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 [OC Play] Hardcore High

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 10:10 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High SO5MUPc

How does this work? Read up about it here, and don't forget to R&U to that thread!

NOTE: This OC play area is a little bit different in that it restricts certain characters and you have to sign up first! Find the sign up and OOC here.

The Set-up:
This is an Alternate Universe geared mainly for the participants of the series of Hardcore Events hosted by Sailor Uranus. Original characters that have never participated in said events may not participate.

This is a high school! This means your character has to be either a student, teacher, staff, or any kind of person that has any reason to be in a school. You can decide what your character is, but please state it in your first post (put it somewhere in your narration) so the rest of us know who your character is in this High School AU. Note: You may not be the principal, as that honor is reserved for The Crone.

Registration List

Achelois (Senior - Hippie Animal Lover)
Ari (Freshman - Nerd)
Gabriel (Hot Teacher)
Hilda von Brandt (Vice Principal)
Jasper (Senior - Prep/Rebel)
Kira (Junior - Rebel)
Kumoka (Junior - Jock)
Liera (Senior - Jock)
Nikos (Freshman - Jock)
Oberon (Senior)
Pamina (Tiny Freshman)
Sam (Sophomore - Nerd)
Titania (Senior - Prep)

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 8th October 2016, 2:06 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 7:35 am

[OC Play] Hardcore High L32EGwz

Her dark eyes gazed up at the school and she swallowed hard. She shuffled her feet awkwardly in their freshly-shined black leather lace-up boots, feeling the nervous flutter of her heart. Was she really going to be okay? Her mother was so confident about this whole "high school" thing. Pamina wanted to please her and make her proud, so she had studied and studied, and tried so hard on the assessment tests. All of that had paid off—she was now officially a freshman, having skipped right over the tail end of junior high. She would be attending Hardcore High, one of the many schools for the district her mother oversaw as superintendent.

Well, it wouldn't be any better just standing out here, would it? Pamina gulped, wondering just how she would be received here, and headed inside the building. It felt like it would swallow her whole.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 9:55 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High Enyali12
She killed the engine and coasted, the movement so well-practiced she had stood up and kicked her leg over the seat even as it slid into her spot and came to rest before the small concrete barrier. In one effortless movement, she took off her white helmet and shook her hair free as she hung it off of the right handle bar. Shrugging her leather jacket back into place, she used her fingers to tease her hair out of the helmet shape and turned to greet her girlfriend, their bodies falling instinctively into place against one another and lips locking happily. Liera closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling, pulling Achelois in close and leaning back against her white motorcycle, tangling her fingers into the long, blonde hair that fell down onto her girlfriend's back, over the Letterman jacket with ENYO stitched into the fabric in large block letters in their school colors. She could stay here for hours.

She loved mornings.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 1:15 am

[OC Play] Hardcore High YIUfnUw

Kira frowned as she walked toward school that morning, never a morning person. She disliked the boring classes in particular and was already thinking about skipping or slipping out to the nearest bar to pass out there instead. As she moved across the parking lot, the roar of a motorcycle made her turn, and she saw the strange pair of cool senior girls just as they began kissing. Envy and a wistful desire to have a motorcycle and ride with them enveloped her. If only she could afford one—well, maybe if she didn’t spend all her allowances on liquor, she might. But surely she wasn’t cool enough to hang out with them.

She probably looked dumb staring at them from afar, and finally shook herself out of it, turning her gaze toward the imposing building of the school.

Oh, how much did she not want to go inside?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 1:24 am

[OC Play] Hardcore High Sailor14

Sam adjusted her slightly skewed glasses with a free hand, balancing a small stack of books and notes in her other arm. Her school uniform's shirt was hidden under her familiar red and orange, oversized hooded sweatshirt, and her backpack was full of various items she thought she might need at some point. It was mostly school and basic medical supplies, but Sam liked to be over-prepared for things. 

She always came to school an hour early to read in the library, but she might have borrowed too many this time. She'd have to stop at her locker and put them away before the crowds came in.

Not quite able to see where she was going, Sam did her best to walk down the hallway without hitting anything or anyone. She just hoped she wouldn't be late for first period....

[OC Play] Hardcore High Sailor12

Kumoka yawned wide enough for her teeth to show for a moment, and blinked sleepily as she walked up to the gates of Hardcore High. Her dark brown hair was freed from the ponytail she pulled it into when she played sports, and she wore her football jacket over the shoulders of her school uniform instead of properly. Her school bag was held in one hand, and a smaller bag hung off her chest like a purse, holding a digital camera.

It always took a couple of hours until she really woke up, and the train to school arrived early. Oh well, as long as she wasn't late, no one would mind if she nodded off a few times in the back of a classroom. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught her football captain parking her motorcycle and... um... spending some time with her girlfriend. Kumoka looked away again, not embarrassed, but not really understanding the appeal of dating at all. 

She wasn't one to judge, so she shrugged it off and continued inside. She passed a much smaller student on the way in, barely noticing her at all due to the sheer height difference. Were the freshmen getting shorter, or was it just her head playing tricks on her?
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 8:05 am

[OC Play] Hardcore High Achelo10
If she could sleep in, she would; sleep was good and she enjoyed it, she could engage in this particular activity in almost any situation.  However she would forgo sleeping in for an even better activity: waiting for Liera to get to school.  Because waiting for her meant watching her pull up on that sleek, white motorcycle. It meant watching her graceful movements as she dismounted, eyes catching hers instantly in this practice routine that never got old.  Achelois would be there in an instant as everything that was right in the world pressed against her own lips and body beautifully.  Yes, the best part of waking up was definitely Liera.

While normally at this point Achelois's focus was entirely and wholly devoted to the perfect being currently pressed against her, something caught her attention.  She's not even sure what dragged her out of her daily morning bliss, just that she opened her eyes and saw a small person pause nervously before walking in to the building.  The blonde gently, but quickly pushed back slightly from Liera, an apologetic look mixed with excitement as she motioned to the entrance of the school with her chin.  

"I just have this idea that someone is going to need our help 'specifically' and we should go that way quickly."  A slightly crooked grin took over her face as she clasped Liera's hand in her own and headed towards what, she wasn't sure.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 2:12 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High Enyali12
She was confused when Che pulled away; not having heard the bell ring yet, they still had minutes and -- but the apologetic look and subtle point had her looking over her shoulder with a soft sigh at the explanation. She allowed herself to be led away, following behind the blond and complaining softly, "If it's another hurt bird I can't take it in - my dad is still peeved with the trouble he had with how your cat took to the last one. He had to sacrifice his garage workbench to the bird and you know how he gets." Still, she caught up to walk beside her, retaking her hand and intertwining her fingers, and was already scanning space beneath the bushes for whatever "someone" her girlfriend had spotted.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime9th October 2016, 7:50 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High 4bo25pM

The car door snapped shut satisfyingly as her sensibly-heeled shoes clicked on the pavement. She carefully pressed the lock button twice on her key ring; the same habit repeated every day, just to make sure it was really locked. The military-looking car was easy to spot in the parking lot. As always, Vice Principal Von Brandt cut a sharp figure. She never dressed down, and she seemed to own an endless supply of the same well-fitted suits that were just different enough for the students not to be able to mock her for wearing the same thing over and over.

Not that the students would have mocked her.

Oh, no—not Vice Principal Von Brandt. The rumors were that she had been in the armed forces. Which branch she had served in depended on who you asked. What exactly she had done also varied. Some said she survived desert warfare with nothing but the clothes on her back and a sharp rock. Another story involved diffusing a dirty bomb and evacuating a city. Or defending herself single-handedly against a team of enemy forces... none of whom lived. Others said she worked secret intelligence. Some said she was still doing it.

There was a determined glint to those green eyes. A single glance from her could stop most of the students in their tracks. Even the smartest mouths didn't talk back to Vice Principal Von Brandt. She never said anything directly that intimidated. She just walked with military precision. She seemed to see everything, always knowing the facts.

Sure, sometimes her blatant disregard for pop culture was kind of funny. Sometimes an obvious joke would go right over her head. Sometimes she took off-hand comments as fact, treating everything seriously. She rarely smiled.

But she did a darn good job keeping the school in order. Forms were always filed precisely, available at her fingertips in an instant. Reports never missed their deadlines, whether they were for the district, the students, the parents, or various governing boards. Communication was prompt and clear on all issues. This was her domain, carefully ruled with a firm hand, acting upon the intentions of the wise Principal Crone.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 7:07 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High Nikos
There she was.

Nikos shrugged into his jacket and tried to look casual as Kira strolled onto the campus parking lot, the essence of cool and confident and beautiful; he stood a little straighter and laughed at a joke no one had made and, in a show of downright dedication, his teammates laughed along with him, catching a glance at the cool upperclassman they knew their quarterback was infatuated with. He couldn't have asked for better friends. Keeping a "carefree" smile on his face, he chanced another glance at her, and followed her gaze to... 


He looked away quickly as the brunette walked hand-in-hand with her girlfriend, a chill travelling the length of his spine, an automatic response to remembering her on the field during tryouts for the team. She had been ruthless, relentless - he might even go so far as to second the assertions of the other guys in saying that she was bloodthirsty - definitely living up to her nickname on the field. To think he had come face to face with her, on his first exposure to high school sports, and lived...

And it was all because of her. Kira Alderran. In his mind, her call from the sidelines was akin to a warrior facing a demon, and he hadn't been able to get her out of his head since. He had found out everything he could about her, which, admittedly, wasn't a lot, but still. He smiled and offered her a little half-wave, thinking that, for just a second, he might have seen her glance his way as her eyes swept up the building. He had no idea what he'd say if she ever started a conversation with him, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 2:06 am

[OC Play] Hardcore High YIUfnUw

Kira sighed again and was about to go in when her eyes caught sight of a guy who looked vaguely familiar. He seemed to be… waving? At her? She looked around to see if maybe he was waving at someone else, but there didn’t seem to be anyone in the immediate vicinity. So she turned back to him and waved back uncertainly. Where had she seen him before? If she wasn’t mistaken, he was one of the… freshmen?

Confused, Kira continued to walk into the building, wondering if perhaps she was mistaken after all. Maybe he’d just been trying to catch a mosquito or something. Come to think of it, that didn’t look much like a wave, did it?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Hardcore High Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 4:47 am

The morning preparation for school was a comfortable ritual. Comfortable, dull, and overly quiet in all respects save for the morning alarm clock. Once roused from the bed, Jasper would spend the next hour getting showered and dressed in clean, comfortable clothes that mostly adhered to the dress code. Today, however, he chose to wear a pair of black and blue running shoes in spite of the recommended attire. It technically was permitted, since the shoes were closed-toe and already acceptable for gym use.

On his way to the building, Jasper made certain to give Veep Hilda von Brandt a wide berth. She would not appreciate his antics, having a personality that would have fit better into the administration of a military boarding school. As such, her appeal to the young man was an exotic quality only adequately rivaled by stale bread. He also caught a glimpse of two senior girls smooching, briefly shaking his head with a discontented scowl.

Liera and Achelois had something genuine between them. It wasn't their gender that bothered Jasper, nor the PDA rules they were likely flaunting. They already had something that he lacked, something that would require a great effort for him to obtain.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 5:29 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High Nikos
She had waved back.

The world could pause, could falter, could fall, and still he would be happy at this very moment for she, Kira, the girl with eyes like the ocean and hair like the sea, had noticed him.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Hardcore High   [OC Play] Hardcore High I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 11:00 pm

[OC Play] Hardcore High Sailor14

Oblivious to anyone coming towards her because of her stack of books and her mind being elsewhere, Sam didn't see Kira in her path until it was too late. She walked directly into the other student, and with a surprised gasp, lost her own balance and fell onto her backside. Her books spilled over the hallway's floor around her, and Sam mumbled an "ow" under her breath as she regained her bearings. 

What exactly had she run into? She blinked a few times and looked up, and recognized the girl in front of her as an older and more well known student. Kira was her name, wasn't it? Regardless, Sam turned red when she realized what she'd done.

"Sorry! I wasn't looking and-I-I didn't even see-I shouldn't have been walking with so many things in my hands..." she stumbled over her words as she blurted out apologies.
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