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 Twilight: Love or Hate it?

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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 4:27 pm

Many of us have seen or at least heard about the Twilight series. Some of us like myself even read the series. So what's the popular opinion on here? Like it or hate it?

I like the books more than the movies. The movies are just OKAY to me. I won't lie ^^ There has been times where it just depends on the day for whether I like or hate it.

Please don't go on an all out rampage against the series or against anyone for their opinion.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 5:38 pm

I started reading Twilight when it first came out, way back when I was 17. I was entranced. "She's 17, like me, with brown hair, like me, and no one at her school really likes her! like me! :O" the first read-through was captivating. I really enjoyed it. I told all of my friends to read it. We geeked out about it, imagining sequels and throwing out that we totally knew Jacob Black was going to be a werewolf or something.

The next year, my friend Christina overheard a bunch of middle-aged women gushing about it in the university library and she and I were like "Um... maybe it's time to move on."

The second book came out, then the third, and suddenly the series had EXPLODED. The fourth book came out and everyone everywhere knew the series. I read all of the books, of course (have to see a story to its end, right?), but when movies started coming out.... no.

Just no.

Especially with their cast list. I used to go on stephanie meyer's website and get all excited when she got excited to find a truck that looks like the one she created for Bella, and she had her wishlist of dreamboats for her characters. It was cute and fun.

I can't stand the movies. At All. It's the acting - they can't act. it's totally unbelievable, and they didn't even stick to the book for the important parts. they were practically in the parking lot when he revealed to her what he was, no in the middle of an enchanting forest on a date. And 'Spider monkey'?! WTH.

Rereading the books, they're just not that magical the second time through, and even less so the third, (in my opinion).

It was a good first-time read, but the movies JUST BITE. >C The End.

lol.... and Kyralih has shared her opinion. Twilight: Love or Hate it? Hehheh10
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 5:42 pm

I was forced to watch the movies before I was allowed to watch Vampires Suck. Eh, I didn't enjoy the experience.
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 5:50 pm

Kyralih wrote:
I started reading Twilight when it first came out, way back when I was 17. I was entranced. "She's 17, like me, with brown hair, like me, and no one at her school really likes her! like me! :O" the first read-through was captivating. I really enjoyed it. I told all of my friends to read it. We geeked out about it, imagining sequels and throwing out that we totally knew Jacob Black was going to be a werewolf or something.

The next year, my friend Christina overheard a bunch of middle-aged women gushing about it in the university library and she and I were like "Um... maybe it's time to move on."

The second book came out, then the third, and suddenly the series had EXPLODED. The fourth book came out and everyone everywhere knew the series. I read all of the books, of course (have to see a story to its end, right?), but when movies started coming out.... no.

Just no.

Especially with their cast list. I used to go on stephanie meyer's website and get all excited when she got excited to find a truck that looks like the one she created for Bella, and she had her wishlist of dreamboats for her characters. It was cute and fun.

I can't stand the movies. At All. It's the acting - they can't act. it's totally unbelievable, and they didn't even stick to the book for the important parts. they were practically in the parking lot when he revealed to her what he was, no in the middle of an enchanting forest on a date. And 'Spider monkey'?! WTH.

Rereading the books, they're just not that magical the second time through, and even less so the third, (in my opinion).

It was a good first-time read, but the movies JUST BITE. >C The End.

lol.... and Kyralih has shared her opinion. Twilight: Love or Hate it? Hehheh10

The people I hated for the cast list were the actor/actress who played Bella and Edward. The rest were fine but the main two parts were just Ughhh. Sorry but annoying. Also, I agree with the whole thing about not being able to act. Kristen Stewart is just a god awful actress to me x.x That is all (: Thank You.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 6:26 pm

*Puts on a battle helmet and cracks knuckles* Here we go!!
When I first started to read it (Before it become so popular) I like it. I like Myer's take of Vampires. The whole not all of them just suck human blood. when I got to the fourth book....I didn't like it anymore. I didn't even finish it. I was mad at the author. I don't why i just was. Too me the characters seem out of character and I realized that the characters themselves were the problem. There is no character development and a lot of the characters lack well personality. I felt like author should have just stopped at book one. The ware wolfs ruin it. I'm not saying I hate Jacob (I'm not any team). It was just to me they served no purpose.

I still like Twilight because I do like the characters. So instead of reading the books my friend and I rp it. We added more personality to the characters and changed the setting. We also put our take on vampires in it. But yeah....this is how I feel about Twilight ^^
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 6:35 pm

;_; uug, I know! She has one facial expression, and that's 'stoned.'

And the edward cullen guy was just ugly. o.o imho IMHO please don't kill me~ When I saw him as Cedric Diggory, I was like "what is the big deal? his face is really weird" and then he became 'dreamboat' edward cullen. blaah. And he's the definition of AWKWARD TURTLE.

Twilight: Love or Hate it? 50283_300021418243_2028748_n
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 8:02 pm

It's garbage. And I love it.

When I first read the part where she describes how vampires glitter, it took me two chapters before I was able to accept that she wasn't going to say "Just kidding!" I am so, so looking forward to the next movie. It's all so hot, yet so, so horrible.

My husband used to tease me about it, but ever since I said "Hey, I don't criticize the acting in your pornos," he's dropped it.
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Sailor Uranus
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 8:30 pm

Plum wrote:

My husband used to tease me about it, but ever since I said "Hey, I don't criticize the acting in your pornos," he's dropped it.

... LMAO!! You tell him!
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 9:00 pm

The only way I've been able to make it through Twilight was because I watched the movie with Rifftrax. Made it WAAAY better imo, and funnier! XD I haven't read the books and honestly I've always been turned off by just the whole "ooooh sparkly vampires" thing. Also, Bella is such a freakin mary-sue it isn't funny.

I'll go back to Anne Rice before I ever touch a Twilight book.
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Star Seed


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 9:22 pm

I hate it. =___='

My mom and sister are obsessed however.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 9:36 pm

Quote :
Also, Bella is such a freakin mary-sue it isn't funny.

Totally agree with you! That's when my rp with friend I made her an actual character.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 10:28 pm

Hate it, sorry! I just can't like it or wrap my head around it.
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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime16th October 2011, 11:10 pm

Hey now, kirsten stewart was /awesome/ in Runaways. XD Admittedly the looking stoned was actually called for there.

I find Twilight problematic, it glorifies really unhealthy relationships. Of course, it's far from alone in this, but yeah. (read it, but for work, not pleasure.)
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 1:57 am

Btw here is a Best of Twilight from Rifftrax. If you haven't watched the DVD with rifftrax, I highly suggest you do. ^^

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Lady Dynamite
Pyramidal Crystal

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 5:28 am

Toft wrote:
Hey now, kirsten stewart was /awesome/ in Runaways. XD Admittedly the looking stoned was actually called for there.
People who judge her for being in twilight movies, and say she can't act or smile or what ever, are so fking wrong they don't even know it! I've always liked Kristen Stewart, from the start when I saw her on TV, as Bella Swan.

I love twilight. I will always love it.
I get it, not all people loves is, most of the population actually hates her. But have some respect and do not scream about your hate and how the fans are stupid little bitches, it's fucking annoying to listen that all shit.

Why people HATE it? And Kristen Stewart? or Robert Pattinson? What did they DO to deserve all this hate? Did they say something that insults you? Did they kill people? No. They're just doing what they love to do, living their lives, and you hate them. Okay.

I was a huge Harry Potter fan — but the fandom evicted me away, because i liked twilight. Twilight fandom didn't judge me for liking something else they might not like. Thats what i love about it, too.
Twilight helped me over hard times (still helping), so when someone insults me for being a fan, I take it seriously.

And without twilight, I would've never knew about Kristen Stewart and that i have asperger syndrome (long story), and I would have even more problems in my life than i'm already having. She is so much more than just a pretty face — she is sweet, shy, awkward and herself. She taugh me that it's okay to be "not okay", to be me, for myself, and not for anyone else. To not think what others think of you. That I don't need to try to be someone else.

Bella, Mary Sue? Are you fucking kidding me Very Happy if a normal girl is a Mary Sue, then... mkay.

I hope that SM fandom wont chase me away, like HP fandom did. I will stick with Twilight, it has given me so much joy and help.

And watch Kristen's other movies (The Runaways, Welcome to the Rileys, Speak, etc) and then judge she can't act. She is amazing actress, amazing person. And watch her pictures — she smiles A LOT. With a REAL smile, not a faked one!
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Lotus Crystal


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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 5:54 am

Of course we won't chase you away!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 5:55 am

I think I wouldn't have had much of an issue with it if someone (who was a Twilight obsessed fangirl) just didn't completely bash one of my favorite vampire series (The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice - yes I had read them ALL ^^) just because Twilight was the "new" vampire generation series.

Even though I read some of the books, the fanbase really killed it for me and after that I really could not enjoy it.
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Lady Dynamite
Pyramidal Crystal

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Twilight: Love or Hate it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 6:45 am

Sailor Venus wrote:
Of course we won't chase you away!
♥️ thank you!!

Paprika, i'm really sorry to hear that! I will never understand that kind of dissing, not even from twilight fans... It's very weird to hear this, because all twilight fans i've met have been all very respectful and nice!
People seriously needs to stop judging others!
But i really understand you, fanbase can ruin everything. That happened to me with Harry Potter, too. Luckily, it was only one(?) person who did that to you — almost all of the HP people and even outside of that, are bashing our favorite series and judging us Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 7:04 am

Lady Dynamite wrote:
Sailor Venus wrote:
Of course we won't chase you away!
♥️ thank you!!

Paprika, i'm really sorry to hear that! I will never understand that kind of dissing, not even from twilight fans... It's very weird to hear this, because all twilight fans i've met have been all very respectful and nice!
People seriously needs to stop judging others!
But i really understand you, fanbase can ruin everything. That happened to me with Harry Potter, too. Luckily, it was only one(?) person who did that to you — almost all of the HP people and even outside of that, are bashing our favorite series and judging us Very Happy

It was just one person at the time but I really did not apperciate her comments at all. I completely agree though that people need to stop judging others and let people enjoy it for the sake of enjoying it. *nods*
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 7:19 am

Yeah Twilight bashing really annoys me. Everyone has a right to like it or hate it. I wish it didn't get all the hate. It that's not that bad...
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 8:51 am

Brit-chan, that was HILARIOUS.

Lady Dynamite, no way will we try to chase you away!! In my experience, it's usually the dislikers who have pitchforks thrown their way, not the other way around (thus the helmets and bracing in earlier posts). I'm all for equality and I respect your opinion. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 9:36 am

'Usually, when a pale creepy guy is staring at you from across the dinning room, just means you're eating at Denny's' XD

I don't like the whole Twilight phenomena. It seems to me bad written, all about glorifying abusive relationships and traditional gender roles. To my eyes the values and life lessons it leaves the reader are... icky. to say the least.

But, on the same time, the whole thing is so over the top to be taken seriously.
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Ace <3
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 9:46 am

When I first read Twilight I was IN LOVE with it. God. Edward Cullen was, like, God for me. He was just so perfect--despite the sparkling--and Meyer couldn't help but make me love him. I was Team Edward so hard it was scary. Me and my now former two best friends were hardcore Twi-Hards and I mean HARD CORE.

Then we heard about the movie.

We were ecstatic. FINALLY we could put a face to the dreamy vampire. We could fangirl over him in the theater and threaten Bella--or more like whoever the actress would be.

The cast list came out. We were still somewhat excited. As much as we loved Twilight we were all also Harry Potter fans so the idea of a Brit for Edward was just... *fangasm* We'd also seen Kristen in her role in Speak, and remebering how dark it was made us hopeful for a great movie in New Moon. As for the other characters we were content with their casting and couldn't say much about them since we hardly knew them from other works.

When the movie came out I was speechless and not in a good way. I was horrified. I thought I was being pranked as I sat there and watched some constipated looking man and an emotionless twit (Sorry Lady D!!) try to play out love. It just wasn't there and probably never will be. The first movie was choppy and too quick-paced. They skipped out on otherwise important details for sillier things such as new scenes and those useless family crests.

I've since seen each movie and admit they've gotten progressively better at sticking to the original story. I'll probably never be happy with the casting and Edward and Bella, but I'm over Twilight so I can't say I care.

I don't really "hate" on Twilight; I still like the books--except for Breaking Dawn which just sounded like some lame fanfiction. I just dislike it. The movies didn't live up to me expectations and I think Meyer lost her faith in the series in the end, resulting in the atrocity that is BD.

That's just me, though. Smile
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 10:13 am

Ace <3 wrote:
That's just me, though. Smile

Not just you Wink
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 10:37 am

Yamichan16 wrote:
Yeah Twilight bashing really annoys me. Everyone has a right to like it or hate it. I wish it didn't get all the hate. It that's not that bad...

I think the bashing of any series regardless is not necessary because you never know if there is a person in the group who really likes the series. I believe you should always say your thoughts but not in a way where its hurtful or sounds like your bashing a series. Plus, I always say that before you do a comparison of any series, you should have at least read the books/seen the movie/etc so you can actually compare it and not go on "Word of Mouth" comparison.

Like I said, for me someone was bashing Anne Rice, Lestat, and the entire Vampire Chronicles as if she had read it but she never did. She was bashing it and outright slandering it along with me for liking it; And the movies do not cut it because the movies completely were by far nothing like the books.

The extreme bashing is ultimately caused by extremely fans who really don't take other people's thoughts, ideas, or feelings in hand when they're talking.
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Lady Dynamite
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 11:00 am

Um, Brit-chan, I don't remember saying anything about you all bashing twilight. There is, however, couple of comments that didn't make me too happy, but not as bad as the others. I was talking generally.

/Edit. And no, Rob doesn't hate twilight or being a part of it. Someone who would actually "know" him better, would know this better.
Every series has their weaknesses, cliché's and its fucking ridiculous that only twilight is getting the "stupid ass cliché yada yada" -mark on the forehead.

Well, I guess, I can't fit in here either.
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 11:06 am

Let's not try to become too argumentative here. ^^ We all have valid opinions. Smile
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 12:38 pm

Lady Dynamite, I hope you don't leave. Sad
Just because we have differing opinions on a subject doesn't mean we can't be friends - Usagi teased Rei about liking the Takarazuka Revue, but even though they had differing opinions on the subject, they didn't let it affect their friendship. I really like seeing your posts around the board - you're talented with graphics manipulation and I like your stuff. Please don't let words passed in one board turn you off of the whole experience.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 12:41 pm

Quote :
I believe you should always say your thoughts but not in a way where its hurtful or sounds like your bashing a series.

I hope my opinion didn't sound like bashing Sad I was just stating my opinion. I like Twilight I really do it's just I wish the characters and the setting was written better.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Twilight: Love or Hate it?   Twilight: Love or Hate it? I_icon_minitime17th October 2011, 12:44 pm

Seriously guys, tone it down a bit. I know there isn't a full fledged fight but the language use and any type of bashing on other people's opinions isn't right. You have your opinion and they have theirs. It's not that hard to see that we definitely have some grievances here after closely reading everyone's posts. 

If things do get out of hand, I will close and possibly delete this thread. If I do, pleas don't recreate it unless you want to get in trouble and want chaos in this forum. (Hehe, sailor moon reference there) It was made as a way to get to know each other. Not to mention, to understand and express each other's views on certain topics and/or subjects.  I don't wanna be mean but I will be watching over a few of you more than some of the others.

 Perhaps this thread was a bad idea and some of us can't handle the maturity and self control needed especially when it comes to respecting someone's opinion. There has been a complaint about the possibility of someone getting their feelings hurt which I have taken into consideration. 

Be nice and be careful how you word things. If you can't follow the simple rules of a friendly forum then you will be punished. Now I know maybe I went a bit too far when writing this post but these are things to know in future reference as well.

 Last but not least, tone down the use of vulgar language like the f word and such. It's ok at certain times but when it's used to emphasize something hurtful or even just for the intention of hurting anyone that's when things go a bit too far. Now whether that has happened or not, I am not sure. 

Many of us have taken offense to what others have said. Heck, even if I have but I will not admit who.  To those who get offended easily, please make sure to read things over to verify what someone said. I know there have been times when I have misread something and therefore, hurt myself and other people because of a simple mistake. 

I believe that's all I have to say for now.

Uh......... Go cheese!  (Random, I know.)
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