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 [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~

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Entry #1
[ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_vote_lcap18%[ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_vote_rcap
 18% [ 2 ]
Entry #2
[ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_vote_lcap82%[ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_vote_rcap
 82% [ 9 ]
Total Votes : 11
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime3rd November 2014, 3:28 pm

The Galaxy Cauldron is proud to announce its newest writing contest!!! 

Our theme for this are the coming Holidays!!! And here are our entries!!!

Entry #1

Usagi walked into the living room carrying the last box of decorations. Her eyes beamed as she took in the room that she would be decorating. It was going to be their first Christmas together and she wanted it to be special. She crossed the room and began to set up the Christmas tree. She put on a holiday CD and lit some cinnamon scented candles as she went back to decorating the tree.

Once she had the tree put together she pulled a box closer to her and began to string the garland. She had pulled out some ornaments, there were ornaments from her family and a few that Mamoru had bought over the years, but Usagi had bought some special ornaments to hang on the tree. They were special ornaments she had worked hard to make look nice. She had crafted ceramic moon and earth ornaments and hung them in the tree where they would stand out from the rest of the ornaments. 

Usagi still had much more decorating to do. She hung garland above the fireplace and placed a holiday tablecloth on the dining room table. She changed the tea towels so they were red and green. Everything was coming together she thought, until she heard the key turn in the door.

Oh no, I am not finished decorating yet, Mamo-chan why are you home early? She thought as she ran to the door to try and prevent him from coming in. When he opened the door, she ran and put her arms blocking him from entering. 

Mamoru looked down at his beloved and was curious about what she was up to. He looked over her head to try and figure out what she was up to and when he tried to walk into their home she wouldn’t budge. He chuckled as he spoke, “Usako what are you up to?” he asked as he looked at her with a loving gaze.

“It’s a surprise Mamo-chan, I’m not finished yet and if I tell you now it will ruin the surprise,” she said as she made a shooing motion for him to go away so she could finish what she was working on.

“A surprise huh?” Mamoru asked raising one eyebrow. He then bent down and kissed Usagi. When Mamoru felt her arms caress him around his back he seized his opportunity to get in their apartment, he lightly picked her up and spinning her around so they would now both be in the apartment. 

When Usagi opened her eyes she realized what Mamoru had been up to. She gave him a teasingly angry glance. Mamoru put his hands up in defense, “what can I say, I am full of surprises too,” he said as he pulled her into his embrace once more. 

When she entered the room, Mamoru in tow she spoke, her voice full of excitement, “I just love Christmas and I just thought it was going to be our fist Christmas together and I wanted to surprise you by decorating.” 

She watched as Mamoru took in her work, a small smile forming on his lips. “It looks great Usako,” he walked over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. “But surely you left something for us to decorate together, after all it is our first Christmas, I know this is important to you and I want to share this moment with you.”

Usagi beamed, there was always more to decorate, plus she would have to show him the ornaments when the time was right. She blushed as she looked up at him, “well I would appreciate help finishing the tree and hanging some more garland, I could definitely use Mamo-chan’s help with that.” She said as she walked over to the box of garland.

Mamo-chan chuckled and told Usagi he would help her in a few minutes. He was going to put some hot cocoa on the stove and put a fire in the fireplace to make their apartment cozier. Once he had the fire going he walked over and poured come hot cocoa for himself and Usagi and motioned for her to sit with him. The two sat by the fire and chatted, enjoying each other’s company.

When they finished, Mamoru helped Usagi hang the rest of the garland. Once the garland was hung, she led him to the tree. It just needed the star on top. Usagi handed the star to Mamoru. Mamoru smiled at his love, she looked so happy right now, he hoped their happiness would last. He reached up and put the star on top of the tree, then the two stepped back to get a good look at their tree. Something caught Mamoru’s eye. 

He moved in closer to look at the ornaments that had caught his eye. He found the ornament that resembled the earth and moved around the tree and found the one that looked like the moon. He noticed they looked new and turned to Usagi who was beaming. She walked over to the tree and grabbed her ornament that resembled the moon, then she walked around to the side of the tree with the earth ornament and placed it in Mamoru’s hands.

“I wanted to make these since it was our first Christmas together, I thought it would be a nice touch,” she said as she moved closer to Mamoru placing her ornament near his which revealed when the two ornaments were put together they formed a heart.

Mamoru smiled, Usagi definitely surprised him and kept him on his toes, he hoped that she would always keep that quality. He watched as she put their ornaments together to form a heart. He smiled at her as they placed the ornament on the tree together. When it was finished he pulled her into him once more and wrapped his arms around her waist and lightly kissed her lips. When he broke free of the kiss he said genuinely, “I love you Usako.”

Entry #2

Motoki Furuhata looked out the window of his apartment, fireworks blooming across the night sky. It was amazing how the lights from the pyrotechnics glinted off Crystal Tokyo's buildings at night. He couldn't believe that it was New Year's Eve already, but time felt harder to judge ever since Neo Queen Serenity took her throne. Behind him, sounds of glassware being shifted around in the kitchen emanated, accompanied by Makoto's voice as she figured out a new recipe. It would take time for him to get used to his now pregnant wife’s presence.

She had slipped back into Motoki's life just as easily as she had left it so many years ago. He could still remember the first time Usagi had dragged the lonely teenager into the Arcade Crown to play a game, and the obvious crush she had on him. At that time, he thought he had gotten used to junior high school girls blushing and whispering about him as he worked, but Makoto was the first one to ever volunteer to clean his old apartment and teach him to cook. After years of seeing her and the other girls on a near daily basis, they had suddenly disappeared sometime after high school. Motoki had assumed the girls were busy with jobs and higher education, but then the city and the entire world had changed overnight, and he was too preoccupied trying to resettle to wonder about Usagi’s gang for too long. Soon everything was back to a new normal, with senshi and magic included.

Motoki was owner of the Crown Arcade when he saw Makoto again. He was at the counter, as she walked in, like it hadn’t been years since she had last entered. She was somehow even taller than before, and the look in her green eyes was far older than he had expected, but it was definitely Makoto. After looking around some more, her gaze caught his, and her expression immediately brightened. The children sitting at the bar laughed and left to hide behind the game cabinets when she walked towards him, expecting something to happen.

Her first visit had started off awkward, Mako acting more distant and reserved compared to her younger self, but soon they relaxed and talked as they did before. As she sipped on a milkshake, she mentioned that she worked for the King and Queen in the palace now, along with the rest of her close friends. She couldn’t say anything too detailed for security reasons, but it did keep her very busy. And how could she complain about living in a castle? When Motoki had to close the arcade, Makoto promised to come see him more often. 

At least once every week after that, she returned. They didn’t say anything too deep, but he still looked forward to just seeing her each time. After their meetings had started to migrate into the cafe upstairs after game center hours, Unazuki had started teasing him over his “girlfriend”, though it didn’t seem to bother either of them. It did get Motoki thinking though...

As months passed, others started to populate the Arcade. Minako had shown up suddenly, said hello, and then played on the now technically retro Sailor V game. Right until Rei appeared to drag her back off to work. Ami also stopped by, first to apologize for her friends’ behavior, and then to ask how his family’s business was doing. It was nice to know they had the same kind of bond even as adults. After nearly a whole year of seeing one another, they seemed to be in a strange grey area between friendship and something else. Motoki didn’t want to push her into anything, and she was still hesitant to say much about herself. He had started to assume she was staying distant because of bad prior experiences with dating, but maybe it was more than that. 

As if she had similar thoughts, Makoto showed up at his apartment door a couple of weeks later, looking serious. 

“Motoki-kun, can you keep a secret?” she asked, after he had invited her into the kitchen. Her tea sat untouched on the table. Was she finally going to open up? 

“Sure,” he said. “Tell me whatever you want, okay?” She nodded, before standing and taking a few steps back. 

“I kind of have to show you…” Mako closed her eyes, and the room hummed with energy. He stared in amazement as she disappeared in a cloak of green spark, emerging in a sailor fuku. Whatever magic had kept him from making such a simple connection so many years ago suddenly shattered. She was Sailor Jupiter. She looked at him in silence, searching for a sign of approval or anger.

“Mako-chan…” he said. He walked over and pulled her into a hug, which she hesitantly returned, squeezing a little harder than normal as she fought the tears threatening to fall. The slowly building static electricity was getting uncomfortable, but Motoki didn’t let go until she did. “I’m sorry for not figuring it out sooner. All this time…”

“So you’re not mad at me for not telling you? I just...couldn’t decide if it was worth the risk.”

“No, not really. I’m just happy you wanted to trust me.” Motoki hesitated, and then leaned in to kiss her. She didn’t pull away. The electric wiring in his kitchen never quite worked the same after the power-surge it had received, but neither regretted it.

“They really outdid themselves this year,” Makoto said, now standing beside him at the window. The extra weight from the baby didn’t slow her down very much. She handed him a champagne glass, smiling. “You’ll have to drink for the both of us this time.” He laughed and accepted it. 

“I’ll try not to have too much fun without you.” Their hands laced together and they stood in silence, content with watching the show outside.


“Hm?” She touched her stomach. 

“I think it’s time.” 

“Wait, what!?”

Voting ends on November 24, 2014!!!

Old stuff:

Last edited by Tuxedo Mistress on 5th December 2014, 3:12 am; edited 2 times in total
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime6th November 2014, 6:17 am

bump!!! i haven't got one single entry yet!
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime7th November 2014, 4:46 pm

Where's our writers at? (Cause i'm certainly not a good one xD)
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime7th November 2014, 4:55 pm

im gonna try to work on this, i dont even know what words are right now. my brain is so mushy XD
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime7th November 2014, 5:10 pm

I'm also trying to do this, but my schedule's a little tight.
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime7th November 2014, 10:18 pm

Broad themes stump me. Someone give me some specific prompts to play with xD
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime8th November 2014, 12:33 am

funny, personally I find easier to work with broad themes...
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime8th November 2014, 10:46 pm

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Broad themes stump me. Someone give me some specific prompts to play with xD

I can make it challenging for you. Very Happy Your story has to include only two characters and can have no dialogue. GO.
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime9th November 2014, 7:40 am

OMG, BRIT! You just made this interesting FOR ME!!!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime9th November 2014, 8:08 am

i will work on this today after doing some homework and other stuffs.
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 4:34 pm

bump! three more days!!!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 4:41 pm

i am going to work on this later.
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 5:11 pm

I'm going to try this.... results may vary.
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime13th November 2014, 12:03 pm

m really going tto work on this today
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Tuxedo Mistress
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 8:09 pm

I've got one entry! Today's the last day! Let's participate, guys!
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Tuxedo Mistress
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime16th November 2014, 6:12 am

I'm extending these until the end of today and tomorrow I'll start the voting! =)

Go go, get your stories here! I've got only two so far!
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Tuxedo Mistress
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime17th November 2014, 5:53 pm

Voting is now up!!! =D
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime18th November 2014, 7:14 pm

And voted! Though it was hard to choose. I liked both stories pretty equally!
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime18th November 2014, 8:50 pm

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime23rd November 2014, 6:16 am

Voted [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ 1955989781
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime4th December 2014, 11:39 pm

Uh, is the poll ended?
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime5th December 2014, 3:10 am

Yes, I'm soooooooooo sorry

I went into an unexpected LOA!!! Lemme just post the results and ask for the signature!
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime5th December 2014, 3:12 am


So... our contestants were...

Entry #1: Artemis
Entry #2: JupiterThunderCrash

Therefore... This contest's victor is: JTC!! 

And here's your award!!!

[ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ WjZvidk
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PostSubject: Re: [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~   [ENDED]GC's Official Writing Contest 2014 November ~Holidays~ I_icon_minitime8th December 2014, 11:14 pm

Thank you! ^^
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