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 [HC Event] Conviction

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 7:41 pm

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He didn't recognize her, but she didn't blame him. He looked delirious and she worried that he might have caught something from the bite at his neck, something that she would be unable to combat, but she had to trust that Ebony Cascade and Feather Storm would come through with their promise of medicinal healers - surely they would know how to treat wounds like that if there were anything special to note. 

"I think he'll be okay," she replied, glancing back down at him and the scar at his neck; she wanted to try to heal it again but didn't want to seal any disease in if an expert was on their way. "How are you?" she asked, offering a small smile, "You were great back there."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 7:53 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Sailor10

"M-me?" Having people ask how she felt so much was difficult to get used to. SAM was more used to keeping to herself, or having conversations with Ferrum.

"I, um...I'm fine. You did more than me. I just said what came into my head. I'm not really trained to... not speak the truth." She paused, and then looked back at Amarachius.

"I'm not sure if this is wrong to ask, but... how do you just touch people like that?" Was it some kind of custom she hadn't grasped? And that thing where her lips touched her hand to heal people, what was that magic?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 8:11 pm

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She smiled reassuringly again at Sam's humble, if a little confused, response, a little unsure of how to respond when someone admitted they had never been trained to lie before. The thought was puzzling to her, even in the way her mind had phrased it - trained to lie. She... she supposed she had been trained to lie. A lot. And in a lot of different ways. It was... kind of endearing to meet someone who didn't even call it a lie. 

But that was nothing compared to the next question. Her brows furrowed, repeating the question in her mind, How do you just touch people like that? Just...? "I'm not sure what you mean," she admitted, but smiled softly in an attempt to be reassuring, "but where I'm from, this is... normal, you know? Touching people, showing physical affection - it's just what we do. It's been a little weird around here not to have people reaching out for me, you know? Do you not usually... touch people?" The phrasing sounded awkward on her tongue, but she couldn't think of any other way to ask it; but once asked, she felt... uncomfortable. The the thought of not being surrounded by love, to not be hugged for a good job, to hold hands with friends, to get and give kisses... just considering it felt lonely.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 8:29 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Sailor10

Physical affection. Was that what the term was? It seemed risky to communicate an emotion with prolonged contact. Were words and actions not strong enough in her culture? Was it a chemical process that required direct touch to work?

SAM shook her head, though she tried to consider Crysdal's point of view. 

"It is not considered polite or sanitary to touch an unprotected person... Even armored, it is unnecessary. Our bodies are sensitive to new environments and substances, and our cities are constructed to be as sterile as possible. The air here...I can't even be sure I'd breathe well without my helmet." The outside world was toxic, and the Tech-Spliced had learned to be careful with their fragile lives, even as biologically enhanced as they were.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 8:51 pm

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Crysdal looked over and tried to think with an open mind, but still the notion of never being touched, of sterile cities, of being so vulnerable that the air could kill you, and yet being unable to be physically comforted in that knowledge. She felt sad, and didn't know what to say ---

Quote :
The door opened slowly, revealing two tall dark figures cut out against the stars. "It is Ebony Cascade," the familiar voice assured before stepping in and closing the door behind him. "Storm Feather will be along; I have brought a medicinal healer to aide with your unconscious allies." He stated, waving an arm to introduce the other. "He is sworn to secrecy and is friendly to our cause besides. There have been no reports of your arrival, and Feather Storm's acting was accepted as truth. Now all of Cawth will know that we were attacked and the RedEyes with us were defeated by an unknown enemy. Already hope stirs among our people." With a motion, the second unnamed birdman approached, ready to be helpful in aiding these mysterious people.

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
As the door creaked open, Crysdal bit back a frightful cry, silencing herself despite the panic a return visit by the Hermit brought, but as Ebony Cascade announced his presence, her heart beat hard and solid, easing her adrenaline rush as the pair entered and he explained the situation. She nodded, releasing Gabriel's hand and motioning the stranger over, putting her trust in Ebony Cascade yet again as she listened to his impassioned speech. 

Quote :
 [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 GBsyKq Amarachius Sworn is revived to 3 HP

"If there is hope, let us use it," she stated calmly, the air of authority returned to her voice despite the butterflies in her stomach as the second plan that had stewed half-baked in her head came forth in the middle of the night, where only a handful of her companions could hear, and while that made her feel a little bit guilty, Ebony Cascade seemed like he could be partial to the idea at this point and if she let it pass they could miss out on something she believed to be crucial. "Let the rumors spread, let your people know that there is hope, and spread in secret that we are here and we will help them, if they in turn help themselves and help us in return. Together we can free Cawth, and then this planet." 

All she had needed was a little bit more information on these RedEyes, and hearing him speak of them now, she felt she understood that they were the reason the people were not safe here. They were part of Ebony Cascade's group, and yet they were spoken of as enemies; the only beings they had fought had been birdmen, and considering what had happened on Cipriere, she felt like the Chaotic control of creatures by Chaos was here, too, only they didn't go off into the woods, they stayed in plain sight. If she was right, and if these RedEyes were some sort of Chaos-controlled policing force within Cawth, if they defeated all of them, Cawth would be free. 

And Cawth's warriors would fight with them when they went after the Worm.

Quote :
Sailor Aldrin is revived to 3 HP

Quote :
Ebony Cascade nodded, "I will do so; we will return later with Feather Storm and other free minded people in positions of power." He paused, "You are lucky Feather Storm did not die." As the medicine person finished, they both left, closing the door behind them.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 9:19 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd

This time Sworn did wake up in a startle as his hand went to his throat again. That would leave a nasty scar. He thought? Sometimes healing properties were stronger than attacks, but he wouldn't know. He wasn't one who held the power to heal. 'Greetings, mother, I almost got my throat slit by a bird'. Great. Yep, he did hope the scar would fade. Otherwise... well... he'd deal with that once home.

His memory was quicker this time to come and despite the gasping intake of air he first took when he woke, he seemed in better shape. Less feverish and delirious probably. With a certain apathy that was familiar for him. Whenever he was hurt badly, this would be the first feeling to come, then the others would join soon after and it would take some minutes for him to be wholly himself again.

Oh, a headache. Well, one more proof that he was alive, right?

He massaged his temples, slowly sitting up, then looked around (maybe should have thought of doing that first, idiot...), relieved to see Crysdal and Chalybs and seemingly everyone else. They weren't in the middle of nowhere anymore. He felt as if a giant statue of a man-bird had fallen on him, but tiredness was to be expected...

"...that was fun..."

He commented, voice muffled by most of his hand. Ugh. What a good warrior he was... so marvelously good. How sarcastic could one's inner voice be?

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 16th January 2017, 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 10:09 pm

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As Ebony Cascade and his companion left, she turned back to look at the others, her cheeks blushing faintly. What if they didn't like this plan? What if they felt it wasn't the way? What if it was deemed stupid and dangerous and totally worthless? ... She supposed they could slip away before the birdmen came back, now that Gabriel and Aldrin were -- 

'...that was fun...'

The flat commentary brought palpable relief. Gabriel was awake, and not delirious as he had been before. She shook her head, smiling, the potential political problem pushed aside for the moment. She looked him over and approached; the scarring on his neck still looked bad; the potion, then, might have just been something akin to smelling salts. She frowned, wondering if she should start carrying those around in her belt, and knelt down next to him. "Not how I'd describe it," she replied and nonchalantly kissed him on the cheek.

Quote :

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 RLMi0H Aegle uses Aegle Kiss (1MP) and heals Amarachius [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 GBsyKq 
--CTRL 11
--Affection Bonus: 0
----Total of 17 points restored


EXP - Healing 
[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 RLMi0H Aegle gains 17 EXP

Aegle is level 4!
Aegle has 4/50 towards level 5

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 GQqUXi Xtal-Diamante gains 11 EXP
Xtal-Diamante is level 4!
Xtal has 8/50 towards level 5
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 10:20 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd


He asked with flat humor, but it was still humor, a small smile stretching his lips as she kissed his cheek and he felt his energy returning in kind. He probably felt bad for giving himself as such an easy prey like that, but honestly, he was alive, they were alive and there was still things to do. Had they found the source of chaos? Had they defeated it?

"I had a blast."

He added, his smile turning sour, though still strangely amused.

"I'm glad you lived." He commented, then he glanced at Chalybs, both of them seemingly the only ones awake? "You as well." His eyes went back to the healer, softer features, but no more smile.

"Do I have time to ask what happened while I was..."

He gestured vaguely, lips setting in a hard line.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 16th January 2017, 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 10:26 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Sailor10

More birds arrived, and the promised healer treated Amarachius and Aldrin, pulling them out of their critical conditions. She needed to remind herself to apologize to Sailor Aldrin. After she had stifled her emotional responses, she had forgotten her promise in the midst of everything. She really did mean to stay by the other senshi... Aegle did what had been called "physical" affection on Amarachius, and his wounds healed even faster. It was a fascinating technique, but SAM was still unsure if it was completely safe. Otherwise, he seemed recovered, though he didn't know what had happened since he had fallen unconscious. 

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, but... what is our plan to free Cawth?" Crysdal had sounded incredibly sure of herself when she had been speaking to the Cawthians, so it must be a good one.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 10:47 pm

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She rolled her eyes at his response and the small smile, sitting back and taking a breath, her eyes evading his at first, guilt for having missed him and healed his enemy welling up again inside as he expressed what sounded like genuine gratefulness that she hadn't been killed. As his smile faded and he asked the question that felt like it could take ages to explain, her eyes caught his and held them for a moment, and she wished it could all just be told like that, just like that. Without searching for the right words or phrases, just open and honest communication with a glance. But that's not how the world worked, and she had to find some way to tell him waht was going on and what had gone on to get him back up to speed. "It's a long story," she started as a general warning, and paused, figuring to start where he left off was best and bracing herself for that, but Sam's question gave her a grateful mental breath, and she looked over apologetically to her. 

With a small smile that could have been classified as simultaneously apologetic and hopeful, she quickly but semi-sheepishly rolled out, "To give the people the hope they need to fight back and serve as figureheads as they overthrow their opressors and then ride the wave of confidence right back to the Worm? They could handle its children while we figure out how to neutralize the creature and defeat it, keeping both promises of freeing Cawth and Destore but using primarily their own manpower to do it." She half-smiled, "I mean, in theory, anyway? There's no denying that Ebony Cascade and Storm Feather were worthy enemies; if we could just give them the boost to get over their worked-in reluctance to cross the RedEyes, we could save Cawth and gain some allies in the process; all it takes is a little bluff and postering; we'd have to fight a little to keep up morale but it shouldn't be too bad, right?"

She turned back to Gabriel, figuring it felt like she had just spoken a foreign language, and, her left hand pulling up the tattered remains of the right-shoulder side of her white robe in an anxious little move, she added, "Short version: After you were knocked out we had the bird people on the run, but then they turned tail in fear and we met with the Chaos entity that is controlling the planet." Her heart constricted and her voicebox with it, as she tried to rush past that part, the image of the worm erupting from the ground and swallowing -- She took a deep breath and continued, her eyes still flooded but her squeaky voice calming as she pushed past the moment, "It was too strong, and too unexpected. We retreated, and decided to follow the two remaining bird people to get information about the Worm out of them, and eventually got them to agree to take us back to their city to get you and Aldrin help in exchange for helping them free themselves." She paused, considering, looking at some point beyond his left ear and willing the tears to back away. "That's about it."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 11:03 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd
The pauses and uncertainty was clear and he suddenly wished everyone here was just brutally straighforward. It would saved a lot of hurt, but they were all different and wasn't it the beauty of it? He was about to say 'hit me' in answer to her 'too long of a story' comment, but Chalybs chimmed in and the answer Crysdal gave the other girl didn't help him in any way. Who? What? How? Why?

And still, he would follow them.
The fight was not done yet, apparently. And he was alive, miraculously.

When she started to explain, he could see her getting worked up. Over what? He couldn't tell, but as she finished with something he considered a closing sentence, as if she thought the matter closed, he bit the inside of his cheek with force, willing himself to silence. Brutal honesty, brutal questions, didn't work with everyone.

Why did she look like she was about to break?

And she looked like she needed a breather.
Or something else to think about.

"I'm sorry."

He finally let out, features softening again, erasing the frown, but still without sight of a smile.

"For rushing in like this. I didn't anticipate and even a rookie fighter knows it was bad."

He sighed, then shook his head, as if it had no importance now that it was finally said and done. He shifted, then looked around, not counting, but rather thinking. He wasn't sure how he would be able to forget and fight with the bird people, but then again, hadn't they kill some of theirs? He rubbed his throat absently, then looked back at her.

"When do we leave?"

He asked, gently but grim, not questioning her decision, her plan, the fight ahead, or anything really.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 16th January 2017, 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 11:15 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Sailor10

Their efforts would be focused more on the Worm than the Red Eyes, then. That made enough sense. If the Cawthians handled the majority of Chaos's minions, they could worry about the larger issue instead.

SAM nodded, agreeing with the plan, and then listened as Crysdal summarized all the events that had happened after they had been knocked out the air. it took her a moment to realize why she was crying though, and then it hit her all over again. Being dulled at the time had lessened the impact of losing a senshi right in front of them, but now it was easy to feel her absence. It was amazing Aegle was still together right now, and now she just felt bad for dumping her own problems on her earlier, as relieving as it was. SAM shifted her arm, as if about to try something, and then gave up.

There probably wasn't much of a way to make her feel better, since SAM couldn't do any of the comforting things she was used to or had mentioned earlier. She didn't even know how it was done.

"We're...we're going to be fine. We can do this." It was all she could think to say that was encouraging. No one could fill the gap Alshain left behind.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 11:51 pm

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She shook her head - he didn't need to be sorry, but it was sweet that he was. If anyone, she ran headfirst into them and immobilized herself and healed the wrong person and just left Elysande there to -- to -- her eyes welled up even more and she wanted to brush away the tears -- no, that wasn't true. She wanted to cry. She wanted to cry and keep crying and tell everyone about Elysande, the girl she was and the woman she would never be. She wanted to mourn openly, without holding anything back. She wanted to scream and sob and be held so tightly she could unravel without fear of being unable to put herself back together. She wanted to be home. She wanted her mother and her father. But she couldn't have that. That wasn't reality, and she couldn't afford to do that right now, so she'd settle for wiping her eyes before they could see, despite already feeling that they saw. She wanted to fake being okay. She could do that. She just couldn't cry, and it'd be okay. 

She felt his eyes on her but she couldn't look at him just yet. Elysande had been his friend, too, and it's not like he wouldn't notice she wasn't there later, and then it'd come back to bite her, looking like she was covering it up with lying by omission. She breathed shakily through her nose, clawing into her control, and tried to clear her throat to answer his question, grateful and feeling guilty about being grateful for his change of subject, but she couldn't clear her throat properly. They just had to wait for Ebony Cascade to come back. For all intents and purposes they should be sleeping to get what rest they could between now and then - 

'We're... we're going to be fine. We can do this.'

A sad smile cracked after Sam's attempt at comforting her. She appreciated it so much, especially after what they had talked about earlier. Feelings were important and valid. Her hands in fists on her thighs, she looked up at the armor, ignored the tear that rolled down her cheek and replied, "Thanks, Sam."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 12:03 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd

He followed the exchange, looking at Chalybs, then at Crysdal, something obviously missing from the story she had told him. Was it the nerves? It had been a nerve wracking experience already, the birds attack not doing anything to help, the village destroyed back when they first arrived on the planet... Crysdal was sensitive to those kind of things. To war. He understood that pretty quickly and maybe was he just jarred by his own planet where fights weren't all that uncommon.

He smiled at Chalybs, it was small but gentle. Then he looked back down at Crysdal.

His hand gently went over hers.

"Take a breather. We're here. You're not alone. We'll go through this together." He said, less grim, softer.

Maybe it was strange for him to do something that wasn't overtly blunt, but she was suffering. She was... could he call them all friends? They didn't know much of each other, but he cared for them. They were all in this, all of them.

"It's okay... to break sometimes."

Better now than during the fight.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 16th January 2017, 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 12:32 am

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His hand went over hers and her breath caught, the familiarity of the gesture shocking her, filling her with thoughts of home. She hadn't expected that. She had craved that kind of support and comfort but she hadn't actually expected to get it, and even that small amount seemed to undo her hard work in keeping everything in check. Tears fell, and fell harder with his soft words that blatantly gave her permission to falter, even if just for a moment. She selfishly wanted more, to actually hold his hand and squeeze tightly and be squeezed tightly in return, but just feeling someone's warmth on her skin was helping all the same.

She had to tell him. "Elysande is dead," she stated, her words forced, sounding wet with her tears.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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Location : Teleporting between Elysion and Nemesis

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 12:43 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd

Well... he had asked for honesty. Straightforward honesty.

So that was the missing piece. The reason she was unravelling quickly, moreso than a nerve wracking experience should provoke, but then again, what did he know? He wasn't in her shoes, but for him, it made sense. And his own thoughts process took a while to actually comprehend why it made sense.

Elysande was dead.

His hand twitched slightly, but there was literally no words that could undo what happened. If he hadn't been taken down by that bird, could he have helped? If he had acted like a good soldier instead of an annoyed teenager. He clenched his teeth.

He quickly came to respect Elysande as they started on this mission together but Crysdal and her knew each other from even before the mission. How long had they been friends?

What did she represent for her? Probably more than a bodyguard, a friend at the very least.

He hadn't even noticed his throat was constricted. He looked at her, at a loss for words before he gave up on them and pulled her in by her hand. He closed his arms around her, tilting his head down, his nose slightly in her hair. He didn't care of anyone's customs. On his planet, you didn't shake hands with a crying person. You tried to be there for them.

And him opening his big mouth wouldn't help anyone.

"I'm sorry."

He meant it.

"I'm so sorry" Almost inaudible this time.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 12:57 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Sailor10

SAM couldn't do much but watch helplessly as Crysdal finally broke and admitted that Sailor Alshain was dead. What did you do to make someone feel better about death? But she had to do something, this wasn't right-

Her internal struggle to find something that would help was ground to a halt when Amarachius put his arms around Crysdal and mumbled something to her only. Was that what was meant to be done? She'd never seen it before, but it looked right. Well... it was good he had helped, if at all. He had been more effective than she would have been anyway.

Feeling like she was intruding on something, she looked away from them, back at the door.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 2:07 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
As he pulled her in she gratefully accepted the hug, her arms wrapping around him tightly, her cheek pressing against his collarbone, the dried blood there and caked on his shirt reminding her how close they had been to losing him, too. And it was all her fault. All of it. He apologized softly, and her shoulders shook with quiet sobs, her head shaking acutely beneath his chin. "It was my fault," she replied, her voice barely registering in her throat. "I messed everything up; I rushed forward without thinking, I got shot and became a liability; I missed you and healed the thing trying to tear your wings off," she choked, swallowing hard to continue. "And then I got so distracted that I didn't even notice she was just standing there - not moving -" she shook her head again, harder, "She must've been in shock and I didn't even notice and then she was just gone," her voice broke, the soft whisper disappearing into a high pitch as a sob shook her. "It just - " she could see it all over again, the great beast just appearing out of nowhere and... "It ate her, Gabriel," she finally said, the horror and gravity of the admission harsh and hopeless in her tone. "It just jumped out of the sand and ate her. She didn't have a chance."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 2:21 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 Q3oubOd
"Shhhhhh." He kept her there, closing his eyes to avoid any of his emotions to come out in the open, leaning his head against hers. It wasn't her fault, hell, it probably wasn't his either. It was this planet, this universe, Jin who had conscripted them all. They weren't soldiers, most of them, they weren't meant to be thrown like rag dolls in the middle of death, loss and trauma.

"It's not. It's not yours, it's not mine. It's Chaos'. It's this rotten darkness destroying everything on its path." He tried not to think about his wings and it didn't occur to him yet that they weren't there, wheren't out. He had more important matters just there in his arms. "I'm not blaming you for healing that bird. Mistakes happen on a battlefield and I did rush without thinking."

"She..." It ate her. He clenched his teeth and kissed her temple slowly.

"It's not your fault. She wouldn't want your to guilt-trip yourself over what happened, what none of us could have controlled. You didn't stuck that arrow in your chest, you didn't control that bird, that worm."

He loosened his arms just a bit, in case she would prefer to take some distance.

"We'll make her proud. Alright?"

'We're going to die and join her' was left unsaid.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 2:42 am

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She calmed down, accepting his words, taking them in slowly but surely to ease her guilt. She felt his lips at her temple and it felt even more like home; how did he know? But as he loosened his hold she stayed close, not yet quite ready to face the world alone again; and nodded, agreeing to his suggestion and making it a promise.

They'd make her proud.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 2:45 am

Quote :
Hours passed and the sleeping shifts changed, a very brief explanation of what was going on retold from one group to another as sleepers awoke and guards went off to sleep. 

It was less than an hour before sunrise when there came a knock at their door and it opened to find no less than a dozen birdmen, all prepared for war. They looked fierce and fearsome, but their mannerisms towards the group were nothing but respectful as they filled the room ahead of one of their own who stood a little taller, something on their crownline catching the glint of the morning sun. A scar ran across his face, and he was missing many of his feathers, making his identity to them unmistakable: Feather Storm. Ebony Cascade stood behind and to his right, looking proud and fierce and ready for anything

"We have come, Sailor Senshi, to accept your aide in ridding our city of the RedEyes and the threat they pose, that we may once again be the Greatest Free City of the Skywarn!" Ebony Cascade announced, his voice booming from outside the chamber. The birdmen within cheered, as did an enormous echoing sound without. "We, the free minded of Cawth, are here, and ready to take back that which is OURS!" 

"I, Feather Storm, son of Wind Caller, lend my aide and my leadership to this endeavor. Let it be known that the Weather Clan supports this rebellion, and will fight alongside our people until all traces of the RedEye presence have been eradicated from our fair city, that it be Fair and Just once more!" Another cheer erupted as the half-bird, apparent prince, made his statement. 

As the cheering died down, their friends entered the room and the dozen gathered came closer, among the Senshi, and the planning to free Cawth began. In all honestly, they did not need much input from the Senshi - it had been just as Crysdal had hoped: they needed hope, not strength; they would make their own miracles, they just needed a bit of a push and a little magic to sway things in their favor and take them out of the ominous shadows failed similar attempts in other cities had left in their memories. In the end the plan was somewhat straightfoward; they would sweep out from their current position in rays with a contingency of volunteers - scouts, soldiers, anyone able bodied and ready to fight for their city - and defeat any RedEye they came across. Those who weren't fighting with them were told to stay in their houses and make some sort of commotion if they spotted a RedEye; those they did not trust were left in the dark about the operation. 

The Senshi were split up and spread out; it was understood that they would spend most of their time flying, with Xtal-Diamante, Aldrin, and Aegle flying backup and healing wherever necessary. Agreed, if shakey, at dawn the time came to attack, and they did the best they could. 

Quote :
In the end of that morning, Cawth was free, but not without cost.
[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 D2aG0K Sailor Cosima of Planet Cosima has died. [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 D2aG0K
[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 M7QKXY Sailor Aldrin of Asteroid Aldrin has died.[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 M7QKXY
Both lost their lives fighting for those who could not. Aldrin died early in the morning in a sneak attack involving three RedEyes; Cosima survived nearly until the end, but finally succumbed in the last stand, her wounds great but her deathcount greater.

Their city retaken, they set up guards to keep it safe, refreshed their tired bodies, and set out for the desert to fight that wicked Worm and the others it had enthralled. Confident in their earlier victory, over 30 warriors joined the remaining senshi in the skies, their duties clear: destroy anything that gets in the way of the Senshi's fight against the Great Worm. Warn them should danger be approaching too quickly, and fire arrows into the Great Worm whenever possible. 

Today, Destore would be taken out of Chaos's Clutches for good.

The Final Battle will be played out via Live Event starting at Noon Central (1 PM EST)

Setting: (for those who want to respond in thread before then) is the flight after the battle for Cawth. They fly with the Birdmen, and can choose to fly together or separately, to talk or remain silent, totally up to them.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 22nd July 2018, 10:27 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 6:48 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 ReEnAQI

The rocky one remained mostly silent as they returned. Her quietness was not for the same reason as some of the others, however. The deaths of Sailors Aldrin and Cosima registered without emotional impact. Xtal-Diamante wondered how this turn of events would influence their future battle—particularly having lost Cosima's offensive capabilities. They had to defeat the Great Worm.

Despite it all, the sailor soldier in the maroon garb was actually in relatively high spirits. She had been working in the fight that just finished. She was useful. Her crystal core still tingled with the remembered use of her power to heal and enhance the others. In a way, it was like being back home on Xtal-Diamante, moving rocks and performing other tasks for all of her waking hours. It soothed a part of her that she hadn't even realized could be homesick.

As she flew along, her hand once again touched the strange amulet that had appeared so mysteriously. With the thoughts of her homeworld, she quietly activated it.

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 10:02 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 KeESSpr

It was time. They were heading to the final battle for Destore. The battle for Cawth had been rough and while they were victorious, the death of both Cosima and Aldrin made it feel like an absolute failure to her. There had been so many casualties and death, Ari had to force her emotions from bubbling forth in the middle of it all. It helped that she could let go while transformed, letting the natural instincts take over. It allowed her to fight without feeling and letting her fears and doubts get in the way. Discovering Cosima's body at the end of the fight nearly caused her to break and she knew the rage she felt for the deaths of her friend would fuel her in the battle against the Great Worm.

She kept quiet as they flew among the ranks of the Cawthians. If circumstances had been different, she would have loved to converse and learn more about their world, but for now her only comforts was Bas's constant presence and flying next to Hadley. She eyed the red haired girl attempting to speak, to ask how she was doing but her mind stayed blank.

Looking ahead towards their destination was all she could do. It was time to end this.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 10:13 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 M7t27nI

Nyx eventually began to doze off, when she heard a familiar voice. One she did not really want to hear again. That Hermit was back?

She did not move, pretending to still be asleep. She only listened in his conversation with Aegle and Sam, ready to intervene if it came to it. And hopefully she would not have to, considering that old woman's warnings.

Eventually, he made to leave, until Gabriel's words stopped him. Sheesh, how does he manage to get into trouble even unconscious? Thankfully, the girls managed to save the day again, and the rest of the night was uneventful.

The same could not be said for the day that followed. Aegle's plan was certainly ambitious, and Nyx was surprised that the winged ones were actually willing to get into battle. How did their perspective change so dramatically? However, they suffered even more losses. Cosima, and Aldrin... her heart ached especially for the latter. Cosima seemed to at least be a warrior, but Aldrin obviously had no place or desire to be here... To be brought against her will...

She shook her head. Regrets would not bring anyone back.

Last edited by Light on 16th January 2017, 2:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 10:24 am

The scenery passed in a blur, as if she were in a daze. How had everything gone so poorly? Aldrin... Cosima... Alshain. Hadley had spent her tears, and there were none left to give. Now was not the time for sorrow, as they made their way towards the battle.

She was afraid, and that alone was distraction enough, though she didn't want to admit it. For now she would not think about the fallen, and focus only on making certain no one else joined in that list. She glanced at each of them in turn, though her eyes lingered on the comforting presence beside her. She'd protect Ari. She had to.

Staying close to the other girl, Hadley repeated two words to herself. Focus and strength, that was what she needed right now. Her stomach roiled as her heart raced, but she had to be focused and she needed to be strong.

If she faltered, more people would die. And she couldn't bear that thought.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 10:29 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
((placeholder of crushing guilt))

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 1:37 pm

Battle for Destore pt 1:
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 2:21 pm

With a shuddering quake, the Great Worm emerged, launching out of the ground, directly towards the twins.

Death of Hemera:

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 12 ZxfzFSq


[Kyra] Sailor Uranus | ♅-Today at 3:56 PM

They arrived in Cawth to find order and activity, the prior battle being cleaned and buildings repaired. Their presence sparked much to-do as Queen Wind Caller stepped from Council Chambers to personally thank them, and show them to her finest rooms to rest and recover, her mind put to ease when an explanation of why her son was not with them. She was confident the force would succeed and would be winging their way home soon.

They were brought food and drink, but after reassured they were made comfortable, they were left alone to recover amongst themselves.

"I think we should call Sailor Jin," Crysdal announced, sitting on a soft down bed the little communicator already in her hand, but she hesitated before opening and activating it, waiting to hear consent or caution from her teammates. "She may know about what happened back there."(edited)

EK | Eternal Knight-Today at 3:57 PM

"I'm not sure she cares, but I do think we need to know if this is going to be a reoccurrence to every battle we'll fight in the future."

Sailor Mercury ☿-Today at 3:58 PM

Sailor Xtal-Diamante could still feel the echoes of that final blast when the Great Worm was killed. She stared blankly in response to Crysdal's question, not having a preference either way.

Brit-chan-Today at 3:58 PM

"She might not care but I think its our only option right now." Ari stated as she dropped on to another bed on the opposite side of Crysdal's. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep away everything that had happened but they needed to move on.(edited)

Light-Today at 4:01 PM

Nyx briefly twitched at the mention of Jin - the one who conscripted her sister. But other than that, she was indifferent to the decision and voiced no opinion.

All that mattered was to end everything that contributed to her sister's death. She'd do anything it takes to achieve this.

[Verdi] Sailor Saturn-Today at 4:04 PM

Hadley clutched at her chest, a mix of emotion and final blast, echoed inside of her, pulling and squeezing until everything hurt. She didn't know what to do about it, it overwhelmed her and kept her from being able to think straight. She heard the others speaking of contacting Sailor Jin, and she instantly rejected that idea. "No!" she said in a frightened half-whispered tone. She hadn't meant to say it out loud, hadn't meant to say anything at all.

All she could think of was that, if they contacted Jin, she'd just want them to go to a new planet, where even more bad things would happen, and more people - more friends - would die...

Unable to say anything else, Hadley looked down to hide her face and her tears.(edited)

Brit-chan-Today at 4:09 PM

Ari looked to Hadley. She sounded terrified and...she wasn't wrong to be. All Ari wanted was to go home but they couldn't remain here and they had no other option before them. Seeing her tears brought more to her eyes and she choked back a sob. Ari went on to Hadley and touch her arm. "I know how you feel but..." She whispered to her unable to finish her sentencen.

EK | Eternal Knight-Today at 4:13 PM

He let a tired look fall on the remaining girls. Most of them didn't belong on a battlefield. He rubbed his hand against his face, annoyed at Jin and not for the first time since that adventure began. They were merely things sent to the slaughter, that much was clear. Jin's words about the healer Celestal had left to replace found their way back into his memory and he sighed. He wished he could just tell those girls to leave and never look back, but he doubted they would be allowed to return to their lives. Would someone kill them if they deserted?

[Kyra] Sailor Uranus | ♅-Today at 4:14 PM

Crysdal jerked, the quick and sharp refusal startling her, her head turning quickly in that direction to find Hadley looking terrified. Ari went to her for support; Ari understood, and she could maybe help Hadley understand, too. Grimly, she set her face into a neutral expression, looked down at the communicator, and pressed the button. "Sailor Jin," she addressed amidst the faint hiss of static. "This is the group from Destore."

"Sailor Jin?"

There was no reply.

[HC Event][RTRP]Conviction has ended.
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