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 [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime13th September 2018, 9:24 am

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

Sailor Sun managed to hit the Seamstress with her attack, but in doing so she missed observing her companion, the Needleworker, preparing a shimmering volley of her signature needles. Sun felt the pain before she actually saw the things, yelping slightly as they sharply stung at her. The fiery-haired woman glared up at the sky, towards the woman who had attacked her. She crossed an arm in front of her chest, flinging it forward.

"Sun Spot Flux!" she cried out as the energy flew towards Chenille Quill. The pulse wouldn't have the same impact on the living woman as it would machinery, but it could still cause confusion and nausea, if it hit. She wasn't sure if it would actually hit her opponent, because her attention was distracted by some kind of scuffle between Sailors Koronis and Splash.

The young woman's dark eyes widened to see the young man not only threatening, but harming the rainbow-haired sailor soldier. What had happened? She didn't understand it!

Sun cracked her whip, trying to use it to knock the scepter away from Koronis' hands.

"What are you doing?" she called to the pair. There was too much going on at once!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime16th September 2018, 6:46 am

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 TxN8CHL

"What are you doing?" 

Sailor Splash looked over to see Sailor Sun trying to figure out what happened. She tried to tell her, " him...please..." His scepter went deep enough for her to be out of breath and hurt for while. Splash also felt the needles that the other girl had shot out and that hurt as well.

'Come on Stephanie, play with us' 'Stephanie can we swim with you, please?' She was hearing the voices of the special kids from her classes that seemed to be trying to motivate her to get up and continue.

She would when she had the chance but right now was not that time, she had to rely on her friends.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime16th September 2018, 1:06 pm

Chenille Quill "The Needleworker"

The Steamstress turned one of their enemies on their side, a specialty of the pale-haired woman. Chenille didn't care much for it, if she were to be honest. Who needed the help of enemies when they could take care of the situation without the help of outliers?

Still, she couldn't deny its usefulness, as the boy attacked one of the girls.

She heard Steamstress's invitation to attack once more, and as Chenille began the relaxing ritual of summoning more of her glittering needles, her concentration sputtered out as a pulse of energy hit her. Chenille heard the call of the attack but had simply ignored it, deeming it unimportant and not all that frightening.

But now that it had broken her summon, Chenille felt anger prickle at the corners of her eyes. How dare this girl interfere with the one thing that made sense in this entire world? Who was she, to interrupt her magic?

She tried to focus once more, needing revenge against this girl, but Chenille couldn't get the magic under her control. It was as if someone had placed a damper over her skills, leaving her thoughts scrambling to break through that barrier. The magic called to her, so close, just within reach. But it did not obey her demands. She simply couldn't focus on it properly.

"I..." Chenille shook her head, trying to clear it of this confusion. "You will pay for this." Despite the cold promise of a threat, there was no way she could attack at the moment.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime16th September 2018, 3:55 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 IaewRek

"You will pay for this." 

Steamstress heard Chenille's words and went to her friend without thinking of anything else and looked at Sailor Sun, "Your going to get it now..go get her Koronis! Take her out for hurting us, DO IT NOW!" She grinned and watched as she wanted to see Sun get the pain she deserves.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime23rd September 2018, 10:51 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 B5Rigev

While like this, Sailor Koronis had good reason to go after Sun. Not only did Steamstress request it, but the annoyance tried to de-weapon him! He approached her, poised to hit her....

But, as the liquid weared off after a while, he still seemed to push on. Why, you may ask? Simply put, it was an act now, with a very quick wink to Sun to ensure her knowledge, but not to tip off her "new master".

C:\Sailor Alpha

Sailor Alpha caught the wink as well, and decided to help out. Calling out "Alpha Flame Snipe!" As she pointed at Steamstress, this was to distract the enemy from noticing Koronis relenting. Heck, it may even do some damage!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime24th September 2018, 11:39 am

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 IaewRek

Steamstress watched as the boy went to go attack Sailor Sun but didn't.  "Koronis I order you to attack her! DO IT NOW!!!" She continued to watch as he still wasn't following orders and started towards him wanting to slap him in the face.

"Alpha Flame Snipe!"

Steamstress heard something yelled and turned into the attack...again... "GRRR What is it with you punks and fire? Don't you know not to play with fire!!" Steamstress was not worried about her outfit being burned off and her going to jail for indecency.

"Chenille...Help me, please" She begged her friend that still looked like she was having trouble with something...
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime24th September 2018, 10:31 pm

Chenille Quill "The Needleworker"

The magic still refuted her attempts, furthering the discomfort sitting in her chest. But Steamstress's call for her help urged her to do something. Anything, to help her leader.

Without her magic, there wasn't much she could do to aid their battle. Not in any significant way, at least.

So, instead, Chenille rushed to her friend's side, putting out the last of the fire and standing in front of her like a shield. "You'll need to go through me to finish the job." Trickles of magic began to find their way to her fingertips, but not enough to coalesce into proper form. Not yet, but soon.

She held herself ready to attack with her fists instead, if she must, though she was not the type to become physical in any kind of way. But she would protect the Steamstress to the last, if it came to it.

For Steamstress was the only true ally she'd ever had.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime4th October 2018, 7:04 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 IaewRek

As Steamstress watched what Chenille decided to do she was about to cry a bit. Her best friend ran over putting her out and then stood in front of her risking her life. Steamstress was at a crossroads now and wasn't sure on what she wanted to about it.

Currently, it was her and Chenille staring down 4 angry Senshi, a not so innocent bystander and the proud men and women of the police force...that was like 2 against 10 or something right?

She then spoke so only her closest friend Chenille could hear her, "Chenille, you know I love you and I thank you with the bottom of my heart, but I don't think I can handle this anymore...I mean look around us... it's just us against like the whole country...I don't wanna die but I am thinking it might just be best for us to give up. I'm sorry I have let you down..." From most distances now one could tell that The Steamstress was upset but maybe for once she might be able to make things better.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime12th October 2018, 6:31 am

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

The long-haired girl took a step back as Koronis approached, her hands moving to conjure an attack... but just in time she caught the wink. Sailor Sun still wasn't sure exactly what had happened to the young man, but she was willing to bet that wasn't just a facial tick. He was trying to communicate with her, and she was glad she hadn't missed the sign. She kept her gloved hands close to her body, the heat still palpable between them.

What was he hoping to do? Would he try to strike her, giving her a chance to dodge? Could she reach around him and try to direct another attack towards the Seamstress and Chenille Quill? The two had moved closer, speaking quietly, and Sun couldn't make out what they were saying.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime26th October 2018, 12:41 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 B5Rigev

This was quite the advantageous spot for Sailor Koronis: the 2 baddies were not only distracted by each other, but they still though he was on their side via whatever the heck that liquod was. He decided to keep the visage till the last possible moment, and as such, he charges up his Scepter. "Koronis..." he made sure it looked like he was aiming for Sun. "Lightning...." still, he pointed in Sun's direction, until the last second when he slowly turned towards the 2 eviltons....

"BEAM!" He was now pointing in Steamstress's and Chenille's direction, so the bolt went towards them....
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime26th October 2018, 12:49 pm

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

She tensed when he aimed at her, her eyes behind the mask darting nervously from his sceptre to his face, and began to channel the warmth between her gloved hands, increasing the intensity. Sailor Sun didn't want to hurt Koronis; she wanted to believe that he wasn't really intending to hurt her or any of the others, but she wanted to be prepared just in case. She didn't say anything, hoping that if he she was wrong and he acted, she could react quickly enough to blurt out a phrase and throw the energy in his direction.

When he finally turned, she released that sigh of relief, spinning on tips of her toes to add her own powers to the blast aimed at the women. Sun didn't want to kill or even badly harm them, just force them to surrender.

"Magnetic Wind!" she called out, directing the gust of charged warm air towards Chenille Quill and the Seamstress.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime26th October 2018, 1:16 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 IaewRek

Steamstress stood there next to Chenille and heard the attacks call out knowing full well they were coming for them. Steamstress didn't really care anymore on the inside and was starting to understand that she was going to pay and probably pay hard for her crimes.

She pushed Chenille out of the way taking the two attacks head on and afterward just fell to her knees crying. She wiped her tears and threw up her hands and yelled, "WE GIVE UP!! IT WAS ALL ME! PLEASE DON'T HARM CHENILLE..." 

She was done...and she was ready to face the consequences.

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 TxN8CHL

Sailor Splash continued to go between watching the two villains to watching her teammates and sighed happily when they decided to attack their foes. She then looked on as the Steamstress was having a breakdown and Splash started to feel bad for a moment about the situation but understood that her group did what was right and what was going to happen to Steamstress would happen.

Never the less, Splash felt bad but didn't show that emotion as the attacks hit and things were soon to be over. She went to Koronis and Sun and gave them a big smile and each a hug as well. "Thanks you two."
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime14th November 2018, 9:37 am

Chenille Quill "The Needleworker"

The sudden force against her caused Chenille to stumble backwards. A new enemy? Turning angry eyes and angrier growing magic towards her attacker, Chenille's eyes widened to see Steamstress standing in front of her, taking the full brunt of the incoming attacks.

She'd always felt loyal to Steamstress, thought of the woman as her only ally in this world, but seeing such a selfless act, hearing those panicked words of protection... her eyes stung with unshed tears and she knew that her loyalty would never waver. It occurred to her then and there that Steamstress was more than an ally, more than a boss. She was a friend.

With a sigh, she let her magic—whatever small remnants she still had left to her—fall away, leaving her defenseless. She raised her arms in concession, showing off her empty and magic-less hands in much the same way as Steamstress. She didn't say anything—for what was there to say?—but she memorized the faces before her, the exact shape of their features so that one day she could get revenge.

One day, she'd make them suffer when Steamstress's plan came to fruition.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth - Page 7 I_icon_minitime26th November 2018, 8:01 am

(In another thread of course)
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