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 Twilight: Love or Hate it?

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 12:51 pm

Lady Dynamite wrote:
Um, Brit-chan, I don't remember saying anything about you all bashing twilight. There is, however, couple of comments that didn't make me too happy, but not as bad as the others. I was talking generally.

/Edit. And no, Rob doesn't hate twilight or being a part of it. Someone who would actually "know" him better, would know this better.
Every series has their weaknesses, cliché's and its fucking ridiculous that only twilight is getting the "stupid ass cliché yada yada" -mark on the forehead.

Well, I guess, I can't fit in here either.

I think Twilight is just getting the brunt of it because of the high praise the books got and then how a lot of people were let down with the movies. Granted, some of course weren't let down at all, like yourself. And that's cool. You can love Kristen all you want, I'm down with that. Smile Honestly I like her in Speak; I thought she got the role practically dead on. But I don't think she was a good choice for Twilight, that's all.
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Lady Lucina
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 1:32 pm

I was skeptical about the books when some friends started suggesting them to me--but I gave the first two a shot, to be fair before passing judgement. I personally find the technical ability shown in the book to be hideously low and insulting to literature, the vocabulary and description was so...bleh. The writing, to me, felt forced.

The relationship between Edwards/Bella/Jacob is unhealthy/creepy/wierd/etc and Meyer advocates relationships of this kind. Quite frankly, it disgusts me. I'm even more disgusted & worried at how some (note, SOME not all!) of the fanbase hold these kinds of relationships as their lifes' ideal. I really don't think giving young girls the message of "as long as a stalker is hot, it's romance!" is appropriate.

Edward and Bella are such Mary-sue/Gary-sue characters that I can't even remotely have pictured what they looked like or their mannerisms beyond the bluntly-stated 'description'. They weren't like real 'people' to me what-so-ever, an indicator of poor writing ability. I did, however, adore most of the supporting characters! I wish Meyer had brought in the same ability constructing Edwards/Bella as she did the friends and family.

I was brought to the movies by one of my best friends as they came out, to give the movies a chance too. Given the content of the books, they were ok. I'm glad I didn't pay for the experience. I personally would have cast different people to play Edward/Bella. Neither of the selected actors fit the role like they could have. (And maybe not done so much ghastly make-up on Edward. I realize pale = vamp but that was sickly-looking, not enthralling! Bad make-up team, bad!) Sadly, when I left the movies, it was like there was no plot progression or character developement, I distinctly remember being bored out of my mind.

I don't really want to get into a rant at how, as an advocate of feminism, a lot of what Meyer implied about gender roles in her book ticked me off. So I'll just say that it did.
I pretty much can't stand the series and find it hideously overrated. There are far better vampire-themed books I'd prefer to read.

However, I can kind of see how some people are fans of it--as Bella is pretty much empty enough as a character, people can kind of "project" themselves into the story.

Gave it a try.

Wasn't for me.

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 1:53 pm

I'm moving this to the Library, since this is book oriented.

- Lady Galaxia
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 2:02 pm

Lady Galaxia wrote:
I'm moving this to the Library, since this is book oriented.

- Lady Galaxia

Thanks. The new section had totally escaped my mind.

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Apple Stardust
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 3:32 pm

Okay, I'm not getting into the whole debate here, cos no offence guys but it's getting a little silly.

Anyway, I read the books just before the popularity exploded. I'm not going to lie, I LOVED it. I loved the idea of Edward. (until I realised how stalker-ish and creepy he got...) I read all four books, saw the movie more than once in the movies, etc. etc.

Then all of a sudden, the fanbase ruined it for me. The 40 year old moms, the INSANE fangirls, I couldn't handle it.

So, yeah. I don't really care for it anymore, and not to mention Meyer and I have very different views about life in general, and I don't agree with what she spends her money on.

Also, Kristian Stewart was amazing as Joan Jett; she was perfect for the role. XD I don't like Robert Pattinson (is that spelled right?) though. He's not attractive at all, and he was NOT the Edward I had in my mind.
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 3:35 pm

My bf always says that Tom Felton, the guy who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies, should have been cast as Edward. I do not really know the logic behind his reasonings. *Shrug* I'm not even sure why I brought that up, but it seems relevant.
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Sailor Uranus
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 3:49 pm

Sailor Venus wrote:
My bf always says that Tom Felton, the guy who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies, should have been cast as Edward. I do not really know the logic behind his reasonings. *Shrug* I'm not even sure why I brought that up, but it seems relevant.

<3 <3 he would've been so much cuter. ^^ but he'd have to dye his hair. :/ !! Wait, SUDDENLY, wig!

It's sad that he's mostly being cast in the 'jerk' role, though. I hope he doesn't become a type-cast. I'd love to see him as a protagonist.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 11:50 pm

Lady Lucina wrote:

I don't really want to get into a rant at how, as an advocate of feminism, a lot of what Meyer implied about gender roles in her book ticked me off. So I'll just say that it did.

That's pretty much where I'm coming from, too. But I mean, I also have a hard time interracting with a lot of other mainstream culture because it's basically full of this stuff; twilight does just get picked as an example because it's 1. particularly clear and 2. very popular.

I want to stress that I really am not interested in telling anyone else what they can or can't like, or telling people to be ashamed of themselves for liking a certain thing! I appreciate that people look for a lot of different things in their books & films, and the media one likes doesn't necessarily have much to do with one's ideals, either. Smile My criticism of Twilight is on a systemic level, not leveled at any individual. (I personally have plenty of things I love dearly but can rip apart for failures anyway when I look at the specific messages they're reinforcing.)
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2011, 7:32 am

To me the Twilight series is just so-so. I saw in a magazine someone comparing Stephenie Meyer to J.K. Rowling. Wait a second here. Rowling is a genius, Meyer is far from one.
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2011, 12:11 pm

I love Twilight.

I read the books, they were awesome. I admit, lot's of errors though.

Then the movie came out, I fell in love. I love Kristen Stewart, everyone thinks I look like her, I move like her and speak like her. So I find it really offensive when people say she's a shit actress, she's not. She has a different acting style compared to the other's. What do you want to see from her? Playing Bella would be a hard role, she can't draw on another relationship scenario. Who's ever fallen in love with a vampire before? The whole point of Bella's personality is she's awkward, she doesn't know how to express her feelings, she's shy, she's out of step with everyone, she doesn't belong in that era. So when she meets Edward, he's the same way so they belong together. They fit. Why does everyone have to be emotional? Why can't they struggle with emotions and showing it? I mean look at Charlie. He has a hard time too, she inherits that, watches him. You can only resemble some of the traits you see in your parents. And then you have to shape yourself as a person.

To argue this further, in Breaking Dawn (which I've seen twice now, hehe) she actually has evolved as a character and she shows way more emotion. It's beautiful. She's also epic in Joan Jett.

I think Rob Pattinson is gorgeous. I just have the biggest crush on him and his acting? Amazing, I've seen him in other movies and while you know it's him in each one, he doesn't just stay the same. He changes in his roles. I really think he's got it pretty down pat.

I can handle Twilight jokes, I can handle making fun of Twilight and it's cheesiness. I admit it can be cheesy. It's a fantasy, love triangle, love story about sparkling vampires and gorgeous human wolfpacks. It's so dramatic at times and I loved Vampires Suck, I laughed and laughed.

At the end of the day it's just a big franchise that have hooked people or have repulsed people, you either love it or hate it. I'm a massive fan, I go to every local premiere screening, even my fiance loves it. It just makes me happy, gives me something to look forward to, makes my life better because it really isn't the best sometimes. So ease up on the dissing guys, let's respect everyone's opinions! I don't even mind that half the SM forum hates it, that's fine. We all love Sailor Moon, isn't that enough?

Last edited by Halfpixieman on 23rd November 2011, 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2011, 12:31 pm

I liked it, not my fave but it was alright, I read all the books and have seen all the movies so far, I think they waited to long to put out breaking dawn and are waiting wayyyy to long to put out the last one out. they are trying to drag it out but it needs to come to an end, I mean they tried to get Harry Potter done as quickly as possible and they ended it at a reasonable have ended this year or last year.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th February 2012, 7:33 am

I loved the books, I read them then the movie came... I think the movie was ok but it still kinda ruined that perfect image I had in my head concerning the characters. I wouldn't had chosen Robert for Edward or Kristen for Bella, but other characters like Jacob and Alice were perfect for their roles.
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Princess Luna
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime1st March 2012, 8:06 pm

I don't love it or hate it. It had it's okay points. I just think the concept of sparkling vampires is a bit rediculous (can't spell), but Stephanie Meyer did create a new kind of vampire and I think that is pretty cool. I liked the love story concept to it and Alice is one of my all time favorite characters.

I also think there are other really good vampire series out there that didn't get enough credit, and when they were recognized everyone was like, "Oh they copied off of Twilight." Most of the ones that people said that about came out WAY before Twilight. Like one in particular, The Vampir Diaries, it came out in 1991 and people thought that it was trying to be like Twilight.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd March 2012, 2:39 pm

I did enjoy the first Twilight book. Perfect for those days when I just wanted to chill with a book (which happen a lot with me). It wasn't the most speculatively written thing I've ever read, but it wasn't too bad...then I hit the other books. I absolutely hated New Moon and refused to finish it. Eclipse was eh. Breaking Dawn was one of the most hilarious things I have ever read. It was entertaining for all the wrong reasons, which is kinda sad.

I do love Alice though. Doesn't matter if I'm meh about the series for some reason I just adore her. It has nothing to do with the movies either. Moment I read her character I was so on love! xD
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Lady Orion
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th July 2012, 9:32 am

I am rereading the book and I find it more fascinating this time around.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th July 2012, 10:07 am

In the beginning I didn't care much for it but over time I've grown to like it and look past the parts I originally didn't like. I haven't read the books though, and probably won't..
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Neon Genesis
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th July 2012, 8:38 pm

I have to admit that Twilight is totally my guilty series. While I don't think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, I've enjoyed what I've read so far and I'm currently on Breaking Dawn. I support feminism but I don't understand how Bella's relationship with Edward is supposedly unhealthy. At least it's not any more unhealthy than any other starcrossed lovers relationship thing. Han Solo would be arrested for sexual harassment in real life but nobody says his relationship with Leia is "unhealthy." Sure, some diehard Star Wars fans can take the fandom to obsessive levels, but most people recognize it's fiction and not real life. I also love Alice and I like Rosalie too. I think the mocking of the sparkling vampire thing is a bit overblown since it only ever really occurs in like one chapter in the first book and it's pretty much ignored the rest of the series. I also liked the conflicts between the vampires and werewolf tribes and the politics of the Volturi and how much depth Meyer goes into in exploring her vampire mythos. I don't really care much for the movie versions though. I didn't like that the first movie cut out the backstories of the Cullens and I felt like they were ignoring the other characters to focus too much on Edward and Bella whereas the books were more even in their character emphasis. I also think the books have a better balance between drama and light-hearted moments. Like my favorite line in the series is still when Edward asks Bella if he dazzles her and she just says "Frequently" in response in the first book and I thought that was cute and funny. I didn't much care for Edward and Bella's actors in the Twilight movies but I felt Robert was pretty good at Cedric in Harry Potter and I actually liked Kristen's performance in Snow White so I think it has more to do with the director than it does with them as individual actors. Is anyone here a fan of Charlene Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series?
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 12:30 pm

Stephenie Meyer is given too much credit for creating a new kind of vampire. Anne Rice's books, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer all came before Twilight, and they all have vampires who aren't 100% evil in them.
I really prefer Anne Rice and Buffy anyday.
There is also a cool series called Moonlight starring hottie Alex McLoughlin as a reluctant vampire.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 2:08 pm

I don't love it or hate it, I'm kind of indifferent to it overall. Just reading conversations about the series online one day I just had to see what all the fuss was about so I grabbed my mom's copy of the book and cracked her open. And I honestly couldn't get pass more than five pages of the book before I had to put it down. IMO it was just poorly written and it didn't have anything that sucked me in but to be fair I don't think males in their early 20s were Stephanie Meyer's intended target audience when she wrote them.

As for the movies, I only watched the first film. Again, I just had to see what all the fuss was about. So going in I'm pretty much expecting the worst thing to ever be put on film because people have just been slaughtering it up to this point of my watching the film for the first time. I didn't think it was that bad. It made me laugh actually (and I don't mean the whole "haha it's so terrible it's funny" laugh I mean it genuinely got a laugh or two out of me). So at best it was genuinely funny and at its worst IMO it was just boring. The movie didn't feel like it really picked up until the baseball scene. I actually kind of like Edward in the movie when he isn't being all stalker-ish. His father and sister Alice weren't bad either. It's probably not a movie I would watch again by myself. I would probably have to have someone else watch it with me. So, Twilight just isn't for me and I don't think it was ever intended for my demographic.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 3:16 pm

Vampires sparkle... right before they burst into flames!
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 3:31 pm

ToriJ wrote:
I don't love it or hate it, I'm kind of indifferent to it overall. Just reading conversations about the series online one day I just had to see what all the fuss was about so I grabbed my mom's copy of the book and cracked her open. And I honestly couldn't get pass more than five pages of the book before I had to put it down. IMO it was just poorly written and it didn't have anything that sucked me in but to be fair I don't think males in their early 20s were Stephanie Meyer's intended target audience when she wrote them.

As for the movies, I only watched the first film. Again, I just had to see what all the fuss was about. So going in I'm pretty much expecting the worst thing to ever be put on film because people have just been slaughtering it up to this point of my watching the film for the first time. I didn't think it was that bad. It made me laugh actually (and I don't mean the whole "haha it's so terrible it's funny" laugh I mean it genuinely got a laugh or two out of me). So at best it was genuinely funny and at its worst IMO it was just boring. The movie didn't feel like it really picked up until the baseball scene. I actually kind of like Edward in the movie when he isn't being all stalker-ish. His father and sister Alice weren't bad either. It's probably not a movie I would watch again by myself. I would probably have to have someone else watch it with me. So, Twilight just isn't for me and I don't think it was ever intended for my demographic.

You might find the films more enjoyable watching the Rifftrax version. Smile
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 3:35 pm

I use to like it. Now I despise it. XD it is bad. It is. It's wrong on quite a few levels.

And then Stephanie Meyer has become annoying with the whole "omg I love this one boy....WAIT! This boy is really amazing too and I love him and omg" -_- give me a break.

I like Alice though. Team Alice. Alice ftw.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 3:58 pm

I'm a hardcore Potterhead, i don't hate it because of that, i hate it because to me these are the worst books ever to be written and the fandom is annoying. besides, as a sort of nerd, it's an insult to vampires (i might not know a lot of vampire history but then again, it's an insult), c'mon vampires that sparkle .__. seriously?, when i first heard of that, the first thing that crossed my mind was "who in his/her right mind would watch/read something about vampires that sparkle"

i tried to watch the movies, and in the first one i got EXTREMELY bored (i still don't know how i could finish it), the second one couldn't finish because i fell asleep as i tried (like i forced myself) to watch it. i regret doing that, i'll never, EVER force myself to watch a movie like this...seriously. yes the landscape was beautiful and everything, but god, this director took to much effort to focus on that (at least of what i remember), and then Bella is like this lame girl...i know you're a teen and got "omg WTF" with that vampire thing, but GOD! you don't need to be so lame .__. like spend (how much was it?) let's say 3 months on fetal position because your boyfriend was trying to "Save" you. i know is dumb for me saying this, and i know if my boyfriend dump me i would feel really bad, but i'll try to move on, like a normal person. besides, she didn't knew him for that long ._." (not quite sure about this)

I haven't read the books and i already know the complete plot and i find it ridiculous :/ i mean, it need like it need a better plot...but i got popular between young girls, so well...good for them.

Of course is my opinion, and of course my statement is pretty lame but then again, i'm not interest in reading this book at all, since i've read fanfictions with better plot than these books. sorry to any twilight fan in the forum ):
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Miss Tricks
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 8:30 pm

I've tried to read the books a few times - I still can't get past the first chapter.

It's not the plot (I've read worse), the POV (ranging from just stupid to simpering to hole in the wall), or the characters. It's how they are literally written.

Normal (simple): writing: The dog ate the cat.

Every freakin' sentence in Twilight: The unkempt kitten was devoured by the vicious dog.

Normally this wouldn't bother me much. I'm pretty lax on things like grammar, syntax, etc, but Twilight just drove me up the wall. Every sentence - written to be the longest, most consistently backwards convoluted drivel I have ever read.

At least she was consistent.
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th March 2013, 8:49 pm

Lady Lucina wrote:

I was skeptical about the books when some friends started suggesting them to me--but I gave the first two a shot, to be fair before passing judgement. I personally find the technical ability shown in the book to be hideously low and insulting to literature, the vocabulary and description was so...bleh. The writing, to me, felt forced.

The relationship between Edwards/Bella/Jacob is unhealthy/creepy/wierd/etc and Meyer advocates relationships of this kind. Quite frankly, it disgusts me. I'm even more disgusted & worried at how some (note, SOME not all!) of the fanbase hold these kinds of relationships as their lifes' ideal. I really don't think giving young girls the message of "as long as a stalker is hot, it's romance!" is appropriate.

Edward and Bella are such Mary-sue/Gary-sue characters that I can't even remotely have pictured what they looked like or their mannerisms beyond the bluntly-stated 'description'. They weren't like real 'people' to me what-so-ever, an indicator of poor writing ability. I did, however, adore most of the supporting characters! I wish Meyer had brought in the same ability constructing Edwards/Bella as she did the friends and family.

I was brought to the movies by one of my best friends as they came out, to give the movies a chance too. Given the content of the books, they were ok. I'm glad I didn't pay for the experience. I personally would have cast different people to play Edward/Bella. Neither of the selected actors fit the role like they could have. (And maybe not done so much ghastly make-up on Edward. I realize pale = vamp but that was sickly-looking, not enthralling! Bad make-up team, bad!) Sadly, when I left the movies, it was like there was no plot progression or character developement, I distinctly remember being bored out of my mind.

I don't really want to get into a rant at how, as an advocate of feminism, a lot of what Meyer implied about gender roles in her book ticked me off. So I'll just say that it did.
I pretty much can't stand the series and find it hideously overrated. There are far better vampire-themed books I'd prefer to read.

However, I can kind of see how some people are fans of it--as Bella is pretty much empty enough as a character, people can kind of "project" themselves into the story.

Gave it a try.

Wasn't for me.

Seconding this. All this. I tried reading it, I couldn't make it past the whining of Bella's internal monologue. I was made to watch the first movie. Was bored, of course.

I snark about it, and enjoy the jokes, but otherwise, I'm just glad it's over. -that's it-
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th March 2013, 12:16 am

Lady Lucina, you owe me a new pair of eyeballs for that font color!

Glad I never watched, or read it. Seen a parody of the movie and a troll/hate crossover with 40k, and that's it. I intend to keep it that way. As for you, I don't judge people based on what kind of porn they read/watch, so you're on the safe side, as long as you don't put it into my face.

The fic was about a bunch of Death Spectre space marines deep striking into Forks high school and... erasing the taint with force. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 1:15 pm

Ehehe... I like it. I know it's a terrible series, and I used to hate it for many reasons; however, I became a fan whenever I realized that it was so stupid, it's funny. Smile
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 10:39 am

I used to read the books and watched the movies back when I was in High School, but I don't like The Twilight Saga as much as I used to though.
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Sailor Zelda
Lotus Crystal

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th June 2018, 2:10 pm

Well this is an old thread what is that first page though

Might as well give my two cents. I watched the first movie with a friend to mock/laugh at it. She actually pointed out that it's not 100% garbage all the time and there are parts that are kind of cute moments between Edward and Bella but it's got some weird, creepy (in a bad way) stuff in it. The whole scene where he tells her he's a vampire is just hilariously bad. Not the worst movie ever (I have seen far, far, FAR worse films) but not very good either.

I have not read the books, however another friend of mine was reading them a while back, a friend who's opinion on books I value pretty highly. I asked her if they were as bad as everyone said, and she said no, but from the sounds of it they're not that good either in her opinion. She read past the first book so there must have been something she liked.

All in all I haven't that that much experience with Twilight but from what I've seen it's more hilariously bad more than a complete train wreck. Hey, ironic enjoyment is better than no enjoyment whatsoever.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th June 2018, 2:50 pm

Hm.  Can I say both? lol  
I'm not a big fan of the Twilight series but it sure is entertaining.  If one of the movies is on I'll usually sit down and watch it. Guilty pleasure, I guess.  For me the books weren't any better than the movies.  I never finished the last one.  As soon as I got to a certain part I just couldn't fathom anymore. I waited however long until they finally made the movie to finish it.  Meh? XD

TL;DR   It's alight. Just not the last book/movie.  lol
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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