OK, so I had this weird idea for a fanfic, not that I've really written them before. But random ideas just pop into my head sometimes.
However it made me wonder about something. I was reading the ChibiUsa age thread and wondering what period of time on Earth it would have been during the height of the Silver Millenium just before Beryl attacks and they are all reborn.
Given the wole 1,000 year lifetime, and assuming Serena and Endymion were young (respectively speaking), maybe they might be about 1/4 through or 250 years old?
Then when they are reborn on Earth in Japan it looks like the time frame could be anywhere from the 80's to the late 90's.
So...going back about 250 years from that we are looking at just pre-Civil War 1800's? (Can someone say steampunk crossover??) LOL
And then I also wonder what the state ot the Moon Kingdom would have been in say the Midieval days.
Any ideas? I may be completely off on this as I haven't read the manga and it is also way past my bedtime. But I like thinking about it. ^^