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 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius

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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 9:02 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 0Qt1Sjk

Enoch's solid yellow eyes narrowed in frustration when he received no answers, especially from the Crone, who only met his gaze with discontent. Helpless as he was on the floor near Sailor Oberon, he still, for whatever reason, was able to maintain his dignity.

"Please give me the decency of telling me what happened here," he said as stoically as he could from his weakened position. "As a fellow soldier, I ask you. If I can't understand what happened to Sailor Enyalius, if you were able to save her or not, I won't have any hope of saving those I love from future destruction. I need to know if it's possible to save a corrupted soldier."

His words were not sarcastic or demeaning. He was nigh close to begging for information. After all, from his perspective, he opened up a door and suddenly woke up in a strange room for who knew how long later.

"I hope at the very least that you discussed exactly what happened before you take any new actions. Chaos isn't like the name suggests. It's calculative. It's cruel. It will abuse and take over you if you don't stay steadfast and level-headed. I... would know."

A tinge of shame came on his face before he regained his composure.
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Eternal Knight
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Eternal Knight

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 9:10 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He twisted the link so his voice would be muffled for most of them but Enoch, not leaving his sitting position.

Sailor Achelois was forced to kill Sailor Enyalius before a man came to take away her crystal. I fear we arrived quite at the end of their conversation and thus I am unable to tell more of it.

He looked down on Enoch, who he would still have in his arms if it wasn't for the many feelings that made him fear he'd drop the other man.

Turning the knife in a wound when at least two of them are greatly suffering from it may not be the logical way to try and force anything out of anyone, however. And, for all it might be worth, you have my apologies for not protecting you well enough.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 11:28 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 YIUfnUw

That was all the answer she needed.

She nodded at Nocturnus, looking down at the smaller senshi. “Nocturnus, please guide us there so we can find Achelois again. She’ll need our help.”

She tuned out everyone else; she had to, if she wanted to keep her anger in check and not blast any 'allies'.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 2:05 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

"We'll get her back this time," Sedna said, sounding confident. Her heart ached at their failure. They had arrived too late to save Enya an Achelois had been forced to kill her. They had all watched in horror as an agent of chaos kidnapped her Sailor Crystal and Achelois taking off after them. 

This was becoming more than just saving their friend, it was becoming part of this Sailor War the man mentioned. 

Centering herself once more, she pushed her negative emotions to the side for her to deal with and work through later. The group required her to be focused if she had any chance of keeping them alive as their solitary healer.
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 6:23 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 L32EGwz

She didn't need the Crone to remind her of her own abilities; she already knew these would be her next steps. Now standing beside Sailor Andromeda, the dark-skinned girl cupped one gloved hand in front of her and concentrated, the golden disc landing softly there.

Stars... please guide us. Please help us find her.

As she said her silent prayer, the thing began to glow with a gentle golden light. The dials and rings rotated swiftly, increasing in speed, as the aura surrounding it turned from gold to white. Nocturnus's dark eyes were open now, inky and deep, but reflected within seemed to be an entire miniature cosmos—something only she could see within the light of her instrument.

"Achelois," she whispered, keeping her thoughts filled with all the memories of the blonde woman from their times together. And then, even quieter, barely audible: "Enyalius."

Tiny stars, dancing like fireflies, flew forth from the Asturlab, embedding themselves somewhere beyond the atmosphere of this planet in the depths of space, highlighting where the chimera and its rider had gone.

Nocturnus turned to Andromeda and nodded, ready to leave this place as soon as possible. One hand held the still-glowing navigational instrument, the other clutched the heavy orphaned shield. She would accept assistance with it from none other than Andromeda, but soon space would provide the boon of low gravity. They had to catch up to the others, and quickly.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 6:40 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 YIUfnUw

It was then, as she prepared to take into space once more, did she remember about one person. Andromeda turned and looked at Nikos.

“Nikos, be safe. I know this planet is still a mess—and we even left one of the Fates alive in there…” she had no idea how he would deal with it, but since he seemed immune to their attacks anyway, maybe that curse wasn’t such a bad thing. “I apologize if we caused you any trouble along the way and for any negative effects caused by our arrival here as well as asking you to be our guide. You’ve been extremely helpful and brave. Thank you.”

She smiled at him. “Once we defeat this enemy… I will try to come back. If you ever need help… I will try to be there.”

She felt like she’d left unfinished business here, but right now Achelois needed them more.

She nodded at him, not expecting him to come and risk his life more than he already did. Besides, she knew there was no love lost between him and Enya. This wasn’t his fight. His people needed him more.

Then she turned back to Nocturnus.

“Lead the way, please, Nocturnus,” she told her, her own wings unfurling behind her back as she took to the sky.
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 7:34 am

After hearing the horrible news, Enoch appeared lost and broken. Somehow, he managed to smile sadly and peered up at Sailor Oberon. He sighed and shook his head as he spoke directly to him.

"Sailor Oberon... I don't know what happened to me, but your magic very likely saved my life. I'm here because of your actions. Don't discredit yourself. If I can be half as great of a soldier as you, I could finally be proud of myself.

"Unfortunately, we must get to the bottom of this. Terrible sadness or not, this concerns the entire galaxy, not just us."

Then, the others suddenly prepared to leave. His heart began to race as his gills started pumping water in and out of his body at a rapid pace. He tried to stop himself from panicking, but he felt as though he was watching the galaxy collapse in front of him.

"PLEASE WAIT! Someone answer me! Anyone listen to me. This concerns the entire galaxy, not just Sailor Enyalius or Sailor Achelois or any of us. If we are to do a service to any of our team, you need to have a plan. You need to have a way to tell others of where you are going so we can save not just Sailor Enyalius but the galaxy itself. Or do you want another Planet Enyalius? Sailor Achelois might have thought she was righteous to follow this person on her own, but she could potentially be putting herself into a trap to have her Sailor Crystal stolen by multiple agents and, worse, you might as well by blindly charging in. Please be cautious!"

He grimaced in his inability to move. He prayed that he would find a way to go back to Planet Leviathan. He didn't want to admit it, but he was terrified to be left alone and helpless.

"I am too weak to fight against these forces. I realize this now, but Sailor Leviathan is strong enough. Shadow is strong enough. There are many who would step up to the challenge. I can reach them and tell them what happened. Please give as accurate a description as you can of the man who stole Sailor Enyalius's Sailor Crystal and a way to reach you. If not for the galaxy, then for your friends who will inevitably die if you fail."

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 3rd May 2016, 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 7:41 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 4bo25pM

Well... if she didn't go with, where exactly would she go now? Sailor Panzer scanned the group around her, noting the weariness that only made the terrible things they had last witnessed seem worse. Could she just abandon them now? No, she would not abort this mission. She chose to join them, and that choice was something she took seriously. She vaguely heard the pleas of the young man, but Panzer didn't know what she could offer. At this point... probably nothing.

Sailor Panzer took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever might lay ahead, and prepared herself for flight. When Andromeda took to the skies, requesting that the youngest of the group serve as their guide, the red-haired armored sailor soldier followed suit.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 L32EGwz

Sailor Nocturnus adjusted her grip on the shield, trying to pretend that the weight of it was not a problem. She certainly wasn't going to let go of it or offer it to another, so this was something she had to bear. Her small golden wings, sparkling and sheer, appeared once more at her back, ready to follow the path that her stars had laid.

The child turned to the others remaining, nodding politely to Nikos. She didn't expect the young man to come with them, and even if so she could certainly not carry the man—even if she didn't have the shield or Asturlab currently in her hands. She felt like it would be appropriate to address them... but she didn't know what to say. Instead, she gave another slight bow, thinking of the mannerisms she had learned in Crystal Tokyo, looked skyward, and soared towards the stars that awaited her.

They waited last time. This time, she would not wait.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 8:56 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Nikos

Whoever she was, the others seemed to treat her with the respect due elders - respect he should have remembered - and not as an enemy, so, relaxing, he put his arm down and flipped the sword back to its standard pointy-side-forward orientation, and waited it out. Andromeda's treatment of the crone had him wondering what she knew, and how she knew it, but as things progressed quickly from there, with the child activating a device that whirled and glowed and sent golden stars outward, he knew that the crone was apparently their cue to leave. His grip changed on his sword, as though in an attempt to reassure himself. He could handle this alone - he could take on the being in the next room, right? That's probably what the bowed old woman had meant about keeping his sword ready.

At least with Enyo dead, the Androktsiai and the spirit warriors should have disappeared, or gone back to normal. He didn't look forward to the task of clearing the bodies, but the thought that the city would be safe to return to, and his countrymen would return, was heartening. That he should be so lucky to tell them this unbelievable tale was incredulous -- 

Andromeda addressed him, his attention immediately turning to her. She was so stunning - so different from anyone he had ever met before, with her pale skin and hair like the sea on a clear, summer day, eyes that drew him in like a fool to the call of a siren - and beyond that, her character, her strength, her ability to lead... if there were anything he would change about her, it would be the sadness in her expression, and the weight upon her shoulders. Andrenaline still coursed through his veins, and at that moment, he almost wanted to -- but that was best left to tales. His golden eyes never left hers as she expressed her regrets, his tongue tied in any assurance he wanted to make about how he would be fine, any sort of bravado stuck in his throat as the thought that he wouldn't get to know her better lowered his spirits. ...

But then she stated that she might be coming back. 

The genuine smile that came over his face was one he would have tried to hide from the rest of his corps, but here? No one was looking at him here - even she wasn't looking at him anymore, so he smiled in nervous peace. Andromeda could be coming back. He had yet another reason take the planet back to its former glory - to give her the best of welcomes possible. No matter whom ascended the now-open throne, he would beg she be given the highest of honors upon her return. And maybe... 

But that was best left to tales.

The white wings that burst from her shoulders as she jumped skyward and flew was an image he committed to memory.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 10:30 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002

The Crone's brow arched as Enoch spoke, her expression growing more and more crotchety as he went on. Finally, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as Andromeda took to the sky, she carried on in a light, airy, heavily sarcastic voice, "Well obviously you know everything about this situation - I'm so glad you're so confident in your assumptions about what need be done and how, but consider this:" her voice dropped on the conjugation from its falsetto back to its normally harsh, gravelly tone, "Why the hell am I here then? I don't just go around reviving people for the fun of it, especially if they would eventually come-to of their own accord." She sniffed greatly, the action more derogatory than caused of discomfort. "But please, do go on about what this galaxy needs and what they will be facing and how there is nothing else of importance happening in regards to this War. I'll wait patiently, no need to concern yourself with little old me." She waved dismissively, resettling herself in her robes as she watched Nocturnus and Panzer above them.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 11:43 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 ElrbPPL

Nix had observed everything quietly in the back, her own heart hurting at the sight of the others’ pain. However brief she had known Sailor Enyalius, she had come to respect and admire her, and to have this happen… it was an immense blow to the side of Light. In her many years as a senshi, in the centuries she had fought the good fight, she had seen many senshi fell, but it never made it any easier the next time it happened.

It never got better.

It also seemed their journey still had not come to an end, but she was beginning to feel as if she were intruding in a private mission, and wondered if perhaps going home or helping clean up the mess here might not be better. All the loss and pain she had witnessed made her ache for her own family, the need to ensure they were still alright on the forefront of her mind. If a big war was about to break out, she needed to know, she needed her home to be prepared.

She stepped forward as The Crone spoke in a rather annoyed tone about everyone thinking they knew exactly what to do next.

Since no one else was asking questions, she finally spoke.

“Wise One, is there anything we need to know about this new journey? Have what we done here affected the balance at all—did we restore it, or did this make things worse?”

She could not imagine what that man would do with Sailor Enyalius’ Sailor Crystal—could a Sailor Crystal even be reformed and corrupted twice? And what would the effect be? Would it be even stronger than before? Would they come face to face to a senshi that threatened not only one planet, but the entire galaxy?
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 12:34 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He gave only a very tight smile, one that resembled more a motion of muscle memory than a real one, but said nothing. He didn't take someone passing out from their wounds as a victory, even if he was relieved that Enoch was still alive. He slowly untied his mind to Enoch's when he understood the man wouldn't be coming with them, slowly getting up.

Nix was asking questions, but Oberon felt like nobody wished to know the answers, Andromeda, Nocturnus and Panzer already leaving. Andromeda had said what needed to be said, so he simply looked at Nikos, putting a hand on his heart, rising it to his lips, then making a round gesture of the wrist towards him as a goodbye. He untied their minds as well, sending a small 'thank you' before cutting it completely.

Whether it was seen or not didn't matter. Faes came and went, often invisible and forgotten, though in some place, they were turned into folklore. It was what his kind was good at after all.

His wings gave a small buzzing sound before he rose, but he stopped before following through, simply to hear if the Crone would answer Nix's question and ready to dash to catch up with the others once she did (or didn't).
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 12:35 pm

Enoch's pupil-less eyes stared up at the Crone as she addressed him. He looked saddened and disheartened by her words. He sat up painfully and gripped at his breathing apparatus.

"I know of these things because I've been there," he began solemnly. "If I hadn't been so confident, I would have sought help when my planet was attacked in my past life. The people of Azazel might still be here. I might have been able to save the other soldiers in the Tanukh System. I wouldn't look like... this."

The words came from his mouth slowly and painfully. Memories weighed on his mind like a heavy blanket he could not remove and it was only made worse knowing Sailor Enyalius's fate. 

"I thought I was reborn for a purpose and I thought it was to help others avoid my fate. I thought I could help them here on Planet Enyalius. I see now that I was wrong. Perhaps my rebirth on the planet of my murderer was just an ironic twist of fate."

He was truly the opposite of his counterpart, Sailor Leviathan. He truly was looking out for their best interests, as logical and cold as he might have seemed.

"Please be merciful. I'm only trying to help... as you seem to be. I was never told of your role... and... are you implying that you are the one who revived me? I thank you for that and implore you. Please, help save this galaxy as you have been doing, here and elsewhere. The others obviously revere your guidance. You can do for them what I cannot."

Enoch lowered his head, then looked at Sailor Nix with genuine surprise. He was shocked he hadn't thought of the question. Just what was the state of the balance of Light and Chaos now?
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 2:54 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002

The Crone turned to Nix, still grumpy but her expression loosening to speak, when Enoch spoke again. She turned her bright eyes to him, the only young part of her wizened body, and her gaze narrowed. As he finished, she again waved her old hand dismissively, her stare loosening. "Your thanks are appreciated but unnecessary," she grumbled, "It's my duty to aide Senshi to keep the balance. Your rebirth on her planet is not of my concern - it was your will to return, what happened after was up to you."

"As for your insight, Azazel Knight, not all Sailor Wars are the same - ," she said, her voice less of a grumble but still gravelly as normal,  "- if they were, things would not be so difficult. The bracelets of Galaxia have been utterly destroyed; a Senshi's Sailor Crystal will not so easily be removed this time, nor her will so masked. But that was never the intent of this one.

She tilted her attention towards Nix as she continued, "The scales of Cosmos and Chaos are still tipped against us, but while this victory made the slope less steep, with the horrors dealt here the strength of Chaos-aligned forces across the Galaxy has strengthened. Planets cleansed are coming undone, planets under duress are ever more so. Senshi across the Galaxy are digging in their heels in an attempt to hold the charge. 

"Some are losing their hold."

Her frown deepened, but with worry now, more than annoyance. "The planet Enyalius's destruction was accelerated with the help of a Senshi, but the fate of other worlds are on the same path." She continued in a low voice, "Sailor Enyalius is not the first senshi to have died.

"In short," the crone rolled her shoulders, "More senshi are needed to fight than are prepared to. Fledgling senshi are easily overpowered, Hardened senshi are spreading themselves too thin. You are needed."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 3:02 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
Oberon shuddered. His planet was peaceful. Nomads in heart, but not warriors. He didn't want to imagine what could happen to a planet that hadn't seen real wars for so long. They would see it in visited planets, but their own never saw a full blown war. Imagining his planet crying out in pain made his wings bristled. How far was the reach of chaos? Was his galaxy safer since it was so far or would it crumble as Enyalius did?

"What if we, not this group only, but we" It felt weird to say when he knew he was Senshi only by mistakes in the design. "Sailor Senshi, are not enough? Is there a way to end everything if it becomes desperate enough that all hope is lost for fighting warriors?"

If the universe had a way to reboot itself, dealing with chaos, even if it eliminated everything else, well they would know that even if they failed, Chaos wouldn't win. He wasn't sure how the question would be received, but he had seen worlds come and go. He knew that sometimes, nature had to destroy everything around to rise from its ashes.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 8:33 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002

"There will always be hope," the Crone stated, the statement almost defiant in its delivery, though not towards Oberon - more the universe as a whole. "We would enter a dark age, but, eventually, Cosmos would pull through."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 8:39 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
"I can only pray you are right." He mused. "Oberians are old and yet we have very little of the wisdom of this universe."

Fact that seemed to amuse him before his features returned to their usual neutrality.

"Thank you."
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 8:53 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 0Qt1Sjk

Azazel Knight. That was his name, wasn't it? He was so used to his new name, the one his parents on Planet Leviathan gave him. He had to embrace his true name if he was ever to find out what he was really reborn for. The Crone was right. He must have chose his destiny. God or the universe itself wouldn't be so cruel... right?

And besides, he liked Sailor Leviathan now. Well, he always liked Sailor Leviathan. Even then. And even if they had to suffer and be reborn again.

"I should clarify, it's not the manner in which I was killed that is so important," he said solemnly. "It's that I didn't take the matter seriously enough. I thought I could handle my killer on my own. I could have easily sought help. I was too confident. Please understand that I know there is a serious difference between one who chose to embrace Chaos and one who didn't. I just pray that the others don't make the same mistake I did."

The Crone's confirmation lifted his spirits. It was horrific to hear that others were suffering as they spoke, but the confirmation that there were far more fighting on the side of the Light (as he called it) was enough for Azazel to have hope. For there was a false knowledge that rose in his heart, born from the lack of explanation from the other members of the group. In his mind, he was putting together the events as he knew them.

He approached the strange door and, in a panic, began to break it down. When he finally broke the door free... well, that's when his memory got fuzzy. He then woke up on the floor and began to ask the others what had happened.

He received a brief explanation about Sailor Enyalius's and Sailor Achelois's fates but received no word about his own, not even from Sailor Oberon who at least was kind enough to answer some questions. But what had he meant by failing to protect him? And why were the others silent to his cries for an explanation for what happened? Why did they give him no acknowledgement at all? Why did they ignore him completely?

It was because it was one of them who knocked him out and Sailor Oberon was scared to admit it. They meant to immobilize him and abandon him on Planet Enyalius.

Azazel couldn't have imagined leaving the fate of the universe to these people.

"I'm saddened to hear that this problem is spread throughout the galaxy but I am glad that if our group suffers a trap, they will not be the last stand against this threat," he spoke to the Crone. "I will go wherever I can be of assistance... Oh. I apologize. I cannot believe I haven't asked you this. What should I call you?"
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 11:09 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 ElrbPPL

Things are getting worse?

Again, she thought of her planet, alone in the corner of the Solar System yet thriving with life. The desire to go home and check everything was alright was strong, even if she knew she would feel it had Chaos taken hold there.

And planets cleansed coming undone? Did that mean… their work on Leviathan, and everything else before that? More Senshi dying. The war was bigger than she thought. And it seemed it would not end anytime soon.

Oberon’s question made her feel uncharacteristically cold. She knew of Crystal Tokyo and their senshi; she knew there was one among them who could put down their Glaive and end everything for the purpose of the rebirth of a better world.

But that would be a last resort, surely?

She didn’t like the idea of a Dark Age, either, even if The Crone seemed sure that they would win eventually.

“We will keep fighting,” she said at last. “Until we can’t anymore.”

It was the only choice left.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime4th May 2016, 11:43 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002

The crone nodded, and added in a grumpy, yet proud matter, "I expected nothing less. You are Maidens of Cosmos, after all. So," she dragged the word as she maneuvered to face them all, "If you were planning to follow them," she gestured skyward, "Leave now, or  you might lose them. If you want to see where you are needed, Sailor Jupiter of Sol is still coordinating efforts - find the nearest populated planet with a senshi presence and get crackin'."

She looked like she was ready to leave. 

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Nikos

With a gesture of farewell from Oberon, his head felt emptier, closer, and more complete. They were really leaving - all of them. He would be okay, but based on all of the odd things the old woman was saying, he wondered if they were. The Universe had grown for him within the span of a day - aliens existed, they had powers, and apparently they're fighting a war against evil beings like Enyo. He wished them luck, but he felt it would be odd to speak.
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Eternal Knight
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime4th May 2016, 12:49 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He took the Crone's words as a farewell. If someone wanted more from her, surely they would ask, but she was right, if they wanted to follow them, they needed to do it quickly. He looked around him one last time before taking off. A shame really. This could have been a charming place if it wasn't for the memories it now held.

He dashed after Andromeda and Nocturnus, not very sure they were more knowledgeable now than they were before asking those questions. Well, they'd see he supposed.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 8:43 am

Fields of Enyalius has officially concluded, and the story will resume in Light in Darkness, sign-ups for which will open in 9 days. 

If you have yet to claim the bumper, here it is!
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Fields_of_enyalius_rp_event_bumper_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d9sw02v
Brownie Points wrote:

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Achelois Achelois gains 3 EXP
-Stopping Enyo from busting down the door and killing everyone, probably
-Not offing herself after she killed Enya.
-For stepping up and killing Enyo. Don't get me wrong, didn't want that to happen, but it takes some courage, or desperation to do and she could totally just have followed Enyo into darkness instead of killing her.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 IxocPY Azazel gains 1 EXP
Azazel levels up! Azazel is level 1
Azazel has 0/20 EXP towards lvl 2
-For getting the right door, even if it was mostly because of his fear at first. It was still the right door and though it almost killed him, it opened the path for the others.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Andromeda Andromeda gains 2 EXP
-Taking charge!
-For not giving up and continuing to be a leader

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Callisto Callisto gains 2 EXP
-Excellent job going after Deino! Callisto did the most damage from what I remember. 
-Trying to fight despite fighting dread/being much slower

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Oberon Oberon gains 4 EXP

-Shielding people~
-Shields for days! Thanks for all of those shields!
-Activating his Shields and saving a hunka-buncha HP
-Because shields, concern for others, and following Andromeda through the door to witness tragedy.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 UtFtSZ Nikos gains 2 EXP

-For helping them till the end when though it was slightly his fight since it's his planet, it still wasn't his fight. They weren't fighting for the planet, they were fighting for Enyalius. He could have fled and left them the rest to deal with, but he didn't. Selfish reasons or not, he stood by them.
-He followed orders and *tried* to keep the healer distracted.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 Nix Nix gains 1 EXP
-Panic couldn't stop the Nix from still being helpful.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 15 I_icon_minitime

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