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 [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime28th July 2014, 10:39 am

Character Name: Sora, Princess Sky Serenity
Name meaning: Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 696 years old (appears 19-20)
18th daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion 

Personality: Sora is very quick and always moving. Her attitude can be interpreted as impatient but that is only because she always two steps ahead of whatever is going on. She is always striving to improve at whatever she is doing, it makes her a little competitive but she is mostly only competing with herself. She looks up to anyone who does something better than her and loves spending time with them at whatever that is as long as it doesn't require sitting down for too long. She is closest with her nearest older sister Mami, and often helps her with the younger ones by chasing after them and giving them fun things to do. Her current efforts are in learning to skateboard and, being a serenity, despite her prowess, it has resulted in many bumps and bruises. 

Character Image:
[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Sora10
Appearance and Style: Athletically built, with medium height, (which is tall for her family) Sora is distinguished from her sisters by light blue eyes and very orange hair. She wears it with bangs and puffy odango's that leave three strands of hair trailing from them, kind of on the short side. For cloths, she is always in shorts and tank tops, best for the kind of activities she fits into her days. She carries a gym bag around with her that have the various sporting equipment and accessories needed for running, swimming, racquetball, yoga, soccer, gymnastics (with the quartet), aikido, and whatever else she can convince other people to do with her.  When she wants or has to dress up she will wear middle-eastern style harem pants of different lengths. Some are just puffy enough to pass for dresses, which she refuses to wear. She loves leaving her arms bare and can't stand things around her neck. She will often be seen with a head band holding back her bangs. 

Story line Specific Information: None yet

Additional Information: Sora is the athlete of the family. She vigorously enjoys cross country running, swimming and a little bit of racquetball now then then. She tries to learn skateboard continuously, but often just ends up hurting herself. She loves spending time with Haruka and enjoying a good run together. 

RP Sample: Your character is running late for a meeting! Why are they late and what do they say when they get there? 
    Huffing and puffing, an orange haired girl with puffy odango's dashes the last few yards into the meeting room. She knows every short-cut and  corridor in the palace, and still she is running late. A grimace crosses her face as she thinks of what her elders will say when she gets there. Vaulting over a railing she turns the last corner and nimbly dodges a royal courier exiting the door of where she needed to be. 
    "Hey! Watch out" she yips at the obstacle. Leaving them with a wink to soften her words. 
    In through that room, and she comes to a full stop in front of the last door, swinging the door open she steps in ready to be yelled at. 
   One of her oldest sisters speaks first "Welcome Sora, what has kept you this time?"
   "Hmph," she crosses her arms showing off her arms in her tanktop and shorts outfit. "Haruka asked me to go for a run, she said it would only be an hour at most." Holding her head high she challenged anyone to refute her claim that Haruka had asked her, and not the other way around. She took a seat, deciding not to say anymore on the subject. 
   "Did she leave you behind again, Sora?" A few of the other girls giggle. 
   Giving direct eye contact to no one, she replies "No, I simply misjudged the time I had available." The truth being is they went further out then she anticipated and Haruka still wanted to go farther, but Sora had to turn back just to make it this late. 

Last edited by Feorin on 28th July 2014, 11:22 am; edited 8 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime28th July 2014, 10:56 am

that rp sample is fantastic Feorin! you might want to specify somewhere that she is one of the daughters of Serenity and Endymion, and add her formal name somewhere.

and maybe in style, you could list some of the clothing types she likes the wear most often, maybe colors she likes? otherwise looking good!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime28th July 2014, 11:16 am

Right-o Setsuna-sama!

Done now! I think. ^^
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime28th July 2014, 12:00 pm

wow, fantastic Feorin!^^ i do believe this is now ready for review!
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Sailor Saturn
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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime30th July 2014, 5:53 am

Awww, she's awesome. I enjoyed reading all of the extra information you included, especially since this is a relaxed profile! She seems like she would be fun to RP with, so I look forward to reading your posts =D

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Civilian: Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime1st August 2014, 5:11 am

Yay Thanks! I can't stop myself sometimes from writing... if I can get away with a multiple paragraph response I will... O.x
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora   [Relaxed] Civilian: Sora I_icon_minitime

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