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 [HC Event] Conviction

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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 6:00 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 ReEnAQI

Most of this discussion vibrated through her without generating any meaning. Chaos? Cosmos? Tab? Payment? Trust? When they had been fighting against attackers it was easier to brush aside the stark differences of everything that she had been exposed to so far. Now that she felt recovered—fully recovered, in fact, after whatever a "refreshment" was (she liked this "refreshment")—she felt like she had to concentrate on every word, yet they all signaled unfamiliar concepts.

Even "war" meant nothing to Sailor Xtal-Diamante, it was only the way that word came from the old woman's mouth that shuddered something inside of her core. It was not a reverberation that she appreciated. But the Crone confirmed that the strange mission Xtal-Diamante had been dragged from her home to fulfill was not ended here. Apparently they had to contact the strange Sailor Jin and do this... again.
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 6:21 am

Sailor Aldrin woke with dripping dark blue blood on her face.

Just what had happened? She played the song of her people, Apol 11, against that terrifying, looming creature. Another song had played in her heart, boosting her confidence and giving her the strength to carry on and to fight for what Sailor Cipriere died for.

But then nothing. It was as if time itself had shifted, bringing her to this place on the ground with the others, who looked somewhat stable. Sailor Celestal's words pounded in her head. 

"You give us no reason to trust you."

A brief smile came over her face. Normally, she would have agreed with her but now she didn't seem to care all that much. What was point of trusting or not trusting people anymore? She could apparently trust that these people saved her from what was likely certain death but what was the point of trusting anyone outside of their group? Cosmos? Chaos? What was the difference if both sides' actions only led to suffering.

Sailor Aldrin made the decision to trust only those who proved themselves to be worthy of her trust. The older woman was right about one thing. Aldrin would only survive if she stuck with this group, though she feared they would find she was hardly useful, especially after her apparently pitiful performance in this last battle.

But then Sailor Jin's name was brought up and a new fear arose within her. Sailor Aldrin let out an audible sound that lingered somewhere between a sigh and a murmur.

"It would be unwise for me... I... propose..."

Her physical wounds were now healed but it seemed her mind was still in tatters. She slowly got to her feet and took some steps away from the group.

"I have come to the likely assumption that you have assisted me in my time of dire need. I express gratitude for this action. I will now retreat to meditate on my own if you wish to contact the being known as Sailor Jin once more."

She turned around and sat on the ground with her hands pressed to her ears. Jelly tears formed in her eyes as she tried to block out any sound from the communicator that would carry Sailor Jin's messages.

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 4th October 2016, 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 6:34 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Her stomach was beginning to settle, and she no longer feared that she might empty the contents of her stomach quite so strongly anymore. Hadley felt a hand on her head for just a moment, and the words of the elderly lady before an amulet and a bottle were placed into her hands.

Hadley rubbed at her face, feeling completely exhausted but better, before looking down at the items she now held. A necklace of some sort? It was pretty but a part of her wondered why she had been given it. Jewelry seemed like a strange choice of reward for helping to rid this planet of the monster, but she wouldn't complain. Trinkets were fun to collect after all.

She blanched as she inspected the bottle. Another potion. Was it a kind of joke, perhaps?

Hadley began to take in her surroundings a little more, and recalled the conversations that had happened before and the ones that were happening now. She was glad to have Ari next to her - her friend's presence was comforting. The words of the elderly lady kept repeating in Hadley's mind. Only together do you stand a chance. Hadley glanced to each of the people in their group. She had only known them for such a short amount of time, but already she felt a bond with them. Some more than others, she thought as her gaze came upon Ari and Crysdal, but the bond was there for all of them all the same.

A rush of magic flitted upon her skin, cool and light. Hadley breathed in deeply, feeling the magic work its way through her. She felt so much better now - what would have happened if the elderly lady hadn't come?

She shivered at the thought.

It made her sad to think that the Hermit had been a bad guy though. She knew, logically, that it was the gifted potions that had caused both Xtal and herself to fall so ill. But at the same time, she didn't want to believe him to be evil. He had such a kind face, and had seemed genuine in his desire to help them on their journey. Surely there was some other reason. What if the potions he gave them simply reacted poorly with her digestive system? There were so many different planets with varying types of people, it stood to reason that certain potions would react differently to each of them.

But at the same time, the elderly lady was kind too, and she had proved her willingness to help them. It was because of her that Hadley and Xtal were recovered from the potions, and their fallen comrades were now awake. She had even healed them! And she was so like grandmother, it was almost painful to think about.

Hadley frowned, more confused than ever.

The elderly lady was preparing to leave, and Hadley was glad to hear Crysdal ask about the gifts the lady had given them all, but Hadley wanted to add a statement of her own. "Thank you for..." she trailed off, unsure how to put it all to words. So much had happened in so little time, she didn't even know what to say. She had nothing to give this woman in exchange for what she had done, but she had to at least put words to her gratitude.

"Well, everything," she finished plainly, ignoring the blush heating her cheeks.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 2:32 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 A1c26cceec439eb0475926d80849a776-002
The Crone paused, looking a little cross for having to be stopped mid-move, and in a grumpy tone turned to answer Crysdal, but paused as Hadley spoke. The woman looked to her, all signs of frustration leaving, as she replied softly, "It's no trouble, dear." Looking away, her voice was gruffer and back to "normal" for her when she added, "Besides, it's all paid for. Blue is for refreshing magic, red is for health, green will grant you strength; if you don't know what body armor is for you don't deserve it so just drop it now, and to activate the amulet pray to your planet for power; it'll refresh you.

She raised her staff a second time, "Good luck."

In a flash, she turned into an orb of white light and paused as she dropped a large bottle of some thick, cream-colored liquid. "This one's on the house. You'll need it."

And disappeared.

Body Armor:
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th October 2016, 2:49 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 CNgUiZI

Chaos… Hemera would not have guessed that at all, but then again, she always took what people said at face value. Her sister often told her to be more critical of things, but it was a hard habit to break. So that nice old man was evil? A servant of Chaos?

Also, planets to save? Exactly how many planets did they have to save before they were allowed to go home?

The woman continued to say about a war in the galaxy, reminding them that this was so much bigger than all of them. Hemera thought about the desperation that had sent them here. She knew things were bad, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine how bad exactly. Sailor Cipriere was the first senshi she’d known who had died. But they conquered Chaos on this planet, didn’t they? They didn’t even need her. They managed to take care of it with just half the team. If everyone made it out of this one alive, surely they could do the rest just fine. As long as they stuck together and helped each other.

She felt a sudden boost in her magic and health, feeling almost as good as new again aside from the troubling thoughts. Whoever this woman was, she must be the real deal, then.

It wasn’t until Aegle asked what the potions and items were for that Hemera remembered the amulet she was still clutching. The woman said they’d been paid for? By who? Who else was helping them?

She struggled to keep up as the items were explained—apparently the amulet was for more power, and all she needed to do was pray to her planet. Her planet… Hemera briefly wondered if it was alright, with no one guarding it. Could Chaos end up there too eventually? And if that happened, would they be allowed to go home and defend it? Perhaps she should ask Sailor Jin if they managed to contact her.
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th October 2016, 4:31 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Hadley watched as the white light disappeared, a small smile coming to her lips at the pretty brightness, as she held tightly to the gifts she had been given. She wished there had been more time. She would have loved to ask the lady so many different questions, to get to know her. The lady had been so kind to help them, and although she had been rough around the edges, Hadley would always remember the soft quality the lady's voice had taken for just a moment. Hadley wondered if they would see her again.

She truly hoped so.

Her attention was drawn to the last gift the lady had given them before she had gone. Curiously, she reached out to pick up the large bottle, peering into its thick and creamy contents.

"Is this another potion?" she asked, tilting the bottle. She frowned. It was so thick. And who would pick such a flesh-like color for a thing meant for consumption?

Ugh. She was not looking forward to drinking this one.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th October 2016, 3:12 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 AFFXPjk
Since she had been unconscious at the time, Alshain wondered if the old woman had appeared as quickly as she just disappeared.  Her mind then set about organizing and replaying the recent information over in her head.  It would appear that they had a long, arduous journey ahead of them. 

"Maybe we can test it and see what it's affect is?"

Even as the question of 'what to do next' popped into her head, she set about answering it before finally speaking aloud.

"We do need to contact Sailor Jin, I also think we should stop by that village and alert them to the situation.  I would also give thanks to those who remained throughout the fight and would appreciate a recall of the fight, specifically what kind of powers and attacks the creature had."  She looked to Aegle for the last part, a thoughtful expression slipping onto her face.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th October 2016, 8:24 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 YnYB6wE

The idea of going back to the village seemed smart enough and Cosima was about to agree when she was reminded of something, more specifically a little boy. 'Sailor Cipriere's brother...' Cosima felt her chest began to grow heavier as she was reminder of what he had loss which only made her tighten her grip on the armor to keep from crying. She gritted her teeth in anger, frustrated at herself. What was wrong with her? Death was not a foreign concept to her so why did the death of a stranger manage to bother her so much? Deep down she knew the answer, it was one that had almost became a reality for her during their first fight. She, as well as all of the others, could and most likely would become another Cipriere. Based on the old woman's worlds there was still a great amount of planets that needed saving and while they had been victorious today, there was no guarantee that they would survive the next battle or the one after that which terrified Cosima. 

She had been trained to always thoroughly plan and know your enemies in battle. She always knew the enemies territory, who their strongest soldiers were, what were their strengths and weaknesses, and more. Yet here, she felt like a child stumbling around in the dark without any guidance and she despised it. Everything she had studied, trained, and fought back at home seemed insignificant and weak compared to what she experienced in a day on this wretched planet.

 "If we go back to the village..." she began as her voice slightly wavered before she quickly recovered herself, making it deeper so no one would notice, "we will have to tell that child what happened to his sister. He and his family deserve to know the truth at least." Her voice was flat as she stared down at her sword, still trying to sort out her own conflicting emotions.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th October 2016, 9:58 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Sailor13

So the metal object was an "amulet", and it replenished her energy? So it was like a battery pack. Useful... The green liquid was apparently for strength, but she didn't really know what king of strength, so she decided to wait until someone else tested the potions out before consuming anything similar. 

And now the Crone was gone, and all they could do was wait for their nest assignment. Sailor Alshain's plan made sense, though she wasn't looking forward to Sailor Jin telling them all what to do again, and Cosima brought their attention back to a sadder task. 

"Of course, we shouldn't hide what happened to her..." SAM said with a nod in her direction. The thought of dying like that still shook her to the core, and the glowing light embedded in her chest piece flickered before dimming to its usual intensity. They all lived now, but how long could that last?

She saw Sailor Aldrin retreating from the group to sit by herself, and remembered how affected she had been by Sailor Jin. SAM didn't really feel right just leaving here there to cry again, but she wasn't really sure what to do either. Against all common sense, she crept over to the other senshi as quietly as her bulky metal boots allowed. When she was right by Sailor Aldrin's side, she knelt down to make herself less intimidating.

"U-uh...It's... it's going to be alright..." She wasn't even sure what she was saying made sense, but it felt right enough. "We got rid of that tree monster, right? We won't let anything hurt you. I'm uh..." she lowered her voice in embarrassment. "I'm kind of scared of Sailor Jin too, but I'm sure it'll be okay."
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 7:01 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
The crone paused, and while she looked annoyed, Crysdal was determined; around her, others were preparing to move on, but she wasn't going to let herself get distracted this time; she would make sure she knew exactly what thing did what, so if anyone forgot, she could step in to remind them before anything untoward happened. Blue for magic, Red for health, Green for strength; pray to amulet for more magic. She repeated the phrases three times, completely quiet as the old woman transformed back into an orb of light and disappeared -- but her parting gift just gave her the start of a headache. She looked warily on the large bottle of creamy liquid, her stomach churning. Why would she do that? After all the troubles they just had with drinking unknown potions, why leave another one for them to deal with?

Her brows furrowed in concern as Hadley, of all people, reached for it first - she took a few steps forward, her hand outstretched to accept the bottle, "It could be, but let's not make assumptions this time - we don't have any of that chocolate-covered stuff to reverse the effects if we're wrong." Maybe they could tell what it was by smell? Surely taste should be the final option. She liked Elysande's suggestion, she just hoped everyone would be on board with not drinking it being on that initial list of tests.

Fairly certain that Hadley wouldn't pop the top and guzzle it down, she thought about what both Alshain and Cosima had said, realizing that what Nyx was speaking with Celestal about was probably the same subject, the group conversations knitting back together again steadily. She nodded when Elysande looked to her for explanation - she'd tell her exactly what she had seen, once they decided what to do next.  

Going back to the village... They deserved to know that things should be returning to normal, and the little boy deserved to know what became of his sister - she agreed, but at the same time... "Let's start heading back there, but we should still contact Sailor Jin. What's happened here is terrible, but it's over; for some planets, if Jin and that old woman are to be believed... it's still going on. Spreading information is important, but... imagine if we had gotten here before Cipriere had met the Hermit, and how different that could have been. What if other such crucial moments are happening out there, and we're missing them? If Jin says we're needed elsewhere, I would want to go as quickly as we can, just in case we could prevent something terrible from happening."
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 7:04 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 M7t27nI

Awaiting Celestal's response about the communicator, -- she couldn't tell if she was searching for it? Hopefully it wasn't lost -- Nyx's attention also turned to another conversation taking place. "Yes, we need to tell them," she concurred, nodding at Cosima's words. "Sad as it may be, not knowing is worse; now that their planet is in peace, they can honor her as they should."

With all that settled, Nyx noted to herself to later ask someone exactly what had transpired.

Which would probably simply confirm exactly how useless she had been. But she had to know all the same, and she would have to be more careful next time. Despite scolding her sister at times for her carelessness and recklessness, it turns out she isn't much better herself, was she?

Looking around, her sight caught the jelly senshi, Aldrin, opting to isolate herself from the group. Apparently she was still upset or afraid of Jin. Following Sam, she decided to attempt to comfort her. After all, she was the one that seemed to believe in Nyx the most. Which she could not understand in the first place, and now? Much less.

Placing her hand on Aldrin's shoulder, hoping the gesture would put her more at ease (and hoping even more that it wouldn't be considered inappropriate -- different civilizations and all), she smiled at the blue senshi. "Where are you going? Now that we're finished here, we still need to pay our respects to Cipriere as you suggested. Whatever Jin wants can wait. What do you think we should do?"
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 7:31 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Hadley continued to inspect the potion as she listened to the others speak of contacting Sailor Jin. She didn't feel particularly inclined to constant the senshi - she felt a little intimidated by her and was uncertain what to expect when they'd see her again. But that was their duty, right? To let Jin know that they had been successful.

She nodded in response to Crysdal's statement about the potion - the idea of having to swallow that thick stuff was incredibly unpleasant anyway - and handed it over. It was better protected in Crysdal's hands, and Hadley was content with taking care of her own ruby red potion that the lady had given her.

Hadley smiled as she continued to listen to the current conversation. The memories of that small village filled her with warmth, it was definitely her favorite part of this journey. Taking the time to rest and to speak at length with Ari as they explored the village, and all of the villagers had been so kind.

Her smile faltered as she remember the young male who had reached out to them as the group had begun to leave the village, recalling emotions on his face. The idea of him never truly knowing what had happened to his sister was not right. It would be difficult to tell him, to dash away his hopes. But at least he would know the truth instead of spending the rest of his life wondering what had truly happened. He might suspect, but he would never know. The knowledge would at least allow the open wound to begin to heal.

"Moving on might be important, but I think giving those villagers closure is important too." Hadley glanced around, before looking down at the ground. "They did so much for us, giving us shelter and food and shared their stories with us. The least we could do is to be honest."
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 7:40 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 KeESSpr

Ari took the items from the old woman, a bit confused on what they actually were, save the armor. That was pretty obvious. She wondered what exactly was in the pouch.

"This is bigger than all of you; only together do you stand a chance."

The woman didn't have to tell her that twice. She had realized that at the beginning of this mission but now, it had begun to sink in even more. As Ari continued to ponder over the woman's words, she felt her bruises, scratches and magic drain suddenly disappear. She was still fatigued but otherwise she felt perfectly normal. The woman must have healed them!

As she mentioned more planets affected by chaos and war, Ari felt her heart drop when Sam clearly stated they weren't going home yet. She had a feeling that were to be the case before they even had fought the tree beast, but hearing it said out loud...

Next to her Hadley stirred and woke up, even able to speak. Ari nodded in agreement as she thanked the old woman while also sighing in relief. She felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted off her shoulders. The old woman had really done them all a great service. Even if she and The Hermit were meant to be "outside" of things. That thought made Ari wonder if they were dealing with god like beings.

The old woman left and behind her dropped another potion. Hadley immediately for it and Ari nearly threw a conniption fit, thank god Crysdal stepped in to take it away from her.

"I'd rather if you wouldn't drink it, Hadley..." Ari protested as Crysdal made very reasonable assumptions about the strange concoction.

Then there was talk of returning to the village and...oh...that little boy. Her heart dropped again. Of course they would have to tell him. Crysdal once again spoke with reason about their situation. She was right. They needed to prevent what happened to Cipriere in other worlds. As she spoke, Ari thought of her home world...would something like this happen to Bastet? Will they be allowed to save her world if the situation were to arise? She hoped they would...Fighting for the other worlds also meant a chance to be able to protect her own. When she left her home, she had never fought against an agent of chaos before. Now, she was gaining that experience. Whenever she could return, she'd return stronger and more able to protect her people. That thought gave her drive and confidence as she finally stood, ready to move forward.

She replied to Crysdal, "You are right. I am ready to continue on, if everyone else is."
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Sailor CJ
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 9:17 am

It was unfortunate that Sailor Aldrin chose now of all times to plug her ears, since she would have been more than for going to alert the family of Sailor Cipriere of her ultimate fate. She was certain that, given some of the villagers chose to sing along with her in her makeshift eulogy, they had at least some idea of what had occurred. Still, making sure they absolutely knew would be the most respectful thing she would think of in this moment.

Sadly, she had other things on her mind.

Crouched as she was, she looked up quickly to see the one called SAM kneeling next to her. Her face flushed a deep purple as she tried to get her emotions together, remembering what the armored soldier looked like with her helmet removed. Aldrin concluded that SAM had some sort of charming magic that caused her emotions to go into flux. But then why didn't the other look as though they felt this way. Were they just better at hiding it?

SAM confirmed that she also was scared of Sailor Jin. She did not hear much of what the others had gone through, but came to the assumption that she was the only one who had been forced off of her planet. Did SAM share in her fate?

There was a connection now that she felt with SAM that extended beyond any emotion she had felt before for her, even the one that caused her to blush. There was connection here. Indeed, as she learned from the encounter with the strange, jungle monster, she would, like it or not, need SAM and the others in this time.

What would have happened if she had SAM when Sailor Jin forced her off of her home? Perhaps instead of hearing the cries of her people, the adorable Apols, they could have all had a feast and sentenced the once so terrifying Sailor Jin to be chained to some traveling comet.

She would have really liked that.

"Please stay with me," she said, then corrected herself, "as long as you find that you can."

Her face flushed purple again as she looked away and covered her one ear once more, but left the other slightly open to listen to SAM once more.

But instead she heard another voice and a touch on her shoulder got her immediate attention. She looked up in fright, but calmed down when she realized it was just Sailor Nyx. She already valued Nyx's guidance so it did not take her very long to absorb the question that was posed to her.

"Sailor Jin," she said with a quivering lip. "Ummm... indeed! Indubitably! The ghoulish fiend can wait yet more! We should definitely give respect where respect is due and place importance on the events that have transpired! For we are not mere soldiers, driven to fulfill our duty as though they were mindless chores! For this reason, we sailor soldiers are praised and loved. We inspire and continue to inspire so let us inspire now as those who came before us once did! To the village! More songs and tales have yet to be written of the great Sailor Cipriere!"

She stood in what appeared to be some kind of superhero pose. It seemed that Sailor Aldrin took this all very seriously.

Last edited by Sailor CJ on 7th October 2016, 8:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 9:54 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 ReEnAQI

She remained silent as the Crone left a final gift and departed. The discussion turned now to alerting a relative of the departed sailor solider of this planet to her untimely demise in the face of danger. Considering the massive tree creature and how very difficult it had been to fight against it, Sailor Xtal-Diamante could not think that a single sailor soldier—regardless of how much experience she may have had compared to theirs—could have defeated it alone. The odds were never in her favor. Perhaps she had even known that as she tried to fight against it and win.

Aldrin, thankfully recovered like the others, appeared to be reacting strongly to the "next steps" of contacting Sailor Jin. Xtal-Diamante remembered the jelly-type's statements about the one who had recruited them, so nothing about this seemed particular. She was glad that Sailors Chalybs and Nyx had approached, however. Perhaps they could improve this somehow for their blue-skinned companion. Herself, she remained silent and virtually unblinking. There was little for her to add at the moment.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 6:29 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Hadley glanced over to look at Aldrin, wondering what was going on over in that separated part of the group. She always found Aldrin a little confusing and now was no different. But she remembered the blue senshi's reactions to Sailor Jin from before, so she assumed that it was something to do with that. At least she wasn't having to deal with it alone anymore, as Nyx and Chalybs both went over to speak with her.

A part of her wanted to go and try to help too, but she wasn't entirely certain how much help she could offer. She didn't even really want to move - she felt so much better than she had, but her body was still exhausted. It was tempting just to simply lay down and close her eyes, just for a little bit. But she knew that they had to move on - no matter where the group decided to go, they had to get going. There wasn't much time for rest and relaxation as a senshi on duty, it seemed.

But she wasn't going to complain - exhaustion was much easier to deal with than how she had felt after drinking those potions.

Hadley looked over to Crysdal. "Thank you for trying to help me," she said. A small smile came to her lips as she remembered how tightly she had been hugged. It was a memory blurred with fear and confusion and panic, but Crysdal's presence had been comforting in all of that. "It was all very scary, but having you there gave me something nice to focus on. So, thank you."

She then turned her attention onto Xtal. A series of guilt-ridden emotions kept clinging at her every time she looked at the quiet senshi, so Hadley knew she had to say something. "And, I'm sorry that --", she hesitated, unsure what to say. Sorry that those potions actually turned out to be pretty terrible? Sorry that you almost died? "I'm sorry that I lead you to believe that the potions were okay. I'm really glad that you're okay now."

A blush reddened her cheeks now, feeling embarrassed at having spoken at all, but her grandmother wouldn't have wanted her to remain silent - it was good to apologize and be thankful.

Plus, a part of her wanted to reach out, despite her inexperience in these situations, despite the way her heart raced when beginning a conversation unbidden.

Only together do you stand a chance.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 6:43 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 CNgUiZI

The others had started talking, trying to decide whether they should contact Sailor Jin and immediately move on to the next planet or go back to the village and tell them about Sailor Cipriere first. Hemera agreed that both were necessary, but the longer they stood around here undecided, the smaller their window to do either. The journey from the village to here took some time, and traversing it back might cost the lives of another sailor senshi in another planet that needed help.

“Could we ask Sailor Jin to relay the message to the villagers perhaps? Or send someone else to do it? We’ve just—presumably—saved this planet, not that I would know since I was knocked out and everything, so I feel like we can at least ask her for one little favor. Besides, she might have a way of communicating with them, perhaps.”
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 9:07 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Sailor13

"Please stay with me." 

SAM froze at those particular words. She'd been asked that before, but in a completely different context. She remembered being scared, hurt, and alone out in the middle of nowhere before someone pitied her enough to help. No one should have to experience anything like that.

"...If you really want me to," SAM said. She couldn't really understand why anyone would think they needed her help, but if that made her feel better, she'd do it. She stood up again watched Aldrin respond more enthusiastically to Sailor Nyx, satisfied that the other senshi was no longer crying on the ground. She had done something right, at least.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 7:02 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 AFFXPjk
Alshain knew at least from Aegle's nod that she would know what had transpired during the battle.  And while she was thankful that most were in agreement that they needed to visit the village before they left and contact Sailor Jin, there didn't appear to be movement in that general direction.  She was in no position to lead or direct the others, but she was a firm believer in 'walking and talking'.  Even still, she was uncertain what course of action to take with this group.  Should just start walking or should she say something?  This hasn't been a concern before... She settled on moving slowly in the direction of the village, pausing at the edge of the group.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 8:17 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 ReEnAQI

Sailor Xtal-Diamante caught the motion from the one in yellow and blue. Almost instinctively, she followed Sailor Alshain, not even noticing that they were moving in the direction of the village from before. The destination was unimportant to the crystalline female form. There was just something about moving along that felt right.

Despite all that had just happened with that strange woman, she didn't want to remain so near where they had fought. Hadn't the others been talking about future work to be done? Why had no steps been taken towards completing those tasks? Xtal-Diamante never let herself be idle back home. It hadn't suited her well on this alien world, either.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 11:23 am

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
"I don't know," He answered Hemera suddenly, appearing to battle with the ruffle the fight had made of his wings. They weren't wounded, so he didn't expect them to be fully groomed after the Crone's blessing (could he even call whatever happened a blessing?), but it was still a hassle to deal with. "If Jin doesn't contact them because she's pressed with time and emergency, the village could easily be manipulated by anyone knowing of their ignorance about their protector's fate. That's why I wanted it to be said before we left." He was certain 'anyone' would be translated by the Hermit in some minds. Or hoped anyway.

"This planet was Jin's responsibility only to get us here. I don't think such matters have weight when it comes to the entire universe, or whatever large this chaos epidemic is, so it would be illogical for her to lose time in relaying information that way."

He placed another feather, trying not to grimace at his own annoyance that was against his own wings and not anyone here.

"You can try to ask, but I'm afraid if she says yes, the village will stay vulnerable. I'm also hesitant to make that detour. It could be bad for us to take time to go ourselves."

He then looked at Alshain slowly moving toward the village and was tempted to follow. The village deserved the truth, but he was worried that a detour would hinder on their mission. He looked at Hemera again.

"Just trying to show the options we have and their possible consequences. I hope I did not make you feel attacked. For a middle ground, maybe call Sailor Jin on our way to the village and we'll see what she has to say?"

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 1:26 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Crysdal nodded, accepting other courses and how they owed the village a direct explanation in exchange for the hospitality they were shown, and she did like the idea of being the bearer of good news; beyond that, her stomach knotted at the thought of the little boy and the guilt of not telling him that they knew his sister were dead, and that could only be relieved with telling him the truth and apologizing for it, but... if they had arrived sooner here... if delaying now made her wish they had arrived sooner on the next planet... Nervously she hugged herself, her attention drawn when Hadley actually thanked her for trying to help, despite her own hand in starting the entire potion debacle; she shook her head slightly, denying the thanks in such a way that Hadley could easily take it as her just being humble about it; she didn't want to make the other uncomfortable or bring it all back up, but at the same time she couldn't accept it, either. 

Hemera's idea about having Jin relay the message sounded like the best compromise - that way the village would know and they could continue on; she doubted Jin's ability to be tactful about the death of their senshi, but information was information. She nodded her agreement to Amarachius and followed the others towards the waterfall, and the way back to the wooden path that lead to the village, her eyes finding Sailor Celestal and wondering when she would make the call.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 1:44 pm

DM wrote:
The group worked their way back over the waterfall; as they reached the top, Sailor Celestal thumbed open the communicator, distancing herself from Aldrin and Sam, overhearing their discomfort and working to reduce it. Instead she grouped herself with the front of the pack - near Alshain, Amarachius, Xtal-Diamante and Aegle, allowing anyone else to appear beside her to listen in but giving those who did not want to hear Jin's voice the distance to avoid it. 

The communicator was simple and small, but it was awkward to hold that and the now-useless compass; she passed it off to the first person who would take it, and pressed the button that wound send the signal. 

Immediately it was answered. "What is it?!" Jin's voice demanded, her tone tense and the background noise loud and immediately recognizable: it was a battle.

"Uh, it's - it's us," Celestal stated, not knowing how else to answer. 

In a flash of light a hologram activated, showing Sailor Jin moving and ducking behind a wall to look into the screen at them. "Cipriere, right? Did you defeat the Chaos entity there?"

"Uh - " again Celestal hesitated, having not actually helped with its defeat, she felt a little odd speaking on everyone's behalf. "Yes - it's - it's taken care of."

"Good. Causalities?

The abruptness of the question would catch anyone off guard, "No one," Celestal finally managed. 

"Even better. You're a healer, right? I need you to fill in elsewhere - heavy casualties in another newbie group, they lost their support senshi; they need you there." She looked away from the screen for a moment, checking on a map of some sort as an explosion rocked the background image. "At nightfall I need you to head towards the orange star on the north-western horizon, or they're as good as dead. Everyone else, I've sent new coordinates to the compass to take you to your next mission."

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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 2:03 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 KeESSpr

Ari joined around the group listening in to the message from Sailor Jin, curious as to what they were to do next. She announced that Celestal was having to leave... She eyed the girl with a concerned looked. Immediately she felt her heart ache at the thought of losing one of their group, even if it was cause she was being moved to another missions...One that didn't seem to be doing as well as them... She hadn't had the chance to get to know Celestal very well but she had healed her in their fight with the mud reptiles and Ari would be forever grateful for that. She swallowed a small lump in her throat as her leaving meant an uncertainty of what would happen to her...would they ever see her again...?

Sailor Jin continued, the situation didn't seem to be very good where she was, explosions could be heard in the background. She wondered what information Jin could tell them about their next mission...Maybe tell them what sort of environment it was so they could be prepared?

"Um...Sailor Jin...what is our next mission exactly?"
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 2:04 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 M7t27nI

Nyx was relieved that Aldrin seemed to feel better. Physical wounds were not the only thing that could bring them down; emotional scars were just as bad. "That sounds nice. It's probably not a good idea to linger here for long, but we could do something quick, I'm sure."

Celestal reached for her communicator and distanced herself from the three, which Nyx figured was just as good. If Aldrin was not feeling comfortable with hearing Jin's voice, it would be better to avoid this; they would find out what she said later. Though, considering how this mission began, having already been forewarned that there is more to do, she had little doubts as to what would be said.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 2:40 pm

Quote :
Jin looked back at the communicator, a cross between annoyance and disbelief on her face, "Same thing! Planets are dying! People are dying! Lights are going out all over the galaxy; Cipriere is safe, you're needed to do the same on Destore!" She paused looking at them, her expression changing, almost like she was upset with herself for snapping at Bastet. "Listen, you have all done very well there, but we need to keep it up - we need to chase Chaos back and away from the more populated sectors, before the casualty count reaches the tens of billions. Your planets are safe, but so many others aren't, and we can't protect them - that's why we need you. Use the compass - get to Destore, and save them!"

"Sailor Jin!!" a voice cried from off screen, the scream high pitched and filled with terror. 

The senshi looked away, and the screen dissolved into static.

The call ended.
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 2:51 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
"Celestal can handle delivering our message then, we need to leave."

Sailor Jin's tone, what had happened for her to hang up on them, Celestal having to leave them for another team... all of it told him they had to move.

"You heard her, your planets are safe, I hope that will be enough for others to keep up with this."

He would think about Celestal's fate later, he couldn't do it now or he would falter. He hated missions that brought more casualties than victory, have had a few, but not too much on his own planet. He knew the risk when he accepted after knowing the truth. Her mother was prepared to loose a son, but he knew not everyone here was ready to die for people that weren't theirs. He only hoped nobody else would leave.

They were already so few of them against armies more powerful than he expected.

He put the communicator to his belt, securing it solidly.

He turned to the ones who were further away and then sought for eyes that would be more compassionate than he was to bring the whole group together again, hoping Cosima wouldn't be the first to talk to them.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 3:07 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Celestal... would be leaving?! Her pulse was already high with the battle in the background of the call, her imagination going wild over where Jin was or what she was into, but Celestal leaving, after what the old woman had said, was nearly as terrifying a prospect to her. Jin practically melting down afterwards about how bad it was - tens of billions of deaths?! - wasn't exactly uplifting, either, but the drive at the end was enough to snap her out of it. 

She had taken the compass from Celestal when it was offered out to everyone, and now that she looked at it, it's needle was indeed pointing elsewhere. As she stared down at it, thinking of Destore, she nodded absently at Gabriel's assertion that Celestal could deliver their message to the village and explain to them what had gone on and why they weren't there to say so themselves, while they could continue forward to where they were needed. As Gabriel attached the communicator to his belt and looked to the others who had elected to stay away from the call, she waited, but he did not call them over. 

So she did. "Hey guys?" she called softly. Her eyes skimmed from Sam, over Aldrin, and to Nyx as she continued, "The call is over, and we've got to get moving.

She turned back to Gabriel, not wanting to pressure the trio by staring, and offered the compass to him. "You've got the most experience with flying; you should lead us there."
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 3:13 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_ob8kagonL61ur90xy_540
He threw a grateful look at her when she called them and then looked at the compass.


Until he was reminded of their arrival and the spark of comprehension passed in his eyes.

"Oh... right. Sorry I didn't think about that before. I'll give you the communicator, then? I think I might prefer if both objects aren't in the same hands." So if one of them died too far away to take the object off the body, both wouldn't be lost, but he preferred to keep silent about his reasons, knowing they didn't need more negativity.

He untied the communicator and offered it to her while he took the compass off her hands, a small smile directed at her. His swords disappeared with this exchange and he gave an annoyed look at his wings when he widely opened them. They were good for flight, but still in need of a good grooming. He'd deal with it later.

"Those who really aren't comfortable with flying should keep to the middle so the better fliers can help if they see they're in trouble."

He looked back at Crysdal, wanting to know if she agreed, though he looked at most of the others as well.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 8th October 2016, 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Conviction   [HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th October 2016, 3:43 pm

[HC Event] Conviction - Page 2 YnYB6wE

It was decided that they wouldn't be going to the village themselves instead opting to let Jin relay the bittersweet news to the natives here much to Cosima's dissatisfaction. She wasn't completely trusting of Jin, especially after Aldrin's many claims that the woman had attacked her for refusing to come with her. While Aldrin was still probably the most eccentric person in their group, her initial distrust of her was beginning to fade and she no longer believed the girl would lie about such a thing anymore. If she would take one of them by force, why would she care about delivering a message to a small group of villagers. Cosima could only shake her head as she stood up, too mentally tired to work up the energy to argue against their decision.

Celestal led the group away from the waterfall, something which Cosima was grateful for, and called Jin via the communicator she had given them. It took a while before the woman's voice was heard, sharp as ever, and joined by the familiar sounds of battle in the background. Cosima had expected Jin would quickly send them off towards another planet once they contacted her but what she hadn't foreseen was Jin ordering Celestal to leave them to join another. Cosima frowned, biting down on her lip as a way to keep herself from objecting. She disliked them being down a healer but she also knew it would be selfish to keep Celestal here if there were others like them in dire need of her abilities.

As the connection with Jin went dead there was a short moment of silence before Sworn went into action, taking the communicator from Celestal and encouraging to move on to their next destination. Knowing that Cosima was still safe was relieving to an extent but still she felt...empty inside. Her usual thrill of battle was gone and the thought of going to another planet so soon was depressing to her ears but she kept her feelings to herself. The others didn't need to know of her problems. "I'm ready to leave whenever the rest of you are." She stated calmly. It wasn't a complete lie; she was ready to fly away from this bug-infested swamp.
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