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 [OC Play] Coffee Shop

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 5:34 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
As conversation picked up, Enya turned around and lazily leaned her elbows on the taller counter, sighing under her breath and staring at the door in abject boredom. Mentally she tried to summon someone she knew to pass the time with, maybe with a certain blonde in mind, but rather than a strikingly familiar face coming through, another teenager entered, found a seat in a corner and seemed to make some sort of order to no one in particular. Enya paid her no mind - they weren't even paying her, no way was she suddenly going to double as a waitress: if they wanted to make an order they could walk up to the counter.

She had barely finished her dismissal when the door blasted open suddenly; she shot back, dropping into a defensive stance and called her sword to the open hand at her side -- only to have nothing happen. Frowning, she straightened, recalling prior failed attempts to transform and leave, and studied the woman who continued forward after kicking the broken vase underneath a table, a smile tugging at one side of her lips. She relaxed at that; despite the initial concern, the coffee shop wouldn't let anything dangerous through - it was just her over-reaction to stimuli. By the time she had made it up to the counter, all traces of the smile had been wiped away, and when the woman offered her greeting after leaning in, Enya's brow raised. Enyailus hun

Luxurious tea? Did they even have that? ... then again they had catnip tea so why not? She shrugged and turned to get it before being called back about a cookie; she inclined her head to show she had heard it, opened a cabinet and looked around for Ceylon something or other, eventually just grabbing some sort of 'black' tea and popping it into an open cup and covering it with water; it'd be tea, at any rate. She slid it onto the counter, cracked open the case and pulled out a star cookie, plopped that onto a plate and considered the job done.

Glancing back to the teenager, she recognized a transformation stick easily and turned her attention elsewhere; no one could transform in this place, so she didn't have to worry about her messing things up any more than they already were.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 6:38 pm

Homura Higurashi

Homura tried to summon the power from before but it didn't work, sighing she slammed the stick down and turned to the counter and repeated her order to the waitress.

"Can I please get a hot chocolate and pancakes?" Homura asked annoyance clearly in tone.

She had heard the one strange order so she figured they would at least have that. Besides, she was still 10 years old and was too young for adult stuff.

Last edited by SaturnTomoe on 6th October 2016, 10:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 8:22 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 AtF0yTA

Anya watched the preparation of her tea with intense scrutiny. The frown spread even further across her lavender-painted lips as the tea filter was dropped, the water was poured, and the cup was slid across the counter without any sort of enthusiasm or acknowledgment from the barista. Just when Anya thought things couldn't get any worse, the woman serving her plopped the cookie onto a plate and looked away, seemingly more interested in some teenage girl across the room.

...What kind of service [is] this?

Anya furrowed her brow in annoyance. She reached forward, folder in hand, and tapped one of her nails against the rim of the cup. Was this...seriously made of...paper? She couldn't believe that the establishment would expect her to drink luxurious black tea from a paper cup! The very thought of tea in anything less than a nicely decorated porcelain cup made her blood boil, but she was not about to reveal her true identity over her definition of a rude server and a poorly presented cup of tea. It just wasn't worth the hassle considering how many witnesses she would also have to take care of. Instead, she opted for a more "civil" approach: passive-aggressive communication.

“...Excuse me, but—” Anya began, standing there awkwardly in front of the counter with a feigned smile upon her face. Her arms were a little too full to carry a cup and a plate, let alone reach into her satchel to pay for anything, an issue to which she alluded with the following inquiry: “—You are going to carry those over to my table right, dear?”
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 4:46 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
The customer called her attention back and Enyalius acquiesced though honestly what else could she want? She got a drink and a pastry - that was pretty much the extent of the menu. The question was less an inquiry and more a heavy-handed hint at what the woman wanted, and Enya's brow raised, her hand traveling to turn into a fist at her hip before the last word left the other's purple lips, her other hand poised flat on the counter as she shook her head once in a small movement, adding the smallest of shrugs as she replied evenly, "No, but I'll watch your stuff when you come back and get it.

In the time it took to settle that little bit of miscommunication about her job - barista, not waitress, and there would be no blurred lines there - the young brunette had slammed her transformation stick down and marched up to the counter to crossly address her, slinging a 'please' around despite a distinct lack of politeness in her tone. Enya didn't turn to face the snarky brat, just looked down at her from her taller vantage point, her body still squared off to the woman with the paper stuff in her arms, and said, "No.

She didn't bother explaining herself.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 5:42 pm

Homura Higurashi

Homura took a deep a breath "Earthlings..." She mumbled before going back to her table in the corner of the room. Her friends hadn't showed up yet, though for a second she thought she recognized the girl with a tail.

'If I was back on Uranus, this stuff would never happen.' She thought as her stomach growled softly, she hadn't eaten breakfast and was hoping the waitress or whatever would be nice to do that for her but she was wrong.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 9:30 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
Enya rolled her eyes as the little girl walked away muttering assumptions about her origin under her breath and returned her full attention to the folder-holder, waiting to see how that interaction would end, completely serious about watching the stuff and equally serious about not carrying anything.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 1:35 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Hamura10

She looked around lightening up a bit, seeing all the different people made her realize that not all were human especially the blue girl and cat like one.

'I wonder if I can make friends...' She thought to herself with a sly smirk.

Her eyes landed once again on the blue girl with a talk, she had seen youmas like that when she had summoned them but not for a good person. Sighing her stomach growled again a little bit louder and she blushed a little of embarrassment.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 11:12 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 MSWu9xO
He straightened up with a small smirk.

"No tails! See?"

He jumped around showing off his bum (or rather his bloomers cladding it), clearly lacking a tail under it or above it.

"We don't need it." He went back to sitting on the girl's table so their eyes could meet without the girl breaking her neck in any way. "There's none like ya where I live." He admitted, before looking back a Medea. "Or ya." His eyes caught another girl (Miyu) coming toward them with curiosity (of course it was toward them! who wouldn't be exalted or curious? he didn't care to know if this girl's intents were truly curiosity or not), and he waved at her.

"Don't be shy. Plenty t' go 'round."

He didn't seem bothered by any new patrons, too focused he was on those already around him.

"Oh my tea's gonna be cold, one moment, please."

He flew back to his table, took his various instruments then came back to the other table, landing quietly and with a childish grace. He sniffed his cup and grimaced, the tea soon letting out a small smoke proving it was getting heated by the boy's hands.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th October 2016, 4:23 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Hamura12
Homura sighed and watched in awe at the boy who flew ad heated his tea.

Looking around, Homura realized that no one there was human, though she herself looked like one.

Sighing again, she took in her surroundings and smiled a little. Maybe she could meet new people? And make friends?

Her interest took part in the girl who looked like part cat and the blue girl though she made sure no one saw her staring with a small smile on her face.
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th October 2016, 11:05 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 AtF0yTA

Anya was slightly taken back by Enyalius' noncommittal response. No? Her eyes narrowed into a piercing glare. How dare this woman fail to offer her customer, a hardworking Russian physicist—no, a highly-esteemed international guest to the country and the coffee shop—an extra hand in such a time of great need!? Anya leaned in closer to the counter, her smile becoming more and more forced until it finally collapsed under the weight of her indignation.

Her mood was further exacerbated when some seemingly unattended child wandered over to the counter; cut in front of her; and then practically demanded the establishment serve some hot chocolate and pancakes before she could even offer Enya a piece of her mind. Annoyed, Anya shifted her death glare upon Homura. The child did not possess not what she deemed an indoor voice, and her sensitive ears despised such over-stimulation. Fortunately, to Anya's surprise, the barista quickly responded to the situation, deterring the child from further communication by refusing her service without explanation.

“...Bozhe kakoy grubyy rebonok,” Anya uttered under her breath in her native tongue as her deep blue eyes followed the child's prompt retreat to the corner of the room. What was that all about? She wondered as she slammed her thick blue folder onto the countertop. Earthlings? Like Enya, the Russian customer quickly rolled her eyes at the child's puerile insult. She guessed her embroidered white linen dress and her belted orange sleeveless jacket did seem a bit mundane, albeit fashionable, when compared to the tails and skin tones of some of the other customers, but her outfit gave no indication of her ethnicity. At the very least, the child's naïve assumption indicated to Anya that her humanoid disguise had fooled somebody and that she had properly assimilated to the human race, and that in itself was a compliment.

Returning her focus back to the barista at the counter, Anya furrowed her brow one last time and uttered a few more words under her breath in her native tongue before finally giving in and setting her strange metallic box, a device of some sort covered in adjustable switches and knobs, onto the counter next to her folder. The exaggerated smile returned to her countenance as she made eye contact with Enya. “Oh, Enyalius dear, it's so nice of you to offer to keep an eye on my stuff. However,” her face soured and her tone darkened: “If anything spills on my work while I'm gone, you'll be hearing from your manager, hun,” she announced abruptly before taking off into a steady but cautious pace with her cup of tea and star-shaped cookie.

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th October 2016, 5:51 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 LbQFzDT

Miyu almost shuffled back when the blonde boy beckoned her forward. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks, knowing that she had been spotted. She should have minded her own business... but this seemed so interesting! But... now others had witnessed her unkind and unwarranted attempt to eavesdrop and observe... how embarrassing! Still, at this point, what could she do about it? The coffee shop was not large enough or crowded enough to hang back and fall out of sight.

"S-sorry," she stammered softly, reaching up to press cool fingers against her warm reddened cheeks. "I apologize for being rude, but I am rather curious!"

She didn't mention anything specific, of course—but there were so many things, how could she have even picked something specific!
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th October 2016, 12:16 pm

Homura Higurashi

Homura sighed looking at the girl who gave her a death glare and sighed getting up deciding to apologize for her behavior.

She got up and walked to the table the girl was sitting at and sat down across from her

"Im sorry for being rude. I didn't notice you."

Homura apologized honestly and waited for a response before explaining on why she acted like that.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th October 2016, 1:11 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
The words fell over her ears, translating a fraction of a second after they were spoken, and Enya barely resisted a smile as the woman cheerfully deposited everything from folders to a large science-box onto the counter space with sugar-coated threats tossed in for good measure. She shrugged and responded casually, hoping to poke the bear just a little bit more - this was honestly the most entertainment she had had serving here - with just a syllable, "'K." While she had no intention of letting anything hit the science-box, having no idea what it did or how it would react and not really wanting to get into what she had allowed to be broken, she almost wanted to see what would happen if someone did call the manager on her.

As the woman retreated with her tea and cookie, Enya spaced out, her eyes mostly on the stuff but drawn to the acts of flight and the other patrons of the shop, until she noticed a faster pace, and followed that,  trailing after the little girl as she went to sit at the table the polite science-woman had chosen. Judging from the woman's muttering before, she would bet the child hadn't been invited and, crossing her arms, leaned back to watch.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th October 2016, 2:09 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 KeESSpr
Ari Tansya/Sailor Bastet

When Medea mentioned worrying about knocking things over Ari's eyes widened slightly at the thought of how big the thing could possibly be. She looked at her tail, the fur combed smooth, trying to imagine Medea's...without actually asking her to show it off. Would that be considered rude...?

And right on the dot as the thought crossed her mind, not only were there rude sounding customers causing a commotion at the counter (what the heck is going on over there, she made a mental note to look more into it in a bit)...but Akrynn was floating around from table to table. Well..that's something you don't see everyday.

When the very beautiful girl that Ari had eyed earlier spoke up, she couldn't help but make eye contact with her. Even her voice was angelic!

"Join the curiosity club with us!" Ari spoke cheerful then taking another sip of catnip.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 5:51 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 LbQFzDT

Her initial worries dissipated when her comment received a cheerful and welcoming response. Although the boy had been encouraging, Miyu was afraid that the others would be wary or unwilling for her to join them. She recognized that "slinking away in shame" could have been one of her next courses of action. She was quite relieved that it wouldn't be her only option now!

She still couldn't quite figure out how they could manage to have so many mysterious elements to their various forms.

"Do you... know each other?" she asked cautiously. Perhaps they were all part of the same group? Perhaps that was how they could all be so strikingly unusual?
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 6:25 am


He answered to the strangely shy girl.

"Haven' seen them ever. They're interesting, right? All cat and tails."

He seemed eager to know more, slowly drinking his own cup of tea, ignoring everything this place had to offer.

"'m Kynn, though ya might have heard 'lready."

He kept sitting on Ari's table, legs crossed and wings closed behind him.

"Who's ye?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 8:56 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 LbQFzDT

Well, he certainly wasn't shy! Kynn introduced himself again, eager to continue the conversation. Miyu found it extremely encouraging, and she felt some of her initial hesitation melting away. It was particularly nice to know that she wasn't imagining the feathers, tails, and ears and discussion thereof. This was the strangest tea break she had ever taken!

"Oh, I'm Miyu," she replied to his question, curtsying slightly out of habit. Some things taught in ballet became automatic, particularly when the move was repeated daily to each teacher, choreographer, and pianist at the end of every single session. "Nice to meet you."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 12:48 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 AtF0yTA

As Anya retreated into the coffee shop she had in mind a particular window seat off in the corner, but when she saw the child from earlier making a rapid advance for the same table, she immediately pivoted to the right and continued to walk on by, just as the little girl sat down and started to say something. Although Anya had heard the little girl's apology she paid it no particular attention, only gracing the child with a raised brow and a demeaning look as she passed. Children were such strange creatures. What even possessed them to talk out loud to nobody in particular? She had heard of those so-called imaginary friends, fantasy creatures, superheroes, or whatever it was that children oftentimes claimed to be acquainted with; but she still could not quite understand why anybody would wish to spend their time talking to beings that did not actually exist.

Cafes aren't for children. Go play tea party at home, girl, she thought to herself in annoyance. She had no time to entertain a child; her tea was going to get cold.

After a few more minutes of browsing around, Anya eventually found herself a table away from the other patrons: a booth in a different corner, which she eagerly claimed as her own with the careful placement of her tea and cookie. Satisfied with her current position in the coffee shop, the young physicist marched right on back toward the counter, her heels clattering noisily against the linoleum flooring.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 2:06 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
She smirked as the scientist abruptly changed her path to avoid the kid and sat her stuff down at another table, then marched back to get her equipment. Enya shrugged as she approached. "Nothing touched it," she offered without provocation, wondering if she could get another polite exchange before she retreated to the cookie and tea.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime12th October 2016, 9:27 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 AtF0yTA

“Good, dear.”

However, Anya was not about to leave the counter without first verifying Enya's statement for herself. Leaning forward, the Russian woman ran her slender fingertips along the smooth surface of her scientific apparatus. Not a single trace of dust, sugar, or creamer on the PIEZO XL 4094—Excellent. Nodding silently in approval, she then opened up her bound folder and flipped through page after page of notes written neatly in Cyrillic cursive—And no signs of staining or smudging in the booklet either; well except on page 60, but that was from a few weeks ago when she had knocked over her colleague's glass of water trying to reach for the pitcher at the center of the table during a meeting to discuss additional funding opportunities for the team's research. Oops. Anya scowled at the thought of those men laughing at her big mess and immediately slammed the folder shut. As she looked upward to thank the unconcerned barista for watching her belongings, her attention was drawn to a tip jar sitting out on the counter, completely empty.

“...And I thought you were doing such a nice job,” she remarked shaking her head in pity as she motioned toward the glass. “It's a shame your tip jar is empty. Why don't I fix that for you, dear.” Anya reached into the patent azure blue satchel strapped across her shoulder and fished around for what appeared to be her wallet, but instead produced a colorful crumpled plastic wrapper Bonbon Milk Chocolate Delight, scrunched it tightly in her fist, and then dropped it into the jar. “If you collect 500 of them you'll get a free 250 gram bag—You know, for all your hard work.”
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th October 2016, 8:54 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
Enya smirked, unable to help herself, as the woman ran her hands over her instruments and flipped tirelessly through her papers -- and immediately slammed it shut with a scowl and glanced up. The violent action wiped the smirk from Enya's face, replacing it with a concerned brow-quirk as she followed the glance to the ceiling, wondering what in the world the potentially-disturbed woman was looking at - had something dripped and landed on her paper? - but found nothing. 

Her words drew her eyes back to the patron, and then to the empty tip jar, resulting in another smirk. Like she cared about tips. She planed a hand on the counter and leaned on it as she watched the woman crumple some trash and toss it in with an explanation of the coupon. "Thanks so much, that means a lot to me," she replied flatly with a shrug, but then looked back up into the customer's pale eyes and added a bit more emotion to her tone, "but I could never trade that in, it's too perfect a memento of our precious time together."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th October 2016, 6:24 pm

"Miyu..." He repeated slowly. "Is cute! Sounds 'bit like trillin' ta me."

The small child was beaming, feathers shuddering happily behind him while those on his head twitched. He liked travelling. It made him meet so many sorts of people. Like that cat-like child, or the other one with a tail who didn't want to show it. Like that girl talking to him right now, who seemed so shy, but also so nice.

"This a weird move yer makin'."

He stood, cup of tea back on its saucer as he imitated her curtsy, a strange elegance in his mannerism.

"Elegant, I'd say. Yer cute."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th October 2016, 3:47 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 LbQFzDT

Miyu blushed bright at the compliment.

"O-oh, sorry! Or, um, thank you?" she wasn't really sure which way to go for this. "It's almost automatic at this point."

There were a lot of motions like that. She was a dancer, after all. There were so many hours spent working on her port de bras or perfecting her footwork. It was muscle memory by this point, because that was what she needed for her current studies and future career. The less she had to think about every little thing, the more she could focus on the emotions and musicality of her dancing. Still, she knew it looked a bit strange.
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st November 2016, 11:49 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 AtF0yTA

“What you do with your additional earnings is none of my business, dear,” Anya responded nonchalantly. As she took another good look at Enya, she couldn't help but wonder where all of the male employees were in this establishment. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen any men in the cafe at all! What a shame. She should have invited the rest of the research team for tea before the meeting—or at the very least Timur. That fool would have catered to her every need, unlike the lazy, rude barista woman in front of her who only seemed capable of standing there rolling her eyes, shrugging her shoulders, and leaning over the counter whenever anybody else made an effort to speak with her.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th November 2016, 7:54 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 MS1jbVp
Misumi|Sailor Magnificent

Misumi walked into the shop, hoping to find a sweet pastry and a potential talking partner.
Did she come in too late, too early. That didn't matter. As long as she got the attention that a lady deserves.

She decided to wear the most elegant clothing, a blue ballgown with a bluish-greenish necklace. Matching with blue shoes.

This isn't a masquerade ball. She thought. But it would do.

"Hello? Um, I have an open seat."
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th November 2016, 12:02 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 KeESSpr
Ari Tansya/Sailor Bastet

Ari watched the exchange between the angelic girl and the feather boy, the cat nip tea lulling her into a relaxed state. However there was a small nagging in the back of her head, something that kept trying say she forgot something, but what? She kept trying to forget it, enjoying her time here at the shop while meeting very interesting people but finally she gave in and brought out her phone to check the time.

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her sockets.

"Oh my spray bottles!! My parents are going to kill me," she stood up very abruptly, practically knocking her chair over, "I'm really sorry, I have to go!"

She nodded her head in small bow at the people she had met, "It was really interesting meeting you all. I hope we can meet again!"

With that, she had grabbed her things and was out the door like a cat out of a bag.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th May 2018, 9:10 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 LbQFzDT

The teenager tilted her head, tapping a slender finger on her cheek, staring at the coffee shop she had just stepped into.

She felt the oddest sense of déjà vu.

The girl had looked at her watch, surprised to see the time. How was it already time for rehearsal?!

Miyu looked up at the group she had been talking with, apologetic.

"I'm so sorry! I have to go!"

Hadn't that been a variation on what the other girl had said?

She didn't have time to think much about it. She had to run just to make it back to the studio in time!

She shrugged. Whatever memory she thought she had, she couldn't place it.

That was fine. At the very least, she could get something to drink before sitting down to work on some homework.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 8:20 am

William Clemont/Sailor Koronis

"Hang on... I thought I was going into Costa."

It was a calm day for William, as it seems that there were no monsters that day. He woke up, had breakfast, did a spot of gaming and then decided to pop out to one of the Costas in Bedford. At least, that was the plan.

Eh, whatever. If they've got milkshakes, this is fine, His thoughts went with a shrug.

He approached Enyalius, shrugging off the frown as a result of an imperfect day, and calmly enquired, "Hello, do you do milkshakes? If so, can I have a vanilla, please?" He wasn't much of a coffee person at all.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 8:23 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 Enyali12
"Milkshakes?" she replied, then turned to look up at the menu board behind her; under the Frozen Drinks category the subcategory of Milkshakes! had appeared. With a heavy sigh she turned back to him, put a hand on her hip, and replied in a bored voice, "Looks like we do now. Do you want Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry?" 

There would be no other flavours. She wouldn't stand for it.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 8:34 am

William Clemont/Sailor Koronis
"Vanilla, please."

He tried to remain as nice as he could, but it was clear that she really didn't want to be here. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but he figured in his mind, Eh, I could just book it if things get hairy, anyway.
"You don't seem to be in the best of moods. Am I allowed to know what the matter is?"
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