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 Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th July 2016, 11:39 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 CyUsUgI
Logan was more then a bit stunned when Madison and Avery approached them, asking about the whispering. Before he could even begin to flounder an excuse, Peyton managed to come up with a brilliant one. He immediately hopped on board, making the lie rounder and, hopefully, more believable. 

"I'm sorry you had to bring it out in the open, Peyton. I know how hard it must have been to admit that, Though I'm sorry that it came off as teasing to you. I just wanted to get my facts straight about the horrible accident. l would have never brought it up had I known there were prying eyes."

To add more realism into the mood, Logan turned on them. "You see where eavesdropping and meddling get you? Now he's so shaken, He's needs to calm his nerves! You people make me sick!"

Logan nodded understandably. "Yes, of course I will join you. I've gotten a bit tired of the company here anyways."
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Sailor Zelda
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th July 2016, 3:51 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 LoIX8bV
Finn walked over to Mayor Riley with Pram. Crap, she thought. He had to be talking with someone, and Reese and Deadbee of all people. Well, too late to turn back now.

"Mayor Riley," she asked as politely as she could, "Could Pram and I have a brief word with you?" Glancing at Reese and Deadbee, she added, "Alone?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 5:16 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 Fypu1b5

"Why I was at home asleep of course! I am the morning news anchor and I do start at 5am so I need to get plenty of sleep in order to run the radio show the way I do," she replied, smiling. "Honestly Drew, do calm down dear, it is most unbecoming."
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 8:22 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 QRrj2nF

Well everything had certainly blown up in his face.

Of course it had started with Drew denying everything, and then trying to pin the death of Catherine Curic on him? Titles for news stories raced through his mind as he tried to calm his outrage - there was a lot of things he could do to ruin a reputation. But Drew was a simple boy, one who was trying far too hard to stick his nose into places it most definitely did not belong.

And of course Drew decided that yelling was the best way to go about this whole charade, gathering the attention of the whole room. What a moron of a cousin he was. His yelling brought even more people to the conversation - including Omari Black. Ashton was normally adept at steering a conversation to where he wanted it to go, but his control had been faltering tonight. He blamed the presence of his cousin. He was not used to dealing with such pompous arrogance.

It all slammed to a halt at Reese's words, however. Not the impression he had hoped to make with her tonight, that was for sure. He glared at Deadbee as he and Reese left the little conversation circle, not missing the smirk that had been sent his way.  

At least that left him to deal more properly with the leftover mess.

"I was home, practicing my lines for my new role," Ashton replied to Drew. "The premier is tomorrow night, if you haven't already forgotten."

He turned towards Omari Black then, pondering how best to phrase what he wanted to say. He hadn't expected to run into her here at the party, and a part of him wondered if he should say anything at all. He hadn't wanted to say this with her present, but now was as good a time as any, he supposed.

And when had he ever been the type to stop himself from stirring up trouble?

"I've heard rumors that you had something to do with the murder, Omari. I've actually been helping to collect evidence before the case is brought to the police." He paused, shaking his head in a slow and disappointed manner. "For shame, Omari, killing poor Curic for her job. Surely you must know that I'm going to get that anchor position? I'm already working the midday slot, and I have far more experience than you. It's inevitable, of course."

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 8:43 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 VcRuuk7

Oh, Logan! Not at all surprising to see that curmudgeonly curmudgeon react to their teasing. Still, she did hope that poor Peyton wasn't actually as shaken as Mr. Plum suggested. After all, Avery didn't mean to upset anyone here. She just wanted to have a nice time with everyone else here, even snippity-snappy-pantses like a certain someone with a violet-themed surname.

"Oh, men!" she sighed to Madison as the pair of Pewter and Logan headed outside for that smoke. "So sensitive sometimes..."

Another voice caught her ear, part of the kerfluffle around Omari Black... Avery felt her skin prickle.

"Can you just hear Ashton Jade carrying on?" she continued, directing her attention to the dashing special agent. The blonde swirled her champagne in the flute and tried to maintain the customary bright and chipper tone as she spoke. "He just can't help himself, can he? I can't help feeling it was really him that got me into this situation, although I suppose he didn't realize what he was doing..."

The dramatic sigh was a clear signal for someone else in the conversation to ask "What situation?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 6:12 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 OHO6TfM
A glass or two of alcohol did wonders to calm Freddie's nerves. His nerves weren't rattled by the crowds, because he was rather used to the attention of the public after having been a jockey for several years. No, he was a little on edge, because he was in a crowd of prominent people and there had been recent allegations against his horse published in the local newspapers. It would be rather... difficult to be on the defensive while the horse's owners were here at the masquerade ball. 

So, instead, Freddie held onto his glass and weaved in and out of the crowds. That way, he was most certainly seen, but, if he kept moving, he was less likely to be stopped for a moment of conversation. But, this would only work for so long, because he had to talk with someone at some point during the ball or his actions would only fuel the flames, so to speak. So, who to talk with? 

Freddie scanned the crowds and narrowed it down to a few, logical options: the mayor, Finn Burgundy, or Peyton Pewter.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 8:20 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 DnpwHlm

She didn’t expect another person to be joining them, but suddenly Avery Lemon was there, asking Logan the same question. The girl seemed harmless on the outside, and most of the time not really… all there… but Madison knew better than to write her off.

As Peyton went to explain about his accident and the cover up, she raised an eyebrow, curious as to whether he was telling the whole truth or not. She supposed that was a plausible thing, but maybe also not the whole story. Either way, she put two and two together and filed it for later investigation.

She chuckled over the irony of Logan’s words. Condemning them for meddling in other people’s business when he was clearly taking advantage of Peyton himself? Self-righteous and hypocritical people were truly the lowest of the low.

“Don’t worry, Avery, usually people who blame others for something are guilty themselves…” She turned to the cheerful woman as she spoke about Ashton Jade, deciding to let the men go. Madison turned her attention towards the group that included him, seemingly heated in discussion talking about the murder. Was that all everyone cared about tonight? What was the local police even doing? Clearly not handling this.

She picked up on Avery’s cue and tilted her head like a curious bird. “And what situation is that, Miss Lemon?”
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th July 2016, 5:29 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 VcRuuk7

Avery's bubbly self perked up slightly at the opportunity to share her tale of woe. It was so nice of Madison Scarlet to be such a willing participant of this conversation! The blonde couldn't ever stop herself from feeling a sense of camaraderie towards someone who took genuine interest in what others were saying. Particularly in a now-intimate setting like this one, since Peyton Pewter and Logan Plum had chosen to step away for that mentioned cigarette.

She took a slight shuffle closer to the dark-haired agent, brown eyes wide and expression all smiles.

"Oh, well, it's a little bit of a long story," she chuckled apologetically.

"Sometimes it's so hard, you know—although dearie me I do try not to complain—but it seems like every time I see my doctors there's some other condition with more medication and treatment options. I was getting my prescriptions filled, and the pharmacist was going through how my medications are to be used. Letting me know what to take with food, what to take on an empty stomach, what to take together or not together, what reacts with what—that sort of thing, nothing that new. But they have to do it—they have to tell me (or anyone!) just in case—so I always wait patiently and try to ask any questions if I do have them."

Avery Lemon sighed slightly and tilted her head towards Madison, her wide eyes all concern and confusion.

"There's supposed to be privacy, of course, but the drug store isn't exactly a castle. Usually anyone else in line for the pharmacy or just shopping in the store gives the person at the register some space, tries to distract themselves so they're not overhearing anything personal... but—and maybe I'm just imagining it—by the time I had paid my copays and out-of-pocket fees I nearly bumped into Mr. Jade. He was so incredibly close! And he had his notebook out, absolutely covered in writing."

She sighed again, fingertips touching her chest just below her collarbones, glancing away towards the lights in the building's beautiful ceiling. There was a slight pause—just enough to make Avery's lowered spirits evident, but not enough to interrupt her story.

"I'm sure the two things can't be related, but just the other day I received a letter from the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. They won't be renewing my teaching license without a medical examination. SCUBA TUBA requires that their instructors have current licenses. I'm just so concerned! I love where I work—I adore my job. I don't even know what else I'd do if I couldn't share my love of diving with others! I'm not as young as I used to be, you know."
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th July 2016, 6:46 pm

Quote :
In order to move us into the next round, Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 4039879955  Sailor Uranus Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 4039879955 has painstakingly collected all of the information that was meant to be revealed in Round 1, just in case you didn't get to it. Prepare yourselves, it's a doozy.

Round One Summary:

**This information may be useful to refer to in the coming rounds!**

If you are the victim, my deepest condolences. Please pick up your Victim header below and remember to speak like a spooo0o0o0oky ghooo00o0o0ost for the rest of the game! Please do not become the victim until I make an official announcement regarding the murder.

Victim Header:

Likewise, please do not reveal any post-murder evidence or alibis until the murder is announced!

**This round's actions are due on 8/3.**
Check your inbox for details!
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th July 2016, 7:06 pm

Quote :
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 VKr82gX

Wolfe Indigo found himself becoming more and more interested as the party progressed. He had been quite the wallflower during the whole fête, blending in seamlessly with the staff. As he finally opened his mouth to speak, he locked eyes with his employer, Reese. She sent him a scathing glance and made a sly gesture. He recognized it immediately - it was a sign that he should leave, lest he make her look bad. Gathering his things, he reluctantly exited the party.

This character has been removed from play due to inactivity. This will not affect the story.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th July 2016, 7:46 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 Fypu1b5

"Wouldn't the only way you would be able to help the police was if you were there? Are you admitting that it was you who murdered Curic? For shame Ashton, you really should be more careful with what you say. If you aren't careful, the police will begin looking at you especially if you provide them with good evidence about the murder." she glared at him. Really, the nerve of some people. 

"Now if you are done with the petty accusations, as I do not appreciate you attempting to slander my name in order to secure your spot as the news anchor, I am walking away now so I will be able to continue to enjoy the party." With that she turned and walked away from him, looking for someone else to spend the evening with. Honestly, what was the man thinking? He could very well land himself in jail if he wasn't careful.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 5:36 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 NwhxlDf

As Peyton went outside with Logan Plum, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered him one. After he made sure they were far enough away from everyone, so nobody could hear them he began shouting: "What the heck was that? This was just too close. I even had to give information I otherwise wouldn't really like to give." The Man was really angry and would have loved to strangle Logan, but as he smoked his temper cooled down. "Anyway", he began to whisper, "I make copies of everbody's information when I work on their networks and use this information to blackmail them later." He didn't really know why he was telling Logan all this, but it was probably the alcohol speaking. "The point is I will be able to pay you tomorrow, so be patient until then."
Shortly after he finished his cigarette he turned around to go inside again. "I'll be back inside. I still have some 'business' to attend. If you wanna take a drink with me, just look for me, but don't annoy me with the payment again!"

Inside he looked for Riley White and as he found him, he passed him and said just loud enough that the mayor could hear him "I have some important business to attend with you Mayor. I'll get a drink now. If you know what's good for yourself you'll follow me!" Before he went to the end of the room and picked up a glass of champagne.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 6:32 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 QRrj2nF

Ashton wasn't surprised by Omari's quick departure. Of course she would try and turn the tables on him. That was entirely expected.

Now he was only left with one audience member - his dear cousin.

It seemed appropriate to bring up another topic of conversation, one he had been itching to discuss ever since laying eyes upon Drew at this party. He wouldn't let Drew get away with what he had done, but he wasn't above gloating about it. Just a little.

"You know..." Ashton began, moving a step closer to the other man. "I had a blood sample taken from Great Grandpapa and I've sent it to the FBI for testing. I'm expecting the results tomorrow. And hm, wouldn't you know? I found an incredibly peculiar stash of nightshade in your BMW the other day. So strange an item to keep in your car."

Ashton paused and shifted his position, a smile on his lips. "I do hope you enjoy the color orange, cousin."

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 8:23 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 GYXFxkK
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 7QYWzqo

Pleased at finally delivering his message to Reese, Riley White was now sipping a glass of champagne, more confident than he had felt before tonight. His moment was interrupted by Peyton Pewter, to his irritation. What made him think he could talk to the mayor like that? In any other situation, Riley might have ignored the thinly veiled threat, but he decided to go with it. Maybe Pewter would say something vaguely interesting. What could possibly go wrong?

He got out of his chair and trailed Peyton over to the drinks, mildly interested in what he had to say.

"Alright, what's your "business" with me?" he asked, taking another sip.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st August 2016, 11:19 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 CyUsUgI
"I suppose it was too close, wasn't it?" Logan looked up into the night sky, satisfied with the evenings unexpected encounter with Pewter and reviewing the gossip he'd heard. Logan's eyes widened in surprise with the revelation of blackmailing on Pewters part. Did he really? Guess he and Pewter weren't so different after all.

"Kinda scary, hearing the talk about the mayor being part of the mob. Presumably, I mean." He shuddered, was it perhaps the night air that made him do that? "Out of all the stuff I've heard tonight, it's that that has me shaken. God hope it isn't true. Bad things might be headed our way if he is."

After Pewter dismissed himself, Logan followed. He was playing the part of the concerned friend after all. Wouldn't want to let up the alibi. When he returned, he found Ashton and Omari arguing, and noticed that Pewter was having a discussion with the mayor. While it was a relief to see that Ashton was occupied, he couldn't help but feel his heart drop into his stomach when he saw Pewter with the mayor-at least for a second, anyways. Was the man not even remotely concerned about the rumor? At all? Perhaps Pewter was more of a fool then he thought-and considering that he himself was keeping information for blackmail while getting his OWN information caught up in Logan's blackmail scheme, it wasn't saying much.

Pewter did have one good idea though-and that idea was refraining from talking about their little "deal." Still slightly chilled, Logan walked to the fireplace to warm himself-and somehow managed to be in the company of both Reese and Deadbee.

"Evening." He nodded a greeting and rubbed his hands together.

"I've heard you've got quite the bit of money, Madam, as well as quite the accusatory finger." For some reason, Logan was feeling oddly talkative. Perhaps the talk of the payment got him in a good mood? "It's been a rumor for as long as I can remember. How many people have you sued over frivolous things? You've got all the money a girl could want, what could be the purpose in that?"

"It's not like you had anything genuine to sue about." He mumbled, gazing at the ticket. "Unlike myself. I know that Ashton Jade sent me this invite-and I know his intentions are anything but good. He's planning on blackmailing me. On what, I have a hunch-but it's horrid that he'd even sink that low."

As Logan continued to rub his hands, the invitation fell out of his pocket and onto the floor. He scoffed and picked it up; continuing his thought processes.

"I know exactly what information it would be, too." He mumbled sadly, as he crumpled the ticket in his fist and shoved it back into his coat. "And since he's brought me here, there's no use in hiding it. I've got a social disorder, and I'll admit I've planted a few cameras in some of the walls of my clients when I was doing various electrical fixings. Nowhere super personal, mind you-no bathrooms or anything like that. It's just-" He averted his gaze from the two and stared into the fire. "Just watching normal everyday activities of the families and their loved ones. It makes me feel....less lonely. Like I have friends to call my own. I know it's horrible, but my job-the cameras-it's all I've got."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd August 2016, 2:20 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 NwhxlDf

It didn't take very long for Riley White to follow Peyton. He could read on his face that he was still confident about everything. Of course he was, he didn't know what the man was about to tell him. "What a pleasure to meet you, Mr. White", he opened, "I gathered some information which proof that you are involved in some very dark secrets. It would be a shame if somebody else got information about them... for example the governor." Peyton began smirking. "I want 1000 USD every Monday, or else I will tell the governor everything. All the little dirty secrets you want to stay hidden. Everything that is going on in Bloodworth Falls."
Peyton emptied his glass of champagne and looked around the room. Beside the fireplace he could spot Logan, Reese and Deadbee. "If you excuse me now, I have better company to attend. I'll be awaiting your first payment next monday."

He picked up 2 more glasses of champagne and made his way over to the fireplace, where he offered Logan the one of them.
"There you are Logan, I was looking for you but got into a conversation with the mayor.", he obviously lied, "And Ms. Cerulean and Mr. Cyan: What a pleasure to meet you!"
With the alcohol level in his blood constantly rising, blackmailing the mayor wasn't enough for him. He didn't care anymore if what he did was reckless, or if he get himself killed. He was on the peak of his confidence and the appointment he had with Reese Cerulean gave him a good oppertunity to talk to her.
"Ms. Cerulean? Can I speak you in private? I have some very very important things I want to talk with you about concerning my appointment with you tommorow."
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd August 2016, 9:43 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 MDPF2R0

Drew's breath caught in his throat and he raised his chin, ready to argue, when suddenly the facade dropped like a weight from his shoulders.

"Alright Ashton. Alright," Hissed Drew through clenched teeth, "I'll admit it. I killed him - but it's not what you think! He was old, fragile, senile. He'd half lost his mind and he was 95! I thought it the better thing to let him die with some dignity. So yes, I put nightshade in his soup. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I believe in assisted suicide but I swear, I didn't force him to change his will."

Drew's lip quivered, and he made a pathetic and limpid punch at the air. "God, probably the whole town will know now. I've heard that Logan Plum installs spyware in his clients walls. If the lout services this place, I'll be hanged by morning."

The statement was true, but he doubted the diversion would help his case. His arms hung limply at his sides, and he bowed his head, eyes tearing.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 4:13 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 3n6rfpX

Pram Walked with Finn over to the Mayor and they tried to speak to him but were rudely ignored. "Can you believe that, Finn? He just went and ignored us...must be the drinks..he likes to drink a bunch right? Well..should we go and talk to him again or what do you propose?" Pram looked over towards the Mayors location and now saw him speaking to Mr. Pewter apparently.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 4:58 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 LoIX8bV
"Agreed," Finn said. "That was quite rude. I suppose it doesn't matter much now."
Suddenly, something came over Finn. She wasn't sure why, but she felt like being honest with Pram about something. However much Finn would rather be with someone else, Pram was better than most here, and she might as well tell her something that's been weighing on her a while.
"Pram," she whispered, closing her eyes in embarresment "I don't know if you know this but... I've been accepting bribes for leading roles in our plays. Please don't tell anyone." She added hastily. She half opened her eyes, looking at Pram for a response.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 6:02 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 RREVjf0

She smiled at Mr. Cyan's complement, the flames of the fire reflecting in her eyes. "I try, darling. I try." Unfortunately, she wasn't able to enjoy the company of her newfound companion for very long when that socially inept new-wit, Logan, had dared to come to her and began throwing accusations about her past.

"I see you've dared to come crawling out of that cave you dare to call a home Logan." Reese sneered, as she whipped out the mirror in her clutch bag and began checking her make-up nonchalantly. "Where my money comes from and how I supposedly acquired is none of your business. It would wise if you didn't listen to rumors dear. According to half the town my money comes from a money tree growing in my back yard!" Reese replied with a snort. Logan unfortunately continued to mumble to himself instead of vanishing entirely like she desired so she simply listen as she sipped on her drink. Unfortunately, what she heard was not very pleasant.

Logan was spying on people? The fact that he had admitted it so freely only reaffirming how much of creep he already was...while also giving her an opportunity to use that to her advantage. "D-Do you hear this Deadbug?" She asked, turning towards the blonde with a terrified expression. "This man just admitted to spying on his customers. A-And to think that I've let you work in my estate! You can trust that I'll be calling the police tomorrow morning and if they discover that you've been spying on me, expect one hell of a lawsuit coming Logan!"

Faceclaim, dress etc.:
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th August 2016, 5:16 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 DnpwHlm

She had listened to Avery’s story, putting the clues together, rather not surprised that the girl was apparently relying a lot on drugs. No one was that chipper all that time. It just wasn’t natural.

She nodded and made sounds that were appropriate at various points of the conversation to show that she was still engaged in the conversation, though she was certainly making notes of everything she heard.

Right, she was sure those two things weren’t related. That was exactly why she was relaying this story to Madison now.

“So you think Ashton Jade might have sabotaged your job,” she concluded what Avery was probably too polite to state matter-of-factly. “Well, Miss Lemon, my suggestion is if you believed there was foul play, you should either confront Mr. Jade about it, or try to look for evidence to report him to the authorities. I’m not sure what motive he would have against you or why he’d care about your job, but you can’t just let this slide, can you? As you say, it is your livelihood.”
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th August 2016, 5:35 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 VcRuuk7

At this point in the evening, Avery's inhibitions were significantly loosened. This didn't change her sunny demeanor—unlike some of the others in this town, she was generally filled with positive feelings. Well, at least that's what she was like as long as her varied medical conditions were sufficiently taken care of. The shadow of her miserable teenage and early-twenties years never truly left her, but it made her all the more thankful for the happiness she could now experience and enjoy after taking charge of her own health and treatment.

Madison's suggestion of sabotage was just enough to tip Avery Lemon's sense of injustice towards Ashton over the brink. She could feel the lump in her throat, soon to become a full on flood of tears.

How could he? Sure, he wanted to advance his own career, but did he have to ruin other people's lives in the process? Lives like hers!? All she wanted was to share her love of scuba with others. She always did her best to help everyone else.

Avery sniffled slightly, shoving her empty champagne glass into the hands of a passing waiter, and put on a smile for Madison.

"I... that sounds like... Yes," she struggled, trying to cover her wavering emotion. "T-thanks... I'll do that."

And then she hurried off, looking for Ashton. She didn't seem to realize that the scene she would be approaching was one of extreme tension; Avery was too busy trying to blink back the tears from her eyes. She wanted to say something to him! She wanted him to know that she was tired of being treated like this and that he had crossed a line! There was Ashton Jade—he was over there with Drew and both men looked very tense... Avery Lemon didn't really want an audience... but if those two weren't going to separate, she wasn't going to back down and lose her nerve!

"A-ashton," she asked as she approached, visibly flushed and teary-eyed. "I need to talk to you."
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th August 2016, 12:20 pm

Quote :
This round has been extended to 8/10 by popular request. Enjoy your blackmailing, everyone!
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd September 2016, 9:29 pm

Quote :
Due to low activity this month as well as some personal business on my end, this RP will be postponed until October. All participants will receive a PM at that time. If you are not active/do not reply in the specified time frame, your role may be reassigned to new and active players. See you all in October and thank you for your patience!

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st November 2016, 1:11 pm

Round 3: Whodunnit?

Characters In Play

  1. Sailor Uranus - Deadbee Cyan
  2. Sailor Jupiter - Drew Golden
  3. Cosmos-hime - Logan Plum 
  4. Sailor Mars - Reese Cerulean
  5. CrystalBunny - Omari Black
  6. Sailor Neptune - Madison Scarlet
  7. Sailor Zelda - Finn Burgundy
  8. Dark Sportsnutd - Pram Peach 
  9. Kai - Peyton Pewter 
  10. Sailor Saturn - Ashton Jade
  11. Sailor Mercury - Avery Lemon

Quote :
Mayor Riley White wasn't really listening to this conversation. Instead, his eyes scanned the room. His guests appeared to be enjoying themselves, but he, on the whole, was not. They were all just ants to him. People to extort or control or do away with, and they were boring. With a yawn, he bid his guests goodnight, and retired to his bedchamber. Mayor Riley White has left the game - he cannot have been the murderer since he left before the murder was committed.

A sharp cry rang out... the kind that sends shivers down the spine. "Help! Someone! Help! My god, i-it's him!" came the urgent shriek from the hallway. Heads turned toward the ballroom door. Standing just outside the open bathroom was a pale-faced Finn Burgundy, her red dress echoing the growing puddle of blood seeping through the doorframe. Inside, Ashton Jade lay face down, a knife plunged deeply into his back.

Ashton Jade is dead.

With surprisingly alacrity, Mayor Riley White's mysteriously adept staff had performed a forensic investigation... and locked the exit doors. Perhaps they were used to this sort of thing. Regardless, it seemed no one would be leaving until a culprit was named...
Note: Mayor Riley White's staff are not considered characters - they cannot have done the murder Wink

Note: Everyone has a full view of the bathroom hallway from the ballroom, but not the interior of the bathroom itself. You can see the blood puddle inching it's way across the hall toward Finn Burgundy, but cannot see the body unless you are standing in the hall in front of the bathroom door.

Forensic Report:
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 RAInpR3

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 22nd November 2016, 10:22 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st November 2016, 2:19 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 6BkNfKw

With a jolt, Ashton woke up. Well. Sort of.

He shook his head, and blinked at the strange veil of color that coated everything. Everything looked greyer. He hated grey. It was probably the terrible lighting in this place. Surely the owner could have splurged for the best sort of lighting.

With frown of indignation, Ashton realized that it had been a scream that had woken him up. What kind of uncouth person would scream bloody murder like that? Surely someone just wanted attention. Typical.

Ashton couldn't quite remember why he had gone into this bathroom. He remember clearly arguing with his oh-so-dear cousin, so he had most likely wanted a way out of that particular conversation. Even five minutes spent in the company of Drew Golden was far too long for any sane person to handle.

Frown deepening, Ashton floated foward, intending to make his way rather grandly back into the party.

Wait. Floated?

It was only then that he noticed himself lying upon the floor, a pool of blood encircling him like a frame, and the glint of a knife catching in the strange grey light.

If he had been alive, he might have fainted. Or gasped, at the very least.

As it was, ghosts had no need for breath.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime22nd November 2016, 5:28 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 VcRuuk7

Avery had been in fits of hysterics every since it became clear that something had happened. The alcohol she had imbibed earlier jarred with the effectiveness of her mood-stabilizing medications; given the way the atmosphere of the party had turned, it was no surprise that the chipper scuba instructor was taking it poorly. She may have been angry at Ashton, but Avery certainly hadn't wanted the young man dead. Less "trying to ruin her career and livelihood", of course—but who wouldn't feel that way? She hadn't even managed to actually confront Ashton, although she had certainly tried.

She hadn't seen the body; although she rushed into the hallway with the others, the sight of the blood pooling slowly on the floor sent Ms. Lemon over the edge.

She kept repeating the same words over and over, her panicked and shrill voice far removed from the usual lilting exuberance: "Oh my god! What happened? Oh my god! Is he dead? Is he dead? Is he? Is he really dead? Oh my god!"
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Sailor Zelda
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime22nd November 2016, 1:07 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 LoIX8bV
Finn stepped back slowly, eyes wide. Ashton... Dead... How?
She hadn't bad the greatest relationship with him, but she wouldn't wish this kind of death on anyone. And... Crap, who was gonna be the lead in The Mystical Flea? 
"H-he was just lying here when I went in." She stammered. "I-I don't do this, I swear it!"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime22nd November 2016, 2:37 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 3n6rfpX

Pram had been walking around when it happened and she was scared, "How w did this happen? Ashton is dead??" She looked around at the others and yes she had her grips with him but she didn't kill him. "Don't look at me..I didn't do it..." She might be a tiny bit happy about it but she didn't wanna be around when she found out who did it..she didn't wanna die too..but the thing she wondered was..who did do it?
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Sailor Jupiter
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 8:49 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] - Page 3 MDPF2R0

Drew slunk down into the nearest armchair, his face turning the color of spoiled milk. "Oh..." he murmured.

While it was true that cousin Ashton was a perpetual thorn in his side, he never, not in a million years, would've killed him - though, now that he thought about it, he'd ruefully imagined Ashton dead plenty of times. The reality of it was far more jarring. And... hadn't he just drawn the attention of the room by yelling at the now-very-dead Ashton? Hadn't he just admitted through clenched teeth that he had murdered someone else? Who else had heard his whispered confession? Grandpapa's assisted suicide didn't sound like such a good defense in light of current events. For god sakes, his fingerprint had even been discovered on the murder weapon!

A cold sweat broke out on Drew's brow. He slumped deeper into the chair. Things, as usual, did not look good for Drew Golden.
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