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 [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st August 2018, 6:07 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF
Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Seamstress's place

Steamstress watched as Othello and Iago came back into the room and the boy's eyes light up at his outfit. "Of course Othello, Master loves the outfits I come up with...which reminds me to make mine. As soon as your done get ready as I believe we are getting closer and closer to time." Steamstress already had an outfit in mind and she was planning on loving making it.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
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Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd August 2018, 3:15 pm

Vivia Wen
Location: Neo Academy-Gym
Time: Mid-Morning

It was all going just so well.  At least until Boreas's attack and she simply overestimated her control.  At least that's what Vivia had thought even as the snow had piled up.  It would be fine- they had the tech that would melt it away soon enough.   However it wasn't too soon for Vivia to be able to immediately give chase to Boreas. 

"Boreas, wait!"  She called, struggling only a little to get her feet free.  She paused long enough to look at the other two, " Until your next classes, you two have free time to do what you need to do.  Just remember- you'll each be moving into the new apartment together soon."

With that, she hurried after Boreas to check on her.  

This was really not her day. 

Vivia got to the doors, stepped out and looked around.  "Where is she?"

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Mid-Morning

Amor's teeth chattered as she hugged herself.  For the first time, she envied Bennu and Boreas for not being cold.  It sucked royally not to have some kind of actual element to keep warm.  If only she did. Still, it was so impressive to see everyone else's powers.  They were way cooler than hers were- and even hit the targets!

Well, sort of for Boreas?  Her attack seemed to have gone a bit haywire and after that she ran off with a 'sorry'.   Truly, it was confusing to Amor as to why she was so upset.  After all, no one was hurt and it was practice after all.  It's not like anyone was going to yell at her for making a mistake. 

At least, she hit the target.

Amor blinked, surprised at the slight venom in her thoughts. That was...

However, her thoughts were interrupted when Vivia called after Boreas and then gave them some directions.  Free period, huh?   Maybe she should thank Boreas for that.

With a sigh, she glanced over at Bennu.

"I guess, since Ms. Wen has a handle on that- I don't have any classes til the afternoon."  She let her transformation go, putting her hands behind her head, "If you don't- wanna do some team-bonding stuff and head into town for a few?  Mean it is free period. We're allowed to do whatever we want."


Time: Mid-Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Seamstress's place

"Sure." Othello was still admiring himself in the mirror for a bit longer.  After he was satisfied, he decided he should go out, just for a bit of air.   He turned to her and raised a brow at what she was working on now.  One thing a person could say- she was indeed a working girl. 

"If you need me, call me. I'm going to go out for a bit." Othello, for once, did the normal person thing and tried for the door with Iago on his shoulder.  "I'm sure the Master will just love whatever you come up with, Seamstress, for your outfit."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd August 2018, 7:43 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF

Time: Mid-Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Steamstress's place

Steamstress went to work while Othello was still admiring the outfits in a nearby mirror. She looked at him as he spoke then left while seemingly making a rude comment. Steamstress shook it mostly off and said aloud, "Of course he will you silly man...The Master cares a lot about me I just know it." She then kept working hard wanting her outfit to look just right.
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2018, 6:53 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

Moving in together?

Sailor Bennu had a hard time hiding her sense of shock. Her dorm room—small and isolated as it was—had been her home for years. Even in her earliest years on the island, she had lived in a "orphanage"-type situation rather than a "foster family"-type arrangement. Various caseworkers and other employees checked on her and tried to provide guidance, but even at a young age it would not have been misleading to describe her as living alone. A few times there had been suggestions of matching her with roommates, but for reasons Mai didn't understand, it had never happened. She didn't know if that was her fault or simply bureaucratic failed plans.

Now she was going to live with Mene?

How did she have any hope of her teammates actually starting to like her if she was constantly going to have to show off that she didn't know what she was doing? Mai had no idea what it meant to have someone else living in close proximity. She had read about siblings and roommates in novels, but that didn't really seem to be of much help right now. It felt terrifying and hopeless.

Mene's question interrupted her panic just enough. Turning towards the older girl, she tried not to look as scared as she felt. She wasn't sure she was very successful.

"Okay," she replied, taking a moment to return to her usual self as Mai, the change in her appearance fading. The girl didn't sound hesitant or unwilling, perhaps a bit stunned.

"What do you like to do?" Mai asked the other girl, hoping not to betray how rarely she went into town.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th August 2018, 7:56 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 SY84kaV

Time: Mid-Morning 
Location - N.E.O. Academy Gym [Exterior]

She had really done it now, hadn't she? Not only could she not harness her power, but she made a fool of herself running out like that. She didn't really know what else to do. She never really had friends, so how was one supposed to act in this situation? "What if someone got frostbite?" She thought to herself. Shaking the thought away, she looked up to the sky. 

"Why am I like this?" Crystalline tears began to fall from her eyes, freezing before they dripped all the way down her cheeks. Her transformation broke and her hands covered her face. "No one will ever like me..." 

How could she face them? Even more so now after the 'outburst' that had just occurred. 

She heard footsteps. Mrs. Wen, she assumed. Wiping the frost off her face she came out from behind the gym door. Bowing towards her superior. "Please forgive me!! I'm so sorry, M'am." 
Her usually elegant bun was now disheveled and falling out of place. "I promise I'll do better, please tell all still want me around.."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th August 2018, 4:36 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Mid-Morning

"That's the spirit!" She grinned, letting her transformation go. As normal, it faded off and she pats Mai's back, before heading to the doors, taking her time, " Hm, I don't know. I figured while we do some window shopping and all, we could visit an ice cream shop or maybe that bakery that just opened up?"

What could she say? She liked her food way more than clothing or even books. She couldn't help it. It was tantalizing to think of all the macaroons, and cookies, or pies!  

She sighs happily, " It'll be fun!"   Looked over at Mai again, " We can even go looking at the book store they have- Parn and Notes? I think it's a new one. Might even have a little cafe in it."  She paused, trying to think, " What do you think? Do you want to go shopping for clothes too?"

Maybe they'll find something in common this way?


Vivia Wen
Location: Neo Academy-Gym exterior
Time: Mid-Morning

She exhaled before digging out a handkerchief for the pale girl, offering it to her.  "Here, dry your eyes."
Vivia could understand very well what her problem was and in a way, there wasn't nothing but time and training that could at least solve one of those issues.  Her lips pursed slightly in thought as she watched her.

"Hey, now!" Vivia shook her head, " Don't be like that. you're not kicked off the team or anything. It's not like you did it on purpose, Umeno."  She glanced at the clock and sighed. Darn, that report she hadn't done still needed to be finished. Then looked to her, " Look, you need to calm down. Take a few deep breathes and calm yourself.  No one in there is going to judge you, alright?"

Though, truth be told, it didn't entirely matter- well it did to a degree, not that she needed to know this- they were all beginners and should have some leniency.  Besides, they seemed like a good group of kids. Someone was bound to have some crazy control issues, right?

"Listen, I let everyone have the rest of the day off from training til tomorrow. So why don't you use this time to re-center yourself and get to know your teammates?"

She pats her should, " You'll be fine, Umeno. Everyone has a hiccup now and then."


Location: Dark Theater- Rooftop.
Time: Mid-Morning

"Yes, I'd like to secret it for an afternoon to evening play."  Ijada's voice was calm and persausive as he spoke to the man in charge of the park stage. " No, no, don't worry. We'll handle all the details.  You're  money will be transferred just as soon as we finish talking."

His brows rose a bit as the man spoke inanely of something or another- wanting tickets for the next performance- but Ijada's attention was else where.  Far away staring at another place that once existed. A place of bitter winds and ice.  A voice that told him he must take over that glittering city. The one where they ruled.


The voice brought through his thoughts and he spoke once more about the arrangements.  "Yes, I'm here.  Of course, we'll keep things simple and tidy. It's a free to the public, of course."

"The what is it called?"  The man on the other line inquired. "And, if you don't mind, can you tell me what it'll be about?"

Ijada turned towards where the park could be seen from the rooftop.  "I don't mind.  It is called 'Rest in Serenity'.  It's a play about a girl who fell in love with a boy that works in a circus. " Amused, he jumped up on the rail, balancing with expert ease on it, "The boy was harshly abused, however, and could no longer speak.  She joined the circus to be close to him and found she was no longer in a world she understood anymore."   He paused, " I suppose, my good sir, you could come and see the conclusion of it."  

Lips curled into a sinister smile, "It'll be a performance you've never seen before."
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime13th August 2018, 6:52 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Mid-morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

Everything Mene suggested sounded exactly like the stuff that "normal" kids did. Mai certainly overheard plenty of conversations from classmates about going shopping downtown, buying clothes, eating snacks, and hanging around. She didn't really know what that last one meant, but she supposed it was something she'd be able to figure out if she was ever in that kind of situation. She should have been excited that such a situation was finally presenting itself. Yet all she could think about was the sad state of her pocket money... which she definitely wasn't willing to admit to this older student.

She'd have to do her best to find the fun in it, regardless. The older girl with the poofy pigtails certainly seemed enthused; that had to be a good sign, right?

Plus, she did like books...

"Looking around sounds nice," Mai replied, trying to hide the flash of panic. "Why don't you lead the way?"

She offered a smile, hoping it looked "excited" and not "terrified". Mai wasn't sure if she succeeded, but she was trying.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd August 2018, 10:11 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF
Time: Mid-Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Steamstress's place

After what seemed like an hour or two, Steamstress finally finished her outfit for the play and tried it on. It was a bit tight on her but that was to show off her body, mostly for the Master but the patrons as well. 

Steamstress then changed back into another outfit and grabbed her letter and confidently walked to the Master's room. After knocking a few times and hearing no answer, she walked into the room placing the letter on his desk and begun to walk out, smiling to herself. 

She now went to go check on everyone else's outfits and other items related to the play.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd August 2018, 10:56 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Mid-Morning

"Alright!" Mene said, heading out, " Lets go get changed first and then we can catch the bus." She grinned. Now this sounded like fun. It was about time they started acting like friends to some degree or at least hang out together. That's how team building works, right?

Right. She knew the best places they could go. Hopefully, relatively cheap too. It did help to put it out of her mind that the next day they would be living together in an apartment like place rather than their own single rooms. In a way, it sort of sadden Mene because it had taken her a while to enjoy her own space and how she liked it. To go from that to sharing was a big step. She'd heard stories about teams that could not function at all together just because of it. It made her shudder, thinking about that one team- if rumors were to be had- that broke up because of it.

It was crazy, wasn't it? She hoped her expression didn't betray the worry that gnawed on her insides. She wanted this team to work. It had to work.

First, however, " When we get there, lets meet at the entrance within fifteen minutes, ok?"


Location: Dark Theater- Seamstress Place
Time: Mid-Morning

It was time to get moving. All the arrangements had been made and the players had the scripts that were needed. Now all they had to do was transport it to the location in the part. Which would be fine, really. Ijada predicted, like the play on stage, that it would go smoothly. These foolish people truly believed in their reports and science better than anything. They should've known better. The Inspection days ago had turned up nothing.


It would be bad business if everyone that appeared in their place fell ill. What's a few random ones here or there? Their energy was going to good use. Use that he needed. He silently cursed his lineage for it. There was no help in it. Needing energy to survive and to maintain all this until the time comes before he toppled that crystal throne was a necessary thing he needed.

In either case, Ijada swept into the Seamstress's work room to look over the work she had done. He eyed pieces and touched the fabric of one of them.

"Seamstress?" He called her. "Is everything ready?"
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
Activities Director

Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime24th August 2018, 6:25 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Mid-morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

She nodded a reply, trying to keep the smile on her face. This had to work. She had to find a way for this to work. She wanted to friends; she wanted to be normal, and even though there wouldn't be anything "normal" about being a sailor soldier anywhere else, that wasn't the case here, on this island. Mai finally had her chance. She didn't want it to slip through her fingers.

It didn't take her long to change; she wasn't particularly fussy about her appearance, in general. Plus, she wore her school uniform today (like most days). Mai took a moment to adjust the small side-ponytail, tugging it into place, and made sure her Heron Amulet barrette remained thoroughly affixed there. She looked straight ahead, catching brown eyes in the mirror over the sink.

"Okay, Mai," she whispered. "We can do this."

She'd just have to try.

The child was ready and waiting several minutes early, nervously tapping her feet and looking around. She hoped this would be okay. Having some time cleared before classes felt almost like a trap, but she knew Ms. Wen wouldn't lie to her. Would the other girl come, too? She had run off... but she didn't need to. It might be less overwhelming in a group of three. Maybe then it wouldn't be so immediately clear that Mai didn't know what she was doing.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime24th August 2018, 8:46 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF

Location: Dark Theater- Steamstress Place
Time: Mid-Morning

"Seamstress?" He called her. "Is everything ready?"

Steamstress walked into the room seeing the Master looking over things, even sampling the fabric in his soft hands. She walked up to him and bowed, "Yes Master, its all ready for the play today. Rest in Serenity will be one of, if not your best yet Master. I am looking forward to being in it and helping you."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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Join date : 2012-11-19
Age : 32
Location : In the Diamond Sky

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th August 2018, 6:46 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 SY84kaV
Time: Mid-Morning
Location: N.E.O. Academy Gym (Interior/Exterior)

Yukiko sighed and wiped her eyes. She wasn't going to let this stop her from making friends. She wiped her eyes and bowed. "I'm sorry Ms. Wen." She looked up and smiled.

"I'm okay now. I'm sorry I made the whole place snow... I really should know how to use my powers by now.."

She turned around and walked inside and faced the other girls. Her eyes fell to the floor. For some reason she found it hard to look her other teammates in the eye. She had never failed so bad in front of people she had never met in person.

Bowing again, something she found herself doing often - apologizing. "I'm Sorry..." She felt her face get hot, which made it steam, creating an even more embarrassing situation for herself. Why was she like this? She didn't understand. "Why can't I just be a normal girl? She thought to herself. It was all she really wanted at this point. She didn't care if her powers were controlled or not. She just wanted friends. That's all she wanted.

"C...can I go too?" She managed to squeak out, overhearing what Mrs. Wen said about everyone going out. She braced herself for rejection. after all, it was what she was used to.

Hopefully, the girls didn't hate snow completely.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 8:47 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Outside Dorms
Time: Mid-Morning

Before they left, Mene blinked when the girl that ran off came back and apologized to them about what happened earlier.  She didn't see much of a problem with it.  It wasn't like they died or anything.  In fact, it had been impressive enough that she got her powers to work at all.  Still, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered something to her. 

She'll probably get us all killed in battle if she doesn't get it under control.

Mene blinked, pushing the thought away. It wasn't like they'll be fighting any time soon. So it was fine, wasn't it?  After all, this was Atlantis- the cradle of where Sailor Soldiers were trained and everything! Nothing remotely terrible had ever happened on its' soil.  So she needed that voice to shut up.

"It's fine. Water under the bridge even." Mene told Yukiko, "We're meeting out front of the dorms in fifteen minutes."

With that, she walked off to the dorms.  It didn't take too long for the sixteen year old girl to come back. Ten minutes had been plenty of time for her to figure out what outfit she was going to wear.  She considered that it was still relatively warm out, so, she wore a pale green pleated skirt with a cute short puffed sleeved shirt that had a frilly collar to it.  Her shoes were sandled heels and she had gold bracelets on her right hand.  She kept her hair in it's pigtail afro puffs, just added a bow on the side of her head and took her winged backpack with her.

"I'm all set." She said to Mai and looked around, " Is Yukiko here yet?"


Location: Dark Theater- Seamstress Place
Time: Mid-Morning

"I am certain you will do well in your role today." He said and smiled at her in a gentle way.   "As usual, your garments are beautiful.  I'm quite glad to see your work."   

He turned from it and looked her over for a while, "We will be moving now to the theater in the park. I'm counting on you to keep everything in line until the curtains rise."  His brow rose, " I can count on you, can I not?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Join date : 2015-06-29
Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 9:57 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF
Location: Dark Theater- Seamstress Place
Time: Mid-Morning

"I am certain you will do well in your role today."

"As usual, your garments are beautiful.  I'm quite glad to see your work."

" I can count on you, can I not?"

Aww, the words of her Master...the words that made her evil heart warm on the inside.

"Yes, of course, Master, I will get everything moved and ready in and on time for our Play. Rest assured Master...I will never leave your side no matter what happens, I am forever loyal." Steamstress then bowed to him politely. She then didn't hesitate and carefully started getting things ready to move, not noticing that she uncovered her letter, as she was so focused on pleasing the Master and getting things done right.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th September 2018, 9:40 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Time: Late Morning
Location: Edge of Atlantis Shopping District, close to the Park

Since all three of them met up and took the bus into town, Mene had been rather excited to get a bit of shopping done at all the more fun places (and reasonably priced.  Her allowance this month was a bit on the slim side.).   

"This is where we get off." She gestured for the other girls to follow her off the bus and stopped in front of a line of stores that ranged from clothing to books with little eateries and cafes along the way.  She grinned and looked back at them, her hand on her hip as she did so.  "Where do you guys want to go first? I could totally go for either food or we could look around at some of these shops?  There's a nifty thrift store called "Be You" near by if you want to look at some clothes?"

Time: Late morning
Location: Park, behind the curtains of the stage

The letter was something that Ijada had put away in his cloak to read later. Now, the play would begin soon enough.  Just last minute details going about.   He worked, wanting people to be drawn to this place, and to make sure that they would be, he enchanted the microphones to be alluring to any who could hear them. 

He needed more energy, more energy to expand his plans. In order to do that, a large crowd to feed from.

Last test run before the curtain raises. 

He called them to him, his players, and stage hands, "Soon, the curtain will rise and we shall play as if our lives are on the line.  I want them to be left sobbing."   He looked to Seamstress, "And I expect the horror to terrify them even in the light of day."  His eyes swung back to the rest of them. "Ready yourselves. We go on in five."

It was going to be a five act play.  Which should take roughly two to three hours to finish. 
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Join date : 2015-06-29
Age : 40
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st September 2018, 10:45 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF

Time: Late morning
Location: Park, behind the curtains of the stage

"Soon, the curtain will rise and we shall play as if our lives are on the line.  I want them to be left sobbing."

"And I expect the horror to terrify them even in the light of day."

Steamstress nodded to her Master and cackled a bit in delight of what he wanted.

"Yes Master, It will be the play of our lives! We will have to buy a few mops to clean up their tears. I promise you that they will be horrified beyond belief." 

Steamstress then went and double checked everything and was ready for the play to start, hoping that the Master would love what she had done.."Oh, shoot" She exclaimed, "Where is that dear Othello Boy...he must not be late."

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 23rd November 2018, 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed spelling errors)
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th October 2018, 1:03 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 SY84kaV

Time: Late Morning
Location: Edge of Atlantis City - Close to Park'

Yukiko looked down at her enclosed fingers, trying to forget about the embarrassment of earlier. Hopefully they could all still become friends. She looked up to her other collogues, hopefully they wouldn't mind if they went to a store colored with cute figures and keychains. She again, did not want to be seen as weird. "Where do you all want to go..." She fiddled with her thumbs, still not wanting to look up. She tried her best to remain calm and cool. After all, she was supposed to be the elegant solstice soldier. She had to live up to the name, didn't she? 

"C...can we go to Kawaii Neko's??" She asked shyly, awaiting for a response. "Or...or... do we have other plans..." She wanted to make everyone happy. 
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime12th October 2018, 6:38 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Late-morning
Location: Edge of Atlantis Shopping District, near the Park

Mai wasn't in a position to object to anything that her current companions might suggest. She had grown up on the island—she had no clear memories of life outside of Atlantis—but she felt only shame at how little she really knew of the place beyond the confines of the school. She certainly didn't want to let Mene and Yukiko know this, not now, when they were so little acquainted with each other. Of course, she was also loathe to make them aware of how little she could afford. As a "ward of the isle" vast riches were not within her reach; she was lucky to have her needs taken care of, but beyond that... until she was old enough to get a job and earn her own income. The younger girl gave a non-committal nod to both suggestions.

"Sure, sounds good," she replied, trying to sound "mature" despite her stature and childish voice. She also hadn't made a choice between what Mene asked (food or shopping) and where Yukiko wanted to go. "Maybe we... start wherever is closer," she continued, although she had no idea which shop that would be.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2018, 6:35 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Time: Late Morning
Location: Edge of Atlantis Shopping District, close to the Park

Seeing as they were close to Kawaii Neko, and it did seem like there was a long line for that food place she wanted to try, Mene shrugged and looked over at the other two girls, sizing them up again for a moment before she just smiled.  

"All right! Kawaii Neko's it is!"   She announced, pointing to the store with a hand on her hip, "I wonder if they have Ping the Penguin items?  I've been dying to get a new nightgown with his face on it." 

Mentally, she wondered if the other two would ever relax?  It was bad enough that practice was a near-disaster, but she didn't want the shopping trip to be full of...well.. silence and noncommittal sounds. It was just boring that way, wasn't it?

Either way, she lead the way down the sidewalk to the cutesy shop with a big kitty face that had a heart barrette on its' ears.  Kawaii Neko was one of those shops that had everything that would make any person swoon with over how cute everything was.  There were people, mostly girls, milling about the store. Some exclaiming how cute something was or another. 

Mene instantly gravitated towards the penguin selection, her eyes instantly going big as she saw a keychain she liked, "Is that Magical Pingy? When did they release that?"

In her excitement, she had half forgotten about her teammates, having, instead, picked up the item in question like it was the holy grail.  "It's so cute! And So Pingy!"  

Giggling, she turned, suddenly remembering she did come here to try an bond with her teammates. Oops.    "Er, I mean, which ones do you guys like?"  

Try to be a good friend, Mene.  She thought to herself, though that did bring up a question on whether they even could be friends.  Was it even possible?   It was a thought she didn't want to have or think about even as her mind helpfully added that they were so very different, there was no way they could have a common link in anything. 


Time: Late- Morning
Location: Park, behind the curtains

Othello sighed deeply as he pets his bird.  Their master's new play would start any moment and he had a good role in it.  Not that it truly mattered too much. He would pull it off effortlessly if he tried a bit, but his mind wandered over memories from before. Memories from a past that still felt like a raw wound.   From where he was, hidden behind one of the scenery panels, his eyes closed as the memories bubbled to the surface. 

She had been beautiful, his beloved. The waves crashed thunderously against the cliff-side where she stood.  The wind swirls around her, tugging at her long hair and knee-length dress.   On it's wings, her voice singing a wordless song.   Then the song stopped and she turned to him, her smile brighter than any sun.   His heart swelled at the sight of her. 

"Are you just going to always stare at her or are we actually going to do something?"  The voice of his dear friend, Iago- for whom he named his bird for.   Iago had grown up with him and always been there. Always helping him even to get the courage to talk to her.   His friend's face, however, was obscured by darkness.  He couldn't see any details in it. 

That's when he heard her shriek, and turned back to her.  The scene had changed, almost in a dreamlike way as the memory seemed to merge with another.  The night she had gone missing. 

"Des!"  He had cried, looking everywhere for her in their apartment, "DES!"  

"Othello!"  Iago's voice called to him this time, but it had been weak.   

He had been too late, as well.  Only coming to find his friend falling to his knees near an alley, and catching sight of a woman in a skirt, running off.   He wanted to chase her, demand what she had done to his friend, but his friend needed him. 

"Iago...what has happened?" His words trembled, heart sinking low to his stomach as he lifted Iago's head, still unable to see his face.  "Where's Des?"

"Sailors...S-sailor...sol-soldiers.." Iago had managed to whisper then went still.

Soul crushing.  That's what he had experienced that day.  His entire world ended with the loss of them.  He still held hope that maybe..maybe  Des was still alive somewhere, but needed help.  With his only clue being the culprit was a Sailor Soldier, he had teamed with the master for this.

"One way or another, " Othello muttered, " I will find out who's fault this was and avenge them!"

His raven blinked dark eyes at him then nipped his hand. 

Othello smiled softly, cooing at the bird before he heard the Master make his announcement.  He sighed deeply.   "Lets get this farce over with."

He got up, and went along to see if there was anything else to be done when he spotted the Seamstress.  

"You look lost. Did you lose something important?  A brain cell or two after the master's speech was done?" He grinned at her.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th November 2018, 2:30 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 HPVaGEF
Time: Late- Morning
Location: Park, behind the curtains

Steamstress spotted Othello and heard what he said and walked up to him, slapping him in the back of the head, "Well now were even BOY! Hurry up and go get heard the boss. Oh and don't screw this up, everyone needs this to work ok?"

Steamstress then looked around double and triple checking everything and told again to everyone in range, "Less than 5 minutes everyone! PLACES! PLACES!" Steamstress then went to take her place and took some deep breaths.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th January 2019, 11:55 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors - Page 3 SY84kaV

Time: Late Morning
Location: Edge of Shopping District, close to park. 

Yukiko managed to stay behind everybody while she thought carefully about what she wanted to say. She listened carefully to Mene as she talked about her favorite characters. She let out a little chuckle, much out of character for the elegant Yukiko. 

She placed a finger to her lips and looked up, thinking carefully about the question. "Hmm... I really love Toxikitty!  She's so cute and punky!" She caught herself after she had made that sudden outburst about he kitten with torn ears, eye patch and a bandage. She cleared her throat, and regained her composure. Letting loose like that wouldn't end well.  She stayed silent until the girls got to the store, blushing the entire way.
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