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 Advanced: Helpless Girls

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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PostSubject: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime11th May 2015, 10:52 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls B0QuPXJ
Beautiful banner by Princess Moon!

Creator: Sailor Pluto

Once upon a time, happy ever afters were real. Earth was a planet ruled by peaceful monarchies - ones who never fought, never held grudges. All monarchies co-existed, and helped each other with economic decisions and things of the like. The kings and queens of each individual monarchy lived their lives in happiness with their children and families. The evil that plagued each of their lives and attempted to destroy their chances at their happy future has been long gone, and there has not been a single threat against the world in years. But all of that is soon to change.

Deep within the deepest of Earth's caves, one figure dwells, studying black magic and practicing the darkest of deeds. This unknown figure has been gathering the world's most dangerous, cunning, ruthless villains ever known, and they have all been assembled into a very dangerous army. After years of studying and gathering the necessary recruits, the mysterious figure releases their army into the world.

Havoc is wreaked all over. These villains invade the peaceful tranquility of Earth and slaughter millions, destroying homes, families, economies, and environments. Such chaos had never even been imagined.
After tearing through the villages and surrounding civilizations, the villains invaded the palaces of the specific kingdom they invaded. The valiant princes and kings of Earth fought as hard as they could, but in the end, they were kidnapped by the villains, along with their children. This was the villains' goal - take the husbands and children, and leave the world's legendary heroines alone to suffer. 

The villains retreated, going back to the cave where they were all gathered to report their success to their leader. The kidnapped royals were all imprisoned in places so dark and deep that they would be impossible to find. Now all that was left was to let the heroines suffer, then to kill them in their darkest hours.

With their kingdoms destroyed and their families gone, the heroines were miserable. There was no hope left for them, no matter how hard they tried to find it. Everything they had ever loved and believed in was gone. Who would come to change the fate that had devastated them?

Who always comes when things go wrong?

The Fairy Godmother.

With all of her grace and power, the legendary Fairy Godmother appeared to each princess, telling them of a deep, mysterious power buried within them. It was the power of their souls, the precious seeds that held all of their love and purity. Fairy Godmother showed the princesses their new power, and revealed to them their ability to become powerful guardians of Earth. And so, with the help of Fairy Godmother, these princesses became Sailor Guardians.

There was only one catch - they must never kill. As soon as the death of another was caused, the princess who committed the crime would lose her powers forever. 

Under the direction of the Fairy Godmother, the princesses were told to go straight to Destiny's Waterfall, and worldwide location that would serve as the meeting place for each new sailor senshi. After their first meeting, it would be up to them to decide how they would defeat the villains who had taken everything from them. They are completely unaware of the villain awaiting them, and only time will tell who is the face behind the mask that has been terrorizing their souls.

Extra Information:


Snow White/Sailor Cybele ~ mercuryfan
Cinderella/Sailor Papillon ~ Sailor Uranus
Ariel/Sailor Cascade ~ Princess Luna
Belle/Sailor Beauty ~ Sailor Mercury
Jasmine/Sailor Mirage ~ Addelyn
Mulan/Sailor Hua ~ SailorKittyElyon
Tiana/Sailor Evangeline ~ Sailor Seren
Rapunzel/Sailor Lumina ~ Sailor Pluto
Elsa/Sailor Snowflake ~ Aurae

OOC Thread

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 14th November 2015, 3:01 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Puella Magi|Alicorn Princess (also Demande's official fangirl <3)
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime11th May 2015, 7:42 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls EWm4CcN
Shan-Yu was back.
She didn't know how, or why but the leader of the Hun army was standing in front of her, his sword gleaming in the moonlight.
"Your supposed to be dead. I killed you" Mulan muttered. Shan-Yu mearely smiled and raised his sword above his head. Just as he struck the sword the whole dream shattered like glass and she woke up. Checking to see she was back in the same place, Mulan sighed. So the attack wasn't a dream. It really did happen.

Three weeks after the Emperors birthday, Mulan began noticing strange things happening. The Emperor was becoming arrogant and started making a lot of decisions that Mulan didn't approve of. Over the weeks, she tried to get him back on the right path but the Emperor would not listen. That's when the revolution had started.
The people of China had grown tired of his incompetence and decided that a new Emperor shouldbe on the throne. They broke into the palace and started murdering all the palace staff. The Emperor gave Mulan the duty of getting the three princesses to safety, before dying at the hands of the leader of the rebellion.A face Mulan hoped to never see again.
She managed to allude Shan-Yu but he had captured Shang and her three children. Mulan had got the princesses to safety and hidden them away in a small mountain shack, where they were now.

Mulan pushed back the covers of her makeshift bed and walked over to where Ting-Ting and Su where sitting, preparing their breakfast.
The two princesses faced her but said nothing. They didn't want to remind her that she still had to rescue Shang and the others. They didn't want Mei to overhear them, who was silently crying in the corner.
"How is she doing?" Mulan asked, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Not good. She won't stop crying. Losing Yao has been hard for her" Su replied, handing Mulan a bowl of rice.
They all ate in silence, none of them knowing what to say. Mulan knew they were all missing their father dearly, and the princesses knew she was missing her family.
Standing up, Mulan declared that they were heading out. She wanted to keep moving camp just incase the rebellion found them. If they could get to the border without being seen, they would be fine.

Don't worry Shang, i will save you

Last edited by SailorKittyElyon on 26th May 2015, 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 5:12 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls QH6dern

Everything happened so fast. And it was just a morning like every other.
Aurora woke up next to her beloved prince, she raised him out of his sleep just like she did with her son, Thomas. The sun was shining and at breakfast they decided to visit the town. And now, Aurora was sitting there: On the ground, alone, at the edge of despair, with the rubble of the castle around her. “This can’t be,” the golden-haired beauty whispered, interrupted by her own sobs. Her hands were covering her face and her body was lying there like a sack.
“NO!” A loud scream was coming from usually prudent queen, audible in the whole kingdom. Why did that happen to her? To her kingdom? She never did something wrong. And yet, her whole kingdom was destroyed and her husband and son were gone.
Suddenly one of her guards stormed into the hall, telling her and Philip someone was going to attack the kingdom. Assuming that it was just a riot raised by a few rebels, Philip was going to fight himself. Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’s nothing serious. He assured her! And at the end, it was serious. It was no riot. It was Maleficent. A new, stronger Maleficent that rose from the ashes to take revenge. And it only took her a few seconds to destroy the people’s houses, the fields and at last the inhabitants themselves.
At the same time Aurora collapsed in the castle and feeling nothing but defenseless. Thomas was scared. He looked at her, not having the nerve to say anything. He just stood there with tears in his eyes.
Aurora pulled herself together, standing up and running to her son “Everything will be alright,” she assured him and embraced him. She didn’t know who she was lying to: Him or herself.
She petted his head while pulling him closer to her chest to give him a feeling of safety. Gradually he started to calm down. But then – not even a second later – Maleficent arrived at their castle.
“Good morning, Queen! How did you enjoy the little show? Good?”
“W- What are you doing here?! Stop that! Immediately!”
“Oh, you wish! I’ll take everything from you! Every little thing – even if it’s the most insignificant thing you have! You should have died on the day you were born!,” she said, giving a sardonic laughter from her lips.
No sooner than she said that, Maleficent screamed out a curse making Aurora not able to move anymore. She had to watch how black magic was flying through the whole castle, destroying everything bit by bit. The ceiling started to break and the windows started to burst. At last Maleficent walked to Aurora, reaching her hand for her little son.
“No!,” Aurora screamed. “No! Leave him alone! Get away from here!”
“Or what?” Once again a sardonic laughter was coming from Maleficent’s direction. “How does it feel to have nothing, lovely Queen?” With nothing but spitefulness on her face, Maleficent left the castle with Thomas next to her. “Oh! I should rather lift the curse! Otherwise you will die. And we don’t want that, do we? No! We just want to see you suffer!”

Freed from the curse, Aurora was running out of the collapsing castle right after Maleficent to get Thomas back. But she wasn’t fast enough. Maleficent used her magic to flee and teleport somewhere else. And Aurora looked down on the burning streets, the fallen kingdom and her fallen hope.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 6:29 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls 87t3Phe

"Anna, please!" she begged, trying to drag the unwilling young woman behind her. Outside the palace they could hear the low rumblings of the mob, demanding the Queen's death. Those lethal appeals had become the ominous soundtrack to her every moment. She now heard them in her dreams, the undulating murmur that sought her blood.

The suspicions and animosity crept in so slowly that they hadn't noticed until it was too late. It began with leery glances--with pauses and hesitation. She'd catch the eye of someone in the market and they'd startle, then cover it with an insincere smile. Then she heard the whispers of rumors and discontent. Whispers grew louder; glances became hard stares. The false cheerfulness dropped. Conflict sprang up.

Her powers of ice and snow could do nothing to prevent the violence. The people divided themselves for and against their queen. Neighbor clashed with neighbor, senselessly killing and resisting all attempts at law and order. She hid herself in the castle, terrified of the mindless anger that rose up whenever she dared step outside. The kingdom that she had inherited and pledged to protect was rejecting her.

And now the Royal Guard had turned on her. They planned a coup, unlocking the gates at night and allowing the rebels access to the palace. Armed men stormed into the royal apartments, shaking frightened children from their beds at gunpoint. When they attempted to take the Queen, Elsa fought back. With her level of control and self-awareness, her ice was more than a match for their weapons.

Neutralizing the threat, she rushed to where Anna and her family lived... but she was too late.

The Snow Queen watched in horror as the traitors dragged Anna's children away. Kristoff was nowhere to be found. Her sister had tried to follow them, screaming and crying, reaching out for her babies, but Elsa pulled her back. They had to escape. She knew that without their own freedom they would never be able to save those taken.

Those years of living isolated in the castle meant that the regal sisters knew every passage and route. This was no lively nursery game, however--the murderous mob stayed close on their heels. Elsa did her best to block them off, but she had to protect Anna.

Anna. Poor, suffering Anna.

Elsa glanced over her shoulder at her sister, and her own heart squeezed painfully to see that pale face streaked with tears, eyes lined with grief.

When they emerged near the shore, she knew what they must do.

"Come on!" she beckoned, planning to hoist the red-haired woman onto her back. Those agonized aquamarine eyes turned away from Elsa, fixed on the now-burning castle. Smoke billowed from the towers into the dark night. Elsa grabbed Anna's wrist, shaking her head.

"You can't... please. I'll save them. But I can't lose you, too."

Reluctantly, the younger woman's shoulders sank in defeat. It was too dark to see her tears, but Elsa could feel them, damp against her neck as she pulled Anna's arms around her. Her own sorrow burned cold inside her, a lump of ice that she could not express.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 6:54 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls YsdVFuZ

Belle had never felt so helpless in her life. She was smart; she always knew how to figure things out. And even when the odds were against her, her courage was always enough to somehow solve the problem. But now? Now she was facing something bigger than she could ever stand up against alone. She was facing an entire undefeatable army and the problem of a missing husband. Even with the entire castle at her command, no matter how many resources she spent to look for him, it always came up empty. And what was she supposed to do? March on her own into the thick of it and simply demand they give Adam back?

If only I’m more powerful.

It was the thought that kept crossing her mind these days. She hated being just the grieving queen. This was not how her story was supposed to end. She needed to protect her kingdom. Find her husband. Defeat the enemy. And for the first time since she married Adam, she felt like an ordinary village girl all over again. Only able to dream of a better life, of adventures, of a more promising future, without knowing how to go about achieving it. She had gotten everything her heart wished for. But now Gaston threatened to take it all away.

She closed her eyes as she recalled saying goodbye to Adam before he bravely left the safety of the palace. Remembered how she watched him easily overwhelmed and taken just outside the gates. How Lumiere had pulled her back desperately when she tried to run to him. How angry she’d been at him for stopping her. But eventually she understood that he was trying to do the right thing. To save the kingdom from losing not only the king but also the queen.

It all reminded her of the scene at the palace so many years ago, when the villagers attacked the castle led by Gaston. This second attack was eerily similar. It had been nighttime, too. She wouldn’t forget the ominous view of the flames floating in the darkness of the night; the torches they carried. The people who demanded blood. The dread and horror she felt when she watched everyone ambush the person she loved. She put her face in her hands in anguish. Had they killed him?

She liked to think she would know if he were dead.

She had almost lost him all those years ago, too. She’d come almost too late, and it was only by magic that she managed to save his life. All she’d done back then was profess her love for him. She would do it a hundred times now if it could have the same effect. But no matter how many times she whispered the words, she was only ever greeted by silence.

How had Gaston managed to come back to life? And she knew he was good at rallying people, that the villagers had always idolized him, but over the years they had come to accept Adam as their king. Since the curse was broken, peace had reigned in their kingdom. So how had he managed to turn everyone against them once more?

If only I’m more powerful… then maybe I can save him.

“So, you wish for more power, my child?”

Belle gasped when she heard a strange voice from behind her. She whirled around in alarm. Before her stood a sweet old woman in a blue robe. And on her hand she was holding a wand that seemed to light up on its own.

“W-who are you?” she asked, stepping back warily. “How did you get into the royal chambers?”

The woman simply smiled. “Magic, of course.”

“Magic?” Belle echoed. “Are you a witch?” Her mind recalled the sorceress that had cursed Adam and turned him into a beast, as well as everyone in his castle into living inanimate objects. She’d often wondered where that woman was now or what she looked like.

“No,” the woman laughed in amusement. “Witches curse. I am here to help. I am a fairy. Or rather, the fairy. They call me the Fairy Godmother.”

Belle frowned, the name sounding vaguely familiar. “I’ve heard of you… I think. In… stories.”

“Yes, of course, you’re quite the reader, aren’t you? Then you already know how this goes.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You’d wave your wand and give me a new dress?”

The Fairy Godmother laughed again. “No, my dear. This time, I won’t be the one that fixes things for you. And anyway, your problem is much bigger than not having an appropriate dress. Your entire kingdom is under threat. And I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be the one who saves it.”

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 14th May 2015, 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 2:05 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls QH6dern

„There’s still hope!“
„No, there’s not,“ Aurora said sobbingly. Wait. Was there someone talking to her? It took her a few seconds until the Queen noticed what had happened. “Margery?,” Aurora asked incredulously, not sure if it was her voice that she heard a few seconds ago. Could it be? Was she still alive? Thomas’s favorite maid? She brushed her tears away, stood up and turned around.
“No. I’m not Margery.” Suddenly an older woman, dressed in a long blue dress, stood in front of her, a long silver wand in her right hand. “I’m the Fairy Godmother. You have to be Queen Aurora if I’m not mistaken.”
How could she know her name? And what kind of name was that - Fairy Godmother?! Was it a trap? Aurora looked at her. She looked warm-hearted...kind – not a bit of evil. No. Whoever she was, she wasn't an enemy. A bit confused but still in a friendly manner she asked, “How did you know about my name? Were you searching for me?”
“Yes, indeed. I’m here to help you –”
“Help me? How?,” she interrupted her. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Aurora covered her mouth with her hand, sorry for interrupting the older lady. She blushed from embarrassment.
The woman giggled. “You really are as polite as you are said to be!” Gradually she stopped giggling and found herself back in a more serious way. “Anyway, I have to tell you something, Aurora.” She paused. “You aren’t a usual girl like all the others in your kingdom. I don’t allude to your position as the kingdom’s queen. I’m talking about something else.”
Aurora looked questioning at her. What did she want to say?
“Your love, your kindness and your faith in dreams make you to something special. You’re predestined to something way bigger.”
“What are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re trying to say!”
The Fairy Godmother looked to the ground, a slight smile on her face. “Don’t worry, dear. You'll understand it faster than you may think.” With this being said she raised her wand in the air, whirling it in circles and then – eventually – pointed the wand towards Aurora. A beam of glitter flew towards the young Queen, a bright light appeared and suddenly Aurora felt nothing but warmth and safety around her.
After a few seconds the light faded and the glitter melted into thin air. Aurora looked down on herself. “W- What happened?!,” she stumbled. Her floor-length pink gown was gone – instead she wore a short skirt, a bodice and a lot of accessories. “What does this portend?”
“You have awakened…Sailor Dream.” She smiled.
“I told you, you are something special, didn’t I?” The Fairy Godmother paused, keeping her on tenterhooks. “You are predestined to save this world, to save your kingdom, to save your family. You are the Soldier of Illusion and Dreams, Sailor Dream.” The older woman’s appearance started to fade away. Gradually she became more and more translucent, she was already waving her goodbye.
“Please, wait! What am I supposed to do now? I don't know the meaning of all this!,” Aurora said confused.
“Go to Destiny’s Waterfall, there you’ll find all the answers.” Just as she finished the sentence, she was gone.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Puella Magi|Alicorn Princess (also Demande's official fangirl <3)
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Location : Labyrinth of Oktavia von Seckendorff

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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 3:39 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls EWm4CcN
Mulan sighed as she sat down on the comforter of her bed. They had been on the road for hours, hoping to find another hideaway. They were sorry they had to leave the small mountain hut but Mulan insisted that in order for them to survive, they had to keep moving. Just as the sun was beginning to set and Mulan was about to collapse from exhaustion, they found a small cave on the mountain side. It wasn't ideal but it would have to do.
They had all set up a fire and Mei had fallen straight asleep, which was good, since she hadn't slept in nights.
Mulan began to feel herself nodding off. Gently, she fell into a deep sleep.
She found herself running from Shang-yu's army. Their swords were out and in the air, threatening to kill. Mulan found herself getting ahead of them and her heart lept with joy when she saw Shang ahead. The Hun army was almost a speck in the distance when she reached him.
"Shang!" she cried, embracing her husband. "i thought you were gone".
"I would never leave you, Mulan"
Suddenly, Shang dropped to the ground. Mulan checked his pulse and gasped.
"No......" she whispered. Hearing footsteps she turned to see Shan-yu himself.
Mulan had awoken from her nightmare, but was still distraught. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she walked outside for some fresh air, but she came face to face with an old woman.
"What do you want?" she growled. The old woman smiled and said "That is no way to treat a Fairy Godmother!".
"Fairy Godmother?" Mulan spat. "You don't look like one. Are you a spy?"
Within an instance, the hooded figure transformed into a fairy. "Believe me now?"
Mulan stood in awe. What on Earth is going on?
"No, i can't waste anymore time. I've noticed a special...light within you, dear Fa Mulan. A light which has the possibility for power. I'm not just talking about you position as China's greatest warrior. You have the possibility to evolve and become an even greater warrior".
"So? I don't need magic. I've got my fighting skills"
Giggling, the Fairy Godmother spoke. "You will have the power to save your family".
Save my family? Mulan stopped breathing. Is she serious?
"Of course i am dear. Here". The fairy handed her a necklace with a dragon engraved on it. "Now shout 'Hua Princess Power, Make-Up!'"
"Hua Princess Power....MAKE-UP!"
A flurry of pink sparkly lights had surround Mulan.Looking down, she noticed she was wearing a completely different outfit. Her outfit adorned a sailor collar and two bows, one on the front, and one on the back of her skirt.
"You have become Sailor Hua! You must travel to Destiny's Waterfall to find all the answers you seek" the Fairy Godmother said as she faded away."But remember, you must never take a life or you will lose your powers."

Last edited by SailorKittyElyon on 26th May 2015, 1:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 5:59 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls 7LH2cmJ

It seemed like only yesterday she was holding onto her daughter, presenting her to the kingdom for the first time while her husband stood beside her, holding their son. 

And now all of that was gone. Her husband, her children, her parents. The kingdom was reduced to crumbled buildings, her people were all dead, and there was no hope left. She couldn't save her family - not after seeing Gothel's new powers. Not even the magic of her healing tears could fix things now.

She still had Pascal. Maximus had probably been taken by Gothel's army, but Rapunzel was confident he would be okay. Nothing could kill that horse.

As Rapunzel sat on the floor of her throne room and sobbed, she couldn't help but wish she were dead. Anything would be better than this. She had spent seven beautiful years surrounded by people who loved her, and now she was back at square one. Alone.

Her family - were they still alive? They had to be - Gothel wouldn't have taken them if she had plans to kill them. But Eugene...her children...were they being tortured at this very moment? The very thought of her children's screams made the pain in Rapunzel's chest ache even more. 

Over and over again, she replayed the events of just hours before. Gothel had easily broken into the palace and destroyed her faithful guards, reaching the throne room without any trouble. She had displayed dark magic beyond anything Rapunzel or her family had ever seen. Eugene tried to offer himself as a sacrifice in place of his wife and his children, but Gothel wouldn't leave until she had everything she came for. Before Rapunzel could blink, Gothel had her husband, her children, and her parents, and they were gone. 

Rapunzel had been so immersed in her grief that she didn't even notice the robed woman standing in front of her until a small hand touched her head. Surprised, Rapunzel immediately jumped and started pushing herself backwards and away from the threat. It took her a moment to realize that it wasn't Gothel who had appeared, but rather an old woman in a blue robe with a kind smile and gentle eyes. "W-who are you?" Rapunzel asked, moving a piece of hair out of her eyes.

The woman's smile grew. "My apologies, I did not mean to startle you. I am the Fairy Godmother, and I am here to help you. I know of your pain and I know of a way to save your family. But you must listen carefully."

Pulling herself to her feet, Rapunzel walked over to the old woman and took her hands. "Please, I'll do anything," she begged, her eyes wide. If what this woman claimed was true, then Rapunzel was willing to do whatever it took to save her family and her kingdom.

"I am happy to hear that, because this will not be easy," Fairy Godmother said. "There is a hidden power within you, Rapunzel, one that is a little deeper than the magic golden flower. You have a special ability that only few in this world are graced with, and this ability is the key to saving those you love. I have a gift for you." 

With a wave of her wand, Fairy Godmother caused a glittering necklace to materialize out of thin air. Rapunzel caught it in her hands, examining the intricate pendant shaped like the sun. "It's beautiful...but what can I possibly do with this?" 

"Put it around your neck, and shout, "Lumina Princess Power, Make-Up!""

Rapunzel did as she was told, and in a flash of golden light she was changed into the confident figure of a sailor senshi - fuku, skirt, bows, and all. But the most alarming thing to her was the change in her hair. The natural brown had changed to its original blonde, and the length had extended all the way to her ankles. It felt heavy and foreign, but like a breath of fresh air at the same time. It had been so long, and Rapunzel sort of missed her hair.

But her hair was the least of her concerns. 

"Do not ask questions. Only know this, and never forget it: you must never kill, or these powers will go away forever. Now, head to Destiny's Waterfall. You will learn more when you arrive. So long, dear Rapunzel, and I wish you the best of luck."

And so without asking anymore questions, Rapunzel allowed her curiosity to voice itself with Pascal on her shoulder as she traveled in her new sailor fuku to Destiny's Waterfall.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 6:20 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls 87t3Phe

The first place she thought of heading to was her ice palace high on the North mountain... but that was probably one of the first places the unruly insurgents would be looking for the queen and her sister, if they weren't already there. If the rebels expected to find an empty castle to lie and wait in, they would be quite surprised. Elsa felt fairly certain that Marshmallow and the Snowgies would be alright, even if she wasn't there for them. Her magic was even stronger now than it had been when they were created, and they seemed to operate in their own strange way that she couldn't quite predict. Anna was--had to be--her priority. Anna's children were a close second.

Where could they go?

Elsa kept her senses ready for any hint of the masses that she knew were tracking them, but so far they seemed to have lost their pursuers. That wasn't an excuse to rest. She kept moving, her hand never letting go of Anna's. The thick forests may have confused the average traveler, but Elsa had studied the maps of her country's land more than anyone else. She knew that they moved further from the capital city--it was her only plan so far. There were smaller mountains in this area. She hoped there would be a cave or somewhere else to seek shelter.

Her thoughts were so focused on their escape that she had hardly looked over at Anna until the other woman suddenly fell, her hand loosening in Elsa's grasp.

"Anna!" the queen cried, turning and horrified to see her sister's form unconscious in the snow.

She hadn't noticed the cold. She couldn't feel it, not the way most people could. They had been roused from their beds, both barefoot and wearing nightgowns--hardly suitable clothing for traveling in the deep winter woods. Anna, in her state of shock, had kept silent as she followed. Elsa could only imagine what other horrible thoughts occupied her sister's mind.

The queen strained as she hefted Anna's limp form over her shoulder. She sweated from the exertion, only realizing now how exhausted she felt. Her body had been operating on pure adrenaline for several hours now, and she could tell that she would soon crash as Anna had. That couldn't happen here. Not now.

She hastily scanned the area. It wasn't the cave she had been thinking of, but it would have to do. She had to tend to Anna.

Her fingers trembled too much to light a fire. She already worried so much about the smoke that might tip off the mob to their location, but Elsa couldn't think of another way to warm Anna's frozen body. She had already layered her own nightgown on the woman's prone form, now wearing her typical blue dress of ice as her own attire. She tried again and again, seeking just a spark, and failed.

Elsa hung her head, feeling the dark threat of failure looming over her. In that moment, the small pile of tinder sprang to life, blazing gloriously.

She gasped. There was something... strange... about that fire.

"It's magic, of course, dearie."

Elsa leapt to her feet, ready to fight despite her fatigue. Instead of a citizen of Arendelle, she found herself face to face with a sweet and kind old woman in a cozy blue cloak. She could only stare, confused. Who could this be?

"I am the Fairy Godmother, child."

She still couldn't speak. Anna mumbled something, rolling over in her position near the fire, and Elsa flew to her side.

"Anna! Oh, Anna!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the red-haired woman. "Oh, I was so worried!"

Before her sister could protest, the Fairy Godmother had shuffled over and settled herself before the two women.

"You are in grave danger. Listen carefully."

Elsa protectively drew Anna closer to her, fingers pressed into her sister's shoulders. Sapphire eyes stared at the Fairy Godmother with a mixture of suspicion and caution. She didn't know if this person could be trusted, despite what she had said. Elsa wasn't sure she believed in Fairy Godmothers. After all, shouldn't such a guardian have come to her rescue when she was struggling with her powers as a child?

"Sometimes, you need to solve your own problems, Elsa. I cannot simply fix them for you," the old woman chastised, as though she could hear the doubts in Elsa's mind. Her voice remained friendly even as her words chided.

"Elsa, you already possess a great power--but you have within you the potential for something even stronger. Anna, dear, you may think that you are 'completely normal,' but you have this great potential as well."

"What do you mean?" Elsa asked, still somewhat unconvinced. She kept her hands firmly on Anna, who clung to her older sister likewise.

The old woman stretched out two closed hands, which the sisters regarded from a distance, lips silent. When the Fairy Godmother opened her hands, a dazzling necklace lay shining in each palm. The one that drew Elsa's attention shimmered faintly with pale blue energy. It looked like ice--it looked like the ice she could create with her magic. There was another that drew Anna's attention, as perfect for the younger royal sister as the former was for her older sibling.

"You have more than royal blood flowing in your veins. You have pure hearts that will keep you safe from harm and allow you to protect others."

Both women thought of Anna's stolen children.

"These necklaces will awaken this dormant power within you, and they will unite you with others who have the same pure hearts."

Two tentative hands reached forward, ready to grasp the offered hope of saving those they had lost.

"But beware! There is one thing most important that you must know!"

They paused and watched the old woman, moving synchronously.

"You must never take a life. The moment you cause death will be the moment you lose your powers forever."

Last edited by Aurae on 14th May 2015, 5:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime13th May 2015, 3:45 pm

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It was raining outside.
She couldn't move, the weight of loss turning her body to lead. Her mother... her father... Kit... She stared sightlessly out the window, her legs curled up to her chest in the window-seat, long pale fingers intertwined together. She pressed against her ring finger again and again, as though assuring herself that it had all been real, that she had met him, that they had danced the night away and fallen in love. That he had found her and helped her free herself and her parent's house from the Lady Tremaine. That they had been married, and had been happy together. The weight on her chest dulled the happy memories, giving birth to the doubt, but the sharp pain in her chest that made her cry assured her that it had been real. It had been, and now it was not, and would never be again. Kit was gone - he had left to defend their city and all of the people within, and had not returned. She didn't want to go on without him; the way he challenged her, the way he made her laugh, the way he reacted to her, valued her opinions. The way he smiled, his laugh... tears trailed her cheeks again.
A door opened softly behind her, and she buried her hurt. Have courage, and be kind.
"Your Majesty?" a soft voice called.
"It's raining outside," Ella stated, and stood to gaze out the window again, this time with more calculation. There was work to be done - she did not have time to sit around. People were in pain, and she had to help them. "We need to provide adequate shelter and food for the refugees that were pouring into the city throughout the night, and those whose homes were damaged during the attack."
"We're running out of space to house them, Majesty," the woman replied timidly.
"Open the palace to them, and request the houses in the inner city open their guest rooms to families. We need to work together to get through this." She turned, her cheeks wet, her eyes soft, but her lips in a tight, tense line. "How are the wounded?"


Two days passed and much, yet nothing at all, changed. More and more people came in from the countryside, burned, wounded, weary and hungry. Following her example, estates and mansions within the city were opened to receive families, their kindness to be rewarded with tax breaks when all was over, but in the meantime more than just space was growing sparse. There were worries about food, and clean water, and so both were rationed, and as time wore on people began to wonder if they would ever be able to return to their farms, or their homes.
Ella was now used to the sight of strangers in the palace, and she met them, spoke with them, and treated them with fairness and kindness, always showing the greatest care in giving them directions or encouragement. There had been no new of Kit or his Captain, or anyone else in the defending force. The thought sat in her heart like lead, but still she offered a smile and a kind word to those who looked like they needed it.
She was often called upon to make final decisions, sign official documents, and attend meetings of the high court, and so when she was fetched to go to the throne room yet again, the request was not extraordinary, but when the door opened and she recognized two of the strangers posed in the open space, she froze.
“Ah, Cinderella,” the woman’s cold voice called, “There you are.”
As the shock wore off, Ella stood tall, striding into the room confidently. “You are not to be here,” she stated firmly, her eyes moving from the Lady Tremaine to the ex-Grand Duke who smirked beside her. “You have both been exiled, banished from this kingdom. If you take your leave now, nothing will come of this infraction.”
“Oh,” Lady Tremaine chuckled, turning haughtily to the ex-Grand Duke, “She doesn’t yet understand what is going on, poor, simple thing.”
“It will be you who shall be leaving,” the ex-Grand Duke stated, and two guards wearing the reds of Zaragoza appeared at either side of her, stepping out from places invisible by the door. “Ella Charmant,” - her eyes narrowed; he had addressed her with Kit’s family name, but had neglected to mention her title – “you have henceforth been banished from the Kingdom, never to return.”
She stepped forward, her hands in fists at her sides. What were they playing at? “On whose authority?” she demanded, her brows tight to her eyes.
“Zaragoza’s,” Lady Tremaine replied with a cat-like grin, and Ella’s conviction faltered. “As part of the peaceful take-over plan,” the lady continued, shrugging her shoulders playfully.
Understanding washed over her slowly, like slime oozing down from the crest of her head. “You intend to take us over in our weakest hour.”
The ex-Grand Duke smirked in his reply, “I warned him that the possibility was always out there, that we did not have the means to defend ourselves were we attacked outright, but did he listen?” He sighed in a false manner.
“You can’t—“ Ella started, righteously indignant at their gall, but Lady Tremaine interrupted smoothly.
“We are,” she stated, her hand trailing on the throne’s armrest as she skated around it to Ella’s own throne. “The only question now is the number of lives that will be lost in the process.” Her bright green eyes flicked up from the chair to bear into Ella’s, and she continued, “If a resistance is mounted, it will be crushed.”
Resistance? Ella thought incredulously, her spirit faltering, What resistance? We have no army, no means of defending ourselves. Zaragoza must have fared differently in the crisis, to not only have survived, but survived well enough to strategically attack neighbouring kingdoms… that it would try this, that they were doing this, weighed heavily on her heart, adding to the burden she already felt there. They had been on good terms, she had thought; even Princess Chelina had wished them happiness on their wedding day; what would cause this betrayal now?
But at a nod from the ex-Grand Duke, the soldiers behind her came closer to her, attempting to take her by the elbows. She pushed forward, shaking them off – she didn’t have time to think and wonder. “What will happen to our people?” she demanded.
“If you leave now?” Lady Tremaine trawled, “Nothing. They will be cared for through the generosity of Zaragoza. The Grand Duke will serve as the ruler of this new province of Zaragoza, and I shall serve as the head of the Royal household.”
“And if I stay?” Ella challenged boldly, her mind running through close trusted allies, of those she believed may fight for her, but part of her already knew it was hopeless.
“Zaragoza’s armies will march on his city on the morrow,” the ex-Grand Duke stated calmly.
Ella’s eyes lost focus as the evil choice was laid bare; stay and lose the lives of many innocent people, or leave and lose Kit’s kingdom: his history, and his legacy. What would the kingdom be like under the ex-Grand Duke’s reign? Under Lady Tremaine’s control? The choices before her were bad and worse; wretched and evil.
Have courage, and be kind.

Her heart sagged even deeper – there was no real choice to be made. She could not let the people suffer another attack, especially one they had no hope of winning. “I will leave,” she announced, tears springing from either eye to roll down her impassive face. And we will be back, she promised herself. She and Kit. He couldn’t be dead – her very being shuddered even considering the idea, the foundation she had built herself on threatening to crumble beneath her.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime14th May 2015, 6:24 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls 87t3Phe

The warning not to kill did not impress terribly upon either sister. Anna's compassionate heart could never sanction loss of life, even from the most awful of actions. Elsa knew that she did not have the conviction to cause death. When her own life was at stake, she had carefully avoided actions that would cause serious injury to her attackers. She still had nightmares about those moments, about what could have happened or how she might have reacted out of fear.

With that consideration, both women reached forward and accepted the Fairy Godmother's gifts.

Harmonious voices rang out into the still and frosty twilight.

"Snowflake Princess Power, Make Up!"

The intense chill that wrapped around Elsa's body was soothing and familiar. It was so much like the sensation of using her magic, but somehow this felt even more powerful and invigorating. She was truly one with the ice and snow. The flurry of flakes settled to a dispersed cloud around her, and she felt her feet gently touch down on the ground once more. Her eyes opened as though she had awakened afresh after a long and restful sleep.

Sailor Snowflake glanced down at her hands, awed, and saw that her arms were covered with long white gloves. She examined her new uniform, noticing how it had changed from her typical gown and cape. Despite her memories of discomfort and unease in outfits other than the ones she now made for herself with her magic, this she understood as... right. She felt a confidence now that she so rarely felt before, as if this was who she was meant to be.

She glanced over and saw that Anna wore a similar outfit, although it was different--suited to her own unique personality and abilities. They would be together, this time. They would fight together, to reclaim what they had so cruelly lost.

Wide blue eyes stared up at the Fairy Godmother, almost unable to speak.

"With this power, Snow Queen, you can protect your home. And your family," said the Fairy Godmother.

Memories flashed before her eyes. The shouts of the mob as they stormed the castle echoed in her ears. Her chest tightened with the panic of recalled fear. The look of horror and sorrow on Anna's face when she realized that her husband and children were no longer with them was something that would continue to haunt Elsa's nightmares, and she saw it yet again, reliving that moment with acute sensation. The tears that pooled in her eyes froze into hard rime before they could fall from her face.

Yes. With this new power, she would save her family.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime14th May 2015, 8:19 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls YsdVFuZ

“Me?” Belle asked, confused. “How?”

“You may not realize it, but you have power deep within you. A power inside every girl who’s brave and true. Your kind heart and pure soul will be the source of your strength. I will help you unlock it. Hold out your hand,” instructed The Fairy Godmother. Belle did as she was told, and the fairy waved her wand on top of her open palm. In a bright light, a beautiful necklace with a red rose pendant materialized upon it. It was cool to the touch, but she could almost feel it vibrating with power all the same.

“This will give you the ability to transform. Wear it, and say, ‘Beauty Princess Power, Make Up!’”

Belle stared at her for a few moments, completely unsure if this wasn’t a joke. But she’d read enough stories with magic in it and had experienced it firsthand, so she tied the necklace around her neck, took a deep breath, and said the words.

She gasped as a rush of power seemed to erupt from within her. A bright light and a dozen sparkles later, she looked down and found herself completely transformed, as the Fairy Godmother had said. To be honest, the skirt felt a little skimpy as she had never worn something that consisted of such little fabric. But she also felt airy and light, as if she could move more easily and more confidently. And she felt more… powerful.

“You are now Sailor Beauty, one of the earth’s guardians. You will save your husband and your kingdom. But there is one important rule: you can never take a life with your new powers. The moment you do, you will lose them forever.”

Belle nodded. She had no intention of killing anyone. “How do I find Adam?” she asked.

“Go to Destiny’s Waterfall. You will find your answers there.”

With that, the Fairy Godmother vanished. “Wait!” Belle cried, but it was too late. Only traces of sparks from her wand hung in the air. Belle smiled and looked up at the sky. “Thank you,” she whispered, hoping the fairy could still hear her anyway.

Then she gave one last look around the empty royal chambers, before purposefully leaving it with a new destination in mind.

This time, she was going to rescue her prince.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime16th May 2015, 9:11 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls Sailor%20Papillion%20header
She stood quietly in the foyer of her house, her parent’s house, and wrapped herself in the feeling of comforting nostalgia it brought. She had had the house set to right, moving furniture back where it had been all those years ago when it was just her and her father, back to the way her mother had things. She could feel them there, still; they were in the air, in the wane sunbeams on the floor, the swan chandelier, the winding staircase. She remembered the happiness that had once filled the house, though the shadow of cruelty from the Tremaine’s stay threatened to color those memories in a darker shade. Within moments she was found out, and Cherise, their maid from back in those times, rushed into the room to exclaim over her and attempt to take her bag, but all Ella wanted was a hug. The moment the Tremaine’s left, she had found and rehired the staff Lady Tremaine had let go and brought them in to take care of her parent’s house, which she and Kit had stayed in on multiple occasions last year. She could not stay long; they were sure to come looking for her here. On the morrow she would need to leave the kingdom entirely, but she couldn’t go without saying goodbye.
That night, as she toured her small estate alone, she began to give in to the idea that this was the last time she would see her home. The small doubts that she had kept at bay surrounded her in the dark of the night, where not even the stars shone through the clouds that had not fully subsided since Kit left, and under their weight, their convincing realism, she began to lose hope. Kit was gone, as were his defenders; while his citizens were still loyal to him, they didn’t have the means to put up a defense, let alone a fight; how many soldiers had died fighting against that terrifying army? How many lives had already been lost to something they did not know or understand? Lady Tremaine and the ex-Grand Duke, Zaragoza – they had calculated the move perfectly, and honestly, they had already won. There was little chance that she could find Kit, let alone raise a force great enough to best the invaders. In the end, Lady Tremaine had won. She couldn’t escape her, though she had thought for over a year that she had. And Kit… her heart ached for Kit. If she just knew he was alive she would have something to drive her forward, but –
“Excuse me, dear,” an old woman asked, startling Ella out of her thoughts. “I’m rather thirsty, could you fetch me some goat’s milk?”
“Yes, of course,” Ella replied automatically, moving to the container before the memory struck her hard. She looked back, and the crone was smiling at her. “Fairy Godmother,” Ella breathed, a smile tugging at her lips for the first time in a week. She poured the milk into a clay cup and hurried over, offering the woman the drink.
The crone took it, drank thirstily from it, and handed the cup back to Ella.
“You’ve come again,” Ella marveled quietly.
“Where there is kindness, there is goodness,” the crone replied with a hint of a smile. “And where there is goodness…” she trailed off expectantly.
Remembering well her mother’s words, Ella easily finished, “there is magic.”
As she said the words, the crone tossed up her staff and caught it, transforming herself from an old woman in rags to a glittering woman in riches in an instant. “You’ve fallen on hard times, dear,” Fairy Godmother stated sadly, taking her arm and leading her farther into the gardens, past the vegetables and the repaired glass greenhouse. “The entire world has; there aren’t many heroes left,” she paused, turning her gaze back on Ella easily, “But we are lucky to have an influx of worthy heroines willing and able to pick up the fight. Will you join them, Ella?”
Ella stopped, and Fairy Godmother stopped with her, turning a critical dark eye on her. “Join them?” Ella repeated as a question, “Howso? What can I do?”
“You can fight with them – “
“But I don’t know how—“
“Patience, girl!” Fairy Godmother chided, and Ella immediately quieted, ashamed that in the moment, she had forgotten what she had promised to always have. She kept quiet, listening until the end. “You can fight with them, with a little help from this.” In a flourish, Fairy Godmother conjured a familiar necklace from thin air; it had been royal jewelry, a necklace belonging to Kit’s mother. She looked at it questioningly, waiting for Fairy Godmother to continue. “With a simple phrase it, can transform you into a warrior that can fight back against the evil plaguing the land. With everyone working together, you can help many people, and even save your beloved King.”
Her eyes widened; sensing she was finished, she dared, “Kit’s alive?” her hopes balancing on the edge. Fairy Godmother nodded, and Ella reached forward to accept the necklace. She didn’t quite understand what was going on, but if she could help people, she would. And if there was the chance, even the slightest, to find Kit, that was even more motivation for her. The necklace was deposited in her open palms, and the diamond sat there heavily.
“Repeat after me,” she instructed, and Ella listened closely. “Papillon Princess Power, Make Up!”
Papillon? Ella smiled, fond memories of her father warming her. “Papillon Princess Power, Make Up!” She realized she was like a butterfly; her transformation that night was like a chrysalis that opened doors, helped her push the Tremaine’s from her life, welcomed Kit into it. Power rushed through her, a tingly feeling, both light and glittering, and she spun, as she once had. When last the power faded, she looked down and smiled. It was her dress. A much shorter version of her dress, adorned with a bow in front and behind – the bow in back falling to the original length of her dress and seemingly made of the same material, for it moved like the first had. It was sleeveless but for more of that material that covered the top of her shoulders; she reached up to touch the gem in the middle of her bow, and her fingers felt something etched there. They traced the line and found a butterfly outline as her other hand felt her forehead and found a slim tiara. She looked at Fairy Godmother in amazement, and the woman winked and motioned down. Ella looked and smiled – the glass slippers were back, and the tiny golden butterflies stared back up at her. “They’re really comfortable,” she said, repeating Fairy Godmother’s words from back then.
“Now, off you go,” Fairy Godmother replied, making a shooing motion with her hands. Ella waited for more instruction. “To Destiny’s Waterfall, you’ll know the way.” Ella nodded, though she did not know how she would know, having never heard of the place. Fairy Godmother reached out, taking her hand, “Remember,” she said, “If your powers ever cause the death of another, the spell will be broken and all will return to what it was before.”

Ella’s brows furrowed – she would never hurt anyone, let alone kill them. She nodded easily, though the warning struck an odd cord in her. Fairy Godmother shooed her again, so she began walking without knowing the way or how far. She turned once, her blonde curls bouncing, and saw Fairy Godmother wave once, and disappear. Ella continued, burying her doubt. She would have courage.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 12th August 2015, 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime19th May 2015, 9:37 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls QH6dern

Aurora now looked into a great blank. The old lady was gone. “But, dear Aurora, there is one thing you must not do: You may never kill a person. Or your powers will leave you sooner than you can imagine.”
She looked around, searching for the Fairy Godmother. It was her voice, wasn’t it? Or did she just hallucinate? A bit confused, Aurora only shook her head and decided to accept the thing the strange voice told her. She didn’t plan to kill someone anyway.
The Queen took a few steps back and sat down in the middle of the rubble. What was that just all about? Exhausted and clueless she looked through her kingdom and breathed slowly in and out. “Your love, your kindness and your faith in dreams make you to something special. You’re predestined to something way bigger – that was what she said. But what was the meaning of this? The only thing that had changed was her outfit. Aurora looked down on herself. A short pink-blue skirt, blue bows, a pink collar and a small necklace. What should that be good for? She felt uncomfortable in these clothes. They were too short, too casual for a queen. And what was this metal thing in the middle of her forehead? It felt warm to the touch.
So, Destiny’s Waterfall, hm?, Aurora called back to mind. This was the place she was supposed to go to. It’s been an eternity since she heard that name last time. Destiny’s Waterfall. She remembered Philip telling her once it was a meeting place for kings and queens. But where should it be? At a waterfall would be too obvious, wouldn’t it?
Suddenly her necklace started to glow. Aurora jumped up, a bit startled. “What is that?!,” she said in a surprised tone. As she turned to the left she noticed the necklace glowing a little less.
Curious as she was she turned back to the right – checking if the glow would intensify to the old state. And indeed, it did. The more she tested the necklace the more she seemed to understand. Maybe it’s a form of a guide?! Maybe it leads me to the place she talked about?
At the end she decided to take the direction the necklace told her. What else should she do? Maybe she also did it because of her despair but right now there wasn’t another possibility.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime20th May 2015, 5:32 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls 87t3Phe

The two sisters, clad now in the outfits of sailor soldiers, stepped towards each other and clasped hands. As sapphire eyes met aquamarine ones, they could sense each other's determination and knew they shared the same goal. Elsa could see the dried trails where tears had streaked down Anna's pale, stricken face. She would do anything to ease that suffering. Anna had always been there for her; it was time for her to protect and guide, as the older sister she had failed to be when they were children.

"You must go to Destiny's Waterfall. There you will meet your companions." the Fairy Godmother continued.

Elsa turned around to face the woman, the sheer back bow on her uniform wafting gently in the wintry breeze, questioning. "Destiny's Waterfall? Where is that?"

The Fairy Godmother was gone.

Her enchanted fire remained, burning without smoke and with very little light. It would not attract the groups that sought to kill the escaped royalty. Anna crouched down by it, trailing her fingers in the pebbles and dirt around its base. Elsa was relieved to see that her sister seemed to have recovered at least somewhat from her hypothermic and exhausted state. It must be the magic in the necklaces the Fairy Godmother had given them.

"I've... read of 'Destiny's Waterfall'," Anna said, slowly. Elsa paused, listening intently.

"It was once a central hub for those of royal blood and noble bearing from across the lands. A place to gather and plan."

That sounded exactly like what they needed right now.

"Do you know how to get there?"

Anna shook her head, ginger braids tossed side to side.

Elsa frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, mulling over this information. She took a step forward to pace across the cavern.

Suddenly, the charm from her necklace, now adorning the center of the bow on the front of her uniform, flared with a bright ice-blue light.

Both sisters gasped.

Elsa took a step forward, and the light intensified. She moved sideways, transfixed, and was shocked to see it extinguish. She wandered back to where she previously stood and it illuminated again.

"Anna, come over here," she beckoned.

Anna's charm reacted identically.

"They're leading the way," Elsa said, breathless at this new and unusual magic. It was so different from her own powers of ice. It seemed like a dream.

The two sisters looked at each other, nodded firmly, and grasped hands.

"Let's go!"
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime26th May 2015, 5:12 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls 7LH2cmJ

As Rapunzel, now Sailor Lumina, left her palace, she began to notice the sun pendant on her necklace start to glow. She wondered aloud what it meant, but it didn't take her long to realize it was leading her to Destiny's Waterfall. 

Walking through her kingdom, Lumina couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her face. The destruction Gothel had caused, the cruelty that had occurred...was too much for her to bear. Wiping the cold tears from her cheeks, Lumina began to run as fast as she could out of the kingdom, using the light of her necklace to guide her. She ran for hours, surprised at how her stamina and speed had increased since transforming. Before she knew it, she was out of Corona and running in unknown territory. Full of anger and a desire to regain everything that was lost, Lumina did not stop running. The further she went, the brighter and brighter her necklace became. She did not stop when her hair was caught on branches, or when her high-heeled shoes sank into the ground, or when a bug flew in her eye. She wouldn't rest until her husband and her children were safe in her arms.

Finally, just as the exhaustion was starting to slow Lumina down, she found it. The entrance was a large, camouflaged door, designed to look like a boulder stuck in a cliffside. On the 'door' was a large circle composed of engraved symbols. Stepping closer, Lumina narrowed her eyes to examine each design. Some symbols she recognized as the trademark of other kingdoms, and she even recognized her own kingdom's symbol. Feeling a poke on her neck, Lumina looked down at her chameleon companion, who was pointing at her necklace. Understanding, Lumina removed the shining necklace from around her neck and aligned the pendant with the matching symbol on the door. The ground shook, and the pendant stopped glowing as the door slid to the side, permitting Lumina entrance.

"Good thinking," she said to Pascal, stepping through the entrance.

A gasp escaped the blonde's lips as Destiny's Waterfall came into view. The area was more beautiful than any place she had ever visited. Enclosed by a cliff that formed a circle, the small landscape was full of color. The grass was soft and bright green, the flowers bloomed full and bright, and the waterfall was crystal clear. The roar of the water falling out of the cliff and into the pond was peaceful, in a way, and Lumina was tempted to lay down and fall asleep. Looking around, she seemed to be the only one here. Would others be joining her shortly?

With a sigh, Lumina removed her shoes and sat by the crystal pond, dipping her legs in the cool water. Whatever was coming, she hoped it would get there quickly.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime27th May 2015, 4:33 am

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Belle had read about Destiny’s Waterfall in one of the ancient history books. Apparently it used to be a gathering place for royalties in the old days. Did that mean she was going to meet other queens and princesses? She had a general direction for it, knowing that it lay south of her kingdom, but wondered how she was supposed to find the exact place when she’d never been there before. There hadn’t been a map either in the book she’d read; just a general direction. Deep in the woods, hidden in a cliff. Lot of good that would do to her.

But when her uncertainty grew, her necklace started glowing, and, surprised, she noticed that the light would change depending on which direction she took. Figuring that it was acting like a beacon of some sort, she followed where it shone brightest, and walked for what seemed like a very long time. Surprisingly, she didn’t feel tired. Was this part of her new powers too?

Fueled by hope, she soldiered on, until she arrived at what seemed like a dead end. A huge rock stood before her, and no matter where she turned, the necklace would always dim. It meant the way was straight forward. Through the rock. She inspected it closer, noting the symbols carved on it. Her own kingdom’s symbol was on there. She touched it gently, then pressed it, and when nothing happened, she finally noticed the necklace shining even brighter. Hesitantly, she brought it closer to the symbol.

As the earth moved, the boulder slid sideways, revealing the path behind it.

She walked through and found the waterfall behind it. A smile came to her face as she took in the beautiful scenery. It was like a hidden sanctuary—a small piece of heaven—cloaked from the destructions happening all over the world. She stepped onto the grass and looked up in wonder. As her gaze traveled all over the area, she realized that there was already somebody else there. A woman with golden locks that reached all the way to the ground was sitting by the pond. She was wearing an outfit much like Belle’s own. She must be a friend, right? The Fairy Godmother was nowhere to be found, and this girl did not seem like the guardian of this place. Perhaps someone else in a similar situation as herself, then?

“Hello?” she called out to the girl. “Did the Fairy Godmother send you here too?”
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime27th May 2015, 6:21 am

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The woman who stumbled up against the rocky entrance to Destiny's Waterfall seemed quite changed from the one who had started off for that destination. Her pale blue uniform looked a sight, streaked with dirt and edges ripped. The nearly-white hair fell in heavy locks from the signature braid. Her blue eyes looked heavy, ringed with dark bruise-like smudges. She fell to her knees in front of the door, unable to go on.

Anna was not with her.

All of this seemed so unreal to Elsa. Could she really be the same woman who ruled over a peaceful and harmonious land only months ago? That person and her royal sister seemed so foreign to her now. Not too long ago the two had been granted powers and told they could save their kingdom. Now she was alone, having lost the one thing that she couldn't live without: Anna.

It was different when Anna's children and husband were taken. That tragedy resonated within her, filling her with sorrow and pain--because it hurt Anna so deeply. Yet she knew that together, she and her sister would be able to make this work, somehow. If they were by each other's side, there was nothing they could not accomplish. They were best friends and family; they formed the perfect team.

"Oh, what can I do now?" she whispered into the hands that covered her face, hiding her grief.

She wanted to run, as she had on her coronation day. She wanted to escape into the mountains, leaving all others behind, and never face the things that scared her ever again. But... she couldn't do that now. She had left before thinking it was better for everyone else--thinking that Anna and the citizens of her country would be happier without her. The dark forces that had separated the sisters would not bring anyone happiness. Could Elsa save herself, sacrificing the dear person who had always tried to do so much for Elsa?


Unsteadily, she rose to her feet.

When she pressed her own necklace into the symbol on the stone door, she thought only of Anna. Elsa would have given anything to trade places, and have her sister here--safe--ready to meet the others. In all ways--personality, ability, etc.--Anna would excel at this event as Elsa never could. That she would be doing it alone, without that bright and kind presence, intensified the dull ache in her heart.

She didn't notice the beauty and serenity of this hidden oasis. Her eyes were blind to such things, now.

Thankfully, there were other women in similar costumes. These must be the ones she was sent to seek. She could only hope that they would be able to help her fight against this evil. She would do it... for Anna.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime27th May 2015, 11:42 am

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The shoes were comfortable, but as time wore on, Ella grew weary of walking. It was exciting at first, as well as a little scary, walking through the woods farther than she had ever dared. She was leaving the coast quickly, and while for a time she worried she may be heading in the wrong direction, when her necklace began to glow brightly she knew she was heading in the right way. Days went by and she did not tire physically, but her heart soon sagged with the sight of war-torn countries. Her path did not intersect with any areas of large population, but she often came across or traveled through abandoned estates and cottages. Here she would pause, looking around to make sure no one needed help. She would free any penned animals, giving them their freedom before thirst or hunger could take them, but she never came in contact with humans.

The sun rose and set, forestland and farmland - some razed - disappeared beneath her glass slippers as she traveled onward, until, almost suddenly, the forest around her gave way to a tall cliff. She stopped, looking around for any trace of what to do, and saw, etched in the stone, symbols. Her eyes took these in, moving from one to another curiously, her fingers grazing the etchings with curiosity. They looked familiar to her, but not entirely so, until she came across a popular symbol in Kit's kingdom - her kingdom. She reached for it, and her necklace seemed to glow ever brighter, as though reaching out. She helped it, moving the diamond closer to the rock face, only to have the rock slide to the side, permitting her entrance.

Taking a small breath, she continued pushing forward, until she came across a beautiful glade with soft green grass, brilliant colored flowers, and a clear waterfall and pool. She couldn't help but to smile at the peaceful serenity of the scenery, but then her eyes found three figures standing within the clearing and the heavy situation returned to her, pulling down the edges of her smile minutely.

They were dressed as she was, in scandalously short uniforms; each had a proud, regal bearing, and they seemed to be around her age. The room felt tense, and a little cooler than she expected. She approached them unobtrusively, waiting to catch on to the conversation or offer an introduction, sensing something was underway already.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime27th May 2015, 3:56 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls EWm4CcN
Mulan had declared early that morning that a Fairy Godmother had visited her during the night and granted her Senshi powers, and that they'd be heading off to Destiny's Waterfall. They had set off at dawn and had been walking for miles, not nearing anywhere closer to their destination. It was only when the sunset that Mulan's pendant started glowing faintly.
"We must be getting closer" she muttered. She held the out her hand and started moving it in different directions hoping for the pendant to react. The pendant started glowing brighter when she held it out to the East.
Quickly picking up their pace, the quartet ventured off towards the great mountains.They finally came to a stone door with a small notch in the middle.It looked as  if the pendant would fit in there. Mulan pressed the pendant  into the notch and the doors opened, revealing a valley of bright green grass and two cascading waterfalls. Mulan noticed that two other fuku clad princesses where already there. Mulan started to walk towards them, eager to know who they are and what their mission is.
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime28th May 2015, 8:32 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls QH6dern

The trip was long and exhausting. Aurora passed rocky roads and several woods, she watched the sunset as well as the sunrise and didn’t stop no matter if it was raining or hailing. She couldn’t rest now. She couldn’t let them down. She needed to rescue her family and her kingdom, come what may.
She wasn’t sure if it was her eagerness or the new powers that made trip so passable – but despite the bad weather and despite the long way she was still highly-motivated and had enough energy to go on. Slowly she also understood why she was wearing these clothes: It was way easier to pass the woods and the roads with a casual, short outfit than with a floor-length gown. However, deep down she had to admit she missed her long pink gown.
Just after she passed another road, she suddenly noticed her penchant glowing more and more – it was virtually glaring. This must be the place, she thought. However, her hopes faded away when she saw nothing but a giant boulder. Did she get lost? This didn’t look like a meeting place at all. Or was it maybe for camouflage? Curiously she walked towards the boulder, watching every single angle of it.
It didn’t take long until she found a large circle with engraved symbols on it. She didn’t get lost – this was the place. This was Destiny’s Waterfall.
She recognized a few of the symbols – they were from other kingdoms in Europe. And among all these symbols, she eventually found her kingdom’s symbol. The penchant seemed to reach its climax of glowing – there was no doubt about it. Here she would find all her answers. But how could she enter the…rock?
Just as she looked down to her penchant, Aurora noticed it matched the symbol on the circle. Well, it’s worth a try, she thought and aligned her penchant with the symbol.
For a moment she noticed the ground beneath her feet shaking. It was not much but she still had to hold the balance. After the little quake had stopped, Aurora looked up and spotted the now opened rock. Curious but also a bit scared she eventually decided to enter it.
The place beyond the rock was way more impressing than she could have ever imagined. How couldn’t she know about this place for all these years? It was amazing, breathtaking, perfect! A place of serenity and peace. She smiled. This place gave her a piece of hope.
As she looked around she spotted a few other girls wearing the same outfit as her. “Excuse me,” she said with a smile, her body slowly moving towards the group. “Are you the ones who can answer my questions?” If she remembered correctly, the older lady said she would find all the answers at this place. However, the girls looked as confused as her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said – slightly embarrassed. “I am Aurora.” She gave the girls a friendly smile and bowed down.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 10:52 am

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Jasmine stood, arms wrapped around herself, as she surveyed the damage. Her palace was in pieces, scattered around her. Her city was in shambles. From where she was standing she could see fires springing up in various locations. The silence was eerie. Her people were dead and she hadn’t been able to do a single thing about it. What kind of ruler am I if I cannot protect my people?  Aladdin, Genie, Carpet, Iago, Rajah and her father had been captured. She wasn’t sure how or why she seemed to be the only one that had survived, but here she was.
How she hated that name. They had foolishly thought that he was gone and would remain so for the rest of their lives, not just a few short years. How he had escaped she had no idea, but he had taken his revenge on them.
How am I going to rescue everyone? Everyone’s gone and I’m all alone.
“No one is every truly alone dearie,” a voice called. Turning, Jasmine shielded her eyes from the harsh sun, trying to see the approaching figure.
“Whoever you are, just stay right there!” She didn’t need someone else attacking her right now, not when it was keeping everything she had not to collapse where she stood and give up.
“There, there child, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help you.”
“Help me, but how?” Jasmine asked, keeping a wary eye on the petit woman wearing a dress and a pointy hat. How she hadn’t collapsed from wearing those clothes in the heat were beyond the Princess.

“Ah, but I am your Fairy Godmother. Come child, you are not safe here, we should talk somewhere else.” When Jasmine seemed to hesitate, she older woman continued. “Do you trust me?”

Last edited by Addelyn on 17th August 2015, 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime7th June 2015, 7:15 pm

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One of them had offered an introduction. As much as her throat wanted to remain silent, meeting these other women was her duty. She was used to duty.

For Anna, she reminded herself.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Elsa of Arendelle," she replied, offering a stiff bow. The girlish curtsey had never suited her even when she was a young maiden and she couldn't identify with it now. Her tone did not quite match her words, but she could see she was not the only one with hurt and sorrow shining from her eyes.

She glanced around the place, wondering why the Fairy Godmother was not present. She expected to see that old woman here, to offer more advice. The other women who wore the same kind of strange outfit that she wore seemed to expect the same. Why would they be left to their own devices now? How could that help them join together and bring Anna and her family back? Elsa sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, and tried to keep herself from getting distracted and flustered. She hadn't noticed the blossoms and swirls of ice spreading across the lush greenery beneath her feet, but her powers were reacting to the confusion in her heart.

"And you are?" she requested of the others she had not yet heard speak yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime8th June 2015, 1:07 pm

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Lumina jumped at the voice coming from behind her. She quickly stood, almost tripping over her own feet. Thankfully, the source of the voice didn't seem to be anyone evil, but rather someone who resembled her own appearance. They wore the same design, but in different colors, and she could make out a necklace around the woman's neck that was just like hers. Lumina smiled, walking up to the woman and extending a friendly hand. She loved how wise and kind this woman appeared. "Yes, she did! I'm Ra-" she paused, blinking. "Sailor Lumina. I'm Sailor Lumina." Despite feeling comfortable in this woman's presence, Lumina wasn't quite comfortable sharing her true identity just yet. She needed to get to know this woman first. 

Before any more could be said, more women arrived through the rock. One woman seemed to have three others trailing behind her, but the strange thing was that they were not wearing the same uniform as the rest. Lumina could only smile at them all, taking in each of their appearances. They all looked brave and determined, but behind that Lumina could make out the pain of loss in their eyes. Had they all been under the same attacks as Corona had? Were they all princesses without a kingdom? 

The third girl to arrive, the one with the icy eyes and snowy white hair, introduced herself as someone Lumina knew and loved. Her mouth dropped open, surprised to see Elsa here. Unable to contain her joy at seeing a familiar face, Lumina threw her arms around her cousin. "Elsa! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you! Eugene, and my children, they -" she paused, realizing there was someone missing. Where was Anna? Had...something happened to her, too? Was Elsa truly alone? Lumina's heart reached out for her cousin, but no words escaped her lips. She could not imagine the pain Elsa must be going through, and so she did not mention the missing sister. 

Realizing Elsa may not recognize her, she pulled away and faced all of the girls. "I'm Rapunzel, Queen of Corona. And I just want to say that...whatever brought you here, I'm sorry. If it's anything like what brought me here, I hope that we can work together to save our kingdoms." Holding back tears, Lumina moved a piece of blonde hair out of her face. "In case some of you didn't hear, I guess I'm supposed to go by Sailor Lumina. You can call me Lumina, though. Sailor Lumina takes too long to say."
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime8th June 2015, 2:59 pm

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She had forgotten how much Rapunzel looked like Anna. Blue eyes widened, reflecting her shock and surprise, and she choked on the words before she could make a fool of herself. The instant was over. This young woman, for all her resemblance, could not be Anna. The dagger in Elsa's heart lodged itself ever deeper. She pretended her lapse, that moment when she thought her sister was here and safe, hadn't happened.

Those thoughts were still on her mind, still something she was trying to push out of her mind, when Rapunzel hugged her. They were family, but there was no comfort for Elsa in those arms--loving and kind though they may be. She felt like a glacier, cold and still. There were other circumstances in which she might have been happy to see Rapunzel--perhaps to introduce her children to Anna's--but this was not the time for reunions. It was almost a relief when the younger woman pulled back from the embrace to address the others.

Elsa half-listened to Rapunzel's words as she scanned the sorrowful eyes of the other gathered women. There was little merriment here. Her cousin's comment about Eugene and children was only now registering in the Snow Queen's mind. Somehow, Corona had suffered as well--apparently a fate similar to her own kingdom's. Was that the sad tale of woe that each woman would have to share? She watched and waited to see who would venture their story.

Elsa could not bear to recount her own.
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime9th June 2015, 7:31 pm

Advanced: Helpless Girls JonFMGC

Ariel had been enjoying a wonderful day with her family when the weather had suddenly started to change. The sea became rough and what Ariel thought might be a passing storm suddenly became more violent and never ending. Days had passed and the storm only continued to grow. It soon started destroying land. 

Ariel sent Sebastian to the sea to see what was wrong. When he came back he told her that King Triton was missing and so were her sisters. The merfolk and sea creatures had been searching for them for days now and there was no trace of them. Not only that, but some of the sea creatures were in danger. There was a lot of trouble with the currents of the sea and things were slowly getting worse. Ariel feared that soon Earth and Sea would tear each other apart. 

"I wish there was a way for me to fix this." Ariel said to Sebastian. Suddenly a woman appeared before her. "Who are you?" Ariel asked the woman.

"I am a Fairy Godmother and I am here to help you." The Fairy Godmother said, "I can help you find your father and sisters and save your kingdom. But you have to listen to me."

"I'll do whatever it takes." Ariel told the Fairy Godmother. She was really willing to do whatever it took to make things right in her kingdom. 

"This won't be easy." The Fairy Godmother said,"There's a power inside you, one unlike any power you could imagine. Your power is the key to saving your family and your kingdom. This is for you." The Fairy Godmother handed Ariel a necklace, which seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was a purple seashell necklace. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Ariel asked. It reminded her of the magical necklace that Ursula used to steal her voice. 

"You need to wear it. To activate it you have to shout, 'Cascade Princess Power, Make-Up!'" Said the Fairy Godmother. 

Ariel did this and magically was transformed. Her clothes changed and jewelry changed. She had a gold tiara with a sea green gemstone in the middle and pink heart earrings. A sea green choker with a pink heart in the center. Her clothes changed to a fuku whose colors are sea green and pink. Her sailor collar is sea green with three white stripes on it. Her skirt is also sea green. It's got a v shape to the front and has a pink heart in the center. Her front bow is pink and her back bow is pink and very long. She wears fingerless gloves that attach to the middle finger and go just passed her elbow. There is a sea green portion of fabric at the end of the gloves. There's a pink heart in the center of her front bow. Her shoes are pink rounded front heels.

"Do not ask questions. Only know this, and never forget it: you must never kill, or these powers will go away forever. Now, head to Destiny's Waterfall. You will learn more when you arrive. Goodbye Ariel."

Ariel soon left and went to Destiny's Waterfall to find out what would happen.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 12:42 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls EWm4CcN
Mulan decided that the best plan of action was to interrogate the other Senshi to find out any useful information.She noticed a girk with a similiar uniform standing by herself, looking grim and depressed. Aha! I'll ask her first.Mulan quickly walked over to greet her, the princesses following behind her.

The woman had long straw coloured hair. She was wearing pearl barrettes and a silver tiara with a pale pink gemstone in the center.The collar of her Sailor Fuku was pink, as was the primary colour of her skirt. Her bow was blue with a pink heart in the center and she wore pink strapped heels. 

Although her temper was ragged from the past couple of days travelling, Mulan put on a bright smile and reminded herself not to be too interrogative.This girl may have had her kingdom destroyed or her family kidnapped as well, so she didn't want to come off as mean spirited. First impressions were important.

"Hello" she said to the blonde haired girl."I'm Mulan,Sailor Hua, and this is Mei, Ting-Ting and Su".She extended her am out  and waited for the woman to take it.

Last edited by SailorKittyElyon on 16th June 2015, 3:40 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 11:25 am

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The girl she’d spoken to confirmed that she was indeed here because of Fairy Godmother. She was about to say her name—Belle thought—but then seemed to decide to give her title instead. Sailor Lumina. What a pretty name. She took the woman’s extended hand and shook it firmly, about to introduce herself when they were interrupted by more arrivals.

Two more girls entered the clearing, dressed similarly like herself. Belle wondered if she knew these people; there had been symbols of other kingdoms in that boulder outside, so it stood to reason that if she were here, than the queens of the other kingdoms were here as well. She could not recognize any of them, though, despite the fact that she knew almost all of the neighboring kingdoms’ royals personally.

Then a group entered all at once, four of them, though only one was dressed like the rest of them. And behind her, yet another with blonde hair appeared, asking if they could answer her questions. Then she introduced herself as Aurora. Aurora?! As in…

As the name was spoken, the girl’s face became familiar—how did Belle not recognize her before? The girl with the single braid spoke next, introducing herself as Elsa of Arendelle. That was considerably farther from her kingdom, but Belle had heard of her. The queen with peculiar powers to control snow. She’d wondered what it would be like to wield magic herself.

Lumina seemed to know her personally, and when she introduced herself by her actual name, it became clear. Rapunzel. Of course. She shook her head, and once again it was as if a fog was lifted. As if she had seen the light, as it were. Suddenly it became obvious that the blonde with long locks was the queen of Corona. But before she said her name, she didn’t appear familiar at all. Belle was puzzling over it until she realized the answer; magic. Whatever kind of magic helped them transform into this… alternate identity must have cloaked their true self as well until they chose to reveal it.

She felt hope building in her chest as Rapunzel—Lumina—said that they should work together to save their kingdoms. Suddenly Belle felt so much less alone. Surely if they all fought together, they could bring back their happiness.

The girl who had three other ones with her introduced herself as Mulan, someone else from a distant country Belle had only heard stories about. Wasn’t she the one who saved China or something? There were some pretty amazing women gathered here today. Her heart was buoyed with hope for a brighter future.

“I’m Belle,” she finally spoke up. “And if we have to go by our other names… well, supposedly I’m Sailor Beauty. I’m not sure how comfortable I am with being called ‘Beauty’ though…” she said sheepishly.

That would be a bit conceited, wouldn’t it? Even if her name literally meant the same thing in French, at least it wasn’t as obvious.

“But I am really glad you’re all here,” she said, smiling to all of them. “Together, surely we can save our kingdoms and our families.”
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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 1:41 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls 7LH2cmJ

Lumina's eyebrows raised when Sailor Beauty introduced herself. It was strange - this whole time she had felt as if there was something there, but she hadn't been able to pinpoint who exactly the girl was until now. Despite not having met Belle personally, Lumina had heard all about her endeavors and had read multiple adaptations of her story. Her heart broke when she thought of what kind of tragedy Belle must have gone through.

Smiling despite the depressing thought, Lumina went and hugged Sailor Beauty next. "Don't worry, it fits you! You're beautiful - all of you are. But the best part is that we've all got strength and power underneath our beauty, right?"

Pascal, who had been hiding behind Lumina's hair, was now sitting in her shoulder flexing whatever muscle he had in his little arms. Lumina laughed and said, "Oh, I almost forgot - this is Pascal, my closest friend. He's...the only one who wasn't killed or kidnapped," she said quietly.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

Title : ✖ The name's Vivid
Posts : 3199
Join date : 2014-12-14
Age : 24
Location : Germany

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PostSubject: Re: Advanced: Helpless Girls   Advanced: Helpless Girls I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 11:09 am

Advanced: Helpless Girls QH6dern

Elsa? Rapunzel? Belle? The names sounded somewhat familiar to Sailor Dream. But where did she get them from? Was it maybe–? No. For a while she thought about it, furrowing her brows. You’re so forgetful, Aurora, she reproached herself.
Ah, that’s it! After a few moments of intense thinking she gradually remembered. “It’s so great to meet you all,” she eventually joined the girl’s conversation, a faint smile on her face. “I often heard of you and your kingdoms from Philip!”
Suddenly the smile disappeared. Philip. And Thomas.

“So your kingdoms were attacked too?,” she asked in a more serious tone now, finally realizing what they were talking about. The queen’s mouth corners descended. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
Maybe there was a reason why they all met at Destiny’s Waterfall, she thought. Everyone’s kingdom was destroyed, everyone lost their relatives and partners and everyone gained these powers from the older lady. Maybe she should meet them. Maybe…they were meant to fight together?
Sailor Dream's thoughts got interrupted as she noticed four girls in front of her, one of them putting out her hand. “Ah,” she started, slowly realizing that the woman wanted to greet her. “It’s nice to meet you, Mul– err, Sailor Hua!” Quickly she reached out her hand and gave her a friendly smile. “According to the Fairy Godmother I’m Sailor Dream, I guess. But I personally prefer Aurora – I’m more used to it.”
“Hey,” she continued after a while. “Do you maybe know something about our powers? Everything the Fairy Godmother told me was that I have powers – not how I could use them or what powers I actually have.” Sailor Dream felt a bit lost. And confused.
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