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 RP LOA and MIA board

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

RP LOA and MIA board Empty
PostSubject: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime18th July 2012, 10:05 am

Are you going to be gone? Someone's probably going to miss you. (*flashes to a character talking to another character. the second character disappears. the first character cries.*)
So, post here if you know you'll be absent from the RP forums for a stretch of time (note: 'stretches of time' vary from RP to RP. If yours is really active, then post if you're gone even for a day. If yours is less-than-active, you probably only need to post if you'll be gone for more than 3 days. It's really dependent upon the RP) and check here for LOA's before you go stuffing people's PM boxes with notes of heartbroken "Why did you leeeave meeee?"'s.

Er... template for LOA's
Main RP:
Main Characters in RP:
......Hey guys, I'm going to be gone for a bit.
Estimated Return Date:
Person I have asked to cover my character: {in cases of long "stretches of time"}
Code to copy:
Are you missing a dear RP companion? Have they gone and left you without a courteous LOA? Are your heartbroken tears filling up cup after cup in your own lonely tea-party of despair?
Post here to tell someone (who hasn't filled out an LOA) you miss them and you anxiously await their return, standing on the Widow's Walk of your RP house and staring longingly at the sea of inactivity, hoping to spy the ship that would carry them home to you.
MIA template
Their Name:
Shared RP:
Specifically: {name of the character your character is waiting on}
{Their name}! Why have you left me so? I miss you more than words could possibly describe! Come home! Come home to me!
Date of Last Contact: {in the thread}
Code to copy:

RP LOA and MIA board He_man_bellystance_by_bwwd-d6su0qo

Last edited by VV0r7D_5H4K1NG on 30th March 2016, 6:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime19th July 2012, 12:34 pm

*wonders in through the nice link from Uranus* woah this is a spiffy new board. XD

Name: Yami
Main RP: Reversed Sailor Moon, A Different Story
Main Characters in RP: Rei, Sailor Mars
Going to Gatlinburg with my mom from 7/29 to 8/1
Who's covering my role: Anjyu
Estimated Return Date: Wednesday (8/1)

Last edited by Yamichan16 on 28th July 2012, 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hishou no Senshi
Lotus Crystal

Hishou no Senshi

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 2:17 am

Name: Hishou no Senshi
Main RP: Reversed Sailor Moon, A Different Story
Main Characters in RP: Haruka
Super busy with work and real life, so taking a hiatus this week.
Estimated Return Date: 7/29 (subject to change depending on when I get my work schedule for the following week) EDIT: Extended until 8/5
Person I have asked to cover my character: Sailor Venus
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime1st August 2012, 8:05 pm

Name: Sailor Uranus
Main RP: Genesis, Batteries
Main Characters in RP: Brenna (Saiph), Sirius, Mamoru/TK
Hey! So, going to husband's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday! We're splitting the drive up between Thurs (tomorrow) and Friday, happens on Saturday, chillin' Sunday, then driving back Monday and getting home Tuesday night. So, while I might be popping in randomly between now and then and sneaking posts in when needed, I might be missing my usual OMG HAI WE SHOULD DO THIS enthusiasm until I get back fully.
... and then I might be moving WHEEEEEEE, but I'll update if that happens. *crosses fingers*
Estimated Return Date: Wednesday, August 8
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sailor swifty
Lotus Crystal

sailor swifty

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 2:39 pm

Name: Sailor Swifty
Main RP: Reversed Sailor Moon, A Different Story
Main Characters in RP: Pluto
......Hey guys, I'm going to be gone for a bit.
Estimated Return Date: leaving 26th.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 5:13 pm

Name: Sailor Venus
Main RP: Batteries, Reversed Sailor Moon
Main Characters in RP: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Jupiter, Artemis, and Sailor Vegeta
Estimated Return Date: August 23rd

Argh, work has overloaded me and school starts soon. Give me a few more days and I'll get right on it, maybe even tomorrow.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime21st August 2012, 7:46 pm

Name: kyralih
Main RP: Batteries, Genesis
Main Characters in RP: Mamoru, Togarishii, Sirius, Brenna
Hey! School starts next week and I'm swamped and coming home exhausted. I should get better daily as I get used to the schedule and get things ready ^^° but since its been like an loa I thought id make it official x.x
Estimated Return Date: Friday? This weekend definitely
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime29th January 2013, 9:15 pm

Name: Ed
Main RP: Batteries, My Little Solider Adventure, Slumber Party, Sliver Lights
Main chararacters in Rp: Ami, Twilight Sparkle, Chibiusa and Luna
I'm having a lot of trouble focusing and its getting harder to keep at it. I'm going to take a fe days away from the net and see if it gets better and be back soon I hope. School is also getting hectic so I'll be working on that too.
Estimated Return Date: Friday or Saturday.

Sorry guys!
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime9th May 2013, 2:48 pm

Name: Ed
Main RP: Batteries, My Little Solider Adventure, Slumber Party, Sliver Lights, Candy Factory
Main chararacters in Rp: Ami, Twilight Sparkle, Chibiusa, Luna, Uasgi
My grandma is in the hospital and i may have to take a sudden trip, which i really dont want to do. that and school work, i'm just not on the rp mood right now. Life sucks. I need to sort myself out, get used to some not so nice ideas.
Estimated Return Date: monday or so
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime20th May 2013, 11:34 am

Name: Verdandi
Main RP: Earth Kingdom Adventure, Batteries, Slumber Party, Aegis, Twisted Nightmare, Metamorphosis, Genesis
Main chararacters in Rp: Nephrite, Pluto, Uranus, Venus, Bellatrix
I am heading to the US on Thursday, and I will be visiting family that I haven't seen in over year, so I plan to spend as much time as possible with them. I do plan to check the forum regularly while I'm gone, but that will kind of depend on family activities as well. So to be on the safe side, I will mark myself as being LOA for the duration of my visit! =]
Estimated Return: I fly back on the 27th of June.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime21st June 2013, 8:40 am


Name: Sailor Uranus
Main RP: Earth Kingdom Adventures, Batteries
Main Characters in RP: Endymion and Mamoru (what? a theme?)
 Heading to San Antonio! 
Estimated Return Date: Sunday night/Monday morning

Edit: Back!
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime3rd July 2013, 2:41 pm

Name: Sailor Uranus!
Main RP: Earth Kingdom Adventures, Batteries
Main Characters in RP: Endymion, Mamoru
......Hey guys, I'm going to be gone for a bit.
Estimated Return Date: July 22nd
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime4th August 2013, 8:01 pm


Name: mysteryloveandjustice
Main RP: Twisted Nightmares, Metamorphasis
Main Characters in RP: Sailor Pluto and Sailor Mercury
Estimated Return Date: Sunday August 18th

Ill be returning on Thursday but I have a wedding to go to that weekend so I wont be active on here.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime9th November 2013, 6:29 pm

Name:Mama Chaos
Main RP:Batteries, Metamorphosis, Small Lady's Tea party, Pumpkin patchwork, slumber party, Medieval sailor moon,
Main Characters in RP:Luna, Chibiusa, NQS, Setsuna, Ami
......Hey guys, I may have broken my hand again.. at least its sprained and bruised, so i need time to heal and work on school work. with a bum hand and being an art student i have to get that taken care of first.
Estimated Return Date:next week at the best, but Maybe here and there as I feel i can post. so maybe some of the relaxed rps wont go with out me long.

Ps I have also posted in the OOCs for the different rps, i hope i got them all.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime30th January 2014, 10:45 pm

Name:Mama Chaos
Main RP:Batteries, Metamorphosis,Sailor Pokemon Trainers, Blossoming Love, Pumpkin patchwork, Medieval sailor moon,
Main Characters in RP:Luna, Chibiusa, NQS, Setsuna, Ami

It's my Dad's Birthday this weekend and I'm going to be spending the weekend with family and It's the last bit of finals for the month and I need to focus on that. I should be back monday or tuesday, nothing to major. 

Estimated Return Date: Monday or Tuesday
Ps I have also posted in the OOCs for the different rps, i hope i got them all.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official NaoUranus/myuteer
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Location : Nao Takagi's House? yea yea I know I wish

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime11th February 2014, 2:50 pm


Name: NaoUranus
Main RP: Battaries, Medieval Sailor Moon, Earth Kingdom Adventure, Sailor Pokemon trainers, Baby shower for NQS, and Aegis
Main Characters in RP: Haruka, Minako, Sailor Pluto, Jadeite
......Gonna take a step away fromt he internet for a couple days I have far to much on my plat taking care of my cat that may very well have liver cancer. as soon as I get this all figured out and set into a routine than I should be back
Estimated Return Date: In a couple days don't have an exact return date yet.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime27th April 2014, 5:16 pm

Main RP:batteries, metamorphsis, a baby shower for NQS, Blossoming Love, Sailor Pkmn Trainers, Medieval sailor moon
Main Characters in RP:Ami, Luna and Chibiusa, Ami, Luna, Chibiusa, NQS
I'm gonna be out till at least the end of the week, maybe just a little longer.
Estimated Return Date: no later than may 5th.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime16th May 2014, 11:48 am


Name: Sailor Uranus
Main RP: Earth Kingdom Adventures, Batteries, Sailor Luna and Tuxedo Cat, Ghost Planets, Pokemon Trainers
Main Characters in RP: Endymion, Mamoru, Artemis, Usagi&Mamoru x2
Mom's visiting! =D 
Estimated Return Date: Next week! =D
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime2nd June 2014, 8:03 pm


Name: Sailor Mercury
Main RP: Synergy, Dream vs Duty, Metamorphosis, Ghost Planets, Medieval Sailor Moon, Gates of Horn & Ivory
Main Characters in RP: Minako, Minako, Rei, Rei, Makoto, Sailor Thalia
Reason: I'm having terrible health days and from June 7 - 14 will be in Japan.
Estimated Return Date: June 14th/15th
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime31st August 2014, 12:36 am


Main Rps and Characters
Medieval Sailor Moon (NQS )
A baby shower for Neo Queen Serenity(Ami)
Metamorphosis(Luna and Chibiusa)
Blossoming Love(Luna)
Sailor Luna and Tuxedo Cat (Luna)
Otaku Club House (Sailor Iron Woman/Toni Stark)
Forgotten Heroes (Luna)
Reason: I am going to see my mom and I will be gone for a week. While I will have my laptop I can't say for certain that I will be getting on and if I do get on if I will post or not. This is a trip to see my family so that's what i want to focus on. I'll be gone aug. 31st though at least sept 9th.
Estimated Date of return: Sept. 9th.
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime22nd January 2015, 8:12 pm


Name:Sailor Saturn
Main RP: Right now my Main are Medieval Sailor Moon
Main Characters in RP: Azorth
......I am going to Philadelphia for a few days 
Estimated Return Date:1/27
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime27th January 2015, 3:32 am

Main RP:ugh all of them? lol

List of RPs &Characters I play:

OK here's the deal guys. I might still post, but Im having a rough time right now personally. Im not sleeping well, i'm not wanting to eat, i'm not really wanting to do anything out side of play a game, and so to keep things neat as possible till i get on the up swing again. I'm going on an LOA of a semi kind. If you really and I mean really need me to post try sending a poke on Skype with a link and i might get to it but if i don't, please don't be mad. I just don't have any muse right now. I'm really feeling just dead right now. sorry.

Estimated Return Date:to full time soon i hope, but in the mean time i'm on Semi RP LOA, posting as needed to keep things moving.

Venus, Kyra, Japser, Yami, Hikari, Verdi, MMR and Yumi have permission to move my charters as needed for storyline reason. Basically if my character is in the RP you created you may move the character as needed to keep the story flowing.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Driving the world's heaviest snow ski
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime3rd February 2015, 9:45 am

Name: Jasper
Main RP: Hotline Tokyo, Sailor Luna and Tuxedo Cat, Chibi Guardians, Without a Shadow of a Doubt
Reason: Technical difficulties with computer
Estimated Return Date: 2/8 3/7

Edit: Computer growing unstable. Won't be able to post in full capacity until it is rebuilt.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime21st June 2015, 6:57 pm


Name: Sailor Uranus
RPs: Gravity, Jailbirds, Ghost Planets, Helpless Girls, Batteries
What do do with my characters in each RP:
Gravity and Jailbirds: I'll be baaaaaaaaaaaaack!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  :bunnycry:tinyrpbabies
Ghost Planets: If we move from the control room, JTC has permission to move Usagi and Mamoru around!
Batteries: V-babe has my permission to move Mamoru to keep going! @.@ though i forget where we are in the grand scheme of 'what is supposed to be happening right now'. 
Helpless Girls: NPC quiet-time Ella! She'll follow in the crowd. Smile 

Estimated Return Date: July 20th
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime2nd July 2015, 6:26 am


Name:Sailor Saturn

Main RP/Main Characters in RP:
Please, don't NPC my character unless noted below

Beast: 1v1 RP, I have told Artemis, Usagi
A New Alley: Rei & Ami
Puella Magi: feel free to NPC Usagi, Mercury
Saving Tien: Sailor Splash
Dead Ringer: Ami, feel free to NPC me Mercury
MLP, Love and Justice: Addelyn, feel free to NPC me

I have asked the RP Admin to watch my sections.

I've been battling a cold for about a week now, and previously posted a semi-loa. I called off of work today to go to the doctor because I couldn't sleep last night. I have Bronchitis and fluid in my I am going to be resting...and with the holiday weekend as well, I am going to be out until Monday night, 7/6/2015
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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Location : Scranton, Pa

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime2nd August 2015, 3:42 pm


Name:Sailor Saturn

Main RP/Main Characters in RP:
Please, don't NPC my character unless noted below

Beast & Love under the Sakura Tree: 1v1 RP, I have told Artemis, Usagi
A New Alley: Rei & Ami - Please do not NPC me. I will catch up later. Assume I am with you.
Puella Magi: feel free to NPC Usagi, Mercury
Saving Tien: Yumi/sailor splash - Please do not NPC me, but feel free to explore. I will catch up later Smile Assume I am with you.
Dead Ringer: Mercury, feel free to NPC me Mercury
MLP, Love and Justice: Addelyn, feel free to NPC me

I have asked the RP Admin to watch my sections.

Full Loa 8/3- 8/5. Return 8/6
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime5th August 2015, 5:36 am

Name: Princess Moon
Main RP: List of my RPs (sorry, too lazy to write them down xD)
What to do with my characters in each RP:
I'll try to post in most RPs before I leave, so that I can catch up for a last time. However, you can NPC my characters in:
- Infection (Alyssa, I'll post Makoto's reaction soon - however, after that, feel free to attack her once more if you want xD)
- Elysion
- We Could Be Heroes
- Mystery At The Big Apple
- Hassle in the Castle (Merc, feel free to move Rei and Minako around xD)
For the rest, I would like you guys to wait for me (:
» I'm going on vacation for a week.
Estimated Return Date: 8/18 (LOA starting from 8/11)

I have asked Addelyn to watch my section while I'm gone.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime10th August 2015, 11:34 am

Name: Verdandi
Main RP: Metamorphosis, Infection, Elysion, Twisted Nightmares, Usagi the Vampire Slayer, Puella Magi Usagi Magica (I could be forgetting something, sorry for that. This LOA affects all RPs I am involved in)
Main Characters in RP: Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune/EriEri, Mercury, Jupiter

I have tried to get myself back to RPing because everyone here is so inspiring and wonderful, and I miss the crazy rush of ideas, but the fact is that I just can't right now. I love the rps here, and they are always awesome and fun, but personal things are keeping me from being able to participate, and it's apparently not something I can force myself to do.

I don't know when I'll be back in full, so please feel free to give up my characters to someone who is better. Thank you all for being amazing peoples <3

Estimated Return Date: No specific date.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime15th August 2015, 3:23 am

Tiny side note that my LOA will be extended to August 23th.
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Senior Member
Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: RP LOA and MIA board   RP LOA and MIA board I_icon_minitime19th August 2015, 11:07 am


Name:Sailor Saturn

Basically the same instructions as before.  Wink

Main RP/Main Characters in RP:
Please, don't NPC my character unless noted below

Beast & Love under the Sakura Tree: 1v1 RP, I have told Artemis, Usagi
A New Alley: Rei & Ami - Please do not NPC me. I will catch up later. Assume I am with you.
Puella Magi: feel free to NPC Usagi, Mercury
Saving Tien: Yumi/sailor splash - Please do not NPC me, but feel free to explore. I will catch up later RP LOA and MIA board Icon_smile Assume I am with you.
Dead Ringer: Mercury, feel free to NPC me Mercury
MLP, Love and Justice: Addelyn, feel free to NPC me

I have asked the RP Admin to watch my sections.

Full Loa 8/21 - 8/25. I will be in NYC for two Wrestling Events.
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