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 Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release

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Tuxedo Mark
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PostSubject: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime12th August 2014, 7:26 pm

Viz is releasing the first half of the original season on three DVDs and three Blu-rays. At 23 episodes, that's gonna work out to 8, 8, and 7 episodes on a disc.

I have the "Saved by the Bell" DVD sets. On disc 1, they put 8 episodes. It's a dual-layer disc, and the episodes look compressed. It's pretty bad.

The Sailor Moon episodes run longer, and there will be two audio tracks (possibly lossless on the Blu-rays?). I'm concerned that both the DVDs and Blu-rays are gonna look bad.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime12th August 2014, 7:46 pm

I wouldn't be concerned. Can't disks fit a lot more content in them nowadays? And Viz is pumping a lot of effort into making the anime look higher quality. It'd be a huge waste of time and money if the episodes just end up looking terrible anyway because of disk space issues.
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Tuxedo Mark
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime12th August 2014, 8:08 pm

JupiterThunderCrash wrote:
I wouldn't be concerned. Can't disks fit a lot more content in them nowadays? And Viz is pumping a lot of effort into making the anime look higher quality. It'd be a huge waste of time and money if the episodes just end up looking terrible anyway because of disk space issues.

Well, a single-sided, dual-layer DVD has a capacity of 7.95 GB. At 8 episodes, that works out to 993.75 MB per episode. That's roughly 10 MB more than what was allocated to a "Saved by the Bell" episode on a SS DL DVD that contained 8 episodes (most of which were syndication masters that ran 22:17). SbtB has only one audio track, and it looks bad. SM will have two audio tracks.

Moving on to Blu-ray, a single-sided, dual-layer Blu-ray has a capacity of 50 GB. Full HD video has 6 times as many pixels as SD video ((1920x1080)/(720x480)). A SS DL BD is slightly bigger than 6 times a SS DL DVD, but I doubt those extra 2 GB are gonna help much. I'm worried about compression artifacts.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime12th August 2014, 8:19 pm

I'm not a tech guy, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime12th August 2014, 8:50 pm

Its just nice to be getting a new dub of an old fave. Really it can't be much worse than some of the DVDs that are out there now right?
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Tuxedo Mark
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime13th August 2014, 7:50 am

Radicaledward124 wrote:
Its just nice to be getting a new dub of an old fave. Really it can't be much worse than some of the DVDs that are out there now right?

Well, consider, for example, the SuperS DVDs from Pioneer. Bilingual. Six episodes per disc. They look pretty good.

Now, imagine cramming two more episodes on there.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime13th August 2014, 12:25 pm

I'm sure it will look fine. As long as I can see the picture I'm golden. I care about audio more than the picture.

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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime13th August 2014, 2:54 pm

I bought the ranma 1/2 blurays that have 8-9 episodes per disc with dual audio and the picture and sounds are fantastic, I think Sailor Moon should be the same Smile
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Neon Genesis
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 10:39 am

Yeah, my FMA Brotherhood DVDs have about seven episodes on them and they look pretty good.  Most anime DVDs these days have seven episodes on them per disc and most of them turn out fine.  In any case, it can't look any worse than the old ADV boxset.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 11:31 am

I have two sets of Ouran High School Host Club. Funimation produced it and their DvDs looked fine. The first disk has 7 episodes.
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Neon Genesis
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 2:29 pm

The one thing I worry about the Viz set is are they going to be subtitling the theme songs for the DVD?  They don't have subs for the songs on the Hulu streaming and it would be a shame if they didn't on the DVD.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 2:39 pm

I imagine they will do, i habe faith they will fix the mistakes and inconsistances with the streaming subtitles as well. The dubbing of the episodes are done sp they have a few months to sprice up the subtitles and stuff.
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Neon Genesis
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 7:04 pm

The episode with the cruise boat still has some issues where the subtitles sometimes repeat themselves when they're supposed to be saying something different.
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PostSubject: Re: Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release   Concerns about Viz's upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release I_icon_minitime

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