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 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius

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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 12:34 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
Oberon staggered when Enoch fell, yet feeling his life force coming back to him. To how many people would he owe a life debt? He would express his gratitude properly when the battle would be over, eying Enoch's inert body and Nix's attempts. His wings carried him quickly and he charged at Pemphredo with both his blades, trusting his shield to protect Andromeda enough. Carefully, avoiding Callisto and Nix, he hit the witch with the swords, attempting to protect both Enoch that he felt though weakly in their link and the women - even though they hardly were in need of a knight in shining armor. 

Which was good, since he was not a knight right now, nor was he wearing anything close to shiny. If they could just get rid of one, perhaps was there hope to have for a possible victory.
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Sailor CJ
Lotus Crystal

Sailor CJ

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 12:36 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 0Qt1Sjk

Enoch peered into the darkness as the pieces of the door fell away. A single shape caught his eye in the shadows. This was likely a remnant of the planet's former glory. It was...

"A throne?"

But before he could peer further, he was hit with an unknown force. His fuku shattered about him as he was flung half way across the room and rolled on the floor unconscious.

His civilian form was drastically different from his transformed one. He was a fish person, much like Sailor Leviathan and the people of her planet. His skin was a gray color and his green hair the texture of seaweed. The pearl colored armor of Planet Leviathan looked scrapped and dirty. His webbed hands twitched as a strange contraption on his neck began to make a whirling sound. It was a ring of harden, clear plastic around his neck that fed oxygenated water to his gills. It appeared Enoch couldn't naturally breathe on his own.

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 1st May 2016, 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 12:37 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 YIUfnUw

Another shield flared around her and she glanced at Oberon gratefully. Her opponent was still standing, but she wasn't going to give up. The more she looked at her own face, the more she felt the need to destroy this helpless version of herself. She aimed for the heart, her Chrome Blade poised to slice through all the chains.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 ElrbPPL

She hit Callisto accidentally and backed off in surprise. "I'm sorry!" she cried. "Something is messing with my head. I can't think straight!"

She gasped when she saw Enoch's body fly back from the door he'd been trying to open. Don't approach that open door! she cautioned the others, trying not to let herself be overwhelmed by the mounting panic.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 12:49 pm

Battle Round 6 wrote:

Quote :
Pemphredo burst out laughing to startle her enemies, clad to see her panic was working!
15 Pemphredo attempts to attack Callisto![HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 L8yx0u
Does it hit?
--1 Startling Laugh!
How much damage?
--STR 8
--WPN 1
--Armor -4
----Total of 9 points of damage!

10 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Ce7eMA Andromeda attempts to attack Phrike with her blade
Does it hit?
*wiggles magical fingers*
How much damage?
--STR 11
--WPN 2
----Total of 15 points of damage

9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 HUxoQV Sedna uses her MP Amulet and restores 10 MP! Sedna may heal round 4

8 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 IXZD7DOberon attempts to attack Pempredo!
Did it hit?
*magic fingers*
How much damage?
--STR 10
--WPN 2
----Total of 17 12 points of damage 
Pemphredo has been defeated
Nix is no longer Panicked

5 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 UtFtSZ Nikos attempts to hold Deino!

He holds her! Deino is unable to attack!

8 Deino attempts to break Nikos's hold!

--1 she doesn't!

7 Phrike attempts to attack Andromeda!

Does it hit?
How much damage?
--CTRL 15
--Armor -6
----Total of 12 points of damage! Oberon loses 6 MP!

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 L8yx0u Callisto attacks Deino!
How much damage?
--STR 14
--WPN 2
----Total of 20 points of damage


Battle Order:
15 Pemphredo 
10 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Ce7eMA Andromeda Weighted Die: Did it Hit chances +1 ;; Thelion's Blessing - Shield takes Damage and takes 1/2 damage from Oberon's MP
9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Nix Nix Oberon Shield 10;;
9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 ZukxCX Nocturnus 
Oberon Shield 10
9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 HUxoQV Sedna 
Oberon Shield 10;; may heal round 4
8 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 IXZD7DOberon 
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 L8yx0u Callisto
8 Deino
7 Phrike
5 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 UtFtSZ Nikos 
Oberon Shield 10
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 IxocPY Enoch 
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 TMRYB5 Panzer  Oberon Shield 10

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 1st May 2016, 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 12:53 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Sailor20

Callisto winced as Sailor Nix's staff hit her hard in the shoulder, and then completely missed her grab as well. 

"It's fine!" she said, backing off too. Oberon was able to get a stab in, so Callisto switched targets entirely. She moved to CC20 and waited until Nikos had secured Deino, and then used her buckler as a bludgeon against her.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:06 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 YIUfnUw

She caught sight of someone flying from the middle door and spared a glance. Her thoughts returned to Enyo - and possibly - Achelois. Let's retreat into that room and barricade it! Enyo and Achelois might be in there!

She stabbed her impostor one last time with her Blade, then began backing up toward the north door.

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 ElrbPPL

Nix calmed down and was able to breathe again. Hearing the command to retreat, she felt as if she might panic again. Get into the room that just almost killed someone?

She moved toward it anyway, hoping the same fate didn't await her.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 1st May 2016, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:15 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He took no time to be satisfied by his attack - that had rid them of one of those witches - obeying Andromeda's order as soon as it came through their link. He took Enoch's inert body in his arms and flew to the other room quickly.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:24 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Sailor20

Pleased that she had finally hit something, even if that something was already being restrained, she followed Andromeda's orders to the north door.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:37 pm

Quote :
Andromeda has defeated Phrike.

Deino slumps against Nikos's hold, the shield bash having temporarily incapacitated her.
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Nikos
The woman slumped against him, reverting to her older form just as the others had, and Nikos dragged her away from the door before dropping her and hastily moving to take the small one and the others to the door Andromeda had indicated; he wasn't quite sure why they were not acting normally, but he figured it had had something to do with the three Graeae, and was not keen on leaving them behind.

He knew why they were heading to the door Enoch had come from: there was a chance Enyo was in there, and now was time to finish the mission.

He moved into the doorway and stepped aside to let the others in; but once he was through voices stole his attention towards the middle of the room.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:42 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 YIUfnUw

She waited until everyone got inside before barricading the door with chains much like she once did in Zenar. There was still one Fate left out there, and she might be unconscious, but Andromeda wasn't taking any chances that the woman would regain consciousness and follow them to complicate matters later. She felt as if she were effectively sealing their fates - no pun intended - but once she was done, she stepped further into the room toward the voices.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:52 pm

Quote :
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Achelo10
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Maxresdefault-0031

They entered the room, throwing more light on the scene. The room was large and ornate in its design, but sparsely decorated, just one throne-like chair in the middle of the marbled floor, but it was anything but empty. As they passed the threshold they skidded to a stop as Enyo pushed Achelois down and threw herself atop her. 

Don’t make me do this, ‘Che,” she growled through her teeth, bearing down on the other, with a sword in one hand. Her face was close to Achelois, her knees on either side of her hips, but Achelois, rather than cower, was staring just as forcefully back. Before any could rush to her aide, a sprig of thorns broke through the marble at their feet, a clear indication that Achelois did not want to be disturbed, as though she had wanted to be pinned in such a way.

You speak of honor and respect? You are worth neither! You do not deserve the body you possess!” Her eyes glowed green, the light eerily reflected off of Enyo’s face. She continued in a harsh whisper, “Enya was greater than you could ever be, power and strength be damned. All you have done has corrupted everything she ever stood for!

Hold your tongue before I am forced to take it out,” Enyo snarled, “I don’t want to hurt you, ‘Che.” Enyo’s body was shaking from the effort of controlling herself. Shaking enough so that Achelois freed one of her pinned hands.

“You didn’t want to hurt anyone,” Achelois replied, her voice suddenly breaking. “This isn’t you, Enya. Are you even in there anymore?” Her hand touched Enyo’s face softly, tracing the line of her check, her jaw, the curve of her neck...

Enyo glared down at her, “Enya was weak; I am strong. She is gone and I am here - accept it and come with me!

“I won’t come with you,” Achelois whispered, pulling Enyo’s face closer to hers. It was so unexpected, Enyo released her grip on her sword. “But I will follow you,” Achelois continued, and pulled Enyo’s lips to hers, kissing her softly. She freed her second hand to hold Enyo’s close, comfortingly.

Though apparently startled, Enyo fell into the kiss, enjoying it…

Then Achelois quickly freed Enya’s bladed Tiara from her head, and neatly sliced Enyo’s throat.

Quote :
 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 _-78hfG40xj6zzK-5JOCLLtdaDLijsY5T3Hfr-5KFLxXuz6Blo3rJSriL3ObzwLOIfUAjHfQMNLjaJHZ15dPkOlUTpg-Q_O3wUj2tW61HK8pvhyPC8lhDDuv_VC157XirGVjmun2wW4O Enyo has been defeated by Achelois. [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 XmgOAZMYdXxUP8EyhAQ4QNvkU60ysCzQl6mdz9y643qo9AwobQ58t5bYwU6u0FG3ggAr2Qc5bbymqBadNKA_DcT8ya200Hdll8ejfcu7BwFAnQVF7vRalJuf8EbF11gXc3SgZt7H9u-k

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 15th July 2016, 7:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:54 pm

Quote :
[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Achelo10
Bathed in her lover’s blood, tears streamed down Achelois’s face as she held the other close, watching as the red eyes slowly turned golden once all of her lifeforce had finally left her. She shut her eyes tight as she pretended this wasn’t the last kiss they would share in life, and that it hand’t been with a monster that had taken over Enya’s form. As the body she held against her started to fade, she choked back a sob as she fully realized what, exactly, she had done.

Enyalius was dead.

Achelois opened her eyes slowly to watch as those empty eyes, that beautiful, familiar face, burst into stardust around her, the tiara dagger in her hands disintegrating from existence just as surely as the senshi who had worn it. Her eyes were drawn to the soft glow of the bronze Sailor Crystal floating above her chest, where Enya’s heart had been. As it rose higher into the air, she wondered what around her would help her follow Enya into death… and then he appeared.

Quote :
In a burst of darkness, a terribly handsome man burst into being. With ease, he snatched the Sailor Crystal from the air, and teleported above the body of the blonde senshi, covered in the blood of his warrior. The ceiling above him exploded as he looked down at them all with a beautifully cruel smile, “A shame, this,” he said calmly, as the Bronze Crystal reverted to black, the shining golden light within dimmed to a dusky red, “But, no matter. With a bit of energy I can reform her, stronger even than before.” 
He offered them a lazy salute, “Enjoy what time you have left, Senshi; this time I shall win this “Sailor War”.”

And with that, he disappeared.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 10th July 2016, 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 1:57 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Achelo10

That wasn’t the plan, that wasn’t what was supposed to happen.  She was supposed to follow Enya’s crystal back to the cauldron.  But he had appeared so fast, she could do nothing but watch as the crystal that she, that Enya, had given everything to purify, became corrupted again.

He would remake her?  He would use her form, her soul, her crystal again?

Only moments ago, Achelois had been prepared to die, to follow Enya to that place.  Now he had ruined even that.  Her green eyes glowed, contrasted against the red liquid that covered most of her as she slowly picked herself off the ground.  Gripping her staff, she stood at full height.  The red tinged blonde radiated a killing intent.

She took no notice of anyone else, her sight had narrowed, one goal in mind.  She would return balance no matter what she had to do.

Achelois only stood for a moment, planning, remembering, before she took off through the hole that had been so conveniently created.  She flew back down to the room the Chimera had been in, hovering above the Androktsiai, still moving below her.  She looked to the injured creature before her, for once thankful it was still alive.  

"Beast, rise. Your job is not finished." Her voice was all business, rage simmering beneath as she fed healing energy into the creature, healing it back to full capacity. "Get up, and come with me. We are retrieving your Master."

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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 3:15 pm

Heart of Enyo:
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 3:17 pm

Quote :
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 8:19 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Nikos
What had he just seen? 

Nikos had watched attentively - had even moved towards the pair when he realized that the Sphinx was in danger, but the sudden appearance of thorned branches popping up near his sandaled feet kept him in place, first in hesitation out of distrust of what other perils the floor could bring, and then out of understanding as he connected these thorned plants with the vines that had similarly freed themselves from the earth back at the Square. Achelois didn't want them to approach - she was planning something, or doing something. He had had his suspicions about the pair based on the actions of some of the others, but hearing Achelois's words - he was somewhat concerned that Achelois had turned, but the sadness in her voice -- well, regardless of what he had been thinking, he hadn't expected them to kiss. 

Or her to murder her apparent lover. 

Or for Enyo to disappear like dust motes in a breeze. 

Or for a shining tiny gem to remain behind. 

Or for a man to suddenly appear, right out of the Aether, to take that gem, explode the roof, and disappear again.

Or for Achelois to take off after him.

He just, plain and simple, wasn't prepared for any of that. 

"What... just happened?" he asked, his voice cracking from disuse, echoing strangely in the chamber with the new sunroof, the failing light of day barely streaking in through the murky purple sunset that finally hit the horizon. 
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime1st May 2016, 8:44 pm

EXP wrote:

Enyo, Phrike and Pemphredo were defeated
12 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 E9QxKc Achelois has gained 75 EXP
Achelois has leveled up! Achelois is level 8!
Achelois has 69/90 EXP towards level 9.

10 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Ce7eMA Andromeda has gained 76 EXP
Andromeda has leveled up! Andromeda is level 6!
Andromeda has 49/70 exp towards level 7.

9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Nix Nix has gained 63 EXP
Nix has leveled up! Nix is now level 5
Nix has 20/60 exp towards level 6.

9 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 HUxoQV Sedna has gained 53 EXP
Sedna has 69/80 exp towards level 8.

8 [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 IXZD7DOberon has gained 31 EXP
Oberon has leveled up! Oberon is level 4
Oberon has 0/50 EXP towards level 5.

Brownie Point Voting will remain open until Tuesday.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 12:21 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 YIUfnUw

They had obviously stepped right into the climax of a situation.

Andromeda stood there frozen as Enyo and Achelois talked, and then suddenly they kissed—making her feel as if she was intruding on a private moment—and yet the next second suddenly there was blood and death, but not one you would expect.

She gasped as Enyo fell by Achelois’ hand, the blood pouring out of her neck. She could not comprehend what she was seeing—her brain stuck in denial as Enyo’s lifeless form first collapsed then began to dissolve into pieces of gleaming stars in Achelois’ embrace. Soon there was nothing but the Sailor Crystal left, the essence of a senshi.

Before she could even deal with that, someone else appeared. His face was impossibly beautiful, and at once Andromeda knew this must be the man Ribbon had been talking about. He snatched the Sailor Crystal—anger flared briefly in her in the corner where emotion still existed and was not obliterated by shock—even as hope warred within; reform? Did that mean there was still a chance…?

And then he left. And then Achelois left.

Nikos’ question echoed in her mind, mirroring her own.

What just happened, indeed.

Let her break it down into easily digestible parts.

What had just happened was this:
Enyalius, the person she had considered her big sister, had first turned evil, then died in the hands of her lover.
And then she had burst into a thousand tiny pieces of stars, not even leaving a body behind to bury.
And then her Sailor Crystal, the only piece left of her, was stolen by Chaos, as if they hadn’t stolen enough.
And then Achelois, her other big sister figure, also disappeared, gone who knew where.

Why didn't they also take Nocturnus while they were at it? No, of course she didn't want that. But at this rate why not.

The sum of it all was this; they had failed.

She had failed.

Memories of happier times flew to the forefont of her mind; every single adventure and laughter she had shared with Enya and Achelois playing like a never ending movie.

Their first meeting. Their first victory against The Collector. The first time they adventured together when the two older senshi invited her along after their mission in Zenar. Having tea together. Getting arrested and thrown in jail in a strange planet. Listening to Enya's story and discovering the painful truth behind the tough exterior. Sharing her own heavy burden and being accepted among them. Having her lives saved a million times. Defending her home together.

All the hugs and warm embraces and love that she never got from anyone else, not even her real family. Their warm, warm love and acceptance.

She thought she had found a new family.

And now they were gone.

Andromeda fell to her knees, her eyes shining with unshed tears, Enyalius' shield clanging loudly on the ground, its owner gone forever.

She had fought so hard to get here, hoping she could do something.

But they were too late.

There had been nothing she could have done. The helplessness she felt was exactly the same as that day she was chained to that rock in the middle of the ocean all over again.

After everything else, after all the growth and all her accomplishment, now she was there, right back at the start.

Helpless. Powerless. Useless.

She made no other noise; she could not.

She was trapped in her own personal hell.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 1:11 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Sailor20

Callisto was at a loss after witnessing what had just happened. They had come all this way, and Achelois was willing to go this far, all so they could save Enyalius. And it had all been snatched away at the last moment.

Andromeda fell to her knees in front of them, the abandoned shield on the floor. 

"Chaos happened, Nikos," she said quietly. That was all she could say about it. This wasn't her story to tell, but it had deserved a better ending than this. She wanted to try and comfort Andromeda, but Callisto didn't have the right words to say to her. The one thing that was clear was that they needed to stop this, by any means necessary.

"We need to follow her."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 2:21 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 5YLW2ob_zpsm5oghcyo

"If we have any chance of being able to save Enyalius's Crystal and ensure that Achelois remains alive in her quest to get her lover back, then I agree with Callisto, we need to follow them." It felt weird to speak out loud after using the mental link provided by Oberon, but there were somethings that needed to be said outloud.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 10:20 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 L32EGwz

Nocturnus rushed forwards towards Andromeda, unable to think about anything else. She had spent so much of the past few hours in a state of shock, but right now she had to move. She couldn't just stand there. Her brain didn't process even a fraction of this, still filled with the torments endured by that awful witch in the other room. For the young sailor soldier, those horrors had not ended. Here were more, and now the potential for even more.

She skidded to her knees beside Sailor Andromeda, nearly on top of Enyalius' fallen shield, and wrapped her arms tightly around the young woman. Her own tears fell swiftly and hotly on the uniform of the elder as Nocturnus buried her face against her. Enyalius was dead. Not missing, not knocked unconscious... dead.

They hadn't saved her. They hadn't managed to do anything right.

That man—he had to be the one Ribbon spoke of. Achelois had left to follow him. Somehow, Nocturnus knew that even with the terrible thing she had witnessed, it was an act of love. It wasn't the end goal, it was the piece of some plan. The motherly blonde didn't leave just to run, she left with a purpose.

"We have to get them both back," she whispered, her quavering voice only for Andromeda to hear.

She could feel the cool metal of Enyalius's shield on her skin, and somehow it was comforting. It was the one thing left of Enyalius AND Achelois. The one piece that proved they had been there, that it wasn't just some dream. One hand reached for it, trying to pull the heavy thing closer, unable to stomach the thought of anyone else taking it away. It only belonged with the true bearer, loaned to Achelois and then to Andromeda. It still had an owner.

Thoughts of all the things she should have done, blended with the memories of war and her fears of home, swam in her mind. Even as she clutched Andromeda, Nocturnus tried to push all that aside. She knew where they were going. She knew that she could follow them.

She couldn't allow this to be the end.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 10:31 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 4bo25pM

She nodded solemnly at what the others said, silent. This... this was not what she had expected when she joined this journey.

Panzer thought glumly of her own home, the corruption that raged within the beloved sun of her system. Was this what awaited her, if she could not find the strength and power to overcome it? A reign of blood and terror on her own world, against the very people she had awakened to save? For her, there would be no group of heroes trying to bring her back to her senses... but that had not been enough here, for this situation.

Would they be able to do more? That strange man... several others seemed rather unsurprised by his appearance. This whole thing... there was so much more to it than she knew. Was this even the right place for her? She had done nothing to help this cause in her time here. The redhead's mouth was a firm line, her arms crossed, waiting to hear what would be decided, unsure of what she should do.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 11:12 am

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
When Achelois killed Enyalius, Oberon needed to sit. He carefully put Enoch down, as to not drop him, sitting on air, near him, as his wings kept beating. He kept silent as his own anger faded, replaced by Achelois' far more violent one. There were very few words that could comfort such a soul after what happened and none of those few could be uttered by him - or any other that wasn't close to the women.

So they had failed.

That humanoid appearing to torment Achelois more than she already was proved that.

He kept his body unmoving as Andromeda fell to her knees, soon followed by young Nocturnus. If he agreed with Callisto and Sedna to a point, he also knew grief shouldn't be repressed. Andromeda and her young friend needed some time and they should respect that. While nobody paid attention to him, he made a complicated gesture with his right hand, wishing Enyalius' soul to finish her journey in peace, free from evil.
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 3:14 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 0Qt1Sjk

In the sadness of it all, there laid Enoch, peacefully deep in sleep and unaware of the events that had surrounded him. He never looked as frail as he did now in his normal appearance, that of a fish person from the core of Planet Leviathan. The breathing apparatus around his neck buzzed and whirled as it constantly oxygenated the water that his gills took in. Whatever damage he had sustained from Enyo's blow was locking him in a comatose state that would be hard to wake him from without magical intervention.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 3:35 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Nikos

Andromeda fell to her knees beside him, shocking him with how quickly she just dropped - he had halfway expected to find another enemy had gotten her. But this... he could see the pain in the bend of her back, the way she held her shoulders, the silhouette of her face. He'd seen that pain before in the families of the fallen as their bodies were returned from the front lines - it had not been often, but enough so that he recognized it for being what it was. She had been so nice to him, had served admirably as someone suddenly left in charge of a situation; he wanted to comfort her, but it wouldn't be right. She was mourning the loss of Enyo, while in his heart he only felt relief and the strength that comes with vengeance. His planet was safe again because Enyo had died, and so he felt no remorse, and comforting her now would be false and wrong. 

Chaos happened, Nikos

Nocturnus rushed in, the child finding her feet in rushing to be there for Andromeda, shared anguish etched on her young face. 

He didn't quite understand Callisto's words, but appreciated that she was trying to help him understand what was happening. He also felt as though that was the first time she had ever used his name, and, for the first time since he had joined them, felt as though he was part of their unit. He had done all he could to get them there in one piece, but while his goal had been completed, theirs had not, and for that he felt disappointed, if for nothing else. As they spoke of leaving to follow Achelois, he kept his quiet: they were Aliens, they would leave, and he would help put Enyalius back together. He would wish them luck before they went, and hope that in their next battle they would be more triumphant, and that Andromeda would find a way to be okay. 

Awkward within the social aspects of what surrounded him, Nikos fiddled with putting his sword through his belt, sheathing it. 

"I wouldn't put that away just yet," the raspy voice of a woman intoned from what felt like beside him. He jumped to the side, his hand fumbling at the hilt, surprised and nervous all at once, thinking at once of the Graeae -- but the old woman in the mauve robes was not like any of those three. Another, then?! How did she sneak past all of them?! His sword finally free, he pointed towards her, ready to charge. Her wizened face looked at him with annoyance as she waved her hand dismissively at him, and the sword reversed itself in his hand to point harmlessly out beside and behind him. "I wouldn't point that at me either," she grumbled, adding "Troublesome youths," beneath her breath. 

"Again with the unconsciousness?" she voiced, though her tone suggested she was forcing the crotchety attitude. "You really need to find a better - " she stopped herself, then took it in another direction, back at full annoyance, "Well if you weren't so thrifty this wouldn't be a problem.

Nikos had no idea what this witch was doing, or who she was, or what she was talking about, but with another gesture the Shapeshifter glowed a deep magenta and his breathing lightened. Another healer, then?

"Who are you?" he asked, proud of the strength in his voice when, deep down, he was simultaneously in awe of and terrified of this old lady.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she snarked back. 
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 3:52 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Tumblr_inline_o2a1e7eIZY1sdkbsy_540
He felt ease when from his mind he felt Enoch's one breathing easier, as if only sleeping now instead of hurt beyond consciousness. He head bowed towards the Crone in gratitude and salutation, whether she saw it or not didn't matter. She was there now. This task was over and another would begin.
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 4:54 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 4bo25pM

"Oh!" Panzer gasped, seeing the strange woman from before appear as suddenly as she had prior to their arrival here. She could now kind of understand the way the others had reacted the first time, but she still found herself without questions or even a true understanding of the peculiar old lady.

What in Panzer's name would this woman's appearance mean now?

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 L32EGwz

The Crone's appearance meant one thing to Nocturnus: this truly was the end of this journey on Enyalius. Still, whatever happened now, the child knew that she would continue onward. Towards wherever Achelois had gone. To the place, out there somewhere among the stars, where they could save Enyalius.

Sailor Nocturnus stayed close to Andromeda, her small gloved hand still clutching at the edge of the shield. Even though the older girl had not yet spoken to her, she knew that if anyone was going to continue forward with her, the seafoam-haired sailor soldier would be the first to volunteer. Callisto and Sedna had already spoke of going after Enyalius, but there was something Nocturnus felt that was not quite shared among the entire group that she did share with Andromeda.

Dark eyes watched the Crone, waiting.
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Sailor CJ
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 5:22 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 0Qt1Sjk

Enoch woke with a gasp and immediately started to press his hands against his breathing apparatus. He was in understandable shock, not knowing how or why he was asleep and what had happened since then. He looked around the room with his pupil-less, yellow eyes and his face immediately lit up.

"We... won."

And then he took in the tears, the devastation, the anguish on the others' faces.

"Or lost."

He went to sit up, but found that he was extremely hard to do so. He fell back and winced as his breathing apparatus clanked against the floor. He immediately wished he could transform just to feel comfortable in the environment. Already he was feeling extremely dried out and uncomfortable.

"What happened and why did this woman return to you all? Is the mission over?"
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 7:32 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 YIUfnUw

She didn’t hear the others’ words, speaking of continuing on as if nothing had happened at all. As if they could not feel anything. She only felt as if she were drowning, deeper and deeper into the sea. Some part of it felt comforting. Maybe if she just stopped fighting so hard. Maybe if she stopped treading water…

Then Nocturnus was beside her, wrapping her in her own small arms tightly. Andromeda felt the tears of the young senshi like a wake-up call—there was still someone to protect. She couldn’t crumble now, not when there was still someone who needed her. For Nocturnus, she had to be stronger. She couldn’t let Nocturnus be strong for her alone, not when she was sure Nocturnus’ heart was just as shattered.

What the girl said pervaded the haze of her brain.

Get them back. Achelois… and Enya’s Sailor Crystal.

Her hand reached Nocturnus’ atop the abandoned shield, clutching it together.

Yes. It was their mission now.

And then The Crone appeared.

Some part of Andromeda resented her for never truly helping beyond the support she gave in the beginning and the end of missions. If she were truly so powerful, could she not have intervened? Could she not have done something to prevent this?

But she bit her tongue and stood up slowly, pulling both Nocturnus and the shield to her side.

“How do we find him?” she asked of The Crone simply, trying not to feel bothered by her still blasé attitude. As if the world didn’t just end. As if they hadn’t just lost a great senshi—to Chaos, no less.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius    [HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2016, 8:05 pm

[HC Event]Fields of Enyalius  - Page 14 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
Beyond shooting Enoch a grumpy look, the Crone did not answer him. Instead, waving one hand in a small gesture, she collected the empty vials and spent Amulets from the gathered senshi, the items leaving their possession without much ado. She did not look at Andromeda when she spoke, instead inspecting the Amulet taken from Sedna, blowing on it softly to restore its glow before inserting it into the bag around her waist. "The youngest can follow Achelois; Achelois follows him," she said, and only that.
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