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 (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury

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Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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(Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime27th April 2015, 7:35 pm

Advanced Character Profile
Character Name: Ami Mizuno
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 14 - 15, Sept 10th
Used Canons: Manga/Anime

Appearance: Ami Mizuno can be described as the blue haired beauty (in my opinion hehe). Her hair blue and is a short boy cut length that grazes her shoulders in wavy curls. Her figure is about 5 foot 2 inches and her skin is semi-pale. Her blue eyes match her typical outfit is her school attire. Her school outfit consists of a white long sleeved button up blouse with a blue sailor like collar with a white stripe. The same design is also found on the cuffs of her sleeves. Below the collar sits a red bow that adds a bit of non blue color to her appearance. Speaking of blue, the bottom portion of her school outfit is also a long blue skirt with elegant folds. Outside of school, she normally wears longer clothing, nothing too revealing, like long skirts and heavier sweaters. 

Extra: Sometimes Ami even wears glasses, especially when she is reading. 

Personality: Before anyone really knew anything about Ami, her fellow classmates were actually afraid of her. They felt that Ami was a stuck up snob because of how smart she was and felt she thought she was too intelligent to socialize with anyone. In reality, Ami was actually very shy and kept to herself for her lack of self confidence. Since she didn't have any friends, Ami normally stayed to herself with her studies. This changed once Usagi became interested in Ami (more information about this in History) and learned that she was a kind sweet hearted girl instead of a stuck up student that others rumored. It turns out that Ami studies so much is because her dream is to be a Doctor like her mother.

As Ami grows through the Manga/Anime, she learns to be more self confident in herself. This allows Ami to no longer act shy in crowds, and she is able to socialize better among her peers. Although a change in her personality, Ami is often the one in her group that remains calm in sticky situations, and would rather work through solving a problem instead of battle. However, when it comes to it, Ami will do whatever it takes as Sailor Mercury in battle to save her friends. She would risk her life to save the people she loves, and she has on several occasions. (First arch and in battle against Sailor Galaxia)

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Ami's strong point is her intelligence, much like it was in her past life. She is the brains of the Senshi Squad (haha I made that term up, it sticks well XD) and often uses her brains to figure ways out of situations during life and battle.
History: Ami was first portrayed as a loner with no friends or any intention of ever having any. She grew up without her father because he left, and her mother being a doctor was often away from home. She was alone with her studies and her fellow classmates would often mock her for it behind her back spreading the rumors that she was a stuck up.  This seemed to be the case until one day Luna became interested in her due to her high IQ level, which probably reminded her of Princess Mercury/Sailor Mercury. Luna jumped on top of Ami's head to attract her attention, thus causing Usagi and Ami to meet. Usagi then invited her to the arcade where Ami showed off her impressive skills on the brand new Sailor V game, ultimately receiving the high score. Due to the victory, a small pen fell out of the machine's prize slot, which was actually Sailor Mercuy's transformation pen. (The item was secretly rigged to appear by Luna ). 

When Ami left, she left a disc she needed for her cram school, and Usagi wanted to return it to her. Usagi tracked down Ami and the cram school she attended to return the disc, but found the presence of the Dark Moon Kingdom instead. The disc was secretly a brain washing mechanism that proceeded to suck energy from those who studied from it. Seeing Ami and her classmates in danger, Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon to save Ami from the youma that posed as her class instructor. During the battle when Ami was almost done for, the planetary symbol for Mercury appeared on Ami's forehead. Using the pen Luna had given her/from the Sailor V game, Ami's powers kicked in and she transformed into Sailor Mercury where she destroyed the Youma and saved her classmates alongside Usagi/ Sailor Moon.

Anime: Luna, at first, thought Ami was an enemy.   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury 2869872805

A very little bit of background history:
Prior to her reawakening on earth, Ami/Sailor Mercury was princess Mercury during the reign of the Silver Millennium. It was her duty to protect Princess Serenity alongside the other princesses of the Milky Way Planet that watched over earth and the moon.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
Very good swimmer
Birth Sign is Virgo
Blood Type A
Loves playing Chess
Enjoys pop culture 

Storyline Specific Information: 
Dead Ringer: AU: Sailor Moon has been killed, and Sailor V keeps up the act that she is the real Moon Princess.

A new Alley: A strange new boy sits next to Ami one day in school, and Rei claims that he has a hidden past! Just who is this strange new friend? 
Senshi Information (delete this section if not applicable)
Senshi Name: Sailor Mercury / Soldier of Knowledge

Realm of Influence(s): Ice/Water

Henshin/Transformation Phrase:  
Mercury Power, Makeup!
Mercury Star power, Makeup!
Mercury Planet Power, Makeup! 
Mercury Crystal Power, Makeup!

Senshi Fuku: 

Regular Sailor Mercury's Fuku consists of a white leotard that covers her torso. The upper fabric is decorated with a blue bow over her breasts, and a blue sailor collar with white stripes and a small flap on the back that points down from her neck. The bottom portion of the white leotard has a blue short skit formed around her hips. The back of the skirt houses another bow that is larger than the one over her breasts. Her Fuku is accompanied by white elbow length gloves with blue rims on the elbow portion, white shoulder pad coverings,  a blue choker like necklace, a golden tiara with a blue gem, and blue bubble earnings. Sailor Mercury's foot wear are knee high heeled boots. (The blue's in her outfit are dark). 

Super Sailor Mercury and Eternal Sailor Mercury's outfits are much like Sailor Mercury's regular Fuku, except small changes like the Blue color is more of a pretty pastel instead of the regular darker blue color. Besides the color change, small adjustments are made in the boots and shoulder pad areas. On Super Sailor Mercury her shoulders are no longer covered with a thick padded rim, but a more see through material. Subtle changes for Eternal Sailor Mercury is that her boots are now white instead of blue, and her shoulder coverings are now a more angelic satin covering which is slightly poofed The same fabric is also now found as a second layer under her skirt, and a small v like pattern on the top of her skirt as well.

Small changes to the choker and bow can also be found. Super Sailor Mercury has a star on choker and her front bow has a heart. Eternal Sailor Mercury has a star on both her choker and front bow. In addition, Eternal Sailor Mercury's tiara's gem is now a blue star instead of a normal oval gem.


Mercy Aqua Mist
Shine Aqua Illusion/ Shine Snow Illusion
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Mercury Aqua Mirage

Weapons or Magical Items:
Original Mercury Transformation Pen -> Mercury Power, Makeup!
Star Power Stick -> Mercury Star power, Makeup!
Mercury Crystal -> Mercury Crystal Power, Makeup!
Hand Held Super Computer
Mercury Goggles
Watch like communication device

Guardian: N/A
RP Sample:

Ami tapped her pencil as she awaited for her teacher to finish passing out the final test of her Junior High Year. This would be the test to determine if she would finish the year with another perfect score. However, genius or not, Ami was nervous. With the recent increases of Youma attacking the city, she hadn't been able to study as much as she often did prior to being a Sailor Soldier. Finally, the teacher finished passing out the tests and gave the OK to begin.  Ami was relieved to discover the test was multiple choice, even if she wasn't sure of an answer, she felt better knowing she always had a twenty five percent chance at getting the right answer. 

An hour passed and Ami handed in the test, her fellow classmates still lingering inside the class as she walked into the hallway. Of course, she was the first one done. With no more tests, Ami decided to enjoy her few hours off. Of course she wasn't done with class for the day, but she did have two hours left until the original test would be over. Knowing her classmates, they would most likely use the remaining two hours at their advantage. Ami sat in the school yard, about to read the second book of a novel series she had sadly ignored for a while, when she heard a scream. She signed as she heard Rei on her communicator.  The other girls were most likely inside taking their tests still, but Rei being at a different school, had already finished the previous week.

"I guess I will finish this novel tonight" she laughed to herself as she closed the book

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 14th June 2015, 6:56 pm; edited 4 times in total
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(Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime29th April 2015, 5:22 pm

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(Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime30th April 2015, 3:33 pm

I'll review this profile fully tomorrow. Smile But in the meantime, could you expand Ami's personality section? Thanks!
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Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime30th April 2015, 5:28 pm

Updated. I completely redid the section.
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(Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime1st May 2015, 6:26 pm

Approved. Smile

(Side note: If it doesn’t take too much of your time, can you mention Ami was also lonely because of her mother’s job and limited contact with her father, having to grow up mostly on her own? Perhaps also note she likes swimming, chess, and pop culture? Thank you! Smile )
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Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury   (Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury I_icon_minitime1st May 2015, 6:36 pm

I think I have in there somewhere already she likes swimming, but I may have removed it when reediting this and that.

And um no... of course I won't do that. (I kid I kid.)



(Approved) [Advanced] Ami/Sailor Mercury 1955989781


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