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 [HC Event] Conflagration

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 36
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 6:09 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration IBwC36x
Kyra found an image tonight hahahahahahahaaaa
Event Rules and Information:

Specifics for This Event:
[HC Event] Conflagration Page-break-12

  • Pay attention to the story - read every post so you don't miss anything. Major Plot Points will be delivered through me - I will announce, for example, when we find objects/people, and what things look like. I will arrange for the baddies to be fought, and I'll handle the combat system (everyone chooses their own attacks and everything, I just roll to see if those attacks hit, and see how effective those attacks are against the bad guys, and rolling a die to see how much damage they do. Needless to say: If your don't pay attention to the story, your character's reactions / ideas / etc. may be out of place, and will be treated as such by other characters. Read Carefully.

  • Post at least once every 48 hours - Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect.
  • Watch out for Random Events - if the majority of players are active in the Discord Channel I may spring Random Events on players; these will always be announced in the Discord conversation, where it will be open for questions/comments/concerns, and will always come with caveats for those who cannot actively post on the board within the time period allotted. Instructions need be followed, else consequences wordlessly accepted for not following the specific directions.

  • This is an Advanced Event! All posts outside battle are required to be 100 words or more!

And, finally, while bringing in side-storylines is okay, this roleplay's main story will end on February 4th, win, lose, or draw. I suggest keeping noses to the grindstone and keep moving forward to make it to the ending battle before it's too late!

[HC Event] Conflagration Page-break-12
Event Begins January 16th!
[HC Event] Conflagration BMDo0Rz

If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Discord OOC Chat (tag me if it's a question specifically for me (or discord direct message me) so it won't be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

Players and Characters:

  1. [HC Event] Conflagration AmarachiusAmarachius Sworn - Eternal Knight 
  2. [HC Event] Conflagration AegleSailor Aegle - Kyralih - Sailor Uranus
  3. [HC Event] Conflagration NyxSailor Nyx - Light
  4. [HC Event] Conflagration ChalybsSailor Chalybs - JupiterThunderCrash - Sailor Pluto
  5. [HC Event] Conflagration XtalSailor Xtal-Diamante - Aurae - Sailor Mercury
  6. [HC Event] Conflagration BastetSailor Bastet - Brit-chan
  7. [HC Event] Conflagration ValdisSailor Valdis - Verdandi - Sailor Saturn
  8. [HC Event] Conflagration 2JcGjw Sailor Venus - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune


  • [HC Event] Conflagration CelestalSailor Celestal - Addelyn Redirected after Cipriere
  • [HC Event] Conflagration Dc4695de-579f-11e6-b530-9d535ead7009Sailor Alshain - Anait Zelleire Died on Destore.
  • [HC Event] Conflagration CosimaSailor Cosima - Sailor Mars Died on Destore
  • [HC Event] Conflagration AldrinSailor Aldrin - Sailor CJ Died on Destore
  • [HC Event] Conflagration HemeraSailor Hemera - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune Died on Destore

[HC Event] Conflagration Page-break-12
Status Sheet
Weapon/Magic/Item Sheet
Activity/Post Tracker

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 17th May 2017, 12:51 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 36
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 6:09 pm

Quote :
A day passed in relative ease, though the weight on their hearts never seemed to lift, and Sailor Jin never returned their call, despite repeated, sporadic attempts. Feather Storm had returned closer to nightfall, a good amount of Skywarn with him, all in apparent need of rest. They were kept abreast of developments; the majority of the Boars that had been infected with the sentient, ink-like darkness had been slain, but what few escaped were being tracked down within their tunnels. Ebony Cascade lead the Bristle unit to that end, and would return on the morrow with news of the endeavor. 

A memorial was planned for those who fell fighting for Cawth and Destore, but as their scouts went far and wide across the land to subdue survivors on the side of their enemies and to inform those who may be allies of their success, they decided to have the services on the third day after the skirmish that freed their world from the oppressive pressure of Chaos. The Senshi were invited as honored guests, and so they remained. 

Without Jin to issue orders, or threaten death for disbandment, they were left without direction; some spoke aloud with each other, testing and pushing slightly to see how the other would feel; they could go home, some reasoned: Jin could just assume they were all dead. None would be the wiser but themselves, and even if they were discovered back on their home worlds, stating that they had not been given direction would be permission enough, right? They weren't deserters if there was no end goal or instruction set; others felt like they should try to continue on: more worlds like Cipriere and Destore were out there and needed them, could they really leave them like that?; or they could remain on Destore, awaiting instructions and helping rebuild what they could, keeping themselves out of danger but continuing to follow what had bet set out for them to do. For some, Jin's absence on the other end of their communicator was finally a breath of fresh air; for others... what was happening out there? While the darkness that had lurched into being after their defeat of the Great Worm had been handled without their involvement, that it appeared so suddenly was scary, and that they still felt that weight was nothing if not concerning... what was going on out there? Still, they agreed to stay together, and keep their official plans to themselves, until after the memorial service at least. 

The afternoon of the second day found them within the chambers granted to them by the Queen and Feather Storm, some working on projects they intended to share the following morning at the memorial; if they didn't do something for the senshi who had lost their lives within the battle, no one would. It was different here than on Cipriere - there they knew their senshi, they could celebrate her life and mourn her death, but here? The Skywarn knew little of Alshain, Cosima, Aldrin, or Hemera, and though it was obvious they were willing to learn of them and honor them for what they had done, they had very little to go off of. While the senshi team may not have had much either, they could provide what they could to honor their friends and their sacrifice.

But as the sun set, a brilliant light shone from the east, its glow rivaling that of the sun. The commotion this new star created was enough to draw the Senshi out of their chambers, and they gathered with Feather Storm on the primary platform of the city to watch it's approach. Scouts circling above relayed messages - it was indeed coming closer. It was taking shape. It was like them - a Senshi with white wings.

Stomachs flipped, some of them broke out in a nervous sweat, but there was nothing they could do now. Sailor Jin was coming - maybe her communicator had been broken and she was here to give her orders in person. Maybe she was going to accost them for losing people. Maybe she would commend them for not leaving. Maybe, just maybe, she was here to release them from duty, to tell them that everything was fine now and they could all go home...

but it wasn't Sailor Jin.

The Senshi that landed before them in a uniform quite unlike any they had seen before stood tall, her blue eyes fierce in her beautiful face, her long blonde hair whistling about her in the soft breeze, appearing for all the world as a goddess that could level mountains or raise seas if she so chose, who could bend the wills of men towards her every whim, and who looked at them now with a gaze both critical and curious, heartbroken and determined. As her knee-high white high-heeled boots hit the smooth stone before them, her white wings disappeared, fading away to leave behind only a small handful of tiny feathers that wafted from her on the breeze. She strode forward, her eyes glancing to the Senshi but heading towards Feather Storm and his Queen Mother, the crowns on their heads catching her attention. She nodded her head respectfully, her hand, gloved in white that ended in golden orange bands at her biceps, crossed her chest to cover her heart, halfway hiding the navy blue bow and the star-shaped brooch on her chest. When she spoke, she spoke with nothing less than absolute confidence, caring nothing for the wind that teased her tiered skirts and the long slender ribbons spouting from the soft golden bow at her back. "I am Eternal Sailor Venus, and I come with respects from Neo Queen Serenity of the Solar System. I wish you no harm; I would like to speak with your guests, and then I will be leaving," she stated, her words simple and easy to understand and agree to; they sounded well practiced. 

Wind Caller nodded graciously, "I am Wind Caller, ruler of Cawth, and I grant you safe passage here. Speak with them if they will have you, but be warned that we owe them a great debt, and will will defend them to our last breath if you wish them harmed."

The Golden Senshi nodded her head, and turned her gaze fully upon the rag-tag bunch of novices, their inexperience glaringly obvious in the face of her light. "I intercepted your signal; may I speak with you?" Nervous, but glad she did not physically appear related to Sailor Jin, they agreed, and separated themselves from the Skywarn, who kept a discrete distance and a shrewd eye on the proceedings lest they needed to step in. 

"Are you alright?" Sailor Venus started, her question straightforward and almost maddeningly open-ended, concerned appraisal in her gaze. "This planet feels freed of Chaos, but this sector is off balance - how are you feeling?"

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 16th January 2017, 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 6:19 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration ReEnAQI

Sailor Xtal-Diamante stared at the newcomer exactly the way she had once stared up at Sailor Jin. Another person asking questions she couldn't answer. This one had appeared in a blaze of light, glowing with golden energy. There were questions that echoed somewhere in Xtal-Diamante, but the cloud-haired moving stone seemed more stone than anything else at the moment, holding very still and staying completely silent. She had been quiet since their battle against the Great Worm, almost as though the maroon-clad soldier had forgotten how to vocalize.

Perhaps it had simply slipped her mind in all that had happened in those final moments and in the whirlwind of uncertainty that followed.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 7:26 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Q3oubOd
It was not the first time he had to say goodbye to more than one warrior at a time, but from his small 19 years of existence, never had he felt so bloody tired of it. Death was a natural part of life and as his planet's savior, he had a responsibility not to die when battling the monsters that dwelt below, but none of those monsters came close to the Chaos they faced on both planets. He worried for his home and though he might have accepted to continue if Sailor Jin would bother answer them, he wouldn't be against the others leaving. Those who wished to desert. Never had he thought he would think about a situation like this, but it was ridiculous and if any of them wanted to go home, he would defend them in front of Jin, fake their death if needed, he didn't care.

He tried to be there for Crysdal if she let him, tried to keep up with Chalybs, both girls those he was the closest to now that Elysande and Cosima were dead. He hovered near Ari as well, with whom he had connected though briefly on the battleground but with whom he had battled the tree. Xtal didn't seem to need the emotional help and Nyx...

Well, somehow, he thought he'd be the last thing she'd want to see close after the passing of her sister. It was something he could totally respect and he tiptoed his way around her so she wouldn't see too much of him - he couldn't help the fact she would hear him as he spoke of his opinion, but there was so much one could do to disappear.

He didn't know if not feeling as strong of a connection with anyone as Ari had with Hadley, Nyx with Hemera, Crysdal with Elysande then Chalybs was negative, but maybe the fact he hadn't broken down yet could help.

On his planet, you mourned your dead when the fight was over and though the birds wanted to honor their friends, Amarachius wouldn't mourn them yet. As he saw it, he probably wouldn't have time to mourn before dying himself, but whatever really.

He had changed, refusing to sport a blood soaken uniform, content for this wardrobe change. Not that it changed from his civilian clothes, but after washing the blood from his skin, he really didn't want any left on him. At least it had been his own.

He let the others handle the birds in conversation. He respected them as warriors and would gladly admit owing them his life as they helped so much with the worms, but he didn't feel comfortable speaking with them more than the necessary politeness. He hoped they wouldn't take affront of it, but he felt still a bit... yeah...

When a new Sailor Senshi made her way to them, he first thought it was Jin and regretted not insisting for those wishing to leave before Jin returned, but it wasn't her and he relaxed, if just a little.

"As good as any soldier and non-soldier would after losing friends horribly on the battlefield." He answered, past the point of sugarcoating, though his tone remained polite and his features friendly.
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 7:45 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration KeESSpr

If there was someone that could rival the legendary beauty of the Goddess Bastet, it was this new Sailor Soldier calling herself Sailor Venus. Ari could only stare mouth slightly agape at the blonde haired woman. There was no one on Bastet that had quite the physical features she had. Blonde hair and blue eyes with her light flawless skin?  If it hadn't been for the way Sailor Venus had addressed the group, she would have felt the need to bow in her presence.

There was a stark difference between Sailor Venus and Sailor Jin and the way she talked to the group. Sailor Venus and Sailor Jin seemed to be on the same level of power--at least that's what Ari had to assume, having no idea how it all truly worked-- yet Sailor Venus asked about their well-being instead of barking orders at them. It took her by surprise and she found herself having a hard time coming up with a reply.

As what had become the norm for her, Ari stood next to Hadley, the familiar comfort of their friendship one of the few things keeping her going at this point, though they had not spoken much over the past day, she had made sure to be there to comfort her and the others in any way she could.

It was Gabriel who spoke first and he was as straightforward as the new Sailor Soldier. It had to be said... she thought to herself, knowing she wouldn't have been able to get it out herself. Ari swallowed, attempting to rid moisten her dry mouth so she could speak as well.

"I...We..." the words came out in a soft whisper both from her shyness and mental exhaustion, "We're living."

If you could call being billions of miles away from your home, against your will, to fight a war you had no idea was going on much less even know other planets even existed living.

The last word came out bluntly, much like Gabriel had been because if she had continued she would have had to fight back more tears.  It was the truth and it was hard for her to elaborate any further. She was tired, having slept little, spending the night quietly crying to herself and reliving the previous days events over and over in her mind. She wondered how Cosima would have responded or sweet always positive Hemera, who had saved her life, a debt she would never be able to repay. Then there was Aldrin, always awkward, so very alien, yet so full of emotion. And lastly Elysande, her death burned into her mind. She had had constant nightmares that first night they spent in Cawth, watching Elysande die over and over, then her own death and the Hermit forcing potions down everyone's throats.

Ari had questions, so many questions, but her curiosity was dulled with the pain of loss, loss that she had never experienced in such a way in her entire life. Hopefully, they would find a way out and her interest in discovery would spark again.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 9:07 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Sailor10

Seven left. There were seven of their small, inexperienced group left alive. SAM had been to funerals before, and they were quiet, controlled affairs that gave a moment of honor to the passed ones. These deaths hurt. They left so many what ifs in her head, and allowed them to stew. There was no separating herself from the loss by lack of knowing them personally. She desperately wanted to turn on the chemical re-balancing again just to fend it off, but...but that wouldn't be right.

No one else had the choice to silence the pain, it wasn't fair to them. This was as close as she could get to understanding them, and she couldn't just shut down for the second time. She didn't eat much, and kept to herself as much as possible without straying too far from the rest of their group. Going home was a possible option, now that Sailor Jin was not answering their calls, but... could she just run away after all that she'd seen and done here and on their first mission?

She had to do better than this, somehow. All the ones who had died needed to be validated. That effort had to be worth something in the end, or it was a waste.

Two days later, a new senshi arrived, giving off the same strange power that Sailor Jin held. Was this their replacement, here to hand out another task? SAM didn't have the energy to fear it anymore, but this one did have a different air to her. And the first question she asked made her much more sympathetic than Jin had ever been to them. But that didn't change the past.

"What is our next assignment?" she asked, deciding not to answer Sailor Venus at all. Her voice sounded odd from the lack of speaking she'd done after calling a retreat. Amarachius and Bastet had explained it well enough.
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:22 am

[HC Event] Conflagration G3U2Qqy

The days passed in a haze. Nyx couldn't help but replay that dreadful scene in her mind. Considering what went wrong, what should have been different.

In the end, the truth could not be sugar-coated. She was the reason that her sister was dead. She was the one shielded from the worm's attack. And she was the one that pushed her sister to the edge, leaving both of them in critical condition, and for what?

To save them?

Her sister was fine, and so was she. They could have probably continued the fight without resorting to their ultimate attack. Maybe one or two of the paralyzed senshi would have died in the meantime, but they could have done it.

Was this worth it? Them over her sister?

Aegle, whose recklessness seemed to rival that of her sister's. Gabriel, conceited and always so sure of his strength. Valdis, who can barely control her own powers. Bastet, the impulsive overly-sensitive child. Xtal, who doesn't even remember what communication is. Sam, staying hidden in that armor of hers and away from the world.

What a team.

But she had to stick with them for now. If Chaos is behind all this -- the reason her sister is gone -- then she would fight it. And admittedly, she would not go far by herself. No, she'd go on. She'd mess with Chaos' plans for as long as she could, and then she would fly with her sister once again.

As the days passed, a new senshi arrived, her blonde hair almost achingly familiar. Eternal Sailor Venus, she introduced herself. How pompous.

So she came here in Jin's place, and proceeded to inquire about their well-being. Nyx supposed it was indeed better etiquette to pretend to care about your pawns before you assign them orders. At least for those who did not see it for what it was -- pure hypocrisy. Should she also pretend to care how Venus' day had been, maybe?

At least Sam went straight to the point. Nyx just stood there quietly, waiting for the response.
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 11:20 am

[HC Event] Conflagration Q4typJ6

In the day that passed, Hadley kept to herself. It was what she would have done, if she were back home. But at least there, she could hide herself away in her plants, in the warm presence of living things. She'd be able to reach out and touch soft petals, to sink her toes into rich damp soil.

But here, in this despicably hateful place, with its scratchy sands and harsh dry climate... how could anyone feel okay in a place like this?

She had come to grips with herself, at the very least. She knew her initial rejection of contacting Sailor Jin, of continuing forward with their severely reduced group, had been a thing of the moment. To continue meant more chances for people to die, to lose even more people she considered friends and allies. These other senshi, they were the only friends she'd ever made in her life, and to lose them hurt more than she ever thought possible.

She shivered at the very idea of ever losing the ones she felt even closer to.

But she knew her duty. She knew that, as a senshi, this was what she had to do. Being a senshi meant that her powers had to help and to protect. She couldn't just throw that away - she wasn't the only one suffering. Nyx and Crysdal... they had been incredibly close to Hemera and to Alshain. They were the ones truly suffering, and they did not seem ready to throw away their duty.

Hadley admired them, and wished she could be as strong as them. She would have to try harder. After all, what else could she do?

The woman who arrived, Eternal Sailor Venus, she seemed more friendly than Sailor Jin had been - but it was difficult to truly appreciate it. Not now. She didn't know what to say in response to the question, and especially not after the topic was turned to the straight forward facts and questions. Talking about feelings and regrets didn't really have a place at the moment.

Hadley remained quiet, sitting a bit apart from the others, and awaited answers. She didn't know how much she'd actually be able to help with whatever came next - more a liability than anything at this point - but she'd be there to try, at least. She owed her fallen comrades that much.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 4:56 pm

Sailor Venus wrote:
Her eyes softened with Gabriel's admission and she bobbed her head shallowly in recognition that she heard and understood him; her gaze shifted to Ari, seeming to immediately take note of the relationship between her and Hadley but saying nothing aloud of it. She accepted her response, but there was something in her expression that hinted that she was hoping for something more, and yet at the same time expecting what she had received in the answers offered her. Chalyb's question caused a shift in her demeanor, her delicate blonde brows furrowing in the slightest way as she quickly interpreted the question and looked down for a brief second, making a decision. 

"You have no further assignments," she replied with a brief smile, "You've done well, and your future is your own to decide. I'm sorry for your loss." She nodded, apparently readying herself to leave.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 5:51 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
The days were long and felt heavy; the discomfort and unease within her never dissipating. In the end they had freed Destore, but it would never be something Crysdal would consider a "win." Especially not for herself. Gabriel's words the night before the final battle had helped ease her guilt over Elysande, but it was her plan that brought about Cosima's and Aldrin's death, and it had been her responsibility to monitor battles and keep everyone safe, and she hadn't done that, either. Preoccupied with keeping watch over Gabriel for his recent recuperation, over Hadley and Ari because, despite what they had proven in battle, she still felt responsible for them for their small sizes; she had been paying attention to Hemera, to whom she felt indebted for catching her and then toting her around while she couldn't fly, and for all that close-range fighting Hemera liked to do. Nyx and Sam tended to prefer long range - she didn't have to worry about them, but even still, she had neglected Cosima, who had always seemed so experienced, and Aldrin, who... whom she didn't like. She tried not to think about her feelings towards Aldrin, and the role she might have directly had in her death, because it made her feel sick and ashamed, more shallow and unworthy of respect than anyone. She had failed. She had failed a lot, and that she hadn't been able to save Hemera or help her twin through the loss sat heavily with her, too. She had wanted to get to know Hemera better; she had wanted to pay her back for saving her, and she could neither do that nor find the courage to reach out to Nyx in any solid way. 

The intervening days had been long and emotionally taxing, and with the memorial service planned and the communicator silent, she had been preparing for it the way they would prepare a funeral back home. On Cipriere it had been different for her - she didn't know the deceased senshi, and, honestly, with Aldrin's odd form of song doubtlessly in play she wouldn't have preformed anyway, but Elysande deserved -- she wanted to - needed to sing her to peace in the Ianuarian way. After that, who knew? She felt like she needed to keep going, to keep helping people get out of the situations Chaos had put them into, but without knowing where to go... space was too big to go wandering off into. She could stay on Destore, but if she wasn't needed... shouldn't she just go home? She wouldn't blame the others for leaving, but she would probably stay as long as she felt welcome.

The sighting and arrival of the foreign senshi piqued her curiosity, the change of pace and scenery helping to clear her mind and senses, but what she felt the most in that initial introduction from the mysterious visitor was an unshakable bond with the Skywarn. The Queen's vow endeared her to them in a way she knew she would never outgrow. As the golden senshi neared she stood straighter, wondering what she would say, almost hoping for a new direction...

But what she got was the opposite. No further assignments?

She tilted her head slightly to the side, the long half of her hair brushing her repaired white half-robe, "But the war isn't over, is it?" she asked skeptically. "You said this sector was off balance - we felt something terrible, and that feeling hasn't abated - what do you mean we have no further assignments?"
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 5:59 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Q3oubOd
He frowned at Venus' answer, wishing his sword was out so he could see whether or not the senshi was on their side. Did bad senshi exist? He thought meeting a traitor in Aldrin, but then again, she had died fighting with them, hadn't she? If he had thought of her differently, would he have paid more attention to her? He hovered mostly around their only healer - Xtal seemingly able to sustend more than most of them - and the youngest of them and perhaps had it been a mistake.

The loss of Cosima felt heavier even, for her strength was great. And if they were to continue, they would have needed it.

His fingers twitched and his body tensed.

"We were conscripted because the situation was so dire they had to resort forcing inexperienced soldiers to fight." He reminded her, certain he didn't need to draw a picture to be understood. "What do you mean by no more assignments? And what happened to Sailor Jin?"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 6:09 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration KeESSpr

Ari blinked in surprise. Did she just hear that correctly? No more assignments? But didn't she just...She furrowed her eyebrows when Aegle finally spoke up questioning Venus. Something felt wrong about this. There was no word from Sailor Jin and this other senshi from god knows where shows up. She crossed her arms, something slowly causing her mind to tick and move forward from the daze she had been the past few days.

She felt a little nudge from behind her ear. She jumped, slightly startled at Bas suddenly movement. He knew something didn't seem right either. Sailor Venus said it her self Destore felt free of Chaos.

And then there was anger. So much anger from everything they had been through. No explanations. No help. Just thrown out into the unknown and this was it? They could just leave? But how? Ari's hands clenched into fists and she dropped her arms to her side, shaking uncontrollably. After their friends' deaths they were expected to just leave?

"And how do you expect us to even get back home!?" The words flew out of her mouth full of anger and frustration. "We were all just tossed out to the wolves! I didn't even know there was life beyond Bastet! I don't even know where my home IS from here! How would I even get back? I'd be lost in space forever!"

Ari found her self pacing, arms gesturing elaborately as she rambled on, "Some of us were brought against our own will, by force and violence. I only agreed because I trust Bas but I don't think he even realized the scope of this. This can't possibly be it. What is going on and why hasn't Sailor Jin contacted us?"

She stood panting when she finally stopped, tail sticking straight out, fluffed up with a fire in her eye. She wanted answers and wanted them now.

Last edited by Brit-chan on 17th January 2017, 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 6:11 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Sailor10

No... further assignments? But... SAM didn't respond, both stunned and left at an impasse. Sailor Jin had dragged her off her planet to fight for a Queen they barely paid attention to, but now it was over? It didn't add up. Sailor Aegle and Amarachius voiced their doubts better than she did. And Bastet's sudden outburst made her worry even more as she thought about just how far away she really was from anywhere familiar.

"Did...something happen while we were here?" She didn't understand much of this balance that the Old Crone had talked about, but the power they felt after destroying the Great Worm was a sign of something. It didn't feel like when they had killed and freed the giant tree. If something really was wrong, then... didn't she have an obligation to go back home? It didn't feel right to be far from it if it was in danger. She wasn't used to having this Sailor Crystal thing, but SAM was capable of sensing it when she concentrated long enough, even if she mostly used her suit to access its power. Would she even have been alerted if Chalybs was harmed?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 6:44 pm

Sailor Venus wrote:
She withstood the sudden onrush of questions and accusations, taking in information and waiting until the last voice had quieted before she made any response. When she replied, her gaze was strong and even and openly honest. "What I mean is that I won't force you to go anywhere or do anything that you don't want to do. That you were conscripted is regrettable, but consider that conscription over - whatever was said to make you comply is hereby null and void, and you are free to act as you would." She paused.

"Queen Zhi is dead," she stated, the words heavy on the air, "We believe Sailor Jin and the rest of her court died trying to protect her. That feeling must be your crystals responding to her lack of support in pushing back Chaos; this part of the Galaxy is now even more dangerous, our enemies more powerful without Zhi's light, so be careful, wherever you go. Their darkness is drawn to you like shadows to a flame.

She looked to Bastet; despite the clear signs of frustration and aggression before, Venus seemed to recognize something in her and softened for it, the slight change in her expression something akin to nostalgia. "And all you need to do to get home is listen to your heart. It'll guide you back to where you belong.

"I need to go," she stated, taking a step back to gain clearance. 
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 6:52 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Q3oubOd
His wings shuddered, then drooped, something like a slouch sneaking into his shoulders as he took the news of the Queen's death. He closed his eyes, the face of his mother smiling worriedly at his depart floating in his mind.

"My planet is in this system. Even if I go back, if it's as dangerous as you say, they're not safe. I don't want to go back. If I can help even barely, it will be better than to wait home and watch as my citizens die one after the other."

That thought might have left his lips a bit too early and without his consent, but here he was.

"Is there something to do, somewhere I can be of use? Even if it's hopeless. Maybe buying time for others will be enough."

He talked only of himself, as to not take a decision for the others.
They'd died either way, right?
Gosh they were too young to be that tired.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 7:02 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration KeESSpr

Hidden in Ari's hair, Bas gave a small gasp at the announcement of Queen Zhi's death. He knew this wasn't good and feeling his shock subdued her sudden anger, tail drooping low and curling around her leg.  If she went home, how would she be able to protect her people? As a group, they had barely been able to protect two planets. Ari glanced around at everyone, eyes landing on Gabriel as he spoke. For some reason, she resonated with his words. It didn't seem right to go back home and it didn't seem very wise either.

It would be better if we stuck together.

Ari focused on Hadley as the thought came to mind. At one point she had been adamant about them staying together. Hadn't the old Crone mentioned that as well? Destore may have felt like a failure to them but what good would it be if they all separated on their own only to die as well?

"I don't want to go back either..." she spoke softly, "We should stick together."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 7:26 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Q4typJ6

The statement from Venus left her stunned. For a moment, Hadley wasn't even sure she had heard correctly. They could go home? No more assignments? That was it?

She thought she'd be relieved to hear these words. Home. Grandmother. Her garden. How she longed to see them again. But it felt wrong, somehow.

The outburst from Ari brought Hadley out of her own thoughts, startled at her friend's words. Though she understood them and the words rang true and strong. She wanted to try and comfort the other girl, but remained where she was instead.

But this couldn't be it. How could this be the end? Had they failed to help in any way at all? After everything that had happened, after everything that had been could it have all been for nothing?

Sailor Jin. Queen Zhi. They were dead too. Surely that meant that fighting was more important than ever before!

Gabriel spoke, and then Ari too. Ari reminded her of that mantra she had forgotten in all of this mess. Only together do you stand a chance. Together? Would that still be true now that so many of them were gone? Would the Crone be disappointed in them? Tears stung at her eyes, but she blinked them away.

"There... there has to be something we can do." The words startled her. She didn't want to speak with anyone right now, but they came out without her bidding and now they were out in the open. She thought again of home and of her grandmother. They must be in danger too.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 7:37 pm

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Ari's obvious distress made her want to reach out but she was too far away from the smaller girl to lend a steadying hand; she stayed put so as not to be a distraction, hoping Hadley would be that support for her, and paid attention to what Sailor Venus had to say, the questions voiced by Gabriel and Sam too big to go unanswered and too important for her to miss. Their conscription was over... if Aldrin were here, would she have taken off right then and there? 

The reason behind their sudden freedom quieted her background thoughts, lessons from more than half a year ago and Sailor Jin's mention of the late Queen resurfacing in her mind. Zhi was dead. ... Jin had said Zhi was risking herself to keep their planets safe, and still Chaos had gotten through; with Zhi gone... it was only going to get worse, wasn't it? That Sailor Jin had died trying to protect Zhi suddenly made the orange-hued senshi with such fierce eyes more sympathetic; had she... like Hemera...? 

Venus's next words made a knot form in her stomach: 'Their darkness is drawn to you like shadows to a flame.' It wasn't the first time she had heard something like that, only now, seeing what she had seen without the safety and security of a well-experience team of senshi at her back, the words were like stones in her gut, causing a slight panic to flutter through like butterflies. They weren't safe. As senshi they were never really safe, but now Chaos was apparently stronger and sought them out just the same. That would make splitting up more dangerous to themselves and their people, wouldn't it? But wouldn't sticking together just attract more Chaos? Was there even a way now to keep the others out of danger, or were they doomed to continue fighting? She was still mulling it over when Sailor Venus spoke of how to get home and of then of leaving. 

Where was she going? ... did she need help? 

Gabriel's dark reflection on the situation should he go back home caused her to reach out, leaving her question alone to place her hand on his forearm familiarly, hoping the contact would provide some feeling of support. It was a dark situation and the future he spoke of was potentially true, but saying it aloud, with Ari already visibly upset? ... she agreed with his conclusion - that they keep going and fighting - but believed there could have been a better way to voice that.

... Apparently, however, she shouldn't've have worried overmuch about Ari. After Gabriel's words, rather than reacting emotionally or turning inwards on herself, Ari, too, said she wanted to keep going - and Hadley

She fixed her gaze on Venus, waiting for her response.

Sailor Venus wrote:
Venus hesitated, her skyward eyes facing back to them, "I don't know where to send you," she replied honestly, "This sector isn't familiar to me - "

"What about you, where are you going?" Crysdal asked, "Maybe we can help you."

She held her breath; someone with 'Eternal' in their name didn't show up for just anything.

Sailor Venus wrote:
Venus paused, first just as tense as she was in her hesitation, and then relaxed just the slightest to answer. "Zhi's Tapestry Crystal has been lost, but there is no indication that a Chaotic Agent has found or is using it; I'm going to travel to Zhi's planet and recover it before that can happen."

"And you're going alone?" Crysdal prodded, almost afraid to ask. She was heading directly into Chaos territory, right into the beings that had killed Jin; facing those made her stomach churn, but the idea of someone facing all that alone pulled at her to do whatever she could to not let that happen. Venus's silence was enough of an answer to her query.

"I'm not much," she said, forcing a smile, "But I can heal, and I'll come with you."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 8:26 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration ReEnAQI

The female form in the velveteen uniform did not add her voice to the statements and questions that followed. She couldn't share in the sentiments of her previous teammates. Learning of Queen Zhi's death and the loss of the Tapestry Crystal meant virtually nothing to her. She didn't know of the queen other than the brief mentions from Sailor Jin. She couldn't yet comprehend the importance of the protection from the Tapestry Crystal. Even the offer of freedom held little appeal. It wasn't that Sailor Xtal-Diamante did not want to return to the warm oil rivers and dusty red rocks of her home world, where she would toil from dawn until dusk based on the call of the planet itself. It was only that such a thing offered no greater appeal than anything else that she would do. Her sense of longing for home did not pull strongly. It mattered little to her, at this point.

And then the blonde was volunteering herself, mentioning her status as a healer as a reason that she should accompany this Sailor Venus in a mission to find the missing crystal. Xtal-Diamante looked at Sailor Aegle, and then at Sailor Venus, and then back at Sailor Aegle. The young woman was a healer, but she was made of that soft stuff so easily damaged—and the previously-unknown blonde sailor soldier looked to be the same.

Perhaps she, of more durable material, could be of use.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:06 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Sailor10

Queen Zhi, along with Sailor Jin and whoever else she had by her side, were killed. As Venus continued to explain what had gone wrong, SAM got less and less confident in their chances of surviving this. There was no mysterious royalty to protect them from Chaos now, and every second they all stood here, the more darkness gathered to kill them as well. They were targets. As so were the planets they left behind, and every other planet she knew and didn't know of. 

They had already lost, and it was only a matter of time until it caught up with them. Her breathing quickened as she thought about the people at home, oblivious to their lack of protection. SAI-BB3-NE005 would be sent out to fight with the rest of the army whenever Chaos found them, and just thinking about her dying like so many already did here and on Cipirie made her want to be sick. And REY-RG4-NE010, her squad mate from before she first left to scout the stars, he couldn't even remember to clean out his air filter without her reminding him sometimes. How could he stand against an invasion? And her parents, they didn't know how to fight at all. They weren't designed for it.

They'd all suffer, and she couldn't do anything to help. Why was she given this duty anyway? She clearly wasn't good at it. Sailor Chalybs should have been stronger than this. SAI would have been braver...

And yet... no one had gone home. SAM was ready to just find a hole to hide in and cower, but the rest of their torn apart group were willing to fight even more. How? Eternal Sailor Venus seemed strong, but how could she ever hope to find that crystal when Chaos had already destroyed countless powerful people in its way? Even with Aegle assisting her, the odds were impossible.

"Chances of survival, slim as they are at this present time, are marginally higher as a group than spread out and alone." Ferrum spoke up so suddenly that it startled her, but for once, it sounded somber and quiet. "One mathematically cannot succeed at all if one does not make an attempt."

The A.I. was right, and SAM knew it. She was useless against the worm, but she would be even more useless if she abandoned everyone now. SAM took a step forward, closer to Venus, eyes still looking at the ground behind her helmet.

"..I can't do much, but... please let me try to help you." Even if she served as nothing but a distraction for Chaos, it would be useful. No one would get past her to them. Maybe her visor could find this Tapestry Crystal faster? "You shouldn't go alone, Crysdal."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:16 pm

Crysdal's hand on his arm was enough to remind him that even if he was right, it didn't mean anyone had to hear his thoughts. He understood her worry, even if Ari didn't exactly react the way they thought she would. Perhaps was it because of all the adventures they had already lived, or if it was because the young girl understood. Understood that even if they went home, it wouldn't change anything.

He hoped she also realized that wanting to help meant she would probably die.
But Crysdal was right and he didn't say anything to deter the feline's determination.

He listened to Venus and Crysdal's interaction and when she suggested to come with the Eternal Sailor, it was Gabriel who this time brushed her wrist with his fingers. He'd come with her. That was all it meant.

He was pleased to hear Chalybs refusing for Crysdal to go alone and though he didn't move or looked at anything else than Venus, he was grateful.

Ironic that they would all jump to their death to avenge or at least finish what a Senshi who had been nothing but aggressive toward them had started. Why not? It was that or going back home, watching Chaos devour the galaxy around them and Gabriel seeing his family and friends fighting and losing against it.

It was selfish. At least just a bit. If he died miles, light years away from home, he wouldn't suffer their deaths.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 11:03 am

[HC Event] Conflagration G3U2Qqy

They were free to go? Did she really come all the way here from whatever sector she was from, just to tell them they could go home? That seemed so pointless. Certainly they would have got the point if there had been no communication for a little longer.

The others were initially confused, and then Venus proceeded to explain the situation. So Zhi and her court were dead. How stupid. Their only concern was to send more victims to random planets when they could not even hold the ground on their own.

Well, that did not matter. If Nyx would continue the fight, it was definitely not for that Zhi person.

But surprisingly, no one wanted to leave. Nyx had her reasons, and she supposed the same could be said for Aegle. But what about the rest? Well, the way Venus described the situation, it was unlikely they could return to peace either way.

"If Chaos wants that crystal, then I'm in," she stated.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 10:57 am

[HC Event] Conflagration KeESSpr

Somehow hearing everyone offer to help gave Ari a small glimmer of hope. If they went home, wouldn't also their friends' deaths be in vain if they were to just die as well? She glanced at Crysdal briefly then Nyx, lingering on her as she spoke. It would not be right to let Elysande and Hemera's death be in vain. And SAM was right. Crysdal shouldn't have to go alone. None of them should, including Venus.

The more she pondered on it, the more reasons she came up with for facing most likely certain death. Those reasons strengthened her resolve for helping in the fight. She gave a slight nod, following up Nyx.

"Me too."

In the back of her mind, she wondered if this strength to continue in the face of despair was why she had been chosen to be a Sailor Soldier in the first place, why any of them had been chosen? She had never really thought about it, always having accepted it as a decree from the gods. Was this how it was for the others? For Hadley? Continuing on not only felt like the right thing to do but there was something else deep within her soul that drove her to make these decisions, even her impulsive battle driven ones. It appeared that moving forward was the only way she would understand everything.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 12:18 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Q4typJ6

Hearing the others begin to choose whether they would join Venus and Crysdal, it made Hadley admire them all even more. They were always so strong. So sure. Was she as certain this was the path she wanted to take?

She didn't want more people to die. Alshain, Aldrin, Cosima, Hemera. They had died fighting for this, and now it seemed that the small remainder of their group was all that was left to continue. There were no big armies or a powerful Queen and her revered senshi to fight back. It was just them. Crysdal. Amara. SAM. Xtal-Diamante. Nyx. Ari. And herself.

A part of her balked at the idea. Go home, it said to her, pleading and sad. The same part clung to the deaths and the destructions and could not move past them. Before you sit and watch even more people die, just go home. Grandmother is waiting for you.

But she also knew that, if Chaos was not defeated, death loomed over everyone and everything. She couldn't let that happen. Not if she could help, even just a little bit, to stop it. She wasn't strong - she messed up her magic or missed her attacks more than she landed them. Just a scared little girl, who couldn't even deal with being away from living plants for more than a few hours.

Whether she had joined in voluntarily or not, this was her fight now. She had seen the ways Chaos corrupted everything it touched. The way it ruined lives. Whole planets, full of people and life, left to rot in its dark power. She did not want that to happen to her grandmother, her mother, nor to Valdis and all of the people who lived there. Not anyone. Innocent people were counting on them to fight back. The weight of that realization made her tremble - and her own failings were being listed once more in her mind. But she pushed them back.

She had come to a decision.

If she could help stop just a tiny part of Chaos, to aid her wonderful and strong friends in defeating Chaos in whatever small way she could, wasn't that worth it? She had to try.

"I-I'll come too," Hadley spoke up, and tried to pretend she hadn't stumbled over the words or that her heart's racing was erratic and painful. "I'll do my b-best."

I'm sorry I can't come see you just yet, Grandmother. I still have things I need to do.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 4:07 pm

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She had done it. She'd volunteered, and while she was sure it was the right thing to do, dread and trepidation started grew outward from the pit of her stomach, cooling her innards to --- but then Sam spoke, and the feeling was pushed back, surrounded and eliminated by warmth. She smiled at her helmeted companion, glad she was coming with her. A gentle touch at her wrist drew her attention back to Gabriel, and her smiled widened, understanding what his touch meant. Three of them, then, she, Sam, and Gabriel, would go together with the stranger Venus, and even though she knew it probably meant they weren't coming back, it felt good to know that at least she'd be with friends. 

And Nyx? ... the way Nyx phrased her statement, Aegle felt like she finally understood the other a little better; to her, it sounded like Nyx was more in it to disrupt chaos more than to help out, but in its own way, it made sense. She was glad to have Nyx with them. And Ari. But Hadley... the manner of her volunteering made Crysdal want to hug her and tell her she didn't have to come with them, but at this point anything said could be taken as not believing in her, and what she would be faced with if she didn't come may end being more painful than if she did, maybe even in more ways than one. She didn't want that for Hadley, either. Together, then. 

Despite being released from their duties in this war, they were continuing on to face dangers even worse than they had faced, and they would do it together. 

Sailor Venus wrote:
One by one, the young senshi team stepped forward, offering their services in one form or another, and Venus smiled softly in gratitude. "Thank you; I could use your help. It won't be easy, but if we are successful then there's hope we could restore balance to this sector and drive Chaos back." She looked skyward, then back to her new team, "It'd be best if we leave as quickly as possible; Chaos will be looking for the Crystal and we've got to find it first. Do you need anything more from this place?"

DM wrote:
In a few short minutes they were ready to go, a few of their number thinking of small items that could prove useful for the trip. 
--Xtal-Diamante has gained a Sling Shot and a small pouch of stones.
--Valdis has gained a small bag of seeds.

Once regathered and their farewells made to their Skywarn allies, the Senshi summoned their wings and took off, heading into space. 

The part of Sailor Venus will be played by Bubbles (Sailor Neptune).

[HC Event] Conflagration 2JcGjw Sailor Venus Bubbles (Sailor Neptune)
has been added to the Character List.

Current Setting: Interstellar space, heading towards Zhi's home system.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 19th January 2017, 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 5:01 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
They were back in space, and while they hadn't spent as much time on Destore as they had Cipriere, the weight of leaving that planet felt much heavier than before. As they flew, following behind Sailor Venus, she turned her head to look back over her shoulder at the yellow-orange desert on the planet they were leaving behind. Leaving Ebony Cascade and Feather Storm had been easy - they were on good terms, they were hopeful about their future and ready to push forward with taking back their world; she knew they would make it through whatever else the planet had in store for them and make their world a better place. Leaving the Skywarn of Cawth was easy. 

Leaving Elysande was not. 

The others had disappeared when they died, their bodies fading away into something like glitter or stardust - that was what the reports had said of both Cosima and Aldrin when the Skywarn had told them what happened, and that was what had happened to Hemera; the thought was comforting in that they weren't leaving any piece of their friends behind on that planet, but they hadn't seen Elysande disappear like that. Did her body fade away? Could it escape into space and the Galaxy Cauldron Enyalius and Achelois had told them about, if she had died within the body of a creature of Chaos? Should... should she have searched through the creature's remains to see if there were any sign of her there? 

Despite these second thoughts, she continued to fly away, the planet getting smaller and smaller, finally fading into a faint point of light, and disappearing entirely. She looked forward again. Elysande wasn't there. She'd believe it. Elysande escaped, just as the others had, and one day, hopefully not too soon, she'd see her again and be able to apologize. With a deep breath, she let her go. 

Quote :
Dark and quiet, they flew after Sailor Venus, the glow of the Milky Way's nucleus on their left as they moved through space, every wing beat sending them forward, but now flying was more tiring. Compared to the near-effortless flight of before, between their own homes and Cipriere, and Cipriere to Destore, wherein only the repeated movements caused discomfort in their shoulders, now it was almost like they flew through an atmosphere. Not a particularly thick one, but just enough of one to cause their wings to strain against the darkness of their surroundings, despite the vacuum of space.

Not too long had passed, but long enough for Crysdal's thoughts to circle back to events recently transpired, and just like that, she adjusted her position and fell into place beside Sailor Chalybs. "Hey Sam?" she addressed quietly, trying to get the other's attention, "Thanks for coming with me." 

She wanted to say it, to acknowledge Sam's courage and express her gratitude. It was different for the others, or so she believed; Nyx had her own reasons, Ari's passion drove her, Hadley... she felt proud of Hadley but at the same time wished Hadley didn't have to come with them, and Gabriel... maybe it was because he was starting to communicate more with her in a tactile and physical way like her friends and family did back home, which reassured her immensely,  and maybe she wasn't the best person for doing so, but she was starting to rely on Gabriel's presence to the point of expecting it. The way he hugged her and let her hold on that night before the battle and the way he signified his intention of going along by touching her wrist made her feel more connected to him in a much faster way than anyone else, and after he had agreed to come with them, she almost took his presence for granted in that he was with her, and she could depend on him, and that wouldn't change. But Sam? ... Sam didn't seem to like any of this - she had stopped feeling in order to cope with what was going on on Destore - and yet she had been the first to speak up and join her in volunteering to go on this dangerous mission, and it hadn't been in that flat voice from previous days. She liked Sam, and she really felt grateful to her.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Conflagration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 5:23 pm

[HC Event] Conflagration Sailor10

The vast space between civilizations in the Milky Way was not new to SAM, but it was eerie all the same. Nothing but starlight and gas around to see as they pushed on after Eternal Sailor Venus. She was used to being tucked away in a ship during travel, but now that the scariness of self sustained flight had begun to wear off, flying through the galaxy was its own experience. There was nothing to protect her from the outside vacuum but her own power, and it was...nice. Maybe this was just a distraction from the struggle she knew they'd have when they got the Queen Zhi's world, but she would take it for now.

Aegle shifting positions in their formation caught her attention, and SAM wasn't entirely sure how to respond to her thanks. She didn't feel like she deserved it at the moment, but Crysdal seemed sincere, and she felt her internal temperature rise slightly above normal.

"...Don't worry about it. I...I wanted the chance to do something for you for once. For everyone. Before it's too late to do anything anymore." What she meant by that was left unspoken, but all of their planets were relying on them now. They were the only ones who could try to fix this mess. She let out a slow breath and tried to calm down again.

"I want to protect people as much as I can."
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 6:45 am

[HC Event] Conflagration ReEnAQI

The Skywarn provided the utmost in hospitality right up until the moment of departure. Knowing that they would be leaving again and moving on, Xtal-Diamante thought back to the stick she had picked up on Cipriere. She rather missed it. There didn't seem to be anything similar here, but she found herself wishing that she had something to wield in battle the way that her comrades did. Her attention settled upon the simple slingshots used by these winged creatures, and they graciously provided her with something despite the very awkward communication that transpired there. At first she had just held the y-shaped implement, but that did not seem to be a long-term solution. It had not fit in Crysdal's pocket and did not fit in hers, either.

Searching for somewhere to stow the thing, she settled upon the open neckline of her uniform. There was just enough room to nestle the thing between her tough outer structure and the plush wine-coloured fabric. It didn't matter to the cloud-haired young woman that it stuck out awkwardly or poked against her.

Now she followed Sailor Venus and the others, still quiet, maintaining a position near the back center of the group.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 6:57 am

He was happy when Crysdal seemed to understand his stance without him needing to say anything. He followed them in silence, wings beating in the heavier atmosphere. The small respite on Destore had allowed him to groom them. They didn't look as if he had gone through a small tornado anymore which was a small mercy in the middle of this mess.

He kept silent for most of the way, seeing no reasons to intervene in Chalybs and Crysdal's conversation. It was slightly ironic to see their team beginning to form a much stronger bond now that half of them had died.

Another commentary he better keep for himself.

At least, they could work together. They cared for each other. It was more than most army could tell for themselves and it made them stronger. Not that it'd be enough. Nothing seemed to be enough against Chaos.

He rubbed at the back of his neck absently, as he was wont to do now when deeply in thoughts that weren't pink and rainbows, keeping his body angle toward their path.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conflagration   [HC Event] Conflagration I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 8:50 am

[HC Event] Conflagration T0zZrKZ

Eternal Sailor Venus flew toward her destination, her thoughts grim. The state of this sector was worse than she thought. When she had intercepted these senshi’s message, she imagined to find a group of eager soldiers, volunteering to help. She had no idea that Queen Zhi’s court had had to resort to this. Conscription. How desperate must they be—had Neo Queen Serenity known sooner… maybe? Could they have prevented Queen Zhi’s death? The queen and her court… they were young and inexperienced, they were new… How scared must they have been as they faced their deaths for the first time?

It reminded her of how she felt when Silver Millennium fell.

Venus closed her eyes briefly, chasing the ghost of the past away and the pain that came with it. There was no point in regrets and what-ifs now, they would figure out what to do later… the Crystal would be passed on just like every other Sailor Crystal and they’d find a new protector for this sector. They would be able to rebuild…

She glanced at the senshi trailing behind her; all of them looking so young and so confused. So uncertain about what to do in this war they had never even thought of before, and yet… they were so brave. In volunteering to go with her, they must know they were facing almost certain death—hell, some of them had died already—how were they still standing?

Because they’re senshi, a small voice reminded her. Now that she was taking them to the heart of the chaotic influence, they were her responsibility. She might not be able to protect all of them, even with her vast experience and wealth of powers, but by the gods would she try.

That was what Serenity would want.

Feeling the strain on her wings and the unsettling feeling of being the odd one out, Venus slowed so she was not so much alone ahead, but rather flying near some of them. In the face of death, she felt it necessary to learn who they were as people, so that they might be remembered and acknowledged not just as another soldier in a million of the fallen. Also, it looked like they had not been treated in a very humane way, and she wanted to rectify that even if it might be too late for some.

“So… if we’re going to travel together, I feel I should know your names,” she began pleasantly.
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