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 [New!] Multiverse Play Boards

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 9:50 am

Do you have an approved Multiverse Character (Literally any approved Multiverse character) that you've made and you love but you just can't find a way to get them out there? You have no storylines in mind for them, or can't find other people to start a storyline with, so your poor, beautiful, interesting character is all alone, just standing there, in the Multiverse Character boards, waiting for love? 
[New!] Multiverse Play Boards 2869872805  that's so sad. 
So we made this for you!  [New!] Multiverse Play Boards 3884866259

Quote :
The Multiverse is our non-Sailor Moon RP Section XD Read more Here~
Aaaaand if anything comes of this open play, check out the Multiverse OOC section to set up an OOC! XD

The threads in this "section" are Public, Open, Non-Committal Roleplay Threads, where original characters can come and go at their leisure, meeting new people, making new friends, maybe even being dragged into an adventure (storyline!) elsewhere! 

Three things to keep in mind when Roleplaying in these threads:

  1. You can only enter with an approved character! Stipulation removed as of September 5, 2017
  2. Note who is playing! If your "twin" is present in the thread already (aka someone else has the same character you have and they're already bopping around in there), please wait until they leave before entering; alternatively, if they have been inactive for 45 days, you can enter with your character and assume they left. 
  3. You do not need to ask permission to join! Just hop on in like you're entering the scene; when you're done with the conversation or don't want to play anymore, have your character leave - it's that easy. 
  4. Please don't keep people waiting! If someone is waiting for you for a few days, the moderator (the staff member or Rainbow Crystal stamp holder who created the thread) will PM you a reminder; if you don't feel up to playing in that scene anymore, just have your character come up with an excuse to leave, and leave. No hard feelings =) 
  5. If you make a connection with another Multiverse Character and want to make up an adventure somewhere, take the planning to the Multiverse OOC boards! Keep in mind where both of your characters are from, though; you may or may not want to figure out a way for them to cross universes and meet and get that figured out before jumping in!

How do these settings work?

  • These (mundane-looking) settings are actually magical~ They work almost like a time-door. *Note: they are not A.U. settings for your character. That is to say, this is not a new/alternate version of your character who was born and raised in the 20th/21st century in whatever-place-this-is and leads a normal life in this setting - they are still who they are in your accepted profile. They've just been transported. 
  • Example: Say your character is thirsty, and they're in the mood for a nice hot drink. They're minding their own business, going to their favorite coffee shop, and when they get there they reach out, open the door, and end up stepping into this place. They might not even notice the difference at first, but man that barista is a little rude, and they certainly haven't met them before... so they maybe decide to take their coffee at a table, rather than leaving, and start getting to know people. 
  • It's a random occurrence set up by some magical old crone who likes to arrange meetings - the instant teleportation to this world is activated all across the universe, in all places and times - you could run into someone from the Harry Potter universe, or someone from Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy, Futurama, etc.!
  • To make the setting less of a distraction to your character, anachronisms are to be ignored. Your character shouldn't find the atmosphere strange, or marvel/scoff over the 20th century tech. In short, everything feels right - your character shouldn't spend a lot of time marveling over the place - it just feels normal; it's part of the magic of the place. However, characters are free to talk about the differences to their own worlds and their own experiences ((so sitting down at this dainty little table drinking coffee shouldn't be or feel weird, but you are fully free to talk about the klah on your planet and the festival coming up to your companion, who may be just nodding their head in confusion))

Technical Questions:

  • One post here counts as 1/2 a casual post (as goes for Casual Events) as there was no storyline approval process
  • You can use this as the actual setting an official Multiverse Storyline starts off in if both parties agree. ((I.E., Princess Peach meets Zelda here and their players want to get them into an actual storyline; they may use this as the official reason the pair met within their storyline and go from there, rather than working something out with a misplaced pipe portal, etc.))
  • Only RP Staffers have the ability to open threads here, however if you like like a specific setting to be put up for you, make the request in this thread!

Have a question? Ask it here!

Before you start to play/respond with your Multiverse Character, R&U here stating you have understood the guidelines above!

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 4th September 2017, 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 12:06 pm

R&U ♥
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime2nd December 2016, 1:14 pm

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime2nd December 2016, 1:27 pm

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime2nd December 2016, 1:43 pm

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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime2nd December 2016, 1:44 pm

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime1st August 2017, 4:32 am

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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime14th September 2018, 6:54 am

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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime20th May 2019, 5:37 am

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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Multiverse Play Boards   [New!] Multiverse Play Boards I_icon_minitime

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