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 [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 3:41 pm

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Roleplayer_of_the_month_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d85b326
September's Featured Roleplayer: Sailor Neptune!
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune YDMtU6B
Sailor Uranus wrote:
Bubbles is all around amazing all the time, but is featured for September for all of her hard work in organizing and running the Lunar Chronicles HC event for September and fantastic participation in past events and writing with all the feelings XD

Quick Facts about Sailor Neptune, The Roleplayer!
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Sailor Neptune has been with us since July of 2013! Back then her username was WhiteMoonLady, and she joined the RP Staff on October 28, 2013 - it's almost her five year anniversary as an RP Staffer!!!♥️♥️♥️ She originally moderated the Tokyo City subforums and we were super psyched to have her~ little did we know how much emotional trauma her writing would cause.
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 1666276025  On November 17, 2013 she became Sailor Mercury, the main site admin graphic designer~ ;D it was during this time that she became known by her nickname Bubbles! She continued her Rainbow Moderator duties until November 30, 2014, but returned to us on August 5, 2015 (to many tears of happiness and cheering xD)
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 1666276025 [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 3221295634 When the previous Sailor Neptune (Tsuki-love~) took an extended LOA starting August 14, 2016, Bubbles took it upon herself to do graphics for not only the main site, but to do graphics for the RP Section, too! ♥️  >D and then, on October 19, 2016 we stole her completely away and she put down her Sailor Mercury computer and took up the fabulous Deep Aqua Mirror and became Sailor Neptune!  
Phew! What a history lesson XD

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Sailor Neptune's very first roleplay was a Halloween casual event (Equinox!), but the first storyline she ever played in was Metamorphosis, wherein she started out playing as Sailor Jupiter but, in its recent revival, now plays the part of Sailor Mars.

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330  Since joining us, Sailor Neptune has been in SO MANY roleplays, including completion of AT LEAST 18 Casual Events, 26 Hardcore Events, oh god who knows one-on-one's linked below, has ???? storylines in in planning, and is in 11 active storylines at the moment.

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Sailor Neptune has been in 20!! featured roleplays, but one I'd especially like to mention is ALL OF THEM

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Sailor Neptune has 12 approved canon profiles (2 being antagonists♥️), 17 approved otaku profiles, 2 crossover profiles and 1 multiverse profile! Her OC Sailor Andromeda has was a featured OC in October 2015!

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Of all of the roleplays Sailor Neptune has played in, she chose Metamorphosis as the most nostalgia-inducing
Quote :
because it's one of (if not the) first RP (certainly first advanced) I joined on GC and we're still trying to finish it hahaBut another personal favorite is Once Upon a Dream which was a really fun one on one Minako/Kunzite Modern AU I did with Lyssa. We had so much fun with it
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330 Sailor Neptune's current rp obsession is Star Catchers

[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2393257330  Of all of her currently-accepted characters, Saphira is the nearest and dearest to her heart (at the moment, anyway! XD), but
Quote :
Andromeda will always have a special place for being the first and most fleshed out/longest running and most often to appear.

Rainbow Crystal Stamps Collected:
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 4Xpmr4n[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune FmKJWWv[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 618Z0J6[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune POpeTkQ[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune JfwzRO1[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 9EFM9n2[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune SgTICtY
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune WskwTkZ[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune POi3EA2[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune HY9Ylfo
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune WJG3cjy[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune IM49txr
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune W1bo4Xy [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune CsMCgXK [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 2Xmno3L 

Featured Stamps and Bumpers:
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Zjynzi7[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune ZzCqMA0[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 4ttFPcD[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune NzQmrb9[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Y7kKLVn
[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune T8RRE5S[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune L8bC8b4[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune OXdTdQW[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune 8G5RqhD[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I4fmuzY

Stars of the Silver Millennium Awards Compilation:

List of Accepted Characters: Look at all of them!
List of Storylines:  Sailor Neptune's List - Active Storylines Only!

When Sailor Neptune was interviewed by Sailor Mercury, she had this to say!
Sailor Mercury to Sailor Neptune wrote:
How did you get into RPing?

The fandom responsible for getting me into roleplaying was Charmed. I was in a Charmed obsessed-state when the rise of the Internet began in the 90s, and then I joined a Yahoo Groups for Charmed fans. One of the members of that group then created a Charmed RPG Group. At the time, I had no idea what RPing was, and that member explained it to me. Intrigued, I decided to join as Paige, the then brand new sister in the series. We went on from casual RPing to sort of fan fiction collaborate which spiraled into further writing projects with each other (I even had my own "Halliwell family" writing group!). Then I joined a more "literate" Charmed RPG forum and went on to join other RP forums that offer the creation of both original characters and fandom-specific ones.

What kind of an impression did your first RP experience leave? Did it encourage you or was it an obstacle to be overcome?

I found that I immediately enjoyed it. I suppose it wasn't any different from play-pretend, which most of us probably did as a child (I mean... I played Power Rangers with friends and cousins. I was always the Pink one.) And being able to roleplay as your favorite character felt really fun to me. Of course, back then I didn't really care about how good the writing was - none of us did. We just wanted to have fun, and have fun we did. The growth happened naturally as we grew up and set new standards for ourselves.

How long have you been RPing?

Since I started around junior high school, probably between 15-20 years, which is a heck of a long time.

What is your favourite thing about RPing? Why is it something you love to do?

Like I mentioned above, it's the excitement of being able to play your favorite character. I already loved writing, so combining the two just felt perfect for me. The other aspect I love is the collaboration. I used to like writing novels, but I found RPing even more fun because you build the story together, and with so many brilliant minds working together, you can create something epic so easily. I've thought a few times how one of our roleplays I joined and wrote in for almost a decade would have made a really good epic fantasy novel, because everyone collaborated to make this original fantasy world that's just amazingly intricate, and the plots our characters created with each other all made such compelling plot points within it.

Who is/are your favourite character(s) to RP, Sailor Moon, canon, original, or otherwise?

In Sailor Moon, my favorite character to RP is Minako. She is amazingly complex, even varies from one iteration to the next, and understanding her and her layers is compelling to me. I love how she appears as this cheerful, brave, and capable soldier yet she has a tragic undercurrent beneath her. She's the only one out of all the senshi who wasn't "saved" by being a senshi. She already had a good life, friends, and a dream she had to sacrifice. In PGSM she has even achieved that dream. While Ami, Mako, and Rei all needed friends and a new purpose, Minako did not. And that's what makes her so interesting.

I don't really roleplay any other canon characters beyond Sailor Moon these past few years, so other than that I just have my OCs. Sailor Andromeda, my oldest and first OC in this forum, is the dearest to my heart, though Saphira from Star Catchers now ranks pretty high as well.

Do you prefer RPs that take place within an existing universe or those that develop original concepts?

It really depends. If it takes place in an existing universe that I don't care about, then I won't be interested. Same with original concepts if I don't feel the appeal of the concept. So I guess it depends on the existing universe and the original concept itself. I don't really use the fact whether it's an existing fandom or original to make my decisions in joining an RP.

Do you have a favourite "setting" for RPs, either within the Sailor Moon universe or elsewhere?

I really enjoy the Silver Millennium for all the mystery that it has. I like Crystal Tokyo as well because it's this world that seems like an utopia yet has its own problems. I guess my preference lies with worlds unexplored. I have a tendency to enjoy historical periods as well, so settings like olden day kingdoms usually grab my interest.

What types of Storylines do you love best? Do you have a most-loved genre?

Romance and angst are my usual go-tos. I like exploring deep, complicated emotions, conflicts, and anything related to feelings. So storylines that promise those things will always interest me. I am more into relationships than action stories.

How does it feel to have completed an entire Hardcore Event [HC] series? Please tell us about your thoughts and experiences of running those events!

It's... a crazy but very rewarding experience. As I have mentioned, I love exploring the unexplored parts of stories. So The Lunar Chronicles was really my way of satisfying that itch. I wanted to make sure they were finished, too, so making them a HC event was necessary. But I couldn't have done it without all the players who not only participated but also kept active throughout the months when I held those events. I am immensely grateful to them.

They could be a challenge at times, but the beauty of them is that I wasn't the only sole driver of the plot. I built the story together with the rest of the players, so it was as much their creation as it was mine. I might have defined the broad strokes, but they filled in all the beautiful intricate details. It was our accomplishment together as a group. And I am really happy they all enjoyed the process as much as I did, because enjoyment was ultimately my end goal.

What is your most memorable experience in your RP history?

This is difficult because I have tons, tons of just really wonderful memories. I guess one of them was when I was promoted to be the leader in this huge RP forum, something I had been waiting for a long time, and we went on to create a series of events that were never seen before in the community which turned out to be a huge success. I also went on to have a meet-up with people from that community and we stayed together in an AirBnB house in London for about a week, having the time of our lives sightseeing, going to the Harry Potter Studios, playing games, and generally having lots of fun. It was a highlight of my life because if it wasn't for that forum, I wouldn't have had those friends and those real life experiences. It's crazy to think something as simple as roleplaying brought us together in real life.

Is there an RP you've always wanted to do but haven't had the chance to do yet?

I think I've at least tried every idea that I thought of, whether or not they were successful. The only leftover idea I have now is the one I had for Sailor Vega, a star-crossed story between her and her lover that never got off the ground. It requires a partner and a bit more fleshing out, though, which I may not have time for at the moment due to upcoming big life changes.

How do you feel about your status as "drinker of RP tears"? You always find a way to add so much emotion to your writing—do you have tips for others who might want to add impact to their RPing?

I am proud of this status and I will happily drink your tears. As I've mentioned, emotion is where I live to play around in. I just find that the most appealing part of roleplaying for me. I think it's important to always keep in mind, "What would my character feel about this situation they're in?" whenever you write a post. Maybe it's a simple question, but it could add a lot more depth to your post as opposed to just your character saying something or reacting to something. Remember that your characters are (most of the time?) humans. They feel things.

I actually wrote a workshop for the Writing Guild on Writing Emotions and Romance, if you're interested to learn more!

What inspires you the most in your writing?

My partners, usually. That's why I suck at writing alone because I'm now used to depending on others for that spark of inspiration. For me, the excitement in RPing comes from what my partner brings to the table and how I can best react to it and offer back to them. So I am nothing without them! Sometimes what I watch or consume can help inspire me with certain ideas as well, though.

How do you work through writer's block? Do you have any tips?

I just... don't write until I feel at least willing to push myself to write again. Which is not the best way to cope, but I find I just shut down if I keep pushing myself when I'm in that 'nope' mode. Usually when I am in a less busy state, I can push myself to do it easier. Rereading the thread and our past plotting conversations also can help spark that excitement to continue the story, so sometimes I do that.

As a non-native English speaker, did your interest in RPing play into your mastery of the English language? Do you feel that you faced any specific challenges or benefits?

I'm sure it played a huge factor. The moment I joined an English-speaking RP forum and wrote in English every day there, I think that changed everything. I think that accomplished far more than the English courses I was actually taking, because it was practical application - daily, no less - and I was also surrounded by native speakers. It was immersion, it was like living in an English speaking community, and I truly believe that is the best way to learn. I think that benefited me greatly. Sometimes there are small problems of communication, maybe idioms I didn't really get, but I don't recall them having been big enough to struggle through.

What elements of a Storyline most intrigues you and encourages you to join? Is it the story, the people, the characters, the theme, or a bit of everything?

A bit of everything. I find the people in it plays the biggest part, because I have partners I know very well and am comfortable with at this point, so with certain people, I know I will enjoy almost anything they want to do. But obviously also the story and characters. If there's no exciting character I can play, then that would hinder me as well. These days I gravitate more towards canon ideas than original ones, unless it's a Hardcore Event.

Do you have any encouragement or tips for people who want to improve their RPing or might be new to the RP section?

If you want to be an Advanced player, read some Advanced roleplays. Same if you want to make Advanced profiles. We have plenty of examples from our experienced players all over this forum. And of course the Writing Guild has lots of tips, tricks, and old classes/workshops you can look at. Don't be afraid to start because everyone has to start somewhere!

The section can seem overwhelming at first, but if you're new, joining a Casual Event is the best way to go. It's easy and has less commitments than regular storylines. And don't be afraid to ask the RP staff for guidance. We're always here to help!

Do you have any other comments/suggestions for the Galaxy Cauldron Forums RP section?

I love our RP section and I have had some of my best times and memories here with you all. I am so glad I found GC just when the RP section was truly taking off. I hope you all will continue to be here for a very long time, creating many more adventures together!

Neptune Specific Questions

What are your feelings about your role as Graphics Specialist among the Roleplaying Admin? What do you enjoy most about it?

It was an easy transition from being Mercury, obviously, especially since it has way less workload Razz I have always enjoyed making graphics, hence why I applied to be Mercury in the first place, so to be able to keep that part of the job when I became Neptune is a blessing. Taking over from Tsuki was intimidating, though, because her graphics were so pretty, and I feel like I'm still trying to keep up with her standards. I don't know how she does half of her magic. But I love being able to supply all the graphics for the section I love best in this forum.

Are there any challenges you face creating the wonderful images used in the RP section? How do you work through them?

Usually when it's an original RP it's hard because there are no "canon" image to use. Then I have to either fine something that I feel accurately represent the feel of the RP or an idea or object representation of it. Usually I just ask the people who play in it for help on how best to portray their story in an image.

What do you focus on when reviewing Profiles for the RP section? Are there any elements that you apply particular weight to?

If it's Relaxed, I just make sure all the fields are complete. If it's Advanced, I pay special attention to Personality, History, and Appearances. These three are things I expect the roleplayer to write in their own words and descriptively, to make sure they truly understand the character they are portraying. Personality especially bears the most weight and I expect to see a couple paragraphs written in proper sentences that convey an idea in a cohesive manner.

As an aside, this Advanced Profile Creation Workshop should help.

Do you have any tips for RPers who might be submitting Profiles for approval in the future?

If you're just starting out roleplaying-wise, I would highly recommend you start with a Relaxed profile. When you decide to write an Advanced one, please keep in mind everything I said in the previous question, and see examples of other approved Advanced profiles to gauge the standards and what things I expect for you to have in there. Most of the time a person who has never submitted an Advanced profile before comes bearing a bare-bones Advanced profile, and it makes both of our lives hard. So please, please prepare by reading other profiles and all the character creation guides! You can come to me for questions, as well, of course!

Is there anything that makes a Profile particularly enjoyable to review? What do you like most about your Profile Approval role?

I enjoy when a profile adheres to all aspects portrayed in canon, even the smallest details, but I also enjoy when people submit character profiles for characters that were less fleshed out in canon and added their own headcanon and interpretations into it, especially if they are compelling. For example, we knew very little about Chaos in canon, yet for The Lunar Chronicles Ktenshi made her into an interesting, three dimensional character that is both sympathetic and not a cardboard cutout villain and also still fits with the framework Naoko provided for the character in canon. I really enjoy that kind of creativity.

As for what I enjoy most in the process, it comes back to reading people's takes on characters. Sometimes the same character can be viewed differently by different people, so finding those variations is interesting, the way they can be different yet still fit the canon personality that we know, and seeing new ways people can spin the character while staying true to their roots. I love seeing people take on these characters I have loved for years and making them their own.

Do you have any questions for Sailor Neptune our Featured Roleplayer of September? Ask her here! ♥️

Last edited by psht, ur-an-ghost on 20th October 2018, 8:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 6:54 am

Congratulations, Bubbles! This has been long-deserved! ♥️

How did it feel to be on the answering side of the interview instead of the asking side?
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 8:27 am

My heart got so happy when I read the Once Upon a dream mention

Congratulations dear - so well deserved! You are and always have been a role model for me, both as a person and as a roleplayer. I can't thank you enough for all of your influence, angst, and willingness to work with some lame kid Wink

Have you ever had a lapse in your roleplaying where you just didn't want to do it anymore? If so, how did you recover?
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 9:44 am

What made you get into the RP feels Business?
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 12:19 pm

This might be a toughie, but what is the earliest character you can remember ever roleplaying?
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime20th October 2018, 12:28 am

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Congratulations, Bubbles! This has been long-deserved! ♥️

How did it feel to be on the answering side of the interview instead of the asking side?

I didn't realize how much time it took to answer all the questions! I had always wanted to switch sides, but now I realize it's quite a lot of hard work to answer (much more than being the one questioning!) xD

Lyssarie wrote:
My heart got so happy when I read the Once Upon a dream mention

Congratulations dear - so well deserved! You are and always have been a role model for me, both as a person and as a roleplayer. I can't thank you enough for all of your influence, angst, and willingness to work with some lame kid Wink

Have you ever had a lapse in your roleplaying where you just didn't want to do it anymore? If so, how did you recover?

Shut up, you're the opposite of a lame kid I did have a dry patch when the RP section became inactive. When most of my RP partners poofed, it kind of took my interest out of it, and I got invested in other things. I recovered when the RP section started to become active again and new events were held, etc. I started by joining new things to revive that interest first before going back to old storylines to continue them!

Sportsnutd wrote:
What made you get into the RP feels Business?

I've always been in the RP feels business! Emotional stuff is what I like to write, something I found out pretty early on when plotting things out with my characters. And I have always had very enabling partners that help me embrace that part of RPing.

Cosmos-Hime wrote:
This might be a toughie, but what is the earliest character you can remember ever roleplaying?

Actually answered on the first question about how I got into RPing!
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Sailor Saturn
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime20th October 2018, 8:03 am

Congratulations lovely!!!! <333 Thank you for everything you do here for us all, and thank you for blessing us with your beautiful writing <3 <3

Is there a tears-inducing scene you've written specifically here on GC of which you feel most proud from the way it made the others go "OH NO BUBBLES WHY???"? xD Something that, when you think back on it, you feasted on tears for many days? xD
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime20th October 2018, 1:37 pm

Ok so somehow I missed you listing the character and read that you only listed the franchise. OK NEXT QUESTION!

How do you come up with your otaku senshi? Is there any process or pattern in creating them that you've noticed, or do you just go by your gut when creating them, making it a unique process each time?
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime21st October 2018, 1:47 am

Sailor Saturn wrote:
Congratulations lovely!!!! <333 Thank you for everything you do here for us all, and thank you for blessing us with your beautiful writing <3 <3

Is there a tears-inducing scene you've written specifically here on GC of which you feel most proud from the way it made the others go "OH NO BUBBLES WHY???"? xD Something that, when you think back on it, you feasted on tears for many days? xD

Hmm... I honestly love the entirety of Lunar Chronicles Part III because the deaths there were just beautiful, and though it was more of a tears-by-everyone thing, I still feel proud about setting up the stage and bringing it into reality xD Also when Andromeda forgot Nocturnus in Light in Darkness, that was particularly painful, and Hemera and Venus' deaths in the Concatenation series were other highlights. I also really enjoyed the entirety of Metamorphosis.

Cosmos-Hime wrote:
Ok so somehow I missed you listing the character and read that you only listed the franchise. OK NEXT QUESTION!

How do you come up with your otaku senshi? Is there any process or pattern in creating them that you've noticed, or do you just go by your gut when creating them, making it a unique process each time?

A pattern I notice is I tend to draw from mythology. Unless she's made specifically for a roleplay that calls for a different background, all my otaku senshi have their influences drawn from ancient mythology. Sailor Andromeda was based on the legend of Andromeda, Sailor Hemera has the powers of the goddess Hemera, Sailor Titania is based on the fairy queen Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream, Sailor Vega has the story of Orihime, the story behind the star Vega, etc. I like drawing influences from existing stories and turning them into my own.
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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune Empty
PostSubject: Re: [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune   [September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune I_icon_minitime

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[September] Featured Player: Sailor Neptune

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