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Lotus Crystal


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Doctor Who? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 3:53 pm

I like Moffat and don't get the hate.

And he'll be staying on through Series Eight.

lol that rhymed.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:07 pm

Well, I agree that sometimes Moffat's choices are the worst D:
but I don't understand the hate either /: It's not like Davies was any better. "Love and Monsters" anyone? If it wasn't for Billie and her chemistry with David... well.
And the Series 4 season finale?...FAIL. There were a lot of characters on scene, and that plot, and Daleks AGAIN? xD Give me a break.
Sorry, but I quite prefer The Silence and the TARDIS blowing up just because of no reason at all.

Anyways, that fan made trailer for the 50th Anniversary it's GREAT Doctor Who? - Page 9 2695440696 
and I know Aztnara, that's only a Wholock dream Doctor Who? - Page 9 1948543417
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:12 pm

eh I find some things a bit questionable and i'm just not a fan of his latest twist.  Though some of the hate could also do with his publicity stunt at Comic Con.  Me, I'm just tired of the same gambit he's been using.  (And I'm thoroughly disappointed that he's using Rose. AGAIN. wee bit tired of her.)

Of course I have a ton of other hang ups that can't actually be discussed on GC because of their very nature.

Let's just say, I'm pretty sure after Matt (and no offense to the other Doctor actors. they were all great)  we're going to see the same thing. Again. And again and  that very thought is depressing even though through River and other comments we could get and have a variety of actors playing the Doctor.

Not to mention- the Daleks are an old and tired hat. We get it. They're enemies. How about some other creatures more interesting?  Just saying.
-sorry I just have some frustrations about it and how it could've been done differently.-

But I rather have season 4- because it was the only time everyone was ever together and the Doctor was actually happy and they were happy with each other-

than the LAST season finale with..what's her name..? Clara. 

That one sucked- her entire arc was bad. They never really utilize any of her actual natural gifts other than she's bold and occasionally calls the Doctor out on his stuff, but other than that she hasn't been given anything too interesting. The Deus Machina of her gaining intelligence was annoying enough. it's like she's not on par with him unless she went through that first and retained that knowledge.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:27 pm

There seems to be a split between American and British fans when it comes to Moffat. American fans tend to prefer RTD era to his while British fans and those who grew up with the old show prefer Moffat while wanting to set fire to all of RTD's creations.

btw The Silence blew up the TARDIS.

 And unless Moffat stated it Ten and Rose sounds more like a network executive move. I read somewhere that Moffat didn't care for Rose much.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:33 pm

Oh sure, I completely understand the feeling. Moffat usually goes the easy way, instead of exploring different plots and stories. Sometimes it feels like if he wanted us to forget everything that came before his run.

And I think it's a bit obvious why he's using Rose again. She's still quite popular between the audience, especially the NuWho fans. Just like ToriJ said, while I'm still typing this xD

I agree about Clara though. Another empty character who didn't bring anything new to the series. She was just some sort of weird mix between Donna and River. At least, in my opinion.

@ToriJ: We don't know for sure if The Silence blew up the TARDIS. It was never explained.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:36 pm

There was more references to the Classic Series in the first year of Moffat's run than the first four seasons combined.

 @Jupiter: Yes it was. Or did you miss the voice saying, "Silence will fall"?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:49 pm

I watched a lot of the old Who (particularly Sarah-Jane's run as a companion and some of Romana II and Alric along with Ace's run as a companion.).  

While I'm not entirely crazy about RT either (Seriously he shafted Martha's run as a companion in my eyes. I think she had way more potential and they completely wasted some of it with her being offscreen. ).   I could never understand why Rose was so popular other than when it was restarted she just happened to be the Companion at the time.  

(I really really have my own issues with Rose as a character before her reintroduction from the parallel world.  I just found what she did to Mickey was horrible and the fact she didn't seem to learn anything from the first time she tried to change things.)

I just think with Moffat he never answers his own questions he creates in the series and when he does it's completely lame. It like ...

You get an ice cream that looks absolutely wonderful and should be full of flavor and taste amazing- only to find out it's bland and tasteless.

That's how it feels a lot with Moffat.  He gives us interesting introductions and questions but fails to follow it up.

As Jupiter said, the introduction and mystery with Clara was intriguing at first but the answer to her mystery was first Rate medium level Fanfiction.

It's good, but it's not great and it ends up lackluster. 

Honestly, Rose was more interesting than Clara and I really really don't like Rose. (Ranks lower than Alric and Al was an annoying insufferable know it all.)

(Silence will fall when the Question is asked, you mean.)
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 4:59 pm

After Moffat got the show, I haven't been able to connect with any companion =/ I just missed those times where companions were just ordinary people who just wanted to go on an adventure. 

I never liked Amy, not even a bit, River is awful and Clara... well, no words. The only one I like a little is Rory, because he is the only one I feel is real. 

Also I'm still pissed at Moffat for not wanting to reveal the stupid trailer
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 5:00 pm

When the monitor in the TARDIS cracked there was a voice that said, "Silence will fall" indicating that it was The Silence who blew up the TARDIS. "Silence will fall" has been the main message since the very first episode of series 5.

That's a fair critique on Moffat, though. I'm still waiting for the photo Sally Sparrow gave The Doctor of a Weeping Angel to transform.

Anyway, have a video of The Doctor playing Wii

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 5:02 pm


I don't know, I liked Amy and Rory together for the most part. They were really the only things I loved (Aside from that guy who almost became a cyberman.  His story arcs were beautiful.).

I just always love it when someone choses someone else over the Doctor in terms of romance. 

I think that's probably why I liked it more once Rory got on the show.  No one falls in love with the Doctor!
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 5:21 pm

All this Doctor Who talk has me wanting to write more Tori/The Professor scenes Razz
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:05 pm

Quote :
Yes it was. Or did you miss the voice saying, "Silence will fall"?

No, I didn't. But that's not exactly what I call an explanation.

Quote :
I just think with Moffat he never answers his own questions he creates in the series and when he does it's completely lame. It like ...

You get an ice cream that looks absolutely wonderful and should be full of flavor and taste amazing- only to find out it's bland and tasteless.

That's how it feels a lot with Moffat. He gives us interesting introductions and questions but fails to follow it up.

I KNOW. It's not only lame but ridiculous. It happened with River, with The Silence and now, Clara. He tries to make everything and everyone interesting, and it doesn't work.
Just like Aztnara says: "After Moffat got the show, I haven't been able to connect with any companion =/ I just missed those times where companions were just ordinary people who just wanted to go on an adventure."

The Girl Who Waited, The Impossible Girl and I can't remember who River was called.

But I gotta say, that I really loved Amy and Rory <3 At least they got to be together at the end.

Quote :
Also I'm still pissed at Moffat for not wanting to reveal the stupid trailer.

Me too. The BBC was just messing with us -.-
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:17 pm

The explanation came when the Silents were revealed at the beginning of Series 6, then when we find out it's a secret society wanting to kill The Doctor before the question could be asked. Going back to the quote at the time of the explosion and the fact a Silent can be standing right in front of you five times in a single day and you'd never remember and it's self-explanatory.

It just takes a paragraph to explain...

Doctor Who? - Page 9 9V9MWgP

His name ain't Barrowman but you get the idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:22 pm

No lol, I know all of that. I'm more concern about the how, not the why.
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:33 pm



That is a good question.
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:39 pm

Doctor Who? - Page 9 Logic_zps46cb05eb
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 6:43 pm

But my brain won't turn off, Matt! I tried everything T_T
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 8:10 pm

Ktenshi wrote:
You get an ice cream that looks absolutely wonderful and should be full of flavor and taste amazing- only to find out it's bland and tasteless.

THAT is so how I feel about Moffatt. I also thought they dragged the drama between Rory and Amy about her possibly liking the Doctor more than him on way too much. There are also times I just don't like how the Doctor is written.

Also is it me or does it seem like some of it has just gotten so much cheesier than RTD's stuff?

(Personally I liked the se04 finale, mainly cause of all the characters, it was kind of an awesome tribute to the reboot of the show before it was going tobe taking a different direction).

I would like to see Captain Jack again. I never watched Torchwood, but I'd like to see a bit more of an explanation about how he
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 8:19 pm

Captain Jack!! he is one of my favorite character Doctor Who? - Page 9 1394610236  I actually started watching Torchwood, and it is pretty good, just a little more crude than DW (definitely not for kids) I still have to watch like 2 seasons of Torchwood.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 5:58 pm

Small Lady wrote:

Also is it me or does it seem like some of it has just gotten so much cheesier than RTD's stuff?  

(Personally I liked the se04 finale, mainly cause of all the characters, it was kind of an awesome tribute to the reboot of the show before it was going tobe taking a different direction).

I would like to see Captain Jack again. I never watched Torchwood, but I'd like to see a bit more of an explanation about how he

Cheesier? No, I don't think so. RTD was quite a master on that, as much as I love Rose, Donna and Jack, there were a lot of "WTH?" episodes during his run. And yeah, it was nice to see all of the characters together, but...


About Jack, I don't think we'll ever know how the heck that happened.

And I need to watch Torchwood ;_;
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 6:16 pm

-still grumbles over in corner with Martha Jones-

The only thing I hated about the tie up with the end of Ten's run is - no lead up with Martha/Mickey. (and the unfortunate implications thereof and then how mean Ten was)

But I gotta agree, as much as I think Eleven was a good blend of Nine and Ten, he was far too ...cartoony.  Like a hyper five year old in a toy store and sometimes too dismissive.
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Doctor Who? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 6:24 pm

Ktenshi wrote:
-still grumbles over in corner with Martha Jones-

The only thing I hated about the tie up with the end of Ten's run is - no lead up with Martha/Mickey. (and the unfortunate implications thereof and then how mean Ten was)

But I gotta agree, as much as I think Eleven was a good blend of Nine and Ten, he was far too ...cartoony.  Like a hyper five year old in a toy store and sometimes too dismissive.

Jumping in on here. I really really have a distaste for Moffatt. There were things I liked but like it was mentioned before THE WEEPING ANGEL! An image of an angel can become an angel. Well... shoot what about that photo Sally Sparrow took. Also like everyone else had said already before the questions that were answered were lamely answered.

An example: The Doctor always lies. Therefore they can have so many plotholes and chalk it up with, the Doctor always lies. That's a cop out and really lame.

Only thing from Moffatt I liked was Rory because he questioned things more on the Doctor's illogical ideas and at least tried to be logical. Amy... I'm glad she's gone. That's all I'm saying.

Didn't care for Martha except some of the earlier episodes everything else I didn't care for. I love everything that had Donna in it and the Se04 Finale because like Brit, I loved how all the characters were in it and it tied it back together from start to finish sort of way.

I personally just think RTD's stuff was written better. 

I watched all of Series 01 - Series 07's Christmas episode where Clara comes back. Never had much of an effort to watch the rest of Series 07 because I was highly disappointed with Angels in Manhattan. The Statue of Liberty can not be a weeping angel. Someone would have seen the monument move and therefore would not be able to move at all.

And like Ktenshi said in his quote above I agree with the Martha/Mickey pairing that was completely random and I hated Eleven because he was a (censor) cartoony hyper five year old in a toy store. That was one of the biggest reasons I don't care for Moffatt. It was a bit of a headache to suffer through Series 05, 06, and most of 07. That's also why I haven't really put an effort into watching the rest of Series 07.
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Lotus Crystal


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Doctor Who? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 6:37 pm

Very true, I LOVED Rory because of how he doesn't blindly follow the Doctor and I came to love Amy later because she came into that position later too. 

-still loves Martha for obvious reasons and I believe she got the shaft as far as adventures go. I mean why is she the only one that never got to REALLY see otherworlds? And when she does, she's usually not ever doing the pleasant route til things go bad. It's always bad for her, especially in  The two parter with the Family of Blood and Being human hurts far too much for me to ever watch again because I would sob over how she was treated and such.-

But yeah that was a cop out with the Doctor. He also almost never learns and never learns to appreciate his companions while they were there but ends up being sad when they decided they've had enough of it and want to go home (or become trapped in places as that seems to be another favored method.).

The rest of seventh season was so..unbalanced and just contrived.  Honestly, instead of just Clara and the Doctor, I rather see the kids that Clara looks after travel with the Doctor too.  At least there was some personality to them.
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Lotus Crystal


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Doctor Who? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 6:42 pm

AkikoUranus wrote:
Ktenshi wrote:
-still grumbles over in corner with Martha Jones-

The only thing I hated about the tie up with the end of Ten's run is - no lead up with Martha/Mickey. (and the unfortunate implications thereof and then how mean Ten was)

But I gotta agree, as much as I think Eleven was a good blend of Nine and Ten, he was far too ...cartoony.  Like a hyper five year old in a toy store and sometimes too dismissive.

Jumping in on here. I really really have a distaste for Moffatt. There were things I liked but like it was mentioned before THE WEEPING ANGEL! An image of an angel can become an angel. Well... shoot what about that photo Sally Sparrow took. Also like everyone else had said already before the questions that were answered were lamely answered.

An example: The Doctor always lies. Therefore they can have so many plotholes and chalk it up with, the Doctor always lies. That's a cop out and really lame.

Only thing from Moffatt I liked was Rory because he questioned things more on the Doctor's illogical ideas and at least tried to be logical. Amy... I'm glad she's gone. That's all I'm saying.

Didn't care for Martha except some of the earlier episodes everything else I didn't care for. I love everything that had Donna in it and the Se04 Finale because like Brit, I loved how all the characters were in it and it tied it back together from start to finish sort of way.

I personally just think RTD's stuff was written better. 

I watched all of Series 01 - Series 07's Christmas episode where Clara comes back. Never had much of an effort to watch the rest of Series 07 because I was highly disappointed with Angels in Manhattan. The Statue of Liberty can not be a weeping angel. Someone would have seen the monument move and therefore would not be able to move at all.

And like Ktenshi said in his quote above I agree with the Martha/Mickey pairing that was completely random and I hated Eleven because he was a (censor) cartoony hyper five year old in a toy store. That was one of the biggest reasons I don't care for Moffatt. It was a bit of a headache to suffer through Series 05, 06, and most of 07. That's also why I haven't really put an effort into watching the rest of Series 07.

Well, let's agree to disagree, shall we?
I personally don't think RTD was THAT great, I think he had a better cast and therefore people believe his run was better. But I repeat, a lot of the episodes between Series 1-4 (especially Series 2-3) were really bad written and with a poor logic (that considering how much logic you can apply to Who).

"Blink" and "The Girl In The Fireplace" are two of the most significant episodes of RTD's run, and both were written by Moffat. And I'm not taking sides, I'm just stating facts. Moffat is a terrible showrunner but he had some good ideas (HAD, because this latest season was so unbearable at moments). Both, RTD and Moffat, have pros and cons, but I prefer Moffat any time.

Though I agree, Rory was an amazing character and my favorite from this latest seasons.

Quote :
The rest of seventh season was so..unbalanced and just contrived.  Honestly, instead of just Clara and the Doctor, I rather see the kids that Clara looks after travel with the Doctor too.  At least there was some personality to them.

Almost true, though I hated those kids ;_;
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Lotus Crystal


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Doctor Who? - Page 9 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 6:48 pm

lol why do you hate the kids?  Honestly, I think they were fairly good as far as kids go. I wish they could've been expanded on and given better roles other than to be saved. They have great potential as far as characters go.

I would love to know more about how they really feel about Clara stepping into their mother's place (what could be precieved as an invasion of sorts. Which could give a good reason why they give her lip often.) and how their dad being busy could've effected their relationships...

mean all the adventures could be good metaphors for these things.
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 7:00 pm

Well, I didn't hate the little boy. But that sister of his, omg... -.- She was a bit too cocky for my taste, and then when she said THIS I was like "Yes, sure, whatever kid. I hope I won't ever see you again". Lol. ( And she ruined Gaiman's episode IMO).

But you're right, they deserved a bit more of a background story. But what did we expect? Not even Clara or any of the Moffat's companions receive enough bg story or character development. It wasn't going to be different with those two /:
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime31st July 2013, 7:14 pm

For her age and what she just learned, I'm not surprised. Given that she's the older one with probably the most memories of how her life was before Clara, I wouldn't be too surprise if she's cocky to cover up any insecurities she might have.  Also she's a fairly smart girl (without any alien tech to sup her up) so, I'm not too disturbed by this.

She puts me in the mind of Alric, who was also one of the rare young companions, and he was considered a genius- and extremely cocky.  

But yeah, you're right.  We'll probably never see these two again (thanks Moffat. You probably messed up a good way to lure in another side of the demographic that's pretty much been ignored for the past something odd seasons.).

Which is a shame.

Though, who knows? Doctor Who has a habit of recycling actors they've used in an epsiode for another epsiode.
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime2nd August 2013, 2:43 pm

So... apparently we'll know who will be the 12th doctor this sunday

Why would they reveal that now and not the day of the regeneration?... I have no idea but I want to know anyway, so I don't mind
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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2013, 10:01 am

Ktenshi wrote:
For her age and what she just learned, I'm not surprised. Given that she's the older one with probably the most memories of how her life was before Clara, I wouldn't be too surprise if she's cocky to cover up any insecurities she might have.  Also she's a fairly smart girl (without any alien tech to sup her up) so, I'm not too disturbed by this.

She puts me in the mind of Alric, who was also one of the rare young companions, and he was considered a genius- and extremely cocky.  

But yeah, you're right.  We'll probably never see these two again (thanks Moffat. You probably messed up a good way to lure in another side of the demographic that's pretty much been ignored for the past something odd seasons.).

Which is a shame.

Though, who knows? Doctor Who has a habit of recycling actors they've used in an epsiode for another epsiode.

Well, I'm not really looking forward to see her again >.< but I agree with you, she reminds me a bit of Alric. And I didn't like him either. xD

Aztnara wrote:
So... apparently we'll know who will be the 12th doctor this sunday

Why would they reveal that now and not the day of the regeneration?... I have no idea but I want to know anyway, so I don't mind

I don't trust the BBC anymore -.- but I'm curious about this! <3
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Doctor Who?   Doctor Who? - Page 9 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2013, 9:14 pm

Omg. I have to get surgery and go on vacation and look at what I missed! You guys are writing paragraph long stuff. xD

Anyways, I'm really nervous about the reveal later. Like, I'll have to finally accept that Matt is leaving the program. I'm all Sad
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