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 That akward moment when you start an introduction post...

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 8:50 pm

Hey there!
My name is Nathalia and I am 30 years old - yes, 30! I am from Brazil and I've been a Sailor Moon fan since 1996, when the anime started to be shown here.
I grew up watching it and it was another reason why I started to get interested on drawing, on arts - what really made me drawing was Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon- and after years, I decided to (re)start looking out for Sailor Moon related things.

My favorite Sailor is Sailor Moon - i love all her evolution from cry baby to this strong woman she became (talking about the manga) -; manga >>>>> anime; favorite couple Mamoru/Usagi and Michiru/Haruka.... what else....

I love reading (Jack Kerouac, Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice), drawing (let me pimp my DeviantArt here and also my Usagi Giveaway) ; I love music - punk rock, rockabilly, bands like My Chemical Romance, U2, The Gaslight Anthem.....

I think I might have covered it all, right? Anything about me, don't be shy to ask! I don't bite! :albino:

xo, Nathy
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Neo Queen Serenity

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 8:53 pm

Welcome welcome! I am glad you joined! ^^ We really are for all ages Smile

I am pretty sure we will have what you are looking for so feel free to dive right in!
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Momma Jupi
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Momma Jupi

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 8:54 pm

Hi Nathy! Welcome to our forum!

I must say, I experienced a moment of giddiness when I saw that you like Anne Rice as well. Her writing meant everything to me when I first discovered it and helped me develop so much as a writer. I am not into vampires in the least, but she managed to portray her characters in a way that did not make me feel as if I were reading about vampires but rather human individuals. Her characters touched me very much. Smile

Which were/are your favorite books and characters? Did you ever join any forums on her books? I did. ^^

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 9:07 pm

Lady Galaxia wrote:
Welcome welcome! I am glad you joined! ^^ We really are for all ages Smile

I am pretty sure we will have what you are looking for so feel free to dive right in!

Thank you so much, darling! :***
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 9:24 pm

Bem-vindo ao forum. Your our first member from Brazil. We're glad to have you with us.
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Sailor Cosmos
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Sailor Cosmos

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 10:23 pm

Welcome! Wow, Brazil... I love how Sailor Moon has touched people all across the globe!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 11:06 pm

Hi Nathy! I absolutely love your avatar! Lol. No one is ever too old or too young to join. ^-^ I'm so glad to see such a die hard fan of Sailor Moon! I hope I never grow out of it. <3 Welcome to the site~
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 11:16 pm

Sailor Jupiter wrote:
Hi Nathy! Welcome to our forum!

I must say, I experienced a moment of giddiness when I saw that you like Anne Rice as well. Her writing meant everything to me when I first discovered it and helped me develop so much as a writer. I am not into vampires in the least, but she managed to portray her characters in a way that did not make me feel as if I were reading about vampires but rather human individuals. Her characters touched me very much. Smile

Which were/are your favorite books and characters? Did you ever join any forums on her books? I did. ^^

Very Happy Thank you, darling!

I do like Anne, her writing was an inspiration to me as well, specially when I was in high school and started to writing my own stories and when I got into college, it was the same thing (I am a Liberal Arts drop out Crying or Very sad )

The first book that I read was "Interview with The Vampire", because my mom had it and she loved it, I think I was either 14 or 15 and it remained as my favorite book, but I do love the whole Vampire Chronicles (even though now I'm fed up with vampires and I blame Stephanie Mayer!) and "Cry To Heaven" Smile

My favorite character, from her, is Lestat. I love his complexity, how ambiguous he is - a brat, an altruist, a philosopher... and how these traits are translated to our human lives. I could go on and on about him, seriously!
And your, who are your favorite character from Anne?

I had joined a few forums in the past, but most part of them are dead, so I discuss her books with friends or on Livejournal, lol!
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Momma Jupi
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Momma Jupi

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 11:24 pm

I'm curious if you've ever heard of the Looking Glass? That place too closed down several years ago, but it was the only forum I had ever been apart of.

Interview with the Vampire was my first as well! I used to work at my local library when I was sixteen and I do not know what compelled me to pick it up from the cart but I did. I remember reading that first page and being completely enraptured with the text.

Lestat is a beautiful character. I too love all the things you mentioned. My favorite is Louis though. I love his soft way of speaking and his quietness, although he is not quite so timid nor fragile. I love the little things he does (such as not liking to put his hands in his pockets for thinking that it is not an elegant thing to do) and the way he interacts with Lestat. I very much like the two of them together. The final chapter of Queen of the Damned always leaves me feeling giddy and positively joyous inside.

As for my favorite book, it is hard to choose exactly. I like The Vampire Lestat probably the best, but also Tale of the Body Thief. I never read the witches series.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 11:40 pm

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Bem-vindo ao forum. Your our first member from Brazil. We're glad to have you with us.
Muito obrigada!
I'm the first brazilian here? It's quite an honor, to be honest! Cheers
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime5th July 2011, 11:47 pm

Sailor Cosmos wrote:
Welcome! Wow, Brazil... I love how Sailor Moon has touched people all across the globe!

Thank you, dear.
It's funny because I grew up watching Sailor Moon and when it started to be shown here in Brazil, I was almost 16 and I alwas already into mangas and animes, but more into shojo manga (Saint Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho) and I hadn't read anything that was considered shoujo... when i first saw SailorMoon, I loved it and kept on researching about it; i got my high school friends on it and we used to do cosplays, to "pretend" that we were the characters.... it was a funny thing.

When I got to read SM manga, I realized that i sorta of hated the anime, because the manga is much more adult than the anime itself and it changed me even more - i was 20, 21 and I always have been interested on feminism and I could see how much power Usagi and the girls had over their fans JUST with the manga....

I really, really have to thank Sailor Moon for helping me grow up in several ways! Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 12:11 am

Sailor Venus wrote:
Hi Nathy! I absolutely love your avatar! Lol. No one is ever too old or too young to join. ^-^ I'm so glad to see such a die hard fan of Sailor Moon! I hope I never grow out of it. <3 Welcome to the site~
Awww gorgeous, thank you!

I'm still a die hard fan and oh god, I am planning to get a Sailor Moon tattoo (I'm addicted for tattoos too!) as soon as possible!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 12:16 am

Sailor Jupiter wrote:
I'm curious if you've ever heard of the Looking Glass? That place too closed down several years ago, but it was the only forum I had ever been apart of.

YES, I DID! The other day, me and my friend were looking for it and we could only find it through Web Time Machine. :/

And you worked at a library? It was my first job and since I'm a bookworm, it was the one I loved the most! Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 6:02 am

Welcome! I just started reading the manga earlier this week and I'm surprised I didn't pick it up earlier! MamoruxUsagi are just so much more fleshed out!
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 4:22 pm

Welcome! You and I are about the same age and watched Sailor Moon about the same time!!! Although we were in different hemispheres at the time. :-D

Yey U2! Okay, so Achtung Baby was the first CD I ever bought with my own saved-up money when I was about 10 years old. Of course, now that's soooooo dated. Ha ha.
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Momma Jupi
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Momma Jupi

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 7:03 pm

I've never heard of this Web Time machine! Were you able to find the Looking Glass through that site? It's non-existent now, so I would love to see it again. Smile

Who were you on the forum? I was Kiyoshi. There were a lot of members and I really did not know very many people, but I am curious if I ever saw your username there.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 10:14 pm

SailorBAMF wrote:
Welcome! I just started reading the manga earlier this week and I'm surprised I didn't pick it up earlier! MamoruxUsagi are just so much more fleshed out!

Thank you! I loved your username! :worship:

I love UsagixMamoru much more in manga than in the anime, and I'm mostly up for the yaoi/yuri couples, it's a rare thing for me to love the straight couple right away!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 10:37 pm

Sailor Jupiter wrote:
I've never heard of this Web Time machine! Were you able to find the Looking Glass through that site? It's non-existent now, so I would love to see it again. Smile

Who were you on the forum? I was Kiyoshi. There were a lot of members and I really did not know very many people, but I am curious if I ever saw your username there.

Yes! That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 1637911638
Some sites keep active even if they're deleted - probably because their server that store the pages and everything, so I could access some pages, not everything! That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 847989599
My username back then was LadyCygnus - in fact it was for every single site that I was in, pretty much because of my obsession with Cygnus Hyoga, from Saint Seiya! :lolz:
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime6th July 2011, 10:45 pm

enogitna wrote:
Welcome! You and I are about the same age and watched Sailor Moon about the same time!!! Although we were in different hemispheres at the time. :-D

Yey U2! Okay, so Achtung Baby was the first CD I ever bought with my own saved-up money when I was about 10 years old. Of course, now that's soooooo dated. Ha ha.

OMG, hello! That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 1637911638
Even in different hemispheres we watched Sailor Moon around the same time!
And U2 That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 1637911638 ... they're my favorite band, ever and I won Achtung Baby's vinyl in my birthday that year, I was so happy that I couldn't even contain my happiness! I just saw them when they were in South America and took my 17 years old (back then, she's 18 now) to see them on a concert, her 1st concert (not mine, hehehe!)

That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 1434556979
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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime7th July 2011, 7:21 am

Hello and welcome! Hope you are feeling most welcomed. ^_^
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Webmistress Emeritus


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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime7th July 2011, 8:08 am

Ohh Anne Rice! I loved Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Armand. Good stuff!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime7th July 2011, 9:52 am

Brit-chan wrote:
Hello and welcome! Hope you are feeling most welcomed. ^_^

Hi Brit-chan! i'm feeling super welcomed here, thank you all a lot for this hospitality! That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 4033448464

Elly wrote:
Ohh Anne Rice! I loved Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Armand. Good stuff!

Quality stuff! xP That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 1434556979
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Sailor Night
Pyramidal Crystal

Sailor Night

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime7th July 2011, 10:54 am

Welcome here Nathy~ That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 4011577294
Yay more foreign people! Yay Anne Rice!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime10th July 2011, 1:57 am

Nathy wrote:
Sailor Venus wrote:
Hi Nathy! I absolutely love your avatar! Lol. No one is ever too old or too young to join. ^-^ I'm so glad to see such a die hard fan of Sailor Moon! I hope I never grow out of it. <3 Welcome to the site~
Awww gorgeous, thank you!

I'm still a die hard fan and oh god, I am planning to get a Sailor Moon tattoo (I'm addicted for tattoos too!) as soon as possible!

I was thinking the same thing! O-O OMG. We have to go tattoo hunting/brain storming! xD
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime10th July 2011, 10:47 am

Sailor Night wrote:
Welcome here Nathy~ That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 4011577294
Yay more foreign people! Yay Anne Rice!

Thank you, dear! *__________* Anne Rice is a reference for many people who want to be a writer, that woman is a genious! Very Happy

Sailor Venus wrote:
Nathy wrote:
Sailor Venus wrote:
Hi Nathy! I absolutely love your avatar! Lol. No one is ever too old or too young to join. ^-^ I'm so glad to see such a die hard fan of Sailor Moon! I hope I never grow out of it. <3 Welcome to the site~
Awww gorgeous, thank you!

I'm still a die hard fan and oh god, I am planning to get a Sailor Moon tattoo (I'm addicted for tattoos too!) as soon as possible!

I was thinking the same thing! O-O OMG. We have to go tattoo hunting/brain storming! xD

YES, PLEASE! Initially, i had thought of having Usagi's transformation silhouette tattooed in my arm, but then, I was all "okay, I love tattoos and it's so simple, I could go for something bigger and colorful that represents all my love for this, for what this anime/manga changed me."
And I will! Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : give a sailor yell!
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Location : ME, USA.

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PostSubject: Re: That akward moment when you start an introduction post...   That akward moment when you start an introduction post... I_icon_minitime10th July 2011, 4:42 pm

Nathy wrote:
Sailor Night wrote:
Welcome here Nathy~ That akward moment when you start an introduction post... 4011577294
Yay more foreign people! Yay Anne Rice!

Thank you, dear! *__________* Anne Rice is a reference for many people who want to be a writer, that woman is a genious! Very Happy

Sailor Venus wrote:
Nathy wrote:
Sailor Venus wrote:
Hi Nathy! I absolutely love your avatar! Lol. No one is ever too old or too young to join. ^-^ I'm so glad to see such a die hard fan of Sailor Moon! I hope I never grow out of it. <3 Welcome to the site~
Awww gorgeous, thank you!

I'm still a die hard fan and oh god, I am planning to get a Sailor Moon tattoo (I'm addicted for tattoos too!) as soon as possible!

I was thinking the same thing! O-O OMG. We have to go tattoo hunting/brain storming! xD

YES, PLEASE! Initially, i had thought of having Usagi's transformation silhouette tattooed in my arm, but then, I was all "okay, I love tattoos and it's so simple, I could go for something bigger and colorful that represents all my love for this, for what this anime/manga changed me."
And I will! Very Happy

Oh man, that is hard! Idk, I wanted one of the transformation brooches, or maybe one of the portraits of the senshi on my back. Maybe the one with Usagi, Chibi-Usa, and Helios? Hmm too many things to chose from! Lol
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