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 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 5:16 pm

Sailor Solstice is having some sort of day. She woke up, went outside, and came face to face with a blonde stranger! Her name is Achelois and she claims she's on a mission: her partner is somewhere in the city and is suffering from amnesia and Achelois needs Solstice to be her guide to help find her! ... however, as the day progresses, she starts to get the feeling Achelois just wanted to be shown a good time while her partner s otherwise engaged. Oh well, beats being bored!

Sailor Solstice played by senshiofthesolstice1339
Sailor Achelois played by Anait Zelliere

Set the scene (how about starting with opening the door?) and begin!

((Suggestions for places Achelois has Solstice take her: tea parlors, museum, restaurant, the park, amusement park, etc. XD))
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 7:22 pm

Titaia puttered around the house in boredom. She was in desperate need of something to do to entertain herself. She'd been cooped up for days with a terrible cold and now that it had passed another fever was beginning to set in: cabin fever. 

Though it wasn't unusual for her to stay in doors with a good book to read or a puzzle book to keep her mind strong, she also enjoyed taking long walks to keep her body in shape. Due to her cold, she had confined herself to the couch and now she was craving fresh air. That singular thought made up her mind and she headed to the front door. She pulled on a light, coral jacket that complimented the dark jeans and fiery red blouse she was wearing and stepped into her shoes before opening the door. 

The day was beautiful. The air was warm, though not uncomfortably so, and the sunshine felt good on her still pale skin. But it wasn't the beauty of the day that made her stop in her tracks; it was the pair of green eyes staring back at her that made her freeze in place. She examined the girl who stood on her doorstep curiously. She was tall and slender with evenly and beautifully tanned skin, golden brown hair and the brightest green eyes Titaia had ever seen in her life. 

She raised an eyebrow in question before finally asking, "Um, is there something I can help you with?"
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 9:51 pm

Achelois stood at the door, lightly bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet waiting for the occupant inside to appear.  She tugged at the oversized emerald sweater secured with a belt and looked down at her light brown tights and beige flats, it amazed her the clothing options that were common on the different planets she travelled to.  She would have been content to remain in her own natural clothing but her companion always insisted that they try to fit in with the populace of the planet.
She sighed as she waited, hoping that the door would open; the feeling that she had forgotten something was nagging at her.  She looked up and down the street, wondering if she should try a different house.  She began to examine the door again, how was it that she alerted the occupant inside to her presence? Every culture had it's own set of mannerisms and accepted behaviors, she had learned that the hard way, and she couldn’t quite remember what she had been told about this one.  She was just about to move on to the next house when the door opened, revealing the girl who lived there.
Achelois couldn't help but smile widely at the girl and clasp her hands together in excitement.  Surely this person could help her! Achelois replied to the young woman's question eagerly, "I'm afraid I was separated from my companion, and seeing as this is my first time here, I really need help finding her." She looked at the girl, her eyes big and glowing, full of hope that the girl would help her.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime18th February 2015, 10:35 pm

Titaia blinked in surprise. She was still getting used to things around the city, still finding her way. How could she help her surprised visitor if she was still learning herself? She thought about turning the girl away for the briefest of moments, until her upbringing came back to bite her. She'd been raised to help those in need, no matter what. If her mother found out that Titaia even thought about turning away someone who needed help...She shuttered at the thought. 

"Erm, a-alright," She stuttered slightly. Clearing her throat she asked, "Yes, I could help you." She smiled kindly.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 9:13 am

Achelois giggled slightly as she exclaimed, "Excellent!" She turned and looked around the area, her face took on an expression of concentration before she turned back around to face the woman.  "I'm not quite sure where she might be, we were last together in one of your large population groupings." Her words were light and unconcerned with her circumstances.  She gasped slightly and laughed once again, "I am called Achelois.  What are you called?"
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime19th February 2015, 10:01 am

Titaia couldn't help the grin that graced her features. Something about this strange girl-Achelois She corrected herself- just made her want to smile. "My name is Titaia." She introduced herself and looked around. "So you were in one of the 'large population groupings' then?" Titaia chewed her lip in thought. She nodded, exhaling with a slight huff. "Alright, well lets go see if we can find your companion."
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime20th February 2015, 4:25 pm

Achelois repeated the name in her head Titaia, committing the string of sounds to memory.  She clapped her hands together in excitement and turned towards the street once again.  She twisted her neck to look at Titaia, "Lead the way!"
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime21st February 2015, 3:57 pm

Titaia led Achelois down the sidewalk in the direction of the more populated regions of the city. She chewed her lip thoughtfully as she tried to come up with a topic of discussion. 

"Well," She started, her brows furrowing in thought. "We can start by checking the arcade. If she's not there, well, there's plenty of places close by to look."
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
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Age : 30
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PostSubject: Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun I_icon_minitime24th February 2015, 6:10 am

Achelois was happy to finally be headed off and didn't attempt to hide the skip in her step as she walked next Titaia.  "Arcade, huh," She rolled the word around, contemplating what it could possibly mean but quickly left it alone. "Sure! That sounds like a wonderful place to check!" She exclaimed.  She sighed dramatically, "I bet the only reason she hasn't found me yet is because she must have Amnesia, it's the only explanation really." Though her words should indicate some sense of urgency, her steps were at the pace of a stroll.
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