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 [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!

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Tiebreaker Vote
Entry 1
[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_vote_lcap67%[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_vote_rcap
 67% [ 2 ]
Entry 2
[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_vote_lcap33%[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 3
Poll closed

Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime1st March 2014, 8:32 am

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Tumblr_n2qrx3JIdx1r1uyaeo1_500

Voting Begins!
Entry 1:
A Problem Michiru Couldn't Solve

Usagi and her friends didn’t often get the chance to visit the mansion where Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru lived, so they always cherished the opportunity, especially if it involved a party. Spring had finally come, and Michiru had graciously invited the girls over for a little picnic and the promise of showing off her newly cultivated roses.

When the girls arrived, however, something strange started happening.

Every time someone asked Michiru to see the roses, an… incident tended to occur.

A distracting incident.

The first time Mako said politely, “Michiru-san, I’m excited to see your roses!” Michiru, the woman who always moved with poise and grace, who knew how to play a violin while simultaneously juggling a lemon, managed to somehow spill the contents of the teapot she’d been carrying to the table. Everyone immediately jumped over each other trying to help mop up the spill, and Mako’s remark was forgotten for a time.

Then, some minutes later, Usagi asked excitedly, “Michiru-san, so where are your roses? I want to bring one back to give to Mamo-chan once he returns from his trip!”

And Michiru’s response was: “Ah, Usagi-chan, before that, have you seen Hotaru’s latest drawings? They are simply amazing!” And then, seemingly out of nowhere, she whipped out a drawing book filled with impressive sketches the likes of which could rival Van Gogh. “Woooowwww!” Usagi gaped, now completely riveted by the book. Immediately, everyone gathered around it and showered the beaming Hotaru with praises.

The third time, it was Haruka who only managed to get out, “Michiru, I think you should show the girls your ro—unf!” because something mysterious had happened under the table. As a result of said mysterious incident, Haruka looked as if she was very… excited, or very embarrassed, or maybe she was in pain? Nobody at the table was quite sure. (They all knew enough not to ask. Or speak of it again. Ever.)

The whole time, Hotaru was her usual cheerful self, and Setsuna hid a smile that seemed to say she was the only one in on the joke. (But this was not telling much, because Setsuna.)

Usagi was always easily distracted, but after the three separate incidents, the other girls who knew better simply stopped asking. Ami tactfully chose to avoid the subject, and so did Rei. Chibiusa was too engrossed in Hotaru to notice anything amiss, and Minako—who obviously knew something was up and was dying to know what it was but too proud to ask outright again after the method had been foiled so many times—was the only one who kept mentioning roses but in the most outrageous or inappropriate ways possible (or both) and no one paid her any attention. (Because Minako.)

However, after the picnic was slowly winding down and everyone started cleaning up, Mako found Michiru standing alone around the side of the house, staring at a row of empty soil. She seemed to be concentrating really hard, as if willing something to sprout out by the strength of her determination alone.


Michiru, whom Mako had never seen caught off guard in her entire life, looked visibly startled as she whirled around. 


“What happened to your roses?” Mako asked without preamble, staring directly into the other girl’s eyes.

In the face of such a straightforward question, Michiru’s expression faltered a bit. Just a tiny slip of her mask. But it was enough for Mako to see that she was right.

“What do you mean? They’re… fine.”

“Are they invisible?” Mako asked with a hint of a smile.

Michiru blushed—ever so slightly—and turned away. “No. They’re just not ready for viewing after all. I apologize for prematurely inviting you all to see them.”

“They didn’t bloom, did they?”

This time Michiru didn’t bother hiding her surprise. However, she seemed unable to say anything.

“It’s okay, Michiru-san. Sometimes it happens.”

“Not to you, I’m sure.”

“Well…” Mako spent about three seconds contemplating to deny it, then admitted, “No. You’re right. But I’m sure I could help you figure out the problem.”

“Really? Because I followed the instructions to the letter. I did my research. I planned everything perfectly. I’m very precise about these sorts of things, and they always turn out the way I expect them to.”

Michiru looked frustrated—just barely, still with that ever-present control on her expression, but it made Mako smile all the same.

“What?” Michiru asked, wary of Mako’s look.

“You remind me so much of Ami, sometimes.”

“Really? Ami-chan?” Michiru seemed stunned.

“She can be very precise too.” Mako paused, then turned around to look at the afternoon sun. “I think this patch of soil isn’t getting enough sun.”

“But it faces the east, where the sun rises.”

“True, but the morning sun isn’t that bright. You’d be better off trying to plant them on the west side.”

Michiru seemed to consider this for a moment. “You’re sure?”

Mako grinned. “Trust me. They will bloom. Especially if you also let me give you some more tips on how to take care of them.” She paused, then added, “Gardening isn’t really exact science, Michiru-san. In fact, it’s a bit more like art. You understand art, right?”

“I do,” Michiru’s expression softened. Something within her shifted, and in an instant, it was like she saw Mako in a new light. She smiled—a genuine smile—and said simply, “Thank you, Mako-chan. Would you like to visit more often and do more gardening with me?”

Mako’s entire face brightened. “I would love nothing more.”

The two girls gave each other bright smiles, as the sounds of laughter surrounded them and the afternoon sun began to set in the distance.

Entry 2:
A mere hour after her first performance with an orchestra, several things were quite clear to Michiru Kaioh.
First: that where a well-wishing teacher from her school had been standing there was now a monstrous, living nightmare. Second: that there was no way out of the narrow side-alley save for right through the looming beast. Third: that the performers-only exit she had just come through could only be opened from the inside. Fourth: that she was armed only with several bouquets of flowers, a congratulatory box of chocolates, and her violin case.
All in all, the situation seemed rather hopeless.
-an awakening.
An explosion of blues and greens blinded the monster and sent it crashing into the dusty brick of the opposite wall. The seething, pulpy mass of horror, claws and far too many teeth slowly fizzled and retreated to leave behind a blissfully unconscious middle school art teacher.

The acrid stench of it still lingered, mixing with a strong yet very out-of-place smell of saltwater and creating a unique reek to pierce the sinuses of unfortunate passers-by. An unusual combination of chemical reactions after a freak accident at a nearby water treatment plant, the newspapers would report the next day, luckily with no casualties or reported injuries save for a shaken witness, more on page 12.
All of this was of little concern to the quiet green-haired girl curled on the floor of the alley, almost as motionless and unresponsive as the teacher-turned-monster-turned-teacher. Clutching her violin case like a lifeline, Michiru felt cool saltwater slowly seep through her clothes, and shuddered.

Their first day of school at Mugen dawned beautiful and sunny, with a refreshing breeze. A glaring contrast to both their states of mind and the atmosphere at the supposed academy for geniuses the brilliant young violinist and Japan’s foremost junior racer would now be attending.
There would be no cherry blossoms drawn on chalkboards or welcoming messages from senior students and teachers as, together with the early spring sun, they ushered in a new school year. The Academy’s gigantic glass and metal structure loomed over the two of them oppressively as they all but marched in, ready for anything.
The seas kept pounding against her skull the entire morning, drowning out teachers and fellow students alike, and Michiru knew if she planned to make it through the school day she would have to work very hard on subduing them.
She barely managed to hold out until the start of lunch break, rushing outside as quickly as she dared, pausing only to dismiss Haruka’s apparent concern.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Our scouting mission was simply… a bit too successful. This is the source, I am sure of it. Meet me outside.”
Almost gasping in relief once she found herself out from under the shadow of the towering school building, Michiru glanced over the yard until she caught sight of Haruka slowly making her way through the student crowd.
Haruka, cutting a dashing figure in her fetching new blazer. Haruka, already surrounded by a group of entranced girls that hung on her every word. Haruka, offering up a grin in her direction, the light wind tousling her hair.
Her partner.
Michiru took a deep breath of the fresh, sweet-smelling air and finally felt the waves in her head quiet somewhat.
Her duty was no less binding and her mission no less horrifying, but there was someone to share her burden now, and that made all the difference.
The room was getting a bit too bright to slip back into deep sleep, so Michiru contented herself with dozing and snuggling into the nearby tangle of soft blankets and warm, peacefully slumbering Haruka.
“Michiru-mama! Haruka-papa! Wake up!”
The ten-year-old jumping excitedly up and down on their bed seemed to have very different ideas about how this fine, sunny spring morning needed to be spent.
“You have to get up so we can go to the park and see the petals! You promised!”
Michiru extricated herself from the mess of blankets, ignoring the grumbling sounds they seemed to be making. She found herself on the receiving end of a Hotaru hug as soon as she sat up.
“Where’s your Setsuna-mama, Hotaru?”
“Making breakfast. She said you two had a late night yesterday and were maybe tired enough to miss your alarm so I had to make sure you were up! She said it was my very important mission!”
The grumbles from underneath the blanket pile instantly became a very articulated and precise statement of intent.
“I’m going to kill Setsuna.”
“Please, Haruka, at least wait until after breakfast.”
The alarm clock on Michiru’s nightstand went off at that precise moment with a pleasant yet lively melody.
Haruka groaned.

Serenity bathed the sleeping world in silver.
The bleak, overhanging darkness of their last, doomed battle was being washed away by a power that had lain dormant for centuries. Serenity was rebuilding the world and calling to her senshi.
The forces of their foes had pressed down on them mercilessly and unstoppably. For all that they had learned and grown in their years together, it had not been enough, and the entire world had paid the price for their failure in hundreds of years of ice and silence. Until-
-an awakening.
When Neptune had felt her Mirror shatter, and shut her eyes against that final freezing blast, her left hand had been tightly grasped in Uranus’ right. Now, as she felt the cold that had locked her limbs in place slowly melt away, the sensation of familiar warm, living fingers against her own served as an anchor.
A new world was emerging before her, the air of renewal and rebirth almost overwhelming in its potency. As the last of the imprisonment spell wore off, Neptune stumbled to her knees amidst the young and vibrantly green grass that now covered the former battlefield, and observed the blossoming that marked the first spring of Crystal Tokyo.

Entry 3:
Small Lady sat on the ground and rolled a ball between her hands. Her head lolled to the side and she sighed loudly. The ball bounced off her foot and rolled to the side. She stared at the ball with a bored expression, but made no effort to retrieve it. Then, a spark came to her eyes and a smile sprang to her lips. With an enthusiastic cry as a memory came to her, she leapt to her feet and ran toward her mother. 
Usagi yelped in surprise as Small Lady roughly collapsed to the ground in front of her on her kneed. The child had an eager smile on her face as she clasped her hands on her mother’s knees. With a squeal, Small Lady leaned forward and asked her question rather loudly. 
“Mother, what do the birds and the bees do?” 
Now, this was a rather curious question to ask and Usagi did not know quite what to make of it or how to respond. After a moment of consideration, she tilted her head to one side and said, “They fly?” Still unsure what to make of Small Lady’s query, Usagi’s answer sounded more like a question. 
Small Lady giggled loudly as she rocked back and forth on her knees. “I know that!” She exclaimed, nearly embarrassed that her mother would think her own daughter wouldn’t know that the birds and the bees fly. “I mean,” she paused, covering another giggle with her hands. “I mean, the other day Keiko said her mom talked to her about the birds and the bees. Keiko didn’t really understand, so I thought you could tell me and then I could tell Keiko.” 
The pink-haired brat smiled proudly, because she wanted to help a friend and be smart at the same time. Usagi, on the other hand, paled slightly at the thought of explain such a complicated, intimate topic with her young daughter. Her mouth gaped for a moment and then she closed it suddenly. Stammering loudly as she placed a hand behind her head, Usagi’s cheeks began to color. “Well, you see…” 
Small Lady leaned forward again, placing her arms across her mother’s knees as the little girl rested her chin on her arms. Usagi stuttered as she saw her daughter’s eagerness to learn new knowledge. “When a bee meets a pretty bird for the first time and knows that he loves her with all his heart. Or… she loves her with all her heart, I mean it doesn’t matter, love is love.” Usagi said, then paused and gauged whether or not Small Lady understood. No, she didn’t. 
Taking a deep breath, Usagi tried again, “When a man and a woman love each other, they may show their love by having a baby, just like your daddy and I did. We showed our love by having you.” Satisfied with her answer, she smiled and nodded. But, Small Lady wasn’t satisfied. 


Damn! Usagi floundered for a moment, then quickly retrieved a candy from her purse and handed it to Small Lady. The young child’s eyes light up, she snatched up the treat, and popped it in her mouth. “That’s a good girl; now go ask your daddy. He’s a doctor, so he knows better than I do.” 
Small Lady brightened again at her mother’s fabulous suggestion. After Usagi pressed a second candy into Small Lady’s hand, the pink-haired girl ran away yelling, “Daddy, I have a question!” 
Usagi smirked, pulled a piece of candy and a romance novel from her purse, and began to read. Every now and then, she peeked at the nearby scene of a flustered father trying to explain the birds and the bees for the first time to his daughter. Revenge was sweet. 

Entry 4:
There are always flowers when I finish, but I have no eyes for them. 

They see me as perfection, some goddess of music who has descended on earth. They don't realize that there's a person behind the mask. 

And that person was an attempted murderer.


It was too easy to manipulate him. After all, Haruka had done the same to Usagi.... except they began to develop feelings for each other.

Which is worse? Manipulating someone coldly or warmly? 

As he hands me the roses, I imagine them piercing my skin like a thousand swords. 

That's what he'll do when he finds out who I am. 


I claimed to never feel guilt about attempting a murder. Years of being drilled in the art of being a lady taught me to hide my emotions; never let them know your hand.

Deep down, I knew that I was the guiltier one. 

Haruka used her emotions as a bomb made out of lies. Mine were locked away in a treasure chest with no key. 

In the early days of raising Hotaru, she was perpetually atoning. I was her mother with no care in the world about attempted murder. 


I was a former ballet dancer in my youth. While I was quite good, in later years the violin became my primary passion. 

The final role I ever performed was as a flower.

jete... pique... don't let them know that you feel like you're about to die.... hide it all and make it look pretty.

In later years, that became my philosophy towards life.


This had the side effect of only being seen as a goddess or a monster.

The first side saw me as a perfect flower, one that must be protected. The second side saw me a woman who attempted to murder a small child in cold blood and didn't care.

Haruka was the first to see me as a person.


I kept her flowers. 

Entry 5:
Sometimes she liked to spoil herself.
A faint smile tugged at her lips as the spot of light before her grew, pushing back the ever-present darkness. She could feel her pupils dilating for the first time in what felt like months, her eyes starting to squint as the deep blue light enveloped her, brighter and brighter as she flew closer and closer to her planet. Still blinking in the light she caught sight of her goal and flipped elegantly, her wings disappearing as she coasted toes-first towards her castle, her arms outstretched behind her, delighting in the feeling of light. Her toes touched down and she paused, accumulating to the artificial gravity, and alighted on the balcony to drink in the sight around her, taking the image into herself, savoring every color of the beautiful dark blue planet that swirled gustily before her. She stepped forward, taking the thin metal railing in hand to steady herself as she let the calm wash over her like a deep and powerful wave. She was home.
 Eventually she managed to tear herself away, leaving her perch for the peaceful structure that was Triton Castle, her footsteps echoing grandly in the wide and impressive space, her eyes darting to familiar water features, following tall bronze pillars to metal-worked ceilings to see the small pipes meld themselves into fixtures of light and works of art. Her steps proceeded her down the main hallway, through the open chambers towards the very heart of the castle, Neptune’s glow following her through the wide windows and open platforms surrounding Castle Triton, and soon she had entered her chambers. Here the last bit of stress fell away, her eyes finding the comfortable pillows, her instruments, her soft and inviting bed… she headed there first, turning to selfishly fall flat into its plush embrace, sighing deeply into the soft down comforter, enjoying the touch of the silky covering.
She did not let herself sleep just yet. While she sometimes like to spoil herself, she had a duty, a guiding task she could not, would not, ignore. Thinking of her mission she rolled over to face the canopy of her impressively large bed and, holding her hands before her, called her Mirror to her, and got back to work. She scanned her section of the outer system, her intuition guiding her from quadrant to quadrant, peering into questionable intruding comets, examining the occasional darker darkness, but it seemed quiet. She smiled – what a wonderful present. She turned away from the mirror, was about to send it away, when that selfishness deep inside made her pause, her eyes lingering on her reflection. Should she…? Her heart yearned for it – even while she was sitting in her own personal luxury, reclined on the softest bed, surrounded by brilliant bronze works, bathed in the light of beautiful Neptune, she still craved that sight. She should resist it, reserve it for her weakest moments, the moments when she is alone and afraid, fighting monsters from beyond the system, when she can’t imagine how she will overcome – that is when the mirror sends her that image, not when she is lounging selfishly in her bedroom. … but then, it was her birthday…
She called it forth, her heart singing with the sight of them: Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, laughing and smiling together in a backdrop of the Lunar Gardens. Her whole world seemed to fall into place, fitting perfectly as soon as she saw their faces, their bright and welcoming glows, their beings the only reason she ever needed to stay vigilant and fight off whatever evil made its way into their system, no matter what the personal cost. She would fight, and she would continue fighting, just for them. Princess Serenity laughed, and Queen Serenity chuckled in response, and then turned her silver gaze towards…  Neptune’s mirror. As though she could see through the mirror’s image, she seemed to be looking right at her, Sailor Neptune, and the soft smile she offered nearly made her jump off her bed and go right back to work. She didn’t need to rest, she didn’t need to lounge about today – she had a Kingdom to protect!
But as she did so, as the mirror faded and she stood, she nearly fell back on her bed again as she found herself no longer alone in her room.  “Sailor Uranus!” she identified in surprise, wondering both what the other senshi was doing here and what could possibly be going on in her area while she was away.
“Princess Neptune!” a small voice cried as her guardian flew into the room, navigating around the tall and elegant Sailor Uranus to hover beside her. “It’s wonderful to see you home! Sailor Uranus requested entrance; I hope you don’t mind I granted her request?”
“Not at all,” she replied, though the site of one of her partners in protection worried her, as did the presence of her Space Sword; if it started reacting to her Submarine Mirror, if the Garnet Orb were close… would they awaken her? She kept her composure as she nodded a greeting, “Princess Uranus, it is wonderful to see you.”
“Princess Neptune,” Uranus replied, a coy smile replacing the usual serious scowl on her lips. Neptune’s heart fluttered at that smile, and, as always was the case around Uranus, she pushed the curious feeling away. “I came to wish you a happy birthday.”
“You’ve traveled quite a long way to do so,” Neptune acknowledged in a grateful, yet reserved manner – when was the last time she had spoken with anyone, face-to-face? And here they were, in her bedroom of all places –
“I brought you a gift,” Uranus continued, closing the distance between them, holding out her hand and summoning a small flowering plant in a golden pot of soil, “They’re Blue Irises,” she paused, Neptune’s eyes on hers, and answered the unspoken question, “from the Moon Gardens.” Neptune took the pot carefully, her palms singing with the pure energy that seemed to emanate from the flowers, her mind naturally traveling back to her earlier vision of the Moon, but as her eyes traveled up the petals and across to the soft smile of Uranus, she felt the flowers might serve as a dual connection to the people in her life. “It’s springtime there;” Uranus went on to explain, “they’ve just bloomed.”

Please vote for only one entry per category to break the tie!
Please feel free to comment and provide constructive criticism on these entries (in this thread)!
Voting will close on the 27th 29th, and the winner will be announced on the 28th30th!
Contest Information:

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 24th April 2016, 4:59 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime1st March 2014, 8:05 pm

One entry so far!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime6th March 2014, 7:53 pm


^^ You can totally submit two entries, one Sailor Moon themed, one not Sailor Moon themed, or you could submit just one for either category. ^^ You don't have to do both!
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime16th March 2014, 11:06 am

Contest ends Friday! Currently have 2 Sailor Moon entries and 0 non-Sailor Moon entries!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime18th March 2014, 7:54 pm

I have three entries~  [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 2695440696  You should totally send me yours before Friday is over~
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime19th March 2014, 12:19 am

Ah I keep forgetting about this!!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime20th March 2014, 5:45 pm

dundun duuuuuun!

only 36 hours left to submiiiit ('cause if you get it in friday night/saturday morning while I'm sleeping, I say you deserve to enter XD)
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime21st March 2014, 5:40 am

Last full day!

I have 4-5 entries so far!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime22nd March 2014, 8:48 am

Voting has begun!
...should we make this board public or keep it in-guild?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime22nd March 2014, 4:14 pm

Remember to critique, too!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime23rd March 2014, 5:40 pm

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime25th March 2014, 12:28 pm

Two days left for voting! ((it's a pretty close race! XD))
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime27th March 2014, 10:46 am


Please vote for your favorite entry! - Polls will close tonight! 

Remember that this is a Guild writing contest - Members who PM me Constructive Criticism for the entries (I'll post them anonymously, if you don't want your name attached) will get brownie points~ (that might translate into activity points ^.~)
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Sailor Uranus
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime29th March 2014, 6:41 pm

We need a tie-breaker vote!

Also~ First critique/comment has been sent in! =D I'll share it!

Quote :
I had a godawful week so my forum participation was pretty much nonexistent, but this entry from the writing contest still stuck with me, begging me to write a comment for the author. So here goes - I guess you'll be posting this in the thread later (or can we just post reviews in the contest thread ourselves, man, why am I so confused all the time)?
Quote :
Entry 5 - this one is like catnip for me. I am a complete sucker for SilMil era fics, especially Outers-centric ones, I've got a huge soft spot for manga canon - and you've done quite a job here. I love the castles, the tiny guardians, the really cool insertion of rather overtly SF elements into the universe - and this fic definitely didn't disappoint, with wonderfully incorporated details like the artificial gravity and some really nice descriptions of the castle's interior and Neptune's surroundings. 
Great job with the reference to those couple of panels from the manga that broke my heart when I first saw them - the Outer senshi's yearning gazes towards the Moon and their queen and princess, and the comfort they derive from the sight. I also like the ending of Neptune's scrying attempt, when the Queen seems to look at her - and immediately sends her scurrying back to work! I have many headcanons on Queen Serenity, and they all seem to be screaming at me right now that that was completely deliberate.
You have a few typos here and there and I believe that 'accumulating to the artificial gravity' in the first longer paragraph was supposed to be 'accustoming' or something similar, but nothing too bad. Honestly, the only thing I can think of that felt slightly off was that it seemed to end a bit abruptly - or maybe that's just me, wanting to read a lot more of this fic.

After all, the barest hints of (restrained, pushed down, ah, delicious angst potential) feelings between our destined couple get brought into play at the very end, can you really blame me? And blue flowers in a golden pot for her birthday? Why, Uranus, are you trying to tell Neptune something? [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Icon_wink
 [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 1984953407 Thank you for your wonderful commentary!!! I'm sure the writer for entry 5 is very appreciative of it!!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 8:35 am


Entry 1: Sailor Mercury!!
Entry 2: World Shaking!
Entry 3: Sailor Venus!
Entry 4: Mercury_Viola_Rhapsody!
Entry 5: Sailor Uranus!

All Participants are welcome to use this SUPER AMAZING ICON in their signature!
[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! RnrNcV9
((Checking with the rules, based on its current size we can't put them below our signature, but we'll work on resizing to 60x60 so we can display them! For now you can use it as a bumper!))

Sailor Mercury! Congratulations on being the first to claim this little beauty~:
[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 6JW3HJ9
Each Writing Contest win will allow you to claim another bumper! =D

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Lotus Crystal


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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 8:41 am

Congratulations!  [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 1984953407
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 8:44 am

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 3884866259 Congratulations, Mercury!! ♥️ ♥️

 [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 2422052349 And thank you for the commentary on my piece! ♥️ XD I did mean something along the lines to 'getting accustomed to', and my head was all "THAT WORD IS 'ACCUMULATING', MOVE ON." Accustoming. I mean accustoming. XD
 [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 1637294219 and I did not care for my ending either. I was right on the limit and needed to include my flowers (the idea of a Neptune birthday in the sil mil with uranus giving her flowers had been the whole idea there, but i got carried away with SPAAAACEEEE and LONELY DUTY and CAN'T VISIT WITH OTHER OUTER SENSHI - MIGHT SUMMON SATURN and at the end i had to 'FLOWERS, URANUS CUTE. END." x_x like super abrupt. If I could do it again... well I wouldn't sacrifice anything I had in there for brevity ^^' but I would have written it out to my liking and said "Pooey on word limits, I'mma do a big TO BE CONTINUED at 1000 and include the rest with a non-judged spoiler, throw the contest, and preen about not caving to contest standards. Humph." xD teehee.

Thank you again!
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Sailor Neptune
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 9:14 am

That is a very appropriate first award, yaaay. I get to claim my own self-made prize too xD

Thanks guys! Awesome entries too!

I have the same problem with word limits all the time. Can we just do away with them with the promise of not turning in novels??

My bad for the award size though, I had no idea it had to be below that specific size limit  [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 2869872805 I think I still have the .psd which will make resizing simpler because then it won't screw up the font.

Also: maybe open up voting to public next time as well? Considering we got very few votes ^^

I wanted to critique all the stories but figured if I left my own out that'd be a giveaway xD
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World Shaking
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 4:27 pm

Congrats, Mercury!  [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! 1955989781
Cute Mako-chan bonding time for my girl Michiru, yay! Gotta love it.

Wait, that was your story I wrote crit for, Uranus? So even with all the "PM mod to submit anonymously" stuff I ended up just sending it to the author anyway, haha XD

You're very welcome and I for one wouldn't mind reading an expanded version at all! Hint, hint.

I agree both with making the votes public and doing something with the word limits, the biggest trouble I had with my entry was getting it to under 1000 words. So maybe make the limit a bit higher?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime30th March 2014, 5:12 pm

^^ we can definitely up the limit for the next one. 

How does 1500 sound, for starters?

And opening up voting to the public sounds great to me!
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:32 am

Edit announcement! ♥  Mercury has resized all of our badges so that they can be placed below our signatures! =D

[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! UBEjo7B  < -- For all Writing Contest Participants!
[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Ry555Qh <-- For Mercury! ;D
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[Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest!   [Sanctioned][Contest] Writing Guild Writing Contest! I_icon_minitime

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