Jupiter could never resist cooking for Serenity and her family.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th September 2016, 5:28 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles: Phase V - Waning Moon  - Page 2 RiGh9gS

She schooled her face into a neutral expression. It was honestly better in the long run for the Princess to transition into ruling while her mother was still...around, rather than taking over when she died and trying to rule while grieving. 

Uranus had to admit how proud she was of Chibiusa for keeping herself together. She had come such a long way since she and Michiru had first met the young child and befriended her. 

"Whatever you need me to do, just ask," she offered. She wasn't sure what she could to do help plan the coronation, but she would do whatever was asked of her. She was determined to make it special for the Princess and to make the transition as easy as possible on both her and the Queen.
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