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 Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]

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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime15th July 2016, 11:17 pm

Quote :

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Ravenw10
Bloodworth Falls is an isolated town full of scandal, blackmail and deceit. Nobody in town can seem
to get along, and the local government has hidden motives for the dreadful decisions they make. The
mayor is hosting a mysterious masquerade ball in the old Ravenwood Castle, and the tickets to the
event sold out in hours. The townspeople are curious to find out why the mayor would put effort into
doing something positive in this town of gloom, but are all eagerly hunting for the perfect mask,
nonetheless. You are worried what will happen this night when such toxic people gather at the
Castle. You are also very concerned, as you didn't purchase your ticket; it was placed in your
mailbox in an unmarked envelope. Somebody wants you there, but you don't know why. This is
where your story begins.

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 4039879955 Welcome to the Galaxy Cauldron's 5th Anniversary Roleplay Murder Mystery Game: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball, brought to you by  Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 1333987389 Sailor Jupiter and

In this game you will be taking on the role of a member of the Bloodworth Falls community and attend the Masquerade Ball at the Ravenwood Castle; as the title of this game suggests, at some point one random player will be murdered, and it will be up to the party guests to figure out who did it, and why. Throughout the game, some players will receive clues and hints via PM to help them figure out just what went on here, and help solve this case before it's too late!


  1. The Galaxy Cauldron Roleplaying Rules are in Effect - Be familiar with general rules, especially so far as powerplaying, godmodding, and metagaming are concerned. 
  2. Activity Rule: Players MUST be active in this game! Each player gets their own set of clues and hints and evidence and if you sign up and don't participate, you screw everyone else over. Don't sign up if you can't dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to play!

Additional Notes

  • At this point even Jupiter and I don't know who the victim and culprit will be - it's all hidden in the cards that we haven't read, so please don't get mad if it randomly turns out to be you XD When the victim dies, they are not out of the game. They can still play - they just have to speak like a ghoooost
  • Communication between characters is a primary factor in gameplay. That's right, prepare to gossip in character to keep ahead of the curve in this one

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 5fff7763d571312e-NEWSTEX

Helpful Hints on How to Play a Mystery Party wrote:
You’ve been assigned a character and you’ve come to the party dressed in the most awesome costume and have been told to play your role. Now what?

The mystery is separated into three main rounds of party play. During the party, you will receive an envelope that contains the clues necessary for your character for the round. The clues for the characters at the party provide everything that you need to solve the mystery. However, during the investigation segment of the game, you will need to ask the right questions and pay close attention to everyone’s clues to get the whole picture of what has happened.

In each of your clue cards, there will be some information that you can reveal in casual conversation with other guests. It is just like real life! You can elect to have some of those clues as information that you should be ‘asked’ by other guests in order to reveal. You can hide the truth but do not lie and make up clues. This could alter the mystery for the other guests. Some of the information in your clue cards might be for actions to perform during certain rounds or it might give you personal information to explain to you how your character feels about certain issues involving other characters or situations. This personal information is given to you to enable you to act as the real character. As in real life, each character should know a little more about their character above the rest of the group. Therefore, these types of clues do not need to be revealed to the other guests - unless you want to tell your secrets! Don’t worry, others will figure your secrets out on their own in later rounds if it is vital to the mystery.

Just as with any normal dinner party, most of the party play will involve mingling with the other characters and finding out about each other's characters and the clues you all have received. As the game progresses, you should have quite a bit of information to filter through to figure out the motive and whodunit! Read your clue cards thoroughly and take your time discussing issues with other guests. Make sure you speak to all guests in each round. Any guests that you feel might be hiding something - make sure to ask him or her loads of questions! You will be asked to submit a guess of ‘whodunit’ and why they did it at the end of round two. Watch out...YOU could even be the murderer and won’t know it until the end. Therefore, if you feel you are the guilty party by the end of Round Two – by all means, accuse yourself!

From this point forward, you are to remain in character until the mystery is solved. If you are playing a ‘hypocritical police officer,’ then that is who you are until the end! Undoubtedly, your host cast you into a character that you are comfortable playing. Some characters are designed to be played more reserved than other characters. Feel free to play your role in any manner that you feel comfortable. Embellish your character’s personality if you would like. However, if you are feeling more reserved tonight, you can opt to allow the other guests to approach you or you can simply listen in on others’ conversations to get your information.

Quick Player Reference 
Sailor Uranus -- Deadbee Cyan
Sailor Jupiter -- Drew Golden
Cosmos-hime -- Logan Plum
Sailor Mars -- Reese Cerulean
Addelyn -- Omari Black
Sailor Mercury -- Madison Scarlet
Sailor Zelda -- Finn Burgundy
Sailor Pluto -- Wolfe Indigo
JupiterThunderCrash -- Riley White
Sportsnutd -- Pram Peach
Kaoli -- Peyton Pewter
Sailor Saturn -- Ashton Jade
Aurae -- Avery Lemon
Eternal Knight -- Gary Gray
Luna -- Freddie Fuchsia

Sign Up Thread

Quote :
Current Goals

**Complete these tasks by 7/27**

You have all received instructions in your inbox. These tasks will take time to complete, therefore, this will be the longest round. You should plan to post at least once a day in order to keep up. You may use any means to avoid questions, interrogations, and insinuations, but you CANNOT make up extra clues! Just stick to the facts on your Round 1 card.

1. Reveal your clues as you get acquainted with the other guests.
2. Conceal your secrets - by any means necessary.
3. (optional) Gossip! Share what you've learned with others... or not.

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 24th July 2016, 11:47 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 9:31 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Zmg71SK
The limo approached Ravenwood Castle and Deadbee adjusted his cufflinks, his head still bobbing in time to the beat of the music. It was a great mix - still needed some tweaking here and there, but a few more hours in the studio and a dance party or two would bang it out into perfection. He glanced up and half-smiled at catching his driver getting into the rhythm of the song - this one would be good. Maybe even Lucky good. He took a long sip of water before placing the glass bottle into one of the cup holders, the car coming to a stop in the circular drive, right in front of the Castle doors. He looked out through the windows, up at the old, almost creepy exterior of the place, ideas coming to mind for his next rave.

The door opened for him and he stepped out, his music washing over the entrance for the brief moment before the door closed behind him, pulled his jacket down into place, and strode purposefully into the Castle, his four friends fanning out on either side of him as the door to the main hall opened before them. He handed his invitation to Stevie, who handed it to Billy, who handed it to a waiting man in uniform - or, he supposed he did, anyway - and took a flute of champagne from a waiter before turning around and looking for a certain someone who was rumored to be invited, as well. 

Deadbee Cyan Information, Faceclaim/Outfit/Mask and Entourage:
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Sailor Neptune
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 10:34 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] DnpwHlm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] MW6uhZv

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] M1c0y00
Madison did not like it when someone told her to be somewhere without letting her know who they were. In her line of work, this usually led to a trap or some kind of bad news. She had considered not going at least a dozen times, but in the end, her curiosity won her over. The masquerade ball itself was certainly an event to investigate—something she meant to attend anyway, before the ticket arrived sooner than she could attempt to purchase one. If someone wanted her to be there that badly… perhaps she should at least indulge them. Perhaps it was just a secret admirer who desperately wanted to see her, like the one whose message she had received prior to arrival. She had winced at the content of it, but felt a fond affection toward its recipient as one might feel toward a beloved pet anyway. Either way, if something sinister was about to go down at the ball, she felt it was her duty to at least be there.

As her car pulled up in front of the Ravenwood Castle, she opened the door, stepped out carefully on her heels, and eyed the building critically. Her mind was already noting all the possible exits and entrances as she fastened her mask and walked swiftly toward the main gate, showing her invitation to the man by the door. Once he nodded his approval, she stepped inside, her scarlet dress swishing along with her careful movements as she immediately went to memorize the lay of the land.
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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 11:23 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] GYXFxkK

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 7QYWzqo

Riley loved a good party, especially the ones that he threw. They were always a great opportunity for meeting people. Important people. Important people who then got everyone else in town to vote for their beloved Mayor, of course. And Riley White was the kind of guy who did his best for Bloodworth Falls. He cared for his constituents. Sure, he sometimes did some backroom deals from time to time to keep things running smoothly, but it was all for the greater good. Everyone knew that politics was a dirty field anyway.

Tonight, he wore a well ironed suit and a simple ivory colored mask to hide the top half of his face. And to add a little flair, he had found an old white cape to hang off his shoulders. He looked very impressive in his secretary's opinion, and now that guests were beginning to arrive, it was time to make his own entrance.

Riley waited by the old castle's entrance hall, ready to warmly greet and shake the hands of the influential few who would be here tonight.
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Sailor Zelda
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 11:33 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] LoIX8bV

She hoped she wasn't too early. Whenever you arrived before everyone else, it was always somewhat awkward. Fortunately for Finn, there was already a few people here. Perfect timing.
She pulled up and climbed out of her car, smoothing her dress and straightening her hair and mask. Part of her was wondering why the mayor would bother to throw a party like this. What was the point? But her other half said to just enjoy herself and not question the political workings of Bloodworth Falls... Even though almost everything done had an ulterior motive behind it. And any chance to socialize was a good one to her. There was almost no opportunities like this for her. Ultimately, that half won out, and Finn squared her shoulders and walked toward the door.

Tonight was gonna be fun.

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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 2:46 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] RREVjf0

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] BfBRX3r

   Applying one last coat of lipstick on, Reese carefully inspected her face for any imperfections in her makeup while her assistant, Chloe, proceeded to spray her down with her favorite perfume for the third and final time. The perfume had been exported from some country she hadn't deemed important enough to remember as the scent was all that truly mattered to her. The fragrance consisted of vanilla, sandalwood, and other subtly sweet aromas that she couldn't quite recall the names of yet it didn't manage to keep her from appreciating it any less. For Reese every aspect of her appearance was important to her and if it meant importing one of the most expensive brands of perfumes on the market then so be it. Her mother had always said that a woman's greatest asset was her beauty, a mentality Reese had disagreed with entirely. A woman's greatest asset was her beauty and her money. Whenever she arrived somewhere, no matter how big or small the event, Reese always was guaranteed to talk, look, and smell like money. There was even a silly little rumor around town about how she supposedly had grown a money tree out on her estate which explained her seemingly limitless supply of wealth. Oh how she wished that was true!

   As her limo began to slow to a stop, Reese waved Chloe away before carefully placing on her mask for the evening, putting the finishing touch on her attire for the evening. As her driver opened the door for her, she accepted his hand and stepped out, adjusting her fur shawl as she examined the grand castle before her. It was as equally impressive as it was eerie. She had no idea why that bumbling fool that dared to call himself a mayor would choose here of all places to hold a ball. The location made her grateful that she had been gifted a ticket and considering the amount of money she had poured into this town over the years, a free ticket to a ball was at the bottom of quite a long list of things owed to her. Her crystal embellished dress sparkled in the night light giving her bronze skin a radiant glow as she made her way towards the entrance. Choosing to let her assistant show her invitation to the attendant at the door, Reese had to resist rolling her eyes at having to even confirm that she received one in the first place. Once cleared, she tasked Chloe with the sole job of staying out of her way unless needed and entered the castle.

  While she eyed her surroundings, Reese quickly noticed that a few other guest had already arrived much to her amusement. Good. She thought. It was time for her to mingle.

Reese's "I'm richer than all of you" attire:
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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime16th July 2016, 9:17 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 3n6rfpX

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Mbs6XyV

what she's wearing and mask::

Pram had started getting ready for the party a few hours early but by the time she was ready..she looked great..well at least to her she did. She had put on one of her creations and hoped that at this party she could talk to a few people and maybe get her stuff seen more. She got into her car, invite in the passenger seat next to her mask for the night. She drove up and parked, got out facing away from the entrance and put her mask on and grabbed her invite. She walked up seeing others that either had just arrived or had been there for  bit. She handed over her invite and walked in. She wasn't going to try to let her frustrations keep her from having a good time.
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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime17th July 2016, 5:39 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] NwhxlDf

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] LiJSGhg

The thought of attending the party tonight put Peyton Pewter in great discomfort. He knew this town well enough to know that such events never were the kind of events where friends gather around and have a nice time - No it was that kind where people who are unable to get along forgathered and tried to be nice to each other while showing what they've got.

As the limo's door was opened for him, Peyton was able to see the whole front of the eerie old castle where tonights party was held. The discomfort he felt since he got that invitation to this party was at it's peak. But there was no turning back for him now and he knew that. He put on his mask and stepped out of the limo.
He swallowed his doubts and without hesitation he walked towards the front door while straightening the jacket of his dark blue tuxedo. He couldn't afford any sign of weakness now, since he had no intention to get eaten by the crowd of wolves waiting inside. Blending in with the other depraved residents of Bloodworth Falls was his key to success. He did this ever since he founded his company and he wouldn't stop now.

Peyton handed over his invitation with a confident smile on his face and headed into the creepy old castle. As he stepped into the entrance hall, he noticed that there are already some guests who have arrived before him. Even though he knew that this night wouldn't be fun for him, he was eager to find out who wanted him to be here.

Last edited by Kaioli on 23rd July 2016, 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime17th July 2016, 5:42 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Fypu1b5

Arriving at the ball, it took of her impressive control not to sneer. Why was she expected to attend this parties? Still, as much as she hated them, she knew that it would be an opportune time to gain more influence in the town. Most important people in the town attended these kind of parties and she needed to keep a few of them under her thumb, which meant putting in an influence. 

She knew she looked fabulous in her little black dress paired with the mask she had carefully chosen for this evenings festivities. She was dressed to impress and anyone who took a look at her would know it.
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Professor Tomoe
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 6:55 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] VcRuuk7

Avery Lemon:

Avery giggled as she accepted yet another glass of champagne from one of the extremely gracious servers. "Thanks! You seem to keep coming my way with these!" she teased. A second look at the other young woman's green eyes brought another smile to the joyous woman's face. "Ohhh, wait, I know you!" she beamed. "Liza, right? I gave you lessons last summer! How's it going? Weren't you going on a trip to somewhere warm and tropical? I hope you used your new skills!" The blonde woman was almost more bubbly than the champagne in her glass.

They only had time for a few minutes of small talk—after all, she didn't want to be impolite or get the other woman in trouble for loitering on the job. Still, even a mask wasn't enough to hid Avery's particular blend of enthusiasm. She wore a golden mask only for the sake of the party's theme, not because she wanted to hide herself. On that note, she wanted to mingle!

Dark brown eyes searched the room, looking for body language that might hint at someone longing for conversation. There was no way Avery could attend a party—especially not a party like this one—and play the wallflower all night!

Last edited by Aurae on 18th July 2016, 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added RP header! ♥)
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Sailor Jupiter
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 12:06 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] MDPF2R0

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] QSqznGh

Faceclaim, appearance and mask:

Drew bounced along gently as the horses clopped to a halt. Renting a carriage had cost him nearly every cent he had, but appearances were everything when you were an actor for hire; doubly so when that damnable villain Finn Burgundy was rumored to be sniffing about... The thought of that upstaging braggart brought Drew into a rage so palpable that it took him several long seconds to regain his composure. Violent delights have violent ends, he chided himself, We must learn to control our temper someday. Perhaps right after we snap Burgundy's neck.

Dressed in a smart, tweed ensemble, he neatly arranged his bow-tie and exited the coach.

Creaky old place, isn't it? he thought, ascending the stairs two at a time, You'd think the mayor would have chosen a venue with a little more... je ne sais quoi. But, ah well, the rich can't be trusted to have true taste.

No, for Mr. Golden that honor lay entirely with the people of his realm. The acrobats. The magicians. The Shakespearean actors. The opera singers. Those creative and superfluous types who knew true struggle and true strife were, for him, the only real judges of such an ephemeral thing as beauty. And who knew such adversity better than a lowly and overlooked stage hand such as he? In his opinion, a silver spoon didn't allow the soul nearly enough room to dine on the deliciousness of tragedy.

Almost giddy with excitement, he flashed his ticket to the party's warden, and gave his hair one final backward stroke. Every strand was in place. His mask was on. The stage was set. He features glowed with the likeness of Puck; mischievous, dazzling, and ignorant of wrongs, he strode confidently inside.
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Lotus Crystal


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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 7:45 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] OHO6TfM

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] R7DhwFo

Although this was not his typical choice of venue, it was expected for such a prominent athlete to be present at such an event. Especially when the horse he rode, Dark Sail, was partially owned by the host. Yes, the expectations had been made perfectly clear to Freddie. He sighed openly as he secured his mask onto his face. Time to put on the facade that the press, the public, and his horse's owners demanded. Yeah, it was all pretty tiring, but at least the pay was good. 

Well, he couldn't put off the fanfare much longer. He had always preferred the hustle and bustle of the stables, but a masquerade ball seemed... so much more frivolous and pandering. Freddie tilted his head back and straightened his shoulders before approaching the front door and crossing the threshold.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 10:25 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] CyUsUgIMurder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] IueUe40

Logan Plum walked up the driveway. He shuddered at the thought of the crowd; he could see through the brightly lit windows that there were already plenty visitors present. Oh, how he wished he hadn't gotten that invitation! He had had a whole day planned-dinner at six, television at seven, and then an evening with the books in his study with nothing but his plants and cat to keep him company. He always loved plants; they never were ones for petty conversation or arguments. All you had to do was water them and keep them in sunlight to keep them satisfied. And his cat was also fine company, always responded to his voice with soft purrs no matter what he was talking about.

Logan sighed deeply, suppressing a headache with his left palm and double checking the invitation in the other. Perhaps there was a mistake? Logan knew the answer; as he had already checked the invite for errors multiple times beforehand. He glanced at it again, as though a magical typo or change of address would appear last second to save him from this.

Naturally, it did not.

Swearing, he thrust the crumpled paper back into his pocket. If it had been an invite to any other party, he'd just use it for kindling like he did the rest. But this was Ravenwood Castle! The parties were as rich as the buildings history, and guests were always sparcly selected. If he declined, no doubt word would get out that Logan Plum was the imbecile that discarded what many would kill to obtain-and that would cause far more trouble for him then it was worth.

With a curse under his breath, he entered through the doors while adjusting his suit one final time, and making sure the nose of his mask didn't get caught.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime19th July 2016, 1:30 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] GS9kIFQ
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] DR4lySa

He walked to the building, his invitation carefully folded in his pocket, his eyes observing the guests' cars, but also the 'castle' they would all gather to. He wasn't exactly sure what to do of it all, if it was going to be exciting, if it was to be interesting or if he was walking toward the most boring night of all time.

He generally preferred to stay back at the garage and fix his things, far from whatever stupidity a gathering could include, but the invitation was for him and despite the surprise, a small respite wouldn't hurt.

He hadn't really come with something complicated, more into what cost less than what was flashy, but it was just enough not to be out of place in a venue such as this one. He checked himself one last time to be sure nothing had been too crumpled by the driving, then entered with some other guests, curious as to what had been prepared for this night.

Face, Tux, Mask:
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime19th July 2016, 1:04 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] QRrj2nF
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Vu7aGPE

Ashton leaned back in the cab, looking through the window as Ravenwood Castle came into view. It was suitably impressive, though instead of taking in the granduer, his eyes searched for anything that looked amiss or perhaps rundown in any way. He could see the headline now: "Mayor Invites Entire Town To Dangerous and Decrepit Building".

Yeah, that sounded good. He liked it. Unfortunately, he was unable to tell if there were any loose shingles or off-center bricks. But he kept the idea in the back of his mind, just in case he needed a quick story to work with in the future.

He planned to find far juicier stories within the party itself, anyway. Sure, townspeople being invited into a crumbling castle could get attention, but scandals about the weathy and powerful were always top tier. Topics like that would get his stories talked about for days.

The cab came to a stop, and Ashton paid the driver - tipping well - before getting out of the vehicle. A cab was perhaps not the most luxurious modes of transportation, but he liked the idea of presenting himself as being of a more humble sort.

He glanced down at the invitation in his hand, wondering who had sent it so mysteriously to his house. He would have initially thought that the sender would be someone who wanted to get in his good graces, someone who perhaps wanted a story done that would shine a good light on them. But it had been sent anonymously. Very curious. Maybe someone who wanted to use it against him at a later date?

Well, he would figure it out, eventually.

Ashton adjusted his mask and approached the entrance, handing the ticket to the doorman, and then entered the building.

He was quite curious as to what he would find inside.

Faceclaim and Mask <3:
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime19th July 2016, 10:40 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] VKr82gX
Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 2uuvX1o
Parties were not typically Wolfe Indigo's cup of tea, but it wasn't every day he received a free invitation from the mayor himself. Dressed in a neatly pressed, crisp butler uniform, he was the last to arrive. He was surprised by those he saw at the party, recognizing most of them, and wondering why they were all invited.

He searched out his employer, Miss Cerulean, and made sure to keep her in his eyesight at all times. He would be avoiding her tonight. It would not do to have her ordering him around at a party such as this.
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime20th July 2016, 12:33 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] VcRuuk7

Avery glanced around the room as the guests continued to arrive. This party was really starting to get going! Her bright eyes looked over the beautiful masks and perfect attire. In general, Avery loved excuses to be social and knew she could enjoy a conversation with anyone present. Still, there was one particular sourpuss sourpatch that she was actually hoping to talk to: Logan Plum.

Yes, yes; generally Logan kept to himself. Sure, fine—there were all kinds of reasons that others chose to make themselves less of a social butterfly than Avery herself preferred to be. But if Logan had accepted the invitation and came to the party, that ought to make him fair game. Besides, she had a burning question for Logan! More than one, come to think of it.

So where could that dour electrician be? Surely he couldn't hide behind his mask that well. Maybe she had to keep her eyes open for the person who seemed to be enjoying the party the least.

Avery's enthusiastic look about the room caught someone she could recognize immediately—after all, he was wearing his uniform! That was definitely Wolfe Indigo over there! (If not, then someone had dressed up like Wolfe and oh boy wouldn't that be funny!)

The blonde made a beeline towards him, taking note of the others she passed on her way.

"It's you, isn't it?" she beamed at Wolfe when she was close enough to be in speaking range. "Have you seen Logan?"

Of course, there was no reason she should think that Wolfe might be someone to particularly recognize Mr. Plum. He was simply the first person targeted by a somewhat short bumbling bumble bee like Ms. Lemon.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime20th July 2016, 12:34 pm

The players are all assembled in the opulent, old castle. The room is swathed in golden cloth, and bouquets of balloons hover at every table. As waiters dish out champagne and appetizers on trays to the waiting crowd, they find themselves hungry for something else - information. Secrets and half truths abound. Will you confront your rival? Conceal your secret? Or better yet, force one out of someone else? Play your cards wisely, or it just might be you who meets a sticky end....

Quote :
Current Goals

**Complete these tasks by 7/27**

You have all received instructions in your inbox. These tasks will take time to complete, therefore, this will be the longest round. You should plan to post at least once a day in order to keep up. You may use any means to avoid questions, interrogations, and insinuations, but you CANNOT make up extra clues! Just stick to the facts on your Round 1 card.

1. Reveal your clues as you get acquainted with the other guests.
2. Conceal your secrets - by any means necessary.
3. (optional) Gossip! Share what you've learned with others... or not.

NOTE: If you have tasks that are to be done "in private," PM that person instead of posting!

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 24th July 2016, 11:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime20th July 2016, 1:05 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] MDPF2R0

Drew took a flute of champagne from the nearest waiter and surveyed the room. There was Pram Peach, scourge of the well-dressed. She was wearing some god-awful frock; the make was unmistakable - it was undoubtedly of her own design. Just beyond, his gaze fell on Reese Cerulean, looking seductive in her sparkling gown. Gulping the champagne for courage, he slid across the room, mumbling, "Lovely dress dear," to Pram as he passed.

Approaching his target, he chortled to himself. What luck that she'd be here. Rich and powerful, she made an enticing meal ticket. Just the thing to get him out of the playhouse shadows and into the limelight. And lucky me, he thought, I have just the right words to convince her of the idea. He stooped, reaching out to kiss Ms. Cerulean's soft, tan hand.

"A pleasure to meet you, my lovely, little lamb. My name is Drew Golden: actor extraordinaire."

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 20th July 2016, 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime20th July 2016, 1:46 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] LoIX8bV
Finn took a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, awkwardly balancing it in her left hand due to her right hand's injury. She scanned the room, looking for a potential guest to mingle with. There was Drew Golden... What was he doing? Attempting to woo Reese Cerulean? She rolled her eyes and sighed. Deciding to avoid him at all costs, she continued to look around, she saw Pram Peach. No doubt the... Interesting dress she was wearing was something of her own design. Man, why were so many coworkers here tonight? And all the disagreeable ones too.

Suddenly, Finn spotted Omari Black. Maybe if she talked to her, Finn could let Omari know about Ashton Jade's upcoming role in the next play! She might be able to convince Omari to talk about it on her morning talk show, which would be some good publicity. As Finn made her way towards Omari, she suddenly remembered that rumor she'd heard about Omari leaving the show. She'd have to ask about that too. 

Simi long as Finn approached her, she asked Omari, "Hello, Omari. How are you tonight?"
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime20th July 2016, 2:22 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] 3n6rfpX

Pram was looking around the room noticing the other guests..all of which she knew. She grabbed a drink and took a sip looking around for someone to go talk to. As she was about to go looking, she overheard what sounded like, nice dress or something from a passerby. She then watched what looked like Drew Golden..going over to Reese Cerulean? 'Figures' she thought, 'you must have to know the rich ones to get anywhere sometimes'. She then looked around some more spotting Omari Black and another guest going there as well. Pram decided to go join them and walked up and said, "Hello Omari..Hello are you both?"
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime21st July 2016, 8:35 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Zmg71SK
He didn't spot her immediately, but he did identify several others in this high-society crowd, putting names to faces from the television, magazines, the local playhouse, and even that party. He saw him among them, dressed in that black and grey tuxedo - despite the attire and the mask, Deadbee could spot his nemesis anywhere, and in that one gaze of recognition, annoyance and distaste for the "gentleman" shot through like a lightning bolt. He was the scum of the earth, and --- but then, this was yet another party, and perhaps here he could start putting things straight. He looked around for a sympathetic ear, but found his primary target - Drew Golden - was otherwise engaged with none other than... Reese Cerulean? The most powerful woman in all of Bloodworth Falls? He smiled. What better way to get the word out.

He strode over carefully, looking as casual as possible, stopping every now and then to offer a smile to anyone who took a double-take towards him, and, as luck would have it, ran into a waiter with an empty tray rather close to Golden and Cerulean. He smiled and handed over his now-empty champagne flute, and looked around as though noticing them for the first time. 

"How Lucky," he said, not at all referencing his Gram Award winning song, "to have come across such beautiful people so early in the night." He bowed his head respectfully towards Reese, "Ms. Reese Cerulean, how wonderful it is to finally make your acquaintance. I am Deadbee Cyan, an electronic music producer and performer. And Drew Golden, good to see you, too. How are you feeling?" he asked heavily, "I  was terribly disappointed to hear that the lead in The Mystical Flea was stolen from you yet again. That Finn Burgandy has no taste - did you hear who he casted?"

Deadbee Cyan Information, Faceclaim/Outfit/Mask and Entourage:

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 21st July 2016, 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : kill a dead tag)
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime21st July 2016, 8:07 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] DnpwHlm

Madison observed the attendees as they began to mingle and talk, knowing that she needed to find out certain things as well. After considering her targets and who were already talking with who, she decided to make her way toward Peyton Pewter. Because of his line of work, she knew he was also very knowledgeable about what was going on around town, and he might be able to shed some light on a few things for her. After all, entering private residences and seeing people’s personal computers could tell a lot about a person.

Casually moving toward him, grabbing a glass of champagne on the way, she stopped beside him and gave him a polite smile. “Mr. Pewter. How are you enjoying the party?”
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime21st July 2016, 9:18 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] GYXFxkK

Mayor Riley kept what he referred to as his "honest" smile plastered onto his face as guest after guest arrived. The one he used for the cameras at events when he cut ribbons at grand openings and got his picture taken for the papers. He had quite a full castle tonight, and his eye was already on a few specific people he'd like to, but as pressing as his business was, it would look a bit desperate to rush, wouldn't it? 

No, he had more class than that. Riley could wait and make small talk while people drank and let their guards down. He'd pay attention to Ms. Reese's whereabouts though, he needed to share some news with her that the overly wealthy woman would surely find interesting. Maybe it'd even knock her down a few pegs after thinking she could pull a fast one over on him. And to think he'd trusted her as a business partner, but he'd get the last laugh when their deal was over. Everything would be in place soon.

Riley's smile turned a little strained when he spotted Drew Golden approaching her. What a kiss up, not to mention a horrid gossip. Riley scowled and moved to pick up a drink, momentarily turning away to look for someone else.

"Ah, Miss Scarlet, a pleasure to see you in town again!" Riley said, cape swishing dramatically behind him as he walked towards the federal agent. "I'm honored you found the time to attend my little party. And Mr. Pewter, I wasn't expecting to see you here at all, but I'm glad for it!" It was all about the attitude. If one acted confident, others could sense it. "This is all for the benefit of the people of Bloodworth Falls, of course. Nothing like a party to liven things up and bring people closer together..."
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 6:27 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] QRrj2nF

Ashton had been content for a while to simply move about the room, checking out who was present and, more importantly, who was not. He sipped at his wine, glass held perfectly correctly in his hand, and looked around for someone to talk to but thus far he had not found someone interesting enough.

But it was then he heard mention a very specific set of words that piqued his interest instantly: The Mystical Flea.

He made his way over closing to the little group, taking note of each of them. A curious collection - he'd have to keep an extra eye to see how it developed. He was not pleased to see Drew Golden there, but he ignored it - for now.

"The Mystical Flea did you say?" Ashton asked, though he had not possibly misheard. "I happen to have a deep insight in that lead role. You see, it is I who will play the flea!" He paused, going over the previous conversation he had overheard, and picked up on a new train of thought. How good to hear that he had taken something away from Drew. "So sorry to hear that you were not chosen, dear cousin. Perhaps they wanted new blood? Out with the old and in with the new? In any case, I've never been in a play before, and I must admit that I'm quite excited."  

He grinned and took another sip from his wine, looking from person to person. Deadbee Cyan, Reese Cerulean and that Drew Golden . Yes, they were a good group to announce this good news to - varied and well known. And how lucky to have happened upon their conversation. Getting anyone and everyone excited about the play would get his name on everyone's lips. And then CBC couldn't ignore that the common people wanted him for their new anchor.

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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 9:20 am

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] RREVjf0

   Reese had very quickly found herself in quite an interesting predicament; she had the pleasure of being surrounded by two handsome men with both eyes set on nothing but her. It was practically every woman's fantasy. All that was missing was the beach setting, her margarita, and their tops off. She would have almost been flattered by it if they both weren't blatant brown-nosers clearly after her wealth. "Let's skip the formalities shall we love." Reese replied to Drew with a faint trace of a smile as he kissed her hand. She made a mental to note to have Chloe scrub it clean tomorrow morning. "In case you've forgotten I'm entirely responsible for your employment; I own the Moon Shadow Playhouse." Along with you and everyone else in this town. Reese thought dryly while taking a champagne flute from a waiter. She would've preferred wine but this would have to do to get her through the night. She was about to take a sip when suddenly an awfully familiar voice could be heard coming closer to the trio causing Reese to pause.

The voice belonged to Ashton Jade and she had to resist shuddering in disgust. He was nothing but a two-bit anchor, a C-list actor, and an annoying gnat that had been snooping around too many of her businesses. Luckily, she had experience taking care of pests and had plans in motion to finally squash him in court for all to see. "Mr. Jade, how wonderful it is to see you here! Unfortunately, my memory has failed me tonight but if I recall correctly, you and Mr. Golden here are cousins are you not?" She asked innocently, mischief dancing in her eyes as they flickered briefly towards Drew before returning back to Ashton. "If so, I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your great grandfather. I knew him to be a precious and absolutely wonderful man. I can say with undoubted certainty that his memory shall live on in all of our hearts." 

Reese decided to conveniently leave out the part about how she had never spoken to the man a day in her life.

"Although Drew," she began with a gentle smile as she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "do you think you great grandfather would be rolling in his grave if he knew how your dear cousin was stalking me? I'm afraid that my lawsuit against him just simply wasn't enough to keep him at bay." Her gaze remained glued on Ashton's as she spoke, the smile she wore growing increasingly tighter. "However, all I would have to do is whisper one word into the mayor's ear about him and he would be escorted out of here faster than his silly little channel could whip up a false story about me. Therefore I would like to suggest, for entirely your benefit Mr. Jade, that if you want to continue to enjoy your night here that you leave my presence. Now."

Faceclaim, dress etc.:
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 1:33 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] MDPF2R0

For a moment, consternation flashed across Drew's face. How silly he had been to think he could have a second alone with the gorgeous Miss Cerulean. Like F. Scott's Daisy, her voice was full of money; she oozed beauty and wealth. Like flies to honey, he thought to himself.

Her comment about the playhouse glanced brutally on his shoulders, and before he could launch into a stinging rebuke, that bumbling cousin of his, Ashton Jade, was barking down the conversation's door. Feeling this corner of the party become too crowded, he leapt at the chance to dismiss Ashton.

"Please do take yourself and your hideous mask away from the lady, old thing. We wouldn't want to upset Miss Cerulean. And don't even think of lamenting the loss of poor, dear, late Papa when you haven't a single upright bone in your body. I suppose we'll add stalking to your list of terrible traits..." Drew's eyes sparkled with righteous intent. Now, he thought, Let's nail this fly to the wall, "...right under the principal one, murder."  The last word dropped like a brick into the conversation.

Faceclaim, appearance, mask:
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Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 2:31 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] DnpwHlm

A new voice greeted her before Peyton could answer her, and Madison internally cringed. It was the mayor’s unmistakable voice, and as she looked at him—dear god, was that a cape? Was this really the only man they could get to run as mayor?—she plastered her own polite smile.

“The pleasure’s all mine, Mr. White. Can’t exactly miss an event such as this… one that the mayor himself threw. That would be just rude. After all, I do happen to be in town for business.”

She doubted very much that the mayor was throwing the party ‘to bring people together’, but perhaps while he was here she could find out his true motivation, as well. “So… why a masquerade?” she asked, tilting her head in pretend interest.
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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 3:10 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] QRrj2nF

This was taking a turn for the worst. And here he had thought that he would get some free advertisement out of this little conversation.

It appeared he had been far too optimistic. Then again, he should have known better, considering his pompous and angry cousin was in the mix.

Having his great grandfather's death brought up was a blow Ashton should have expected, but it came at the wrong time and it hit him harder than he would want to admit. He was off his game tonight, it seemed.

He had all the intentions of listening to Reese Cerulean. He knew had been outplayed and outmaneuvered - and if he were being perfectly honest with himself, he was a little afraid of her, despite always wanting to follow and know all the juiciest dirt about her - but then Drew began to speak, and all thoughts of "should do" and "logic" went out the window.

"Murder?" Ashton repeated, incredulous. "Murder? You dare speak to me of murder? You, who coerced our great grandfather to change his will right before he died? A change that left all of great grandfather's estate to the likes of you? A rather suspicious turn of events, wouldn't you say, dear cousin?"

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PostSubject: Re: Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread]   Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] I_icon_minitime22nd July 2016, 4:01 pm

Murder at the Ravenwood Masquerade Ball [RP Thread] Fypu1b5

"Finn, Darling! It's been much too long. How have you been?" Omari exclaimed, leaning in to kiss Finn on the cheek in greeting. 

"Ms. Peach!" she turned to greet the new comer. "How delightful it is to see you again!"

"Did either of you hear how the previous anchor died? I must tell you, it's given me the chills and sometimes I wonder if it would be best for me to withdraw my application. I still cannot believe that she was killed while walking to her car in the parking lot. Women should honestly be more careful! Especially when they are alone at night in a dark parking lot. You never know who's there, don't you agree Finn?"
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