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 Flat Tire

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 4:59 pm

A flat tire leaves Makoto stranded on the side of the road. Harley Quinn, driving through on her motorcycle, decides to stop and help her out. Harley, however, just happened to be on a mission at the time - well, the more's the merrier, right?!

Harley Quinn played by Fire
Sailor Jupiter played by Princess Moon

Set the scene and play! ((btw, I'll leave it up to Fire to decide what, exactly, Harley's mission is!))

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 28th February 2015, 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 11:30 am

Makoto was deep in thought when she was on her way back home. Today was so funny. But why do Rei and Usagi always have to argue? I guess, they just can’t talk to each other in a normal way. A faint smile spread across Makoto’s face. I’m glad they liked my cookies. Especially Usagi. She giggled. Once again the picture showed up in her mind. The picture at which Usagi literally inhaled her cookies. Indeed, Usagi always liked her food and never hesitated to show that. But today it was even more extreme and it was really hard for Makoto to stop grinning. I’m so glad I met her and the others.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Makoto almost fell off the bike – she turned the corner just by a narrow margin. The tall beauty got off her bicycle and looked back at the way she has cruised along. “At any rate I didn’t hit a stone,” she mumbled. “But what was that?”

She inspected the way once again and looked for any obstacle she could have hit - however, unsuccessful. Hm, that’s odd. She got back on her bike and started pedaling again. What the heck? As much as Makoto tried, she couldn’t drive straight on; her whole bike wobbled. Before Makoto would really fall off the bike she dismounted. She reviewed every angle of her bike - from the bottom up - to see, if anything is broken. “Oh no!,” she shouted out of nowhere. “Why does it always happen to me?!”

How couldn’t I notice that earlier? Her back tire was totally flat. There’s still more than a mile to my home. Makoto mostly knew, what was the best thing to do. But right now she was clueless, everything came so unexpected. Hm, maybe I should try to continue driving?! Or would it be better to wheel the bike? But that would take too much time…What now?
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 3:45 pm

Darkest night. The suburbs. Miles upon miles of nothing but fields between some of the houses. Barely any working lights on some of the streets. Dogs howling in the distance and the smell of crime in the air. What a wonderful evening, Harley thought.

She was driving to her destination - some big shot's house waaaay away from civilization. The dummy was out on holiday with his family and didn't even have hyenas there to guard his treasures! What a sap! I mean DUH! Of course it was an open invitation to any and all wrong-doers living in the Tokyo area. "Hey guys! Stop by! Swim in my pool! Feed my cat! Burn my house down when you're done!", Harley imagined the fat millionaire saying. And as it happened, Harley and her Puddin' were vacationing in Asia, far away from Bats and that downer city of his. So they were taking the sap up on his offer. 

Harley liked it here. People were loud and crazy and they had entire conventions where they painted their faces and wore wigs and weird costumes, and the food was wonderful and colorful! And oooooh their television shows! So loud! So sadistic! That thing that they did, with the floor slowly moving back into the walls and the guests falling into water or a big black void? Classy. These people knew how to party and they were proud of it! Harley was in love and she never ever EVER wanted to go back to the US, to those grey streets with grey buildings and grey people in grey batsuits. Blah! 

Harley was thinking all of this while speeding on her motorcycle - her babies in the sidecar with their tongues out, enjoying the ride. Subtlety was for losers, anyway. But then she saw a silhouette on the side of the road. A young woman with a ponytail and a flat tire on her bike. "Awwwww.... poor thing", Harley thought as she abruptly hit the brakes, almost throwing one of her hyenas out of the sidecar.

"Aren't you precious?!?" her shrill voice rang out into the night. "Got a flat, eh? That's all right - it happens to the best of us!"

Harley snort-laughed at her own subtle joke and looked back to the woman. It didn't look to Harley like she was in any hurry to accept her offer. Or like she had even a fraction of Harley's excellent sense of humor. 

"So you getting on or what? I haven't got all night and you're kind of in the middle of nowheeeere here."

She sang that "nowhere".
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime20th February 2015, 11:00 am

Makoto was still reflecting about what to do now when she heard the brakes of a motorcycle. She turned around and immediately started aside. Suddenly she saw a strange looking woman in front of her with two hyenas at her side. When she started to talk, Makoto got a bit frightened. What a shrill voice! And what sort of clothes does she wear? Maybe she’s going to a convention? But it’s already evening. Hm. And why does she have hyenas with her?

This woman gives me the creeps. She’s scary.

“So you’re getting on or what?” No? Absolutely not! I don’t know you and you don’t look very trustworthy. “I haven’t got all night and you’re kind of in the middle of nowheeeere here.” This sentence got Makoto to reconsider her decision. She was right. It was already super dark und there was still one more mile to her home. This could get dangerous, especially because she has to go through the woods. And in case she is really going to hurt me, I could still transform…

“Fine,” Makoto said, when she came to the decision that this is the best possibility. No sooner than she said that, the woman threw a helmet to her. But what should I do with the bike? The woman was apparently in a hurry. Before Makoto could get the chance to attend a few seconds to her bike, the woman took her on the motorcycle and stepped on the gas.

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 9:30 am

"So... where do I drop you off?" asked Harley.

She didn't know the address the pony-tailed woman mentioned. Duh, of course you don't know it, Harley! You've never been here before! Oooopsy - thought Harley. Blaaaah nevermind, she'll see to that after she pays her promised visit.

"We're gonna take a liiiiiiittle detour, okay? I have some stuff to take care of first. Important business matters to attend to!"

Harley wouldn't have any protestations to her decision. 

"Aaaaaah, stop being such a party pooper! You'll get there when you get there! Sheesh!"

And then she muttered:

"Honestly, some people just have no respect for whoevah's in the driver's seat!"
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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Join date : 2014-12-14
Age : 24
Location : Germany

Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 1:12 pm

Makoto felt more than uncomfortable during the trip. Oh Mako – what are you doing? You sit next to an entirely crazy woman, who you never saw before, on a motorcycle. Afterwards she regretted her decision, she should have walked back home. As if someone would have attacked her. This is the point of no return. Well done, Kino.

“What?,” Makoto said disstracted when she just heard random words coming from her driver. “Oh, my address…Just drop me off at the Fruits Parlor Crown in Azabu. It’s near my home.”

According to the woman’s expression, she had no idea where to go. “Just drive straight on for the next two miles and then turn left at the crossroad,” Makoto said in hopes that this meant something to her. It’s not that hard, Makoto thought and tried – as far as possible – to enjoy the rest of the trip.

Their ride went on for a while and bit by bit Makoto got more relaxed. Only the hyenas scared her. In which universe do you keep hyenas as pets? Suddenly Makoto froze, the honks around her frightened her to death. “Hey, the traffic light is red! You have to stop!” Makoto tried to turn around to see the reactions of the other drivers. I hope she didn't cause any accidents.

When she turned around, she was reassured. Lucky you. Wait, what is written over there? Makoto read quietly to herself: “Fruits…Parlor…Crown.“ Oh no, we drove past. “Hey, we should have turned left here! Hey! How could you overlook this giant sign?!”

First Makoto thought she must be hearing things. “What do you mean: a little detour? What are you up to?! Where are you taking me? Let me go!” The usually tough brunette got panicked. What is she up to? I want to go! This was the worst decision of your whole life, Kino. Maybe even your last one.

The more the woman said the angrier Makoto got. What did you call me? Party pooper? There never was a party to poop on! “When the motorcycle comes to a halt, you can be sure that I’ll – aaaaaaaaaaah!” Makoto almost fell off the bike when they drove on a rough road. Quickly she put her hands back to the woman’s waist and held on it to balance. Okay, keep calm, Makoto. Maybe she is just going to get some food or something like that. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “I’m sorry,” Makoto said quietly. “I didn't want to scream.”
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 1:48 pm

The pony tailed woman screamed at Harley, threatened to do who-knows-what when she got off the bike. Harley snickered but said nothing and then took the rockier road on purpose. That shut the girl up and put her in her place! Harley remembered the days before she met Mistah Jay, when she was a whiny party pooper herself. Sooooo serious all the time! All worried about work and family and bills and all that boring blabber! And then one day, she found love and she... well, snapped! Now she had her Puddin' and her babies and she was happy. Got out of that lousy desk job and took up the harlequin outfit. At first it had bothered her: too revealing, showing every single shape and bump on the inside. But now she found it liberating. It was a mask that she could hide behind, but the mask helped her show her true face.

Blah, now Harley was getting philosophical and philosophy made her sleepy. Enough with the weepy history lesson, Harls. Just go in there, get that guy's dough, send Little Missus Party Pooper home, and enjoy the rest of your vacay.

"I’m sorry, I didn't want to scream," said the girl behind her, holding Halrey's waist in her strong grip.

"Now that's more like it! Don't get your knickers in a twist, this'll be fun, I promise!" she said.

Then she decided to share her plans. But she would have to do so in a way that wouldn't alarm Little Miss Proper.

"Hmmm... here's the thing. So this guy... he's kind of a friend of my boyfriend's. And of all of my boyfriend's other friends, know what I mean? And he kinda has some stuff that needs to find its way to my Puddin's pockets, you know? But he's out vacationing in some big-shot location - I dunno, Hawaii, Caribbean, North Pole, whatever. Damn if I remember where. And so I have to go to his house and get the stuff myself. Siiiimple as that!"

The house was now visible up the hill. It was this huge mansion, probably swimming in loot. But no worry, Harley knew exactly where to look - all of these rich blobs think they know a thing or two about hiding stuff. Ha! Tell that to the girl with a skin-tight outfit, no pockets and a ton of guns and equipment! Harley was a master of hiding in plain sigh. 

"I'll leave you and the babies downstairs, sneak --- I mean go in, get my stuff, and then we're out. Easy peasy, right Brownie?"

Harley liked the idea of leaving a person outside. That way she could act as a distraction and an alarm in case someone stopped by uninvited.

Now they were almost there but something was... not okay. Why were the lights on? Or... wait. Were those lights? No... they were lanterns! Oh phooey, someone beat them to the punch! Mistah Jay would hate that - he wanted to always, ALWAYS have the punchline! Harley learned that the hard way, when he threw her out the window for having to explain the joke to him. It was all her fault, of course. But then... that meant this was also her fault. And who knew what would happen to her if she failed him again - so far from home, too! Nooooot good, Harls!

Oh well, might as well carry on now!

Actually, come to think of it... Harley could use this to her advantage. Tell the girl that the house was under attack by thieves. Go inside. Steal the real cash from under their stupid noses. Run out looking terrified. And then have the girl call the police on them. They get caught. And nobody knows it was Harley who took all the stuff.

Haha, perfect!

"Okay Brownie, is it me or is someone in that house? There shouldn't be anyone in there but... I smell trouble!" she said, innocently.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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Age : 24
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime22nd February 2015, 9:52 am

“This’ll be fun, I promise!” I think we have different views of fun. In general, we have entirely different views of life. Makoto looked once again to the hyenas in disbelief. “Could you at least tell me, where we are going to? This would calm my mind a lot.”

Eventually she started telling her about her plans. At last. It was about time!

Makoto began to wonder. The way she told her about her purposes sounded quite suspicious and dubious. Usually Makoto’s warning bells would have rung in her head. But this time it was not the case. This lady was an entire riddle to her. She had no idea of how she should take the measure of her. How could she know if she is up to mischief or not? Everything she knew was that she is crazy as hell. But is crazy equal to evil? Makoto was insecure. What could she believe? And what not? Is she a danger to Tokyo? Or just insane?

“I’ll leave you and the babies downstairs, sneak --- I mean go in, get my stuff and then we’re out. Easy peasy, right Brownie?” – “Just call me Makoto, thank you.” At first Makoto didn’t realize what the woman has said. Stay outside with the hyenas? What do you take me for, an idiot? It’s not just that she was afraid of the hyenas; Makoto was still not sure about the intentions of her driver.

The woman seemed to consider the story finished and focused on the street when Makoto shouted out of nowhere: “No! I won’t stay outside. I’m going with you!” I’m Sailor Jupiter. It’s my duty to protect this city, this world, this universe. If she really has evil intentions, I have to stop her! No matter how. I’ll keep an eye on her – then we’ll see what her purposes are.

She didn’t seem to hear Makoto’s words. She fixed her eyes on a house. “This is the house, we are going to?” But why are the lights on? “I thought your friend is out of town?” Or are there burglars in the house? Makoto got worried. Her driver didn’t answer; she seemed to be concerned with her own interests.

“She’s killing me,” Makoto muttered on her back seat, in hopes she still didn’t listen.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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Age : 34
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Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime22nd February 2015, 5:25 pm

"I thought your friend was out of town?" Brownie spoke from behind Harley.

"He IS."

Okay, let's think, Harls. So this chick is scared of my adorable little babies, and won't wait outside - because yes, Harley did hear Brownie's protestations but didn't want to acknowledge them. Now if I force her to stay outside - say, if I tied her up to a pole or a tree or something - she'd make a world of a fuss and alert the whole dratted neighborhood. Not that there's much of a neighborhood out here, but who knows whose attention she might attract. What if she's got a supersonic voice or however you call that thing Black Canary has? What if Batman hears her all the way from the States and... Oh, Harley, don't be silly! He's got that rubber mask all over his head, I'm sure he can barely hear his own deaf grandma over the phone! Anyway! Back on topic! What was I thinking about? Oh yeah! Let's not forget that there's burglars inside. Burglars who want to burgle my burglary. Perfectly logic, nothing weird here. Oh and if Brownie screams the burglars will hear her. Blaaaaah, too many complications! Couldn't this be just a regular thieving evening where I snuck into a house, filled my pockets with pretties, and snuck back out again?

Harley was weighing her options. She didn't wanna get Brownie into too much trouble - she had tried to rescue her off the side of the road, after all. So she couldn't just bang her on the head unconscious. Though the prospect diiiiid sound awesome... But no! Last time she did that, the dude wound up with a concussion and things got ugly fast.

Harley sighed dramatically, and communicated her decided story to Brownie. Or Bakto or whatever her name was. Yeah, nevermind, she communicated her decided story to Brownie:

"Thiiiings may not be as clean-cut as I'd hoped. See them lights in the windows? Yeah, those are definitely not night lights, if you know what I mean. I am 1000% sure that the blokes livin' 'ere are far away in the warm South, warming their... umm... bellies in the Sun. These dudes... they mean trouble. And I mean to investigate! So... you comin' with me or not?"

Please say you're not, please say you're not, please say you're not. 
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
Posts : 3199
Join date : 2014-12-14
Age : 24
Location : Germany

Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime24th February 2015, 7:51 am

What happened to her? Makoto observed the woman thinking very intensely about something. When did she get so thoughtful? Although Makoto didn’t know her for so long it was odd to see her so serious. What happened to the crazy lady who gave me a ride? She wasn’t sure if she should be rather frightened or happy. When crazy girls turn quiet, you have to worry.

Suddenly the woman sighed out of nowhere. “Is everything alright? Do you feel well?”

Makoto’s driver turned her head a bit around and started telling her something. Something alarming. Her voice was serious but she still spoke in riddles. Why can’t she just say straightforward what she wants to say? At any rate, something bad has happened. Otherwise she wouldn’t be so serious. It was virtually eerie for Makoto to see her like that. Maybe she wanted to tell me that there are burglars in the house?! But if so, how could we stop them? I can’t transform in front of her, I have to keep the secret. But…if the burglars have weapons, they could hurt her. I can’t allow that, after all she helped me – even if she did it in a special way!
Okay Makoto, calm down. You’re too worried. Why do you always assume the worst? Just take things as they come. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to relax.

“So... you comin' with me or not?”
“For sure I will, you would be left stranded without me,” Makoto said and laughed cheeky. At least one of us has to lift the spirits. She was mad at her the entire ride and hated it that she was so reckless. But now she kind of missed it. Girl, what’s wrong with you?!, Makoto reproached herself. How could you miss THAT? You should be happy that she views the things in a more serious way now. So why do you miss that?

This woman messed up everything in Makoto’s head. Do you really support that? Support all her reckless actions? Makoto, what happened to you? Don’t get as crazy as this lady! But eventually Makoto had to confess that the ride wasn’t that bad. It was dangerous and crazy but it also was a lot of fun. She never met someone like her. Maybe I was too harsh to her at the beginning?

While Makoto was discussing with herself the ride went on; they were only a few meters far from the house the woman looked at before. When the motorcycle stood still, Makoto dismounted as fast as possible. Finally! Being on terra firma again!

“Whew, what a ride!” Oh, was it too loud? She totally forgot that there may be burglars in the house. “I’m sorry,” Makoto whispered. “So, what are we going to do now, …? Yeah, what’s actually your name?”
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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Age : 34
Location : Romania

Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime26th February 2015, 8:40 am

"So... you comin' with me or not?"

Please say you're not, please say you're not, please say you're not.

“For sure I will"


Harley's brown-haired partner was suddenly very happy and alive. So danger's a turn on for her, ay? I'm starting to like you, Brownie.

She parked the motorcycle under a bunch of weeds, to make it less conspicuous. Harley had no idea what those hooligans had used to get to this 'ere house - Harley couldn't see their vehicle anywhere. She then turned to Brownie and whispered:

"There's a bunch of stairs on the balconies, leading all the way up to the last floor."

She'd seen them on Google Earth before she came here.

"We're gonna up that way, break in from the top, and surprise the bozos. That way we have an advantage over them. Oh and if they got guns... duck. And lemme handle it!"

Brownie asked her what her name was.

"Oh silly me. Harley Quinn, pleased to meet you."

She made a small curtsy like a court jester would. 

Harley took her toy guns of death out of their secret hiding space inside of her tight-fitting suit. They didn't kill like regular guns, and they were meant to look funny. But one of them threw a small grenade and the other, toxic gas. They wouldn't even know what hit them.

The two started their ascent on the balconies, monumental staircase after monumental staircase. For these rich dudes, balconies were not just little extensions of your floor... oh nooo... they had to be huge concrete plates outside of every floor of your house... with little fountains on them, where the birdies drank. These fountains typically had butt-naked, winged little brats on them, and if the bozos were particularly rich and tacky, the water would come out of the little brat's yoyo. How could you feel sorry stealing from someone who'd otherwise use that money for stone children peeing water on a concrete plate? I mean, come on, I can put that money to good use. I need a manicure like I need air right now. And a haircut... And criminy, I need to dye my roots! And Mistah Jay could buy a new torture weapon for Bats... And the babies could use some nice steak - I've been feeding them dog food for the past two months, they must be sick of the stuff by now! Yep, Harley knew how to put the money to good use - and she still intended to do so.

So when they finally climbed all those stairs and passed all those naked children, Harley weighed her options. What to do with this glass door? Take out her utensils and quietly cut the glass? Or just break it and be done with it? The sound of glass shattering might alert the bozos. 

But then she remembered... Oh wait Harls, you dummy! Rich means ignorant. Duh. These guys probably thought they owned the world and they were safe no matter what... which means they locked their front door nice and tight, and completely forgot about the stupid plates and their stupid doors. Harley tested the doorknob. The door opened lazily, with a creak. 

"Cripes, Consuela sure needs to oil those hinges, eh Browns?" she whispered.

By Consuela she meant the obligatory stereotypical maid that these guys must've had. 

Then she crouched and made a sign to her partner in crime, to do the same. Walking on four legs she went to the staircase and looked over the rails and down towards the rest of the house. The movement was audible two floors beneath them, and Harley could see one of the guys' shoes suddenly pop into view. She took out her little gas gun and shot a small ball of something on the floor and waited for the designated 5 seconds before it erupted. When it did so, all Hell broke loose. The men started coughing and shouting, they couldn't see where they were going because of the smoke. Then... surprise surprise. 

Some third bozo came out of a room on THEIR floor and shouted "Hey, you!"

Where in the name of holy puppies had this dude come from?!?! Aaaaah Harley, you missed one, damn you!

He ran to Harley and kicked her hard, right in the stomach.

"Aaaaaaa!" Harley's shrill voice resonated through the house, as the air escaped her and her small body was thrown a couple of meters ahead on the floor. 

The bozos downstairs were still coughing as they made their way upstairs. Harley was bashed into a wall and took a few moments to regain her stance. Then she ran into the next room, second gun ready to shoot out small explosives at her enemies. It was just her in there... She saw a light coming from the room and the men screaming again, but she didn't know what to make of it. Where were they? Why weren't they following her?

She peeked out from the room and saw that she was no longer the star of this show.

"Brownie... What in tarnations are you wearing?!?" she shouted at Brownie.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
Posts : 3199
Join date : 2014-12-14
Age : 24
Location : Germany

Flat Tire Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime26th February 2015, 9:47 pm

Makoto listened carefully to the plan of the woman. Actually, it’s a pretty good idea. But she wants to handle that on her own? Come on, girl, you are not strong enough to do that alone – especially not, when they have guns.

What’s her name? Harley Quinn? What an odd name. But I shouldn’t be surprised – odd lady, odd name. Fits her.
“I’m sorry, Harley – but I won’t duck and just watch how they beat you up! What could a petite woman like you do against strong boys like them? Let’s fight them toge…”

Makoto suddenly stopped talking. She just saw how Harley took some funny-looking things out of her suit. How much space is in that suit that she can hide so many things in it?
She observed what Harley was holding in her hands now. What are these? Toys? What is she up to? Playing them to death? I know she’s crazy but that’s just silly. They look funny, though. Makoto wanted to take one of them and look what they are good for but when she reached for the toys, Harley looked at her very frightened and her eyes said: Please…don’t do it. Makoto decided not to ask her what the problem is. At the end Harley would just talk in riddles again and she would be as wise as before.

“Can we go now?,” Makoto eventually said.

The way to their goal was way longer than she could ever expect. This guy has maaaany staircases and balconies. Makoto looked delighted to the luxurious balconies. Compared to these balconies, her balcony looks like a dilapidated cubby. Wow, Harley seems to know very rich people. But how in the world did they meet? This man is so noble and sophisticated and Harley is so…Harley. Two different worlds are colliding here.

When they climbed all the stairs, Makoto was exhausted. Uff, I never climbed so many stairs. She based her arms on her thighs and breathed in and out very fast. Wow, since I met Usagi and the others I let sports slide pretty much. I really have to change that after that event, otherwise I will get a heart attack when I move so much next time.

Harley – unlike Makoto – didn’t seem to be so exhausted. She even looked very thoughtful. Did we change roles now? Since Harley mentioned the lights in this house she was serious and thoughtful – like a normal woman at her age. “What are you thinking about?,” Makoto asked to lift the mood again. However, unsuccessful. She was still thinking about something. Okay fine, let’s drop the idea.

She sat on her hands and waited impatiently to do something. Girl, you know that there are still burglars in the house? If you won’t hurry, they’ll be away soon. When Makoto wanted to say that it’s time to do something, Harley reached her arm for the doorknob and opened it. Finally.

Makoto heard something with Consuela and oil and just said “Yeah”. She was more focused on her next actions. Things are getting serious now. She was a bit afraid. It was another matter to fight along with her girls; but now she had to fight with a woman she never met before. And she couldn’t transform as long as Harley was next to her. Her karate was good but not good enough to fight burglars who have guns. So more or less she was helpless.

When Makoto came back to reality she saw her partner crawling on the ground. She gave her a sign that she should to the same. What is she up to? Although she considered the whole thing to be super silly, she did it. This is not the right moment for protests, just do what she says.

She crawled over and gave her a dirty look. But Harley didn’t care. She looked over the rails and then she took one of her toys out.

“Harley, I think it’s not the right moment to play,” Makoto whispered.

She didn’t listen to Makoto; instead she squeezed the trigger of her toy gun. A tiny ball came up and flew to the floor. Wow, great job and what now?, Makoto thought ironically.

Suddenly Makoto heard a big bang and shortly afterwards the whole house was foggy. Man, what is that?!

“What the heck did you do?,” Makoto tried to say – but she had to cough all the time. Harley turned around to her and looked satisfied at her. Behind Harley’s back a terrifying shadow suddenly appeared. Makoto pointed a finger to the shadow behind her but she didn’t notice. First when she heard a deep voice shouting “Hey, you!” she turned around. Harley wanted to get up and fight but before she could do so, the man kicked her in the stomach.

The shrill voice of her partner hurt in Makoto’s ears and eventually she just saw how she was flung through the air.

Now Makoto was on her own. Harley laid injured in the corner and the other guys came upstairs now. Oh no, what should I do? I can’t transform in front of her! Makoto turned around to look at her partner but suddenly she was away. She disappeared. Where did she go? But before she could worry about Harley, she noticed the burglars right in front of her.

Before they could be a threat to her, she kicked them away and immediately afterwards she searched for her Crystal Change Rod. When the burglars got up they just saw the girl holding up a strange magic wand.

“Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!”

A bright light appeared and after a few milliseconds they saw the girl in a sailor suit.

“Uhh, you changed your clothes! And what now? Go back to your fashion show,” one of the men said.

“You don’t have a spark of decency, do you? I’ll teach you to be a gentleman hereafter, be sure about that,” Sailor Jupiter said confident. “Jupiter…Oak…Evolution!”

The burglars laid on the ground now and suddenly she just heard a shrill voice shouting: "Brownie... What in tarnations are you wearing?!?"

Sailor Jupiter turned around, ran towards her and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright!” Although Makoto got to know her just one hour ago she felt like she would know her for years. “Come on, let’s go now. I don’t want to be here any longer,” she said and pulled Harley with her.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime27th February 2015, 1:29 pm


Harley broke out of Brownie's strong grip, shouting at her:

"Just gimme a sec, I don't want my broken rib to be for nuthin'!"

She ran into the room on the right where she estimated the safe had to be. It needed to be behind a painting or a... heater. Harley thought "heater" just as she was entering the room and turning to see the scene before her. It was indeed behind the heater. But the heater was already flicked to the side and the safe was open. "Dog's birth date", Harley thought to herself. It had to be the dog's birthday that had opened the safe. But... for whom? These coughing bozos couldn't have gotten into this room before she and Brownie arrived. They had barely made their way up the stairs, and had gotten in like total amateurs - through the front door! So then...

"Cripes, Brownie, these hoodlums are not the first to've robbed this place!" she said to her mini-skirted friend, exasperated.

But Brownie didn't really care about any of that. The burglars were starting to regain consciousness after puppies knew what she'd done to them, and she wanted to get out of there ASAP.

The two women ran towards the stairs, and Harley decided the railing was good enough to use as a slide. While Brownie climbed down the stairs like a normal mini-skirted schoolgirl, Harley slid down on each of the ramps, going "Weeee!" every single time. Once on ground-level, the two hopped onto Harley's motorbike and set off into the sunset. The babies were asleep when they arrived back to the bike, and they lurched violently in their sidecar when the motor started. 

"Thanks for that there. I've no idea what you did but that short skirt of yours sure knocked'em dead! How did you change so fast, anyway? You were all nice and proper one moment and then the next you're all "humina humina" and beating those guys up black and blue!"

"Can you believe that safe was already empty? Wait till they see that... Getting beat up by a girl and mugged during a mugging in the same day, hahaha!"

Harley rode back to where Brownie said she wanted to go. Her stomach was grumbling. This had not been a great day - as it turned out, the place that was muggers' heaven had literally been... mugger's heaven! Who knows how many more groups had walked in and out of that house empty handed, and with their stomachs grumbling?
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime28th February 2015, 5:32 am

While Makoto was on her way to the exit Harley broke out of her grip and stood still. “Is something wrong?,” she asked.
After hearing her answer Makoto was as wise as before; she was talking in riddles again. Own fault, Mako, you should have known.
She just saw Harley turning around and running to a room on the right. What is it now? Makoto rolled her eyes and eventually followed her after she had transformed back to her civilian clothings. When she entered the room she saw Harley standing in the middle of it and looking to the heater. “May I ask why you are watching the heater?,” Makoto said fretfully. “Come on, let’s go!”
Harley turned around and said that someone else was already there and stole her friend’s money. Makoto took a step leftwards and looked over her shoulder. She saw an opened safe. Oh my god, there was probably a lot of money in it, Harley’s friend will be more than shocked!

“Hmm, so maybe you should call your friend and inform him?!”
Harley didn’t dignify this suggestion with an answer. Okay, maybe this wasn’t a good suggestion. “But let’s go now, okay?”
She saw in Harley’s eyes that she wanted to go as well, so she didn’t wait for an answer and just gripped her arm and ran towards the stairs.

Makoto went down the stairs but then she noticed that Harley wasn’t next to her anymore. “Harley?,” she turned around and saw her climbing on the railings. “What are you -?,” Makoto interrupted herself. The question was settled when she sat down on the railing and used it for sliding. Makoto focused back to the stairs and tried to ignore the loud “Weeee!” Harley squealed every time. At least she is not so serious any longer.
After climbing the hundred staircases again, the two women finally arrived at Harley’s motorcycle. Thank God, the hyenas are sleeping! The fact that Harley’s pets were asleep make Makoto feel way more relaxed. She got on the motorbike, put her helmet on and waited for Harley, so that she could hold on her.
A few seconds later Harley started the motor and Makoto got frightened for a moment. It wasn't just that the she forgot how loud the motor was… the hyenas came back to life now and Makoto literally felt how she got anxious.

During the ride, the girls didn’t chat that much. After a while Harley gave thanks to her – somehow. But it was no bother for Makoto anymore. She had some initial problems with her and her lifestyle but after one hour she was already dear to her heart. She is odd and crazy, I know – but she has a good heart. “You’re welcome,” Makoto eventually said smiled warmly. “But promise me to be a bit more mindful in future!”
Harley didn't agree but instead she made Makoto imagine how embarrassed the burglars would feel when they’ll become conscious. Makoto laughed slightly at the thought. “I’m sure, they won’t dare to threaten a lady ever again,” she said joyful. Do a good deed – check!, Makoto thought.
“Right over there is the Fruits Parlor Crown, see?,” Makoto said just to be sure that they won’t travel somewhere else again. “You can drop me off there.”
Out of nowhere she heard Harley’s stomach grumbling. “Oh, are you hungry? Then let’s drive to my home. I have some cake left!”
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime28th February 2015, 11:12 am

"Oh, are you hungry?"

"Am I ever! I thought this was gonna be a quick in-and-out sort of deal so I didn't bother eating before I came... I'm starving!" Harley responded, theatrically. 

"Then let’s drive to my home. I have some cake left!"

"Uuuu, I ain't saying no to that, hihi!"

Harley parked her motorcycle outside and let her babies go back to sleep. Brownie was scared of them anyway... Plus they ate like pigs, and Harley didn't want there to be competition around her cake.

The food was delicious. And according to the brown-haired woman, it had all been prepared by her!

"Wowzers, you're good! All I'm good at is sandwiches and pancakes. Oh and I can throw a mean pie in the face, haha! But Puddin' doesn't mind, he doesn't like to eat fancy anyway..."

They spent the next two hours chatting, Harley telling Brownie about her Puddin' and his short temper... And then getting upset at the replies she got about him. But the whole thing remained friendly and chatty and girly, so all was good. Harley liked her. She was a very no-bull type of gal.

"Oh by the way, how did you do that trick with the clothes, and then the other clothes and then later the first clothes again? That was neat!"

"Hmmm... mystery... So that's your thing, ay? That's okay, I like it!"

At the end of the day, Harley didn't get the treasures she was sent after. But since they seemed to've been stolen waaaay in advance, it was barely her fault - more the fault of the informant who'd given Puddin' the lead. She'd be fine. And hey, at least she made a new friend and left Brownie's house with a belly full of food! She had a phone number and email address with her real name on it now, but when she got home she knew she'd erase the name and scribble "Brownie" over it.

"Well that was a fun evening! Thanks for the meal, I was famished! See ya in the funny papers!" Harley shouted at Brownie, waving dramatically and doing kissing gestures before she started her motor.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime28th February 2015, 1:09 pm

“Okay, then just drive straight on and at the next crossroad you turn right – there is my home,” Makoto said jolly.
When Harley’s motorcycle stopped, Makoto felt relieved. Home, sweet home! She took her home keys out of her pants pocket and led Harley to her house. Thank God, the hyenas stay outside!
“If you don’t mind, could you please take off your shoes? I cleaned the house yesterday and I don’t want to do it again tomorrow”, she said smilingly.
When Makoto took of her shoes in the hall she noticed how Harley looked at her quite impatiently. So hungry? “The second door on the left,” Makoto eventually said, “there’s my kitchen. The cake is on the table, you can’t overlook it!” No sooner than she said it, she was alone in her hall.
After a while Makoto followed her to the kitchen where she saw her inhaling the cake. Reminds me of someone else who did this today, Makoto thought and laughed inwardly. Make someone happy – check! “I hope you enjoy your meal. It took me five hours to bake it.”
Makoto blushed slightly when Harley told her how much she liked her food. “Oh, thank you! I bake ever since I can remember. If you want, I could teach you how to bake this cake or give you recipes for other dishes.”

This was the beginning of a long conversation. Later they changed topics and talked about her boyfriend - who she called Puddin’ - and things like that. They chatted for more than two hours but Makoto had the feeling that it only lasted a few seconds. Her surface impression of Harley was "the crazy, reckless lady" but the more she talked to her the more she changed her mind. Actually she is such a good-hearted girl. If it was up to her, they could continue chatting to the sunrise.
After a while they started talking about the recent events again and Harley asked her what has happened while she laid injured in the corner. “I wish I could tell you. But I can’t. Let’s say it was a magic trick… or a mystery.”
The conversation went on for some more hours and no one wanted to terminate that. Unfortunately everything has an end and so they had to go separate ways at the end of the day. But before they said farewell to each other, they changed their phone numbers and email addresses. “I hope we’ll meet again soon!,” Makoto shouted to Harley who was already sitting on her motorcycle. “See you!,” she said and eventually closed the door slowly. “Wow, what a ride,” she mumbled away to herself, “and you thought you made the wrong decision, Kino!”
One hour later she laid in her bed and thought about the day and everything that has happened. She almost fell asleep but suddenly one thought came to her mind: Oh my god! My bike!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Teo. The official GC Haruka >:)
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PostSubject: Re: Flat Tire   Flat Tire I_icon_minitime28th February 2015, 1:15 pm

--- THE END ---
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