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 [New!] Original Character Play Boards!

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 8:26 am

Do you have an approved Original Character (Otaku or otherwise) that you've made and you love but you just can't find a way to get them out there? You have no storylines in mind for them, or can't find other people to start a storyline with, so your poor, beautiful, interesting character is all alone, just standing there, in the Otaku Character boards, waiting for love? 
[New!] Original Character Play Boards! 2869872805  that's so sad. 
So we made this for you!  [New!] Original Character Play Boards! 3884866259

The threads in this "section" are Public, Open, Non-Committal Roleplay Threads, where original characters can come and go at their leisure, meeting new people, making new friends, maybe even being dragged into an adventure (storyline!) elsewhere! 

Three things to keep in mind when Roleplaying in these threads:

  1. You can only enter with an approved character! As of September 5th, 2017, this restriction is removed!
  2. You do not need to ask permission to join! Just hop on in like you're entering the scene; when you're done with the conversation or don't want to play anymore, have your character leave - it's that easy. 
  3. Please don't keep people waiting! If someone is waiting for you for a few days, the moderator (the staff member who created the thread) will PM you a reminder; if you don't feel up to playing in that scene anymore, just have your character come up with an excuse to leave, and leave. No hard feelings =) 
  4. If you make a connection with another OC and want to make up an adventure somewhere, take the planning to the OOC boards! Keep in mind where both of your characters are from, though; with the way this setting is created, you might be playing with someone who exists thousands of years in the future on a completely different planet!

How do these settings work?

  • These (mundane-looking) settings are actually magical~ They work almost like a time-door. *Note: they are not A.U. settings for your character. That is to say, this is not a new/alternate version of your character who was born and raised in the 20th/21st century in whatever-place-this-is and leads a normal non-senshi/etc. life in this setting - they are still who they are in your accepted profile. They've just been transported. 
  • Example: Say your character is thirsty, and they're in the mood for a nice hot drink. They're minding their own business, going to their favorite coffee shop, and when they get there they reach out, open the door, and end up stepping into this place. They might not even notice the difference at first, but man that barista is a little rude, and they certainly haven't met them before... so they maybe decide to take their coffee at a table, rather than leaving, and start getting to know people. 
  • It's a random occurrence set up by some magical old crone who likes to arrange meetings - the instant teleportation to this world is activated all across the universe, in all places and times - you could run into someone from the Silver Millennium, or someone from far into the future, beyond Crystal Tokyo.
  • To make the setting less of a distraction to your character, anachronisms are to be ignored. People from the Silver Millennium shouldn't find the atmosphere strange, or marvel over the 20th century tech; similarly, people from Crystal Tokyo or beyond (or other planets) also shouldn't find the atmosphere strange or outdated. In short, everything feels right - your character shouldn't spend a lot of time marveling over the place - it just feels normal; it's part of the magic of the place. However, characters are free to talk about the differences to their own worlds and their own experiences ((so sitting down at this dainty little table drinking coffee shouldn't be or feel weird, but you are fully free to talk about the klah on your planet and the festival coming up to your companion, who may be just nodding their head in confusion))

Answered Questions of Note
Sailor Uranus wrote:
Crystalsetsuna wrote:
oh but question! when they leave, will they still remember the interactions they had with the people they met? say, Sailor Soul and Sailor Nix have coffee together, then later on they're together in an event. would they recognize each other, all "hey, i remember you, how have you been?"
No. They would not remember each other, unless both parties agreed that there was such a phenomenal interaction/exchange/starting of a new storyline in play and added this strange off-world interaction to their profiles and got the change accepted. (don't forget the "both" part; if, for example, 
Quote :
or if they've already interacted will they recognize each other? like Amatheia walks in, sees Enya behind the counter and starts talking with her, like "hey, we went to andromeda together! you're doing this now?"
If they've met already in another storyline and that storyline is detailed in their profile, then sure they remember each other. That storyline not added to their profile yet? Nope, don't remember them. 
Afterwards, if they run into each other in another storyline, see above. If it's not added to their official profile, it never technically happened.

For the record, this stuff will never be added to Enya's profile, and so cannot be referenced in any storyline she is in in the future. [[It's a just-for-fun casual roleplay]]
Quote :
and second! do the posts we make also go towards our post count?
They are treated like Casual Event posts - two posts in these boards makes 1 casual post.

Have a question? Ask it here!

Before you start to play/respond with your OC, R&U here stating you have understood the guidelines above!

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 4th September 2017, 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 10:44 am

R&U but quick question. Can you jump in with any OC, or just one that hasn't been played yet?
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 12:34 pm

You can jump in with any OC character that has been approved profile to play Smile
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Professor Tomoe
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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 6:08 am


This sounds very interesting!
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 6:27 am

Also R&U xD
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 6:41 am

R&U gonna get off my butt and do a profile. Lol
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 10:47 am

R&U Smile
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 10:58 am

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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 11:12 am

sounds like a fun way to use some of my crackbabies and Amatheia, and Lyra!


oh but question! when they leave, will they still remember the interactions they had with the people they met? say, Sailor Soul and Sailor Nix have coffee together, then later on they're together in an event. would they recognize each other, all "hey, i remember you, how have you been?"

or if they've already interacted will they recognize each other? like Amatheia walks in, sees Enya behind the counter and starts talking with her, like "hey, we went to andromeda together! you're doing this now?"

and second! do the posts we make also go towards our post count?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 3:44 pm

Crystalsetsuna wrote:
sounds like a fun way to use some of my crackbabies and Amatheia, and Lyra!


oh but question! when they leave, will they still remember the interactions they had with the people they met? say, Sailor Soul and Sailor Nix have coffee together, then later on they're together in an event. would they recognize each other, all "hey, i remember you, how have you been?"
No. They would not remember each other, unless both parties agreed that there was such a phenomenal interaction/exchange/starting of a new storyline in play and added this strange off-world interaction to their profiles and got the change accepted. (don't forget the "both" part; if, for example, 

Quote :
or if they've already interacted will they recognize each other? like Amatheia walks in, sees Enya behind the counter and starts talking with her, like "hey, we went to andromeda together! you're doing this now?"
If they've met already in another storyline and that storyline is detailed in their profile, then sure they remember each other. That storyline not added to their profile yet? Nope, don't remember them.
Afterwards, if they run into each other in another storyline, see above. If it's not added to their official profile, it never technically happened.

For the record, this stuff will never be added to Enya's profile, and so cannot be referenced in any storyline she is in in the future. [[It's a just-for-fun casual roleplay]]
Quote :

and second! do the posts we make also go towards our post count?
They are treated like Casual Event posts - two posts in these boards makes 1 casual post.
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 5:40 pm

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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 6:14 pm

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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 7:42 am

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 2:27 pm

R & U
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Anait Zelleire
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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime19th December 2015, 12:54 pm

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime31st August 2016, 2:50 pm

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Sailor Saturn
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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime21st September 2016, 7:06 am

R&U! <3
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime24th September 2016, 2:28 pm

 EDIT: quick question, are we allowed to jump into any here with our OC? like there's an rp and you jump in?
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime5th October 2016, 11:18 pm

R&U! Smile
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Lotus Crystal


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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 11:33 am

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Neo King Helios
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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime10th October 2016, 3:30 pm

R & U!
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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime1st November 2016, 10:10 am

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Star Seed

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 3:12 pm

R&U! But I have a question- are we allowed to start Open Play threads of our own? I'd like a place where we can have our senshi/related characters interact while powered up (if I goofed and that's allowed in one of the current threads, sorry! Haven't been able to look at all of them yet).
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 4:06 pm

At the moment, we're only allowing RP staff members to create and run Open RP boards, but if you wanted to have a place for transformed characters, I did intend The Gym to allow that for sparring or senshi training. Feel free to use that one!
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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime1st August 2017, 4:15 am

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime22nd September 2017, 6:16 am

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 8:09 am

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[New!] Original Character Play Boards! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime17th August 2018, 3:07 pm

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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 5:13 pm

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PostSubject: Re: [New!] Original Character Play Boards!   [New!] Original Character Play Boards! I_icon_minitime

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