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 Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
Posts : 12832
Join date : 2014-11-14
Age : 32
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Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Empty
PostSubject: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 11:29 pm

I've made so many otaku senshi in the dollmakers, I think the best idea would be to post them all here! Some are previous contest entries, others were made just because I was bored, so some may not have names or descriptions yet. Well enough chatter; Let's get this show on the road!
Monthly Otaku Contests

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Senshi14
Name: Sailor Cherub- Febuary '15 otaku senshi contest entry

Powers: looking into the hearts of others using the mirror de amour and adjusting their affections appropriately based on what she sees by using the baton of affection, has the ability to end a relationship in the same way. She has the power of flight and the ability to turn into various tiny winged creatures, such as butterflies, doves and hummingbirds in order to mask her presence. She is able to receive strength based upon whatever type of affection was last seen in her mirror (passion makes her stronger, flirting gives her sonic hearing, romanticism gives her a boost of speed ect.)

Senshi Description:
Juli Rose has a rough time believing in love. Every boy (and girl) she’s ever had a crush on has either dumped her or was never interested to begin with. So when February 14th roles around, she’s already depressed. To make matters even worse, her parents decide that today of all days is when they announce their divorce. Juli runs out of the house distraught and heartbroken into the snowy evening. She passes under a streetlight to catch her breath, and collapses in a fit of anger and tears. Love is a lie! There is no such thing as love! She will never believe in it ever again!
Suddenly a small cry is heard-almost like a child. Juli cannot believe it, an infant? Out in this cold? She searches around for the crying, and eventually finds one. A small baby is lying there with no clothes in the snow-a boy. Mortified, she grabs the child and swindles him in her own scarf-one with every color of the rainbow in the stitches. She runs back home and attempts to show the child to her parents, and is mortified that they only see her bundled up scarf in her arms. They dismiss it as her reaction to the news, and she runs up into her room with the child.
Right when she begins to dismiss herself as crazy, the child speaks. Small wings protrude from its back, and a wondrous glow emits from it. The child introduces himself as cupid. Juli is confused, isn’t cupid supposed to have a bow and arrow? Isn’t he supposed to be taller? Why was he in the cold? Cupid confesses that there was such a growing intolerance and hatred for all kinds of love that his powers started to dwindle out. It got bad enough that he decided to go to earth to investigate, and the remains of his powers were sucked right out of him, leaving him in an infant like form in the snow with no form of communication. Many people passed him by this evening, and Juli was the only one to notice him. That very act of kindness was able to restore a small amount of his power; allowing him to regain his speech and flight again. When asked why her parents cannot see him, it’s because they don’t feel love anymore. Sadly, cupid lacks his powers to fill humans hearts with compassion as he once did, but then he gets an idea.
Since she was the only one able to see him, he grants her two items, the mirror de amour and Valentine’s baton. As soon as she touches the two, she immediately transforms into the Senshi of Love and Affections, Sailor Cherub! Her scarf, the one that she had so graciously wrapped cupid in to save him from the cold, changes with her as well. It becomes a cape of sorts, still somehow retaining its original pattern.

Cupid tells her how the items work. Through the marbles of purity, the items resonate with one another. With the mirror, she is able to see inside the hearts of humans. One heart means appreciation, two hearts means friendship or family, and three hearts means true love. The baton will react appropriately as long as she used the appropriate side for whichever human she is looking at. There is another side as well, to use the two items. She can dispel hatred and other unpleasant human emotions as well by looking into the mirror de amour. One purple heart means disappointment, two purple hearts means disgust, and three means absolute hatred. She can alter these emotions as well. Only through the use of these items will love return to mankind and allow cupid to regain his holy form. Juli’s sacred mission has begun! Little does she know, that there are those who would rather her mission fail….

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor11
Name: Sailor Lilac - March otaku contest '15 winner

Powers: Accelerated Plant growth, Healing nature, various pollen effects, communication with plants
Origin story: Unlike most magical girls, Lucille was far into college at the age of 20 when her powers were bestowed upon her. She was one of the most promising students in her biology major. Her thesis, all about Bees and how their mysterious illnesses wiping them out and why the were necessary for all plant growth, was published around the world in multiple scholarly journals. She was always in the chemistry lab, trying to solve various plant illnesses and trying to find out why the Bees were suddenly dying out now when there had been nothing like this in the past. 

One day, While at work at the local botanical garden, she laid her eyes on something that was biologically impossible. Amongst the rosebushes, a single blue rose sat among them. Transfixed by the rare mutation, she went to gently touch it to see if it was real or just somebody playing a cruel prank. At that moment, she received an intense vision-there were extra terrestrials that had been watching the earth for some time. It was their interference that was killing the bees and plants, and why humanity couldn't solve the problem quick enough! They wanted the earth to die by killing all the plants on earth!  She was awoken by one of her colleges, having collapsed due to the sheer intensity of these visions. Once she returned to her apartment, lavishly decorated with all kinds of potted plants to make even the most keen gardener jealous, she saw the blue rose again, in a simple pot on her kitchen nook as if it had been there all along. 

In disbelief, she went to examine the rose again. This time, she could hear cries of help and pain. She could hear the voices of the plants! The rose transformed itself into a lavish pin, and once she touched it she transformed into sailor lilac for the first time. With her houseplants giving her advice-it was up to Lucille to stop the aliens plot to destroy all life as we know it, using the powers of plant defense mechanisms. She is able to accelerate plant growth, and entangle her enemies in thorny vines. She is also able to paralyze and poison her attackers through the use of deadly plant derived toxins. 

But one question remains-where did the blue rose come from? How did she gain these abilities? Even the plants do not know the answer.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor13
Name: Sailor Dewdrop-April '15 otaku contest winner
Influance/powers: control over tides, fog, mist, dew and all kinds or rain and storms.
Backstory: Tsu was just a normal girl living in 16th century Japan. She lived in a simple fishing village; and though she was not able to accompany the men, she always loved to watch the ocean. As a child, rain never bothered her. She would often sneak out of the house to play in the rain, or just simply refuse to come in during a storm. She never got struck by lightning, and never once caught a cold-much to the surprise of her parents. She became a bit of a celebrity in her town, the girl who the storms wouldn't harm.
 Eventually, she was seen as a good luck charm, and would often be seen at the docks bidding the ships goodbye. Every ship she saw off never saw stormy waters, and as she grew older her powers over rain grew. The townsfolk would come to her house baring gifts to ensure a proper rainy season-and it always worked. The rain never fell too much or too little, the rivers never ran over their banks. The fog was never too thick, and the dew never damaged the crops. Tsu was well loved by her village;until the shogun learned of her abilities.
The Shogun assigned over their prefecture was a cold and evil man, who sought control over as many provinces as possible. The other towns under his rule were cut to ruin and starvation; he was so obsessed with war that he often forced the boys and men of the village to enlist in his army on a never-ending losing cycle against the other provinces. He reaped the towns bare of their resources-though one always seemed to have a never-ending supply. Curious, he ventured into the town in disguise, and learned of Tsu and her godlike abilities. He became obsessed with her, determined to control her. If he could gain her abilities over the weather, he would never lose a battle again. 
The shogun's word was law; and the townsfolk were forced to obey. In fear for their lives, they turned on Tsu and attempted to hand her over to the greedy shogun. Upon meeting him, Tsu stood against his words and refused to leave the village. He became outraged, and called upon his men to ravage the village as punishment for her insolence. In that exact moment, a thunderstorm barred down upon them, though it had been a clear sky all day prior. There was a thickening fog as well. The shogun refused to back down, and forced his army to attack anything that they saw move in the mist. This would prove most unfortunate; as through some odd twist of fate the men only saw each other. When the fog cleared and the storm settled, the village and its people were unharmed, as the shoguns men had killed each other off. The fog clouding their vision so they saw innocent townspeople instead of their own comrades. The shogun was mortified-but none so more then the townsfolk. Tsu was gone. It was as though the rain and fog, angry at the shogun's actions, took her away. The shogun retreated back to his castle, where it was said he died of fright.
Years passed, and the village was still under the mysterious protection from the weather. The rivers again never ran their banks, the storms never endangered the fishermen. The fog was never too thick, the dew never damaged the crops. The townsfolk set up a shrine in her honor, under the assumption she was nothing less then a goddess. 
What they didn't know was that, in that moment, Tsu took another form. The rain took pity on her, the girl that never feared the storms, and granted her the abilities of Sailor Dew, enhancing her powers tenfold. Tsu, as Sailor Dew, continues to look after the land of her birth to this day.  Legend has it that if you stand in the exact spot where the shoguns army stood and declare "Tsu must be part of the greater army!" you will see the faint silhouette of a girl in a sailor-suited attire, and you will summon a storm. It's best not to do that, you may end up in the endless fog the solders had.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor15
Name: Sailor Altair-May '15 otaku senshi contest entry
Powers: Telecommunications, Teleportation, Master of Weapons and Hand to Hand Combat. Communications with her sword and army with her armband.
Backstory: Everybody knows of the Silver Crystal, the most powerful Sailor Crystal in the Milky Way Galaxy. After the battle with Galaxia and as Crystal Tokyo came into fruition, there was an extra special force set up outside of the Solar System=team AQL, Advanced Quantum Legends. They are a galactic army who's has multiple bases located in the constellation Aquila, otherwise known as "the Eagle." This army is made up mostly of survivors of those planets that Galaxia destroyed and those who managed not to become part of her army. These dedicated Senshi owe Neo Queen Serenity their lives; and lie in their stations as an extra wall of defense to protect her and her kingdom. 
Enter Sailor Altair. Once known as Mira, she lived on her planet Altair with her friends and family. Unfortunately, that changed when Sailor Galaxia attacked her planet. It was Mira, the planet's princess, who managed to save herself and most of her kingdom from Galaxia's rage-by using the planets advanced technology to escape the planet before it collapsed. Sadly, her parents were not among the survivors. While the remains of her country drifted on a single battleship, Mira took the title of Sailor Altair from her mother, and with the crest of her fallen planet on her thigh, she began to set up AQL and stabilize it's forces. At the time, it was for a revenge skirmish if they were ever to encounter Galaxia and her army, but swiftly changed objectives upon her defeat. Sailor Altair quickly learned of others in her situation, and convinced other survivors of the Sailor War to join her army to keep their savior safe and her planet peaceful. During moments of combat, she is able to withdraw her blade from her armlet, and can have it extend according to her emotions. Her armband also is able to communicate with countless allies of hers. Together, Sailor Altair and the rest of AQL lie as silent protectors, waving the colors of the fallen planets in their banner. She'd like to hope she did her family and her kingdom proud, though her heart is always heavy with doubt and longing for times past.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
Name: Sailor Lifeguard-June '15 otaku senshi contest winner
Powers/influences: super speed, super strength, superior lung/air capacity
Ah, yes. It's that time of year again! Summer! And what better ways to celebrate the summer days by spending a lazy afternoon at the beach, am I right? But someone has to be there to make sure all you happy sun-burnt beach-goers and your rambunctious children are safe! That is where Umi Ikitte-otherwise known as Sailor Lifegaurd- comes in! With her telescope and trusty whistle in hand, she is ready to scan the waters and keep an eye out for anyone in danger! (Not the life preserver, though. That has to stay back on the lifeguard chair-that thing's huge.)
Sure, her superiors always tend to get angry when she decides to sit at the waters edge to keep an eye on the patrons instead of the designated chair, but if you had the abilities she had, wouldn't you? As a Senshi, she has superior lung capacity, making her able not only to shout loud enough for the entire beach to hear her without a megaphone or other sound equipment, but she can use her super speed on top of this to hold her breath for up to 17 full minutes! This means she an also hold a whistle for a significantly long time as well. So if you hear a really long "FWEEEET" that doesn't let up for five full minutes, you'd better get your butt outta the water! 
How Umi got her powers is a bit of a wild ride. She was already a lifeguard for about three years when a storm blew in. All the visitors were gone and the beach was just about to close up for the day when Umi noticed something wrong in the waters. She used her telescope to check out the strange lump, and was shocked to find a sinking fishing boat about 40 feet from shore-and boy, was it sinking fast! Before her fellow lifeguards and superiors could tell her no, she dove right into the stormy waters and began a desperate and increasingly futile swim. Her employees could only watch in horror-they called the coastguard, and they would arrive too late, both for Umi and the ship. Umi was just about to reach the bow when a final wave crashed upon them, sending her and the fisherman into a dark and deep swirling vortex. She was able to grab the man by his jacket, but they had been knocked too deep, the surface was too far away. As her consciousness began to fade Umi swore to herself that she would at least get the man to safety. With that solemn resolution, something within her awoke. The whistle she was given changed itself, looking a bit more like a sea-shell then a whistle. She felt new strength within her, and was able to swim to the shore where the coast guards-at that point, on a body recovery mission, took them both to safety. She hadn't known it at the time, but that was her first transformation. Ever since that day, she never really bothered to look for other senshi or even question where her powers came from. She continues to do her job, and as long as these powers help keep people safe, that's all Umi really needs to know.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi The_be10
Sailor Mint Chocolate Swirl-July '15 otaku contest entry
Fun note! My sister and I made this one up together as we learned the ins and outs of the dollmaker 3.0! She even helped with the backstory! It was a lot of fun!
freezerburn-can paralyze all opponents, ripple-it cause the ground around the enemy to shake and they will fall down and go boom. The double scoop combo attack-does twice the amount of damage as your average ripple. 

Inspiration backstory:
She was just 10 years old when her parents died. In their death, a ray of hope. In their passing, she inherited their beloved ice cream shoppe. She became the youngest ice cream runner/keeper/master-she became the youngest person to run an ice cream shop. Then, one day, the ice cream got SO COLD, that she couldn’t serve it, for it had reached extreme nitrogen levels of frozenness. Realizing the TERRIBLE error that had occurred in the freezer section, she quickly went to remove the tainted ice cream. And while taking it out to the trash, she had slipped on some ice that was left on the floor. And the frozen ice cream that was SO FROZEN landed all over her. Oh yeah, this was when she was older at this point. AND THEN-blackness. She woke up in the hospital and they had given her hospital food and when she picked it up, the burger-the hospital food-and she went to take a bite, it tasted like mint ice cream. Panic ensues. After she calms down, she says “I need to take a walk.” And begins to take a walk. “This is crazy! How did this happen? I am scared.’ BUT THEN, just like the horrible night when she slipped on the ice, she slipped on something else. What was it? It was an ice cream scoop! But it was not like any ice cream scoop she’s ever seen? There was something CAPTIVATING about how the light reflected it’s ice cream scoopidness-something about how the light hit its surface. Suddenly, it started to shimmer and shine more then she expected any ice cream scoop to do so in the sunlight. AND THEN-her powers awoken! The ice cream scoop was her magic scepter! She transformed in a large glittery aroma in chocolate and mint. When the glow set aside, she opened her eyes, she saw her clothing was different, and so was her hair. Well, gosh! Everything was different! “whaaaat?” she said. “What am I? I smell like mint chocolate ice cream!” AND THEN suddenly she heard, out the window, she heard a scream for help out the window! She lept into action! “Someone has to help!” She shouted as she lept. “SO I shall help you!” She leaps out the window, and comes barreling down and lands on her two feet on the sidewalk, and there she sees a little defenseless old lady with a chihuahua. The Chihuahua is clearly agitated. The old woman’s oversized handbag was being stolen by the notorious anti-ice cream biker gang. They always stirred up trouble in ma and pas ice cream shoppe. And now, they were taking this old lady’s’ handbag! The Chihuahua was clearly no help. She quickly ripped out her fancy ice cream scoop and shouted as loud as she could “FREEZER BURN” followed by “RIPPLE”. The perpetrators-the gang of misguided ice cream hating delinquents were frozen by the attack, and knocked over by ripple. She was able to grab the bag and return it to kind old lady. This pleased the agitated Chihuahua and he was no longer agitated. “Thank you sweetie! You’re sweet, just like ice cream!-mint chocolate chip!” She adds-“Very good mint chocolate chip, just like we serve at our store.” Then minty looks into the camera as though she is in “the office”, winks and gives a thumbs up as the camera displays an ad for her ice cream store.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor16
Senshi Name: Sailor Apocalyptia-October '15 otaku senshi contest entry
Fun fact: I enjoyed creating her story most of all (mostly because I was on a fallout binge)
Realm of Influence: Heightened Endurance and Dexterity, Highly skilled with guns and lances, Can construct highly useful items out of scraps and junk, hardcore survivalist
Ayumu Tosaka was a funloving and cheerful girl; naive and sweet. She got good grades, loved anything cute and, while there were students that found her endearing qualities annoying-nobody had anything bad to say to her. She could often be found at the park with her best friend, watching the birds. Earlier that year, she found a chick fallen out of its nest-and it imprinted on her immediately. She always had that baby bird with her, and nobody minded. After all, it was such a "Tosaka thing" to do, you know? Rescue a baby bird and later raise it? Who else but Ayumu would do that? With such a great life, Ayumu had a dream to become a zookeeper, and help out with the wild birds. 
Of course, this was when she was fourteen-and that was ten years ago. The before times, people call it now.
Even Ayumu isn't sure what happened or how it all started. All she'll tell you is that she was at home watching anime with her best friend and brother-home alone when it happened. There was screaming, then yelling a couple blocks down, and it only got closer and louder. Suddenly TV cut to an emergency broadcast and showed horrifying footage. To make an incredibly long and painful story short-Ayumu is the only one out of her family to survive this long. It is said that the outbreak consumed the nation within three years time, leaving nothing but a wasteland of what used to be.
The rest Ayumu will refuse to tell you, though she will tell you how she got her outfit. She got the yellow gloves and knife from an old toolshop, her chestplate is fastened together with various round metals and old chains found in her garage. Her staff, the one the now full-grown raven sits upon-was made from a broken shovel or hoe-she can't remember the details; the tip carved and fastened to be a sharp weapon. The metal top of her makeshift spear was a part of her homes' decorative porch railing. As for the guns and the bullets that line the many black pockets of her pants, and the combat boots? All you'd need to do is look around-the remains of what was once the military's attempt at saving the nation is littered among the wasteland. Tanks, trucks, and broken and rotted barricades litter the streets of the land once known for the rising sun-left as a sad momento of how humanity tried to fight back. What about the mesh and the shoulder plates? That's something she made herself-after all, a little metal can at least hinder the bites-it's hard to break through, for the shoulder plates, doubly so. In her travels, she has found that they react to sound and bright visuals first, so her homemade boomerang does wonders when it comes to distracting the hordes.
Ayumu doesn't consider herself a senshi-she considers herself a survivor, a lone wolf. The scars on her face and bruises on her skin tell of the constant and long struggle between herself and this continuously hostile environment. The only living creature she trusts is her raven-the one she found as a small chick from its nest all those years ago. They've got an incredible bond, as the raven will alert her of oncoming danger and bring back scraps-sometimes food, other times bullets-that always prove useful.  
The groups of survivors know of this girl. Those lucky enough to have seen or met her spin tales of her incredible adaptability, and of her bravery. She has saved the lives of dozens of individuals, only to leave once she was sure of their safety. She is always on the move, never staying in one place for long-nor staying in a group of other survivors. It is unknown why. Some say it is because she is a witch-that she possesses magical abilities and that crow is her familiar. Others say she is an incredibly dangerous individual and only helps those who she deems worthy of saving-or saves those only to reap the rewards that those she rescued will no doubt offer. Each group or individual who has encountered her seems to have a different perspective of her. Some never even learn her name. Those who've only heard of her have given her the title of "Apocalyptia, the one who thrives." 
As for the fate of Japan, as well as the world-it remains unknown. The only thing survivors can do is continue to fight while grabbing onto for hope-mostly found in the tales of Apocalyptia; many true and many false as it's passed from word of mouth throughout the broken nation. Ayumu will never accept this newfound saviorism-and fears that if they knew the details and depth of her struggle these past ten years, that the many survivors of this broken Japan may quickly reconsider her reputation.
Note: I had so much fun with her, I made additional dolls of her and her friend before their world ended. You can find them in the posts below. Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi 1955989781

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
Name: Sailor Alcyone-November '15 otaku senshi contest winner
Other names: the lady of the winter solstice
Powers: Ice manipulation, weather manipulation, temperature manipulation
Backstory: Deep within the various ice caverns, at the farthest point of Antarctica, there lies a castle. A woman who's skin is as blue as the surface of the ice, with nails just as sharp-lives in total isolation. 
She was human at one point, a woman whose looks charmed male and female alike-though no lover was good enough for her. She scorned every last one of them, giving them an icy glare or the cold shoulder and would force them to lavish her with gifts of grandeur in order to win her affections back. They did so every time, and each time she would remain cold to them. She would abandon them completely, keeping their gifts as she went onto the next. Before long, she had enough money to buy the biggest home that could be built, and would spend her time not tricking others in her room, gazing upon her collection of expensive gifts. 
One day, during the winter months, yet another person fell for her charming looks. She invited them in, and they spent most of the season together in bliss. She began to feel her icy exterior melt, and found herself actually loving her suitor for the first time. At the peak of winter solstice, she felt it proper to ask them if they wanted to stay with her forever-bonded together in matrimony. 
This is where our tale turns tragic. Her lover turned out to be a powerful magician-one who had been investigating the hundreds of broken hearts and empty pockets all throughout the land. They had pretended to be another lover of hers in order to discover the truth. Once it was all laid bare,t he magician found it fitting that the one person she loved was playing her all along, but it still was not enough punishment for her heartlessness. The magician-fueled by the power of winter- cast a powerful spell on her. For a woman as cold as herself, she would have skin akin to ice and would freeze everything she touches, just like the way her icy stare would freeze her suitors in their tracks while she would later trick them with the illusions of her love. She would no longer break the hearts of innocent lovers, and has now become the physical and literal embodiment of cold-and of how she treated her fellow human.
Now, nobody is sure when this story took place, as it is as old as time itself, nor do they quite know how she ended up in one of the coldest places on earth. Some say she was forced there by those she tricked, others say she was sealed away by the mage that went to such lengths to punish her for her cruelty. Others, however, say she chose to live there-with no company other then the copious amounts of gifts she had forced her various lovers to shower her with. Nobody even remembers her name, they just call her Alcyone, The lady of the winter solstice. It is said that if you treat those who love you cruelly, especially during the winter season where love and tenderness is abound, she will cast an ice storm in your direction, or appear in your dreams, forcing you to awake in a sweat, sick with a sudden cold. Perhaps this is the way Alcyone decides to warn others so they do not suffer the same fate as she, but that remains to be known
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
Name: Sailor Solar Flora-March '16 Otaku contest winner
Influences/powers: Sunlight, plant growth
Brief description paragraph: With her signature hair and fuku resembling a budding flower, Solar Flora in in charge of making sure the fauna of earth are properly in bloom after the winter frost. Using the topmost gem of her staff, she absorbs sunlight, and projects it on the icy ground below, thawing it in a quick and thorough manner, even so much as to absorb excess runoff. A gentle magical powder is then released from the flower in the center, making the soil fertile again, as well as helping to pollinate existing plants that have already started to grow. 

Note: Yeah, compared to the others, I was lazy on her description. I just couldn't think of anything that didn't sound like Sailor Lilac

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor12

Senshi Name: Sailor Orion-July '16 otaku only entry, winner by default
 nightvision, master tracking skills, can use the darkness to turn invisible, magic arrows, magic bow that can turn into a harp to soothe living beings 
Sailor Orion, or the huntress as she is also known, doesn't quite remember when she became a senshi. She knows it was quite a long time ago, considering the great empires of Athens and Greece fell, though time has gotten her a bit confused on the exact date. She remembers her old name, but very rarely un-transforms. It'd be odd to see a woman with Roman era clothing, wouldn't it? However, if you happen to catch her in the night, she will tell you her story. 
Her name was Cloella, though she didn't have a house name. Her family lived in one of the many poor farms on the outskirts of Rome, with only their crops and live stalk to get them by. She would travel the dangerous paths to town and sell the family goods in the market. One year, there was a horrible drought. All other crops suffered, and yet through sheer luck their crops suffered only a fraction of everyone elses. Naturally the other farmers became suspicious, and reported her family in secret to the guards at town. When she was making her weekly walk to the market, she was arrested on the spot and thrown into a stone dungeon. She could overhear the guards speaking on how they would lay siege on her family's land, and how they would kill her family and live stalk and keep her alive as a slave. That night, she wept bitterly, but though the small stone window she could see the base of the town statue-the statue of Diana, goddess of the hunt. She prayed to the deity, and Diana took pity on the poor girl. Cloella then gained the ability to transform into Sailor Orion, and used her arrows to burst out of the cell, cloaking herself in the night on a race to her home before the army would get there. 
She succeed, but was vastly outnumbered as they arrived. She cursed her fate. Why have power if it wouldn't work? That's when the bow transformed into a harp, that played the most beautiful melody anyone ever heard. They immediately lost their will to fight, and spared Colella's home. Their hearts forever changed, they decided to have the vegetables served for the emperor himself! 
While there is much more to her stories, she'd rather not talk about them. She'd send you away once she catches wind of her next prey.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 7th October 2016, 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 11:31 pm

Other Otaku Contest Entries

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor11
Festibration '14 Holiday otaku senshi contest winner, Sailor Present!
Brief description:
fter being hit by Santa's sleigh while waiting up for him on her rooftop as a child, Ribbon has been using her powers as Sailor Present to help preserve the holidays every year since! She's the one in charge of using her powers to wrap each gift perfectly and adorn the boxes with whatever style of ribbon seems fit! She is able to generate such wrapping supplies out of thin air; along with the gentlest and most idealistic snow for crafting snowmen! (Or snowballs! She may not look it, but she never backs away from a snowball fight.) Santa Claus has her on speed-dial, where did you think the elves get all those supplies from anyways; Macys? That'd cost a fortune! She doesn't charge anything though or hold a grudge against Mr. Claus for giving her these powers; working alongside her idol is payment enough.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor11
World Fair '15 china otaku senshi winner, Sailor Nián Chūyī! Her name actually means happy new year in Chinese!

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
World Fair '15 Romania otaku senshi contest entry, Sailor Aquilla!  The theme was based on the Romanian flags primary colors; red, yellow and blue. I based her design off of the coat of arms that was given to us in the contest thread, so I tried to have her look like a human version of the bird/eagle found on it. It was hear that I learned that making a weapon like a mace is difficult. XD
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
Senshi Name: Sailor Galaeth-Special GC 5th anniversary otaku entry
Powers/Influences: Guardian of the Forums, crystal growth, plant growth, flight, looks into the hearts and helps crystals mature
Backstory: Deep within the forests of Elyson, a lone flower bloomed. Confused and alone, this newly born fairy fluttered around the forest until she stumbled upon a flowerbed. These small green blossoms, there were only few at the time, seemed to be whispering to her. Leaning down, she could hear laughter, frustration, joy and other such emotions. As time passed, a small crystal emerged from them, and as the crystals grew, the blooms did as well. Eventually, the blossoms became red and as they withered, the crystals now resembled a lotus. These lotus crystals lingered by her and, with her tender guidance, slowly changed in color and influence-becoming the strongest crystals she would ever see. That was around five years ago. Now, Galaeth has many different blooms to tend to, listening to their hopes and dreams as she gently sprinkles the blossoms to promote the crystal growth. These first crystals, the colored ones assist her greatly in tending the now bustling garden that grew from a small flowerbed. Sometimes, certain crystals change in shape, becoming rainbow or the most precious silver she'd ever seen-and sometimes they revert. While this brings Sailor Galaeth some confusion, she can still read the crystals and know that they are happy with whatever changes are present. In order to prevent damage to the growing crystals, she places a protective bubble around them until they fully mature into a lotus, and the flowers-now red-go back into the earth to be replaced by fresher green blooms. It is not known if the other citizens of this universe are aware of this garden, but the king and queen of Crystal Tokyo as well as the guardian of the Galaxy Cauldron have not interfered. Galaeth is not lonely in the slightest, as she enjoys watching over each crystal-and this year her job has been busier then ever.
Sailor Galaeth couldn't be happier with her happy, bustling garden.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor10
This is Sailor Quebic from the world fair '16 canada otaku senshi contest! I love how she turned out, and how fluffy and warm she looks! The theme was the color scheme of Quebic's flag. It was during her creation that I felt like I got really good at making different staffs/wands.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 7th October 2016, 12:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 11:31 pm

Random Otaku senshi

These are the ones I made on a whim and (most of) them don't have names or backstories or, well anything! I might come up with something but for now, they're just cool to look at.

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor11
Remember my October '15 otaku entry? I made a doll of her as to what she looked like before the apocalypse! Here's poor lil' Ayumu, sweet and innocent to the world before the harsh reality of the barren wastes toughens her up.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor13
And this is Ayumu's friend. She, unfortunately, does not survive the Apocalypse and is seen wandering around the wasteland of Japan as a zombie. (I did make a doll of her as a zombie, but I'm not sure who to send it too to make sure it follows the PG-13 guidelines.)
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi What_h10
I still laugh myself silly every time I look at her. It's a shame the male dressup doesn't have nearly as much freedom as the female one, so I had to make a male character a girl.
Let's just say my undertale obsession still hasn't ended, but the other characters are too hard to do. So here you go, Sailor Papyrus!

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor12
This senshi, only named Sailor Apple Cider would have been my september '15 otaku contest entry, but at the time I was unaware the rules had changed and written paragraphs/descriptions were now a requirement and she was a last minute entry. Still no idea what her story would have been, to be honest.

Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor15
This is the Sailor Senshi form I would be, though it's outdated. I made a better one no less then five months later once senshi maker 3.0 was released
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor11
And this is the more version of what I would be as a sailor senshi. Not sure if I would keep the same senshi name as the older one lol.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor14
Now I hope none of you laugh, but not only was this the first time experimenting with the male senshi, but I kinda tried to make....Benson from regular show as he shows up in an old RP I did with my sister. It didn't turn out to my expectations, to say the least.(My sister tried to make rigby, she never showed it to me but just couldn't stop laughing.) I wish the males had more variety.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor12
I like to call this one sailor cotton candy, because of the color scheme. Pretty sure I went overboard on the ribbons.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor16
This is sailor bubblegum pop. My sister wouldn't stop talking and sending me clips of Jem and the Holograms that she was spamming in between assignments; this was the result.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor17
No idea what her name would be, but I would like to imagine that she'd be a performer in a popular space joint where various senshi would go to chill in-between galactic battles.
Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi Sailor18
I don't have a name for her either, but I'd imagine she's a princess of some far off planet and this is the form she would take to address various senshi that would address her counsel.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 14th April 2016, 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 11:46 pm

Admin Note: Moved to Otaku Senshi section.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime14th April 2016, 12:03 am

OMGosh! Sailor Cherub is sooooo did you make the background?
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime14th April 2016, 12:08 am

It was in the previous senshi dollmaker, version 2.0. You were able to change the colors of most of the primary backgrounds, If I remember correctly, just with extra effects. It's actually the same background as Sailor Lilac, just a different color scheme.
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 7:16 pm

How in the world did you make those rainbow wings on Sailor Cherub? They look so cool. xD Omg on closer inspect are they seiya hair tails in different colors cause if thats the case i'm just gunna die laughing in a corner and at how genius that is xD
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PostSubject: Re: Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi   Cosmos' Gaurdians-Various Otaku Senshi I_icon_minitime3rd May 2016, 7:49 pm

Lmao, I love you brit.
And Cosmos, I've always loved your otaku senshi! You are so creative with them! I can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future!
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