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 [HC Event] Light in Darkness

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime2nd July 2016, 8:08 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 L32EGwz

She felt something warm, and then her eyes opened slowly, and she saw Ribbon. Alive! Her mind whirled with everything that had happened in the last few moments before that wave of darkness wiped everything out for Nocturnus, but seeing that her friend had not been killed was an enormous relief. It was the one thing she had tried so hard to do—she knew that it was not her abilities that had protected the pink-haired Electromagnium woman, but right now it didn't matter who there was to thank, simply that she had been saved. Sailor Nocturnus returned the hug, wincing slightly as she became aware of the battered state of her own body.

Then she noticed where Ribbon's eyes focused. Beyond that door... something was happening. Others were headed that way. Wordlessly she rose to her feet, extending a hand to her friend, and ushered the older girl into that area. They had to see what was happening. Sailor Nocturnus knew that whatever it was, she had to know.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 8:23 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Ribbon-002
Gratefully, Ribbon took Nocturnus's hand and followed. 

They arrived just as hundreds of sparkles exploded upwards from the ground ahead and, in a swirling current of light and color, burst towards them, flying high over their heads through the doors and back out of the room, a great beast running after them aggressively. Ribbon had no idea what was happening, but she tried to pay attention to the rasping voice of the old woman as she spoke to Achelois. Careful with that? ... Have her killed? "Have who killed?" Ribbon asked quietly of Nocturnus, wondering if it was some senshi thing.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 9:03 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Tumblr_najmpfFsbl1tgfqygo3_1280
Mars had watched. 

Bruised and battered, she had forced herself to stand tall and take in the proceedings happening at the edge of the Galaxy Cauldron, her mind racing to stitch the pieces together with strings of intuition and anything else she could gather. She did not know the old woman personally, but she felt like she had sensed whispers of this presence within the past four months in her readings, though had not known what to make of it; she may have even heard of her, on one planet or another, though at the time the quick reports of strange assistance, of items delivered or deals made, had been shrugged off as illusions from stress and heartache in the difficult times. To see this old woman in the flesh and witness the power she had - how she had so easily made Sailor Achelois's head to turn - made her wary of her immediately. If she could do that, what else was she capable of? It seemed, at least, that she was on their side, a hunch that proved true as the conversation continued. 

Mars felt for Sailor Achelois the moment it became apparent what she was doing. She hadn't known the pair for long, but their easy nature spoke volumes about their relationship and to see that Sailor Enyalius was missing and Achelois was trying to restore someone using the magic of the Cauldron put two and two together easily enough, and she empathized with her. If she had been there when Venus died, if she had been given this chance, no matter how small - her heart ached, both hating and finding relief in that she had never had this chance when it was so obvious in the actions of the Guardian of the Cauldron that it would not be allowed. 

And yet as their conversation went on... as this woman - this Crone of Cosmos revealed her role and her intentions, and Achelois pushed her side of the deal farther, Mars's heart skipped a beat. 'I want more. [...] but in return I want more senshi restored - I want all of them.'

All of them


And Vesta. A heaviness started lifting from around her. 

'All who have died in this war, all of the Senshi who were surprised by this Chaos Prince's forces, all who were overpowered and outnumbered and killed before their rightful time.' Titanus, and Skylark, and Augustus and countless more --


Her gloved hand gripped the door frame as she continued to watch the exchange, listening so hard her ears might have started to bleed with the strain to catch every word, every intonation. 

'All pure senshi will be restored and returned to the planets from which they died - Restored in the purest sense of the word.' Returned to enemy territory, if the entire team had failed. But with the advantage of a surprise attack. Her mind raced with the possibilities, the strategies they could employ -- but then froze as the deal was potentially broken. She balanced on the edge as Achelois weighed her options - Sailor Enyalius versus all the others - and at once silently urged her to make the 'right' decision, even as she knew she would not have had an easy time of it if their positions were reversed, or that Usagi would have accepted an ultimatum like that. Saturn versus the rest of the World, and Usagi had chosen to save both. Still she hoped, and nearly lost her balance with relief when Achelois reached for the Crone's hand and they shook on it.

Something else was said, but her attention was on the hundreds of crystals that shot out of the Cauldron, their joy mirrored in her face as they raced overhead, bursting outward like hundreds of shooting stars, going back to where they were needed, back to the lives that had been ended. She may have imagined it, but she could have sworn to have seen Venus's crystal among them. 

Mars was renewed. Though she were bruised and battered in body, her spirit had been healed completely by the miraculous turn of events, and she wanted to leave as soon as possible to orchestrate the new attack, but she had to be sure of one thing first. As soon as the last light faded from the grand room of the Galactica Palace, and the Crone finished speaking to Achelois, Mars strode forward purposefully, pausing before the Crone and the Guardian of the Cauldron to bow her head respectfully before speaking. "Sailor Leviathan sacrificed herself to get us across the river bordering the Graveyard; was she restored? And Jasper -- Shadow - he had thrown himself in to save her. What about him? He wasn't a Senshi - is he -?"

The Crone cut her off with brushing motion and croaked dismissively, "Both fine. Minds are a little addled, but fine."
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 4:36 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 YIUfnUw

Perhaps no one would ever figure out the cause for the fall of Chaos’ lieutenant, dropping dead in the middle of his speech for no reason. When the battle that took place here today was recorded in the history books, perhaps they could only deduce that it was the sheer will of the senshi that remained—and those who had perished—that killed him.

Or maybe it was karma. It was toss-up, really.

Either way, he was dead, and soon after, more interesting things happened that took Andromeda’s attention from the fall of their longtime foe. She got to step into the room that contained the Galaxy Cauldron itself, mesmerizing in its beauty, filled with star seeds from all corners of the universe. She was literally staring into life itself being conceived, and to turn away from that to understand what was going on was a struggle.

There was a deal being made, between Achelois and The Crone. Andromeda could not remember this person she spoke of—Enyalius—but it was clear from Achelois’ face that she cared for her very deeply. And that she was being forced to make the hardest choice.

Something inside her crumbled when Achelois chose to take the offer, when she effectively gave up being a senshi. Andromeda knew what this meant; no more adventures together. Sure, Achelois would still be around, but not all the time. Her hand would no longer guide her along the way, an ever-present figure that gave her comfort. Having lost memories of those others who meant the most to her, this felt like the last straw, like she was losing the last person she knew and cared about, and she could not help the ache in her heart.

She looked away as to not show that her eyes had glistened, knowing that Achelois had done something immense for the greater good, not just now, by bringing all the deceased senshi back, but also for the future. Thousands of lives were being returned. None of them could be selfish—somehow she knew this was the kind of deal that didn’t happen once every lifetime.

But it still hurt nonetheless.

Achelois didn’t die—in fact she would outlive Andromeda and thousands of generations after—but it still felt like she’d just lost her.

She stepped away from the group then, as Mars stepped forward to speak with The Crone, feeling completely lost and hollow.

This was not what victory was supposed to feel like.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 5:30 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 L32EGwz

She felt a hard lump in her throat watching this scene, and the hand that wrapped around Ribbon's held on to the older girl firmly. Right now she was the child's only anchor, and Nocturnus feared losing herself to everything happening in this swirling sea of Sailor Crystals, where an awesome bargain was being struck.

Her ears listened intently as her eyes watched with a mixture of admiration and grief. The Crone wanted Achelois—wanted to take that strong and quiet force from alongside their party of rag-tag sailor soldiers and move her to some other plane. She couldn't deny that the blonde nature guardian seemed suited to the role, but she selfishly wanted to keep her here, with Nocturnus and the others. Her earlier fear whispered a soft and sinister murmur, reminding her that no matter what she tried or did, she would wind up alone. Her young heart ached as she watched the pair negotiate for the good of the universe.

And what of Enyalius?

Ribbon's quiet query drew her attention back. There was so much that the pink-haired young woman had missed.

"Sailor Enyalius... we didn't save her," she replied, keeping her voice low enough for only Ribbon to hear it. "Achelois... Achelois had to kill her..."

The words were numb and bitter on her tongue.

"And then that guy came and stole her Sailor Crystal. We followed him here."

She paused again, trying to keep her emotions detached, unwilling to let tears cloud her view of this mystical and formidable place.

"Her Crystal might still be dark, because of Chaos. It could poison her again."
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 8:49 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Sailor14

Callisto didn't know how to react when their enemy just... died. Had they injured him and not noticed how fatal it was until then? Or was it just luck? All she knew was that it was finally over, and at the end of the day, that was all she really cared about. How wasn't important. As if sensing that she could finally relax, her knees collapsed from under her, and she laid down on the floor. Her cheek rested on the cool tiles under her, and she felt like she could take a nap right there. 

The Old Crone appeared and healed their downed team, who to her even more immense relief were all alive. She saw a few walk over to the now open doors leading to the Galaxy cauldron, but she had no desire to follow, comfortable where she was. Callisto caught snippets of conversation, hearing things she couldn't quite wrap her head around. Achelois was making a deal of some sort, and not long after, a flood of light swept through the door.

Callisto sat up and stared in wonder as thousands of Sailor Crystals streamed through the castle and out into space. Had they been freed? Was there some kind of balance restored now that they had driven Chaos out of this sacred place? It made the entire situation seem less hopeless now. 

But.. why did Andromeda still look so down as she stood by the doorway? Callisto stood up again and walked over to her.

"Are you...going to be alright?"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 9:03 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 YIUfnUw

She didn’t expect anyone to approach her, and was surprised when Sailor Callisto did. As for her question, Andromeda found that there was no easy way to answer it. She smiled sadly and finally spoke for the first time since their battle was over. “We’re all going to be, it seems. Achelois just saved everyone, after all.”

She wondered how much of the deal Callisto had heard. She wasn’t used to pouring her heart out to people who weren’t close to her, but she felt like she should at least explain. “But she’s not going to be with us all the time anymore. She has become… something else. And after everyone else I forgot… she was… she was the only one I had left.”

She bit her lip, willing herself to be strong, for the tears to not fall. She didn’t particularly want to fall apart in front of this strong sailor soldier.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 9:59 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Sailor14

"Maybe what you forgot will come back with time, you never know," Callisto said. She remembered how crushing it was to watch Andromeda struggle after their dip in the river, and she still felt a bit of guilt for allowing that to even happen. "And... I'm definitely sure Achelois wouldn't completely abandon you, no matter who or what she is now. Maybe you can send messages to each other if she can't be there all the time. And besides..." Callisto glanced at Nocturnus and Ribbon. 

"I know you don't really remember her much, but I think she needs you right now too. Maybe you can make some new memories together?"
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 11:46 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 0Hw2Kdw

So much happened in a short amount of time - Bellatrix had a hard time keeping up and even at the end, she wasn't entirely certain she understood what had just happened. A deal had been struck, she understood that much - a deal that would help the balance in the fight. One that had cost Achelois, but yet had been for the greater good of everyone. Bellatrix felt humbled to be near a situation like this - was she even worthy to witness such bravery and power?

The shower of lights as hundreds of crystals shot out of the Cauldron shot past in an array of bright color, bursting forward and seeking to return to where they belonged - it was an awing sight, one that Bellatrix would never forget. She watched until the last of them twinkled away in the darkness, and it was then that she noticed that Mars has walked forward and the name of Leviathan and Shadow broke through Bellatrix's wonder, gripping at her heart.

She hadn't even thought of such a possibility. Could it even be possible? Would they... could they be back?

"Both fine. Minds are a little addled, but fine." The Crone's words were dismissive, but they felt squeezed even more tightly at Bellatrix's heart.

Bellatrix stood frozen in place, eyes wide. "Fine?" She repeated. "Alive?" She felt unable to properly articulate anything past those single words. Relief seeped into her like sinking into a warm bath, soaking into the dark and hardened places that had been created when she left that stupid pier behind. There was still the dark pit of guilt, but the relief to know that those two were still alive made a small smile come to her lips.

She turned to Mars then. "We need to go back. We have to find them." Bellatrix didn't wait for an answer before turning back towards the door that had lead her here. She needed to find them, to see them for herself.

She needed to apologize.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 1:16 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Ribbon-002
Ribbon held her breath as Nocturnus explained, pieces falling into place on her end, but she was distracted by mention of Leviathan by the Sailor Mars; so many thoughts exploded into light in her head as she tried to process everything going on, but still two distinct tracks fought for the forefront: first, that something had happened to Leviathan, and she was afraid for her friend, despite the crone's assurances that everything was fine. Second, she thought about how differently things might have gone if it were Sailor Mars, and Sailor Mercury, and the other Sailor Warriors from the Solar System that had answered her distress call, instead of Nocturnus and Leviathan and the others. Without Nocturnus's friendship, would she have taken their side, or would she have helped Blade kill them in the maze? Would He have even left them alone, or would he have faced the Solar Senshi himself at that time, killing them and cementing his rule? She didn't know exactly what it was that Neo Queen Serenity had been doing, but it was something he had constantly talked about when she had returned to him, something he was always monitoring - he had been so excited when it was reported that Venus had died; if Neo Queen Serenity had died there, or if all of her friends had died there, would this War have turned out differently? ... Would she have ever found out, or would she have been killed there, all alone, not knowing that the biggest decisions she had made about her life had been manipulated by a liar and a murderer, without a greater cause beyond his selfishness and spreading evil. 

She couldn't focus on that now. She put the idea away, looking away from Sailor Mars, reserving those thoughts for dark nights alone. She had other things to do now - she had to try to help Nocturnus and Leviathan. She gave Nocturnus's hand a little squeeze, staring now at Achelois and the child in her arms, assuming that was what Sailor Enyalius had become, and she felt a lot better about encouraging Nocturnus. "I think she'll be okay," she said quietly, smiling tentatively down at Nocturnus, "Even if she's got Chaos in her, she's also go the Light side, too, right? So she's like the rest of us normal people," she looked back at the bundle, "She can be good or she can be bad; with the right friends, I know she'll find her path." 

Ribbon knew, because she had. 

As the really tall Senshi walked past, Ribbon wanted to follow her to help find Leviathan, but hesitated for a moment, not wanting to leave Nocturnus alone without explanation. She knelt down and gave Nocturnus a hug that she hoped conveyed all of her feelings for the young girl, "You're the bravest person I know, and I owe you so much," she said, mostly into Nocturnus's hair, and blinked furiously so she wouldn't cry at having admitted that aloud. She pulled back, looking her in the eye, "I have to go help them find Leviathan, but I'm not going to leave without you, okay?" she stood, glancing around once to find Andromeda, whom she knew Nocturnus liked a lot, and found her talking to Callisto, looking really sad. Was it for Enyalius? Or for Achelois? She didn't really know about a lot of the group's dynamics, having just stayed by Nocturnus's side, but if Nocturnus was upset over those two, it stood to reason that Andromeda would be, too. "Andromeda looks like she may need you." She squeezed her hand once again, before letting go and hurrying after the tall senshi. 

"Wait!" she called, "I want to go with you!"
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 1:25 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
The crone watched as Bellatrix strode away purposefully, then as the Electromagnium girl peeled away to follow her, and then Mars started walking, too, and sighed deeply. "Of course we need to go back, it's the only way off of this star." She stated matter-of-factly, not trying to undermine the nobility of the statement but managing to anyway. She hobbled after them, motioning everyone forward with sweeps of her staff, "If you're left behind you're stuck here, so don't get left behind --" she paused, considering, "Unless you want to become a guardian of Sagittarius Zero Star, and take your place as a final defense against other invaders in the future." She glanced back at the Guardian of the Cauldron, who floated forward, considering. 

"We haven't had Sailor Senshi guarding this peacefulness of this place in thousands of years; it was my own powers that kept him from entering the Cauldron itself, and nothing more. Usually we offer the position to Senshi whose planets have been destroyed but had somehow survived, but..."

"With the balance still being tipped in their favor, another of Chaos may try taking this place again," the Crone stated with a deep frown. "After all is said and done here, Guardians may be found the usual way; right now, you are needed out there, vanquishing the dregs of darkness from planets, but should any wish to stay, here is your option."
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 1:42 pm

Mercury woke up face down on the cold floor, every part of her hurting, but still very much breathing. She saw Mars going after th old Crone, someone she'd only read reports about, and Sailor Achelois towards the Galaxy Cauldron, and stood to follow them.

The conversation she overheard was strange, but enlightening. Mercury had no idea someone so powerful even existed, and now they had just witnessed that power first hand.

So many senshi were lost in this war, and to have them all back... Mercury blinked back tears as thr impact hit her. Venus, Vesta, all those graves in the graveyard, they were alive.

Mars's question was just as important to her, and the Crone's answer was shocking. They were never dead? Bellatrix came to the same conclusion, and Mercury agreed with the sentiment of going back. She needed to see how badly the river had damaged Sailor Leviathan and Shadow.

Mercury turned and ran after Bellatrix with Mars, noticing the other girl who wanted to join.
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Anait Zelleire
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 1:46 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Achelo10
Though she had somewhat been expecting the others to bombard her or the old lady with questions as soon as she entered back into the room with Enya in her arms, she was quite thankful that their attention was given elsewhere.  Instead as the others moved about questioning and comforting each other, she focused on the small life in her arms.  It had somehow worked out, strangely with different results than she had imagined, but Enya was alive.  And so were all those lost to chaos during the most recent war.  She felt a little different, she wasn't what she was before, now she was more like the crone instead.  She wondered how Enya would take it when she had returned to an adult age.  The looks on Andromeda's and Nocturnus's faces told her they knew, they could see it.  She would deal with them later, maybe, who really knew what the next few moments could bring?

A stirring in her arms brought her attention back down to the copper eyes that miraculously stared back at her own.  Love was flourishing in the place that had been recently occupied by anger, revenge, and grim determination.  Movement drew her back and she followed the crone with the others back the way they had come.  While she hadn't really heard what the crone had offered about protecting the place, she knew it wasn't her place anymore.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 1:49 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 L32EGwz

Nocturnus wished that she could so immediately embrace Ribbon's positive opinion of the strange things happening in this amazing place, but she couldn't quite let go of her own worries... especially when the Crone mentioned departing with Sailor Achelois and whatever had become of Enyalius. Two more people... gone. (She didn't count the Crone—that mysterious person was a different kind of constant, but not a comrade.) And then Ribbon squeezed her tightly, whispering words she could barely believe anyone could apply to someone like her, just a sailor soldier-in-training... and then the woman was running after the tall sailor soldier.

She felt frozen in place.

It wasn't that she was ready to take up the Crone's offer to become a guardian of this sacred place—she knew her limitations too well to volunteer to hold the final barrier—but she just couldn't move. There was so much happening, and it kept replaying in her mind: all the things leading up that that battle against the man, the things she remembered from it, and everything going on here. What would this mean for Sailor Nocturnus, this continuing war with the balance slightly adjusted? She knew which side she belonged on, but she had no idea where she belonged.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 8:39 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
Negativity wouldn't stop coming then. Fair enough. Except from one person and it was like a balm through the storm. He needed to break the link between them all, but not until everyone was off this planet safely. Old habits die hard.

He slowly rose from his sitting point when a choice was given to them.

"I have a planet to return to if this group dissolves here. I think I have pushed away my duties to them long enough."

Was his simple, but gentle, answer.

So he followed the group back, his mind having barely registered what had happened to Leviathan and Shadow. He was more worried about his wife's mind he could feel closing in. He wasn't even sure he would be able to follow any group if they decided to keep going, but from what he got from the events around him, everyone was going home.

He saw Nocturnus froze, his steps faltering.

There was nothing he could say. Or do. He had held the girl's hand once, trying to be present where the others couldn't, but what she was experiencing... well, nothing he could or would say was actually in any way comforting.

So he kept hovering behind the others instead.

< Your place is forward. >

He couldn't pinpoint what exactly had had her frozen, but she was so young she shouldn't stay at a place like this. Not even to guard one of the most important things in the universe. She had so much time in front of her...
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime5th July 2016, 8:54 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 YIUfnUw

“I kind of doubt it will come back on its own, but maybe,” she shrugged with a weak smile toward Callisto. From everything she had heard and read about this place, it seemed like it wasn’t the type of place whose effects would wear off gradually over time. But she didn’t want to shoot down Callisto’s optimism either.

“I know she wouldn’t,” she replied in regards to Achelois. But it still won’t be the same.

If she could remember it, Andromeda would have realized that Achelois hadn’t really needed them since Enya was taken from her; she had carved her own path since that point on and though the others had insisted on following, Andromeda knew that was the point in which their futures had started to diverge. Achelois would continue to follow Enya to the ends of the world and do whatever it took to bring her back and be with her, even if it meant leaving everyone else. It was not a good or bad thing; it just was. It was a fact that might be hard to swallow for everyone else who wasn’t the person she loved the most. But Andromeda had never had a person like that, so she couldn’t exactly judge. They might try to become their own little family, but there was no denying who was most dear to Achelois’ heart. And Andromeda did not resent her for that.

She glanced at Nocturnus when Callisto mentioned her, staring at the young senshi who looked like nothing more than a stranger to her.

Before she could move, she heard The Crone’s offer about becoming a guardian of the Cauldron. Now that there was nothing tying her to anyone, no one who depended on her except a planet full of people who once tried to kill her anyway, she considered it for a brief moment. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad here. She had always been destined to be alone, it seemed, so maybe a lone post like this would be more fitting for her.

But then she remembered the few yet precious people in her life and the promises they’d made to each other. Percy, who had been there when she was trying to find her way as a senshi. Marina, who had pledged her life to her and would be incredibly devastated if she left for good.

And Nikos… whom she had promised she would return for someday.

She looked around the place once more. This place wasn’t for her… yet. Maybe someday.

She turned back to Nocturnus. According to the others, she would need her too. Maybe now more than ever, since no doubt Nocturnus was feeling the same loss that Andromeda had.

She moved toward the younger senshi and hesitantly put one hand on her shoulder. “Let’s get out of here, shall we?” she asked softly, gently tugging her forward so that they would not be left behind.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 6:51 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

Eshana listened to what the Crone had to say. There could be no risk of an agent of Chaos being able to control the Cauldron, it would cripple their fight for good. Her planet was devoid of life, most likely had been since the fall of the Silver Millennium, and she wasn't worried about Earth, the Sol Senshi and all the senshi who called it home would take care of it. 

She knew deep in her heart that she couldn't stay here forever, but she would stay and Guard the Cauldron at least until the bulk of the war as over and there was no imminent threat to this sacred space. 

"Old one," she said, stepping forward, "I would volunteer to Guard this place, at least temporarily, until the time that this war and the immediate threats that it possesses are over."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 8:53 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 L32EGwz

She heard and acknowledged Oberon's words, but her feet still struggled to move. Of course she couldn't stay here. She didn't even particularly want to stay, she just felt overwhelmed by it all. Then she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder.

The dark eyes looked up to see Sailor Andromeda. For a moment, she felt a beam of clarity, even though she knew that the older girl still didn't remember her—didn't remember anything they had been through together. But still... she was trying. And the oceanic soldier's loss of memories didn't make her any less precious to Nocturnus. She immediately felt less alone—less adrift.

They had to follow Ribbon. She couldn't bear to think what might happen to the pink-haired young woman, even though there were much more powerful sailor soldiers alongside her right now seeking to recover the missing Sailor Leviathan and Jasper.

Another voice caused her to turn and look over her shoulder. Sailor Sedna had accepted the Crone's offer, volunteering her services to keep the Cauldron safe from intruders. Nocturnus felt a pang of separation, but she also admired the tall soldier's dedication. She was powerful; that had been proven in battle. She would do a great service here. It was an honorable thing for her to accept, and for that Sailor Nocturnus could only give her good wishes.

< Good luck, Sailor Sedna. >

She highly doubted that the teal-haired woman would need any luck from her, generally not the luckiest of their party, but she hoped that it would be a rather calm watch. And that anything that interfered would be well within Sedna's ability to dispel.

Her attention returned to the rest of the group's activity. She gave a nod to Andromeda's question, forcing a smile she didn't quite feel. Her hand reached up to hold the other woman's gloved hand, the motion automatic and one she had done so many times before, and followed the group out of the place.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 9:45 am

Quote :
With Sedna's offer being accepted with a solemn nod by the Guardian of the Cauldron, the others bade her goodbye and hurried out of the shattered doors, leaving her to cement details of her new position with the Guardian. Her first duty? To undo what havoc Chaos had wrought with the River of Stolen Souls.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Sedna Sailor Sedna has left the party.

Quote :
Following on the heels of Bellatrix, the Senshi ran through the now-comfortably-vacant graveyard, through the gate, and, finding the oar left by the first team, carefully piled onto the boats, Andromeda lashing them together using her Chains.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Wigglebottoms-002
The Chimera fit comfortably into the back of one of such boats, its dragon head leaning over Achelois's shoulder to stare critically down at the infant in her arms.
That is not her, Ram stated stubbornly. Our Master was a Warrior of Incredible Skill. That is a disgusting infant.
The snake whipped around to bite him, Do not refer to her in ssssuch a way!
I would not refer to Enyo in such a way - this is not Enyo, it is a disgusting. infant.
The dragon's eyes whirled, staring down at the child, inching ever closer over Achelois's shoulder, until her nose nearly touched the blanket. She stared at the infant's face, into her eyes, deciding. 
What do you think? the Lioness asked, knowing that the Dragon could only make statements of truth.
The eyes are like hers, but for the color. I do not know what that ---

The child reached up and pointedly touched the dragon on the tip of its stout, and the entire Chimera went still.

When the hand was removed, all of its heads looked pointedly over.
She's still an infant, Ram complained.
Then we'll make sure she reaches maturity, Lion pointedly stated.

And that was all that was said on the subject.

Quote :
They reached the opposite shore and exited onto the dock, and spotted Shadow and Leviathan not too far away.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Shadow[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Leviathan Sailor Leviathan and Shadow may rejoin the group.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 10:00 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 7C92QEm

As soon as the boats were spotted, the image of the woman identical to Sailor Leviathan disappeared hastily. It seemed she didn't want to be spotted by the those approaching.

The group (and Jasper nearby) would see Sailor Leviathan slowly begin to stand upon seeing them. Her eyes narrowed and then suddenly flew open in a terrible start. She let out a raspy yell and immediately darted back toward the trees.

"P-people! Other people, Jasper! What do we do? Should I put an illusion up? Should I make us disappear? They've got some kind of thing with them! I don't know how to describe it! It's very strange and powerful. I mean, it is right to trust a bunch of people dressed in obnoxious colors? I'm not sure!"

Her bright yellow eyes showed fear, but she didn't disappear just yet. Her curiosity took hold of her.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 11:21 am

Jasper began to withdraw towards the trees upon noticing the boats, having realized that their communication with Leviathan's advisor had been cut short. He nonchalantly leaned his back against one of the stout timbers, positioning himself to keep an eye on the approaching individuals while disguising his mouth's movement.

"Hide yourself if you want; my uniform stands out too much against the yellow and red of these flames. If they mean me harm, then perhaps you can sneak towards their boats while they're distracted."

He didn't want to think that the oddly matched group was hostile, but his failing memory didn't permit him to recognize any of the strange colored people from such a distance.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 12:24 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
She used her cane carefully to step off the little boat, mumbling under her breath at having to walk this far, but held a secret glee in the deal that had just been made. That Achelois had thought to stall her long enough to finish a corporeal recreation of her lover in the Cauldron meant great things in deals made in the future. If only they could somehow work across boundaries... Maybe she could do it - maybe she could deal with Pages of Chaos and trick them into doing something stupid - hah! Wouldn't that be funny? She'd like to see that day come. 

The Crone stepped onto the grass and looked around, trying to catch her bearings. Smoke billowed from the trees to their left - still a ways off, and deep in the wood, but apparently a fire burned merrily; by now the bits of darkness should've fled that area entirely, making this next bit potentially annoying if they hadn't already disappeared with the Prince's demise. Still, where were they in relation to that lake...
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 12:30 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Tumblr_najmpfFsbl1tgfqygo3_1280
She had seen them since the boat neared the river's shore, but, even after it had landed, Mars did not rush to greet Leviathan or Shadow. She had felt relief at seeing them, the residual weight coming off of her shoulders, but they had never been so close that she would have run to greet them, and that she had left them behind to their fate held her in place even more. As others might rush to be sure they were all right, Mars stayed with the Crone; it was done, they were found, and with that last piece in place, she wanted to leave. To find Venus and redirect this war -- but still her Sailor Wings would not materialize. They needed to clear the forest first; she hoped the old woman had some trick up her sleeve to make the retreat easier than the original trek.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 12:50 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Ribbon-002
Ribbon had been glad to find that Nocturnus was coming too, after all, but she couldn't put aside the drive to help find Leviathan; her friend had stuck up for her when Nocturnus's voice alone would not have been enough, and had always acted so nicely to her, and helped her out - now it was Ribbon's turn to help her, even if she wasn't really needed. She was trying to think of any way she could help in finding her location - maybe she had a pocket radio? Or a television? That would be easy to send a message to -- but as the little boat got closer to the shoreline, she found those types of tactics unnecessary, for there she was: Leviathan, safe and whole, and not even that far from the dock!

Ribbon disembarked the boat gracefully, but her heel caught between the slats of the dock in an embarrassing moment, and in that jerk her focus shifted from Leviathan to Shadow. She hesitated; her mind had skipped over Shadow being with Leviathan, and now... She shook her head forcefully - she wouldn't let it bother her! Leviathan's mind was addled and she needed help, and she wasn't going to let Shadow scare her.

Blushing slightly for her clumsy exit, quickly moved down the dock, onto the shore, and then ran to close the distance between herself and Leviathan. The sight might not have been the most inspiring thing - Ribbon was not a runner, she was an actress, and there had been no instruction on how to run effectively. As such, she had the typical girl is trying but girl isn't really succeeding running style, but at least her heels weren't giving her that much trouble, beyond the initial issues with the grass and swapping to running on the balls of her feet. 

In the end, she all but fell onto Leviathan with a hug. "Leviathan!! I'm so glad you're okay!"
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 1:01 pm

Sailor Leviathan

Sailor Leviathan's eyes nearly popped out of her head in shock when one of the strange people jumped off the boat and came sprinting toward her. She let out a gasp when Ribbon hugged her and squirmed.

"Jasper!" she cried out. "The enemy has me in its grasp! It wishes to consume me! Wait... no it's not. Are you one of my friends? One of the friends I was trying to help? You're... OK too! I don't know you who are but I'm glad you're OK! I don't seem to have any of my memories. Maybe we can reintroduce ourselves sometime?"

She slowly composed herself and smiled timidly at the group. So these were the people she had been so worried about. She pondered as she began to point at them. 

"Not sure why one of you is so small," she said, pointing to Sailor Nocturnus and then lingered to the Crone, "and that person over there has skin flopping all over the place. Just who are you fabulously colored people anyways? Did you succeed at what you came here to do?"

The sailor soldier couldn't differentiate any of them. She had no idea of her admiration of Sailors Mercury and Mars. She had some clue of Ribbon being a possible friend but zero idea of the adventures she had gone on with the others. Even Sailor Bellatrix was just another person she glanced over with hardly any clue about her character.

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 6th July 2016, 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 1:33 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Ribbon-002
No memories...? So that's what they meant by her mind being addled. How terrible for her! But still... she paused, thinking back on all of the time she had been enthralled by Him, all of the whispered conversations, the late night stargazing where everything he had said had made such sense; of his soft caresses, of how her heart used to beat faster whenever he came near, how butterflies filled her stomach when he had looked at her... Even now, after everything she had gone through, after learning of all of his lies and manipulations, of how apparently evil he was in what he was trying to accomplish, in how much others were afraid of him, and for good reason... still part of her mourned his passing - or, rather, the passing of the person he had claimed to be. The man who had swept her off of her feet and led the way to the bright future he had laid out before her. Against what she knew now, and the revulsion of that knowledge, she would miss him. And she hated herself for it. She hated herself for being that stupid, that naive, and she was afraid of what that meant for her future. Could she ever really trust someone again? Well... someone other than these Sailor Senshi. 

If she could forget him - if she had been given the choice to forget him as thoroughly as Leviathan had apparently forgotten all of them - would she take it?

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
The crone paid Leviathan no need, though she twitched at the flopping all over the place remark, and pointed with a crooked finger towards the left of where the trio were standing, towards the trees not too far away. "In there is where you want to go. Now hurry up, I'm not walking through a forest." 

And just like that, the Crone disappeared, transforming into a dancing mote of light that hovered before them, darting irritably towards the section of trees she had pointed at, barely perceptible in the bright light of this place.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 2:38 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He was relieved when they touched ground again. He never was uncomfortable near water, quite the contrary but these waters... well, he wasn't fond of memory sucking liquid. When they finally reached the two others, Oberon examined from his spot Shadow and Leviathan, relieved that they seemed relatively unharmed. Except for their memories, apparently. He hoped the Crone would have something to help them, but since she had already disappeared he figured if she had, it would be given on the other side of the forest.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime6th July 2016, 6:53 pm

Jasper looked over the assorted ensemble of senshi and 'others,' attempting to read from their expressions and postures some context of their struggle with the Chaos-empowered usurper. It might not have been a pleasant subject to tackle, and if they truly did topple the tyrant, then he could think of worse things to do than let them recover from what was surely a taxing conflict.

Were any of these people his friends? His mind felt like it was on the verge of connecting faces with names, but few of them seemed to show any direct interest in the well-being of Leviathan or himself. Only a girl with a similar hair color to Leviathan's approached, and that was the lady whom he vaguely remembered saving in the metallic maze. Why had she come to this very place, then? Ribbon was eager to celebrate Leviathan's survival and avoid Jasper's attention at the same time. It was rather suspicious that she would have been here..

Whatever. He didn't have that much interest in the strange behaviors of the Electromagnium girl, and was quite comfortable at leaving it that way. If anything had happened, she would have answered to the senshi first and foremost.

Jasper's teeth ground together as the old crone voiced her complaint about walking through the forest. "I suppose it beats waiting for the fire marshal," he remarked in the direction of the wisp of light, then blinked and looked back at the group upon realizing that he had overlooked something.

Leviathan had alluded to the presence of a.. thing, and there it was. Or, there they were. He looked at each of the chimera's heads in turn, then exhaled and shrugged his shoulders. Whatever it was, it wasn't acting with belligerence. It could be afforded the benefit of the doubt if it came this far.

Once he had confirmed that the beast was relatively benign, Jasper turned and walked off after the crone's wisp.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime7th July 2016, 5:17 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 L32EGwz

The smallest of the group puffed her cheeks with mild annoyance to hear Sailor Leviathan so thoughtlessly refer to her as "so small". Not that it wasn't true, of course, but the casual tone made it feel more like an off-handed insult than an observation. Then again, the Crone had warned that the pair's minds were slightly off... this was probably just part of that. Nocturnus couldn't feel too sulky about it for long.

So Leviathan didn't have her memories. And possibly the same was true for Jasper. Just like how Andromeda, Callisto, and Sedna had all lost something in the river. Here they were, again, near that river... The dark-uniformed girl took a cautious automatic step just a bit farther from the banks of that awful thing.

As she followed the group in the direction that the Crone had pointed out, she tried to balance her position somewhere close to Andromeda and near the Chimera.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 I_icon_minitime7th July 2016, 8:47 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness - Page 16 0Hw2Kdw

With a single goal in mind, Bellatrix barreled forward, not paying much attention to any of the others who followed her back to that forsaken lake.

It wasn't until they were standing near Leviathan and Jasper that Bellatrix finally stopped. So much, that she couldn't say or do much of anything. It became clear as the interactions continued on that neither of them recognized most, if not all, of the gathered group.

All grand ideas of apologies and begging forgiveness were shattered. How could she apologize when they didn't even know who she was.

Bellatrix stayed back in the group, following behind most others. She wondered if she were being selfish, to not introduce herself to them, to not let them know what happened. Maybe this was taking the easy way out. But it didn't seem right to bring up what had happened at the lake when neither Leviathan nor Jasper seemed to remember anything. Maybe it was better this way.

It certainly didn't feel better.

The dark pool of guilt and sorrow sat tightly in her chest as Bellatrix moved forward with the rest of the group.
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