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 February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}

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Entry 1
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap33%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 4 ]
Entry 2
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap17%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
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Entry 3
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap17%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
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Entry 4
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap17%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
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Entry 5
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap0%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
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Entry 6
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap0%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
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Entry 7
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap8%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 1 ]
Entry 8
February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_lcap8%February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 12
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Jupiter Rose
Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime10th February 2015, 5:59 pm

Sorry for the delay! Internet issues...

In honour of February, this month's theme is...

Senshi of Love or Lust? You decide! :O

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Cydsl8X

The Rules:
1. The entry MUST be love or lust-related.
2. All entries must be PG-13 or lower. Nudity is only accepted on case-by-case basis and if it is in tasteful art form. It will also need a warning.
3. You may not show anyone else on GC your entry until after the contest is completely over (i.e. the winner has been decided)
4. Only doll creations (from the provided link) may be submitted.
5. Please upload your entry to a photo hosting website such as Photobucket, imageshack, tinypic, etc. Please make sure your submitted image of your doll is working! It is not my responsibility to chase you down and wait to get any errors fixed. It also slows the entire contest down, so please double check!
6. All artists may submit only one entry to me, Sailor Mars (via PM).
7. You must include brief information about your senshi, including: 
- The senshi name
- Influences/powers
- Brief description paragraph (which can include where they are from, what their way of life is like, etc.). Be reasonable!
8. Have fun with it! Be creative!

The medium:
Note: Please, if you wish to participate, only create and work on your doll within this doll maker. No taking your doll and making modifications in programs such as GIMP, Photoshop, Paint, Photofiltre, etc. If this is violated, the entry will be pulled and disqualified.

Voting Deadline: 13 February!

Entry 1

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Capture_zpsfoqofcbw

Sailor Fifty Shades

She's broken out of her handcuffs, taken off her shirt, and is ready for action!  Sailor Fifty Shades is the guardian of lust and bad writing.  Her hobbies include pleasing people sexually, using the same words over and over again, not doing any research before publishing a book, and creating unrealistic expectations for women everywhere!

Once a typical girl in her early twenties, she was approached by a young, hot, billionaire who instantly became obsessed with her for no explainable reason!  Rather than feeling creeped out by this guy, she follows his weird orders without question.  After making her do things that clearly make her uncomfortable, the billionaire guy rewards her by giving her super powers!

Her enemies include clothing, feminists, thesauruses, character development, and the fact that the senshi doll maker only has like 2 shades of gray.

Entry 2

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Fl8zux

Name/Alias: Venus' Graces - Phaenna/Sailor Phaenna, Kalleis/Sailor Kalleis, and Peitho/Sailor Peitho
Origin: The triumvirate hails from Venus and acts as attendants to the royal Venusian family. Collectively, they are referred to as "the Princess' Graces". The Graces act as confidants and protectors to the royal family; however, when they are not on duty they are known to seduce their many suitors. Like Venusians, they are very attractive and charismatic. When the Princess is away from her throne, they stand guard at the Magellan castle and watch over royal artifacts including the Venus Crystal.
Influences/powers: As guardians to Venus, each soldier's powers are seeped in the same magical attributes as Venus itself - light, love, and beauty.

Phaenna (Charm): The youngest of the Graces, Phaenna's powers of love and seduction are much weaker than her sisters. She can, at best, create "charms" that can momentarily ensorcel foes long enough for Kalleis to finish them off. Her most advantageous power is -   "Venus, Scintillating Kiss!"- a magical kiss that makes the recipient turn against his/her allies. Meaning, if hit with Scintillating Kiss, an enemy would rather attack his own kind (or his self!) than Phaenna. It is only effective if she actually places a kiss on the target.  
Kalleis (Beauty): As the self proclaimed leader of the Graces - much to the chagrin of her sisters - Kalleis is the strongest and only one to possess a sacred item. Kalleis wields the Seafoam Sceptre, a winged staff that is said to have been crafted from the seafoam which the goddess Venus was birthed. It is forged from an unbreakable metal, native to Venus. When she incants, "Venus Beautiful Star, Action!" the scepter draws upon the powers of all three Graces - charm, beauty, and persuasion - and creates an overwhelming blast of energy. This energy is both destruction and purifying, depending upon Kalleis' intentions. She can detach the uppermost portion of the sceptre to use as powder puff for her face makeup.
Peitho (Persuasion): Sailor Peitho's greatest feat lie in her ability to naturally charm any foe. Her entrancement is initiated with the phrase, "Venus, Sweet Seduction!" This power gives makes her irresistible to both man and woman, making it incredibly hard to resist anything Phaenna does. Foes will hooked to her every command, even willing to sacrifice themselves for the persuasive Peitho! Rumor has it that Peitho is a cruel lover and is rather graphic and dominant in her desires...

Description: The Graces hail from the planet Venus and are apart of Princess Venus' royal court. As apart of the princesses guard, their powers all revolve around love and beauty. The three sisters are natives to 30th century Venus, born shortly after Neo-Queen Serenity came to reign. Together, they pledge their loyalty to the Champion of Love, Sailor Venus. While the princess is away, the Graces protect the Magellan castle in her steed. In times of great peril, they can act as guardians to the princess and fetch her Venus crystal. Kalleis, the middle sister, acts as the leader of the group. She loves collecting fancy cosmetics and visiting Crystal Tokyo to pick up on the latest fashion. Some say she is as lovely as the Princess Venus herself! The eldest, Peitho, is a seasoned Venus soldier, having fought alongside their princess once before. She is cool and cunning, none can resist her incredibly seductive nature. When she's not on duty, Peitho rotates through her "collection" of boyfriends - she's the definition of man-eater! The youngest Grace is the adorable Phaenna who channels Princess Venus' light and charm powers. Phaenna isn't as interested in her soldier duties as her sisters; in fact, she prefers to eat sweets and party! Combined, the Graces amplify the powers of Sailor Venus. The represent the sum of her abilities - light, love, and beauty - and give strength to  her in times of need.
Inspiration: In Roman mythology, the Graces were personal aides to Venus and three minor goddesses of charm, beauty, and lust. 'Kalleis' or 'Kale' means beauty; 'Peito' means seduction or lust; 'Phaenna' means shining.
Dolls: (from left to right Sailor Peitho, Sailor Kalleis, Sailor Phaenna)

Entry 3

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Senshi14

Name: Sailor Cherub

Powers: looking into the hearts of others using the mirror de amour and adjusting their affections appropriately based on what she sees by using the baton of affection, has the ability to end a relationship in the same way. She has the power of flight and the ability to turn into various tiny winged creatures, such as butterflies, doves and hummingbirds in order to mask her presence. She is able to receive strength based upon whatever type of affection was last seen in her mirror (passion makes her stronger, flirting gives her sonic hearing, romanticism gives her a boost of speed ect.)

Senshi Description:
Juli Rose has a rough time believing in love. Every boy (and girl) she’s ever had a crush on has either dumped her or was never interested to begin with. So when February 14th roles around, she’s already depressed. To make matters even worse, her parents decide that today of all days is when they announce their divorce. Juli runs out of the house distraught and heartbroken into the snowy evening. She passes under a streetlight to catch her breath, and collapses in a fit of anger and tears. Love is a lie! There is no such thing as love! She will never believe in it ever again!
Suddenly a small cry is heard-almost like a child. Juli cannot believe it, an infant? Out in this cold? She searches around for the crying, and eventually finds one. A small baby is lying there with no clothes in the snow-a boy. Mortified, she grabs the child and swindles him in her own scarf-one with every color of the rainbow in the stitches. She runs back home and attempts to show the child to her parents, and is mortified that they only see her bundled up scarf in her arms. They dismiss it as her reaction to the news, and she runs up into her room with the child.
Right when she begins to dismiss herself as crazy, the child speaks. Small wings protrude from its back, and a wondrous glow emits from it. The child introduces himself as cupid. Juli is confused, isn’t cupid supposed to have a bow and arrow? Isn’t he supposed to be taller? Why was he in the cold? Cupid confesses that there was such a growing intolerance and hatred for all kinds of love that his powers started to dwindle out. It got bad enough that he decided to go to earth to investigate, and the remains of his powers were sucked right out of him, leaving him in an infant like form in the snow with no form of communication. Many people passed him by this evening, and Juli was the only one to notice him. That very act of kindness was able to restore a small amount of his power; allowing him to regain his speech and flight again. When asked why her parents cannot see him, it’s because they don’t feel love anymore. Sadly, cupid lacks his powers to fill humans hearts with compassion as he once did, but then he gets an idea.
Since she was the only one able to see him, he grants her two items, the mirror de amour and Valentine’s baton. As soon as she touches the two, she immediately transforms into the Senshi of Love and Affections, Sailor Cherub! Her scarf, the one that she had so graciously wrapped cupid in to save him from the cold, changes with her as well. It becomes a cape of sorts, still somehow retaining its original pattern.

Cupid tells her how the items work. Through the marbles of purity, the items resonate with one another. With the mirror, she is able to see inside the hearts of humans. One heart means appreciation, two hearts means friendship or family, and three hearts means true love. The baton will react appropriately as long as she used the appropriate side for whichever human she is looking at. There is another side as well, to use the two items. She can dispel hatred and other unpleasant human emotions as well by looking into the mirror de amour. One purple heart means disappointment, two purple hearts means disgust, and three means absolute hatred. She can alter these emotions as well. Only through the use of these items will love return to mankind and allow cupid to regain his holy form. Juli’s sacred mission has begun! Little does she know, that there are those who would rather her mission fail….

Entry 4

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} NPsJeag

Hailing from the forbidden planet Nemisis, Kiyomi Mikuza is the rightful princess and heir to the throne. She was born in Tokyo several months after Wiseman's defeat. Once seeing the mark of the Black Moon on her daughter, Usagi panicked. She used the power of the Legendary Silver Crystal to conceal the symbol and went about raising her. After the defeat of Sailor Galaxia the world froze over and the future was coming into place. When Crystal Tokyo was formed, Kiyomi became the Crown Princess. But when Kiyomi was 13,she met a white cat with the Black Moon symbol. The cat told her the truth about her parents and how it was her destiny to rule Nemisis. Angry at her mother for lying to her and killing her real father, she ran away and joined the Black Moon Clan. The cat (named Skygge) gave her a locket to transform into Sailor Nemisis, Soldier of Evil and Lust.

The lust aspect of her powers comes from the fact that her father lusted after Neo-Queen Serenity, so she inherited that quality from him. It turned into her power source and she began to tap into it more. Unlike Demande, who only set his eye's on one person, Kiyomi is a bit of a chibi. She'd go for any man as long as they were good looking.

Source of Power: Darkness and Lust

Entry 5

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} ZtFjtLX

Senshi Name: Sailor Aphrodisia
Influences/powers: Lust
Brief description paragraph: Sailor Aphrodisia's true power is in bringing the power of desire within people. She's kind of like Cupid; if she sees two people she feels should be together, she'd awaken the feeling of desire within them for each other. Her power doesn't really affect people's hearts, just their hormones. She's especially often found around Valentine's Day, trying to give single people some action by helping others feel desire for them.
Love-Love Attack! - Sailor Aphrodisia engulfs her target in a pink mist that will function like... well, an aphrodisiac.
Aphrodisia Bubble! - Sailor Aphrodisia will create an impenetrable bubble around her targets so they're kind of stuck together with each other. Because you know, small spaces + aphrodisiac = so much delicious action.

Entry 6

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Wx5S9PD

Name: Sailor NightTryst

Powers: Divine Essence - a powerful, pink spray of perfume or cologne that entrances those nearby into a deep swoon!

Love's First Arrow - a shot that fills the target with warmth and passion, crippling any dark desire or malintent.

Heartbeat Transformation - sensing darkness or hatred brewing in a heart, Sailor NightTryst uses her disguise pen to transform into the dark and mysterious stranger of her target's dreams. She uses her powers to woo her target, turning their hatred to love, before disappearing back into the night - forever memorable as "the one who got away."

Description: Sailor NightTryst hails from the distant Vega Star - a star embroiled in a history of love.

In Japanese lore, when the celestial goddess Orihime fell in love with the mortal Kengyu, they are separated by a father's mistrust. The two lovers are placed in the sky, where they are separated by the Celestial River, known to us as Milky Way. But each year, on the 7th night of the 7th moon, a bridge of magpies forms across the Celestial River, and the two lovers are reunited.

Sailor NightTryst gains power from all who wish upon the star to meet their destined prince or princess.

Entry 7

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} SailorSenshiLust_zps2c69e370

Chara, Senshi of Lust

Influences: The star constellation "Etherus", God of Lust, Excess, & Desire.
Powers: An ethereal beauty that drives those of weak constitutions to become aggressive, and even violent, towards their passion; ability to alter appearance to fit the desires of their opponent.

Brief Description: One of three Etherus Senshi (Lust, Excess, & Desire) that protect the Constellation of The Lying/The Snake. The constellation, like a snake, never appears the same over the course of each year, gradually changing its position in the night sky, much like the shedding of a snake from its skin. In the same way, the Etherus Senshi possess powers that allow them to alter their physical appearance.

Chara is the 2nd eldest of the three Etherus Senshi (whom are siblings). She uses her appearance changing ability to suit the physical and sexual desires of her opponents, be they male or female. As the middle child, she is an very jealous individual, consumed with envy for the attention of her elder and younger sisters. It is said that she has assumed the figure of a voluptuous women in order to seduce her father (Etherus) into giving her his power and the right to rule the constellations. Although her scheme was never discovered, she failed to trick her father, who was too consumed with his own greed and desires to part with them.

Entry 8

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Sailor11

Sailor Love Love
Never fear Sailor Love Love is here. Sailor Love Love is a descendant from Cupid himself. Her mission is to bring love into everyone’s life. Rather than making people fall in love, which she only uses that power when she sees two people who are destined together, Love Love uses her magic wand to help people love their lives and see all the beauty the world has to offer. With the help of her sidekick Sweethearts, Love Love brings a touch of love everywhere she goes and brightens up the day for all who are around her.

Love Love Splash: Her subjects are surrounded in a flurry of hearts and birds, as thoughts of happiness and positivity fill her subjects minds.
Sprinkle Sugar Dream: Sailor Love Love can enter peoples minds to help them have happy dreams filled with love.
Red string match- only used in the most dire of situations, Love Love can use her magic to bring two people who are bound together by the red string of fate closer together so that they might encounter each other and that they would begin to fall in love. Again this is used in extreme emergencies.

Last edited by Sailor Mars on 16th February 2015, 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime10th February 2015, 6:44 pm

Voted! Great creations everyone! *___*
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Pyramidal Crystal


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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime10th February 2015, 6:56 pm

aww stuff it i vote for which one i want

Last edited by SailorKittyElyon on 10th February 2015, 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime10th February 2015, 6:59 pm

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PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime11th February 2015, 12:34 am

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Princess Moon
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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime11th February 2015, 1:51 am

Voted Smile
Great entries everyone. I really enjoyed reading them ^-^
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime11th February 2015, 4:08 pm

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Sailor Jupiter
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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime11th February 2015, 5:06 pm

Sailor Fifty Shades is my new favorite senshi  February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} 3884866259
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime11th February 2015, 6:06 pm

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Lotus Crystal


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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime12th February 2015, 1:54 pm

Henshinyo wrote:
Sailor Fifty Shades is my new favorite senshi  February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} 3884866259

The description alone had me rolling in tears. XD
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime15th February 2015, 4:55 pm

So are there 3 tied for second, or are we going to do a re-vote?
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Jupiter Rose
Lotus Crystal

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February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Empty
PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime16th February 2015, 7:44 pm

So sorry for the delay, everybody! Without further ado....the winner is...!

Entry 1! Sailor Fifty Shades created by Adelaide! Congratulations! Here is your award sig! Very Happy

February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} Kj0QtbY

Thank you everyone for participating! You all created lovely senshi! Keep your eyes peeled for the March Otaku Contest! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: February Otaku Contest {WINNER!}   February Otaku Contest {WINNER!} I_icon_minitime

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