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 [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August!

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

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[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Empty
PostSubject: [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August!   [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! I_icon_minitime2nd August 2014, 3:31 pm

The Writing and Roleplaying Guild Presents
[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Tumblr_n3uk111Ln51qmj5xvo1_250 [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Tumblr_n3uk111Ln51qmj5xvo4_250
[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Tumblr_n3uk111Ln51qmj5xvo5_500
[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Tumblr_n3uk111Ln51qmj5xvo2_250 [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Tumblr_n3uk111Ln51qmj5xvo3_250

This month in the Writing and Roleplaying Guild we will be focusing on Alternate Universes! 
Quote :
An alternative universe (also known as alternate universe or alternate reality or parallel universe), commonly abbreviated as AU, is a type or form of in which canonical facts of setting or characterization in the universe being explored or written about are deliberately changed.

Stories that fall into this definition are usually what-ifs, where possibilities arising from different circumstances or character decisions are explored. Unlike regular fan fiction, which generally remains within the boundaries of the canon set out by the author, alternative universe fiction writers like to explore the possibilities of pivotal changes made to characters' history, motivations or environment.

The author gets an established audience for their story: the fans of the original, and then subsequently altered, universe, which they would not get if they wrote it as an original story instead of fan fiction. Some of the best fan fiction writers, who aspire to be published authors, can take advantage of this inversely by developing a loyal audience, the readers of their fan fiction, for books with original storylines that they might publish at a later date.

What are the general types of AU?
Quote :

  • Alternate timelines (what if... stories. What if such-and-such happened instead? What if so-and-so wasn't there? What if it all happened in another era?)
    Contextual reassignment (taking the characters and putting them in another world; ex: the senshi at Hogwarts, or, as seen above, the senshi as Avengers)
    Crossovers (two fictional universes are placed in a situation where they interact. X-Men and Sailor Senshi save one or both of their universes together, for example.)

Awesome! Seems great for our Fanfiction and Roleplayers here, but what about our original content peeps? Well, hopefully some of the challenges, games, and short live-forums can help you out, too! Stick around! ^^

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 24th April 2016, 5:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August!   [Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August! I_icon_minitime2nd August 2014, 3:37 pm

ooh i have had an AU idea for so long but it hasnt been calling me asking me to write, even though it is a great topic in my opinion.
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[Theme]The Writing Guild Theme Month: AU August!

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