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 [HC Event] Light in Darkness

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime17th May 2016, 8:15 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Light_in_darkness_rp_event_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-da25bo6
Recent IC Events:
It has been eight days since these senshi left the Maze Planet; there was no rest given after the events on Enyalius.

Sailor Enyalius is dead; her crystal stolen by the supposed leader of Chaos in this Sailor War.
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Fx0SKC
Achelois tracks Enyalius's Sailor Crystal to find her whereabouts, Enyo's Chimera with her.
[HC Event] Light in Darkness J07DuM8[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket
These senshi followed after Achelois, tracking her via Nocturnus's Asturlab
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket [HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness T8RRE5S[HC Event] Light in Darkness H9tY2Q0[HC Event] Light in Darkness FryFB4t[HC Event] Light in Darkness ORkerl0[HC Event] Light in Darkness 8G5RqhD[HC Event] Light in Darkness BvznKUC[HC Event] Light in Darkness EEShqcO
Azazel Knight returns to Leviathan to inform the others of what had happened:
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ak3Xvv3  
The message Azazel sent out once he reached Leviathan will make its way to Sailor Jupiter, and from there, to the rest of the Galaxy; however, because the time to travel from Enyalius to Leviathan is not instantaneous, any senshi that act on this call will arrive later than the first group.
The message he was able to spread, from his second-hand knowledge of what happened on Enyalius at the end, is that Sailor Enyalius is dead and her Sailor Crystal was stolen by a man, and that Sailor Achelois and the others followed after that man in an attempt to get it back.

These characters are on Leviathan:
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness O7y392b[HC Event] Light in Darkness 0XD7nsA
These characters are on Andromeda 
 [HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness 890ZNkX [HC Event] Light in Darkness 0GEaLzv
These characters are in Castle Charon
[HC Event] Light in Darkness AtmO13X[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness TXRBKaS[HC Event] Light in Darkness CyrDhnG[HC Event] Light in Darkness QlY4Qqd
The location of these characters are unknown: 
[HC Event] Light in Darkness PJkdMF[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket
Other Senshi are on various planets dealing with Chaos Agents; they are completely unaware of the Chaos Seeds (only four were planted, only one came to fruition), but can answer the call from Jupiter to join the others in pursuit of Enyalius's Crystal. Note: Sailors Mercury, Mars and Star Fighter are close enough to meet the team at their destination and are available for claims; however, these players must be extremely comfortable playing the manga canon personalities with modifications made to heighten maturity and confidence levels given their millennia of experience. They should not be played with their teenage personalities in mind. They should be played with manga canon timeline in mind. If you would like to claim either of these characters, please PM me two role play samples of your version of these canon characters for pre-approval. 

Note (once again), any character listed below Azazel in the rankings above are all invited to attend this HC Event, but they will arrive later than everyone else to keep time within the game flowing smoothly. What this means is that players of those characters will be starting the roleplay later than the first group, and will be following after them in the setting, attempting to catch up so they're not too late to help in the critical battles. 

Rules, Background, and Dungeon Crawler Game Notes and Information:
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Page-break-12

  • Pay attention to the story - read every post so you don't miss anything. Major Plot Points will be delivered through me - I will announce, for example, when we find objects/people, and what things look like. I will arrange for the baddies to be fought, and I'll handle the combat system (everyone chooses their own attacks and everything, I just roll to see if those attacks hit, and see how effective those attacks are against the bad guys, and rolling a die to see how much damage they do (if any XD the 0 is allowed and causes the attack to miss its target)). Needless to say: If your don't pay attention to the story, your character's reactions / ideas / etc. may be out of place, and will be treated as such by other characters. Read Carefully.
  • Post at least once every 48 hours - Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect.
  • Watch out for Random Events - if the majority of players are active in the Skype Thread I may spring Random Events on players; these will always be announced in the Skype conversation, where it will be open for questions/comments/concerns, and will always come with caveats for those who cannot actively post on the board within the time period allotted. Instructions need be followed, else consequences wordlessly accepted for not following the specific directions.

And, finally, while bringing in side-storylines is okay, this roleplay's main story will end on June 15, win, lose, or draw. I suggest keeping noses to the grindstone and keep moving forward to make it to the ending battle before it's too late!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Page-break-12
The Event Begins May 18th!
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Light_in_darkness_rp_event_bumper_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-da25bea
If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Skype OOC Chat (or skype me directly if you're afraid it will be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

The game begins on Wednesday, May 18th, and will end on Wednesday, June 15th.
To Sign Up: Respond to this thread with your approved advanced character profile, linked.

List of Characters:
Ten Spots Total Available. Bolded and linked names have been officially accepted.

  1. [HC Event] Light in Darkness J07DuM8[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Achelois - Anait Zelleire
  2. [HC Event] Light in Darkness T8RRE5S[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Andromeda - Sailor Mercury
  3. [HC Event] Light in Darkness H9tY2Q0[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Nocturnus - Aurae
  4. [HC Event] Light in Darkness FryFB4t[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Oberon - Eternal Knight
  5. [HC Event] Light in Darkness BvznKUC[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Callisto - JupiterThunderCrash
  6. [HC Event] Light in Darkness ORkerl0[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Sedna - Addelyn

    "Second Wave"
     - This team will arrive on the scene after the first, and will be attempting to catch up. As such, to give the above characters time to get ahead to match with expected time passage, Players of "Second Wave" will be starting on Tuesday, May 24th, and will be able to post in the event after I make the announcement that they have arrived in that thread on that date. 
  7. [HC Event] Light in Darkness 0XD7nsA[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Shadow - Jasper
  8. [HC Event] Light in Darkness O7y392b[HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket Sailor Leviathan - Sailor CJ
  9. [HC Event] Light in Darkness PYOnTy8 Sailor Bellatrix- Verdandi
  10. [HC Event] Light in Darkness Jd4mVWk Sailor Mercury - JTC
  11. [HC Event] Light in Darkness FYk8qeR Sailor Mars - Sailor Uranus

In-Waiting. These senshi are back-ups in case the original list of 10 does not get filled.

  1. [HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness 8G5RqhD Sailor Nix - Sailor Mercury
  2. [HC Event] Light in Darkness Pbucket[HC Event] Light in Darkness EEShqcO Sailor Panzer - Aurae

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Page-break-12
but really who let me have separator images
Stat Sheet
for all of your HP MP stat needs
Weapons / Magic / Items
NOTE! BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS Check the above information for validity as far as your character is concerned!
I will be working directly from these sheets - if anything is incorrect and is not caught, we will be going off of what is on the sheet, not what is *supposed to be* on the sheet.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 10th September 2017, 5:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime17th May 2016, 9:04 pm

Following Achelois wrote:
As they flew through space, their wings taking them as quickly as they could possibly go, Sailors Andromeda, Nocturnus, Panzer, Nix, Oberon, Callisto and Sedna followed the bright, guiding line through the stars as they chased after Achelois and the man who had stolen Enyalius's crystal. They didn't need to speak; connected telepathically, their sentences were short, sharing information in quick bursts, attempting to get everyone caught up on what they had just found out and what that could mean. A handful of them remained silent, keeping their thoughts and emotions to themselves as they single-mindedly pursued their target, but, in general, they were all in agreement:

The Chaotic Agent who had appeared and stolen Enyalius's crystal was the same person Ribbon had told them about; his presence there, and her description of him, had been enough evidence as to that. 

Which meant that he could very well be the mastermind behind all of this - this entire War was, according to Ribbon, put in motion by him. He had contacted and made contracts with Chaotic agents across the galaxy, he had organized them, had planned the attack. He had overseen the construction of the Maze that Andromeda and Nocturnus, along with others, had been trapped in for what felt like a day or two for them, but had been five months on the outside. He had set the trap, using Ribbon as bait, for the Senshi of the Solar System. He had created the Chaos Seeds, and had "planted" them in the planets of those senshi who had foiled his plans on the Maze planet. He had caused Enyalius to turn to Enyo-

and now he had control of her Sailor Crystal. 

While retrieving Sailor Enyalius's crystal was the priority for some, destroying this Chaotic Entity quickly became the ultimate goal of this mission for others. If they could take him down, maybe that would be enough to relieve some of the pressure, and would allow Senshi to regain their footing and fight back, tipping the scales back towards Cosmos instead of Chaos. If you cut off the head of the snake, the rest should fall. 

Some of them suspected their destination before ever reaching it, as the laser beam pointed towards the brightest part of the galaxy, luring them ever inward, passing beyond hundreds of star systems towards the galactic nucleus. Shivers traveled down spines as the destination became clear: he was leading them to Sagittarius Zero Star. Nerves were on edge as they approached, the mythology and history of this sacred place, and how it had been corrupted in the past, drawing too many parallels between this time and the last Sailor War, headed by Galaxia. This time they shouldn't have to fight corrupted senshi, at least, but tales of what they would find there were troubling enough...

Finally it came into view and their fears were officially solidified: the beam pointed straight to the Galactica Palace. At this distance, the restoration that had occurred since Sailor Galaxia's death seemed to have been completely undone -

Without warning, their Sailor Wings ceased working, and they plunged to the surface of Sagittarius Zero Star, their eyes catching only snatches of the terrain before them as they plummeted towards the ground - 

Only to be slowed and stopped mere inches above the surface.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
"Keep on your toes," the Crone rasped, and they were gently released from her magical hold to return softly to the grassy ground below. She stood behind them, her back to the void of space beyond the disk of Zero Star. Her old face was on alert, bright eyes darting around behind them as one withered hand grasped her staff tightly, "Chaos is here."

She hobbled forward quickly, depositing items in hands as she went past, her eyes never leaving the scene behind them - a lush forest, idyllic and peaceful and unbroken but for the sudden path in the trees that traveled inward, towards Galactica Palace. Even as they watched, the path was slowly closing over on itself, vines and bushes erasing its outer edges. 

"Trust nothing, move quickly; do not be fooled by appearances.

Her motions were sharper than they had ever been, her movements quicker, almost bird like, as she walked, no longer quite hobbling. Her wizened old face was determined, and only that, the set of her mouth holding none of the jest it might have before, at the beginning of other missions. Overall, it gave off a tense atmosphere. "You, and you," she pointed with crooked fingers at Sailor Nix and Sailor Panzer, "I need you elsewhere." With no further explanation, she held out a closed hand towards Nix, and dropped a smooth rock in the responding palm. "Follow the light of this stone to your destination - they need your help." 

She stood back, looking at them all with her shrewd eyes, but was she evaluating them, or attempting to memorize their appearances? She nodded, apparently finding what she was looking for. "Good luck, Senshi.

And with that, the Crone disappeared.

Posting Note:
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime18th May 2016, 2:50 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

Her thoughts were focused on finding Achelois, and in turn Enya’s Crystal, as well as eradicating the Chaos agent that had started all this. Everyone else but Nocturnus, who was carrying Enya’s shield together with her, ceased to exist. She barely recognized their destination, having only read about what happened centuries before she was born in passing, though it looked a little bit familiar from pictures she had seen.

As they plummeted to the ground, her heart sped up, but soon they were caught in The Crone’s magic. She seemed in a hurry and even more no-nonsense than usual, but Andromeda understood the urgency because she felt it herself. They had landed on their destination but there was no sign of Achelois nor the Chimera.

The Crone’s words sounded ironic—Chaos was always wherever they went, it seemed, after all. Unless she meant the very source of it? She had heard that eradicating it forever was impossible, even for the strongest senshi in the galaxy. Light and darkness must always exist in balance, so one could not disappear for eternity.

She focused on the forest, at the path that was already closing.

They didn’t have much time.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness ElrbPPL

She received the rock handed by The Crone and nodded, ready to follow this other mission, though wondering why the woman had let her come all the way here if she was needed elsewhere. Perhaps something just come up? Either way, she would go where she was needed; she wished to help this group, but she wasn’t about to question her orders in a time of urgency.

“Good luck, and be careful,” she told the others. She was not really a touchy-feely person, and so, with a quick nod at each of them, she turned and began following the light to her next destination.

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

She nodded back at Nix. “Be careful, too. And thank you for helping us up until now.”

Nix would be a great loss—her scouting ability was perhaps more important than ever now, but she’d have to make do without her.

< Let’s move. >

She started on the path into the forest towards the palace, determined to catch up to Achelois as soon as possible.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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Location : Teleporting between Elysion and Nemesis

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime18th May 2016, 2:58 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
The free fall and the fact his wings wouldn't move, wouldn't work or wouldn't help him not to crash to his death allowed Oberon's mind to latch on something else than his own thoughts. Death never came, however, as the Crone avoided them all a rather painful landing.

His eyes followed the Crone, looking down at his hands as items were brought to him quite rapidly, no comments, no glances, a simple warning: Trust nothing, move quickly; do not be fooled by appearances. One he carved into his brain, knowing he shouldn't forget it. Perhaps was he putting his life in the words of someone he barely knew and whom his wife wouldn't trust, but she wasn't here and what fight he had left in him wouldn't be against some old woman trying to help - so nevermind if maybe there was something uncanny in this.

Once the amulet around his neck, carefully resting over his own necklace, he sighed. Everyone else's mind got ignored as he tried to put the gauntlets on despite the trembling hands while his wings had resumed their beating, the fae hovering four inches above ground, not yet noticing he couldn't go higher. Though Nix was ready to depart, the usual farewell gesture of his kind was never offered though his mind still thanked her without words as he gently severed the connection between them. He did the same when Panzer had to leave as well.

Andromeda's orders were obeyed blindy as he followed her easily despite his attention stuck on the gauntlets he was still struggling with. Clearly, whatever made outside Oberon was worthless.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime18th May 2016, 6:20 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

Sedna had a moment of panic when her Sailor Wings stopped working and she began to free fall towards the surface, only to be stopped by the Crone's magic. She shook her head in amusement. This old one certainly was peculiar. 

As Nix and Panzer left, Eshana nodded her thanks to them. While she was curious as to where they were being sent and why now, it was not her place to argue or ask. The crones words of warning kept twisting themselves in her mind as she moved forward with Andromeda and the others. The path appeared to be closing and they needed to move. 

"Trust nothing, move quickly; do not be fooled by appearances." 

Was there a creature that could cast illusions or someone with magic? On Earth, long ago when the Gods and Goddesses had moved freely on their planet, there had been many astounding creatures, many that could fool you into believing you were seeing something that wasn't there. It was said that a phoenix feather, worn on a band tied around the head would help you see through these illusions. 

Too bad that any of the creatures of old had returned to the Gods realms when they had withdrawn from the Earth, so there was no way to see if a phoenix feather really worked. The thought of the experiment had Eshana's interest peaked, but she pushed it aside. Now wasn't the time for thoughts like that. 

Perhaps when this was all over, she would look into being able to travel to the different Gods realms that were attached to Earth as her mothers was, and see if she would be able to conduct an experiment. It would be useful off planet as well if it worked.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime18th May 2016, 8:40 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

They were really here. Sailor Callisto was uncharacteristically nervous as they approached Sagittarius Star Zero, knowing exactly what it was. It was where she should have been sent when she died in the Silver Millennium, but the Silver Crystal had prevented it. That fact that that man who was so connected to Chaos led them here did not bode well for the state of the Galaxy Cauldron either. 

When her wings failed and the group began to plummet, she inwardly panicked. Was it trying to reclaim them? But they were slowed before they hit the ground, and the Crone was once again there to greet them. She was more urgent this time, highlighting the sheer importance of this mission. 

It seemed like they'd have to travel through this forest to reach the palace. Was it even real, or just what their brains came up with to try and process what they were seeing? It was shifting before their very eyes, the path disappearing even as the Crone spoke, but Callisto took her words of warning to heart. 

< R-right... > she said, responding to Andromeda's order. She didn't like how this place made her feel, but they had to track down Enyalius' kidnapper. Callisto hurried to keep up with the group.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime18th May 2016, 7:23 pm

Quote :
Hurrying across the grassy field, the path covered itself over ever faster as they approached.

Quote :
Perception check:
Andromeda and Nocturnus are able to spot the odd prints in the ground before them, those of a pair of boots and those of the paws and hooves, heading straight to the pathway. With Achelois's command over plantlife, it wasn't a stretch to understand that she had forced the plants to part before her, and now that she had passed, they were working their way back to normal.

As they passed through the barrier of trees, it was apparent that if they did not hurry, they would soon lose this pathway. Greenery crowded them, pushing inwards to reclaim lost space. Vines criss-crossed the path, bushes pressed in around their legs, trees inched inward -- and yet...

--And yet it felt peaceful here.--

The sense of urgency seemed to leave them, moving on as a feeling of calm enveloped them as surely as they had been enveloped by the forest. 

--Things weren't as bad as they seemed.--
--They had been working so hard, they deserved a break; it had been such a long flight.--

Birds both exotic and familiar sounded all around them, reminding them of more peaceful times. The soft breeze through the trees was relaxing - everything seemed so idyllic...

--Maybe they could stop and rest for a bit. Just a moment, to catch their breath.--
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Sailor Neptune
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RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime19th May 2016, 6:19 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

As she looked down, she spotted the telltale tracks of a beast and a humanoid figure alongside it.

< Achelois has been through here. Come on, we’re close. We have to get through before the path closes. >

Maybe Achelois was the one who had manipulated these plants. That meant she wasn’t that far ahead. Andromeda was also relieved about it not being a darker force at work. She switched the heavy shield to her right hand and grasped Nocturnus’ hand, for fear of losing the younger senshi in the ever-pressing foliage.

And then suddenly the focus and the urgency that had sharpened her mind began to be replaced by an odd sense of calm. Suddenly she wanted to slow down, wanted to rest, after all that she had gone through—all the trauma, all the fighting, they hadn’t even stopped since they landed on Enyalius…

Her pace slowed ever so slightly, fatigue replaced adrenaline, but her feet didn’t stop.


She tried to focus her mind on what was important, reminding herself what she was doing. Why she had to keep going.

And so with more struggle she continued onward, undeterred for now.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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Age : 27
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime19th May 2016, 5:08 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

Hearing that Achelois was up ahead spurred Callisto on more, but as they journeyed deeper into the forest, that nervous feeling that had settled in her stomach started to fade. Despite knowing full well the danger they could be in, she began to relax. Why were they hurrying again? 

Callisto slowed down, dimly aware that Andromeda had slowed as well. Couldn't they stay here for a while? The path wasn't closing that fast, right? The Galaxy Cauldron wasn't that bad... Her limbs felt heavy as fatigue set in, and she was struggling to keep her eyes focused on the path ahead.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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Age : 35
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 6:31 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

It felt so peaceful here. Eshana wanted to stop for a moment, just to take a small rest. She would be better prepared if she did that, wouldn't she? Something at the back of her mind tingled as she kept thinking about resting, warning her that it would be a bad idea. Was it Chaos's voice telling her that it wasn't okay to rest?
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Professor Tomoe
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Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 8:41 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness L32EGwz

No one would have considered silence uncharacteristic for Sailor Nocturnus. The child in the dark sailor uniform frequently kept her thoughts and feelings to herself, observing and listening, but this time her attention focused inward rather than outward. The arrival, the message from the Crone, Nix and Panzer leaving for some other mission and reducing the team size, and now the clear signs that Sailor Achelois trod this path before them... These were things that her eyes witnessed, but her mind remained on one topic: Enyalius.

They simply had to save her. They had to bring her back.

Nocturnus kept close to Andromeda, feeling reassurance in the warmth of the older girl's hand wrapped around hers. The shield, that precious token of their dear friend, remained safely carried by the oceanic sailor soldier. If it had not been so heavy, the long-haired child would have toted it herself, but she felt calm to know it was held by someone who also cared about Sailor Enyalius. There was no one else among them she would have trusted to carry it.

She hurried along with the others, following the clearing that closed swiftly as they moved. These plants and the way they acted... this could not be the work of anyone other than Achelois. Nocturnus could only hope that they would see the blonde mother nature soon. She couldn't quite quiet the fear in her mind that yet another person would be taken from her, whisked away into darkness and shadow, restoring the loneliness that her time in Crystal Tokyo had alleviated. Only when she once again saw the emerald-marked woman could she be sure that had not already happened.

Sailor Nocturnus stumbled, the toe of her black boots scuttling against some rocks on the forest floor. She gasped, her eyes fluttering, the girl's head bobbing like that of a rag doll. Panic and confusion seized her, but the sensations were dulled and obscured. Nocturnus turned to speak to Andromeda, feeling her fingers start to slacken from where she held the young woman's hand, but her vision seemed strange and blurry. Her eyelids drooped, and she struggled to keep them open.

"Andromeda, I..." she gasped, faintly—like a weary child insisting she wasn't ready for bed.

The next false step pulled her hand free from the other woman, and this time she careened forwards. The long tails of her sheer golden back bow fluttered like a butterfly as it followed the arc of her fall, where the soft floor of the wooded area gladly embraced the exhausted sailor soldier-in-training.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 10:27 am

Quote :
The pathway closed behind them; there was no clear line back the way they had come. The last in their line could feel the leaves upon their skin, inching inward, swallowing up the empty space that separated the forest in two. 

As Nocturnus fell, the comforting forest noises seemed to swell, urging the others to do the same - to stop and rest for a bit, to nap, like Nocturnus.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 6:35 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

It was becoming harder to keep her eyes open, and every single one of her limbs felt heavy. Every step felt like slogging through mud, yet her focus on the people she cared about kept her going.

Until Nocturnus stumbled, her hold on Andromeda’s hand weakening, and the smaller girl turned to speak to her but did not even manage to finish. As Nocturnus fell, Andromeda caught her with her free hand around her waist, panic surging to replace the lethargy.

“Nocturnus!” She knelt on the forest floor, trying to shake the young soldier awake, but she seemed to be in deep sleep. Worry over what kind of spell had ensnared her clouded Andromeda’s mind, but the path was still closing—they couldn’t stop here. She positioned the small senshi’s arms around her neck and carried her on her back, the weight unsettlingly light—how long had it been since any of them had eaten? Was Nocturnus exhausted or was this the work of something else?

She stood back up and maintained a grip on Nocturnus’ hands that were now slung around her neck. Even as the forest closed around them, she felt the urge to just sit down and sleep—perhaps everyone needed the rest. What if more of them fell to exhaustion? Wouldn’t it be better to stay?

But the path…

< Let’s… continue on. Maybe we can talk or find a way to distract ourselves from this weariness. >
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 7:06 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He had one gauntlet on when the need of stopping started invading his mind. The other was hanging by his fingertips as he kept hovering, docile behind Andromeda, still following her. Not because he wanted, but because his obedience came before his own comfort.

Couldn't they just stop?

< It reminds me of a time way before all of this. >* He said with a calm tone that didn't fit everything he had been through in his mind since leaving Leviathan, a calm tone that was probably not natural in this situation.

He was trying to reach the only constant he could hold onto right now.

If Oberon usually was aware of his companions and worried enough to keep an eye on them, he noticed that Nocturnus had fallen only when Andromeda picked her up.

< Is she sleeping? >

Why would someone bring a child to something like this anyway?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 7:34 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

Callisto only snapped to attention again when Nocturnus dropped to the floor, brought back to reality by the sound of the youngest of their group falling over. What was going on here? Why had she suddenly gone to sleep? Something was definitely wrong, but before she could think too hard about it, she was once again struck with the powerful urge to stop. 

Maybe sleeping was the right idea after all. The ground didn't look too hard... The voices in her head prodded her awake again, and it took a moment for her to remember that it was just Oberon's connection.

< A distraction...? Like... what? > Callisto asked. Speaking coherently was becoming a task in itself now, but they had to stay awake. She was tempted to start banging her helmet against her shield for the sake of making noise now.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 9:01 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
< Iddle chat, I believe, is what you would call it. > He told Callisto as it was the only distraction he could think of.

His eyes drifted again when he felt her reaching back to him, tempted to give in. Their surroundings were beautiful and though it wasn't quite like his home, it felt close enough. And yet, he kept following Andromeda.


An exhale of air sounding more like a small chuckle than respiration left his lips, his eyes closing a moment as he shook his head. The fog in his brain seemed to lift, if just a bit, but there was nothing behind it except the same fear he felt since Enyalius.


He suddenly stopped moving, hovering still, his hand stopping around the gauntlet he was slowly putting on his other forearm.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 9:11 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

< Idle.. chat... > Callisto wasn't much of a small talker in the first place, not now anyway. But her sluggish brain struggled for a topic nonetheless, and as she sank deep into her own thoughts, she stopped paying attention to what was going on in front of her as she walked on the path. She completely missed that Oberon had stopped moving and bumped into the fairy senshi's back.

Startling herself, she took a step back and blinked a few times, and then mumbled an apology, though it was difficult to understand audibly in her current state.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 9:25 pm

Quote :
As the party slowed under the suggestion of the forest to stop and rest, they didn't notice the creatures that moved ever closer, their eight bead-like eyes focused solely on their team, their strides... on the over-encumbered warrior with the shield in hand and young girl on her back.

With their tired eyes and weary minds, they wouldn't notice their approach. 

Spider 1 uses Sticky Web and attempts to entrap Andromeda![HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA
Did it hit?
It missed!
Did it hit Nocturnus or the Shield?
It does!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness ZukxCX Nocturnus is hit by the spider's sticky web, and is now glued to Andromeda's back! [HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA

Spider 2 uses Sticky Web and attempts to entrap Andromeda![HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA
Did it hit?
It missed!
Did it hit Nocturnus or the Shield?
It misses!
The sticky web string misses Andromeda and instead hits the bushes on the other side of the steadily-closing-in path!

Spider 3 uses Sticky Web and attempts to entrap Andromeda![HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA
Did it hit?
It hits!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA Andromeda is hit by the sticky web! Her mid-section is covered and her free arm (not the one holding the shield) is stuck to her fuku!
Does she keep her balance?
She keeps on her feet, staggering! With the weight of Nocturnus on her back and the Shield in front of her, she manages to stay upright!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA Awakened by the sudden attack, Andromeda's perception increases! She recognizes the spiders as they come closer, the red markings familiar on their backs... the spiders of Zenar!!
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime20th May 2016, 9:51 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

< Seems to be, certainly still breathing, though. >

The others’ attempt at talking wasn’t really helping, and soon she was beginning to fall asleep as she walked. And then she felt something.

Something that pressed Nocturnus closer to her, something that whizzed by and hit the bushes on her side, and then something that did hit her, trapping her left arm onto her body.

She looked up after maintaining her balance, her mind suddenly sharpening. She stared at the approaching enemies in disbelief. Memories of that hellish planet returned to the forefront of her mind; one of her very first missions nearly a year ago.

These ugly things again?

She remembered that they weren’t particularly fast, so she rushed Spider 1 and Spider 2, hitting them with her shield in quick succession.

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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime21st May 2016, 7:26 pm

Battle Phase 1 wrote:
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMAAndromeda attempts to attack Spiders 1 and 2!
Andromeda's DEX is >2x Spider's dexAutomatic Hits!
How much damage to Spider 1?
--STR 8
Spider 1 has been defeated!
How much damage to Spider 2?
--STR 8
Spider 2 has been defeated!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMAAs Andromeda rushes forward and bashed the two spiders, she shifted her weight in different ways in quick succession! 
Does she keep her balance?
[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMAAndromeda looses her balance and falls! 
Is she able to twist her fall so she doesn't accidentally fall on Nocturnus?
How does she land? (Front, side?)
Andromeda twists to fall on her front to spare Nocturnus!

As Andromeda hits the dirt forest floor, falling between bushes just off the ever-closing path, she hears the sound of something long slithering through the bushes towards her!

Battle Round One:
11 [HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA Andromeda
[HC Event] Light in Darkness ZukxCX Nocturnus
[HC Event] Light in Darkness HUxoQV Sedna
[HC Event] Light in Darkness L8yx0uCallisto
[HC Event] Light in Darkness IXZD7D Oberon
5 Spider 3
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime21st May 2016, 8:38 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

Callisto was caught completely off guard when spiders emerged from the bushes to ambush their leading senshi, and by the time she could fully wake up and react, Andromeda was partially webbed up and in the process of killing the new creatures. 

< We're under attack! > she said through the mind link, trying to make the others aware as soon as possible.

It was amazing enough that she had managed to keep Nocturnus steady at the same time, but Callisto saw her tumble off the path soon after, and she took the chance to finish the group of spiders off. Callisto ran up to and slashed at Spider 3 with her claws.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 6:23 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

She shook off the urge to rest when Noctunus succumbed and when they were under attack. As much as her heart ached to join them, to be the warrior she knew she was, Eshana was the groups healer until they could find Achelois, and even then, she didn't know what mental state she'd be in, the woman just killed her own lover. 

Squeezing her eyes closed for a short moment, she opened them again, staying away from the spiders, but keeping an eye on those who were engaged in fights, to see if they needed help.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 9:40 am

Battle Phase 1 wrote:
[HC Event] Light in Darkness L8yx0uCallisto attempts to attack Spider 3 with her claws!
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 14
Spider 3 has been defeated!

Vines shoot out of the bushes and wrap around Andromeda's wrists and ankles! They attempt to wrap around her midsection and get stuck in the sticky web!

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMAThey try to pull her (and Nocturnus) under the nearest bush![HC Event] Light in Darkness ZukxCX

Battle Round One:
11 [HC Event] Light in Darkness Ce7eMA Andromeda
[HC Event] Light in Darkness ZukxCX Nocturnus
[HC Event] Light in Darkness HUxoQV Sedna
[HC Event] Light in Darkness L8yx0uCallisto
[HC Event] Light in Darkness IXZD7D Oberon
5 Spider 3
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 9:32 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
< I cannot. >* he finally answered, ignoring the huff that came through the link before he was awaken by the jolt of awareness cursing through into Andromeda's mind.

"Le Fay, Hear my Command!" he called as the women went against the spiders, blades appearing in his hands. He charged onward, propelled by his wings, and tried to cut the vines before they could snatch the woman and child away from them. Or worse.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 10:09 pm

Quote :
Oberon's twin blades cut through the vines around Andromeda!

Andromeda is free, but still prone!

The vines dart back into the bushes, but the bushes rustle as though more are on the way!
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 10:27 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Sailor22

Callisto jerked her claws out of the spider's corpse as Andromeda was attacked by vines, though her worries were abated when Oberon cut her free before she was dragged off. Was this entire forest out to get them?

Before anything else unexpected happened, she ran back over to help Andromeda back up.

< This entire forest could be a trap at this rate. > she said, giving her a hand to grab. The other senshi was a mess now, covered in vines and spider webs and dirt. < We really need to find a way out before we get attacked again... >
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime22nd May 2016, 11:42 pm

[HC Event] Light in Darkness YIUfnUw

The spiders were taken care of quickly, but she’d fallen in the process, and then these vines came out of nowhere to get her. Thankfully Oberon cut them before she and Nocturnus could be taken into who knew where.

She grabbed Callisto’s hand with her unbound arm and stood up, trying to rebalance herself with the added weight. She was worried about Nocturnus, but right now they needed to move out of here first.

< Thank you. I can hear more coming, let’s move. >

She dashed forward, following the path again, running quickly but carefully so as not to lose her balance since she still had one arm stuck to her body and Nocturnus onto her back.

< I don’t suppose anyone has any spare weapon? I’ve dealt with these spiders and their webs before, we’ll need something really sharp, but it may get dulled in the process, so I don’t want to risk using anyone’s primary weapon. >

She might be forced to use her own again, but she’d rather not considering what happened to it the last time. Still, if that was the only option, at least she still had her Trident, she supposed.
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[HC Event] Light in Darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 12:10 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
< My spear could work, there is no harm in trying. Let us work on freeing you once we are certain what lurks around is out of reach. >

He floated quickly behind Andromeda, following her out of this cosmos forsaken place. So these were enemies she had faced before? Maybe it would be a good idea to ask where, when and how, but he decided it wasn't his place to ask and dropped it.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 7:11 am

[HC Event] Light in Darkness 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

< I agree, we need to keep moving. I also have daggers on me if we need to use them to cut free of more web > she offered, they were obsidian and extremely sharp. She mostly used them for scrying but they would be used as weapons as well in a pinch. They had saved her own life many of times.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Light in Darkness   [HC Event] Light in Darkness I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 12:24 pm

Quote :
They raced through the forest, the pathway closing in around them so much that they were struggling to stay free of the tree limbs and the hidden vines therein that would occasionally wrap around an arm or leg but be kicked or pulled free before it could solidify its grip. They ducked around branches, around bushes, running to escape the forest that was trying to swallow them up, all the while fighting the pleasant exhaustion that tried to convince them that everything was fine - it was all okay, they could rest here. As the trees ahead seemed to thin, light visible through the crowd of trunks, they were yet again set upon by spiders, but this time, the webbing missed them all.

They burst forth from the trees just as the path fully disappeared behind them, the force of its closing sending the last, Sedna, into the person ahead of them, Oberon, who was pushed forward and nearly fell into the river that lay before them. Callisto grabbed her before she could fall in, pulling her back onto shore where they both fell in a heap.

The river was clear cyan, its waters impossibly deep and swift, flowing from left to right before them, apparently ringing the Palace in the distance and flowing counterclockwise, just as the Milky Way itself did. Its banks were mere feet from the edge of the forest - it was only too easy to imagine someone running out of there and falling right in, and with the banks so steep and slippery... there might be no way getting back out and onto the shore. 

They needed to cross, and without the ability to fly over it...

Looking downstream, they saw a dock in the distance, a boat moored to its planks. On shore stood three figures and a hulking creature, half the party looking angered and annoyed at the other half.
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