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 (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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(Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva   (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 11:29 am

Advanced Character Profile

Character Name: Hanyuu Mimi (羽生 美々), nicknamed Mimete
• Her surname contains the characters for "feather" and "life". Her given name uses the character for "beauty" and the small marker indicating to repeat the sound of the previous character.
• Mimete is derived from mimetite, a lead arsenate chloride mineral. The mineral is named for the Greek Μιμητής (mimetes) meaning "imitator".
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 15, although people often think she's 18 or older. She's a good liar. Her birthdate is March 28, but she usually claims her birthday is whenever is convenient for her to get free things.

Used Canons:  This profile incorporates information from the the manga, the 90s anime, the musicals, with a dash of the video game Sailor Moon: Another Story.

Appearance: Mimete stands at approximately 160cm or 5'3", as she appears to be slightly taller than V-Babe. She has a curvaceous appearance, with a look more "cutesy" than "waif-like". Her childish face is very round—accentuated by her large round eyes. Her eyes are a bright persimmon orange, she lacks traditional black pupils. Instead, the center of her eye is slightly darker in colour than the edge. (This is a byproduct of her usage of the street drug "Taioron Crystal".) She often wears large round-framed glasses if she actually has to read anything or thinks it will look good with her outfit; her vision clarity is impaired due to her drug use. She has pink lips and a button nose. Her hair is a bright tangerine orange colour. It is extremely wavy and has a lot of volume. She does not have bangs; her chin-length hair is center parted and curls away from the center of her face. The edge of her hair is a fairly blunt cut, although it is not typically a straight line.

She prefers to wear clothing that shows off her figure and accents her "cuteness" in a very provocative way. Mimete isn't shy about showing off her body even if she feigns embarrassment or plays coy. For her, it's an asset that has always helped her survive when she plays her cards right. She wears a lot of extremely short dresses with low necklines and many frills. Her shoes are almost always high heels, but with details like rounded toes or mary-jane straps to give them a less mature look. She wears accessories that continue to blur the border between "little girl" and "attractive woman". Her use of makeup, with wide eyes, glossy lips, and lots of blush, accentuates this.

When she's trying to be "a professional science adult" she does a terrible job of expressing this. She usually just throws on a white lab coat, often with nothing worn underneath it. She likes to pair this with a pair of glossy lavender pointed-toe pumps. Because that's what "mature people" wear.

(Her casual attire is inspired by brands like Swankiss, Ank Rouge, and the Larme magazine brands and look in general.)

Personality: Mimete is childish and petulant. She dislikes responsibility and is used to using her appearance and other tactics to avoid hard work. Although she has no qualms about instigating a fight or attacking with all she's got, she doesn't have a lot of follow through. She gives up easily when things are difficult, often running away from battles and leaving others to fight without her. When her missions fail, she blames other Death Busters, the Daimon she was trying to control, or other circumstances beyond her control for her lack of success. She refuses to accept that she is not performing well. Trying to force her to admit fault makes her defensive and grumpy, usually resulting in crocodile tears to garner sympathy.

As a member of the Death Busters, she exploits her over-exaggeration of traits typically interpreted as "cute" to cover up her laziness and underhandedness. She speaks with a high-pitched "little girl" voice that often makes others act more favorably towards her—particularly men. Professor Tomoe seems generally kind to her, at least as far as she interprets it; although she doesn't have a romantic interest in him, she idolizes him (perhaps due to the lack of father figure in her life). Mimete has typical "teenage girl" interests—handsome boys, popular music, and romantic stories. She would have no questions about using her position as a Death Busters member to get close to various celebrities, sometimes dreaming they would fall in love with her and sometimes just seeking a photo or autograph. Sometimes celebrities come to see her perform; she fawns over them while unreasonably hoping that they'll fawn over her, instead. They never remember her.

Mimete is not sweet and innocent—underneath those batting eyelashes is someone who wants to get to the top without doing actual work. She has used all sorts of lies and trickery to get her way. Her life so far has made it pretty clear that there is no value in honesty or putting in effort. Mimete loves fame and attention, and that is what she constantly seeks. She dislikes being second to anyone and would not be above laying constant traps, leaving cruel notes, and staring up rumors to bully anyone in her way. She doesn't see anything wrong with lying and cheating to wind up ahead—it's being at the top that counts, not how you got there. It is only her dislike for hard work that limits the potential of her sneaky tricks.

It's important to note that much of Mimete's immaturity stems from... actual immaturity. Unfortunately, the environment that she grew up in and the way her life has been going so far, all she wants is to be loved. She just doesn't understand how to attain the attention she so desperately desires. Even a tiny scrap of affection is intoxicating to Mimete—even more so than the drug she relies on to escape from the terrible life she lives. She hangs on anyone who dares treat her like she matters. Although she thinks of her dream as "being famous," what she really longs for more than anything else is to be loved.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Turn Up the Charm - She has a cute face and knows how to use it. Mimete is extremely talented at exploiting sympathy from others. Her honeyed tongue can make even stupid lies sound somewhat plausible.
Sleight of Hand - A kid living on the street learns useful things. Mimete has no trouble picking pockets, swiping information, shoplifting, not paying transportation fares, or dine-and-dashing. In general, if the topic is "cheating"... she's pretty good at it. Don't bet money and play cards with Mimete.
Worthless Fact Dictionary - Mimete never forgets celebrity gossip or pop culture news. She can't remember what time she's supposed to begin a particular shift at work or what the different types of clouds in the sky are... but if you want to know the entire love life of an actor, Mimete can detail it down to the various years of marriage, divorce, and entanglement. That's what she cares about.

History: In another world, or maybe in another life, Mimete could have been someone cherished and content. She could have been born into a loving and caring family with the means to provide for her. She could have studied hard in school, gotten a good job, and someday started a family of her own. That isn't this Mimete, not in this world.

The cards seemed stacked against her from the start. Her father was never interested in being a father—he was barely interested in her mother for the brief time period it took for Mimete to be conceived. Her mother tried to be a good mother, at least at first, but she quickly tired of the exhaustion of parenthood and longed for the carefree days before the responsibilities of having a child. So she did her best to avoid it, setting aside the needs of her daughter for her own needs. Mimete grew up starved for attention and affection, always ignored and left wanting.

When she was twelve, her mother cut their final ties. The child came home from school to find the woman leaving their filthy apartment carrying most of their belongings. She announced, completely without a care, that she was moving in with her new boyfriend. She wasn't going to take her daughter with her. She was ending the lease on this awful slum. She was starting a new life, one that would make up for all she had sacrificed for the last twelve years.

In an instant Mimete's already shaky life collapsed. Terrified of being put into state custody, she did her best to live on the streets on her own. She learned quickly that her cute looks elicited sympathy. A few tears punctuated with a sniffle could be the difference between an empty stomach or a hot meal, some stranger's treat. A series of "big sisters" (always other women living tough lives on the streets) took pity on the little girl and took her in, giving Mimete a rotating series of couches and floors to sleep on. She dropped out of school—there was no point to it anyway—and filled her days with mindless television in a home that was never hers, always hungry for affection.

Adolescence changed her life. As her body changed, so did the attention she received. Men looked her way more than once or twice. A wink or a cute glance to the side suddenly created offers of so much more. The way they eyed her and the compliments they said to her made her finally feel noticed. She made all sorts of new friends, too—other young women with stories so similar to her own, who were finding their own ways to survive and prosper. She saw celebrities advertised everywhere and dreamed of that future for herself.

And there were all kinds of people willing to promise her that future, as long as she could pay their fees. Mimete didn't understand the tricks and traps that others were willing to go through. She signed up with sham talent agencies that demanded too much and provided nothing at all. She dreamed of stardom—yearned for it, clinging to every empty promise from every guy who claimed he knew a guy in the business. Her new friends introduced her to substances that changed her outlook on life, like "Taioron Crystal". The way it buzzed inside of her made her feel like a star.

Mimete performs at a "private club" called Level 40. She sings and dances, doted on just enough by management to feed her poorly-judged conviction that she could be discovered here and go on to have a real career as an idol. To be fair, she isn't bad at either singing or dancing—but she's had no training or her background makes her of no interest to agencies that could actually develop her as a talent. She makes just enough to chip in on a rundown apartment with several other young women and pay for her drug habit. She lies to everyone about her age, most people thinking that her childish habits are false naivety, not actual immaturity.

When she ran across a mysterious red-haired woman who claimed to have an even more powerful version of the drug Mimete and her friends were fans of, her interest was piqued immediately. There was very little that Kaolinite needed to do to recruit this short-haired dancer to the Death Buster's cause. In fact, Mimete doesn't really understand their cause. Or really care much about it at all. For her, this is another chance for fame!

The eccentric Professor Tomoe became just another failed and twisted attempt at adding a "father figure" to her life. Mimete displays a loyalty to both him and Kaolinite that doesn't seem to be grounded in anything other than childish adoration and selfish greed. She volunteered to participate in some of the group's experiments with no real thought of what terrible things might happen to her—thinking carefully about repercussions is not Mimete's style. She doesn't even seem to realize that others consider her new "singing powers" destructive and discordant rather than melodic and enchanting. Right now, her goal is to help the Death Busters.... and to see how they can help her.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
• Mimete is the lowest-powered member of the Witches 5. Her canon power index, Level 40, is the inspiration for the name of seedy club she dances at.
• Traditionally, she was paired against Minako Aino / Sailor Venus.
• In the Materials Collection, she is described as having a "bimbo voice". Please imagine her with a "bimbo voice".

Storyline Specific Information:
[Advanced] Love and Justice League:

Villain Information

Alter-ego Name: Diva
Realms of Influence: Charm and music, drawing a lot of inspiration in her use of it from pop idols
Transformation Phrase: No phrase needed.
Alter-ego Outfit:
(Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva MNylURB (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva 6rhGHLH

Other Death Busters members are immune to Diva's powers unless she specifically targets them. Using her powers against her teammates is exhausting for her. She only does it if she's being particularly petty.

Vocal Distortion - Using her microphone, Diva serenades her opponents. The sound warps upon amplification, discordant and harsh to the ears. It is painful to hear and can sometimes cause temporary paralysis. It has low to moderate power.
Charm Buster - Waving her staff, Diva directs a blast of star-shaped sound waves towards her opponent. This distorted noise is painful to hear. It can also physically blast opponents backwards. It has low to moderate power.
Fascination - Using her microphone, Diva sings a strange melody. This attack from Diva causes a single ally to only be able to attack other allies, against their will, instead of opponents. It wears off after four or five rounds of attacks. It has low power, but interrupts a group dynamic.
Daimon Control - Diva can direct and order Daimon. She cannot create them; typically they are assigned to her by Kaolinite. They follow her instructions (mostly) and will do her bidding without question (mostly). Sometimes she asks things of them that are impossible.

Weapons or Magical Items:
Infinity Staff - Diva carries a tall crooked staff that reaches shoulder height. It appears to be made of wood with an orange tint, and it has an organic waviness like a tree branch. The bottom of the staff has what appears to be a knot or bead approximately five inches from the bottom. The top of the staff has a loop that twists into the infinity symbol. Nestled within the center of the crossed figure 8 is a black star made of a shiny material. She uses this staff during her Charm Buster attack, but she is able to perform the attack without the staff. She may also be able to use this staff for other energy attacks or to deflect attacks. In Diva's case, the staff is just for show.
Microphone - Diva has a standard-looking microphone that she can use to amplify her voice when hypnotizing targets with her charm. She typically uses this microphone when performing—either at the club she works at or in her Witches 5 form. When used while not in her Witches 5 form, it slightly improves her singing voice.
Daimon Briefcase - When officially "working" with the Death Busters, Diva likes to carry a hard-sided silver briefcase with the Daimon symbol (somewhat like a bird and vacuum cleaner hybrid) in yellow centered within a black five-pointed star. She found it in an abandoned storage area. It makes her feel "official".
Taioron Ω - “Taioron Crystal” is the street name for a synthetic drug distributed by the Death Busters. It was originally developed by Doctor Souichi Tomoe and is claimed by him to be a source of renewed life and power to those who abuse it. This psychoactive drug alters perception and gives the user a false sense of invincibility, encouraging aggression, risk-taking, and unreasonable ego. Side effects can include increased alertness, rapid heart rate, vertigo, and euphoric mood swings—due to the unrefined nature of "Taioron Crystal" these side effects may vary. This dangerous substance carries a significant risk of overdose, which can cause mutation into a beast called a "Daimon." Daimon are primal forms of the users they developed from. They can be commanded and controlled by others, particularly by Death Busters. The Witches 5 indulge in a more processed and controlled version of the substance, called "Taioron Ω". Kaolinite rewards these tablets to Mimete and the others for obedience and success.
Already a user of "Taioron Crystal" prior to her involvement with the Death Busters, Mimete took little persuading to give the purer version a try. Taioron Ω was even more world-changing for the teenager than the variant she was used to. She felt an amazing sense of elation and power. Her already-reckless behaviour is only increased when she is under the influence of Taioron Ω.

RP Sample: "What's that?"

Her orange eyes peered over Ai's shoulder, looking through the scattered dust and garbage on the low table in their living room, focused instead on some peculiar pills that she hadn't noticed before. The older teenager took a hard gulp of her flat, stale beer, swallowing two. When she slammed the mug down and grinned at Mimete, her normally dark eyes sparkled. They almost glowed.

On the other side of the couch, Chou lazily blew across her freshly-painted fingernails. The dark-haired girl seemed to slip deeper into the worn, torn cushions as she spoke.

"Taioron Crystal," she stated, shaking the hand as if it would make the wet polish set faster. "You're too young, kid."

Mimete's mouth set in a hard line. Too young? Who did that snobbity jerk think she was talking to? Mimete was an adult, just like the rest of her friends. She had a job. She took care of herself.

When Ai laughed, her voice sounded slightly... strange.

"Come off it, Chou-chan," she giggled. "She's one of us!"

The raspberry-haired girl pushed one of the small white octagons across the table. Mimete stared down at it, entranced. It was so... tiny. They all seemed really excited about this little itty-bitty thing. Why?

"Come on," Ai encouraged, sliding her beer across as well. "It's amazing. You'll love it."

Mimete hesitated for only a moment, her pale fingers paused above the small tablet. You can't be afraid. You're an adult now. Just like them. She held it up, turning it over. Even in the dim light of the television's glare, it didn't look special. Would it taste... bad?

She dashed it down, hoping to avoid any unpleasant aftertaste. The beer's strong flavour should cover almost anything up. She didn't even notice a thing.

She was about to say so, haughtily moving to shove some strands of the wavy bright orange hair behind her ear, when the first wave of the rush hit her.

It was amazing.

She loved it.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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(Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva   (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 12:17 pm

This looks great! I just have one question; how did Mimete get her powers in this AU? (If I completely missed it, I'm sorry, but I read everything and didn't see an explanation xD) Is it from the drug?
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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(Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva   (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 12:18 pm

Sailor Mercury wrote:
This looks great! I just have one question; how did Mimete get her powers in this AU? (If I completely missed it, I'm sorry, but I read everything and didn't see an explanation xD) Is it from the drug?

Experimentation. Smile I put this in her History, but I know that is a huuuuge section.

"She volunteered to participate in some of the group's experiments with no real thought of what terrible things might happen to her—thinking carefully about repercussions is not Mimete's style. She doesn't even seem to realize that others consider her new 'singing powers' destructive and discordant rather than melodic and enchanting."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva   (Approved) [Advanced][AU] Antagonist - Mimete / Diva I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 12:21 pm

Ah, okay, thank you! I wasn't sure whether they were experimenting on her or if they were experimenting on other people xD

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