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 Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?

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Neo Queen Serenity

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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 10:54 am

Is the Senshi you love, or tend to favor also the senshi that is most similar to you?

If so, what traits do you see in yourself that helps you connect with that senshi?

If No, then why do you like them, what traits draw you to them, and what senshi are you most like, and why?
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 11:40 am

For me yes, but since my favorite character isn't a senshi...

I relate a lot with Makoto because on the outside we're not really feminine and some people think it's outrageous. Also, I know karatê. And I'm talented =P

For both Mamoru and Makoto, it's like I'm an orphan (my relationship with my father isn't the best one, per say, and my mom really is deceased). I had to fight for everything I wanted and learn to be who I am all by myself. I had to get by everything all by myself. And I still have to put on a mask for the society. All brave and tough, so that people won't see my inside, totally fragile and broken.

Like Mamoru, I never know what to say in important situations and I'm afraid of losing the one true thing I have found. I would give my life for these two people.

So, their sad stories are what draw me to them and what makes me feel so particularly close, what makes me feel this connection.
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Lunar Maria
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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 11:54 am

I'm definitely a lot like Rei, now that I think really hard about it. I'm definitely not as serious as she is, but I always know when its the right time to act silly and when its time to become more serious. I do consider myself to be very aloof like her. I prefer the company of myself over the company of others, and people tend to describe me as a cold and distant person. I can also be a little bit snobby. But I am also very passionate, and deeply love the friends that I have. And I'm a bit of an outcast, like how she was in PGSM. Also, I'm a celibate Shinto. Now, to be completely like Rei, all I need is long hair and daddy issues. XD

But to put it simply, yes, I believe I am similar to my favorite senshi. Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 3309518329

Last edited by Lunar Maria on 7th February 2013, 12:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 12:05 pm

I have two, so both yes and no.

Mamoru I connect with because we both have this introspective nature that doesn't match what other people see when we talk to them. It's like having a double mask sometimes. What people see is not what's really going on. I also think I -am- similar to him in the sense that I want to encourage people to do whatever it is they want.

Setsuna and I share nothing much other than she's the only dark skinned character in the manga (at the time, I was still quite young) that I had ever seen and I felt an instant kinship because- "oh wow, she looks like me!" . Which means a lot since at the time you only had characters like Storm, John Stewart as Green Lantern and Static from Static Shock to look up to cartoon wise.(and I read the manga before I saw her part in R.)
Of course later, I got to know the character better and when I got older I loved her rumored unrequited love towards Endymion because at that time in my life I had a similar situation where I didn't confess my feelings for my friend because she was dating someone else and I didn't want to hurt the relationship we already had. So.. yeah.

Guess that's why I really love those two a lot because I can connect to them.
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 12:39 pm

I would respond yes and no to this question because my favorite Senshis do have traits that are similar to mine but also are so very different to me at the same time.

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2027930456 - Her dream to become an idol once was a dream of mine as well. For the rest I must admit we are really different for our personalities (though I love her personality very much and she would definetely be someone I would get along with). Our hobbies too are VERY different. And, I hate but HATE to play or even just watch Volleyball! I also always thought Sailor Venus was so beautiful with the long blond hair I always wished to have when I was younger. To me, she was always a synonym to beauty and hey, she's the very first incarnation of a Senshi to me, Sailor V!!!

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2181268609 - The unique greens eyes white/grey hair combination! Probably the most attractive character to me! I always loved Star Healer's look and just so sexy! XD Male like female look I love them both!!! And though Yaten seems hard to approach, the mysterious side of this character was always much attractive to me. I also love how Yaten doesn't like to be annoyed by fans, it always made me laugh. Sailor Star Healer and I do have some points in common and though Yaten is an idol, is not the center of attraction and does not wish to be. Yaten is not much of a fan of sports and I am not really either though there are some exceptions Wink

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 3827717276 - Ok, let's just be clear, I would fall for Seiya anytime! I don't have much in common with that character except for the flirtatous side which is VERY similar to mine. But really, I think the whole personality of this character would have made me fall hard for Seiya! Chemistry definetely would have been there but I wonder... Sometimes love at first sight doesn't last who knows XD Kind of person that would have become a really good friend as well. I would have had fun in Seiya's company much Wink

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4265269158 - I'm much different from this character except I love to race cars. That is probably one of the only thing we have in common but Uranus surely is a crush to me too ^-^ Again, the mystery behing Haruka is appealing to me a lot and though she seems very strong she has a very sweet side too and a heart. And what to say about the flirtatous side of hers! I LOVE! ^-^

I'm a big mix of every Senshi... I cook like Makoto, sing like the Starlights and Minako, flirt like Seiya and Haruka, am almost as spiritual as Rei, love to play chess like Ami... And I am forgetting so much. All I can tell you is I have absolutely but absolutely nothing in common with Chibiusa and Michiru... That's all.


Last edited by JoJiaMystie on 7th February 2013, 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Star Seed


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 12:45 pm

Jups and I.

I'm tall and awkward, she's tall and awkward. It just works.
She cooks, I cook. She's always falling in love with some guy, I'm always falling in love with some guy. And hey, the power to manipulate lightning is pretty darn cool.
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Sailor Neith
Pyramidal Crystal

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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 12:58 pm

I don't really have anything in common with my favorite senshi, Sailor Pluto. ^^; Other than feeling alone.
I've liked her ever since I was a small kid, because I wanted to be strong and wise liker her. >///<

I've been told that I'm most like Sailors Saturn and Mercury, which I can agree with, although they're not my favorite.

Saturn - My friend told me I reminded her of Saturn/Hotaru, because I was really sick and physically weak for a couple of years in high school. I honestly never really connected with Hotaru until after my friend told me that and I reread the Infinity Arc of the manga. I didn't even realize the first time reading it that I had thought the exact same thing that Hotaru did when she was laying in bed. "How long will my body hold out, I wonder...?"
I almost teared up, reading that. ;_;

Mercury - This is who I think I have most in common with, although I'm not near as intelligent as she is. She and I both take our studies very seriously and love to learn. However, we're both very withdrawn and don't make friends easily. We're both also calm-headed and serve as the voice of reason amongst our group of friends. I think the only real difference between our personalities is that I'm far less trusting than she is.

While these two may not be my favorite senshi, they are pretty high on my list. Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 1434556979
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 2:16 pm

Yes I do have a lot in common with my two favorite Characters Usagi and Mamoru Smile

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 190603310Yes I believe me and Usagi are alike in so many ways. I'm constantly drooling over attractive people, whether I'm taken or not. I have immense love for others, Im Romantic at heart dream of oneday becoming a wife. Love video games manga. Sleeps for as long as possible, not always getting good grades in math its my least favorite subject. I'm the biggest klutz wherever I go I'm usually always tripping its like I was born with both left legs. I cry constantly act like a big baby most of the time.
Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2570116496As for Mamoru. I'm very reserve about my personal life. It takes me a while to let people in my life. It takes me some time to be a little more comfortable with my partner and show more emotions
Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4271128786I've been told I'm a little like Hotaru because of how quiet I can be at times. I don't have many friends

Last edited by PrinceEndymionLover on 7th February 2013, 9:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Princess Hyperia
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 3:05 pm

My two favourites are Mars and Uranus, and I consider Rei to be the closest character to me in temperament. I'm aloof, critical, highly self-critical, serious, cranky, snarky, disciplined, reasonable, strongly devoted to very few people, and ultimately just want to do the best I can.

I'm not that much like Haruka, but I'd like to be more like her. I admire how laidback and in control she is, how mature and unselfconscious she is and her casually flirtatious sense of fun. She's a lot like my ideal me.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 3:32 pm

Usagi/Sailor Moon is my favorite character and she relates to me more than any other character. I'm clumsy and am constantly falling asleep in class. The only difference between Usagi and I is that I keep my grades up. :p I love everybody despite what they have done to me or one of my friends. I believe there is good in everybody and would go to certain lengths to help somebody out. I'm always crying, as well. & am very fond on my own "Mamo-chan" <3
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime7th February 2013, 4:31 pm

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 1333987389 Makoto and I are very similiar in our likes and dislikes. Jupiter is my ruling planet and our birthdays are very close together, but I wouldn't say were completly alike. There are a couple of other senshi I have much more in common with.

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4011577294 The eating, sleeping, manga, lovemyman, dedicated to her friendships. I have way more in common with Usagi than any of the others.

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 1666276025 I tend to be shy like Ami and reserved. I also am a big book worm to top that, but i don't really swim like she does, but I did focus heavily on my degree in school because I have a big dream just like her of making a difference in the lives of others.
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Momma Jupi
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime10th February 2013, 12:47 pm

Not at all. Razz

Usagi is my favorite but we are not alike at all and perhaps that is why I admire/like her so much. She is bubbly and adorable, a bit ditsy but utterly endearing; strong and courageous and beautiful. I like to be on my own, I am quiet and being around groups of people wear me out. But she has so much positive energy about her that I think it would lift my mood and she would be able to get me out of the house and do things. XD

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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th December 2013, 5:26 pm

This is an interesting question because it's one I've been thinking a lot. I daresay that my favorite senshi is the one who's least like me.

So there's no trait that relates me to her. In fact, it's because she's so unlike me that I like her. Neptune used to be my most favorite, but lately Venus has completely taken me. I'm constantly in awe by her and I envy her for being everything I'm not. I want to be like her; outgoing, completely confident, quick-thinking, a leader, and just someone who's sure of herself. The layers in Minako fascinate me, and her tragic backstory is also another reason that makes me love her so much. She gave up everything to be Sailor V when she had a wonderful life, then had to face danger pretending to be the princess and drawing the enemy's attention, THEN had to step back and accept she's not THE hero anymore. And throughout all that, she still manages to be happy and dedicated to Usagi. I just admire that so much in her. I also love her for the sillier reasons that make her Minako, of course. There's no part of her I don't love.

Mercury is who I'm most like, and for the longest time I've not cared about her much. I suppose it's because for me, it's strange to like someone who reminds me of myself. It's strange to say my favorite senshi is someone who I see myself in. It's like saying my favorite IS me, and I just don't like myself that much because all the other senshi are more interesting to me because of how they differ from me Razz I suppose I used to think she's not interesting because I find myself uninteresting as well. But now I have a soft spot for her.
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Silence Wall
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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th December 2013, 5:43 pm

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4271128786 I was a quiet child in my childhood and thought there was another person inside of me (although maybe that was my childhood imagination, considering I was eight when I felt that way). I had a major reversal in my life due to a crisis situation. Now I'm much more confident in myself and ready to enjoy life more. ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th December 2013, 6:08 pm

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 3221295634 Neptune is my favorite senshi, but we do not have a lot in common. Neptune and I have a love and talent for music and art in general, a love of all things skirts and know the importance of a good headband. But where she is quiet, reserved and calm, traits I wish I had and aspire to have, I am not those things. I am more like a carbon copy of....

 Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2045764097 I never liked Rei as a child with the exception of her long black hair, and now as an adult I realize that I didn't like her because I was her. I'm bossy, stubborn, childish at times, can be prone of bouta of too much ego and selfishness, short tempered, hot headed, you get the idea. Yet, she's a strong fighte and I'm those things too.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th December 2013, 6:22 pm

OK I'm just going to say it I'm just another version of Haruka she has always been my favorite and about the time I hit high school I pretty much became her. so if I had to answer this question in elementary school or middle school I woulda said no I'm nothing like her because in Elementary school I was a lot like Ami in middle school I was a lot like Hotaru and than when I hit high school I just stopped caring what others thought and became a lot more like Haruka.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime21st December 2013, 6:11 pm

Usagi has always been my favorite. I'm still clumsy after all this time. Growing up, I had a love/hate relationship with my boyfriend (at the time) - although we were not previous incarnations. Smile Like Usagi, I draw my strength from my friends and family. Also, one major difference, I could not live with Luna. I have a severe cat allergy . And I was always a bookworm, who hated being late!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime9th January 2014, 5:28 pm

Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4011577294 I suppose Serena/Usagi. Were both clumsy, food-loving, cry babies and we don't like to study (occasionally).  Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 4011577294
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime9th January 2014, 5:45 pm

Yes. Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 1666276025 

Or not. Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2045764097
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Sailor Makoto
Pyramidal Crystal

Sailor Makoto

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime9th January 2014, 6:49 pm

Makoto/Jupiter is the senshi I like the most: she's known for possessing a strong sharp attitude towards life. And the senshi I'm most similar to is Ami/Mercury from her love of reading and academic subjects she strives to exceed in. Both girls are athletic, despite I never participated in sports when I was young. Also I can relate to their appearance and personalities, in fact I may be a male...yet I can have a feminine side. Ami and Makoto stand out from the other girls in their school, and don't want to give up who they are due to peer pressure, they strive for their independent selves.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th May 2019, 4:42 am

Sailor Venus is my favorite Senshi Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2027930456, but aside from being absent-minded sometimes I am not much like her. I'm pretty shy and like reading a lot, so I may be more like Hotaru if I were to select a Senshi that is closest to what I am like.
As others have also said previously, it is mayhaps because I wish I could be as outgoing and friendly as my favorite Senshi that I like her so much Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 2132654088 .
Chibiusa and Princess Kakyuu I like also, but I don't have much in common with them, aside from being light enough to fit in an incense burner or something Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? 3884866259 . Setsuna is kind of like Hotaru, so she might be a character that I like and am similar to.
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th May 2019, 6:50 am

Not really. I don’t have much in common with Michiru, all I have in common with her is the seriousness and aloofness, a very great appreciation of the arts, and that’s all I can think of. Ironically, I’m most similar to manga Rei, and I say ironically cause I don’t like the manga at all. Though her seriousness and some inherent traits of her are pretty apparent in the 90’s anime too, I still wouldn’t say I’m very similar to that version of her. As to why I like Michiru, well, I don’t think you can really say why you like something that you like so much, it’s a gut reaction. But I guess, cause I really like her personality, her mindset and such match with mine, that she appeals to me. I’d basically have to say why I like her as a character to say what draws me to here, and I don’t think this is the appropriate thread for that, but here goes: I love Michiru for the aristocratic young woman she is. I like her cause she is congenial, but not exactly friendly, I mean, sure, she’ll talk to you and be polite, but unless you end up being a friend of hers later on, she’s just doing it to be polite. In her backstory it is also stated that she doesn’t particularly like people, and her aloofness is accentuated more. She’s reserved, calm, very intelligent and ruthless, cold, cunning. She behaves exactly how she wants to. She’s ‘a princess’ to Usagi and even to some fans, but if princesses represent goodness, naivety, innocence and such, or at least, traditionally, she’s nothing like that. She’s a very prudent person, she will do what she wants and doesn’t care if you like her or not. She’s also neutral, obviously she’s good, but I like that neutrality in her mindset and at times in her actions. I think she is pretty complex due to all of this and interesting. I don’t think I put it into words very well, but there you go.
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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime12th May 2019, 7:03 pm

I am more like Usagi then Haruka-but even then, not by much. They both have uncrushable spirits and incredibly loyalty and senses of selves; regardless of everything thrown at them and uncovering their unbreakable destinies. They both believe in themselves and what they are capable of, and never give up on their goals. One is just more cut-throat and mature about it. The other is more playful and carefree.

AAaaaaand I kinda sorta don't have any of those things lol
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime23rd May 2019, 3:34 pm

My favorite has always been Hotaru, and we did have a lot in common when I was a kid and watching the show for the first time. I was also sick a lot as a kid, we had similar haircuts, and we both had a hard time making friends. As an adult, I'm a lot more like Michiru, but Hotaru will always be my favorite.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime15th June 2019, 2:10 pm

No, Usagi is the most similar to me, but the senshi I love the most are the ones with the most intriguing storylines (Pluto and Saturn).
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime25th June 2019, 10:31 am

I was pretty withdrawn as a kid, so there's some similarity with Hotaru.
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Lotus Crystal


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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime27th June 2019, 12:54 pm

Sometimes? I definitely have some features of Venus' personality, but generally I'm much more like Jupiter probably. I've done a bunch of Senshi personality quizzes over the years and get results all over the map so I don't put too much stock in those haha. So this is just on my own self-reflection.
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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?   Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you? I_icon_minitime

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Discussion: Is the Senshi you like the most, also the senshi that is most similar to you?

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