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 [HC Event] Conviction

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime28th September 2016, 5:12 pm

[HC Event] Conviction FwYyPKx
Event Rules and Information:
Specifics for This Event:
[HC Event] Conviction Page-break-12

  • Pay attention to the story - read every post so you don't miss anything. Major Plot Points will be delivered through me - I will announce, for example, when we find objects/people, and what things look like. I will arrange for the baddies to be fought, and I'll handle the combat system (everyone chooses their own attacks and everything, I just roll to see if those attacks hit, and see how effective those attacks are against the bad guys, and rolling a die to see how much damage they do. Needless to say: If your don't pay attention to the story, your character's reactions / ideas / etc. may be out of place, and will be treated as such by other characters. Read Carefully.

  • Post at least once every 48 hours - Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect.
  • Watch out for Random Events - if the majority of players are active in the Discord Channel I may spring Random Events on players; these will always be announced in the Discord conversation, where it will be open for questions/comments/concerns, and will always come with caveats for those who cannot actively post on the board within the time period allotted. Instructions need be followed, else consequences wordlessly accepted for not following the specific directions.

  • This is an Advanced Event! All posts outside battle are required to be 100 words or more!

And, finally, while bringing in side-storylines is okay, this roleplay's main story will end on October 31st, win, lose, or draw. I suggest keeping noses to the grindstone and keep moving forward to make it to the ending battle before it's too late!

[HC Event] Conviction Page-break-12
Event Begins October 1st!
[HC Event] Conviction 2ar1Ak8

If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Discord OOC Chat (tag me if it's a question specifically for me (or discord direct message me) so it won't be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

Players and Characters:

  1. [HC Event] Conviction HemeraSailor Hemera - Sailor Mercury
  2. [HC Event] Conviction Dc4695de-579f-11e6-b530-9d535ead7009Sailor Alshain - Anait Zelleire
  3. [HC Event] Conviction AmarachiusAmarachius Sworn - Eternal Knight 
  4. [HC Event] Conviction AegleSailor Aegle - Sailor Uranus
  5. [HC Event] Conviction CelestalSailor Celestal - Addelyn
  6. [HC Event] Conviction CosimaSailor Cosima - Sailor Mars
  7. [HC Event] Conviction ChalybsSailor Chalybs - JupiterThunderCrash
  8. [HC Event] Conviction NyxSailor Nyx - Light
  9. [HC Event] Conviction XtalSailor Xtal-Diamante - Aurae
  10. [HC Event] Conviction BastetSailor Bastet - Brit-chan
  11. [HC Event] Conviction AldrinSailor Aldrin - Sailor CJ
  12. [HC Event] Conviction ValdisSailor Valdis - Sailor Saturn

[HC Event] Conviction Page-break-12
Reply below to denote you are here and available to play your character this month!

Not responding by the end of the day October 3rd will result in your character's dismissal from this series of events!

[HC Event] Conviction Page-break-12
Status Sheet
Weapon/Magic/Item Sheet
Activity/Post Tracker

[HC Event] Conviction PIy91mJ

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 2nd August 2018, 2:25 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime1st October 2016, 12:21 pm

The Final Battle, part 1:
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime1st October 2016, 12:24 pm

The Final Battle, part 2:

Conviction: Start.
But just as the green spot of light disappeared, another orb of white light appeared suddenly among them, hovering above the ground and whipping about, almost in an annoyed manner as it surveyed the bodies of Celestal, Hemera, Alshain and Nyx, and those gathered near Xtal-Diamante and Hadley. In a flourish it circled the area, paused, and popped into existance --

Revealing an old, haggard crone, who stared disapprovingly out of her mauve cloak at them, her eyes young and bright, completely at odds with the rest of her ancient features. "Do you always drink whatever's handed to you?" she croaked condescendingly.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime1st October 2016, 2:18 pm

[HC Event] Conviction Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
His shoulders slouched under his own exhaustion, unaware of the misfortune happening behind them while they fought / freed the tree. He looked at Cosima, sympathetic to her visible fatigue.

"We care for our people. I'm sure this is not the last fight we'll get."

He didn't seem all that enthusiastic about having to fight, but he wasn't a warrior who fought little. So those fights, he would challenge them head on. He slowly came down toward the ground then walked towards the other, putting a hand on Crysdal's shoulder.

"You did good. Thank you."

With Celestal down and Gabriel aware of Crysdal's doubts on her own abilities, he felt like it was simply natural to be grateful for her quick actions. She had tried. They all had tried.

His eyes finally caught the white light and they followed it until it took another form, his tired arm raising the sword to point it toward her.

"Who are you?"

They weren't even ready for another fight...

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 16th January 2017, 12:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime1st October 2016, 2:53 pm

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002 Map
"Put your finger down," the old woman creaked, waving a hand as if to brush Gabriel's accusation away as she shuffled forward. His hand went down of its own accord as she continued to grumble, "Anyone ever tell you it's rude to point? But at least you seem wary of me - that's a good start." She stepped gingerly over Bastet's long black tail, eventually coming up in front of Sailor Xtal-Diamante, peering at the girl critically before reaching out with knarled hands to take either side of her face and squinted to look into her eyes, pulling the hard lids down carefully. She sniffed and released her, apparently done with her examination, reached into her pocket and retrieved what looked like a small chocolate ball. "Eat it," she instructed unceremoniously, handing it to Xtal-Diamante before shuffling over to Hadley. 

"Who did this?" the old woman asked suspiciously, though at that moment it seemed her question was rhetorical, her interest apparently piqued as she looked over the redhead as she had Xtal, her old thumbs squishing the softer skin of Hadley's face to open her mouth, turn her head side to side, and pry her eyes open a little wider; she did this with such no-nonsense confidence it would feel remiss to attempt to stop the old woman in her straightforward examination. "Did a number on you, eh?" she said, barking an airy laugh as she relased the girl and straightened - as much as her bent old back could straigten anyway - before reaching into the bag and producing an even larger ball of chocolate. "Eat it," she said again, her brow arching, "All of it, and don't complain about the taste."

"What a mess," she tut-tutted as she looked behind them to the fallen senshi there. She whistled once and made a come-hither motion with her finger, and suddenly Sailor Celestal rose from her position atop the fall and sailed softly through the air to land beside the other incapacitated group members. "Reditum," she stated, raising her knobbly walking-stick staff off of the ground.

Quote :
[HC Event] Conviction NTE7Bl[HC Event] Conviction UVnNPz[HC Event] Conviction M7QKXY[HC Event] Conviction B1RYSZ[HC Event] Conviction FKbeNG
Hemera, Nyx, Aldrin, Alshain and Celestal awaken!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime1st October 2016, 8:27 pm

[HC Event] Conviction Sailor12

SAM had finally turned around to look back at where Amarachius was going, and realized that two more senshi were on the verge of death. But they hadn't even been hit! How? Was it an unseen enemy?

Another light appeared, and SAM approached with her Star-Cannon raised as it took the form of an elderly woman. At this point, she had no trust in anything.

She watched as the old crone began piecing their team back together far faster than should be possible. What kind of magic was this? And what did she mean by "drinking everything they were given"? SAM connected the dots when she saw the shattered remains of a few vials. Those potions...

"W-why are you helping us?" she asked, lowering the gun. "Why should we trust you after the old man?"
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 9:27 am

[HC Event] Conviction B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Hadley didn't seem to be responding to her butterfly kisses - neither she nor Hex were speaking anymore - she looked up to find Hex practically slumped over, and she felt like she was going to throw up. She killed them! She gave them the potions that had killed them, and now they were suffering and she couldn't help them at all. She hugged Hadley close and squeezed her eyes tight; she had never been a religious person, but at that moment she prayed for a miracle, as the science and power that she believed in had failed her so completely, but when she opened her eyes at Gabriel's hand on her shoulder, nothing had changed. Over half of them were still incapacitated, and that was saying nothing as to how everyone else had fared against the Chaos enemy. 

'You did good. Thank you.

Gabriel's words hung heavy on her mind, their stark and evident contradiction plain in the scene around them, but she nodded anyway, grateful for the attempt. Her thoughts turned ever more depressing, realizing that if herbs could help, Celestal was still unconscious and may not be able to help in time; she could try to wake her - she looked up at the waterfall, contemplating the best way to get up, when Gabriel's stance behind her changed as he called out to an unknown. Crysdal jerked her head around, fear cold in her stomach - there were only five of them left, what would this encounter cost them?! but was surprised to see an old woman shuffling towards them, acting cross and bothered as she moved her old bones and berated them even as she pushed forward as though they should trust her. As the woman took Hex's face in her hands, Crysdal's stomach flipped, wishing she even had a way to help if something bad happened, but when the old woman huffed, fished in her pocket, and drew out some chocolate, she eased just a bit, though continued to be very wary of the chocolate.

The Hermit had been kind, this woman was... well she was rough

When she came to Hadley, she distracted Crysdal with a question as her old hands wrapped around Hadley's head and her thumbs went to work pushing and pulling flesh -- if she weren't so used to such treatment with the ceremonial face painting, she might have been made uncomfortable by the treatment, but everyone touched everyone on her planet, nearly constantly, and this amount of physical touch was something she was starting to miss on this mission. Her evaluation finished, she gave Hadley an even larger ball of chocolate - maybe for having had more potions? - and straightened to make disapproving noises about the fallen senshi around them. 

Crysdal averted her gaze, feeling ashamed at how poorly she had acted, but rather than rebuke anyone, the woman said an odd word and some of the fallen warriors gasped as though being prodded awake. 

'Why should we trust you after the old man?' Sam asked, and Crysdal looked back at the crone, waiting for her answer.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 9:31 am

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
"Old man, eh?" she repeated in her creaking voice as she pried open her satchel and shoved her arm in to fish around a bit, "Old man--" She froze, her movements creeping to a halt as though something important had clicked into place. "An old man gave you these vials?" she repeated, her voice slow and careful and deliberate, "Did he make you pay for them?" She looked up, her eyes moving in an arc from Chalybs to Cosima, urgency in her tone. "What did he look like? What was his name?"
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 9:40 am

[HC Event] Conviction Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
"We point when we are surrounded by creatures who would love nothing more than to kill us."

He pointed out, annoyed by his arm obeying the old woman instead of his own will.

Her logic was faulty and his brows were furrowed. Gabriel cared very little about her sensitivity. Over half of them were down when she appeared and... apparently most of those fighting had been down too until she gave them strange things to eat.

What had happened?

He looked at the others. They weren't too close from the tree, like Cosima, Bastet and him were. How?

When he finally connected the dot, he frowned.

Was that why Crysdal seemed so stressed despite having defended them all alone with Celestal down?

He kept his sword at the ready, even though he didn't raise it again.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 9:49 am

[HC Event] Conviction B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
The old woman hadn't answered the question.

Crysdal's blue eyes were locked on her, narrowing warily as she ignored Sam's first question and focused solely on the information about the Hermit; her reaction was convincing, but she had given them no reason to trust her beyond waking everyone up, and while that was incredibly helpful, they had trusted him, too. "He was old and kind," she stated defensively, coming to her feet to face her directly and choosing the last descriptor to starkly contrast the woman's own mannerisms. She still hurt inside when she recalled his wizened, friendly old face beneath his odd tree-stump hat; she didn't want to believe that he had meant them ill by giving them the potions. He was too nice - it must have been something she had done with them, some way she had mistreated them, to make them turn sour. "He had no name, referring to himself as a hermit, and gave the vials to us freely to help us with our mission. He hadn't meant us any harm."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 10:01 am

[HC Event] Conviction Sailor12

"He looked like a small tree from a distance," SAM said, as Ferrum recalled the memory for her. She could picture the Hermit on the wooden deck again rather clearly. "He was covered in wood and animal skins, and he had green eyes..." And hadn't done anything beyond giving them potions and leaving again, now that she was thinking about it. This woman had healed them. This entire situation was extremely confusing...

"He also said he was too late to save Sailor Cipriere." This old woman's reaction was very strange though. Almost as if she knew him from somewhere. Her eyes narrowed behind her visor. "Have you met him before?" Were they separate forces, or were they working together?
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 10:14 am

[HC Event] Conviction CNgUiZI

Hemera woke up with a start, and the first thing she did was look around for her sister. To her immense relief, Nyx was right beside her, seeming to just be waking up as well. She frowned as she took in their new surroundings. The strange giant tree they had prepared to fight was no longer there, other people were on the ground, and… there was a strange old lady in their midst. The others were talking, and it seemed the danger was gone. Everything was peaceful.

“What… happened?” she muttered, slowly pushing herself up. Had she missed the entire battle? The last thing she remembered was the tree shooting something at her… then darkness.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 10:17 am

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
The crone listened intently, shrugging off the inconsequentials such as demeanor, her hand making a rolling motion as though to hurry the conversation along, but as soon as Aegle said hermit, she looked down and away her grey brows furrowing together as she thought hard. She nodded to herself, as though agreeing with something when it was mentioned that the potions had been free, and stilled again listening to Chalybs's description of attire. She was practically unmoving, the situation starting to click into place in her mind, her original hunch having been proven true, but to what end? 

"He was right about Sailor Cipriere," she spoke at last, her voice deeper, less creaking, "but it was less a warning then a boast. I know him, but that he was here, and that he dared interact with the lot of you, and Sailor Cipriere besides, has many dark implications."

She looked up, sweeping their eyes, drawing them in with the gravity of her being - whether she used her magic to take their attention, or whether it was her countenance, she had them all, even those who had recently stirred. "If you ever see him again, do not act afraid. Do not tell him that you met me, and, if prompted, say you had no need of his potions in this fight. Accept what he offers, but never use it. He must not suspect you know who he is, or what his purpose may be. Else you will die."
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 11:13 am

[HC Event] Conviction M7t27nI

Her attack had missed. For a creature that size, it sure was agile. She was watching the battle carefully, contemplating her next move...

And that was the last thing she remembered.

As she regained her senses, she slowly took in her surroundings. Instinctively, she looked for Hemera -- thankfully, she seemed alright, though judging by her look, she was equally puzzled.

What had happened? Where did the tree go?

Her attention turned to the old woman speaking. Who was she? A new enemy? Or an ally?

Nyx summoned her staff and prepared herself just in case, but did not make any other movement, or say anything at all, for that matter. She simply observed the woman and listened to her words, trying to make sense of what had happened based on context.
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime2nd October 2016, 2:56 pm

[HC Event] Conviction KeESSpr

Ari felt her large eyes get droopy as she laid next to Xtal. Her breath was haggard and heavy as she continued to worry about her ailing companions. She struggled to stay awake, at least for her magic to wear off and become normal again. She took no notice to the new ball of light that appeared and turned into an old wrinkled woman. She only took noticed when the winged boy spoke and asked who she was.

Adjusting body to turn and get a good look at the woman, the woman walked towards her and Xtal. Wary of her but not having the strength to move, Ari low out a low grumbling growl at the woman as she inspected Xtal's face then inserted what looked to be a piece of chocolate into her mouth. She continued to let the growl rumbled until she felt the magic of her transformation wear off.  Just as she returned to normal, the old woman had spoken a strange word and the other awakened. Could she actually be helping them?

Sam asked the question that Ari was thinking. The old woman reacted strangely to mention of the hermit they had met who had given them....of course! The potions! Had Hadley and Xtal taken them and thats what put them in this state?  She took her eyes away from the crone to stare at the Xtal. The girl nearly died. She felt a rush of emotion over take her and it was all she could do to keep the tears at bay in her eyes. Crysdal and Sam once again replied back to the cranky old woman.

Something made Ari give the woman her undivided attention as she spoke a warning of the old hermit. Could he really not be trusted? Had they all been so naive to take something from a stranger, not knowing truly who he was or his intent...

Ari suddenly felt truly small in the world--no the universe. She felt as if she knew nothing and suddenly very useless. She simply sat next to Xtal, staring blankly at the old woman, holding back the tears that pressed to spill out of her eyes. She had no words to contribute
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 4:05 am

[HC Event] Conviction FmnqQmZ

Celestal awoke with a groan. Sitting up, she rubbed her head, eyes blinking furiously. There didn't sound like there was any fighting which means she had missed all of it. How embarrassing. She was supposed to stay conscious and save the rest of them, being a healer, not get knocked out first thing and spend the entire fight on the ground. How was her group supposed to trust her after this. 

It wasn't until an old woman began speaking about a man, the hermit they had met earlier, that Celestals attention focused. The man was evil? But how can they trust what she said?

"You say the man we saw earlier was evil and not to be trusted, yet you give us no reason for us to trust you. What is to say that he is the one we should trust and not you, or to be honest, perhaps we should trust neither of you."
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 6:07 am

[HC Event] Conviction ReEnAQI

When the soft edible thing of dark brown colour was provided to her, Xtal-Diamante was barely conscious enough to register much about it. Her experience just moments ago with the potion—particularly observing how it had effected Sailor Valdis—should have made her hesitate... but in this case, her current weakened state drowned out the warnings. She accepted and chewed the thing, taking no note of its taste. Her rock-like self lacked taste buds, and that came in handy now.

The first thing she noticed, as her consciousness sharpened, was another's presence. Sailor Xtal-Diamante pulled herself to a more upright sitting position, briefly untangling herself from her masses of hair, and saw that Sailor Bastet was very close. Was she injured as well? The feline soldier had fought determinedly in the battle, but Xtal-Diamante had not observed much of the tail end due to her own distress.

Her attention diverted to the old woman that spoke—the one who had given her whatever revived her. For the crystal-eyed young woman, these actions weighed much heavier on her impressions than the empty claim of assistance from the hermit. As the others spoke, continuing to question, she only hoped they would not cross his path again.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Prince Diamond
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 9:13 am

[HC Event] Conviction Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
Gabriel squeezed the handle of his sword tightly. He knew why they would have to try and react as if nothing happened. If the Hermit wanted them dead, then knowing they survived despite his plans would only make him all the more determined to end them. But even if he knew, even if he understood, he wanted, fiercely, to make firewood with that man's body.

Hearing Celestal's voice was a relief, so was seeing everyone else stand and pitch in. It had been too close. He didn't feel good about leaving all their bodies there while they fought, but there was no other choices back then. It was either fight or try to heal them all and probably die.

His eyes turned to Alshain and Nyx, then back to the old woman they went. He didn't trust the old woman, but she did heal them. In a way, they were now indebted to her and he didn't like it.

"What's the price for all of this?"

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 10:41 am

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
She ended her statement with a sharp nod of her head before she resumed rooting around in her bag, her old fingers tracing familiar items, searching for the objects that felt right for the situation; her fingers wrapped around a few, and she made to pull them out when Sailor Celestal spoke up, her reasoning shrewd. The Crone smiled around her crooked nose, "That's the spirit," she replied, and returned to her rummaging, apparently, once again, not going to directly answer the question of trust.

Knobbly knuckles grasping the trinkets tightly, she pulled them from her cloth sack as Amarachius Sworn spoke. "Ooohoohoo," she cooed in a singsong manner, looking at her hands as she hobbled back over to him, feigning being impressed, "Look who's figured it out. These have already been paid for," she stated, dropping two small vials of blue liquid into his free hand, which raised of its own accord to meet hers. "As for the chocolate and the refreshment, they're on another's account - no need to worry about those."

She turned and shuffled over to Sailor Chalybs, and similarly handed over an odd-looking necklace with a strange symbol and another little vial of green liquid, then turned and kept shuffling along towards Sailors Hemera and Nyx; to the sun senshi she gave another amulet, this with a different symbol from Chalybs but otherwise looking very similar; to the moon she gave a blue liquid filled vial and a small pouch. "Three uses with that," she said, pointing a crooked finger at Nyx's pouch.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 11:19 am

[HC Event] Conviction Q4typJ6

The addition of a new voice would have normally caught Hadley's attention, but she couldn't focus on it - she couldn't focus on anything at all - she could feel a warm presence beside her, hugging her close, but Hadley wasn't even certain who it was anymore. She tried to focus on that feeling, wanting to hide within it, but it was too difficult.

Her body was so heavy, everything felt sluggish and wrong. She could hear a small bit of conversation going on before an old woman stood in front of her. Hadley tried to move away - who was this woman? - but the elderly woman was already there, poking and prodding. It made her feel uncomfortable - touches from other people was not something she was used to and Hadley wanted to recoil away, but her body betrayed her, and she couldn't muster the energy to do so. But the insistent touches reminded Hadley of her grandmother, when Hadley had been incredibly sick for an entire moon, and her grandmother had been the only one to help her - oh how she missed her. Although she didn't want to trust this stranger, the similarity of it made Hadley relax despite her better judgment.

She was given a large ball of chocolate and was instructed to eat it. Hadley felt as though she could barely lift the enormous thing, let alone eat it. She wasn't hungry - she wasn't sure if she could trust herself to eat anything ever again - but there was a certain commanding presence about the elderly lady. Surely... she was okay? It was okay to trust her?

Hadley hesitated for a moment, knowing that trusting strangers had gotten her into this situation to begin with. But the woman's face reminded her of her grandmother - even though they looked nothing alike, there were similarities that called to her - that had to be a good sign. Right?

Well, whatever it was, it couldn't make her feel any worse than she did right now, Hadley reasoned. And at least it was chocolate. Chocolate was always a good thing.

She stuffed the whole thing in her mouth.

And regretted it instantly. She gagged, wanting to spit the entire mass out but forced herself to keep chewing, the acrid flavor burning her taste buds. She focused on her decision to eat this thing, even as she felt betrayed that this was absolutely nothing like chocolate. Hadley could hear continued conversation, but she was too preoccupied with getting this disgusting hunk of stuff down as soon as possible.

As she finally swallowed the last of it, Hadley stayed where she was, gasping and now trying to keep it down.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 11:45 am

[HC Event] Conviction CNgUiZI

She could barely piece things together when all of a sudden something forcibly pulled her attention to the old woman. Her brain struggled to keep up with the words, trying to figure out who she was talking about. Potions? Was she talking about the old man? Die? What was going on?! He had seemed like a nice person, but now this woman was telling them they were going to die because of him?

She was still kind of confused when the woman handed the amulet to her, automatically receiving it without even thinking, her brain still caught on the old man who called himself The Hermit.

“So who was that man, really? And what is his true purpose?” she asked, not liking vague implications and puzzling enigmas.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 4:13 pm

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
"He is the Hermit, and he is my counterpart," the Crone revealed offhandedly, "He serves Chaos as I serve Cosmos." She paused by Hadley and put a knarled hand on her head, "Easy, girl, don't spit it up. First one was free, next one won't be. Take these." Unceremoniously she dropped another amulet into Hadley's hands, along with a red potion in a bottle, and shuffled onward. "Should'n't've messed with you lot, and now I've got decisions to make and you've got planets to save.

Stopping next by Aegle, she thumbed over a wooden chip with an insignia, and nodded towards her belt. "Pocket that."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 5:45 pm

[HC Event] Conviction Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
"He served Chaos?"

He repeated, looking down to his sword with a certain confusion. Shouldn't his sword have been glowing then? Shouldn't it have warned him then? Was it even working correctly? Could he even trust it anymore?

This was confusing.

"It's all nicely put together, but Sailor Jin hasn't told us our next stop."

He pointed out in a tired voice, his sword lowering until the tip touched the ground.

"Unless you know something she didn't share with us."

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 6:12 pm

[HC Event] Conviction KeESSpr

Ari was brought out of her daze as both Xtal stirred and woke up which brought on a huge sigh of relief. Hadley struggling to down the chocolate the old woman had given her gave Ari cause to turn her way. What exactly had the woman given them? How was the old man chaos? Who is Cosmos? So many questions... Ari gave a quick glance at Xtal who seemed fine before mustering enough strength to stand and walk towards Hadley. She knelt by her as the woman tended to her.

"Is she going to be ok? What refreshments are you talking about?" Ari found herself blurting out questions as she processed everything that had been said, "What is..a tab? Who could be helping us? The only one who knows about us is Sailor Jin and Queen Zhi right? What are we meant to do?"

She finished rambling and quickly her eyes went wide at the shock of her sudden outburst. Her face flushed and she covered her mouth with her hands, mumbling an "I'm sorry" from behind them in embarrassment.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 8:07 pm

[HC Event] Conviction A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
"Eh," she shrugged, "Should be," she grunted noncommittally to Bastet's questioning of Hadley's health. As the girl's questions continued, however, the Crone seemed to grow bored, shuffling towards Cosima as she meddled with something in her bag, the questions seeming to fly over her head, unanswered. "For you," she stated, dropping a green vial into Cosima's hands, "and this," she added, pulling out a plain piece of chest armor and dropping it into automatically outstretched arms.

Glancing back into her bag, she let out a little grumble of annoyance and went back towards Bastet and Hadley, stopping to pat Amarachius on the arm casually as she passed, "Don't feel bad about your sword, boy," she remarked, "We're outside the influences; it wouldn't've reacted.

Reaching the cat-eared senshi, she dropped a little pouch in her hands, holding up three knobbly fingers, and reached in again to pull out a piece of body armor similar to Cosima's. "You're meant to do what you are meant to do," she replied evenly, and then laughed to herself and looked back at the rest of them, growing sober. "Your task is a difficult one, but you are not alone. The Galaxy is at war, Sailor Senshi, and without you, life and love are lost. Trust in each other, and use your hearts as well as your heads." She paused, seeming to think of something, her young eyes seeming to catch on something she saw far away, and, brows furrowed, she looked back. "This is bigger than all of you; only together do you stand a chance."

"I --- oh, right," she paused in her sweeping motion to find Bastet, only then remember what Bastet had earlier said, "Refreshments." With a flick of her wrist that waved her staff, the party was completely refreshed, wounds closing, bruises mending, magic completely replenished and restored; while mentally or emotionally tired, their physical ailments have been erased. "That wouldn't've been good," she cackled, then grew serious. "I must leave."

She raised her staff above her head, preparing to leave immediately.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 8:43 pm

[HC Event] Conviction Sailor12

Chalybs had absolutely no idea what this metal thing on a chain was, but the old Crone had given it to her. Was it useful? A machine perhaps? No, if it was mechanical, just touching it would have revealed that. This was different. The little vial of green liquid made her far more wary though, and she pinched it between two fingers as gingerly as possible before tapping a button on her suit. A small compartment near her hip opened up, and she dropped it inside and resealed it.

SAM would not be trying that liquid if she could help it. The metal chain was still a mystery to her, but she wrapped it around one arm anyway, considering it less dangerous than the green vial. 

So that Hermit man, the one who could supposedly kill them all, worked for Chaos. And this woman worked for Cosmos, whoever that was. And now this group she had been stuck with was now once again being tasked with even more responsibility.

She was still bruised and lightheaded from trying not to die to that tree beast... As if on cue, the Crone waved her staff, and it was like she had never fought at all.

"Physical status is at 100 percent. Energy levels are also 100 percent," Ferrum confirmed.

"So I guess we're not going home yet..." SAM said, but she wasn't protesting anymore. She was resigned to this fate now.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 8:47 pm

[HC Event] Conviction AFFXPjk
The last thing her eyes held was the sky falling away from her before everything went dark.  

Blue light flashed through her vision before she inhaled deeply as consciousness returned to her.  Sight returned quickest, then sound as she took in the scene around her and voices began to reach her ears.  It would appear that the creature had been defeated, while she had laid there on the dirt.  No, her inner voice sharply replied to the thoughts that had threatened to flood her mind.  With practice and renewed vigilance, she squashed the unnecessary feelings down and turned her full attention to the old woman who was answering questions left and right.  It would seem that the old man, the hermit, had intended harm for them.  Alshain took the instructions and organized them in her mind, to be dealt with if needed.  

As the old woman continued handing out items, the dark haired senshi slowly rose to her feet.  Gracefully she checked her joints and limbs with quiet, reserved movements.  She dared not make eye contact with anyone instead, the blue/yellow irises swept over the ground or the old woman only.  Information first, she mentally chastised herself, then deal with this.

Suddenly, any wounds that had been acquired from her little tumble, were gone and she felt as if nothing physical had happened.  She bit the inside of her cheek, unaware of the harsh lines that graced her face.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 8:48 pm

[HC Event] Conviction B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Hemera's question behind her, asking about the darkness, pulled Crysdal's attention and she looked back over her shoulder at the people just waking, making a mental note to herself to fill them in once this old-woman business had ended; and she made a note to tell them everything; the more that everyone knew the better. As Sam replied to the old woman with her own description of the Hermit, Crysdal kept her eyes on the woman, looking for some sign that spoke to the woman's true nature - was she against them? Had she somehow caused the potions to foul? She came from out of nowhere, there was nothing saying that she hadn't, but then why help them now? Hex and Hadley looked remarkably better, the others were awake, so why go through the trouble of helping them if leaving them alone would have finished them off one way or another? 

Her abrupt change of tone, from creaking and practically ancient to rich and commanding, couldn't help but to be listened to, reminding Crysdal instantly of her grandmother, though as she comprehended what the woman was saying she wished she could have paid less attention. Her words evoked thoughts and images in her mind - 'less a warning than a boast' - Sailor Cipriere? Had she taken his potions and... and died because of it? How... how horrible. That great tree creature, with its crushing feet and beams of light against her, alone; had she been forced to detransform, as Hadley had? What kind of... the possibilities were cruel and heartless, and she found herself staring at her shoes, hugging herself absently, trying not to think of the thousand ways she could have died, or any more about the man who could have killed her in cold blood. Had he really tried to kill them, too? 

Her chin was forced up to look at the hook-nosed old woman as she spoke a warning about further encounters with the Hermit, and as Crysdal listened, she fervently hoped that there would be no further interaction with him. Could she lie that well, especially knowing that their lives could depend on it, one way or another? Could they? Her eyes jerked over to the rest of them, Aldrin especially, the sight of the blue-skinned girl making her wonder all the more what the lute-player could be thinking about all this, half waiting for the moment when she would interrupt with an odd theory or bring up Sailor Jin again. 

Rather than Aldrin, however, it was Celestal who spoke next, asking point blank the question Crysdal had been chewing over: who should they trust? The old woman didn't answer, choosing instead to treat Gabriel like he were in young-school and asked a good question, talking then more about a payment she had certainly not made, mentioning that the chocolate and the 'refreshment' was on someone else - she wondered at that, but Hemera's question was also important, and it seemed to be one the woman was willing to answer: the Hermit, her counterpart, serving Chaos as she served Cosmos

Crysdal bit her lip, reminded of talks she had had with Achelois and Enyalius during their brief time on Aegle, reminded of those terms and their repeated use nowadays; however, she remembered nothing of a Hermit or a crabby old woman. She had barely enough time to fully think back when the woman handed her a piece of wood and told her to pocket it; Crysdal hesitated, not quite sure of what it was, but she felt cautiously at ease looking at it, so she did as she was told and put it in the empty pouch beside the pouch still holding the Hermit's last two potions, her palms sweating when she realized they were still there. The rest were used or destroyed, but those two remained; what should she do with them? ... Get rid of them, but how? Where? Were they poisonous to the environment, or other living creatures? She felt poorly now about smashing the others... maybe Elysande could burn them...

Sailor Jin.

Aldrin hadn't been the first to bring her up again - Gabriel had. As he inquired as to their next step, she looked directly at Celestal, who must still have been holding the communicator; she hoped she hadn't lost it, or that it hadn't broken when she fell earlier... the purple uniform didn't seem to have any pockets or pouches, and she began to feel uneasy about it. If they had lost the communicator, what should they do? They didn't know where to go next - where they were needed. If they couldn't contact Jin... Ari's point about Jin or Queen Zhi being potential benefactors was interesting, but she didn't want to focus too much on that - that was a conversation for later, so long as the old woman didn't straight up answer it. Which... she didn't. 

The Galaxy is at war, Sailor Senshi, and without you, life and love are lost. Trust in each other, and use your hearts as well as your heads. This is bigger than all of you; only together do you stand a chance.

Only together... 

The magic that rushed through their gathering was palpable, but rather than the heavy miasma they had traveled through originally, this felt... light. Airy, cool, and refreshing, like a cool spring breeze. She didn't know what other purpose it served, but the 'refreshment' was refreshing, at least; however, the abruptness of her announcement to leave was decidedly not. Moments ago she had been fine puttering around the place handing out strange trinkets and --- trinkets!

"Wait!" Crysdal called, stepping forward and raising her hand, "What have you given us? How does it work?!" She wasn't going to mistake potions ever again.
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[HC Event] Conviction Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime3rd October 2016, 9:20 pm

[HC Event] Conviction YnYB6wE

It wasn't long after she had spoken that an old woman had appeared practically out of then air, spooking the small group. If she wasn't so tired she might would have jumped at her sudden entrance or huff at her condescending tone yet all she could manage to do was sit on the ground and glare. Half of their team had been knocked out during the battle while the rest of them were left to fend for themselves and now this stranger had decided to grace them with her presence? Cosima spat on the ground angrily as the woman talked, rolling her eyes as she went on about Chaos and Cosmos and other nonsense. In her honest opinion both sides were equally awful and useless. Whatever 'Cosmos' was it hadn't saved Sailor Cipriere nor had it come to their aid until after the battle was over...and that would only be true if the old woman was sincere about her allegiance.

Yet despite her misgivings, she found herself strangely drawn towards the woman. Her eyes following her movement and listening to every word she uttered and soon the woman made eye contact over to her. Almost instinctively, Cosima held out her hands like an obedient child as the woman shuffled over to her and out a phial filled with a mysterious liquid. Cosima eyed it incredulously, wondering if the woman took her for a fool. After the incident with the potions there was no way she was drinking that. As she accepted the first item another one was soon placed in her hands, one that she had seemed and worn many times over: chest armor.

If this had been given to her at home she would have thrown it away in disgust. There was none of the fine ornate detail or embellishes that she typically favored. It was plain, cheap, and simply just...boring. But it was also something familiar and a painful reminder of what she was fighting to get back to. Giving a tired but content sigh, Cosima pulled the armor towards her chest and held it close to her tightly.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 3:17 am

[HC Event] Conviction M7t27nI

Nyx continued watching in daze, focusing on absorbing as much information as she could to piece everything together. She didn't move when the old woman approached her, and without much thought, somehow unable to even consider being cautious, she accepted the items offered to her. She stared at the pouch, her expression even more puzzled than before. "Three... uses...?" she asked, more to herself than the old woman before her.

Storing the received items, she finally began to realize what was happening. So the Hermit had tricked them. Or that woman was tricking them into thinking that the Hermit had tricked them. Either way, she had good reason to believe that only one of the two was truly on their side. And based on what she was hearing about those malfunctioning vials, he probably was not as kind as he seemed to be.

You've got planets to save.

That caused Nyx to finally snap out of her daze, recalling the beginning of this adventure.

"Celestal, do you still have the communicator Jin gave us?" she inquired. She had said that they were to use it to contact her once they were done here.

So that they could go to their next battle.

Was she willing to do that, though? Were they?
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