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 Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Queen of the darkside of the moon
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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime23rd April 2013, 9:58 pm

Hey all, I was thinking about making an RPG that takes place in the future. Essentially, an entire new group different from the senshi we know and love.

Mostly because I wanted to do something different that allows a lot of creativity for everyone. So for this purpose, all canons are NPCs. Used when we need them to be used.

The Setting, of course, is Crystal Tokyo but it's during the Reign of Queen Lady Serenity (Chibiusa as an adult) and King Helios (Yup might as well do that.)

However, whether they have a daughter or son is completely up to the person taking the 'Moon/Earth' section.

quite possibly, there can be three listings there for Royalties of Earth, Moon, Sun. (sun is optional, as I'm not sure how/who would take part on that one. So it's on reserve.)

As for bad guys, I'm still coming up with that. Something interesting, i'm sure.

So the Limit for kids from each planet is anywhere between 2-4.


Mars: 1

Venus: 1



Uranus: 1


Pluto: 2

Moon/Earth: 1

So, what do you guys think?
y, there can be three listings there for Royalties of Earth, Moon, Sun. (sun is optional, as I'm not sure how/who would take part on that one. So it's on reserve.)

Basic plotline:

They had long thought that Chaos wouldn't return to their pristine world, however, things are not as they appeared. Darkness bloomed in the least expected place. The Children of Chaos have arisen and it's the new Generations turn to defend the world and the galaxy from a new threat.

Children of Chaos:

They each get their powers from a previous incarnation but have been amped up and focused.

Avatar of Metallia:
-Manipulator of emotions
-Dark Energy Blasts
-Youma creation

Avatar of Death Phantom:
-Minor time manipulation (can freeze time for less than a minute)
-Corruption (this power can be used to turn others against each other or concentrated in one person and askew their views of right and wrong. This, of course works better the longer they're exposed to the power.)
-Dark Energy Blasts (less effective)
-Youma Creation.

Avatar of Pharoh 90/Mistress 9:
(two people: Probably twins. Can be played by one player)
-Can literally steal heart crystals from others to boost their power.
-portal creation
-youma creation

Mistress 9- Specific power (telekenisis)
Pharoh 90- Specific power

Avatar of Queen Nehellenia:
-Ability to steal Dream mirrors
-can summon Lemures
-Can use mirrors to scry and find others
-Can dream walk (The ability to enter other people's dreams but won't know who they are in real life)


What happened to the Canon Senshi after the establishment of Crystal Tokyo

Sailor Mercury/Ami:
Just before the establishment of Crystal Tokyo, Ami was a rising star in the medical flied, primarily studying bacteria and viruses. After Crystal Tokyo was established, she was given control over the Health and Medical Branch of Government mainly as a consultant. From there, she married a man (Whoever you want to imagine there) and had Two children. From there, those children followed in their mother's footsteps.
One child became interested in Animals and became a very popular vet.
The other child became well versed in genetic diseases.

The Vet had Two kids. The Doctor had One child.

Sailor Mars/Rei:
Before the establishment of Crystal Tokyo, Rei finished school and became a full-time priestess at the Shrine. After the death of her grandfather, she kept herself very busy until one day, a man came and volunteered at the shrine part time. Eventually Rei married him. After Crystal Tokyo: Rei had one Child. This child grew up and became invovled with politics.

This Child eventually had four children. (3 Childern left)

Sailor Jupiter/Makoto:
Before the establishment of Crystal Tokyo, Makoto became a culinary success with her teashop that double as a flower shop. She became invovled with a nice young baker. After Crystal Tokyo: She married him and together they had four children. Each child went off to do their own thing.

One Child went on to creating a culinary school. This child had Two children.

One went into politics. This child had One kid.

One went missing (unknown circumstances).

One is a stay-at-home-parent with one child.

Sailor Venus/Minako:

Before Crystal Tokyo, Minako eventually realized her dream of being an idol. Though not a singing one, she's well recognized on many shows as a J-drama star. She still has pretty bad luck with men as she divorced many a time. After Crystal Tokyo: Though single, Minako ended up with twins from one of her long previous marriages.

One of the twins went into politics that dealt more heavily with good will/ambassador missions. This one had One child. (TAKEN)

The other Twin goes on to become a writer and is famous for the autobiographies written about the Guardians. This one has two children.

Sailor Uranus/Haruka and Sailor Neptune/Michiru:

Before Crystal Tokyo: The Two pretty much finished their careers on a high note and learned how to invest. For a while they, along with Setsuna and Hotaru, stayed together in a house for a good long time. With Michiru giving Violin lessons and Haruka being a test driver for new cars. Eventually, they wanted to add to their little family since Hotaru's grown up pretty well. They were looking into artifcle insemniation first. After Crystal Tokyo: After Crystal Tokyo was established, through the power of the Silver Crystal(ie we take Magic route), Michiru and Haruka each had a child.

From Haruka, her child went on to become a dancer. Later this child had Two kids of their own. (One Left)

From Michiru, her child went on to become a marine biologist. This child had two children.

Sailor Saturn/Hotaru:
Before Crystal Tokyo: Hotaru studied to be a nurse and eventually she did become so even into the Crystal Tokyo era. After Crystal Tokyo: Hotaru only managed to have one child and after which, she became sickly. Still alive though not by much.
This child became a doctor and obsessed with trying to heal Hotaru.
This child had Three kids.

Sailor Pluto/Setsuna:
Before Crystal Tokyo: Setsuna lived with Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru for a while and finished her major. She did a stint as a nurse for a while before going back to being a scientist for a while with a side hobby as a fashion designer. After Crystal Tokyo: Though she has stood guard at the Time Gate for a short time, Setsuna later meets a man and they have three children. Now she simply runs a clothing shop on her spare time.

These three children went on to do other things.

One Child went off to become a guard for the royal family (but not a senshi) and has one child.

Second child went off to become a fashion designer, thus helping Setsuna. this one has two children.

Third one became interested in seeing the world, thus left earth to travel. This one had one child left behind. (TAKEN)

There, hopefully that'll help. n.n;


Noted now-

*Both NQS and Endymion are deceased.
* Aging is slowed in this world- as in, you grow normally up until you're ten than you age every 75 yrs. The extended long age is due to the power of the Pink Moon Crystal and the Blue Earth Crystal.

*The kids have a choice schools to go to-
--- All Boy School: Azabu Academy (Based off of the school Mamoru attends in the manga. It became an Academy to encompas k-12)
--- All Girls' School: T.A. Girl School (encompasses k-12 'is the school that Rei attended. I made it to encompass all grades.)
--- Shiba Koen Jr. High (7-8. Minako attended this school. I left it as is.)
-- Juuban Academy (7-12th. Usagi/Ami/Makoto attended this school. I made it so that the school encompasses Jr. High to High School.)

I hope that helps for your RPG profile!

Last edited by Ktenshi on 26th May 2013, 5:03 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : to update the list and add notes)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 6:16 pm

As for Villains, I'm thinking of something new- Perhaps Chaos inspired ones?

(any takers? mean...o.o?)
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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 6:35 pm

Well Ed likes the idea..but she's confused on the idea. So we'd be playing the kids? is that right?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 6:58 pm

Yup, We're the kids. All the adults are NPCs. 83
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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 7:42 pm

Cool!! I think I can get into this!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 7:50 pm

Awesome. So I was thinking that the kids were born a bit later than Chibiusa, or I can change it so it's the Originals' grandchildren standing with Chibiusa's children?

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 7:55 pm

Maybe just their kids. I think that would be a good idea but then that makes one think about the Astroid senshi too so maybe grandkids would work too. that way there isn't confusion there. I like grandkids now that i think about it. So Yeah and the idea of the baddie being a chaos villain is cool too
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 8:03 pm

I was thinking that the Asteriods wouldn't be very present, mostly because it cuts down on how many characters would be needed. Especially hard to fill all of them up.

But I think we could place them as NPCs too and Trainers to the younger generation.

Question would be - Whether we should call them 'Neo' or something Senshi?
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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 9:52 pm

Well I like the idea! So like Neo Sailor Moon or Neo Mercury? I think that having the Astroid senshi as Trainers for the new generation would work well. They could still be NPC so that works well!! I personally like Neo Sailors. I'm really loving this idea.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime24th April 2013, 10:27 pm

I really like this Idea also and playing Neo's that are grand kids to the original senshi is actually kind of fun Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) 1955989781
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime25th April 2013, 10:12 am

More like Neo Mercury kind. Mostly because it's probably how we're going to end up writing.

I mostly suggested Grand kids since Chibiusa's now an adult with teen kids, so why not? Plus we can make their heritage more flexible if we go with grand kids.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime30th April 2013, 5:50 am

Alrighty, I think I have a good story idea so I'm going to go post it in the storyline submissions and hopefully it'll get fine tuned there so all we'll need are players.

Basic plotline:

They had long thought that Chaos wouldn't return to their pristine world, however, things are not as they appeared. Darkness bloomed in the least expected place. The Children of Chaos have arisen and it's the new Generations turn to defend the world and the galaxy from a new threat.

Children of Chaos:

They each get their powers from a previous incarnation but have been amped up and focused.

Avatar of Metallia:
-Manipulator of emotions
-Dark Energy Blasts
-Youma creation

Avatar of Death Phantom:
-Minor time manipulation (can freeze time for less than a minute)
-Corruption (this power can be used to turn others against each other or concentrated in one person and askew their views of right and wrong. This, of course works better the longer they're exposed to the power.)
-Dark Energy Blasts (less effective)
-Youma Creation.

Avatar of Pharoh 90/Mistress 9:
(two people: Probably twins. Can be played by one player)
-Can literally steal heart crystals from others to boost their power.
-portal creation
-youma creation

Mistress 9- Specific power (telekenisis)
Pharoh 90- Specific power

Avatar of Queen Nehellenia:
-Ability to steal Dream mirrors
-can summon Lemures
-Can use mirrors to scry and find others
-Can dream walk (The ability to enter other people's dreams but won't know who they are in real life)
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Star Seed


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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime1st May 2013, 5:26 am

Wow, I'm really loving this idea. Especially the Children of Chaos. Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) 1955989781

Last edited by Teddie on 1st May 2013, 2:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime1st May 2013, 7:06 am

I have the basic plot up in the submissions I'm just waiting for them to talk to me about it.

-the plotline is here:
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime1st May 2013, 10:20 am

Ok those Children of Chaos are such BAMFs! xD Im loving this and I would love to join in as well Very Happy
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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime1st May 2013, 12:18 pm

Wow this sounds really fun! I'm thinking that I might get in on this!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime1st May 2013, 4:04 pm

I would hope you guys would join. n.n

All positions -save the NPCS- are open!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime11th May 2013, 11:57 pm

Mah, now who wants to be what?

xD; Everything is open for everyone.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime12th May 2013, 12:00 am

ooh I would totally join as maybe Uranus I already have a charecter made up that I used on another site that has since closed down. and she has quit a bit of work put into her as well.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime12th May 2013, 12:04 am

Ari-chan wrote:
ooh I would totally join as maybe Uranus I already have a charecter made up that I used on another site that has since closed down. and she has quit a bit of work put into her as well.

Completely up to you. Just make sure your histories work together with the others that do Neptune and all.

Unless everyone wants me to make a pre-determined afterword thing about each senshi after Crystal Tokyo came into being?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime12th May 2013, 2:30 pm

Also the storyline has been approved!

Now, I need people. Does everyone want me to make up what the Original senshi have done to base their characters off of? Or not?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime13th May 2013, 6:24 pm

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime14th May 2013, 6:42 pm

Quote :
Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) Me_bmp10

And Uniforms!

1- The Tiara is basically customizable. Because the tiara can be a string of pearls, string of smaller jewels, plain silver or gold or bronze- however you want but it has to stay like this.

2- Chokers are generally the same style. Charms are optional.

3- Brooches are round and are the primary color. They don't have symbols on them.

4- Gloves can vary in style. (Also Shoulders are ALL bare.)

5- smooth divider.

6- Communicators.

7- Boots/stockings are free for all.

8- Symbol of the planet you derive your power from (no matter the name) is on the back of the sailor color. (Ex: If you're Sailor Titan and your sister is Sailor Pandora, you BOTH have the Symbol for Saturn on your sailor collars.).

9- Back bow, short bows but the center has a gemstone in it. Same color as primary

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 9:31 am

With the Boys I think they'll literally wear a Sailor Uniform with the option of Short sleeves or shorts, Or a combo of either one.

Also the option of the Sailor Hat.

I'll have the designs up later.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 10:06 am

The outifts are super cute ^^ I cant wait to get all these new senshi up and running ^^
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 10:10 am

Well, first, people have to claim who they want. I don't mind if People Rp multiples as long as they can handle it.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 10:19 am

Idk who I want to claim yet xD But ill figure it out xD
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 3:26 pm

heh well I might do a short background for each senshi I think?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 6:51 pm

Yeah thats a good idea ^^ Some kind of base for the RPers to start out with? xD
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime16th May 2013, 8:05 pm

Mkay. (will also update it too on the front page in a bit.)

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PostSubject: Re: Neo Groups? (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!)   Neo Groups?  (list updated: * 5/26* Check it out!) I_icon_minitime

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