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 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 8:49 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Fields_of_enyalius_rp_event_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d9sw037
Recent IC Events:
It has been five days since these senshi left the Maze Planet; faced with little sleep, it was decided they would rest on Leviathan for a few days to regain their strength before giving chase to Sailor Enyalius.

Sailor Enyalius has returned to her planet.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Fx0SKC
These characters are on Leviathan and witnessed what happened:
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Achelois[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  LittleNocturnus[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nix[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Amatheia[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sedna[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Oberon[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Shadow[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Leviathan[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  PJkdMF
These characters are on Andromeda; Sailor Andromeda has been contacted by Sailor Achelois and informed of what has happened:
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Andromeda [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Makemake[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Varuna[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  5jzY6c 
These characters are in Castle Charon, and informed of what has happened by Sailor Jupiter.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Soul [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Aktypris%202 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Zorya [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Europa
Other Senshi are on various planets dealing with Chaos Agents; they are completely unaware of the Chaos Seeds (only four were planted, only one came to fruition), but can answer the call from Jupiter to join the others on planet Enyalius. Note: Sailors Mercury, Mars, and/or Venus* are close enough to meet the team at planet Enyalius; Mercury and Mars are available for claims; however, these players must be extremely comfortable playing the canon personalities with modifications made to heighten maturity and confidence levels given their millennia of experience. They should not be played with their teenage personalities in mind. If you would like to claim either of these characters, please PM me two role play samples of your version of these canon characters for pre-approval. *In Decay, the relationship between Enyalius, Achelois, and Venus ended on shaky terms; players wishing to take her up in future events are requested to reread the end of Decay to see how these characters felt about each other prior to these events. ((For Venus, Decay happened over a year ago; for Enyalius and Achelois it was only 6 months ago))((TLDR version: Enya and Achelois ended the event feeling as though Sailors Venus and Pluto withheld important information from them and then threw them under the bus in the debrief; therefore, Achelois would request Venus not accompany her on this mission.))

With what faced them, Achelois is undoubtedly the leader of this endeavor; in the spirit of hoping to return Enyalius to Cosmos, rather than destroy her, Achelois has the right to be shrewd with whom she allows to join her. 
Please note that Achelois, like all characters, is played to be as flawed as the rest of us. She has biases, especially for this mission, and so she may not be fair with whom she allows to join her in an effort not to start off with presenting Enyalius with a target she may more easily wish to kill. While this is regrettable, please also know that the next event will have no such hold on which characters may or may not come. Also know that if she bars a certain character from coming, the player may still request to enter with another character.

Rules, Background, and Dungeon Crawler Game Notes and Information:

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Page-break-12

  • Pay attention to the story - read every post so you don't miss anything. Major Plot Points will be delivered through me - I will announce, for example, when we find objects/people, and what things look like. I will arrange for the baddies to be fought, and I'll handle the combat system (everyone chooses their own attacks and everything, I just roll to see if those attacks hit, and see how effective those attacks are against the bad guys, and rolling a die to see how much damage they do (if any XD the 0 is allowed and causes the attack to miss its target)). Needless to say: If your don't pay attention to the story, your character's reactions / ideas / etc. may be out of place, and will be treated as such by other characters. Read Carefully.
  • Post at least once every 48 hours - Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect.
  • Watch out for Random Events - if the majority of players are active in the Skype Thread I may spring Random Events on players; these will always be announced in the Skype conversation, where it will be open for questions/comments/concerns, and will always come with caveats for those who cannot actively post on the board within the time period allotted. Instructions need be followed, else consequences wordlessly accepted for not following the specific directions.

And, finally, while bringing in side-storylines is okay, this roleplay's main story will end on April 30th, win, lose, or draw. I suggest keeping noses to the grindstone and keep moving forward to make it to the ending battle before it's too late!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Page-break-12
The Event Begins April 1st!
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Fields_of_enyalius_rp_event_bumper_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d9sw02v
If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Skype OOC Chat (or skype me directly if you're afraid it will be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

The game begins on Friday, April 1st, and will end on Saturday, April 30th.

List of Characters:
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Fx0SKC Sailor Enyalius - does not count towards ten player count.

  1. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Achelois Sailor Achelois - Anait Zelleire
  2. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sedna Sailor Sedna - Addelyn
  3. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  IxocPY Enoch - Azazel Knight - Sailor CJ
  4. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Andromeda Sailor Andromeda - Sailor Mercury
  5. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto Sailor Callisto - JupiterThunderCrash
  6. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Oberon Sailor Oberon - Eternal Knight
  7. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  LittleNocturnus Sailor Nocturnus - Aurae
  8. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  UtFtSZ Nikos of Enyalius - Uranus
  9. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Panzer Sailor Panzer - Aurae
  10. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nix Sailor Nix - Sailor Mercury

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Page-break-12
but really who let me have separator images
Status Sheet
for all of your HP MP stat needs
Weapon/Magic/Item Sheets
NOTE! BEFORE THE GAME BEGINS Check the above information for validity as far as your character is concerned!
I will be working directly from these sheets - if anything is incorrect and is not caught, we will be going off of what is on the sheet, not what is *supposed to be* on the sheet.
Post Count / Activity Checks
two zeros in a row shows inactivity, but you're given 12 hours of wiggle room; three is the knock-out~

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 17th April 2016, 9:47 am; edited 5 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 9:00 pm

Live Chat Event Log:
Nikos of Enyalius 
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos

Nikos threw his back against the side of a building, taking a deep breath, hearing his teammates breathing hard beside him. They had made it into the city. So far, so good. Not many had died, and that was a plus - I mean, hey, he was still alive, so that was even better for him, right? He leaned over to peer around the side of the building and saw them standing guard, their weapons too still at the ready. Right. Just have to get past them and keep going to the castle - that'd be where she's held up. Why? Who knew, maybe ruling corpses was her thing after all. Maybe 'ascending' made you crazy. Maybe she really does drink the blood of the fallen and she's incredibly thirsty. He barked a laugh, barely keeping his mouth shut. Several of his team shh'd him and he turned his wide eyes back to them, nodding - now was not the time to laugh, he knew. They were about to rush in to fight the corpses of the dead in an attempt to make it past them and deeper into the city to find and destroy what amounted to a Goddess.

He choked on his next laugh. 

Piece of cake! Sure! 

He choked again, then peeled away from the building and led on, his sword raised as his sandals hit the dirt, leading the charge silently. Somehow the usual battle cry of 'Long Live Liera!' didn't seem to fit anymore. 

The Planet Enyalius
Following Nocturnus's Celestial Sphere, they traveled to the planet Enyalius.

The planet was a middling-sized terrestrial body, 65% water with one major continent and two minor, one above, one to the east of the first. It seemed young, so far as planets with intelligent life are concerned. Unsure of where to go, they tried Nocturnus's Celestial Sphere again, and it pointed faintly down to a spot near a coast in the main continent, bordering a sea that eventually opened to the ocean. They flew down to meet it, following the line... 
Until suddenly the line disappeared, and the party was swarmed with a force that pushed them, pulled them, threw them off course - eventually they decided to land: since when had Chaos been so kind as to let them fly in to face their enemies, anyway? 

They found themselves flying down towards the outskirts of a major city... one that had seen recent destruction. Remarkably, there were no bodies littering the otherwise vacant streets -

A skirmish. 

Spotted and called out for all to notice, the senshi change course towards the battle being waged, as a group of what were apparently soldiers were being surrounded by something else - bodies that moved fluidly, skillfully, and were easily taking down the obviously alive soldiers. 

When they came within range, only one was left standing, surrounded by twelve enemies, his companions rising to join the fight against him.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 2nd May 2016, 8:06 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 6:32 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L32EGwz

Everywhere, scenes of war. This, unfortunately, was something Sailor Nocturnus knew. The young girl shivered, rubbing her arms even though the temperature in this place was not particularly cold. She thought of her mother's enemy and his vast forces. So much violence and death, all in the name of justice and freedom. Everywhere they went, they blotted out the comforting darkness with their hideous light. Similar, but different, were the battles here, but the general feeling of conflict remained the same. Unchanging.

The skirmish they approached made her bite her lip. Something about what was going on below reeked of Chaotic evil. That shouldn't be surprising on a world that now hung in the balance, tipped too far from the side of good, but still it unsettled the child. Nocturnus wouldn't have admitted it, of course. She kept her eyes observing the other sailor soldiers around her, seeking inspiration in their reactions. They had a clear mission; they must keep going forward.

Last edited by Aurae on 1st April 2016, 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added RP banner for Bubbles' enjoyment)
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 6:37 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  4bo25pM

Green eyes observed the scene through the dark lenses of her visor. Her mouth twisted into a dissatisfied frown. Sailor Panzer knew better than to expect a warm welcome and an easy path to victory, but she found what actually awaited them to be sufficiently unsettling. Used to conflict, her focus keenly noticed the lack of bodies within the damaged city. No one had time to remove the dead, if dead there were. No, there was something more sinister afoot here.

The soldiers below, beset by humanoid-looking things, fell before they could get closer. "Upon Panzer!" she hissed under her breath. Hilda's military training did not make this an unfamiliar scene, but she still wished to help avoid as many casualties as possible.

"Do we have a plan?" she asked the group, unsure of what their typical tactics and strategy might be.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 6:44 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

The scene they arrived upon unsettled Eshana greatly. What she saw almost horrified her. Companions of the man that was in the middle were rising after being struck down. She summoned her halberd, gathering her wits. 

The Crone had said that the Fates that Enya had were able to scry, but the protection she gave them would shield them from it. Perhaps she could turn their tactic around and scry on them? It would have to wait until after this battle though. 

"Moonlight Kiss," she called out softly, not wanting to give the enemy anymore time to react than necessary. She aimed towards the closet spirit to her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 12:13 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sailor10

As soon as she saw the lone soldier being surrounded by the undead warriors, Callisto was already set on interfering. This may not have been their exact mission, but somoene clearly needed help.

"We don't need a plan," she said, before flying towards the skirmish. If no one followed her, that was fine. She landed in front of the last soldier and held out her hand. "Callisto Major Guard!" A longer, 180 degree barrier rose between her and the warriors closing in.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 1:18 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  YIUfnUw

As thematically appropriate in Planet Enyalius, they arrived and were immediately greeted by battle. Andromeda observed the group below, unnerved by the way the larger group moved. There was something off about them that she couldn’t put her finger on that looked different than those fighting them.

And then it became slightly clearer when they got closer and saw the fallen soldiers rising and changing sides, turning against the now outnumbered lone soldier. The scene gave her a chill; it felt like a bad omen. How could these people return to life and switch sides? Necromancy was unnatural. Was this Enya's doing, her new power that The Crone warned them about?

And a more chilling thought; would the Enya they found be like this, as well? Turned against them? Would she fight them? Andromeda tried to remember the last time she saw Enya on her planet, never realizing that hug would be the last…

She shook her head, trying to shake off the feeling. No. They would get her back. She would see that smile again.

The others began to move; Callisto protected the lone soldier, allowing the rest to take care of his opponents. Andromeda floated down, her Chrome Blade already out, swinging it as she flew to the ground, clashing it against the nearest undead soldier’s weapon.
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Sailor Neptune
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RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 1:39 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  ElrbPPL

Nix assessed the situation they were faced with as soon as she came upon it. What she saw was deeply unsettling; it seemed The Crone was right about undead people running around under Enyalius’ control. This was bad; this meant they could not kill people. Every person they kill would only add to Enyalius’ army. And could they even kill a person twice?

However, it was obvious that the soldier that was still alive needed help.

Making sure to not get in the way of the opponents the others already engaged with, she aimed Arctic Blizzard to one of the others. Ideally she’d like to freeze everyone, but there were too many of them.
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 2:06 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Mg4RXyX

The others might not have noticed Sailor Makemake arrive, not because she was trying to be stealthy or anything, it's just that she was so quiet.

If Sailor Andromeda had noticed the timid soldier's arrival, she would have likely immediately remembered that, back on Planet Andromeda, Sailor Makemake initally declined helping Planet Enyalius. She said that she was too concerned about her planet and that her plants could be in danger after leaving them alone for so long.

But here she was and somehow she had found Planet Enyalius and the group all on her own. Something seemed to affecting her though, making the usually chipper and dim witted Makemake seem all too aware of the dangers around her. She looked nervously toward Sailor Callisto as she put up the shield to surround the group.

A tiny vine poked out of Makemake's collar and began to smack her repeatedly in the face. She didn't seem to be aware that it was doing so.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 2:36 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Achelo10
Achelois hadn't expected the path to Enya to be easy, in fact she was grateful they had made it to the surface without incidence or injury.  The surface was covered in battlegrounds with surprisingly little to offer in the aftermath of dead bodies... because they were...

She watched the scene unfold below them, the small group of soldiers easily whittled down to one.  The fallen ones now attacking him.  To see those he fought with so quickly turn on him...  Achelois watched a few break off to help, she didn't even have to say anything.  If they saved him, he could prove very valuable to them.

"Sorry Panzer, we don't always have much in the way of plans, though right now the next objective is to save that soldier."  She found their new addition strangely calming so far, the lack of extreme emotion used to be so familiar to her. 

Callisto was protecting the soldier, while Achelois checked from her position to make sure he wasn't on the brink of death.  "I doubt that they'll let up unless destroyed, let's take out this group of undead!" The blonde called out to the rest of the group, her staff ready to give healing energy.  She hid a shudder as she inspected the newly made enemies, for someone of nature, the animation of that which should be devoid of life was very unnerving.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 5:38 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
Flying from Leviathan was harder on his calm than he thought. He wasn't involved in all of this, apart from the fight on Leviathan and yet, this mission was unnerving. Or maybe it was that he had to deal with more than his own thoughts as he linked the group together in between planets. Most minds were easy to reconnect and he welcomed them back gladly, but three were new to him and he took extra care to avoid upsetting their chemical and mental balance.

One thing for sure, he couldn't say he was surprised by the sight awaiting them. This place seemed more at war than the universe itself. He glanced at Panzer, then Callisto.

"On the contrary..."

He sighed for himself. A plan would have been better. A lack of one, or rather, too much haste was what gave them trouble on Leviathan. They were disorganised and chaotic. They needed to act as a group, more so if they wanted now to go against the woman who had been a leader to most of them.

"Avalon Spear!"

The spear materialized in his hands and Oberon was about to dive down when his eyes caught sight of another of theirs, not too far, who seemed in some strange sort of predicament, but also not too focused on the battle at hand.

The fae flew nearer, concerned.

"Are you well?"

He asked, trying to catch the vine with his free hand so it would stop hitting the young girl.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 1st April 2016, 6:28 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Trying to get this grammar thing to work.)
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 7:31 pm

Battle wrote:

Battle Map
Senshi in Sky not pictured
Note: if no enemy specified, RNG determined the target. For first round, zombies that would have attacked before Nix have already used their attack on Nikos's team (else... are... Nikos's team.) As they came from the sky, the first few attacks will automatically hit, as they were sneak attacks on zombies. 
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nix Nix uses Arctic Blizzard (3 MP) and attempts to attack Zombie 12
How much damage?
--MP 2
--CTRL 10
----Total of 13 points of damage. Zombie 12 falls!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  AndromedaAndromeda uses her Chrome Blade and engages in combat with Zombie 7

How much damage?
--STR 6
--WPN 2
----Total of 12 points of damage. Zombie 7 falls!

Zombie 5 attempts to attack Nikos!
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 2
--WPN 1
--Armor -2
----Total of 2 points of damage

Zombie 3 attempts to attack Nikos!
Does it hit?
It misses!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  CallistoCallisto uses Callisto Major Guard!

Callisto is blocking Zombies 5,2,3,4,6,8,9 are prevented from attacking Nikos and will instead attack Callisto's Shield!

The Zombies are watching out for attackers!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sedna Sedna uses Midnight Kiss (4 MP) and attempts to attack Zombie 2!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--MP 2
--CTRL 6
----Total of 13 points of damage. Zombie 2 falls!

Zombie 1 attempts to attack Nikos!
Does it hit?
it misses!

Zombie 4 attempts to attack Sailor Andromeda [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Andromeda
Does it hit?
Critical hit!
How much damage?
--STR 2
--WPN 1
--ARM - 4
----Total of 4 points of damage! Critical Hit: Andromeda is bleeding! She loses an additional 1 HP!

Zombie 10 attempts to attack Nikos!
Does it hit?
it misses!

Zombie 11 attempts to attack Nikos!
Does it hit?
it misses!

Battle Phase One Order: 
12 Achelois
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda
9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
9 Zombie 3
8 Oberon
8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4
5 Nikos
5 Zombie 2
5 Zombie 12
4 Zombie 7
3 Makemake
3 Zombie 10
2 Zombie 11

((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))

Battle Phase One has Ended.
*Remember, if attacking an enemy less than half your dexterity, you can attack them again within the same round.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos
The sounds closed in - the creeping quiet of the moving bodies, their old wounds festering, the blood having clotted hours if not days ago. He jabbed forward with his sword, kept them at a distance swinging his spear - he resisted looking them in the eye, despite all of his training to the contrary: these enemies did not think before they acted; you could not read their next move through their gestures, you just had to watch for it. It was the stupidest and most effective distraction ever conceived - 'Watch their eyes, for that is where they make their first move.' Wrong. Dead wrong. Probably because they were dead. Which was wrong. He thrust and parried, dancing on the stones of the city streets, his sandals scraping up dirt and debris. Cries denoted someone had fallen - someone alive. He grit his teeth and kept moving, stabbing with his spear, aiming for throats, pushing forward, towards the next building and the shelter it could offer, but they shifted and moved too quickly, cutting off his path forward and his retreat.

A quick glance confirmed it - his unit was officially obliterated. He was alone, surrounded by zombies. Laughter bubbled in his throat again - did you have thoughts when you fought as one of them? Would his corpse get tired of fighting? Do they take breaks? 

How stupid were they, anyway - these things had killed most of their army, what made them think they could sneak through the city without being completely obliterated by them? Too late now, at any rate. His body was reacting now out of sheer muscle memory - he knew he was going to die, but it was like his fighting instinct wasn't ready to give up yet. He was just waiting to mess up and die, which should be any second now ---

And suddenly the corpse before him was surrounded in cold white snow, and something hit the ground heavily behind him, the sound of blades crashing sharp in his ears as a new wave of panic nearly stopped his heart. A blade in his arm reminded him he had no time to look around, and he quickly pushed the attacker off of him and side-stepped an attack made by another monster just as a second thud landed just behind him and something semi-circular erupted around the other being. With this one so close, he risked turning his head, and his anxiety intensified, bronze eyes darting around to catch sight of them all, only to see yet another send beams of light outwards that cut straight through yet another corpse. His enemies were falling, but who...?

Voices above set a new terror through his bones. He laughed. He couldn't help it. He thought he would die at the hands of corpses - the Androktsiai - but instead he got the rare treat of being murdered by some Hysminai, direct servants of Liera herself. Great. He couldn't stop laughing, stress and fear and anxiety rippling through him, escaping like water through a floodgate.

Battle Phase 2 wrote:
Battle Phase Two begins.
Remember: Dex order trumps post order for order of attacks. 

Battle Phase Two Order: 
12 Achelois
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda
9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
9 Zombie 3
8 Oberon
8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4
5 Nikos
3 Makemake
3 Zombie 10
2 Zombie 11
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 8:11 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sailor10

Even as she held back the group of zombies still standing, she turned her head enough to look back at the young man behind her. He certainly looked like some kind of warrior, covered in leather and bronze. He wouldn't be out of place back int eh Silver Millennium age, but that was a thought for another time.

"I don't see what's so amusing..." Callisto said to him through half clenched teeth. Had he taken a blow to the head before they arrived? "Either run, or help fight. I can't hold these... creatures back forever."
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 1:14 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  YIUfnUw

She was surprised at how easily they went down, but even as the one before her fell, another slashed at her, opening a wound. She winced in pain and let out a cry, but then immediately drove her blade through her new attacker (Zombie 4).

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  ElrbPPL

When the one before her fell easily, Nix turned her attention to the ones behind Callisto’s barrier who were still attempting to kill the soldier they were trying to save. Achelois had given an order to kill them, so she didn’t hesitate. Seeing that they didn’t seem to be too tough, she decided to save her magic and slammed her staff against Zombie 11’s head, not once, but twice for good measure.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 6:37 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

Her enemy having fallen so easily, Sedna rushed another zombie (3) bringing her halberd down in a vertical strike.
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 8:35 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Mg4RXyX

"Oh no," Sailor Makemake whispered to herself as she looked down at the scene below, "I know I should help but how... how..."

The vine that protruded from her collar kept smacking her in the face but it was stopped by Oberon of all people. But as he grabbed onto it and held it in front of her, vines spilled out of her glove and wrapped around her hand. She winced in what seemed to be fear.

Sailor Makemake had never been scared of her plants before, at least for as long as the group knew her. Maybe this new development had something to do with why Makemake initially turned down trying to help.

"I'm... I'm doing OK I guess. It's just... wow, there's a lot going on, isn't there? T-thanks for helping me out."

She tried to smile at Oberon and failed to convey any sort of peace and calm. Her eyebrows furrowed as she peered at her plants and she seemed to get an idea of what she was supposed to do. She touched down on the ground near the others and called out:

"Ummm... Makemake Vine Tornado!"

Vines would emerge from the ground underneath zombies who were not being attacked in an effort to twist around them and keep them locked in place.

Sweat poured down her face as she kept shifting her head to look at the scene around her. She was incredibly terrified.

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 2nd April 2016, 8:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Knight
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 8:40 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
If he succeeded in stopping the rogue vine, others seemed to grip at Makemake, Oberon frowning as he witnessed it. Was she victim of her own power and was there a way to help. He could feel fear coming from her in waves, but knew not what to do to make it better.

"I, unfortunately, did very little to help."

Despite her own problems, Makemake was the one who reminded him of priorities. Sure, one of theirs in trouble was important, but he could keep an eye on her while still making sure the others wouldn't pay for their distraction.

He landed and swung his spear at Zombie 10.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 2nd April 2016, 8:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 8:55 am

Battle wrote:
Battle Map
Senshi in Sky not pictured

Zombie 8 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto
Callisto's shield isn't moving! The attack(s) go through
How much damage?
--STR 4
--WPN 1
----Total of 5.5 points of damage 
Damage is halved when it hits Callisto's Shield
Zombie 9 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto
How much damage?
--STR 3
--WPN 1
----Total of 5 points of damage 
Zombie 6 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto
How much damage?
--STR 3
--WPN 1
----Total of 4.5 points of damage

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Andromeda Sailor Andromeda attempts to attack Zombie 4 with her Chrome Blade!
Did it hit?
It misses!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nix Sailor Nix attacks Zombie 11 twice with her Staff!
Stat check: Nix has over double Zombie 11's dexterity; both attacks go through!
How much damage?
--STR 4
----Total of 7 points of damage! Zombie 11 falls!
How much damage?
--STR 4
----Zombie 11 is already down!

Zombie 5 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Callisto
How much damage?
--STR 2
--WPN 1
----Total of 2 points of damage
Zombie 3 attempts to attack Sedna! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sedna
Does it hit?
it misses!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sedna Sailor Sedna attempts to attack Zombie 3 with her Halberd!
Does it hit?
--6 Critical hit!
How much damage?
--6 Critical damage!
--STR 10
--WPN 2
----Total of 18 points of damage! Zombie 3 has fallen nine times over 

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Oberon Sailor Oberon attacks Zombie 10 with his spear!
Dex check: Auto Hit
How much damage?
--STR 10
--WPN 2
----Total of 18 points of damage. Zombie 10 has fallen eight times over

Zombie 1 attempts to attack Nikos! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  UtFtSZ
Does it hit?
it misses!
Zombie 4 attempts to attack Andromeda! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Ce7eMA
Does it hit?
6! Critical hit!
How much damage?
--STR 2
--WPN 1
--ARM -4
----Total of 1 point of damage. Critical hit! Andromeda is bleeding! 1 HP damage

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  MakemakeSailor Makemake uses Vine Tornado (5 MP) and attempts to entrap Zombies 1, 5, 6, 8, and 9!
The vines pop up below the targets' feet and attempt to entrap them, but the zombies are all too fast (dex check) and strong (vines would have roll 4, ctrl 1, MP 3 = 8 pts of "damage", split among 5 is less than 2 strength per vine) to be effective!
The vines' entrapment attempt is more like a weak tickle! No negative effects.

Battle Phase Two Order: Same DEX order will be determined by post order; in cases of ties with NPC's, PC's typically get the attack in first.
12 Achelois
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda

9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
9 Zombie 3

8 Oberon
8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4

5 Nikos
3 Makemake
3 Zombie 10
2 Zombie 11
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
Battle Phase 2 has ended.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos
The helmeted spirit behind actually turned to talk to him - he laughed harder, stories of the voices and their persuasive powers front and center in the impossibility that was his life right now. But hey, at least he couldn't be used to kill anyone already alive, though why these spirits were attacking the corpses their own leader had animated was beyond him. Target practice, maybe? Maybe they'd already killed everyone else and now they were just messing with him. Perfect! I mean why not? Sounds good - mess with the guy with the pulse if there's nothing better to do. Tease him with thoughts of aide or escape and then torture him, or something. It was so absurd. He continued to laugh as he dodged the blade of a corpse - if the Hysminai had a problem with it, so what? He was going to die soon, anyway! Might as well let it all out beforehand! 

What the hell had happened to life here?

Battle Phase 3 wrote:

Battle Phase Three Order: Same DEX order will be determined by post order; in cases of ties with NPC's, PC's typically get the attack in first.
12 Achelois Attack available for phase 2.
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda
9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
8 Oberon
8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4
5 Nikos
3 Makemake
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
*Remember, if attacking an enemy less than half your dexterity, you can attack them again within the same round.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 2nd April 2016, 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 9:19 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sailor10

Callisto made a frustrated growling sound, but couldn't say anything before the zombies started attacking her barrier. She flinched and turned back to face it, each hit striking at her mind instead of her physical body. She dropped to one knee as the others joined in, and let out a pained hiss. She hadn't expected that many attacks so close together, but she was still alright for now. She'd let the other senshi finish this, and take care of herself after.
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Eternal Knight
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 9:30 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
Makemake's fear was replaced by Callisto's pain as he staggered on his feet from the suddenness of it. His hand went to his heart as an automatic gesture, even though the wound was not his to feel. He winced, strengthening the grip he had on his weapon. He pulled his spear from his foe's body, then took off the ground, hovering above Zombie 9 before folding his wings, spear first, trying to use the momentum his short fall would give him against the foul creature.

You should retreat your shield, Callisto. They are down in number enough that we should be able to fight them without endangering you.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 9:38 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos
The being behind him hissed and he choked - it was part snake?!

He didn't even know what to think for a moment, but eventually his mind kicked back on and settled on Great! Wonderful! They're part animals! for a reaction. He let out a burst of laughter. Why not?! One form of terrifying wasn't enough these days - they've got to keep current! Got to keep ahead of the normal nightmares! He kept eyes on the being in white and the other in blue-and-black, waiting to see if they were about to transform into some form of creature, too! What would they pick? Were they all snakes? The blue one had wings like a dragonfly so why not bugs?! That's not creepy at all! 
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 9:47 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  YIUfnUw

Andromeda did a double take when she saw Makemake suddenly among them; a reason why her foe managed to stab her for a second time and created yet another bleeding wound. She swore as her brain raced; what had happened? When she was told about the news regarding Enyalius, she had also told Makemake about it, but the other senshi had opted to stay rather than help. Besides, it seemed this Makemake was entirely different from the one she knew a couple days ago. While the Makemake she knew seemed oddly happy and calm even in the worst situations, this one seemed like a jitter or nerves. Was she…? Those other Makemake she spoke of were dead, right? She doubted more than one version of a senshi could exist at a time. So what had happened between the time she left Makemake and now?

She’d have to find out after she killed this damn persistent zombie. Once again, she swung her Chrome Blade toward Zombie 4, wishing it would die already. Again.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  ElrbPPL

Okay, so… maybe that second whack wasn’t necessary, but one could not be too careful. Besides, she wasn’t used to fighting physically, so she had to overcompensate. Still, she moved on quickly to the next target, Zombie 1. Again she utilized her staff, aiming a powerful jab at his throat with its pointy snowflake end.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 11:15 am

Battle Round Three wrote:
Battle Map
Senshi in Sky not pictured

Zombie 8 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u
How much damage?
--STR 4
--WPN 1
----Total of 4 points of damage!
Zombie 9 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u
How much damage?
--STR 3
--WPN 1
----Total of 2.5 points of damage!
Zombie 6 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u
How much damage?
--STR 3
--WPN 1
----Total of 2.5 points of damage!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Ce7eMA Andromeda attempts to attack Zombie 4 with her Chrome Blade!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 6
--WPN 2
----Total of 10 points of damage. Zombie 4 has fallen!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Ax0dPDNix attempts to attack Zombie 1 with her staff!
Does it hit?
--6 Critical hit!
How much damage?
--STR 4
----Total of 9 points of damage. Zombie 1 has fallen!

Zombie 5 attacks Callisto's Shield! [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u
How much damage?
--STR 2
--WPN 1
----Total of 2.5 points of damage!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  IXZD7DOberon attempts to attack Zombie 9 with his Avalon Spear!
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 10
--WPN 2
----Total of 15 points of damage! Zombie 9 has fallen!

Battle Phase Three Order: Same DEX order will be determined by post order; in cases of ties with NPC's, PC's typically get the attack in first.
12 Achelois Attack available for phase 2.
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda

9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
8 Oberon

8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4
5 Nikos
3 Makemake
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
*Remember, if attacking an enemy less than half your dexterity, you can attack them again within the same round.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos
Nikos watched as the blue-and-black one just sprung up and away, jumping higher than he had ever seen, its wings flapping, before striking down atop the head of one of the Androktsiai - Grasshopper! It was a grasshopper! Explained the wings, explained the jump - unless it was a mantis?! Was it going to start biting off heads?! The idea was insane!

All around, corpses were falling once again; there weren't any in front of him - in fact, he could make a run for it if he wanted to try, but with who knew how many Hysminai above, running would probably just make things more entertaining for them. Did he want that? Did he want to entertain them before he died? No, but - he sprinted a few steps forward, jumping over the fallen corpses, and turned to face them; he wanted to die looking at them, rather than having his head bitten off by the snake or be at a bad angle to see the grasshopper coming or something like that.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 11:29 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Mg4RXyX

Sailor Makemake's face fell when all her plants did was tickle one of the zombies. She pressed her hand to her face in disappointment and sighed. She suddenly noticed Sailor Andromeda looking at her in disbelief and blinked. She gulped and shook her head.

"Silly, silly plants. They forgot how to fight! I'll have to teach them again!"

A twitching smile appeared on her face as she stood there shaking in an attempt to look brave. She watched in curiosity as Sailors Andromeda and Oberon all took their turns downing the undead creatures.
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Anait Zelleire
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 11:56 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Achelo10
Achelois watched as the group haphazardly took down several zombies while accumulating wounds themselves.  She realized as she watched the scene before her that she hadn't really planned how to lead them.  She hadn't known what to expect when they landed, how far they were from Enya, or what they would encounter.  More often than not, she had left any leading or battle planning to Enya and now I'm paying for it...

Although they were almost done here, she knew she would have to coordinate better in the future.  If they were going to make it...

The young male they had encountered was now a few paces away, facing them, a strange laughter on his face.  She felt guilt, because she hadn't stopped Enya sooner, his planet was in complete chaos, destruction everywhere, how many had died? 

If they wanted his help, they would need his trust.  Achelois hovered closer to the soldier, she held her staff out and sent healing energy to Callisto, Andromeda, and the young warrior before her.  She sent an extra smaller heal to Callisto for taking so much damage from the zombies with her shield.

OOC Heals:
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 12:18 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Sailor10

Another volley of blows slammed against her shield, and Callisto was quickly starting to agree with Oberon's assessment. 

"My apologies, I forgot that you could feel my shield as well.." she thought back. She needed to keep that in mind. Callisto dropped her Major Guard and went on the offense instead. She took a swipe at Zombie 8 with the claws of her gloves, trying to end the fight as quickly as possible.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 1:16 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L32EGwz

There were so many. Sailor Nocturnus looked down at the crowd of undead, closing in on their target, and felt the dread lurk deeper into her bones. She hung back, feeling overwhelmed—realizing now that there was no Sailor Enyalius to race in and protect her. Nocturnus was still the little one. Still the weak one. What if all she did was make this mission harder for everyone else? The Crone had told them their chances were so small already... was Nocturnus one more liability?

The dark, fathomless eyes looked down at her forearms, seeing the glint of metal from her armor. She felt the confused swirl of emotions, remembering the way the taller warrior had knelt down before her to carefully secure the buckles around her arms. She imagined that tan-skinned face with the approving grin as the older woman looked down at her, that moment of camaraderie and the glow of being just one bit more like her hero. All of that... was gone.

The other members of the team leapt into action, and still it was hard for her to move closer. But she glanced over, seeing Sailor Achelois's determined face, and remembered just enough of why she had decided to be there.

Now the dark eyes scanned the field, looking for a target that she might be able to help with... even just a little bit. There! Maybe that one! The small figure darted over, reading her nerves and hoping to get at least a bit of a hit.

"Ecliptic Rotation!" the small voice cried out.

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 6:43 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

Taking a quick stock around herself, she found another zombie and took aim. "Midnight  Light of the Moon? MOONLIGHT Kiss!"

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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 7:06 pm

Quote :

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  E9QxKc Achelois uses Wide Heal (3MP) on Callisto, Andromeda, and Nikos [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Ce7eMA [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  UtFtSZ
How much strength?
----Total of 20 points to distribute
Callisto, Andromeda, and Nikos are each healed 10 MP.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  E9QxKc Achelois heals (1 MP) on Callisto [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  L8yx0u
Callisto regains 5 HP

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  ZukxCX Nocturnus uses Ecliptic Rotation (4 MP) on Zombie 5
Does it hit?
It misses...

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  HUxoQV Sedna uses Moonlight Kiss (4 MP) on Zombie 6
Does it hit?
It misses...

Battle Phase Three Order: Same DEX order will be determined by post order; in cases of ties with NPC's, PC's typically get the attack in first.
12 Achelois Attack available for phase 2.
11 Zombie 8
11 Zombie 9
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda

9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
8 Oberon

8 Sedna
8 Callisto
8 Zombie 1
8 Zombie 4
5 Nikos
3 Makemake
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
*Remember, if attacking an enemy less than half your dexterity, you can attack them again within the same round.

Battle Round 3 Ends.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Nikos
As an odd feeling came over him, a cool sensation collecting where the latest blade had struck, he froze in place, eyes wide. So this was it. 

This was how it ended.

Would he retain consciousness? Would he be able to witness firsthand the atrocities his body was to commit, or would his brain be shut off, too? Was this how all of them had turned - infected by their wounds? He had been pretty sure they had all died first and were reanimated, but maybe it was something like poison on the blades of the dead, slowly infecting him. His laughter finally stopped, his eyes wide and watching as some of the spirits directed deadly light towards the remaining Androktsiai; while both dodged out of the way, he saw the damage done to the street in its wake. Would his flesh burn? Would he feel it? ... Why weren't they attacking him yet?
Battle Round Four wrote:

Battle Phase Four Order: Same DEX order will be determined by post order; in cases of ties with NPC's, PC's typically get the attack in first.
12 Achelois
11 Zombie 8
10 Zombie 6
9 Nix
9 Andromeda

9 Nocturnus
9 Zombie 5
8 Oberon

8 Sedna
8 Callisto
5 Nikos
3 Makemake
((Panzer?? - waiting on stats))
*Remember, if attacking an enemy less than half your dexterity, you can attack them again within the same round.
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 9:14 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  YIUfnUw

Finally that stubborn undead fell down, and Andromeda felt Achelois’ familiar healing ability fixing up her wounds until she was as good as new again. Thank you, she sent through the link, glad they had a much easier way to communicate in the midst of battle now.

She turned to find the next target, and now stabbed her blade at Zombie 8.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  ElrbPPL

Another fell down, and Nix was beginning to feel like she was playing one of those earth games. What did they call it, guacamole? No, that sounded wrong. That was… a fruit? A vegetable?

Whack-a-mole. Well, close enough.

She rushed Zombie 5 with her staff next.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  I_icon_minitime

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