Hello everyone, new member here! I'm Starlet, but feel free to just call me Star or any other quirky nickname that you can think of. I'm currently 17 years old but am turning 18 in little under a month. I live in the state of Alabama and still attend high school, and I will officially be a senior starting this August. I also go to a technical school for half the day, where I take a class in drafting & design. I love rabbits, kitty cats, delicious food, cartoons, and video games!
I've been familiar with Sailor Moon since a very young age, from watching the anime on Cartoon Network. My interest of it slowly started to die when it stopped airing though, but my interest has recently been re-sparked as of the past few years thanks to reading the manga reprint. I've also recently been introduced to the musicals and live-action show, and I absolutely adore them. If I was forced to choose a favorite version, then I would probably say Sera Myu, because it has beautiful music, great characterization, and neat additions.
Also, another reason as to why Sera Myu is my favorite version is because it introduced me to my favorite character, Sailor Astarte. It saddens me that she's so obscure and unknown, but I can understand why, as she only showed up in like two musicals and even then, was only around for ten minutes. But I find the concept of her character to be so neat, and I wish that they had done more with her. Besides her, I also like... everyone else? There's not a character that I can think of that I dislike, since most of the characters are pretty likeable. Anyhoo, this ends my introduction? It'll be nice getting to meet you all!