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 [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)

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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime24th April 2018, 8:50 pm

I was about to edit my previous post here, but since Triton mentioned it...

Regarding why the Outers are there in the first place...:
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Sailor Uranus
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 3:50 pm

Diagnosed wrote:

Regarding why the Outers are there in the first place...:
!!! That's totally my bad for not reading through the OOC thread at all and just doing my own interpretation of canon; I think it can be saved though?

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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th April 2018, 3:47 pm

Kyra joining the RP:

[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 3042611168

Jokes aside, I'm happy for a compromise so long as it doesn't mess with any plans Saturn had in store for us later ^-^. Sorry this reply took so long. If it's fine with you guys, I'd like to make the following changes to line up with Uranus' and Neptune's replacement posts:


Sailor Uranus wrote:
Reading the first Pluto post and not knowing anything about the behind the scenes discussion re:Outers being there, I had assumed that Pluto had been attacked in a skirmish as she helped escort the refugees out of the city, the formation being either with respect to her group of civilians or a senshi-coordinated attack.
I like this idea! I won't change the first post then. As for the orders part, I'm not sure how I want to do it yet, though I appreciate your suggestion. I'll include the details in a later post if Pluto encounters something that brings the memory to mind. For now, as you said, it's fine for it to be vague.

(As a side note, I'm pretty sure Pluto actually knowing events in the future and other timelines is fanon... I can't find any evidence of her being able to atm anyways ^^;;. As far as I can tell, she can stop time and sense generally whether there has been a disturbance and that's it. At least that's how I'll be playing her until I can come up with proof to the contrary~.)

Thanks so much for coordinating :3.

Last edited by Diagnosed on 29th August 2019, 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime29th April 2018, 9:51 am

Sooo I was gunna work on a response but wanted to see if anyone had ideas! I feel like at this point Serenity is ready to talk with Endymion again (especially since he probably looks like a sad puppy at this point).

@Diagnosed before I do that, did you have anything you wanted to do with Pluto and Serenity?

@Sailor Uranus I'm ready for Serenity X Endy feels. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Sailor Uranus
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime29th April 2018, 11:23 am

Diagnosed wrote:
Kyra joining the RP:

[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 3042611168 
BEST REACTION IMAGE XD I totes appreciate the comparison ;D I'm sorry I made it hard though @-@

^^' obvs i'm cool with changes hahaha i didn't get that Pluto was talking to Uranus with the "senshi of storms" qualifier that's totally my bad for not checking; I thought she had given up on getting to the Outers and had instead headed towards Jupiter and another unnamed inner and was talking to Jupiter and meant "Do you think we'll have to step in?" as a Pluto-to-Jupiter comment re: Serenity and Endymion and I was all >D Pluto also doesn't approve? Fufufufufuuuu juicy~ ;n; otherwise I would've had Uranus respond before they were all called over I'm sorrryyyyyyy

Brit-chan wrote:
@Sailor Uranus I'm ready for Serenity X Endy feels. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Twisted Evil
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime29th April 2018, 9:26 pm

All good now! *Reaches out to high five Kyra*

@Brit-chan I was waiting to see if you were going to do anything with the idea Saturn suggested:

Sailor Saturn wrote:
Ohhh Hmmm xD I'm not sure what hidden info there could be that the senshi wouldn't already know about. Though perhaps Serenity herself isn't privy to the same info, being as protected as she is

Oh! Maybe she could learn that the leader of the attack was specifically looking for Serenity as motivation for the attack itself. That might be information that is a little lesser known. I imagine most would suspect that the attack was just an attack by a rival kingdom, but maybe some of the civilians heard talk of Beryl looking specifically for Serenity could open up some angst for her too, to learn that she may be the reason behind things hehehe

I hope that helps a little D:

Otherwise... Just mention the lady in your previous post was the last one they had to visit and close the conversation with her before making your way to Endy. I don't think Pluto really has much to say to Serenity at this point aside from a proud smile/phrase :3.
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime30th April 2018, 4:47 pm

Oooh right. Thanks for reminding me of that! Verdi's post got kinda lost in all the others since then haha. I might consider bringing it up to Endy for feeeeels. Hopefully I can come up with a good post. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime1st May 2018, 11:03 am

Annnd sorry for double post I posted. I hope it works. ;_;
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime14th May 2018, 12:55 pm

Yikes almost a month since my last post nuuu! OTL Sadly I need some clarification/thoughts before I finish my post.

Pluto wants to ask Galatea (the palace attendant) a few more questions. Namely, how she injured her head and also where she was in the palace/ on the palace grounds when she saw Beryl. This will help me to solidify where Pluto was involved in the fighting and whether she saw Beryl herself or not. (Though probably not??)

I didn't want to assume anything that sounds off in NPCing her though. My imaginings are thus, though if you would prefer to NPC her instead, Saturn I'm good with that too:

Since Serenity didn't see Beryl, Galatea and some other attendants could have been "dragged" away from other quarters before joining with the main party of escapees. I'm imagining the room to be just off the main hall (probably a dining room). Beryl announcing that she'd have Serenity's head sounds like something she'd likely do upon entering the castle proper. Since royal chambers (at least in French castles? ^^;Wink are sometimes located off the main hall as well, Serenity would have been evacuated before Galatea and seen the hordes of men flooding into the building after escaping it herself. (woah lots of assumptions in that image XD). As for the head injury... I don't know. Something somewhat inconsequential...

Lemme know what you guys think!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime14th May 2018, 1:32 pm

For the head injury, she could have just been knocked to the ground in the hurried escape and banged her head or something. I'd imagine it wasn't anything super serious but still needs to be watched incase she did indeed have a concussion.

as for the other things....I got nothing. xD
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Prince Triton
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime15th May 2018, 3:33 pm

I want to clarify sth: Do the Inners know about Beryl, or at least know of her existence and/or role?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime16th May 2018, 4:39 pm

I guess I just needed to know generally how much liberty I can take in NPCing ^^;;.

I like the idea of banging her head in the hurried escape! I'll use that so thanks :3.

[EDIT 16:52:51 May 18: I'll be LOA until Monday evening. Trying to get a post in but if I can't finish, at least it'll be ready when I'm back in the realm of reliable internets! I'll edit as needed if any character impacts me while I'm gone~.]
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime18th June 2018, 1:42 pm

Sorry for the double post...

Uranus, I know you didn't say specifically where you were stationed so I just kinda took a guess that it was close enough to the cave entrance ^^;;.

Also, I wanted to also speak to Luna (and/or Artemis, if Solar comes in hopefully...) at some point (hopefully next post) to tell her about what Galatea told Serenity & Pluto re: Beryl.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime18th June 2018, 6:34 pm

Prince Triton wrote:
I want to clarify sth: Do the Inners know about Beryl, or at least know of her existence and/or role?
I'm curious too?
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 10:02 am

I think for this, they would only have a vague idea of Beryl. They know there's a leader of the enemy forces, but as to her motivations or specifics about her character, or even what she really looks like, no one has any concrete answers.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 6:12 pm

okies thanks Saturn
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Solar Knight
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime11th July 2018, 8:50 pm

Finally in! Sorry for the long wait everyone, real life stuff/crippling depression got in the way. Fortunately I used some of it to channel into Artemis to explain why he's been gone for a while. I tried to follow along with the story as best as I could, but if I said anything incorrect, please let me know and I will make edits Smile
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime11th July 2018, 9:26 pm

Yay welcome!! What a cute post! [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 1857725390
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2018, 3:51 pm

T-T I'm sorry I'm holding this up a bit but I'm not sure what version of events Endymion would know in order to answer Serenity's questions in Brit's latest post:
Brit-chan wrote:
“She called me the princess of lies,”
“I don’t understand. What have I done to her? Please! Tell me what you know!” she shouted. "It might be important..." she said, her voice softening.
Is this just the standard Beryl saw them flirting once and blew it all out of proportions and made Serenity into the bad guy to fit her "let's go to war with the moon cause they're spies and can't be trusted" narrative, or did Beryl perceive Serenity to have done something more, and, if so, what would Endymion know about all of it? @-@

In both anime and manga Endymion looks like he knows a little bit more of what's going on on the political side of the war but it's never specifically laid out beyond "Beryl's crazy, Moon's in danger!" and then showing up later to try to talk Beryl down and ends up just taking her sword; in this series of events, he never really confronted Beryl on the battlefield because they all got out instead, right? So what would he have to share with Serenity about Beryl in this version? I don't want to make assumptions or write whatever like I do in fanfiction because there are so many other players involved and I don't want to mess anything up XD 

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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime3rd August 2018, 7:00 pm

I am not 100% certain, to be completely honest! Have to remember that I only meant for this originally as a Casual Event that was meant to be completed pretty quick xD Now that we have more time to expand, my plot holes are widening ahaha

I'm going to do some big brainstorming on the RP so that we can have a clear idea going forward, sorry for slacking, everyone!

As for your question, Kyra, I'm thinking it might work best if Endymion knows fairly little in the grand scheme of things xD Or! Maybe we have the whole Beryl has always mistrusted the Moon Kingdom and saw Endymion with Serenity and feels he's being brainwashed and whatnot (though Endymion might not know much about that last part, really)

She's been getting a little more radical recently, and he saw that her eyes go completely black, signifying that there's obviously something *more* going on here, though he doesn't have any idea what. Perhaps that's why he came to the Moon once more, and how he is here now despite the big attack. He came right before the attack occurred in order to try and warn Serenity that something sinister is at play, but was too late to stop it from happening.

Or ya know, something???? I'm completely open to ideas from everyone xD I'd especially like to hear from our resident Endymion and Beryl players for their opinions since you're the ones playing! Like I said, I need to sit down and plot out things properly now that we have made ourselves into a full-fledged RP xD
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime6th August 2018, 8:38 am

I think it would make sense to have Endymion know something, but I bet Beryl would hide information from him once she sees him cavorting with the dreaded Moon Princess. He has to know there are uprisings/etc. and there's an increase in distaste for moonfolk, but he might not realize how serious it is. I bet Kyra has awesome headcanon about this and should share it. >D
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime9th August 2018, 11:43 am

Okay so a preliminary outline of the RP! Under a spoiler in case someone would rather be surprised xD I'm taking ideas/thoughts/comments though because I'd like for us to expand on it together if there's something you'd like to explore!

To Rise Again Outline:

Right now these are all broad ideas with not *too* many details (or at least with details I'll keep secret for now), and there's wiggle room for them all, but at least it gives us an idea of what to expect and where we can aim for as we continue on in the RP!

I apologize for my slowness, but I'm going to be pushing to try and help us finish this as I'd love to see it in the snazzy Hall of Fame [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 3150097195
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime9th August 2018, 12:42 pm

I fully support getting this in the Hall of Fame! Very Happy WE CAN DO IT!
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime10th August 2018, 6:52 pm

Sailor Saturn wrote:
As for your question, Kyra, I'm thinking it might work best if Endymion knows fairly little in the grand scheme of things xD Or! Maybe we have the whole Beryl has always mistrusted the Moon Kingdom and saw Endymion with Serenity and feels he's being brainwashed and whatnot (though Endymion might not know much about that last part, really)

She's been getting a little more radical recently, and he saw that her eyes go completely black, signifying that there's obviously something *more* going on here, though he doesn't have any idea what. Perhaps that's why he came to the Moon once more, and how he is here now despite the big attack. He came right before the attack occurred in order to try and warn Serenity that something sinister is at play, but was too late to stop it from happening.

Sailor Mercury wrote:
I think it would make sense to have Endymion know something, but I bet Beryl would hide information from him once she sees him cavorting with the dreaded Moon Princess. He has to know there are uprisings/etc. and there's an increase in distaste for moonfolk, but he might not realize how serious it is. I bet Kyra has awesome headcanon about this and should share it. >D
Okay! So glancing at Kai's profile background for Beryl and thinking of the manga with some anime splashed in, I think the order of events pre-end battle could've been something like:

  1. Beryl is a sorceress in Earth's capital city and has a mad crush on Endymion.

  2. Serenity (via super cool Lunar surveillance technology ala manga) fell in love with Endymion from afar and decided to steal away down to Earth to see him in-person which was totally against Moon Kingdom Law because hahaha they're crazy more advanced than the Terrans and they're actively monitoring their planet for signs of chaotic infections and if the Terrans found out that not only were people living on their moon but spying on them and had such advanced technology it looked like super sorcery on top of actually being able to do magic (in the case of the senshi) it's just a recipe for ill-will and that's bad so nobody be seen by Terrans or communicate with Terrans and oops there goes the Princess. 

  3. They meet and fall ~in love~♥️ cause screw "the will of the gods" that's why and continue their relationship "in secret" read: the guardian senshi and the shitennou totally know about it and are just trying to deal with the situation and hoping it doesn't become a dumpster fire. Hint: it will.

  4. Beryl sees them together and jealous much's. Jealous muches so muches that she is desperate to find out anything about Serenity, and then finding out idk through one of the Shitennou / overhearing the Shitennou that Serenity is from the moon just fueled her fire to extreme amounts. Aliens are not only real, but they're on our moon spying on us for who knew what reason and that was bad and must be stopped. You know? Serenity's probably brainwashing Endymion, too - that's why he likes her, it has to be. The Moon is prepping for total Earth takeover, my dudes, and we aren't just going to let that happen.

  5. Metallia finds her and easily corrupts her the rest of the way, prompting her magical girl~ transformation from mild-mannered brunette into flaming redhead with horns growing out of her shoulders. 
    +Everyone else saw the transformation as a way of GETTING SERIOUSLY READY TO STICK IT TO THE MAN >D Endymion saw the transformation and warning lights went off in his poor golden-crystal why-aren't-i-a-magical-girl heart.

  6. Endymion tries to talk to the Shitennou about it, but they were kinda on the fence about the Moon Kingdom stuff to start with, and what Beryl was saying was making sense, and if Serenity really were brainwashing him this would be exactly how he would act :c our poor bro is brainwashed and that's sad. Maybe if we actively try to help Beryl rather than just not un-helping Beryl, she'll find a way to break Serenity's hold on Endymion and everything will be awesome again!
    + Shitennou join with Beryl, who uses Metallia's mojo to just corrupt them a little bit more into seeing things in her favor mostly all of the time. 

  7. Endymion, finding no help with the Shitennou, somehow makes it up to the moon DURING A PARTY♥️ ((90's anime scene!)) to warn Serenity about Beryl and the uprisings and the general >C MOON IS BAD, WE HATE MOON Atmosphere on Earth that he can do literally nothing about because his friends think he's brainwashed and his people are past the "listening to reason" point. ((he leaves out the 'his friends think he's brainwashed' part though because that would suggest she did something wrong and NOBODY SUGGESTS SERENITY HAS DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN FRONT OF HIM)). He's chased off the moon because hello, Lunar surveillance technology calling, we see your moon turds, Earth Prince, and we are not amused. 

  8. He returns to Earth, Beryl finishes her INVADE THE MOON KINGDOM AND DESTROY IT plans, uses Metallia magic b.s. to destroy Lunar satellites and cripple their surveillance network, figures out how to get an army up there and all that jazz and Endymion makes it up to the moon just in time to warn everybody that the attack is impending!

  9. TO RISE AGAIN AU starts! Serenity and everybody make it away just as the fighting breaks out, etc. 

How's that? I know it doesn't super effect anything rn in storyling but ENDYMION IS INTROSPECTIVE ;n;
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime13th August 2018, 6:23 am

It's so detailed!!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime25th November 2018, 7:51 pm

Great prologue notes, Kyra! I think that all sounds good.

And Verdi!!! So sorry it took me so long to get back to this but THANK YOU so much for the outline!! Very helpful to keep perspective if that makes sense. I don't think I have any ideas to add particularly though... ^^;. I think it's tough because these characters are all in this awkward position of "we shouldn't be here and this shouldn't be happening" XD. I'm sure once we get to your second bullet, things will pick up a bit.
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[Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC)   [Relaxed] To Rise Again (OOC) - Page 5 I_icon_minitime

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