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 [OC Play] The Gym

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Star Seed


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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th August 2018, 8:31 pm

The green-skinned girl who entered next, accompanied by the hovering metal book -- that was Sailor Clio, by the way -- could only see the fractured door once she was already inside and taken in by the dimensional magic. "...What happened here?" she asked, wondering idly the way one wonders where a turtle is plodding off to.

She could restore it, of course, but that wouldn't actually fix it for more than a few hours. Besides, she knew what it was before -- a door. "Historia Recollection," she said as she squatted down in front of the door and touched her fingertips to it. Instantly the phantom vision appeared: a powerful woman, scowling, stormed out of the gym in disgust, slamming the door so hard it cracked. There! That was one mystery of the past at least partially solved. It always felt good to figure a problem out. 

What did not feel good was being smacked in the face by a door, but considering she was standing right in its path and not really paying attention to it, that was probably about to happen no matter how she felt about it.
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th August 2018, 5:20 pm

Sailor Atropos found herself in front of the spa room that Chaos had provided them within her castle. While she didn't like bathes, a nice massage and steam treatment did wonders to ease your stress. After today's mission, she absolutely needed it. Lachesis's unpredictable rash behavior and Clotho's whining had about made her snap. Normally, she kept her emotions in check if not completely drowned away but today had been particularly trying.

Atropos opened the door gently, only to find it would not fully open due to an obstacle. She tried again, this time pushing harder, the obstacle giving way as she entered the spa. There, that'll do....This was not the spa. Atropos stood slightly stunned, eyes narrowing as she took in the room before her.

What trickery was this? Had she been teleported elsewhere? Had Chaos's safety mechanisms malfunction on her? Of course, that had to have been it.  Accepting that explanation in her mind, she studied her surroundings. It appeared to be what looked like some sort of training facility. Atropos recalled an image of something similar on an inhabited planet she once went to. She had wanted to relax, not train. Rather than a malfunction, was Chaos trying to tell her something instead? She almost flinched thinking of Chaos scolding her after their most recent mission. It had been successful, but...she had not been pleased with the turnout, regardless. Accepting that reasoning more readily than her first theory, she walked further in. Training it is, then.

Atropos had not noticed the obstacle of the door way, which had been a girl. She continued walking into the gym, noticing it had a few patrons that looked more humanoid than she. She eyed them with contempt but accepted their existence, momentarily. It would be a delight to shorten their life spans now, but that would defeat the purpose of training. Now would be an opportune time to not only train her body but her illusion magic. She could practice blending in and infiltrating a society in this place easily.

Before anyone could see (she hoped), Atropos produced an illusion about her, turning her into a pale skinned, dark haired, green eyed beauty of a woman. It acted a bit like a hologram, covering her actual cracked and disfigured skin. However, the magic was powerful enough to make the illusion feel real, though that aspect took more concentration. So she took the opportunity to practice it now.

Atropos strode over to the counter, still not having noticed the person she had hit with the door behind her. "I require assistance!" she said in a commanding voice. She would have just waltzed in and started training on her own but Atropos had never worked on the contraptions in the room in front of her. She was confident but knew best to not make herself look a fool in front of these other beings.
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Star Seed


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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th August 2018, 7:27 pm

The door slid, gently, into Clio's obstructing body. She got about as far as "whu--" before it then SLAMMED into her, sending her skidding into the far wall and smashing the back of her head into her hovering book, nearly slapping away its eternally-etching quill. In her defense, she couldn't see anyone coming; not in her defense, she probably should have figured that would happen given that this place clearly had some kind of space-warped interior and exterior.

She grabbed her face; hunter-green blood oozed out of her nose and through her fingers. "Oww, who does that without even checking on someone?" she moaned, as she reached for the book and swa--

--urned back to the correct page and resumed writing. A torn-out sheet of iridium-tungsten alloy wasn't the best substitute for a handkerchief, but it was what she had, and she wadded it up and jabbed it into her bloody nose as best she could. The green blood oozing down the ridges of dull grey folded metal made her look like an industrial accident. 

"Miss?" she said to the woman who had bowled past her. Clio had already decided that this person probably wasn't bad, they just were very busy and not paying attention. Most people weren't very bad. "Miss, I'm sorry, but you kind of smacked me in the nose there." Yeah, she had probably been here a bunch before and just knew where everything was and went right to it regardless of if someone was lying in the way. Understandable, right? "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been sitting on the floor like that. It was my fault." Clio extended her hand for a handshake and bowed at the same time, to cover her bases. 

"You seem like you know where you're going, so could I trouble you to... show me around? Obviously I'm not that good on my own," she said, pointing to her bloodied nose. "I mean, I could see how everyone ever did anything here, but that doesn't tell me what you're supposed to do if you're a first-timer, unless I take a whole bunch more time to pick though all the phantoms, and you know I'd love to DO that, this place feels like a lot of interesting things have happened here --"

At that moment, in the weight room, there was an Usagi Tsukino who received the Super-Soldier Serum, being spotted by Queen Beryl, the beloved ruler of the 30th century paradise of Beryl Damascus. So that part was probably an understatement.

"--but I also kind of need to be training. Like, strength and agility and such." She blushed and laughed nervously. "I mostly do intelligence stuff, so I'm not that good at that sort of thing. You seem like you're pretty on the ball with that sort of thing, you look pretty powerful. And you really smacked my face pretty hard. So can I ask you for a hand?" This was way too familiar, way too fast, but that was kind of a problem she had anyway.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so rude, I didn't introduce myself. Sailor Clio, at your service."
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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd August 2018, 10:31 am

No one came to assist her and Atropos started tapping her fingers on the counter top. Normally, she would have more patience, keeping a serene look on her face, but the day had not been kind to her and for once, her patience was running thin. If this was her mother's idea of a test of patience, she would fail it for certain, and then there was that persistent buzzing sound.

Just what was she hearing? Whatever it was, it was annoying. She wished it would disappear. She ground her teeth as she realized it wasn't going to either. With a slight turn of her head, cold eyes drifted down to see a colorful looking girl, awkwardly bowing then continuing on about a bloody nose. How...nice.

Atropos continued to stare at the girl with little emotion on her face. She had some foolish notion that she thought Atropos would actually be interested in helping her.

"No." she replied with an indifferent tone, turning her head back towards the counter and completely ignoring her introduction, though she took note of the name. For reference when she decided how much longer she'd be allowed to live, incessant twat.

She looked again to see if anyone was coming but there one. Atropos sighed and decided to venture further into the training facility. Figuring out how to use these contraptions must also be part of mother's test.
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Professor Tomoe
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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd August 2018, 11:42 am

[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 LbQFzDT

Luckily for Ari, Miyu didn't seem to particularly notice her embarrassment. Instead, she simply offered another smile. It wasn't like she hadn't been asked to repeat herself before. Sometimes she didn't speak up; it was feedback she'd heard before.

"I take it you really like libraries?" she asked, again.

She heard some kind of scuffle near the door, but she didn't want to get involved in other people's business.
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd August 2018, 10:01 am

[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 KeESSpr

Ari smiled at the question, feeling her nervousness turn to calm at the mention of libraries and of course, Miyu seeming to be ok with her rude behavior.

"It's my favorite place to go after school. It's so quiet and I love the smell of books. Plus I can be left alone to read to my hearts content...or study. I do a lot more of that lately," she replied. Although, she enjoyed studying sometimes it took away from her reading time and her studies did not always match up with her interests in reading too.

Ari had heard the scuffle towards the entrance as well but only gave it a glance. Whatever it was, it was gone. Though there was a rather tall scary looking woman. Ari decided she much preferred Miyu's company and quickly turned away. It was none of her business anyway.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd August 2018, 10:10 am

[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 LbQFzDT

Ah... studying. Yes, the never-ending task. She tried so hard to keep up with her schoolwork, balancing it against the rehearsal and class time for her training, but sometimes she felt like she was being continually dragged down by the undertow. She knew that both were important things to focus on, but that didn't make it feel any easier. At least she'd graduate... eventually.

"Those are nice reasons. I do most of my studying in coffee shops or hallways," she giggled. There wasn't a nice library with generous hours between her school and her... other school. Miyu made do with what she had.

"Well, we ought to do cardio next. Do you prefer running? Or maybe a stationary cycle?"
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[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] The Gym   [OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th August 2018, 11:37 am

[OC Play] The Gym - Page 2 KeESSpr

Coffee shops or hallways? Ari pondered at the locations for studying. She had noticed before that a lot of other students her age gathered together in cafes to study.

"Maybe I should try a coffee shop," she murmered to herself while Miyu continued the conversation with a question.

Ari groaned, as quietly as possible, at the thought of running. She hated running! The cycle sounded easier, but an image of Bas scolding her at how she was so slow popped in her mind.

"How are you supposed to catch enemies if you can't even catch me!"

He would shout that, among other things, during their training exercises. He had always seemed baffled at how a guardian of Bastet was so slow. Then something something about the past guardian, which she was a reincarnation of by the way, don't you forget it. And blah blah blah...

She sighed at the thought, deciding that it might be a good idea to train with running just to get some praise from Bas for once.

"I'm not...overly fond of running, but I think I should give it a try," she replied, although a bit hesitantly.
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