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 [OC Play] Space Bar

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime17th September 2016, 11:43 am

[OC Play] Space Bar HxRGC1C

How does this work? Read up about it here, and don't forget to R&U to that thread!

The Set-up:
In the mood for a strong drink, your character makes their way down to their favorite bar, pub, or tavern, but they suddenly find themselves in this place instead.

It's quite difficult to tell time in this place, as it looks just like a bar you could find in any era. Wooden tables and chairs, as well as one long counter behind which stands rows and rows of bottles with various colors. Order any cocktail or alcoholic drink that you like, just pick your poison. No matter which world you come from and whatever beverages you're familiar with, this place is guaranteed to have it. On one corner you can find a pool table, and on another, a dartboard, for those who wish to play some competitive games.

Bartender On Duty:
Sailor Andromeda, de-transformed, in a turquoise dress and her hair loose, looking more like the entertainment than the bartender. Her elbows are resting lazily on the bar as her hands cup her face, waiting for customers. She does not have a name tag. You're going to have to ask for her name if you wish to know it.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 28th September 2016, 8:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 10:24 am

Roy | Knight Dyonisos

Which one was it?
The first?
The second?
The third?

Or was he already at his fourth? Some day it was hard to tell whether he came from another bar or if he was just mindlessly drifting in space, cat on his lap and nothing in his brain - not quite a change from usual - would once comment a very haughty and very intelligent princess.

Why was he even thinking about that right now?

When he pushed the door, vine crown on top of disobedient curls and white fluffy cat around his neck, he first blinked, his steps faltering a bit before he kept going. That wasn't his usual bar. It looked like any bar however, but it wasn't his usual ones. Surely he would remember the bartender who looked like this place was inappropriate for her as much as he looked like he belonged here.

Without much more thinking he dropped himself on a seat at the counter, Enjolras quietly mewling his discontent.

"The strongest you've got. Something to numb not only every part of the conscious mind and its chaotic behavior but also the body."

He flashed a smile that told anyone he smiled as an automatism, even though a genuine light shone there and his gaze was already veiled from this not being his first stop and yet, every word uttered was crystal clear. On the topic of alcohol, he didn't quite have any favorites. As long as it was strong, as long as it was alcohol and if he could stay drunk more than an hour on... he'd take it.

Let us ignore the very unimpressed look Enjolras threw at the whole bar.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 11:57 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Drinking alone was boring. Why was this bar so empty?

Kira had stumbled upon it when she’d stumbled drunkenly out one bar into what she presumed was another, but this was the first open empty bar that she had ever seen in her life. She’d proceeded to pour a drink and waited, and still no one came. It seemed as if she was able to drink as much as she liked without paying here, and she immediately felt a fondness for the place.

Her own personal bar.

That was what she needed. How had she never thought of it before? Yep. Kira had officially dubbed this place her bar. She’d think of a fancy name later. But as of right now, she was going to run it. And enjoy it. That way she didn’t have to keep hassling the local taverns to keep giving her more drinks, and here she was sure Marina couldn’t find her.

She wasn’t even sure where here was.

A little while later, someone else stumbled in, seemingly also already drunk.

Kira straightened up in excitement. New potential drinking buddy. Oooh, he’s cute, too. And he’s a got a crown. And a cat around his neck?! Is that cat alive?!

As the cat meowed as if in response, Kira cocked her head. Is the cat psychic?! Where can I find a psychic cat-scarf?

At the stranger’s request, Kira grinned. “You have good taste, my friend. Coming right up.”

She had spotted a bottle at the back earlier. It had a label. Strong enough to knock out a troll was what was written on it.

She opened it deftly and poured the contents into two glasses.

She had no idea what it contained, but they were both going to find out.

“Cheers,” she said, raising the glass.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 12:44 pm

Roy | Knight Dyonisos

"So I've been told."

His tone showed that it was a jest and not true arrogance, the cat seemingly rolling his eyes as his tail swiftly moved from left to right in a mix of annoyance and comfort. Those shoulders were still an agreeable pillow in a way, even if their owner was an obnoxious idiot.

She didn't say anything. If it was absinthe, wine, anything, but strangely, he didn't mind. It meant mystery and if she tried to kill him, well the surprise would be on her probably.

He eagerly took the glass given to him, feigning not to notice the judgmental glance Enjolras threw him.


That was some normal way to enjoy a drink with someone else and he liked it. So many planets had their own customs that he was glad this one knew this universal way of doing things. He raised his own glass and clinked it against hers.

Then downed half of it.

And Apollon above did it burn while going down. Heavenly so.


He breathed out with a happy smile, Enjolras stretching himself along his shoulders with a hiss that sounded like a sigh.

"Finally a bar to my standards and expectations. Surely, I shall not leave at all!" His grin lit up his eyes this time. "R. Enchanté. Very much so. You are?" A small mewl. "Oh... right, that's Enjolras. He's..." He glanced at him and shrugged slowly enough so his cat wouldn't be bothered by it. "...a cat. Which was obvious enough, though sometimes he seems to merge with my shoulders so perfectly you would swear he was a scarf."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 4:48 pm

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Their glasses clinked and Kira took a big gulp, scrunching up her face as it burned its way down like an inferno. She let out a native Andromeda curse. “That was… something.” She picked up the bottle and looked at it. Still nothing else beside the vague label. “I may be taking this home. Never had anything like this on my planet.”

She turned back to her new friend and returned his grin. “Agreed. Let’s just live here together forever.” She climbed onto the bar and lazily stretched her legs along the counter.

“R?” she rolled the letter on her tongue, which was starting to feel numb already. “Like the letter? Is there a reason you only go by an initial?”

Her attention was attracted by the cat. “I definitely thought that was some kind of new fashion statement. Cat scarf. Do you always take your cat out drinking?” she tilted her head, wanting to pet the creature but wondering if he’d like that.

“I’m Kira, by the way,” she added at last, eyeing the crown on his head, thinking whether it was polite to ask whether he was a nobleman.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 8:58 pm

Roy | Knight Dyonisos

He eyed the bottle with a curious interest as well, wondering if there were more in this bar and how much would this lovely person accept to sell some of these to him. He looked down to his own glass, observing silently a moment the liquid that would be swallowed down until drought.

He didn't flinch at the mention of planets, as if two people not coming from the same one was totally mundane.

"There's nothing as such nectar on the planet I come from, but I've visited places where it burned with even more fury. Most of them which, I'm sorry to say, showed me the path toward their lovely exit."

He seemed amused.
Then he looked at her.

"I warn you, I snore, I am loud and I hate small corners or walls enclosing my body like a cage. Otherwise, I am quite an efficient companion; if drinking is as much a hobby of yours as it is of mine."

He nodded.

"The letter indeed, or a letter. I've discovered many alphabets numb the minds of this universe. It's for mystery you know..." A pause. "You should see me in a cape."

He took a small sip, closing his eyes for a brief moment in order to simply enjoy the taste and the sensation.

"R is the name those I appreciate call me. You look alright. Then again, many drinking friends I've made revealed themselves not so much friends but rather obnoxious rats with hollow brains." An innocent smile. "As for Enjolras, it'd be quite a bold statement if he was only a fashion accessoire. I admit, maybe he'd be famous where I come from, but he would probably disagree fiercely."

"I assure you, he won't bite. Enjolras loves the universe and hates me. Surely being cared for by someone else than me will change his mind and yep. I take him out every time I possibly can. Sometimes people don't even notice my scarf to be a living creature."

He downed the rest of his glass and extended it toward her.
He could already feel his energy being replenished simply thanks to this lonely glass.

"Well then, Kira, now that we are acquainted, maybe we could see if there are more bottles of this around? One might not be enough if we team up against it." His smile showed his teeth, strangely white for a man who didn't seem to care whether he was well groomed or not.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 1:00 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Kira ‘hmm’-ed in thought at his comment about alcohol who ‘burned with more fury’, so much so that it had driven him away. She couldn’t decide if that was good or bad. On one hand, she wanted to try it. On the other…

Her eyes glinted when he said that drinking was a ‘hobby’ for him. “Finally! One of my people! I have desperately been searching for a drinking buddy. Everyone back home is way too uptight about drinking.” Okay, maybe it was only one person. Or two. But even Narcissus didn’t seem to want to drink with her—not that she wanted to drink with that useless man either. But it was still kind of insulting.

Giggling when he said his name was supposed to be a mystery, Kira did try to imagine him in a cape. “I think you would look most dashing in a cape.”

“Well, R, I am honored to be one of those people you appreciate. I promise I won’t be an obnoxious drinking buddy.”

She looked back toward the cat then, and reached out to pet his fur. “Awww, he’s such a cute kitty,” she cooed, wanting to cuddle him already. “You know, one of my friends is a cat too. Also pretty cute. But I think he’s technically human. Actually I’m confused about that most days,” she rambled, thinking about Percy and how she had once carried his kitty form all the way home from Crystal Tokyo.

As her new friend extended his empty glass toward her, she refilled it easily, before resuming her own drinking to catch up to him.

“If you want to come back here, there are tons of bottles in the back. I have no idea what they all are, but I think it’s all the more reason to try them all.” She hopped back behind the bar and began rummaging in the back room. Some of them had funny names, some of them had unhelpful labels like ‘for rainy nights’ or ‘to mend a broken heart’, or her favorite, ‘to keep you on cloud nine six ways til Sunday’, and some had none at all.

Ah, well. All the more adventure for them.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime20th September 2016, 5:06 pm

Roy | Knight Dyonisos

"I might be bold enough to say it is a profession even." He said about drinking, after hearing about how people weren't fun enough where she lived. "Not everyone has the skillset to drink their mind to perdition and still rise again when morning comes."

Enjolras didn't seem impressed by R's poetry.

He bowed deeply when she said he would be dashing in a cape, throwing her a charming smile as his cat jumped off his shoulder with a certain elegance, landing near Kira to get some more petting. R looked at him a moment, a small surprise moving his brows before Kira's voice took his attention again.

"A shapeshifter then? Interesting. Is it the only form your friend can borrow?"

It was really interesting. Roy had seen a lot, Dionysos even more so and powers like shapeshifting were always something he loved to see in action.

Taking her invitation, he sipped on half his glass already before jumping over the counter with the dexterity of a sober man. He put his glass on the counter to go help Kira with her search for victory drinks, not noticing how Enjolras emptied his glass on the floor at the other side of the counter.

His eyes obviously found the bottles lacking labels first.

"Oh, interesting."

He took one, looking at it critically.

"I hope one of these takes the legs from under us or I will be greatly disappointed."

He pushed himself up to sit on the counter.

"So... is that bar really yours? You hardly look like a bartender."

He extended his hand to take back his glass and looked puzzled to find it empty. He threw a look at Enjolras who simply started to lick his right paw as if nothing had happened.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime21st September 2016, 8:16 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

She pushed the door open and stepped inside the bar, and paused slightly as it closed behind her. Hilda was not so familiar with the drinking establishments on her planet to remember all of them, but something about this place seemed vaguely unspecific. Anything unspecific on Panzer was an anomaly indeed. For a moment she considered turning to leave, but the sound of conversation caught her ears. These were voices she didn't know.

Right now, she'd prefer to be among strangers.

Hilda walked forward, her sensible heeled shoes clicking against the floor. It had been an exhausting day at work, after an exhausting evening in her sailor soldier form, and she just wanted to relax. She wasn't much of a drinker, but today felt like an acceptable exception. Hilda was of age to imbibe, by Panzer law—but Mother wouldn't approve, of course, although Mechtilde would be only too encouraging. Better to keep away from their company right now.

She approached the bar, pushing a wayward strand of bright red hair back over her shoulder. A strong-looking man with curly brown hair was currently on the other side of the bar, but something about him did not give the impression of a bartender. The aqua-haired woman beside him didn't quite seem to fit that description, either.

"Excuse me," she greeted the pair, her tone as direct as her eye contact. "Are either of you serving at this establishment?"

Perhaps it was a self-serve kind of place.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime21st September 2016, 4:07 pm

With someone else entering the bar, Enjolras went back to R's shoulders, eyeing the newcomer with the mistrust cats are sometimes known to show toward strangers. R instead simply turned toward the girl, but didn't hop down from the counter.

"Sure. What can we get you?"

He asked with a hint of mischievousness but the professionalism of someone who decided he worked as a bartender in the last ten seconds of reflexion he was blessed with.

Kira and him could totally be bartenders couldn't they?

They were on the right side of the counter.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime22nd September 2016, 9:16 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

Ah! So they worked here! Hilda took his comment at face value. That was how things worked on Panzer, and she didn't yet suspect that she was elsewhere than her own home. She remained polite and neutral in response, respectful in her order but not overly friendly—in line with the social expectations she was accustomed to. Her eyes scanned the room, not entirely sure what options would be available.

Well, she'd keep it general, then.

"I prefer clear distilled spirits, please. Neat. Thank you."

Hilda tried to brush from her mind the horror and shock her mother would have displayed to hear that not only was she going to imbibe alcohol, she had a preference. That was a topic they would certainly not be discussing together.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime24th September 2016, 11:23 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

“You have to tell me some of your favorite hangover cures,” Kira drawled as she finished her glass. “We have one but it sucks.”

As for his question, she had to struggle to remember what Percy had told her. “I think not, but he’s only ever been a cat for me.”

She was impressed at how sure he was on his feet while drunk, and looked at the unlabeled bottles he’d picked. “I am very curious about those, too. And as for the bar… I don’t know whose it is. I found it and it’s empty so I decided to claim it,” she shrugged, completely blasé, as if people walked into empty places and claimed it for theirs all the time.

She looked up when a new person entered, a girl with red hair who seemed like she might be a bit on the young side. But who cared, right? It wasn’t like she was going to start policing others’ drinking habits.

She grinned when R claimed they were the bartenders. As the girl made her request, she stumbled toward the row of glasses, grabbed one, then squinted at the bottles. The girl had been oddly unspecific, so Kira decided it was up to her.

“Tequila it is,” she muttered to herself as she poured one bottle with such label to the glass and served it to the girl. “What’s your name, by the way? I’m Kira. Nice to meet another girl who appreciates the finer things in life.”
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime26th September 2016, 8:11 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

Hilda gave a formal nod. She would have reached over to shake the woman's hand, but it was impractical to do so with the bar between them.

"An honor to make your acquaintance, Kira," she replied, accepting the small glass of tequila. "My name is Hilda."

Her green eyes glanced towards the first bartender. It wasn't a look of suspicion, merely a routine move to make sure that all present parties would be included. "And your name, sir? If you do not mind my asking."

She was slightly surprised not to have been given a price for this drink. Perhaps they had already opened a tab for her and would be totaling it later.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime26th September 2016, 8:19 am

"Roy. Pleasure's mine."

Enjolras threw a curious glance at Hilda but kept to R's shoulders.

"Oh and this ball of soft fur is Enjolras."

A small ball of warmth surrounded his heart, but he ignored it.

He looked critically at his own glass, then smiled. "I really hope our modest bar will meet your expectations. We rarely get customers." Who cared that it wasn't their bar? "But make yourself comfortable, we are rather proud of our warm welcomes and the feeling of familiarity there can be here."

Enjolras yawned, unimpressed.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime26th September 2016, 8:25 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

At Roy's comment, Hilda once again observed the place. This time, she was treating his comment as though he had requested a review of the bar. The tables and chairs of dark, well-worn wood were warm and functional. The bar looked tidy enough, with a certain amount of disarray perfectly fitting for such an enterprise. She wasn't terribly familiar with the regulations for establishments serving alcohol, but nothing appeared to be immediately out of order.

"The bar seems compliant with all relevant codes," she replied, in every way an orderly Panzer citizen. A sip of her drink confirmed that it, too, was acceptable. "And the drink is enjoyable as well. Much thanks."

She slid onto one of the bar stools, an easy maneuver in her well-tailored gray suit. "Your pride is not undeserved." She tasted her drink again. "Is it a joint venture? I had not noticed this place before prior to my visit."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 3:48 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Kira giggled when R started to welcome Hilda as if this was now both of their bars. She didn’t mind sharing with him at all, after all, he was a fellow alcohol aficionado. He also just went along with things in the way that she truly appreciated. She needed people who were less uptight in her life.

And she might or might not also appreciate that he had introduced himself differently to their ‘customer’. He did say the nickname was reserved for special people.

The fact that Hilda was taking their comments seriously made her want to giggle some more—the drinks didn’t help, either—but she tried her best not to appear like a raging lunatic. “The codes are very important to us,” she said instead, nodding seriously, or as serious as a drunken person could anyway.

She glanced at her new ‘partner’ at the next question. “You could say that. We aren’t… old friends, exactly…” In fact, we just literally met, “…but we both have the same passion for delicious concoctions, so, why not?”
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 6:54 am

Herakles, Prince of Jupiter

The bar's door opened with a slam, and it bounced off the wall and creaked with the force that had been exerted on it. In the door was the silhouette of an abnormally tall, broad man. Light flashed behind him, and a rumbling sound could be heard as he ducked a bit to step in, wet with rain. The door fell shut, and the man removed what looked like a cloak made of a huge lion and hung it up on a nearby coat rack. 

Underneath, he wore bronze and green armor that covered his chest and broad shoulders, leaving his thick arms bare. One side of the chest plate had the sign of Jupiter built into it. The clothing he wore under his bronze protection was a dark colored toga that reached down to his knees. He wore leather boots that tracked water over the floor as he walked towards the bar, and his bronze and emerald crown was tied to his belt instead of on his head, out of sight.

Herakles hated getting caught in the rain, but it was worth it for a drink sometimes, and everyone was less polite and stuffy in a local bar. He shook a few drops of water out of his curled blonde hair and matching beard, and finally noted the other bar patrons. Or were they working at the bar? He wasn't quite sure, but he gave an amicable nod to them anyway. 

"Good evening," he said, his voice deep, but not rough. Herakles pulled out his own stool and sat down, the chair miraculously holding its form under his weight instead of collapsing into splinters.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 7:44 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

She nodded, finding the reasoning solid enough for her interest. The redhead maintained her level of composure and seriousness even as she finished the drink. Hilda set the empty glass down precisely and slid it across the bar towards the young woman with the waves of hair.

"I'd enjoy another, please. Perhaps you would do the honor of making a recommendation?" she asked. She was willing to try something new. After all, so much of this experience was new.

And then the door slammed open, thunder and lightning raging outside. How odd... it had been dry when she was out. And she hadn't noticed the sounds of a storm when she was within the bar. Yet now she could clearly see the effects of a rainstorm outside the windows. Oh well. It wasn't something she would lose sleep over.

She gave a nod to him as he greeted the group. "Good evening to you."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Space Bar Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 8:05 am

This was the best. Clearly.
He threw her back an amused glance, nodding solemnly.

"We do what we can with this whole place."

Let's just forget how they had just met.

Before he could serve Hilda with one of the mystery drinks, the door slammed open, Enjolras suddenly hissing toward the door when the man entered with sounds of rain and thunderstorms. R, still sitting on the counter somewhat... stared.

"Well, what are muscles..."

He let out so only Kira would hear, ignoring the cat all up on his shoulders and growling at Herakles, such judgment in his eyes at the lack of manners.

"Bonjour. Welcome. What can I serve you?"

If a cat could 'ugh', he would.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 12:13 pm

Herakles, Prince of Jupiter

Herakles blinked at the agitated cat perched on the bartender's shoulders, having just noticed it. He'd never seen a cat that small before. Was it not fully grown? And now that he thought about it, quite a few of the people in this bar were shorter than him... He was used to a slightly older crowd, but he had no issues with younger people.

"Apologies to your cat, Sir. I made quite a racket when I came in..." Herakles said, a little embarrassed. "If you have any wine casks in the back that are tapped, that'd be great." He smiled at R. He hadn't seen a barrel keg on the bar-top, so he assumed they were in storage. Which was odd, since most Jovian bars kept their fermented wine in sight for easy pouring into mugs. Herakles wasn't in much of a rush, so he could wait a while.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 3:58 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Kira jumped when the door slammed open, almost breaking completely. Despite the fact that it wasn’t really her bar, she felt the urge to yell at the person anyway. At least, until she saw how big he was. Or how he came with his own personal sound effect. Where can I get one of those?

She wondered if she was that drunk as this monstrous man proceeded to walk toward them, dripping water everywhere. She glanced then at the seat he’d taken as it creaked dangerously, again wondering if he was going to break it.

However, the glass being slid to her caught her attention, and reflexively she caught it.

“We have some unlabeled bottles back there that none of us quite know the contents of if you’d like a true adventure,” she answered Hilda, then turned back toward the bottle she and R had opened earlier. “Or, if you’re not much of a gambler, we tried that one earlier. It’s really strong, gives you a nice wake up kick.”

She suppressed a giggle upon hearing R’s comment about the newcomer—that was certainly an understatement. The cat, however, didn’t seem too pleased.

Well, at least the stranger had manners, gargantuan as he was. Kira wasn’t sure she could take on anyone in a bar brawl right now.

“Who might you be, and do you always come equipped with thunder?” she asked the stranger, tilting her head curiously.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 6:00 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

She considered Kira's question for a moment, pondering her willingness for risk. This was a controlled scenario. Her intention was to drink alcohol here, although not to excess, and so far she felt like her pace would allow this. If she was served something unfamiliar that was stronger than anticipated, she could adjust accordingly. And surely the proprietors of this establishment would not willingly endanger a customer. It seemed entirely reasonable.

Of course, Hilda didn't realize that R and Kira were not actually owner/operators of this bar. Or that it was stocked very unusually.

"An adventure sounds acceptable," she replied, with a friendly nod. "Much thanks."

Then she listened expectantly to the forthcoming answer to the question that had been asked, waiting for the rumbling stranger's reply.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 6:22 am

The cat actually seemed to relax when the newcomer apologized for his behavior, R punctuating the apologies with a small scratch to the feline's head.

"Visitors are not always as intense, but he accepts your apologies. And I do admire the dramatics of your entrance myself, welcome."

He smiled, amused perhaps at the situation, even when Enjolras hit his neck with his small nose. R went to the back and found a basket of wine strong enough for the giant's taste, or so he hoped. He hopped on the counter again, unbothered, though he kept his boots away from the patrons.

"I hope this will satisfy you need. Strong as they come. Or as she said, we also have adventurous beverages for latter refreshments."

He served the man his glass and smiled while Enjolras fixed the stranger with weary eyes, now comfortably back at being a living scarf.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 10:18 am

Herakles, Prince of Jupiter

Herakles couldn't help but chuckle at the bar maiden's unintentional pun. Thunder and lightning did sometimes obey him, but he never considered himself very good at it.

"You could say that. Storms seem to like me," he said, after thanking R for the drink. He picked up the glass and drained it in a few short seconds, setting it back down again. It wasn't quite the wine he was expecting, but it was powerful enough to give him pause, which he liked. He'd have to look into that barrel later...

"I am Herakles. And what would your names be?" If they did not recognize him as a prince, that was fine by him. It was much more relaxed that way.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 2:10 am

[OC Play] Space Bar YIUfnUw

Kira grinned at Hilda’s answer. “That’s the spirit! Pun not intended.” She went back into the back room and grabbed one of the unlabeled bottles at random. The liquid inside seemed to be… glowing, as if it was radioactive or something. She stared at the green color for a bit before shrugging and pouring it into a glass. If it was stocked in a bar, it couldn’t be poison, right?

She handed the glass to Hilda and awaited the reaction with interest.

Glancing back at the bulky guy, she smiled. “I’m Kira, one of the proprietors of this place. Very nice to meet you.”
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 6:42 am

[OC Play] Space Bar 4bo25pM

Hilda wasn't sure that she was necessarily included in Herakles' inquiry, but she opted to reply rather than risk seeming to rudely ignore the question.

"Hilda Von Brandt. Pleasure to meet you," she stated, wondering if they would recognize her ties to VB Ammunition. She rather hoped not. She was hoping to set her job aside for a bit; today had been tough, and she needed to wind down so she could take charge tomorrow.

She cocked an eyebrow at the glowing liquid the enthusiastic bartender proffered. By Panzer, what was this drink to glow in such an unearthly way? It bore an uncomfortable resemblance to certain Chaotic entities she had dispatched from Ringen. The green colour almost seared her eyes, particularly with that bizarre fluorescence.

Surely they wouldn't serve her something dangerous. (She should not have been so sure of this, honestly, but she still believed Kira and R to be legitimate proprietors and not mischievous imbibers.)

Determined not to show weakness, particularly to strangers, Hilda nodded at Kira in thanks, lifted the glass to her lips, and took a sip. The taste was citrus, extremely sour, and very high octane. She set it back down, wondering where such a thing was brewed. At least it was palatable. Nice aftertaste, actually.

"Very tart," she commented. "Not bad, however."
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime29th October 2016, 6:37 pm

R was going to answer Herakles, actually interested in the newcomer when Kira brought from the back something that caught his attention. ALL of his attention. He blinked as the vibrant color made him think of everything that was actually very bad to drink.

His mind also digressed to absinthe, but never was this beverage lethal enough to be this color.

Lethal maybe.
But not that much.

"I want some."

He blurted out without control over his lips, teeth, tongue (his mouth) before catching himself and shining a bright smile at Kira's general direction.

"Can I?"

Puppy eyes could go back to the last century, R was the prince of another sort of pleading eyes that was as charming as it was ridiculous, but it was all on purpose, all for show. He dangled an empty glass - where had he taken it, when did he have time to actually get another glass - in front of her with the innocence of a new born angel.

"It does things to my inners."

He grinned like a cat.
Not like Enjolras, however, for this particular cat sported a face that was far too easily read for a cat's face, one that said 'this human is not mine, he's a peculiar moron I have no affiliation with', all the while staying on R's shoulder as if he was worth nothing but to be a bed for his feline body.

"Or to my eyeballs, hard to say. My mind longs of adventure and my mouth yearns for the fire."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime1st August 2017, 4:42 am

It would take a really strong drink to put a Saiyan under the table, but that didn't stop Tobias from trying on occasion. He was off-planet without his sister and wanted to unwind after a long and successful planet purge. His report to Frieza was finished and damn, was it hard to fill those out on his own. Usually his twin sister handled all of the paperwork. So, now he wanted to kick back, relax, and maybe enjoy a brawl or two if one happened to break out in this bar.

Each door hit the wall with a loud smack as Tobias entered the bar. He instinctively took note of the exits, the general positioning of the objects in the bar, and who he would need to keep an eye on. But, most of all, his eyes were on the bar. Time to spend his paycheck! Or whatever wasn't automatically deposited into a savings account per his sister's orders. Tobias wasn't the responsible twin.

"Bartender!" He called loudly, smacking his hand on the counter as he stood at the bar. "Give me a bottle of your strongest drink." Who needed a glass? He could just save the barkeep the trouble of washing a glass if Tobias drank straight from the bottle. Besides, it took a lot to get a Saiyan drunk, one bottle wouldn't do it. Skip the middleman, of sorts.

"And if you have a food menu, I'll take that, too."

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Space Bar   [OC Play] Space Bar I_icon_minitime4th September 2017, 12:42 pm

All in all, the night had been quiet and unbelievably boring. His idea of a relaxing night was a lot of liquor in the company of a rowdy crowd, followed by a few fights. Perhaps, if he was lucky, one fight would even be to the death or at least garner him some cash to buy the next round of drinks. But, tonight had left him high and dry. 

The bartender had cut him off after Tobias had bought a second bottle of liquor, but never shared it with anyone. Most humans would never be able to tolerate such a huge quantity of hard liquor in such a short period of time, but those humans also did not seem to understand that a saiyan could with ease. Try as he might to prove himself sober and perfectly capable of handling a third bottle of liquor, Tobias was walked out of the bar by the bartender. 

Well, maybe he'd have better luck at the next bar.
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