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 Locked Out

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Join date : 2011-09-15
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PostSubject: Locked Out   Locked Out I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 3:21 pm

Lead Crow needs to get into a building, but no matter how much she huffs and puffs and attacks, it's incredibly resilient! Not even a scratch! She's getting frustrated - something important is inside - when she notices a stray cat hanging around the place. Did it know the way in?! What would it make her do to earn the favor?!

Sailor Lead Crow played by Artemis
Rhett Butler played by Sailor Venus
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Out   Locked Out I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 6:39 pm

Lead Crow heaved at the building again. This is no use,  she thought as she took a step back to analyze the building. She had to get in there, it was crucial for her to get into this building, but not only was it locked, but it seemed to have some impenetrable barrier.

Lead Crow wished so much her rival were with her. Siren may not have always had the best ideas, but she probably could have thought of something Lead Crow thought when her eyes fell upon quite a tubby cat. He was walking around the building, like he wanted in possbily or at least was familiar with the building. Lead Crow decided she would follow this cat to see if it led to any answers, or if she was just so hopeful that her last resort rested with this large feline.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Out   Locked Out I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 6:50 pm

Bachelor pad's had a certain... flavor to them, but this tomcat only used his occasionally to court a demure lady. He had laid a claim to an unused room in the building and coveted the occasional abandoned item from elsewhere to create a suitable atmosphere. Several blankets were draped across an old pillow and he had taken the time to fluff them with his paws, so the lovely lady would not need to turn too many times to find a comfortable spot next to him.

Rhett had managed to drag a box or two into his bachelor pad and he had also brought a few of his favorite play toys from home, so no lady would ever be bored. An, his owner, had given him plenty at home, so she never noticed they were missing. And, when he was entertaining, Rhett would bring the most delicate morsels from the dumpster of a nearby restaurant.

Speaking of which, that's where he was headed now. In a few hours, Rhett had plants to escort his neighbor's cat to this very place. She was new to the area and he, ever the gentleman, wanted to show her the city and offer her dinner afterwards. Well, an early dinner, he had to be home before An returned from after school activities. He couldn't miss the food she would sneak him from underneath the kitchen table during her dinner.

So, he exited the building and strolled to the opposite side. A fence separated the building from the nearby properties, including the nearby restaurant. As he walked, Rhett considered the food he usually found in the dumpster and which he thought his neighbor would like the most. He was... well, rather slow. He wasn't quite as nimble as some of the cats on the street... or really most other cats that lived in houses. Rhett didn't admit it to himself, but he was rather... well-rounded. He traveled slowly and didn't realize he had company.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Locked Out   Locked Out I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 7:35 pm

Sailor Lead Crow kept close to the chubby cat who appeared to be carrying something in his mouth. Maybe there was hope after all, she thought as she realized how silly it was to rely on a cat to get her in this building. Somehow she had a feeling that she would find something dear to her in the building.

She crept closer to the cat, wishing she had brought quieter shoes. Her heels click clacked down the street as she continued to walk around the building hoping to find a way in.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
Posts : 8262
Join date : 2011-10-01
Age : 35
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Locked Out   Locked Out I_icon_minitime13th March 2015, 3:56 pm

The walk to the restaurant had been rather pleasant. The wind carried the aroma of the restaurant directly to Rhett's nostrils, which inspired him to carefully consider the possible palette of his guest. However, he had not yet eaten with her, so his imagination might have favored his own tastes. Rounding the fence that separated the properties, the large cat strolled in the alleyway behind the restaurant. 

Thankfully, no cat or any other animal appeared to be present. Rhett did not have a legitimate claim to dumpster here, but usually he could get in and out without any problem. He sat in front of the dumpster and looked up. Well, that would be quite a steep jump. Frowning, he surveyed the area and found a few bags that had not been thrown into the dumpster. With a grin, he cut open the nearest bag with a not-too-sharp claw, but his owner hadn't trimmed his claws recently.  

After a bit of searching, Rhett found the perfect meal. Head held high, he strutted back the way he came. Yes, there was a pride evident from his tail to his nose. Even the pickiest of cats would devour this delicious meal. At this point, or even at several points prior to this, he should have noticed his nearby companion. But, she was being quite sneaky and Rhett was not too aware of his not-so-immediate surroundings. 

Thus, he unwittingly lead Sailor Lead Crow back toward his entrance to the building. After far too long, the cat heard a click and then a clack. He paused for a moment, heard another click, but the last clack never came. With a curious expression, blocked from view by the meal he carried in his mouth, Rhett turned to see what or who was behind him. 

Was that the owner of the restaurant! Rhett froze, not quite sure what to do, but not willing to give up the meal.
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