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 [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]

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[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 5:50 pm

Storyline Name: Whale You Be Mine
Creator(s): Sailor Saturn and Puns
Forum: Casual
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: Our heroes find their way upon a whale-watching tour - whether for relaxation reasons, out of coercion, or simply to pass time. However, the supposed relaxing activity is ruined when strange tremors upon the sea's surface begin to get stronger and stronger. Suddenly the boat lunges and everyone is able to see an enormous whale ramming into the boat, before disappearing again. The whale didn't look normal. A strange dark aura surrounded it, and its eyes were red. Another ram into the boat, and it springs a leak. It's up to our heroes to try and save the boat, while dealing with the whale-like monster!

However, the ship is filling with water, and the people stuck on the boat with them are frightened!
Details on any necessary information:Your setting is on a boat out at sea! Feel free to take the plot in any direction you wish, twisting and adding to it as you see fit, and you can decide if your characters have been working together up to this point, or have only just run into each other (or any other variation), but your main goal is ultimately to find a way to save the boat, and to deal with the monster! How you accomplish that goal is up to you guys! Have fun!! <3
Restrictions: Characters listed below only!
OOC Thread: Link!
Member to Character List:
Ari played by Brit-chan
Lord Frieza played by Kai
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 7:28 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

How did I get in this mess?

It had been the repeated mantra since this awful trip had began. Sure, it was exciting at first. What a perfect adventure for her--a druid, in touch with nature--to go and see whales! She had hoped a chance to even commune with one but all she ended up with was being a cabin mate to a weird, alien, terrifying, pompous tyrant and his servant. Of course, she was too spineless to say no. He looked like he could snap her like a twig, Sailor Soldier or not.

Ari stared out blankly at the sea as she stood next to Lord Frieza waiting for her next order. What else could possibly go wrong?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 8:09 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

This had to be Frieza's most boring birthday yet. He was actually kind of excited when Ginyu gave him tickets to some show - little did he know, that this so called 'show' would end up being a trip on a boat, on some far off cat planet, watching whales.

This had to be some kind of joke. How could Ginyu possible think that Frieza would enjoy such a thing? He would rather spend time with his family - and he believed that to be his least favorite activity.

The Tyrant stood at the window in his cabin, staring into the sea.

The worst part about this Trip is that I can't even see one whale, the Emporer thought to himself before looking to his left, where a girl, just a bit smaller than him stood. Well at least they were considerate enough to give me a servant.

He was just about to order another glass of wine, as the ship began shaking. Outside he could just barely see a giant whale, with an ominous dark aura, before it disappeared again.

As the ship began shaking again, people outside began screaming. Frieza on the other hand didn't seem impressed by the huge whale ramming the ship. He began smiling as he turned his attention to Ari.

"It seems like I did Ginyu wrong. Servant please bring me another glass of wine. After all this show does start to get entertaining."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 8:40 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

And something else did go wrong. She only caught a small glimpse of the creature that rammed into the ship as she squealed in surprise at the sudden shaking. She quickly covered her mouth, fearful of what her new overlord would say to her. However, he only looked amused as other tourists on the ship began screaming and chaos ensued.  When he asked for a glass of wine, she stared at him incredulously.

Something alerted her senses about whatever was ramming the ship. She felt a dark energy. This was not a whale, at least not a normal one.

"Sh-shouldn't we do something?" She managed out a question as she shakily poured him a glass of wine. She offered the glass, wine having spilled and dripping from her outstretched hand.

"People could be hurt, my lord." It felt awkward to call someone "lord", but this, Lord Friezam had insisted that she address him as such or face dire consequences.


Last edited by Brit-chan on 13th February 2017, 7:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime12th February 2017, 8:53 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

"Yes, yes you are right. We should not sit HERE and watch.", Frieza responded before making his way over to the door, completely ignoring the glass of wine Ari just handed him. He began to like his new Servant. Even though she almost spilled wine over him, she pointed out the most exciting part of this trip, so he could be generous enough to look over it.

"Let us watch how the people tremble in fear.", he stated before making his way to the deck.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 7:18 am

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

"We should not sit HERE and watch."

When Lord Frieza responded, she felt a little relieved and started to give him a small smile. Of course, she shouldn't judge a book by his cover. How rude of her! There was no way he could be as evil as he seemed. No one was that evil.

"Let us watch how the people tremble in fear."

Her jaw dropped as she stared at him walking out the door. Did he really just...? She still held the wine glass, hands trembling, partly from fear, partly from anger. She hesitated wondering if she should transform while she had the chance. Ari was really regretting telling Bas to stay behind. He would know what to do. She had strongly insisted she would be all right and needed the small day-cation, alone.

Ari eyeballed the wine and looked again at Lord Frieza's disappearing form. She quickly gulped it down and almost slammed the glass on the desk in their cabin. She reached under her shirt for her amulet. It was now or never.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 11:23 am

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

In his haste, the emperor had completely forgotten his wine. How could he possible watch people suffer without enjoying a glass of some good wine? He turned around and make his way back to the cabin, only to hear a "Bastet Goddess Power, Make-up! through the open door.

As he entered, he could see that his servant was doing some kind of transformation, and worst of all: The glass of wine was empty. The alien was quite surprised. He had never seen a race outside of his family which was able to transform.

He stood in the doorframe and watched the transformation play out, before he interrupted.

"Could you kindly explain to me, what you are doing? Why are you transforming and how dare you drink your master's wine? I was kind enough to not kill you for almost spilling it on me, but now this? Please, give me just ONE good reason not to kill you this instant."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 5:49 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Sailor Bastet finished her final transformation twirl, toes landing gracefully on the ground. She was going to bust out the window to help the people above when Lord Frieza returned, shouting at her.

"Oh spraybottles, he saw me!" Her mind raced as she panicked internally, keeping her straightest face on the outside (she hadn't quite gotten good at that yet).

"I-er...I was just.." She put on the toughest face she could muster (it wasn't much), "Clearly I wanted to show off to you my secret identity and protect you from any danger, my lord. The loss of wine is an unfortunate side effect from the heat of my transformation."

She could feel the sweat forming on her forehead. Ari was the worst liar she knew and she just lied to possibly the strongest person in the, possibly...the universe.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 6:17 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

This had to be the most unbelievable lie Frieza has ever heard. The most believable thing about it was the loss of wine. She was some sort of Heroine for sure and there was nothing the Alien Tyrant hated more than them.

For a moment he thought about raising his hand and firing a Ki Blast right in her face, but then he got a better idea. After all her attempt to save all these people could be entertaining to watch.

He put on a smile before responding: "Oh, is that so?" Staring deeply into Sailor Bastet eyes, enjoying to see the fear in them. "I will feel a lot safer while watching the show now. You are a good servant after all."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 6:50 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

The stare Frieza gave her made Ari want to shrink as small as she possibly could. There was no way he believed her. She knew she was a terribly liar but... what else could she do? Ari bowed and stuttered out a "Th-thank you, my lord."

She stood straight and walked stiffly towards the door.

"Shall I lead the way, my lord?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 7:06 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

Frieza made some room to let Bastet pass. He got a little bit excited. What began as an unbelievable boring trip, turned out to be quite entertaining. He couldn't wait to see this girl struggeling to save everyone aboard the ship and fight against that monster of a whale.

"I'd be a pleasure."

Even though this girl couldn't be any threat to his might, Frieza still didn't want to give her any stupid ideas. He wanted to be entertained and not forced to kill Bastet, because she tried backstabbing him, so her leading the way was the best idea.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 7:46 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

The ship shook again as she made her way to the main deck. She almost stumbled backwards into Frieza but thankfully managed to catch herself on the stairwell railing. What she saw was horrifying, people running frantically about, boarding into life rafts but some were fearful due to the monster in the water. The ship's crew did their best to calm and organize the panicked passengers but it seemed to be in vain. She tuned in with her ears to hear the shouts between the crew. The ship was apparently taking on water and sinking.

What could she do? She looked out to the sea to find the dark whale creature was circling the boat. There was no way the ship could take any more head on hits. She had to try to calm the creature. She turned back towards her master.

"Lord Frieza, please stay here. I'm going to talk to the creature."

She left Frieza's side, heading to the edge of the ship. Ari gripped the rail tightly to help control any fear she had. This is just what you wanted right? To be able to talk to the whales? Taking in a deep breath, Sailor Bastet closed her eyes concentrating on connecting with the whale before opening them, making eye contact with it.

"H-hello!" she continued very awkwardly, "I am...Sailor Bastet, Guardian of Bastet! I-uh-we're sorry if we have Please do not be afraid! I just want to be friends! So why don't we all just calm down!"

Bastet frowned. The whales eyes just glowed bright red and he began thrashing about in the ocean angrily, spraying water all over the deck, herself included. So much for that idea...
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime13th February 2017, 8:03 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

It didn't take long for Frieza and his Servant to reach the deck and what he saw was to his complete satisfaction: People were running around in complete panic.

"The best thing about this is that they can't even escape from this ship. Ahhh this reminds me a little bit of how I destroyed Planet Vegeta. Everyone was struggling to stay alive, but in the end everything was futile."

Despite all this chaos, Bastet made her way to the railing, telling Frieza to stay behind. Was she about to fight the whale? The alien sure couldn't miss out on that.

But as he made his way to the railing as well, the whale began thrashing. Water sprayed everywhere - including Frieza.

For a moment the soaking wet emperor stood there, realizing what just happened, before he let out a scream of anger.

This whale has done it. Frieza would make sure to get rid of that creature, that dared to spray water all over him.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 6:19 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Just as she was shaking off the water and to check on Lord Frieza, there he was next to her, screaming a horrifying scream in what seemed to be absolute anger. She backed away from him slowly, too scared to say anything. He seemed like he was going to just go right up and punch the whale in the face.

"Well he can have fun with that...I can use this opportunity to help the people..."

She snuck away and ran about the ship declaring that she was the guardian of Bastet and her partner was here to help save them. She hoped. She started to help the ship's crew with directing passengers into the life boats, all while trying to keep an eye on Lord Frieza, wondering just what he would do. Her curiosity piqued at finally getting to see the strength that she had felt from him since they first met.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 6:51 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

After Frieza was done screaming he threw himself right at the whale, throwing a barrage of Ki Blasts at it. As the fog slowly disappeared, he was able to see that his attacks had no effect at all, other than getting it's attention and enraging it even more.
How could this be? No creature should be able to withstand just one of those blast, yet the monster seemed unharmed.

But the whale was still too close to the ship for Frieza to really fight it, so the Tyrant decided to gain some distance from it. He took off and flew away from the ship, the angry whale directly at his tail. If it was his intention or not - he had stopped the animal from attacking the ship for now.

After there was enough space for him to attack, Frieza started to go into close combat, but every punch and kick he threw seemed to have no effect.

Luckily the whale himself was too big and slow to attack Frieza - or so he thought. As a counterattack the creature directed a beam of dark energy directly at the Alien. Surprised and unable to dodge, he was hit by it's full force, spiraling down into the ocean. Could this be the end of Lord Frieza?
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 7:22 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

When Lord Frieza jumped, no flew, off the ship after the well Sailor Bastet stopped what she was doing, completely entranced at the scene the unfolded. He shot energy blasts, one after another at the beast. She had never seen anything like it! It was amazing. Ari only wished she had that kind of power.

Unfortunately his energy blasts were not enough; to her dismay, the whale looked unscathed. Lord Frieza then flew away, driving the whale from the ship. He really WAS a good guy! Or at least an anti-hero of sorts. Rough around the edges? Eh...? The more she watched, the more she had no idea what to make of this guy. Was he doing this to save the people or just out of anger? Regardless, it was working out in her favor for now.

Ari ran to the end of the ship trying to keep an eye out on Frieza only to watch him take a dark energy blast head on from the whale.

"Lord Frieza!!"  

He might not have been the best person but he certainly didn't deserve to die! There must be something she could do. Throwing all past fear and cowardice to the wind, Sailor Bastet flung her self off the edge of the ship, transforming into a large saber beast in mid air. Her fur was dark purple, eyes shone bright yellow, and she was covered glowing markings.  As she transformed, she summoned her energy shield, using it to allow her to run across the water at full speed. This whale was going down.

She flung her whole body into the whale's side with all her might, biting into the flesh. How dare you hurt my friend! This however did nothing. The whale turned swiftly and knocked her back with it's tail. She could feel her shield weakening, but it withheld just enough to keep her on top the water.

With a large roar, she charged the beast again.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 7:37 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

While sinking down deeper and deeper into the ocean, Frieza slowly recovered from the hit he just took. Never before had someone or something brought him to his knees like that. He had transformed before just to threaten his victims even more - never had something forced him to transform. This creature would pay.

Frieza transformed into his second form, sending out a giant wave of energy, pushing the water around him away, creating a huge casm in the middle of the ocean. From this hole the now transformed Alien rose up into the sky, more willing than ever to kill that creature.

But there was already another creature fighting the whale. It was some sort of cat, unlike anything Frieza had seen before. This couldn't possibly be his servant?
Whoever it was, Frieza didn't need any help. After all he was the feared Lord Frieza. NOBODY could stand up to him.

He threw a Ki Blast in Bastet's direction, trying to seperate her from the whale, before engaging the creature once more.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 7:49 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Ari hadn't noticed the water thrashing about and a totally bigger and more muscular Frieza appearing above her. She had been so focused on attacking the whale, letting her instincts take over, she hadn't even noticed that the swirling ocean had force the boat to sink further.

A blast of energy hit her shield and it burst completely, throwing cat-Ari into the ocean. She glared up at where the blast came from and went to shout at the being up there, forgetting she couldn't speak in this forum. If only she had studied druid based telepathy better in school. She de-transformed, barely keeping herself afloat, sputtering out whatever.

"What is wrong with you!?" She yelled angrily--it dawning upon her that perhaps that was Lord Frieza, but she wasn't 100% positive considering she was trying to keep herself from drowning at this point, "I'm trying to help Lord Frieza!!"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 8:10 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

Frieza didn't even notice Ari transforming back into her human form, struggeling to not drown. He was fully focused on fighting the whale, but even in his second form Lord Frieza was no match for it.

Every punch, every kick had no effect. Frieza hated to admit it, but he had to transform into his Final Form to stand up to this creature. But just as he wanted to gain some distance, to not get hit while transforming, the whale released a giant shockwave of dark Energy.

The Tyrant still being close to the creature, had no chance to dodge. The shockwave knocked Frieza unconscious. Never had he been humiliated like this before.

But things became even worse, when the whale began inhaling, swallowing a huge amount of water in front of him, including the drifting Lord Frieza.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime14th February 2017, 8:41 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

He completely ignored her. What an absolute and complete ass. She took back any good thoughts she had about him. Ari choked and coughed up sea water. She wouldn't be able to hold herself up much longer. Frieza continued to attack the whale and it did nothing, getting knocked out again. In the mean time, Sailor Bastet had managed to re-summon her energy shield, allowing her to stay afloat above the water.

The whale began inhaling and sucking her in to its cavernous mouth. She could see Frieza being dragged in as well and made her way over to his body, pulling him inside the purple bubble like shield she had around herself. Reluctantly she clung to Frieza's body and clenched her eyes shut as they fell into the whale, hearing its mouth shut with a loud thud.


In the process of being swallowed, Ari had not only passed out but detransformed as well. She awoke to find herself in the strangest place she had ever seen. Somehow, even though her transformation has faded, her shield remained and provided a dim light source. She assumed the shield still standing due to any latent druid powers she had yet to fine tune. It only made her wish she had practiced and studied harder. Looking around the dimly lit area, it was hot, humid and sticky. It almost looked like a room and like it had its own atmosphere, considering they weren't just floating in stomach bile and burning away from the acid. Gooey round looking things floated around them. If they were some sort of internal parasites or bacteria or whatever, they currently ignored Ari and Frieza. Ari also noticed different exits to what seems like tunnels deeper into the whale.

The whole place reeked of evil energy and it made her shudder and feel cold, despite the warmth of the insides. To Ari, this place seemed like an impossible maze that they would be stuck in forever. It looked as if they had failed. Without them out there to stop it, the evil whale would then go and kill all the innocent people and goddess knows what other sorts of destruction and horror. She sat there, trying to not let panic set in, holding back tears and shooting half angry glares at the unconscious Frieza. Idiot.

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime15th February 2017, 11:16 am

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

Frieza slowly opened his eyes, just to see Ari's face.

"Where.. am I?" Was the only the the Emperor was able to bring out.

The emperor slowly tried to stand up, slowly regaining his memories of what happened.

"The whale... I was hit and then everything went dark. But where am I now?"

As he looked around, he could see that he was inside the whale, as well as what seemed to be some kind of orbs around him. But why was his servant here? Did she.. try to save him? How selfless of her, how... despicable. Frieza hated these heroic type people more than anything else, but he had other things to worry about right now.

"Dang it", he shouted out, slamming his tail violently on the ground. "You see, I'm not even using 1% of my full Power. If I had a chance to transform again, this whale would be gone."

But now was not the time to whine about what-if-scenarios.

"Come, Servant! We have to kill a whale", he commanded before making his way towards one of the tunnels.

But instead of the Servant directly behind him, some of the Gooey orbs followed him.

"Get lost", the annoyed Tyrant shouted, while fireing a Ki Blast at one of the orbs. It was destroyed with ease, releasing some dark looking mist, which quickly disappeared.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime15th February 2017, 6:45 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Ari barely acknowledged Frieza when he awoke. His questions went unanswered as the more he talked, the more she stewed in silent anger. She didn't even care that leaving her bubble probably wasn't a good idea and protected them from whatever evil lurked inside the whale, but whatever. The stupid prick could go get knocked unconscious again for all she cared.

"I'm not your servant," she grumbled as he continued to walk on. She made no effort to stand and hugged her knees tighter towards her chest.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 6:31 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

Frieza didn't care much about his Servant's whining. If she wanted to die here, that was her choice. The alien overlord was far more interested in what we had just witnessed: Dark Energy being released from the orbs. By simply adding one and one together, he knew that whatever gave the whale it's power - or even controlled it- might lurk inside these moisty halls.

"I am not making the same mistake twice..." he whispered to himself, before preparing himself for his final transformation.

The tyrant began released a huge amount of energy, whiping out all orbs around him, as well as hitting Ari's Shield. His outer shell began to crack and soon revealed his true form in all it's white glory.

It has been a while since he used his Final Form, and he was sure that whatever lay ahead was no match for it's absolute power.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 8:44 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

"What's with this guy and transformations."

She watched out of her peripheral vision as he transformed. She could feel his energy and it destroyed all the orbs that she could see. The energy he released even put pressure on her shield. Her ears picked up faint rumblings from below and above. Did the whale feel that? Perhaps they did have a chance...

She turned to look at him fully. Gone were the horns and the strange pink, reptilian looking areas of skin. He was sleek, almost all white and brimming with energy. She could feel how much more powerful he had become and it made her feel conflicted. She could feel his malice in this form, there was no doubt about it, but at the same time she had to admire his strength. There really were beings out there that powerful, as powerful as Frieza and this whale. In comparison, she was nothing. She couldn't even protect one cruise ship of innocents. Normally these thoughts would make her hide and cower in fear and shame, but this...she clenched her fist; it was just making her angry.

How does a pompous arrogant jerk like Frieza get all this power and then doesn't even use it for good! He could save millions and yet...who knows what he's done. She didn't want to think about it.

Ari stood up. He might be more powerful than her but she knew better than to give up. That is what Bas always told her. She was a Sailor Soldier after all.

"Bastet Goddess Power, Make-up!"

She transformed once again and once finish, concentrated, feeling once again for the whales energy.

"Frieza!" She purposefully left out the lord and didn't care how he'd react, "There are two strong areas of dark energy."

She pointed up and to her left, "That way and..." she pointed to her right, "in that direction. That might be the key to stopping this thing. Can you get us there?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime20th February 2017, 6:08 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

Frieza turned around as Sailor Bastet shouted his name. This girl really had a death wish. Not only didn't she adress her master as 'Lord Frieza', she even dared to command him around?

The Alien disappeared, just to show up in front of Ari in the blink of an eye. With ease he shattered her shield.

"You know that I could kill you without laying one finger at you right now?" He started to threaten her. "The only reason I don't do it, is because you are able to sense energy and are therefore still useful."

He lifted her up. "But who knows? Maybe I'll just blow up this Planet after I'm done with this whale." The Tyrant then flew off with her to the area with the dark energy on the right side.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime20th February 2017, 9:00 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Ari tried her hardest not to flinch when Frieza suddenly appeared before her. He had moved so fast she had been unable to follow him with her eyes. It was at that time she was thankful for her other senses. Her hearing picked up the sounds he made as he whooshed to her, but it wasn't enough for him to not startle her.

Her shield went down and she gulped, feeling beads of sweat form on her forehead as he began to threaten her. She kept her eyes steady. She couldn't let Frieza bully her around anymore. Though she knew he wasn't lying when he told her he could kill her. Ari clenched her fists to keep her hands from visibly shaking. Do not show him fear. You are a Sailor Soldier for Goddess's sake.

Then before she knew it, Frieza had picked her up with great ease. That startled her more than his threat and she left out a small "eep!" as he flew off.

"I-I would rather you not do that!"

It was then that it occurred to her that she had no idea what she would do after they defeated the whale. How would she defend her planet from Frieza?
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime21st February 2017, 5:27 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

"Oh what a shame, I thought you'd like if I blow up your Planet." Frieza started to taunt Sailor Bastet. "Maybe I'll have you watch. The fireworks will surely change your mind."

The Alien really liked this idea. Seeing a heroine break down after her Planet became nothingness would surely be an entertaining view.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at their first destination: a giant room, filled with even more orbs. At a wall in the distance, Frieza could make out a giant, purple glowing orb, hanging at a wall. Even without his Scouter he could tell that this one was a lot more powerful than the others.

Frieza put Bastet down before shooting a Ki Blast at the big orb, tearing a hole right through it. But unlike the other orbs, this one didn't explode into purple mist. Instead it fell to the floor, revealing it's legs with which the creature clung onto the wall.
The Tyrant was clearly surprised by this fast Victory. He didn't expect one of the sources to go down this quickly.

But the Victory was short-lived, as the creature began to regenerate. Not only that, all orbs around them flew onto the parasitic creature, fusing with it and forming an even bigger orb. Just a couple of seconds later, and Bastet and Frieza stand before an even bigger and stronger parasitic creature. The Tyrant had never seen anything like it before.

"What the heck is this thing?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime21st February 2017, 6:24 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

Ari pursed her lips and refused to comment until they arrived at the first energy cluster. She wasn't expecting the strength and dank thick air when they arrived, however. It overwhelmed her, making her feel nauseous.

As impatient as ever, Frieza attacked the largest orb in the room and of course, it didn't go as planned. The smaller orbs swirled around it and it grew larger and larger. Ari could feel the dark energy grow even stronger then before, making the air seem acid to her, constricting her throat.

"Don't you ever think before you shoot!" she coughed out, eyes stinging, "Whatever it is, it reeks of dark energy. Any ideas on defeating it?"

She was drawing a blank here. Sure, she could shapeshift and attack it head on but that didn't seem to be the right idea here. There wasn't any wildlife or plantlife for her to use to her advantage. Maybe she could poison it? It was had to think wrapped up in the air of this dark being.

"Bastet Energy Barrier." She whispered her shield back around her and Frieza. Immediately it blocked out the energy and she gasped, breathing in fresh air.

"I don't understand," she said in between breathes, "how you can breathe in here."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime21st February 2017, 6:47 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] M0YUDuE

"My race can survive without oxygen over a long period of time through the anatomy of our lungs.", he answered Bastet's question, before stepping out of her shield.

Even facing the giant parasite, Frieza was still smiling. "What makes you believe I didn't think before acting?"

He raised his hands above his head, forming a giant ball of Fire above them. The ball illuminated the room more and more as it grew bigger and bigger. After it reached the size of the parasitic creature, Frieza threw the ball directly at it. The fireball completly engulfed the creature, before the Tyrant fired a Single Ki Blast at his attack, causing it to explode.

Frieza could feel the ground shaking as the smoke slowly fainted, revealing that the creature was completely gone. He was sure that the whale felt that attack.

"See? Now I don't have to kill every Single orb", he said before turning around to Sailor Bastet again, slowly making his way to the exit behind them.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships]   [Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] I_icon_minitime21st February 2017, 8:03 pm

[Relaxed] Whale You Be Mine [Crackships] KeESSpr

She stared in disbelief as Frieza quickly disposed the creature with a fiery blast of energy. The entire room rumbled and she felt the dark energy dissipate.

"I-you-it-" she frowned a little not wanting to admit he was right before mumbling the rest out, "At least you didn't get us sucked into another evil creature's insides."

She stood crossing her arms and pouting slightly at being shown up again as he passed her towards the exit. Some guardian she was.
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