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 Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime1st December 2013, 2:48 pm

Welcome to the Think Tank!
You wander in to a new room... wrote:
It's windy in here, and rainy, unlike the comfortable OOC threads in the surrounding rooms; you wonder what you are doing here, and if you want to stay, but before you could turn and walk away a shadowy figure beckons to you. Unable to leave now (you polite thing, you), you trudge forward with caution, your shoulders hunched against the cool downpour, looking down to pick your way through the muddy grass. When a pair of dark blue boots enter your field of vision, you pause, immediately identifying the shoes, and look up to find Sailor Uranus looking at you with a smile.

"Nice storm, isn't it?" she asks, her voice carrying easily. With her hands loosely on her hips, she looked away, staring over the grass thoughtfully, then turned back to you, "Do you know what this is?"

'The opposite of hospitality?' you wanted to say, but then you are polite, and so instead you politely shake your head. 

"It's a Brainstorm!" she replied as lightning and thunder erupted overhead. Sailor Uranus laughed, her arms falling as she searched for where the lightning struck. "Someone just got a great idea for a roleplay! Here, come with me and I'll explain!" 

Intrigued, you follow her as she leads you to a small pop-up tent standing in the middle of a field. Gratefully stepping out of the rain you look around, waiting for her explanation, and your eye catches on the only bit of decoration in the tiny tent: a small waterproof cape hanging in the corner, a Rainbow Crystal symbol stitched onto the back - it must belong to the moderator of the OOC forums -- "Yeah," Sailor Uranus commented, following your gaze, "I'm only standing in until we can get restaffed, but this room just came into being and it needs to be watched!" She smiled mischievously at you, winking, "Maybe you'll wear that cape for us, eh?" 

"But anyway, this is the Brainstorming Room, a Think Tank for RP ideas. Listen closely!" she instructs. With some suspicion, you close your eyes and do so, but you only hear the sound of the rain. You look at her questioningly. "Seriously," she shrugs, "Just listen to the rain. Sailor Neptune found this place and it's incredible - just listen to the rain."

Taking a deep breath, you try again, but this time... this time you hear it.

What if the senshi went to Europe and had to fight a slew of ancient European monsters?
What if Small Lady and the Quartet had to visit an alien planet on a diplomatic mission?
What was it like on Jupiter during the Silver Millennium?
Whatever happened to the Sun's Sailor Crystal?
What happens to the Sailor Crystals of planets that don't have life on them?
How about Mamoru gets kidnapped again?
Oh! How would the senshi react if they found themselves in Wonderland?

Ideas, hundreds of them, some half-formed some barely created, were falling from the skies, their whispers hidden in the sound of the rain. Your eyes pop open to find Uranus still smiling, "See what I mean? This room has the natural ability to give life to ideas and make them grow! It allows minds to work together to create amazing story ideas that can then be taken elsewhere in the OOC forums to be polished and finished and presented to Sailor Saturn for approval.

"It's a communal think tank; ideas are thrown around, added upon, tweaked, taken, and given life. So... enjoy!" She salutes saucily, then walks away, back into the storm of ideas, and suddenly you can see them - other people, standing around, listening to the rain...
Lets build an RP Together!

Have you ever had a half-baked RP idea? Like just one that came to mind; you have no idea where it's going, where it came from, or any other details, but you thought it was kinda neat and you'd like to see it done? Well, now we've got a place for ideas to fly! Sailor Mercury came up with this idea, and I think she explains it best:

Sailor Neptune wrote:
What if we create one thread for ideas, the very rough ones and the ones people might not necessarily know all the details yet for? They could be as simple as "I want to do a Silver Millennium era RPG!" or "I want to do an AU RP involving next generation senshi!" And see if other people bite, then everyone can bounce off of each other to develop them, etc. I know that I've had a couple rough ideas like that, but I don't know which one of them is interesting enough for others to want to play with it and when I get like two or three rough ideas like that I don't feel like spamming the forum with two-three threads that might never get any attention.

If it was, say, posted in a single post in one thread, it's less intimidating and also less spammy in case no one wants to bite. So basically this thread will be like a brainstorming thread. If it does take off, there IS the possibility of ideas getting lost in the chaos, but at least people might be more encouraged to just post what's on their mind without having to worry about all the details just yet. Basically, it'd be a let's-build-RPs together sort of thing. And if the idea creator sees interest, they can PM the other people expressing interest to build more on the idea or create a thread for it and have it be the next step in storyline making.

[...] the original idea poster doesn't have to be the one who runs the storyline if they don't want to. Obviously we'd ask anyone who wants to run with someone else's idea to ask the person who came up with it if they mind or if they'd like to work together on it and whatnot, just to avoid any unnecessary drama.

But yeah, that's basically what I was thinking; a place where everyone could bounce ideas off of each other.
Welcome to the Brainstorming room!
Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread 3186387542 Back-and-forth plot-bunny-growing ideas and discussions are welcome!

Ready Set Go!Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread 1955989781

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 4th September 2014, 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime3rd December 2013, 10:56 am

Kicking this off with some ideas that have been puttering about in my mind:

- Silver Millennium era RP. Maybe an AU where the kingdom never fell? I'm also interested to explore
- Senshi x Shitennou (is anyone else into this? Am I the only one curious?)
- After the Classic's final episode, what if Usagi and the others never regained their old memories? They'd have to find each other the normal way
- Evil!Senshi. I just like the idea even if I don't know where to go with it. Maybe the MirrorSenshi from that SuperS episode captured the real ones and took over their place. Or... I just want to explore the senshi's darkest sides.

I may have more but I've smartly decided not to write them down, so that's all for now ^^
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime3rd December 2013, 4:44 pm

An rp brainstorming thread? Brilliant!

Right now I'm definitely in the mood for a Sailor Quartet rp. But I also like the idea of a Silver Millennium era rp.
Ooh, or what about an AU where the Quartet actually had lives during the SilMil era? I would love an rp about this!

And yeah, that's all I've got right now.
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime30th December 2013, 1:47 pm

I am interested in doing a Code Lyoko crossed with Sailor Moon Roleplay, but I don't think anyone really knows what Code Lyoko is >_>
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Maxis Aerian
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime1st March 2014, 8:42 am

I need someone who knows the Bejeweled franchise, Skyrim, Minecraft, and Soul Calibur because I have a quartet of Scenarios for the Senshi. One to test witts, one to test might, one to test resourcefulness, and one to test their arm.

Arch's Game: A Sailor Moon crossover mini-series.

Synopsis: Queen Beryl returns and her Generals do so as well. Her master plan to destroy the universe: Send her generals to conquer four other universes surrounding the Senshis'. Each of which contains a fragment of the Imperium Silver Crystal. Arch begs the senshi to tag along, which they reluctantly agree to let him do. Only to discover Arch's dream had come true, for their mission begins by matching gems, then slaying dragons, followed by slaying another dragon, and finally vanquishing a forgotten evil caused by an evil sword of many forms.

Join the Senshi and their furry flamethrower, as they venture into the unknown, Beyond the Network, through the northernmost province of Tamriel, past randomly generated, blocky terrain, and traversing medieval Western Europe. To rebuild the Crystal and destroy Queen Beryl for good!
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime14th March 2014, 6:41 am

Sounds like fun! Very Happy I would love to join your rp! Is it available?
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Maxis Aerian
Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime14th March 2014, 7:51 am

That storyline is approved, but it's been dumbed down for simplicity. Now it's just Bejeweled challenges, that Arch must meet to collect a rainbow Crystal, which is considered a fragment of the Imperium Silver Crystal, if you remember the Anime.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime14th March 2014, 7:54 am

Yeah I grew up with Sailor moon. I still watch it till this very day. I love the first's so close to my heart! <3 So, is your RP topic available? I would like to use my Character, Jakyu. Smile
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Maxis Aerian
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime17th March 2014, 6:28 pm

I've yet to post it, though it is approved.
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Tiny Kitten
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime2nd April 2014, 12:49 pm

Soooo I was thinking of having an idea where it's Halloween and the senshi have decided to dress up and go out trick or treating for ole times sake! But there's a twist that happens! And everything gets kind of chaotic! I want to tell you guys the twist, but it's not as fun if you know before you set up your character xD

I was thinking of playing the villain so I can control the twists and such in this rp and then there could be like 3-5 other people that are interested in it! I don't want it to be toooo big of a group because things tend to get confusing xD It'd be a relaxed RPG as well ^^

Just wondering if any one would actually be interested in joining before I try and submit the story line! xD
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime2nd April 2014, 1:59 pm

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Kicking this off with some ideas that have been puttering about in my mind:

- Silver Millennium era RP. Maybe an AU where the kingdom never fell? I'm also interested to explore
- Senshi x Shitennou (is anyone else into this? Am I the only one curious?)
- After the Classic's final episode, what if Usagi and the others never regained their old memories? They'd have to find each other the normal way
- Evil!Senshi. I just like the idea even if I don't know where to go with it. Maybe the MirrorSenshi from that SuperS episode captured the real ones and took over their place. Or... I just want to explore the senshi's darkest sides.

I may have more but I've smartly decided not to write them down, so that's all for now ^^

Nyota wrote:
An rp brainstorming thread? Brilliant!

Right now I'm definitely in the mood for a Sailor Quartet rp. But I also like the idea of a Silver Millennium era rp.
Ooh, or what about an AU where the Quartet actually had lives during the SilMil era? I would love an rp about this!

And yeah, that's all I've got right now.
 @ Mercury I love the Shittenou and Senshi idea as well as the evil senshi, very different in a way but also a great canon. 

@Nyota i love the idea of a quartet rp, they need some love too.

My idea is a sad one- What would happen if when NQS gave birth to Small Lady she died. ( I  know its sad, but don't hate just  yet) I think it would be interesting to see how the kingdom would operate w/o NQS would Pluto step in as a mother figure? would the king have NQS's duties in addition to his own? I think its open for revival of Shittenou, but thats just me. I know this would be tragic if Serenity died, but I kinda like the angle of it.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime2nd April 2014, 10:37 pm

Ahh, that's a terribly sad idea. It reminds me of that fanfic where instead of Chibiusa, another kid was born and Chibiusa does not exist anymore. So much angst.
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

Empress Vesta

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 7:50 am

I also love the idea of an evil Senshi rp!

I do have another idea--well, actually, it's the basis of an idea. It's basically a Sailor Moon/Madoka Magica crossover. The basic premise would be Senshi not being Senshi and instead becoming magical girls by doing the contract thingy and fighting witches. I'm not sure if it'd just be Usagi and the Inners or to include the Outers or possibly the Quartet as well.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:04 am

Ahh, I love that! We need more magical girl show crossovers! And the senshi as magical girls with wishes and dark sides are too tempting to explore. I would totally join this RPG if you made it ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:14 am

Nyota wrote:
I also love the idea of an evil Senshi rp!

I do have another idea--well, actually, it's the basis of an idea. It's basically a Sailor Moon/Madoka Magica crossover. The basic premise would be Senshi not being Senshi and instead becoming magical girls by doing the contract thingy and fighting witches. I'm not sure if it'd just be Usagi and the Inners or to include the Outers or possibly the Quartet as well.
I would be tempted to join this if a Kyuubey-esque Luna and Artemis were open positions. Very Happy
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:26 am

I'm thinking of just having a Kyuubey-esque Luna (and maybe Diana, but I don't know).

I'm not sure what the actual details of the plot would be. While Senshi-as-magical-girls does make for a good story, I kind of want there to be more to it. I do have an idea for a time-travel plot (basically Quartet trying to stop Usagi from making the contract so that Chibiusa will be born), but not only is that pretty similar to the PMMM plot, but I don't know exactly how it'll work.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 7:51 pm

While not being an explicit crossover, I've entertained the idea of borrowing elements from Hotline Miami.

A recently established telecommunication company is offering dating services! Coincidentally, brainwashed citizens wearing rubber masks are beginning to cause trouble in the city with seemingly random acts of violence. When questioned by the police, these perpetrators (or victims) all share a common link - each of them received strange, cryptic messages in their answering machines/voicemail, urging them to act on their darkest desires.

At the heart of this mayhem is an individual who calls himself Schwarzpferd, the first of the masked men and women to appear. What are his ulterior motives? Does he pull the strings, or is he the puppet of another?

Last edited by Jasper on 11th April 2014, 1:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:49 pm

Nyota wrote:
I'm thinking of just having a Kyuubey-esque Luna (and maybe Diana, but I don't know).

I'm not sure what the actual details of the plot would be. While Senshi-as-magical-girls does make for a good story, I kind of want there to be more to it. I do have an idea for a time-travel plot (basically Quartet trying to stop Usagi from making the contract so that Chibiusa will be born), but not only is that pretty similar to the PMMM plot, but I don't know exactly how it'll work.

Hmm.. maybe we don't do time travel? Maybe Usagi's soul gem is supposed to be the purest and it's uncorruptible so all the witches are after it or something? because it has the power to purify everyone else's? IDK I'm just making things up here. As it's an AU world, we can still include Chibiusa in present day if you'd like!
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 8:58 pm

That sounds awesome! I think I'll just keep it with just Usagi and the Inners...unless anyone can find a way to work in the Outers and Quartet?
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime10th April 2014, 9:03 pm

I think that starting with a smaller group of people is better because RPs tend to lag with a giant amount of cast. ^^ It takes longer to fill all the roles and when waiting for each other to post, etc. But yeah, feel free to create an OOC thread for this when you're ready - I can't wait to see it in action Very Happy
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime12th April 2014, 3:07 pm

I am not sure what category this would fall under, but what if Galaxia didn't take Mamoru's star seed and he was actually studying in America. 

What if Usgai got on a plane and went to visit him, but she did it on a whim and no one knows until Mamo opens his door and sees his odango atama standing before him.

Would the villains follow moon, or would the senshi be left to fight without a leader?

this seems like a fun idea to test out, let me know what you think.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime12th April 2014, 4:32 pm

Hikari..... I love it~ =D If you wanted to try this I'd be game! Which route do you think you'd like to take - senshi fighting without Moon, or Moon and Mask verses bunches of fake senshi a*holes? XD
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime13th April 2014, 11:25 am

Sailor Uranus wrote:
Hikari..... I love it~ =D If you wanted to try this I'd be game! Which route do you think you'd like to take - senshi fighting without Moon, or Moon and Mask verses bunches of fake senshi a*holes? XD
 yay thanks uranus- i think i would go the senshi fighting without moon, but also seeing how moon and mask interact together in america.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime27th April 2014, 10:33 pm

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime8th May 2014, 5:55 am

^ If you want to officially make this storyline idea, you can always get it approved and/or make an OOC thread first to see if more people would be interested! ^^
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime8th May 2014, 7:49 am

I think I can give it a try. Will post later today
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime7th July 2014, 3:37 pm

Anyone willing to do a two-person RP with me? I'm pretty flexible as to what the plot would be, but would prefer that the fellow RP'er has a lot of experience on this forum (although it's not required).

This is my latest idea to have a renewed motivation to commit to a RP.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime8th July 2014, 4:04 am

I can do an RP with you, if you'd like. We could do just a small little Relaxed RP with Hotaru and Setsuna since we both have those character profiles written. How about something along the idea of Hotaru being sad that Chibiusa is back in the 30th century, and so Setsuna takes her out for the day, just the two of them? We could have them go to stores, maybe movies, etc, all in the hopes of making Hotaru feel better.

I imagine it wouldn't be too long, so it could be really non-stressful and fun! Feel free to say no way xD
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Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime8th July 2014, 5:18 am

Sailor Pluto wrote:
I can do an RP with you, if you'd like. We could do just a small little Relaxed RP with Hotaru and Setsuna since we both have those character profiles written. How about something along the idea of Hotaru being sad that Chibiusa is back in the 30th century, and so Setsuna takes her out for the day, just the two of them? We could have them go to stores, maybe movies, etc, all in the hopes of making Hotaru feel better.

I imagine it wouldn't be too long, so it could be really non-stressful and fun! Feel free to say no way xD

Yay I love that idea! Thanks!  Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread 4033448464
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime3rd September 2014, 12:58 pm

The Minako/Kunzite shipping in Forgotten Heroes is teasing my shipping heart. Y u no have the girls in play?

I kinda wanna try out a Senshi/Shitennou RP but I don't know how many will be interested in that? And we'll need quite a lot of people too (8 roles to be filled at least) so IDK how well that would work.

On a similar vein, I've also been pondering the idea of holding huge canon "reenactment" events, which are kind of like the mostly otaku events we have (The Collector, Decay) only with canon characters only in the canon universe. We'd be playing out all the stuff that were never portrayed in the existing Sailor Moon media (early life in SilMil! The fall of the Moon Kingdom [in better detail]! The plague that wiped the earth and subsequent rise of Crystal Tokyo!) It'd likely end up being a few phases starting from SilMil era to Crystal Tokyo.

But basically, yeah. I'm wondering if people would be interested in that though... Cause we'd need a big cast, which is why I wanted to make it a special event.

Please share your thoughts ^^
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Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread   Sailor Moon RP Brainstorming Thread I_icon_minitime

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