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 [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime11th June 2018, 8:53 am

Storyline Name: N.E.O. Sailors
Creator(s): Ktenshi and Sailor Oberon
Forum: Crystal Tokyo
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary:

Details on any necessary information: 


Basically by the end, hopefully the villains will be defeated and the heroes get to level up.
 The rankings would be included: Common (Basic) -> Heroic (Super)

Sacrosanct: Is what they call the 'Royal forms' that everyone has access to.


Locations within Atlantis:

Other Notes: 

Known Characters/NPCS:

Only Chibiusa, Diana, and the Asteroid senshi are considered playable. 
 The Teachers, Most of the Canon Cast, Sailors Mena, Ptah, and Sol(sun) are all npcs and are only used to move the story along.  Naturally, if your character is the child of the original cast (such as Chibiusa) they can puppet their parents but keep them to the sidelines. 

This is mostly for Fan-characters. 
The youngest the main cast can 'appear' to be is 12yrs old. The oldest is 18yrs old.

OOC Thread: here

Member to Character List:

Chibiusa- Taken by Sailor Mercury
Sailor Juno
Sailor Ceres
Sailor Pallas
Sailor Vesta

Fan-created Senshi
(Doesn't necessarily have to be on this list but they must be from the Near Earth Objects list form here: (x))
 Nyx- Taken by Sailor Oberon
Amor- Taken by Ktenshi
Boreas Taken by Starchild
Bennu- Taken by Sailor Mercury

Animal Adviser(s): 

Villain:  The Dark Theater

-Leader: Taken by ktenshi
-Subordinate 1: Sailor Oberon
-Subordinate 2: Sportsnuds

*will add more if necessary*
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 7:41 am

First Week of Spring: Day-1

Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark Theater Building

It would be hours before curtain, but already outside the building of a new theater people had started lining up to see the hot new play 'Crystal Lining' which was about a tragic love between two lovers born in different kingdoms and a third who would ruin them all.  The excited chatter among the guests grew in anticipation of the play.  

"I can't believe we even got tickets!" One patron giggled excitedly to her friend. " This is going to be amazing!"

"I know!" Her friend grinned, " I cannot-wait!" 

Above them, a window curtain barely moved.  Inside the room, a stark contrast with the rest of the theater, was a dark room that seemed almost endless in how vast it was.  There, perched upon a clawed pedestal nestled on top of a wine-red velvet cushion was a large orb that was the size of an average globe.  It glowed softly in this darkness as the only source of light.  A white gloved hand caresses it lovingly as a voice cooed ,  " Beloved, we've arrived. Soon, we shall feast upon them."

Ijada's blonde hair, like the orb's light, stood out well in this darkness.  Dressed in his customary black cloak and uniform with the white winged mask obscuring his upper face, he smiled down at the orb.  "Today, we shall perform to them. Draw them in like sweet nectar to bees.  They won't be able to resist."

He turned, measured steps to yet another window, but this time it over looked the lobby which suddenly flooded with bodies of the patrons from outside.  "Look at them all, my dearest.  Heh, almost to easy, really."    He glanced at the orb as its' glow brightens, almost in response to his words. " Ah, yes.  What actor shall we put on center stage today?"

Again, the orb glowed but Ijada said nothing- as if he was waiting for another to appear.


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy- Hallway
Time: Afternoon

Loudly yawning, Mene tried unsuccessfully to cover her mouth. She couldn't help it. The last class she had with Ms. Elwood was practically a siren's song to her sleepy brain.  The older teacher- rumored to possibly be the eldest one on the island-  was an utter snooze-fest just waiting to happen.  The twin afro puffed haired girl was lucky that the teacher barely noticed her sleeping in the middle of the class.   If she had, Mene would've been in detention right that moment otherwise. 

Clad in her ivory school uniform and tennis shoes, she mumbled to herself, " Who really cares about the ascension of those monarchs, anyway?"  Rubbing her eyes to make sure the sleep was out of them, she glanced around at the door numbers.  Which one was it anyway? 

"Why didn't they just tell us which room it was?" Mene grumbled. Then again, she was just annoyed that she'd miss on some really good napping time.  It couldn't be helped, of course.  She had received word that herself and others were to form a team together.  The thought of meeting other people was an exciting one.  Despite the fact that there technically weren't as many Sailor soldiers as there were civilians, there were still enough that there was no way to know everyone.  Even then, she was pretty sure there were enough of them alone to fill an entire stadium. 

Still, she wondered who their adviser would be- if they had one yet.  It wasn't entirely unusual for a team to be assigned one later- especially rookie teams like the one she was joining.   It also made her wonder what her teammates would be like. Would she get to be the oldest? Cool and suave? Or would there be one that would be the automatic leader in all this that they could look to?  

"Ah, it'd be great if they were nice- and cool too."  Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she slept half way through lunch as well.  "A good cook in the group would be awesome too."   She tapped her chin lightly.  " First, got to figure out where that dang meeting is. I'm sure it's somewhere on this floor." 
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 10:07 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Afternoon
Location: Neo Academy Hallway


The girl spun around at the sound of her name, accustomed to being addressed by her surname by island staff. It was almost how she knew the difference between the Academy teachers and other employees. Given her ward status she was used to interacting with both groups. The woman talking to her now was one she knew from the dormitories, although Mai wouldn't be heading there just yet. She held an envelope towards the girl, which Mai ran over to take with both hands.

Mail? She never received mail. What could this be?

She thought immediately of the brooch she now wore in her hair—the one that had spurred her to transform for the very first time, earning the pin now proudly worn on the lapel of her uniform. It was the first time she'd ever received an object in the mail, and she could count the total historic number of letters received easily. The island tended to screen out anything that might qualify as "junk mail". Most of what she did get simply related back to her orphan status, and she wasn't fond of those. But this... something just felt different.

That's why she was now on her way to a different building, to meet her new team. This was the first term since her awakening, and due to her age she knew a placement wasn't guaranteed... but it had happened. It was happening now. Mai could almost feel the letter in her backpack—she brought it with her just in case. She half-expected that someone would make her prove that she deserved to be here, and she didn't want to be caught unaware.

She took the stairs two-at-a-time, trying to ignore the pounding in her ears, the echo of her own heartbeat.

What would the other sailor soldiers be like? Would they like her? Would it turn out this was all a mistake? So many fears and concerns rolled around in her mind, like balls on a billard table, hitting each other and ricocheting off, none sinking into pockets. Fists tightly held the straps of her backpack, nowhere else to send that nervous energy.

"Please, please let this work out," the little girl prayed silently, to nothing in particular, as she approached the room she thought might be the right one.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 11:28 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Location: Atlantis City, Dark Theater Building
Time: Afternoon

Walking towards the room and knocking before coming in, Melissa fixed her outfit a little then walked in closing the door. "Hello, Master Ijada...Steamstress is here waiting for your orders and loving seeing all these people coming in this afternoon to see your show... It will be a lovely sight to see. Is there anything you need me to do before the show Master?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 11:55 am

Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

"Hm, yes, Beloved, she's here."  Ijada's face tilted towards the Seamstress's entrance.  One of many, she was essential to the costumes that his players wore. Very creative and commendable woman, for certain.  He foresaw a great use for her in his overall plans- granted, of course, she didn't make a fool of him.  But that was yet to be seen and Ijada had many plans to implement.  He walked over to the orb, running his finger tips along the smooth surface once, seeing images appear within its' depths. 

"We were just deciding which creature should be put on center stage tonight, Seamstress." He marveled over several creatures that ranged from skeletal to masked blank looking dolls of all sizes.  "Who do you suggest should be in the spotlight tonight?"


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway
Time: Afternoon

Mene whined to herself, still trapped in her mind about which door it was. It couldn't be that hard, could it?  Or maybe it was another test to see if she could figure it out on her own?  Or perhaps-!

A middle schooler walked by her, looking as wound up as a cat on a float in the middle of a pool. She's never seen the girl before, curiously watching her walk up to a different door than the one Mene had been standing in front of.   Her brows rose, wondering for a moment if the girl was one of her new teammates.  It seemed likely- maybe.  Or maybe she had detention over here?   Or, of course, it could be she was here to see a teacher about some grades?

Mene's expression grew thoughtful at that idea.  Did the girl have bad grades? Is that why she looked so off? 

"Well, that won't do." Mene said to herself and nearly hurried over to the girl.  It was quite obvious that the sixteen year old might've been a bit taller than the younger one. She couldn't help being over five-foot-two, which was pretty average.  Upon further inspection, she thought the girl looked adorable

"Hi!" Mene smiled brightly, " Whatever is bothering you, don't worry about it! I'm sure you'll ace whatever test you're going to make up." 

It was what the girl was here for, right?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Location : Littleton, Colorado

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 12:27 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

Steamstress bowed to him walking closer but not too close. She respected him and knew not to get closer. She looked over seeing the different creatures and said, "Hmm...many to pick, Many to cause Chaos..but...THERE! what about that one sir? The skeletal one...why I could get my finest threads for it if it pleases you" 
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 12:33 pm

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Afternoon
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

Mai blinked up at the older girl, noting the red accent on the girl's uniform—a symbol of the high school. It contrasted with her own white bow. She was so close to the middle school's green bow, but her birth date was too late in the season to qualify. Maybe if her parents were still alive, someone would have petitioned to have her skip a grade level, but who knows if her academic skills would have been at the same level if it weren't for the constant studying. She tried not to think about any of this.

The assumption that she was making up a test insulted her, and she couldn't help the bitter tone to her reply, the reaction knee-jerk and emotional. Who did this girl with the poofy hair think she was?

"I... I'm in the top ten rankings of my class!" Mai sputtered, dark brown eyes reflecting the hurt. She hated to think about it, but she knew she particularly sounded like a child as she protested. "I don't make up tests!"

Maybe she was going to have to get the letter out after all, to prove she belonged here. Maybe she didn't belong.

She looked down at the ground, focusing on the laces of her sneakers as her hands held tight to the straps of her backpack. They wore the same lapel pin—the same golden star and white wing. This stranger and herself were both sailor soldier cadets. Why did she feel so unequal? So inferior? Was it just because of the age difference?

"I'm supposed to meet my new team," she added weakly, still looking away. Maybe this person wouldn't even believe her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 12:21 am

Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

"Hm, very well then.  That one...His name is Horatio."  At the words, a soft glow appeared before them.  Within it, a darkness that slowly gae birth to a monstrous skeletal man.  Ijada nodded in satisfaction at the creepily dim glowing eyes of the skull.  " Have him ready.  It's only three hours to curtain." 

He turned back to the globe, stroking it lovingly once more, " And we can't disappoint our audience, now can we?"


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway
Time: Afternoon

Mene blinked rapidly for a moment at the short girl.  Wait- so she's an elementary student? Her eyes went to the tie- which she totally overlooked- and shook her head.  That was nuts, wasn't it? Wouldn't this girl be too young?    Her brow wrinkled as she folded her arms in thought. Maybe she was advanced then if she wasn't here to make up anything?

When the girl mentioned something about a team, it hadn't yet occurred to Mene that they were there for the same reason.

"A team?" She clicked her tongue in thought. "Funnily enough, I'm here for that reason too."  She smiled a little then looked to the door, " I hope your team will be good to you then.  Personally, I hope we have a cook on mine!"

Still thoughtful, she offered her hand to her, " I'm Philomene Conall- but everyone calls me Mene.  What's your name?" 
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 6:20 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Afternoon
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

When the older girl mentioned that she was also here for a team, Mai realized that she hadn't realized there were multiple teams being assigned on the same day. Would it be crowded? She wondered if she'd be totally overlooked. Maybe it would be like when teams were chosen on the playground... That thought particularly aroused dread in the younger girl. She knew if that was the fate she was left to, she'd have to leave without an actual position. No one would willingly pick her, not if they could avoid it. Despite having lived on the island for as long as she could remember, she didn't actually know much about the sailor soldiers and the overall training program—just the small parts of it she'd been exposed to.

It felt at least polite to acknowledge Mene's comments and introduction.

"Well, I hope there is a cook on your team," she replied, although Mai wondered exactly how that would help a team. Didn't seem very useful. Unless this high schooler wanted to watch a teammate clock an enemy with a frying pan, like in comic books?

She accepted the hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, Mene. I'm Mai Hisaki," she replied.

Mai tried to squash the surge of jealousy at hearing how "everyone calls her Mene." She certainly couldn't make any parallel claims.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 8:09 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

Steamstress gave an evil laugh as the monster named as "Horatio" Came before them. "my my he is a tall scary one isn't he...As you wish Master...He will be very ready for his debut...Come now, Horatio we must dress you up for your debut tonight...don't dally...We must let our Master prepare for what he needs to do as well..." She then led Horatio out of the room and to her's which was a huge room filled to the walls with supplies for her to create fabulously wicked outfits and different things for her Master's plays... Once they got inside the room, Steamstress got right to work getting Horatio ready...
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 11:26 am

Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

With Horatio and the Seamstress gone,  Ijada went back to gazing at the orb, cooing sweet nothings to it.  What he saw beyond the glassy shell was anyone's guess.  Except, perhaps, a figure- a feminine figure who's back was to him rose from the mists of the orb.   She looked like an ordinary woman of that era, doing as she wished.

"I see, yes.  Yes, beloved if we must, we can also narrow our gaze upon individual as well. It would perhaps be even better.  Just a- contingency plan, as it were."

The orb glowed in response to his words, showing another image- this time of the Crystal palace.  He sneered, unable to help him self and turned away from the crystalline imagery.   

"Curse them!"  His voice dropped an ocative lower,  "I will see to it that they will be brought down. Just as they had- !"    He stopped, taking a deep breath to calm himself.  He must not let his rage take him over.  " I will take this island and turn it into a blade against them." 

Ijada grin, a slow widening of the mouth with a full set of teeth as he said, " Is as a fury to torment my soul;  And till I root out their accursed line. And leave not one alive, I live in hell. "

Again another glow, and he just laughed softly, " Do you know what that is from? No?"   He turned to the door, walking towards it then stopped, putting a hand on the knob.  " William Shakespeare's King Henry VI, from Part three, dearest."

With that, he left.   After all, one must direct for the show to begin smoothly.


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway
Time: Afternoon

"Well, it's great to meet you then, Mai."  Mene said letting her hand go, " It's ok if I call you Mai, right?  Some people are a little sensitive about names, if I remember correctly."   Truth be told, Mene was rather lax when it came to anything formal.  Then again, it could just be an extension of her being a bit lazy overall.  

Still, the puffed haired girl turned to the door and moved to open it, " Lets see who's here!"

She stepped in, fully expecting a lot of people in there except-  

"Wait...what?"    Purple eyes with a bluish tinge to them, widened at the very empty room and a somewhat distracted woman sitting behind a desk.  " Where is everyone?"

The woman, a tall lady of Chinese descent with long crimson hair and a stylish look about her, turned to the two, her brown eyes faintly amused but she sighed deeply gesturing them in. 

"Seems like the two of you are the first- or maybe only ones- to respond to the summons today. The others might be late, but we have to get you settled."  She stood, " I'm the school nurse,  Vivia Wen- you should know me by now of course."  

Mene just stared.  This was insane.  After all, there hadn't been teams that didn't just show up, right? Maybe they over slept?  Had clubs? 

Vivia went on, " At this moment, you don't have a guardian adviser yet either. Sorry about that. So, until one is assigned to your group, I'll serve as your guardian." She smiled at them, "Lets work well together, ok?"
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime15th June 2018, 12:39 pm

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Afternoon
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

"Yes, Mai is fine," she responded, shortly before the pigtailed high schooler opened the door.

She felt equally confused to see an empty room, especially one that contained only the school nurse. Mai recognized this woman, although she hadn't exactly gotten to know her very well. As someone who had attended Neo Academy for her entire academic career, it would have been very strange for her to mistake a position like that of nurse. Thankfully Mai was usually in pretty good health, but she'd had her fair share of visits—coming down with a cold, succumbing to a stomach virus, or getting banged up in gym class.

But it was definitely strange to see the woman outside of the nurse's office.

"Hello, Ms. Wen," Mai greeted, almost reflexively.

Her mind took a moment to process what was being said. So... they were going to be on a team together? With Ms. Wen as their adviser? The shorter girl turned her head to take another look up at the older girl. Apparently she was going to get to know Mene pretty well, after all.

Unless they kick you off the team, whispered a nasty little voice in her ear.

"Yes, Ms. Wen," she replied to the final query. She hoped she could work together well enough. She hoped they could be a real team, even if it started with just two of them.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
Posts : 986
Join date : 2012-11-10
Age : 37

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime16th June 2018, 7:34 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway
Time: Afternoon

"No way!" Mene stared at Ms. Wen then looked around before settling back to her. " You've got to be kidding me, right?  Just us?"

"That's what I said, kiddo."  Vivia gestured with her hand, turning back to go to her desk. Once there she sat down, crossing her legs, leaning against her propped up elbow, her cheek resting against the palm of her hand as she considered the two.  " Now, if that's done, lets get down to business.  Starting two days from now, your group will be moved to a dorm floor together.  All the necessary paperwork will be delivered to you-"

"That's not fair!" Mene protested folding her arms, " I like my room. I've been in it for two years now. I got it just the way I like it."

Vivia favored her a look, " Too bad.  That's just how it is."  She shook her head slowly, " Look, this is just standard procedure. If you got issues, petition the counsel.  Anyway,  as I was saying, all the paperwork will be delivered to you, so keep up with that.  Your training will start bright and early tomorrow, so I suggest you both get a good night's sleep if you can."

Mene deflated a bit at all this. It was a lot and going faster than she had thought it would be.  She glanced at Mai and then back at Vivia unsure of what to make of it.  Did she dislike the idea of teaming up with Mai?  Not..really.  There was no reason for her to dislike the girl at all and she was adorable but Mene had hoped to have some one more along her age or even older.    She didn't think it'd turn out like this. 

"Do either of you have any questions for me?" Vivia asked finally looking from Mene to Mai.  "Anything at all, don't be shy."

Last edited by Ktenshi on 16th June 2018, 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot the colors.)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
Posts : 6893
Join date : 2015-06-29
Age : 40
Location : Littleton, Colorado

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime17th June 2018, 10:27 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Afternoon
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

Steamstress had taken the skeleton creature Horatio into her room/office and went to work at once. "Let's see need to look scary for your debut but mysterious as well... I shall quickly sew you up a nice silver and black cloak maybe... make you look more human, then we will reveal your true form to them when the time is right..." Steamstress plopped down on her sewing chair and got right to work creating the cloak in what seemed record time and without any miss-stitches. She carefully picked it up and put it on Horatio and had it pose with it and it looked great. "Ooh, I hope Master loves this one...Horatio...your going to kill it out there..." 
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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Location : Chicago

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime18th June 2018, 5:52 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Afternoon
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

While her taller companion—and, apparently, future teammate—protested, Mai simply stood there looking a bit stunned as their temporary adviser provided information. She knew she'd probably be a sailor soldier someday, because she'd been told as much since her arrival at Atlantis, but it felt strange to have things coming together. Dark eyes glanced over at Mene, noting the girl's objections and tone of voice. She didn't want to be on a team together, did she? She didn't really look like it.

Mai nudged the floor with the toe of her sneaker, staring down at it. Well, she couldn't really blame the other girl... It wasn't like Mai had much to offer.

Plus, now that this all was happening, it sounded like a lot of work. Filling out paperwork, moving to another dorm, squeezing in additional training... She presumed that the various administrators who managed the guardianship elements of her life were on board with all of this, right? Thankfully, Ms. Wen asked for questions.

"Do I need to talk to my case workers?" she asked softly, only realizing when the words were out of her mouth that she had mentioned something like this in front of another student. Mai could feel the heat of embarrassment burning her flushed cheeks and ears.

Maybe she could cover it up with another question.

"And where? When? What do we need for training?"

"Why me?" was the question she wondered, but couldn't ask.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 6:17 am

Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

The partons poured into the lavishly decorated auditorium.  High vaulted ceilings with a glittering chandelier in the center gave the dark velvet red space a hint of that old world glamour.  The stage was large with even heavier curtains that swayed with the activity going on behind the scenes.   Excited chatter filled the air with anticipation about the play.  How lucky they all were to get good seats- or even a seat at all!  It was worth it, some had decided, to see this. 

Behind the curtains, Ijada smiled from the left wing of the stage, content with himself and his work.  An announcement came, telling the audience that the play would begin shortly and they should all find their seats quickly.  Ten minutes after that, the lights dim, a signal for Ijada to do his job. 

And he does with flourish. 

"Welcome, dearest patrons, to the Dark Theater!"  He gestured with both hands out to them, "We thank you for coming and do hope you enjoy the story of the night. Tonight's tale is of love, heartbreak, and the will to overturn destiny itself!"   He smiled widely, letting his arms fall to his side then touched his chest, " This is not for the weak of heart or stomach.  I suggest you watch with caution."

He bowed then, " Now, on with the show!" 

The spotlight that had been on him blanked out.  He left as he entered and spotted Horatio, dressed humanly in an outfit that matched the play's mood well.  

Quietly, he marveled at the Seamstress's handiwork.   

"My, my, Seamstress."  He said, knowing quite well she could hear him, " Your work is, as always, remarkably beautiful.  If I hadn't known better, I would've mistaken him from one of them out there."


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor

Location: Neo Academy - Hallway

Time: Late afternoon/Early Evening

Pouting still, she grumbled a bit, " No."  She glanced at Mai, listening to the girl's questions. That was probably a good one. One she hadn't really thought about.   "What she said."  

Vivia drummed her fingers as she pulled out her phone and began swiping left and right with it. Finally, the nurse said, " Ms. Hisaki, you don't have to worry about your caseworker, they've handled things like this before so they'll be notified of the changes.  As for where and what you'll need- it'll be at the training gym two and all you'll need is some gym clothes.  You can either buy them or wear the school issued ones."

Mene said nothing to this but did make a face like she was going to whine.  She did not like exercise much. Even on a good day.  "I guess there's no ditching training, is there?"

"Not unless you want your first write-up." Vivia smiled sweetly then looked between the two of them and at the time, " It's getting late and you both need to be up bright and early in the morning.  Normally, this would usually be the time where we let groups elect their leaders, but since it's just the two of you right now, we'll have to hold off on that until at least a third comes."

"So, we're leader-less to boot. Wonderful." Mene grumbled, " Guess there's no helping it."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 8:01 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater backstage

Steamstress stood backstage with Horatio and watched Master Ijada welcome everyone to the theater. She was so excited that they were going to put on another play and keep The Master's plan going well.

"My, my, Seamstress."  He said, knowing quite well she could hear him, " Your work is, as always, remarkably beautiful.  If I hadn't known better, I would've mistaken him from one of them out there."

She grinned when she heard the Master speaking to her and she turned to him and bowed, "Thank you, Master...I aim to please."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 8:22 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

Mai nodded, still sheepish. Listening to Mene's complaints only made her worry more. Ms. Wen was right—two people didn't make a team. No wonder they wouldn't chose a leader now. Not that she had much stake in it, personally. She was too young and too inexperienced; no one in their right mind would want her in charge.

At least training didn't intimidate her. Most of her time on this island had involved training in some form or shape. The familiar request gave her something to focus on. She wanted this to go well; she wanted it so much. It didn't seem like that was going to happen.

She timidly turned to look at the older girl, dark eyes glancing up nervously from where they had been studying the floor.

"I'll... see you tomorrow," she said. "I hope we'll be a good team."

"Was that a stupid thing to say? That was probably a stupid thing to say," she chided herself.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 6:22 am

Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

"And please you did. " He smiled watching as the play went on.  

Eventually, the play reached it's climax, the villian- whom Horatio played- unveiled himself before the heroes with great flourish, showing his true form to all.  The audience, whom were none the wiser, collectively gasped at his appearance. 

"If you believe my schemes have come to an end, Aelous!" Horatio's voice deepens to an unmistakable growl.  His body began to glow as he fed on the energy of the audience then emitted his own darkness to taint them.  " Then you know me not!"

From the wings, Ijada chuckled softly, watching the plan go on without a hitch.  Underneath the government's own nose, he stole and was tainting their people.  It was perfect. 

He turned from the scene of the heroes trying valiantly to 'fight' Horatio, moving to go back to his office.  "Soon, everyone on this miserable island will be tainted with our beautiful darkness.  Soon, we shall rise against those in that crystal tomb."

He had plans for the next day. Ones, he hoped, to implement into something grand, " Ah, I have a wonderful idea now."


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor

Location: Neo Academy - Hallway

Time: Late afternoon/Early Evening

Mene's shoulders slumped a bit at how final it was.  No leader, no adviser, and no cool name to top it off.  What a depressing start to her Sailor career.  She couldn't helped but be bummed out by it all.  Idly, she wondered if they'll ever match up to the greatest teams on the island- namely that princess from Japan and also the Dragon team. 

If only they had more people that showed up this wouldn't be a problem.  Or at least a decent adviser!

It was only after a few moments that she realized that Mai was speaking to her.  Inwardly groaning at herself for not paying attention, Mene slapped on a smile to look at her. 

"Yep! I'm looking forward to it too."  She said cheerfully enough that she almost believed it herself. 

Vivia looked between the two girls and then smiled to herself as she packed up and picked up her purse, "Allright girls, I'll see you tomorrow then.  Don't stay up too late tonight. "

With that, the school nurse moved to leave, " Ta-ta for now!" 

Mene watched her girl and wasn't sure how confident she was about their temporary adviser.  " Who says that, these days? "  
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 6:54 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Neo Academy Hallway

"Old people?" she offered unhelpfully as an answer to Mene's question. It wasn't as though Ms. Wen was old-ancient-granny-old, but she wasn't a kid, that was enough to qualify in Mai's eyes.

Even though the other girl had replied with a smile, Mai couldn't so easily shake her doubts and insecurities. Her new "team" didn't really feel like much of a team, and she couldn't ignore the sneaking suspicion that somehow that was her fault. Maybe the others learned she was going to be here, so they decided not to show up. She knew that was paranoid—it wasn't as though Mai had acquired any kind of reputation, after all—but the thought would not easily be dislodged.

Should she leave now? She didn't have much homework, thankfully, but she'd still have to figure something out for dinner. The cafeteria was probably closed, but maybe she could get something cold at the campus convenience store. The young girl fidgeted slightly, wondering if it would be rude to be the first to leave.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 8:44 pm

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway
Time: Late afternoon/Early Evening

"I guess." Mene shrugged before turning to leave, " Anyway, I got crazy amounts of homework to do. Guess we better turn in tonight."    Slight smile, she waved to her " I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, she left her for the night.  Mostly so she could actually do her homework, but also so she could whine to herself about how lame it was her team's career was going to start off.   Once she got back to her dorm room, she flopped on her bed and hugged her pillow, fully giving into the urge to pout. 

"I bet other teams didn't have to go through this."  Mene huffed before sitting up to do a little bit of homework. She could finish the rest at lunch.

First Week of Spring: Day-2

Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Morning

Sleep had eluded her enough that by the time her alarm went off the following morning, Mene just slapped it and turned over to sleep for a few minutes more.   When it went off again, she groaned, wondering why she set her alarm in the first place before remembering all that had happened the other day. 

"Oh-CRAP!"    She had training to do this morning with her new 'group'.  All of one other person and Ms. Wen, who'll probably yell at her for being so late.  

She stumbled out of bed to take a quick shower then get dressed in red shorts and white tank with some sneakers before running out of her room to get to the cafeteria and grab something to eat to make it there. 

"Please, let Wen over sleep!"  She prayed as she took the steps two at a time down to the second gym.  "I don't wanna be yelled at!"


Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Manger's room

With the success of the play last night, Ijada grinned at the gathered power in his orb.  Again, he caresses it, satisfied with the turn out.  Now, his second plan needed to be implemented.  He had to set it up, of course.   He'll need the Seamstress to help coordinate this.  Her talents were invaluable right now. 

"I think a public demonstration is needed."  He said to himself.  "Something to lure even more of the people in. "
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 6:46 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Neo Academy

The rest of Mai's evening remained uneventful—a letdown from her dreams, that was for sure. She had always imagined that discovering her abilities and being assigned to a team would be life-changing, in a positive way. Like something out of a storybook. The young hero always finds her best friends when she's placed with a group, right? So why didn't it feel like that?

Because it's you. Not a hero.

She chewed the cold sandwich without tasting it, swallowing mouthfuls of concrete. The girl leaned over the worksheet in the glow of the desk lamp. When her homework was done and her room tidied, she fell asleep with only a vague sense of worry, no buzz of anticipation.

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

Mai tried not to think about Ms. Wen's comment from yesterday. Buying new gym clothes was out of the question—she wore the school-issued apparel and hoped no one would comment on it. She had tried to pull her hair back from her face in a neat ponytail, but it just wasn't long enough. A variant of the usual style would have to do, although she added a few more pins in a bid to keep it off her neck.

Her stomach hadn't felt quite right, so even though she woke up early enough to have breakfast at the cafeteria without rushing, she hadn't eaten much. Maybe that would pass if she just ignored it.

She got to the gym far too early, nervous about being on time, and then stood there in the dim light... waiting. Hopefully whatever happened next would happen soon.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 8:47 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Late Afternoon/Early Evening
Location: Atlantis City, Dark theater

He turned from the scene of the heroes trying valiantly to 'fight' Horatio, moving to go back to his office.  "Soon, everyone on this miserable island will be tainted with our beautiful darkness.  Soon, we shall rise against those in that crystal tomb."

Steamstress who was standing with her Master watching the play chuckled as well then moved with him towards his office opening the door for him to enter it. After he spoke she added, "Very true Master, I don't think it will take long at this point but if I may ask...why stop at this island? Why not after we finish here..go farther into the not worry your self Master on my question...I shall see you in the well Master." She bowed to him then made her exit.

Time: Morning

Location: Dark Theater, Manger's room

The next morning, Steamstress awoke and dressed then made her way to see her Master. She knocked on his door announcing her name and walked in slowly bowing before him. "Good Morning Master...I hope you were able to sleep well. I am here for your orders for today and I am hoping that we may cause much chaos again like last night."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 6:53 am

Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Manger's room

"Yes, seamstress."  He turned slightly, pondering her for the moment then back to the orb as it glowed faintly in the room.  It wasn't dark anymore, but a normal room with decent enough lighting from the window.   He gazed at the orb, idly stroking the curve of the smooth glass form. 

 " I have a rather ingenious idea that I think will help in our endeavors.   I need you to dress Horatio and a few select others for today.  We shall be giving an exhibition in the city itself and not on the stage.  It should, of course, spread our influence and gather more energy we need to enact my master plan."

He did not share what exactly the master plan was quite yet or how it could be achieved, but he didn't think she needed to know. 

Not that it truly mattered. 


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Morning

Out of breath, Mene barely made it on time to the gym where they would be training.  There were, of course, two gyms at the school. One for normal activities and then one that was just for the Sailor Soldiers and military career kids that needed tougher terrains to work with.  It was also the closest to the forests that edged the school's property lines.  It was the larger of the two that they were in and it showed.  

When Mene spotted Mai, she just doubled over, with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. 

"Gods, why did it have to be so dang early?" She gave up on standing and just sat on the floor. "Can't this count as a work out? "   She then glanced up at Mai, " Is Wen here yet? Or anyone else assigned to our team?"  She couldn't disguise the hopeful tone she had. If they could get at least one or two more people for their team, it would feel more official that way.

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 7:21 am

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

The diminutive girl shook her head. So far, she hadn't encountered anyone like that. Mai felt pretty sure that she was in the right place—having lived on the island for as long as she could remember, she'd had plenty of time to adapt to the overall layout. Her early designation as a potential sailor soldier played a role in this, too.

She had been keeping an eye out for Ms. Wen, but unless the woman had passed by without greeting Mai—an entire possible turn of events—Mai hadn't seen her.

"Looks like you made it," the younger girl commented to her out-of-breath teammate-in-training. She turned to survey the gym once again, the room slowly bathed in more patches of sunlight.

"I wonder what we'll do."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 11:59 am

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Manger's room

Steamstress listened to all of Master Ijada's words and bowed to him, "Hehe that sounds like it should work like clockwork Master. Like I said before I shall dress them up in my finest threads like before with our friend Horatio...Just let me know who and how and it shall be done for the glory of your name Master." She stood ready to find out who else she would be dressing up.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 4:08 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors SY84kaV

Time: Morning
Location: Neo-Academy - Dormitory

The sunlight shone through the drapes as Yukiko slept. Her eyes struggled to open as the light reachedher eyes. With a yawn and a stretch, she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. 

Groggily, she headed to the Showers and quickly washed up. 

Returning to her room, rubbing her head with a towel. she noticed a letter on the floor. 
"Huh..." usually mail didn't come to her. Everyone had the wrong opinion on her, so it must be hate mail about how stuck up she was. She sighed and picked up the letter, sitting on the bed. Hey eyes opened inquisitively. "Hopefully, they will like me... and understand I was just raised to be an elegant lady." 
She quickly got dressed and did her makeup. She was excited, and anxious. Hopefully something good would start. 
Time: Morning
Location: Neo-Academy - Hallway

Yukiko sighed, she found herself running to the academy faster than she normally would. Her pace slowed however, as anxiousness began to rise, and she stood outside the door of the designated meeting place. She took a breath, and adjusted her bun. With a breath of confidence, she put her hand on the handle, and opened the door 
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Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 5:06 pm

Vivia Wen
Time- Morning
Location: Neo Academy - Hallway

Vivia had to pick up a few things before she would head to the gym.  "Geeze, I'm so forgetful!" 

 With a huff she walked towards the classroom where she met the two in-training girls.  She groaned inwardly thinking of them.  One of them was going to be a pain- at least the other was nice.  "Ah, Mai Hisaki is a dream come true for a teacher.  She's so smart and quiet.  I wish all my students were like that!"

Humming, she came to a stop seeing another member that was selected for the team she gather.  She blinked, staring at her and sighed deeply.  It was going to be a long day. 

"Hey, Miss Umeno?" The school nurse walked up to her wearing red gym clothes, " Didn't you get the memo? We're meeting at the gym to start training today."  The red haired woman looked her over curiously, " Or did the letter arrive late?  It probably did, if I had any luck to speak of." 


Philomene "Mene" Conall/Sailor Amor
Location: Neo Academy - Gym
Time: Morning

"Who knows?"  Mene flopped back on the gym floor as other people filed in for their own training at other parts of the gym.  " I hope it'll be fun at least.  I hate it when it's all exercise and no fun!"

It was probably a terrible idea to be laying down there, but Mene didn't want to move. The cool floor on her back and even her bare legs made it far more inviting to just stay there for a while longer.  If she had a pillow, she thinks she'd fall asleep there.  As it stood, she knew she couldn't.  Which sucked all the same. 

Still she glanced at the clock and grinned up at Mai,  " If Wen doesn't show up, I say we ditch gym and go to the ice parlor in town.  There's a new flavor I've been dying to try out." 

She sat up, still grinning, " What do you say, Mai? Wanna ditch if she doesn't show up in the next ten minutes?"


Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Manger's room

"Good. I'll send them in shortly, then." Ijada told her before moving to leave, " I have to see to a few things in preparation.  Make sure you do a good job, Seamstress. If you do, I'll allow you to headline this show. "

With that, he left the room, sending in his place Horatio and two faceless creatures that looked more like mannequins than anything else.   There, they stood awaiting orders from the seamstress.

Meanwhile, Ijada did his 'human' duties, calling around to find a suitable public place for his mini show.  It was lucrative too, so that didn't hurt anything.   Once he was done with his last call, he felt dizzy, as if a thick fog had came and clogged his brain.  He wasn't sure what these dizzy spells were, but they were becoming annoying.  Especially when he was as tired as he had become. 

He made a fist, trying hard to hold on to himself and his sanity until the fog lifted and the dizziness subsided. 

"Cursed thing!" He spat. "I suppose it means I need to get stronger. Much..stronger."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 8:14 pm

[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors HPVaGEF
Time: Morning
Location: Dark Theater, Manager's room then into Steamstress's room

She bowed to her Master then left with the three friends of theirs. She took them into her room and looked them over, "Ooh I might headline this show...that sound evilly wonderful..." She began to make their outfits for the show, first dressing Horatio in a different outfit for the public play. She then looked over the faceless mannequins and made them separate outfits with separate masks as well. She then looked at all of them and said, "Wow some of my best work yet...I do hope Master approves of it. I should bring them before him later."
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors   [Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors I_icon_minitime2nd July 2018, 1:41 pm

Mai Hisaki/Sailor Bennu
Time: Morning
Location: Neo Academy Gym

At Mene's suggestion, the younger girl visibly paled.

"...Ditch?" she squeaked, her usually-high voice jumping several octaves. She trembled slightly, a shudder just at the thought of disobeying the rules. Some children acted out to get attention. A brief stint of rebellion in her formative years knocked that impulse right out of Mai. The various agencies on the island do not take kindly to those who do not follow the rules, and they don't make many exceptions for children growing up and going through normal development. It was easy to be "scared straight" if the reaction was cold enough.

Besides, she couldn't imagine what the consequences would be now that she was older. She worked hard. She tried to mask how she really felt so that no one would be upset with her, although of course she still wound up reprimanded if her tone or body language betrayed her.

"I... I don't know," the younger girl replied, eyes nervously darting around the gym. "I think we'd be in trouble."
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[Relaxed] N.E.O. Sailors

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