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 [OC Play] Coffee Shop

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime13th December 2015, 9:12 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop OM1M7W3

How does this work? Read up about it here, and don't forget to R&U to that thread!

The Set-up:
In the mood for a warm drink, your character makes their way down to their favorite beverage-facility (coffee shop, tavern, the kitchen, etc.) and when they open the door and step in, they suddenly find themselves in this place.

A 21st century coffee shop, decorated primarily in neutral colors like cream and brown and pink; like Starbucks, there is an order counter with a board above listing far too many coffee-based drinks in various odd sizes: small, or "-in-training", medium (the standard, no size mention needed), and large, or "super". Example: I want a Cappuccino-in-training. I want a Cappuccino. I want a Super-Cappuccino. The tables are primarily high-tables with high chairs; there is a bar to sit at across one of the windows that looks into... (well, it actually looks out into whatever the first person to sit there wants to see). 

Barista On Duty:
Sailor Enyalius, de-transformed, in khaki slacks, a brown polo shirt and a full-length green apron and hat. Name tag reads: "Enyalius". She's manning the counter with a slight annoyed scowl on her face.
Enyalius is serving time at this coffee shop to atone for losing her temper on another planet. Her manager makes regular reports to the sentencing official, and so controls Enya's time to serve. 
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 6:33 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop LbQFzDT

Miyu adjusted the strap of her ballet bag on her shoulder as she leaned to push open the door to the coffee shop. Class had just ended and rehearsal didn't start for another three hours. She could get something warm to drink and try and finish some homework. There was that paper due next week—her notes and outline were complete, but she hadn't started writing it yet. Or she could study for the upcoming biology exam.

When she stepped foot into the coffee shop... she felt... strange. She couldn't really explain it. Maybe the snack she had in-between classes wasn't agreeing with her stomach? Well, perhaps she'd get herbal tea instead of coffee. That shouldn't be a problem.

Miyu approached the counter, her eyes trained up on the menu. Wow, one more shop with their own specialty sizes. That seemed to be quite a trend.

"Good day," she greeted the barista, smiling politely. "I'd like a chamomile tea-in-training, please."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 11:37 am

Chibiusa, or Princess Lyra Serenity as the people outside the palace knew her, was thoroughly enjoying her little stolen day of shopping. She really should have been back home, learning about how to be the best princess she could be, but she had it stuck in her mind she wanted just one day to be like her mother and father. After all, they would play hooky every once in a while, and sometimes she would be invited along. She had some shopping bags in her hands, and she was dressed comfortably against the winter chill. She loved how the stores looked, all decked out for Christmas fast approaching, complimenting the glittering crystal the buildings were constructed of.

Then she got the scent of coffee and tea, and inhaled appreciatively. Something like that would be perfect today, and it would give her a chance to set down her bags. Maybe even time to mull over some more gift ideas. Who hadn't she bought something for? But first she had to chose a coffee shop. She looked around, and saw one that seemed quiet and quaint. Perfect, it wouldn't be so loud she couldn't hear her own thoughts like the popular places.

So she strode over and pushed open the door. What she saw inside didn't match what she expected, but a single blink and it was accepted. There was already someone in line in the otherwise empty shop, and she stepped up behind the girl, looking up at the menu as she tried to decide what sounded the best.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime14th December 2015, 3:53 pm

Enya nodded as she punched the order into the machine, barely making eye-contact as it was processed. At least she didn't have to do anything for this one. As the receipt printed she handed it over, copper eyes disinterested, and reached with her free hand for a small cup --

Ahem. Someone cleared their throat from over to the side, behind the counter.

Enya froze, turning to see the small manager staring at her, her arms crossed, little foot tapping, looking anything but pleased. The woman unfolded her arms to better access the clipboard and made to start writing with a small, serious pen. Nervously, Enyalius reviewed everything she had been told in training, and frantically turned back to the customer to blurt out, "Name please," as she dropped the receipt to grab a pen and decapped a sharpie with her teeth, holding the cup at the ready.

No way she was staying here longer than she had to.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 9:26 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop LbQFzDT

The attitude of the woman behind the counter made Miyu start, momentarily unable to think of how to answer her blunt request.

"Oh! Um, sorry—it's Miyu," she replied, cursing herself internally for her own rudeness. She didn't even seem to notice the abruptness of the barista seemed unusual. The teenager just assumed that it was a hard job and maybe there were awful customers earlier. She carefully paid and scooted aside to wait for her drink, not wanting to be in the way of the other customer who had gotten in line behind her.

Thankfully there would be plenty of tables to sit at and do her homework.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 9:34 am

Chibiusa had been observing the menu when she heard the exchange ahead of her. She leaned to the side a bit, looking past the girl first in line, blinking her red eyes a little. But it seemed it was nothing as the girl paid and moved out of the way. When she stepped up to the counter, the woman behind the counter seemed a bit flustered. What did her name tag say? Enyalius, what a strange name. Chibiusa tilted her head a moment and almost smiled, before she put on a conflicted, indecisive expression.

“I'm not entirely sure what I want...what's your favorite drink on the menu?” She asked innocently.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 10:47 am

Enya hurriedly scratched "Mew" onto the cup with the black marker, her lips pulled back as to not touch the cap, struggling to keep her expression near neutral despite the odd cat-name she scrolled across the cup. Her eyes moved from cup to manager, who had gone back to hugging the clipboard - a good sign - and then back to the customer only to find someone completely different in the slight girl's place. 

She spat the cap onto the floor to free her mouth, the pen still in one hand (no way was she going to chance getting marker into her mouth), marked cup in the other, and was about to call out when she finally spotted Ms. Mew had just scooted down to make room for this new person. As the new customer read the board, Enya put the cup down and reached for the tea bag to fill the other order - honestly, she was glad it was tea. Tea was easy - but as she separated one teabag from the others, the new customer asked her a question. 

Her favorite drink? She plopped the tea bag into the open cup, holding onto the label with her thumb, picked it up to put it on a waiting machine, and hit the button to fill the cup with hot water. Her favorite drink? She wasn't getting a drink so why should that matter? "Tea," she replied curtly, watching the water level rise to the very top before cutting it off, capping the drink, and handing it over the counter to Mew.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 10:55 am

She didn't seem all that perturbed from Enyalius' demeanor, but it only seemed to harden her resolve. She glanced up between the barista and the menu. “But which one? There's a whole bunch of different kinds of teas. So which is your favorite? It'll give me the chance to try something new.” She pressed determinedly, even as she watched the older woman making the other girls drink and handing it over to her.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 11:27 am

Enya returned to the register and put her hands on either side, the her pointer finger still curled across the marker expectantly. Her answer hadn't seem to have done it for the customer, who requested elaboration so she could try something new; however, Enya wasn't exactly giving with information, especially information about herself. She shrugged, "Any tea is good."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 11:31 am

Chibiusa didn't know whether to sigh or laugh. This barista was stubborn. In the end, she decided to not pester her anymore and gave a little shrug. “Alright, then give me a regular whatever tea, you pick. Oh, and I'll also have a peppermint chocolate chip brownie mochaccino with extra chocolate syrup, whipped cream and caramel drizzle, oh and the crushed up peppermint sprinkle on top please!” She dug into her pockets immediately then.

She found her wallet and pulled out it out, a dark blue silky fabric with a night sky starry design on it, music notes weaving along the length. She quickly pulled out a few paper slips of money and set them on the counter ready. “Oh and my name is Chibiusa!” She smiled brightly.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 11:51 am

Regular whatever tea? Works for her. Her plan, if the girl had insisted, would have been to turn and read a name at random, and this worked just as well. Enya turned and started to thrust her hand into the tea pile and just grab whatever her hand encircled, until the second order went through. The second order made her freeze in place. The second order made her teeth hurt just thinking about it. The second order couldn't be real. The second order couldn't be on the board.

She decided she didn't hear the second order.

She turned, grabbed a regular mug, unfurled the teabag into it, wrote "C.U." on the side, and started filling it with water. When it finished she turned and placed it on the counter, then motioned with her now-free hand to the sugar and top station.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 12:02 pm

Eirinn ~ Sailor Desert Rose
At first she had hated it, this being sent off world to learn and gain experience. Her place was at her sister’s side. But certain things had happened to show her she was not yet experienced enough to take up that mantle fully. And so she had finally acquiesced, albeit leaving the head of the guards with colorful death threats if anything should happen to her sister while she was away.
Not entirely sure where to start on this new place she found herself, Eirinn wandered the early morning streets, looking in at shop windows and listening to bits of conversation. One particular shop caught her eye because of the comfortable warm glow inside and the delicious scents streaming from the crack of the door. It reminded her that she had not had a chance to experience the food of this place last night and her stomach seconded the notion of going in.
She went to an an empty counter spot just as a young girl in pink was ordering something with a very long name. Something peppermint-chocolate-chip-mocha–something or other. Having never tasted a coffee bean before, she could not picture any of the beans from home going well with a mint flavor, but she was here to learn wasn’t she? Looking at the menu a bit dubiously she waited for her turn to order.

“Good morning”, she cheerfully greeted the lady behind the counter. “I would like a peppermint, chocolate chip, um …” Realizing she did not remember the long string used to order it she finally said, “what the young one in blue ordered please.”


Last edited by PoetofMercury on 15th December 2015, 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 12:37 pm


She watched with something akin to amusement as the barista just grabbed something and make the tea and set it down. She didn't think she was automatically going to ignore her second order, just that she was taking her time to remember it before she started.

Then she was aware of someone behind her saying good morning and she turned, blinking a bit. Morning? Hadn't it been afternoon? But she smiled and nodded. “Hi!” then she was utterly thrilled to hear the other girl wanted what she did. “Oh! Then two peppermint chocolate chip brownie mochaccino with extra chocolate, whipped cream, caramel drizzle and crushed peppermint sprinkle! And I'll pay for her drink too!”

And without hesitation, she pulled out enough money to cover the extra drink. Then she slyly picked up the remainder of her previous change and dropped it in the little jar labeled 'Tips'. Then pushed the tea back across the counter. “And the tea is for you, miss! I hope your day gets better and you'll be more happy.” She explained, delighted to finally reveal her generous little trick.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 1:11 pm

Oh god, now it was a trend. 

The attempt to brush off the order was completely destroyed when the new girl came in and just had to order the exact same ridiculous drink. Eyes on the tea, her lids twitched, then turned around to grab two regular-sized cups and approached the assembly line of a coffee station. She heard the sliding noise as the tea was pushed back across the counter and took in a deep breath. She held it, then let it out slowly. "Thank you," she replied as she pressed "go" on one of the machines, dark liquid splashing into the first cup. On the second she wrote "C.U." again, and smirked at the pronunciation - 'See you' - it's going to be fun having that cup kicking around the place. 

As the first cup finished filling, she called back over her shoulder, keeping her face forward as she moved the second cup under the machine. "Name on the second cup?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 1:37 pm

Eirinn ~ Sailor Desert Rose
Eirinn was duly impressed when the young girl in blue rattled off the drink name again. She could not help but smile. It was, as her sister told her, a rare sight. “I am impressed. How do you remember all of those flavors?” She doubted she would remember it even if she heard it a few times more. What a complicated drink! She was beginning to be very curious indeed as to what this might taste like.
It suddenly became apparent that the girl was attempting to pay for her order. “Oh no, you do not need to…I have…” She blushed a bit as she suddenly became aware she did not know the custom as far as that goes. If she refused would it offend her? She truly looked pleased at her acts of kindness. “Thank you. That was very kind.” She said finally deciding not to be stubborn. Maybe she was learning new things after all.

Her attention was drawn back to the woman begin the counter who seemed just a bit harried. Name, why did they need a name for the cup? She arched her eyebrows in confusion for a second before figuring out it was her name that the girl wanted. “Desert Rose” 
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 1:45 pm

'D.R. it is,' Enya thought as the awkwardly scrolled the letters on the side of the filled cup and finally put the pen down and aside.

As the second cup finished filling, she stared at both cups, then shrugged and, with an attitude of 'whatever works,' squirted a few pumps of chocolate into either drink and stirred, then added more chocolate for the 'extra chocolate' part. Peppermint... she squirted peppermint flavoring in, and dropped in two small chunks of brownie topping into each drink. Chocolate chip brownie peppermint whatever, done. She then took two whipped-cream cans and spiraled the topping onto each, then used chocolate and caramel syrup to haphazardly cover the top. For extra measure, she plopped another brownie bite onto the top of both, threw on the peppermint chips, slapped a plastic top to it and set both down on the counter in front of the pair. Done.

She leaned back against the counter, looking away from them, exhaling loudly. How many more hours of this?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 2:26 pm

*Stephanie Sanders*

Stephanie was on her way home from work and wanted a drink..a warm drink, she earned it since getting paid earlier in the day. She opened the door to the coffee shop and walked in seeing some people in there ordering so she got in line. She didn't want anything fancy, just a hot Chai no water.. She took a sniff of the air in the room and caught a whiff of what smelled like chocolate and peppermint..'YUM' she thought as she got up to the line. "Excuse me miss...can I please get a large Hot Chai no water? the name is Stephanie"
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 2:41 pm

Good, a name without asking -- but what in the world was a hot chai no water? Wasn't Chai a type of tea? How could you make tea without water? She nodded anyway and grabbed a Super sized cup, scribbled "Steph" on it, then headed towards the back. Tea, no water. 

...How in the world? 

She reached for a packet of Chai tea, tossed  it into the cup, and hesitated. Chai, no water, done. ... but this wasn't a drink, and it wasn't hot. ... She scanned the various devices and eventually settled on a choice: the coffee machine, and the hot milk machine. Both would be hot...but coffee had water in it. So... milk....? She strode forward confidently, despite her confusion over the order, and filled the rest of the cup with steamed milk. Once filled, she glance inside, saw the tea floating in there, and.... shrugged, whatever. She put the top on it and went back to the machine, handing over the questionable drink to the new customer. Done.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 3:31 pm

Chibiusa looked utterly pleased with herself as she dropped the rest of the change in the tip jar and as the slightly flustered girl thanked her. Her ears perked slightly as she said her name. "It's no problem. Christmas is the season of giving. And that's a very pretty name! I'm Chibiusa."

She picked up the drink as it was dropped off and took a sip and melted a bit at the very sweet taste. "This is perfect, thank you!" She complimented Enyalius then turned to Desert Rose again. "Would you like to sit with me?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 5:51 pm

Stephanie took the drink, "Thanks...are you new here? Where is Pierre? Is he still around these days? Thanks again." Stephanie waited for a moment to see if the new girl answered as she took a sip of her drink, her eyes then lighting up. "WOW this is deserve a raise, my friend!"

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 7:21 pm

[OC Play] Coffee Shop LbQFzDT

At least she had a warm cup of tea in her hands, although her name was very interestingly spelled on the side. Not that she was going to bring such a thing up, of course; very unnecessary, especially now that it was getting so crowded in here! She watched the others interacting, quietly observing them as she sipped her own drink. The first one, the one who had stood right behind her in line, she was so persistent! Miyu didn't know what to expect from the barista, but shockingly the woman had somehow just barely seemed to withhold her general annoyance.

The ballet student found herself wondering about all of these people. She took a seat at one of the open tables and pulled out her notebook, but her eyes kept glancing up to watch everyone else. There seemed to be quite a lot going on here!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 9:20 pm

Eirinn ~ Sailor Desert Rose

Eirinn smiled. "That would be nice, Chibiusa." Eirinn responded, noticing the name seemed to have a musical flow about its syllables. As soon as they were settled she looked a bit warily at her cup, noticing the strange looking toppings and had a moment of misgiving, but dove in for a taste, taking a small sip. Instantly her eyes widened and she took a more appreciative glance at her cup before taking a longer sip, letting the flavors swirl around her month. It was like liquid warmth and happiness all at the same time. There were flavors that reminded her of the warm suns of home, and yet flavors that were foreign and fresh.

Still wide eyed she glanced at her new acquaintance. "I have to thank you for the recommendation. I don't even have words to describe this flavor." Just to be sure, she took another sip. Yes it was just as good as the last. It might be her first, but it was also now her favorite drink on this planet.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime15th December 2015, 10:46 pm

Chibiusa walked with Desert Rose, letting her pick the table. She sat down a bit gratefully in the chair and laid her bags carefully on the floor with a relieved little sigh. They did get kind of heavy after a while. Then she unwound the blue woven scarf she had around her neck and slipped out of the slightly heavy black jacket she had been wearing, revealing the rather festive turtleneck she wore underneath, a soft blue color with Christmas stars scattered over it. She leaned comfortably into her chair, but paused, watching as the other girl began drinking.

She couldn't help but giggle a little at the expression she made. “I'm glad you like it. I've always loved sweets, and well...some of the best sweets come out around the holidays. Like the peppermint flavor.” She picked up her cup and took a little sip, pleased to get some whipped cream with it this time. Yes, she had made an excellent decision. “So where are you from?” She asked, giving her cup a little swirl to help mix the flavors a bit and the whipped cream into the drink.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 7:55 am

The compliments threw her off guard - the drinks were good? Jeez, being a Barista was easy. She shrugged in response to their praise and the comment about "Pierre," she knew roughly how the establishment worked and would rather not field questions about the 'regulars' at the person's typical establishment. That they thought it was strange the normal person was not working today was against what the Crone had set up, but hiccups were bound to happen every now and again.

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 8:34 am

Eirinn - Sailor Desert Rose

Eirinn froze at Chibiusa’s question for a second, embarrassment turning her cheeks pink. “Oh! Am I that obvious? The master of the guards is right! I am not capable of guarding a dune cricket if I can’t be more discreet!” Out of the corner of her eyes she surveyed the coffee shop crowd. It did not seem like anyone was listening and there was just something earnest about the young girl’s face that made her feel safe confiding in her. “I might as well confess. I am not from Earth. I am from a planet named Aran Cara from a system far from here with three suns, but I am here trying to learn. I will be attending an academy here soon and I am really very excited.” Her green eyes flashed with excitement about the upcoming courses.  

“Since the mouse is out of the bag, I don’t know why people say that, but can you tell me about this Christmas, if it is no trouble?”
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 8:50 am

*Stephanie Sanders*

Steph smiled at the girl and walked over to a lounge chair and sat down. She took some more sips of her drink and then started to look at the other patrons. They all looked so interesting and she kinda wanted to try to talk with them but she didn't wanna look like a creeper. She then decided to walk over to a girl who looked like she took some sort of dance class and calmly said, "Hello, my name is Stephanie and i noticed your bag..Are you a dancer??"

TAG: Miyu
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 9:32 am

Chibiusa blinked at the girls embarrassment. Had she asked a bad question? Though she wondered what a dune cricket was. Her expression remained mainly passive and inquisitive as the girl explained she wasn't from Earth. But she did look intrigued. “A solar system with three suns? Well that explains why your skin is so dark. I'm sorry, that was the only reason I asked, I thought maybe you might be from another country. I thought maybe you were just visiting Japan...I've never heard of that planet, or a place with three suns.” She smiled and took another gulp of her drink. “Don't worry though, Earth tends to get visitors from other planets. My own father is from another system as well.”

Then she made a comment about a mouse out of a bag. For a moment she was confused then she laughed as she realized the mistake. This girl rather reminded her of her aunt Minako. “Actually it's 'cat out of the bag', but mouse out of the bag sounds cute. And I guess in a system with three suns, you wouldn't have anything like winter. But Christmas is a great time of year. For some people, it's the birth of a very important person and it's very special. For other people, it's a time for family and presents. You get a certain type of tree and decorate it, and get each other gifts which you put under the tree. Then on December 25th, you open your presents together. I'm out shopping for presents for my family.” She gestured to the bags on the floor.

Last edited by Crystalsetsuna on 18th December 2015, 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime16th December 2015, 11:01 am

[OC Play] Coffee Shop LbQFzDT

Miyu was surprised that someone had spoken to her, but also extremely grateful. And, of course, if she had to engage with someone she didn't know... talking about dance was always something she looked forward to! At least she wouldn't run out of anything to say if their conversation continued on this path.

"Hello, Stephanie; nice to meet you. Yes, I'm training to dance ballet professionally."

She smiled, toyed with the strap of the bag for a moment, and giggled.

"I guess the huge bag with the dance charms gives me away. What do you do?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime17th December 2015, 10:38 am

Eirinn looked visibly relieved that it was simply her skin tone and not her behavior that had given her away, and that had she played it off, she could have passed for someone that lived here. Maybe she was being a bit too hard on herself. “There is no need to apologize. We cannot help where we are born nor what the creator gives us. All we can help is what we do with it.” She smiled, showing she took no offense at the question.
“We are a small system with four planets and three suns. I am not surprised you have never heard of it. But I am glad to know I am not the only one. May I ask where your father is from?”

She drank the last of her minty-concoction, fishing out the brownie bit at the bottom with her straw. “Christmas sounds so intriguing. We have something similar at the end of the dry season to celebrate getting through it, and it is all about family and feasting. Oh, would you like another one? This one will by my treat.” Hopefully she could remember what it was made up of!
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Lotus Crystal


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[OC Play] Coffee Shop Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OC Play] Coffee Shop   [OC Play] Coffee Shop I_icon_minitime17th December 2015, 10:59 am

*Stephanie Sanders*

"Oh me? Im a swimming instructor for disabled kids at my local pool. Its a pretty fun job, but thinking about yours though..I bet dancing is more fun, don't get me wrong not a good dancer."

She took a drink of her now cooled-down Chai and asked, "So how long have you been training? I mean by looking at you I bet many years..."
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